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Jon Huntsman trails STEPHEN COLBERT in South Carolina poll [Video ...
Jon Huntsman, who initially staked his presidential campaign on New Hampshire, now heads to South Carolina, where a recent poll shows him trailing even ...
Colbert, comedy and the cross
Stephen colbert may not be the most mainstream source for news, but religion news and interviews make a pretty regular appearance on the Colbert Report, more than your average late-night show. There used to be just two Stephen colberts, and they were hard ...
STEPHEN COLBERT | South Carolina Primary Poll | Mediaite
Public Policy Polling, spurred on by Stephen colberts efforts to sponsor the South Carolina primary, as well as attempts to get on the ballot and get behind a ...
Where can I find some nifty posters of STEPHEN COLBERT?
I need a Colbert poster for my dorm. I cant seem to find much variety when I search on the internet. The same poster of the paining above his fireplace keeps coming up, and I dont particularly want that one. Anyone here with a Stephen colbert poster want to give me a heads up where I can find one?
Answer: try amazon or search google images and print one u like and get it made into one at like staples for ex.
Category: Comedy
Corrections: January 7
WEEKEND A Spare Times for Children entry in some editions on Friday about workshops at the Children’s Museum of the Arts in Greenwich Village featuring Tranqui Yanqui included outdated information. The museum said on Friday that it had learned that Tranqui Yanqui, whose real name is Nick Mahshie, would not be able to lead the workshop
STEPHEN COLBERT - Wikiality, the Truthiness Encyclopedia
Despite what you may have heard Stephen colbert Is totally not racist!
Stephen colbert, Writer: The Colbert Report. Stephen colbert (pronounced "col- BEAR") was born on May 13, 1964, and grew up in Charleston, South Carolina.
STEPHEN COLBERT Running For President In South Carolina? Major ...
It looks like the "Colbert bump" goes both ways. A recent poll showing comedian Stephen colbert is leading third-place New Hampshire primary winner Jon ...
When All Else Fails . . . Fore!
On the northern edge of Benton Harbor, just beyond the grim grid of housing projects, shuttered storefronts, boarded-up homes and junk-laden yards that dominate much of the town, sits an emerald oasis known as Harbor Shores. As the name suggests, Harbor Shores is a resort development. At its heart is a pristine Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course - By JONATHAN MAHLER
Why do soldiers respect STEPHEN COLBERT more than Glenn Beck?
Stephen colbert had the recipient of the Medal of Honor on his show Thursday. Glenn Beck had puppets and called Soros a Nazi sympathizer. I wonder why soldiers dont go onto Glenn Beck more often?
Answer: Because Colbert is at least honest about being nothing more than a comedian. Glenn Beck, on the other hand, is nothing more than a professional cheerleader paid to promote an ultra-conservative agenda.
Colbert tries to make people laugh.
Beck tries to incite hatred for viewpoints and ideas that conflict with the ultra-conservative ideology.
Category: Politics
How Many STEPHEN COLBERTs Are There?
EVANSTON, Ill. --- Check out the feature on Stephen colbert, the popular Northwestern alumnus who keeps the nation in hysterics nightly as the outrageous political pundit on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” On Sunday, Colbert -- ...
STEPHEN COLBERT mocks Fox News for their freakout over WH Halloween party
Last night, Stephen colbert had a great segment mocking Fox Newss latest freakout over the latest Obama book that somehow they were hiding how extravagant the White House Halloween party was. Which is weird, because as White House spokesman ...
Dungeons & Dragons Remake Uses Players’ Input
True believers have lost faith. Factions squabble. The enemies are not only massed at the gates of the kingdom, but they have also broken through. This may sound like the back story for an epic trilogy. Instead, it’s the situation faced by the makers of Dungeons & Dragons, the venerable fantasy role-playing game many consider to be the - By ETHAN GILSDORF
I know this makes me sound stupid, but I watch the Colbert Report and Ive seen Stephens antics and I was he really running for president?
Answer: He's definitely running, but I doubt he's "serious" about winning.
Category: Media & Journalism
Dressing up as STEPHEN COLBERT for Halloween: where can I buy a cheap wig that will look like his hair style?
I want to cross dress and go as Stephen colbert for Halloween this year. Anyone know where I can find a wig that will look like his hair style? Online preferably? Thanks so much!
Answer: Ha, ha, me too! Except for spirit week at my school.
However, it seems very few stores supply cheap male wigs. I got this ( flapper wig from kmart and I'm wearing it to the side, then gelling the crap out of it. It's only 8 bucks.
Category: Halloween
How Many STEPHEN COLBERTs Are There?
There used to be just two Stephen colberts, and they were hard enough to distinguish. The main difference was that one thought the other was an idiot. The idiot Colbert was the one who made a nice paycheck by appearing four times a week on “The Colbert Report” (pronounced in the French fashion, with both t’s silent), the extremely - By CHARLES McGRATH
STEPHEN COLBERT tops Jon Huntsman in South Carolina - MJ Lee ...
This is not a joke, but it’s kind of funny: Stephen colbert would edge out Jon Huntsman in the South Carolina Republican primary. That’s according to a Public ...
Colbert Nation | The Colbert Report | Comedy Central
12 hours ago ... Feel the news along with Stephen colbert, America's ballsiest pundit, with highlights and full episodes of The Colbert Report.
How can I send STEPHEN COLBERT a Wedding Invitation?
Ive heard of sending the president and mickey mouse invitations, but the celebrity I really love is Stephen colbert! I have no fantasies of him actually showing up at my wedding, but a congrats letter from him might be nice. How can I mail him an invite? Anyone have his address?
Answer: Colbert lives in Montclair, New Jersey .This board is reserved for discussions about: Stephen colbert ------- Colbert lives in Montclair, New Jersey, with his wife Evelyn McGee-Colbert, who appeared with him in an episode of Strangers with Candy as his mother.The couple have three children: Madeline, Peter, and John, all of whom have appeared on The Daily Show
Category: Media & Journalism
STEPHEN COLBERT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stephen Tyrone Colbert is an American political satirist, writer, comedian, television host, and actor. He is the host of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Gives Jon Stewart Control Of His Super PAC ...
Stephen colbert is transferring control of his super PAC to fellow Comedy Central host Jon Stewart, making it legal for him to explore a presidential run. "I'm proud to announce I plan to form an exploratory committee to lay the ...
StephenAtHome - Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Stephen colbert (@StephenAtHome). ... Lists. » Stephen colbert. StephenAtHome Stephen colbert. NFL Playoffs start this weekend! ...
Pop and Rock Listings for Jan. 13-19
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: A-Trak (Friday) This Canadian D.J. enjoys the good life as Kanye West’s tour turntablist and holds an insistent grasp on New York club floors with “Barbra Streisand,” his winningly nonsensical hit with the house act Duck
STEPHEN COLBERT mulls run in S.C. Republican primary after polling ...
If elected, he could roast himself at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Stephen colbert, the comedian who parodies a right-wing talk show host, will ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Announces He Is Running For President | Mediaite
According to New York Times reporter Brian Stelter, late-night host Stephen colbert announced on his program that he is transfersing his super PAC to Jon Stewart.
Who do Jon Stewart and STEPHEN COLBERT support in the presidential election?
So Ive heard a lot about celebrities and which candidate they support in this upcoming presidential election...but I havent heard who Jon Stewart and Stephen colbert are backing. If anybody knows, Id be interested to know the opinions of these two.
Answer: Jon Stewart supports Obama; it says on the Obama website. Stephen colbert has been pretty hush-hush about it, but he has an image to protect. There has been speculation that he supports Obama too. He made a joke about supporting him in Rolling Stone Magazine.
Category: Elections
STEPHEN COLBERT to Explore (or Pretend to) Run for President
If anyone can make a mockery of the newest campaign finance innovation, the “super PAC,” it’s Stephen colbert . Mr. Colbert, the Comedy Central television host, has made jokes at the expense of super PACs for months — forming his own group , soliciting money for it, then running an ad that featured Buddy Roemer, a long-shot - By BRIAN STELTER
Does anyone know where to find the STEPHEN COLBERT spoof of Hillarys 3am commercial?
A few days ago, Stephen colbert did a spoof of Hillarys 3am commercial on The Colbert Report (at least I think that was the show it was on). The spoof was also featured on Headline News the next day as an example of politics. Does anyone have a link to this spoof? I have already checked youtube and colberts homepages/fan sites. Thanks!
Answer: If you're Google'ing it.. it's actually "2 am"...
And nothing can be funnier, than That Woman... thinking she's somehow heroic vs. any man, using that dopey image over & over in speeches, too.. and that she answers her own phone, or would at the White House... I can't wait to see Colbert's spin on that, either, though.. now that you bring it up!
Category: Current Events
In South Carolina Poll, STEPHEN COLBERT Leads Jon Hunstman ...
If you needed any more confirmation that Jon Huntsman doesnt stand a chance in South Carolina, the latest Public Policy Polling numbers show him four percentage ...
Where will STEPHEN COLBERT be at the Olympics?
Where will Stephen colbert be during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics? He says he is going but when will he be there, and will he be taping his show?
Answer: Stephen colbert will be appearing live at Creekside Park next to Science World at 1455 Quebec Street in Vancouver, BC on February 17th and 18th at 9:15am.
They'll gather material and then do one live taping from there.
Category: Media & Journalism
Where is STEPHEN COLBERT shooting his show in Saint Paul this week?
I want to go see Stephen colbert while hes in the Twin Cities covering the Republican National Convention. Does anyone know where theyre shooting the show at?
Answer: he never left his studio in nyc...he was just pretending to be at the national conventions....sorry
Category: Media & Journalism
Corrections: January 8
NATIONAL An article in some editions last Sunday about a pair of spacecraft launched by NASA to answer persistent questions about the Moon misstated a factor that scientists will have to take into account in analyzing mission data. They will have to consider effects like the pressure of light from the Sun pushing on the spacecraft, not on the Moon.
I need a link to a video of when Stephen colbert says he gave katie couric a wrist strong bracelet and she promised to wear it on her show. Then they show the clip and shes not wearing it and he says "WHAT THE FU**"
Answer: Did u check his website?
He is pretty liberal w/his video's.
Category: Media & Journalism
If STEPHEN COLBERT was elected president do you think he would be killed?
I could see Stephen colbert actually having enough support in the future to become president but he would be killed like JFK because it seems like when we actually got someone in office that most people like they eventually are killed. I think thats why Obamas not going to be killed in the future because hes too expensive of a puppet ;) .
Answer: I have no idea what kind of policies he would make, though. A lot of people think he's a conservative and others think he's a liberal! It's too confusing for me
Category: Politics
What street in Montclair does STEPHEN COLBERT live on?
I live in Montclair, NJ and I know Stephen colbert does too. Does anybody know what street he lives on? There are lots of nice homes here!
Answer: Easy Street. LOL
Category: Comedy
Poll: SC Republicans prefer STEPHEN COLBERT over Jon Huntsman
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman‘s presidential campaign is in trouble, even if he performs well in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary. A poll of likely Republican voters ahead of South Carolina’s Jan. 21 primary shows that Huntsman would lag ...
STEPHEN COLBERT for president? | PopWatch |
Tonight, the Republican race for president may get a teeny bit more crowded: Stephen colbert will be making an announcement about his plans for throwing his hat in the ring for the Jan. 21 GOP primary in his home state of ...
Stephen colbert is, seriously, Catholic. ... In 1997, Stephen colbert became a fake senior correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, where he worked ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Leads Jon Huntsman in South Carolina Poll ...
Did Stephen colbert snag the Huntsman Bump? A new poll in which the satirical talk-show host is theoretically pitted against the actual Republican ...
Colbert Nation | The Colbert Report | Comedy Central
Feel the news along with Stephen colbert, Americas ballsiest pundit, with highlights and full episodes of The Colbert Report.
STEPHEN COLBERT offers to fund, name South Carolina Republican primary; party says no thanks
Stephen colbert apparently wont have a hand in the Republican presidential primary in his home state of South Carolina. But its not for lack of trying. Colbert wrote an op-ed piece for The State newspaper in Columbia, S.C., detailing his ...
STEPHEN COLBERT, please end your “Republican candidacy” now
In about an hour from now, Stephen colbert (of Comedy Central) will make a major announcement. It’s already been leaked–he’s giving his PAC to Jon Stewart and Colbert is forming an exploratory committee to run for president in the ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Threatens to Run for President: Remember When He Ran Last Time? | The Nation
The political and media world is abuzz today over news that Stephen colbert may throw his hat in the ring as a write-in candidate in next weeks primary in his native South Carolina. This came after a poll found him edging Jon Huntsman 5% to 4%. Last night ...
Andy Cohen Helps STEPHEN COLBERT Come Around to Mitt Romney ...
Cable news' coronation of Mitt Romney as the presumed Republican nominee for the 2012 election left Stephen colbert feeling conflicted after the New Hampshire primary. On Wednesday's Colbert Report, the host weighed ...
Colbert in South Carolina - Public Policy Polling
Stephen colbert wanted to sponsor the South Carolina Republican primary....
TELEVISION REVIEW; Better Heard Than Seen? A Cheeky Quiz Show Tests a Hotter Medium
The NPR program Wait Wait ... Dont Tell Me! has always seemed like the news satire show that wished this were still 1952. It is content with a somewhat sleepy pace, and it delves no deeper than improvised quips can go. On Friday night it moves out of the radio and into the television for a year-end show subtitled A Royal Pain in the News. - Neil Genzlinger reviews BBC America news satire show Wait Wait...Dont Tell Me]: A Royal Pain in the News, based on the NPR program. Photo (M) - By NEIL GENZLINGER
Colbert Roasts President Bush - 2006 White House Correspondents ...
An excerpt from the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner. Comedian Stephen colbert made humorous remarks about various current events ...
Stephen colbert. AKA Stephen Tyrone Colbert. The Colbert Report. Birthplace: Washington, DC. Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual ...
Are you watching the territorial debate between STEPHEN COLBERT and John Edwards?
They both claim to be the "favorite son" in South Carolina. Not only that, Barak Obama thinks he has the black vote in that state, and Hillary thinks she has the most votes there. I never thought thatSouthern Carolina would have become such a focal point in these campaigns, and I think we have to thank Stephen colbert for running as both a Democrat and a Republican in that state. Its a strange development!
Answer: Indeed it is a strange development :)
I like all the supposed facts you cite (I don't know offhand, but last I heard Colbert has 13%, unusually high, do not know anything else about the state), reinforces your point that we don't know what is going to happen. I hope Colbert wins and they color the state white (so we get red white and blue states on the giant map).
Category: Elections
Stephen colbert is, seriously, Catholic. ... In 1997, Stephen colbert became a fake senior correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, where he worked ...
STEPHEN COLBERT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stephen Tyrone Colbert is an American political satirist, writer, comedian, television host, and actor. He is the host of Comedy Centrals The Colbert Report, a ...
Stephanopoulos explains contraception question to… STEPHEN COLBERT [VIDEO]
After last Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate, “Good Morning America” co-anchor and “This Week” moderator George Stephanopoulos took criticism for his handling of a debate question about contraception and his persistence ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Has Higher Support Than John Huntsman In South ...
Stephen colbert could be running for the GOP presidential nomination in South Carolina - and he actually has a shot to do better than some of the "real" contenders.
What is the deal with Dr. House and STEPHEN COLBERT?
I noticed that Stephen colbert has had a portrait of Dr House (Hugh Laurie) on his set for quite a while. Then on Mondays episode, Dr. House had a photo of Stephen colbert on his desk in the background.
Answer: TV satirist Stephen colbert has several pictures of 'enemies' on the mantle-piece of his show's set; one of these of is Hugh Laurie, due to both Laurie's show winning an Emmy over Colbert's, and because Laurie received an OBE while Colbert did not. In an episode in the middle of House's fifth season, a picture of Colbert can be seen on House's desk.
Category: Drama
STEPHEN COLBERT is preparing to enter the South Carolina primary: Im doing it!
The “major announcement” that Stephen colbert promised this week has come to pass. He formally transferred his super PAC to Jon Stewart during Thursday night’s Colbert Report. In so doing, Colbert is able to enter the Republican ...
What makes STEPHEN COLBERT a great communicator?
I am preparing a speech for my class as to what makes Stephen colbert a great communicator. I know he uses humor in an effective way, but I am drawing a blank on other examples. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Answer: His ability to relate to people, and his ability to articulate his message.
Category: Media & Journalism
STEPHEN COLBERT announces political plans
South Carolinian Stephen colbert announced that he is setting up an exploratory committee to study a run for "President of South Carolina." He made the announcement Thursday night on his Comedy Central show "The Colbert Report. "
Duval County Supervisor of Elections STEPHEN COLBERT will Visit Jacksonville for Interview
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- TV Show host and comedian Stephen colbert has scheduled an interview with Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland. "The producer said they were interested in doing an interview on political action committees," Holland said ...
STEPHEN COLBERT (character) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA is the persona of political satirist Stephen colbert, as portrayed on Comedy Centrals The Colbert Report. Described as a ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story ...
Stephen colbert is an American political satirist, writer, comedian and television host who is best known for hosting The Colbert Report. Visit
HOUSTON Coloring Session When Sara Hickman, the state musician of Texas, was in college, she found a black-and-white puppy in a dump while looking for objects she could paint. I named him Rothko since he was a color field artist and the little dog was colorless and in need of love, Ms. Hickman said. Her admiration for the dogs eponym, Mark - - By MICHAEL HOINSKI
No joke? STEPHEN COLBERT exploring a presidential run - The Hill's ...
The comedian said he wanted to lay the groundwork for my candidacy in the United States of South Carolina. Comedian Stephen colbert is giving up control of his super PAC and forming an exploratory committee for a ...
Colbert for President: A Run or a Comedy Riff?
Mr. Colbert, the Comedy Central television host, has made jokes at the expense of super PACs for months — forming his own group, soliciting money for it, then running an ad that featured Buddy Roemer, a long-shot candidate who has criticized ...
STEPHEN COLBERT (character) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA is the persona of political satirist Stephen colbert, as portrayed on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report. Described as ...
How Many STEPHEN COLBERTs Are There? -
There used to be just two Stephen colberts, and they were hard enough to distinguish. The main difference was that one thought the other was an idiot.
STEPHEN COLBERT Enters the Presidential Race | The Wrap Media
The race to be the next President of the United States might now come down to Barack Obama and…Stephen colbert? The Comedy Central funny man announced his intention to run for president of the "United States of ...
Coming soon: STEPHEN COLBERTs interview with Jerry Holland
Political comedian Stephen colbert has apparently found a new target for his humor in Duval County Elections Supervisor Jerry Holland. First Coast News reports Holland will be interviewed Monday for The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, but he ...
STEPHEN COLBERT Leads Jon Huntsman in South Carolina Poll ...
As if Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman needed more bad news after his third-place finish in New Hampshire, he now trails comedian Stephen ...
ABOUT NEW YORK; Leader in the Cancer Fight, and Son of an Illegal Immigrant
A few minutes before Ronald DePinho was to give a speech to his graduating class at Fordham College in the Bronx, he sat with his father in a student lounge. It was May 1977. His father had been in the United States for nearly 40 years. The son was on his way to a career in medicine and research that would bring him to the presidency of the biggest - E-mail:; Twitter: @jimdwyernyt - By JIM DWYER
Should STEPHEN COLBERT Run for President in South Carolina ...
As we told you yesterday, a recent poll out of South Carolina finds Palmetto State native Stephen colbert with 5% support in the upcoming GOP primary, putting.
Bill Moyers Is Back On TV — And Better Than Ever
Its one of my favorite TV moments of this year. On Tuesday, the night of the New Hampshire primary, Stephen colbert had Bill Moyers as his special guest on The Colbert Report. Moyers was there to publicize his return from retirement, and the launch of his ...
Does anyone know the link for an old STEPHEN COLBERT video?
I saw this hilarious video of Stephen colbert a long time ago, but I cannot find the video clip anywhere! I believe it was from the year 2008. He is on some kind of news show in an interview format- and I believe it was a morning news show. I remember that at one point, Pennsylvania schoolchildrens drawings were shown and he comments on them. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Answer: Yes, i know the link.
Category: Media & Journalism
Colbert hints at exploring White House bid
Stephen colbert is playing with us -- again. The comedian announced tonight during the taping of his show that he has legally transferred control of his "super PAC" to his buddy Jon Stewart, which could pave the way for him to run for president.
RT @CBSNews: Stephen colbert transfers his super PAC to Jon Stewart, paving a way for him to enter the South Carolina GOP primary
From: jacqueline008 - Source: HootSuite
RT @ComedyCentral: RT @SoVeryAwkward: That awkward moment when Stephen colbert gets elected president. #Colbert2012
From: rissaxscreams - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Stephen colbert clears way for Presidential run after polling ahead of John Huntsman in S... &
From: JodyField - Source: twitterfeed
RT @SoVeryAwkward: That awkward moment when Stephen colbert gets elected president. #Colbert2012
From: Real_MichaelB - Source: TweetDeck
Trending Topic: Stephen colbert: Thank you, God Bless You and God Bless Citizens United
From: Richmaster - Source: twittenit
RT @donnabrazile: Nite cap. No joke? Stephen colbert exploring a presidential run
From: JoshuaBolden - Source: Zite Personalized Magazine
Stephen colbert preps prez run
From: SoStephColbert - Source: SocialOomph
RT @SoVeryAwkward: That awkward moment when Stephen colbert gets elected president. #Colbert2012
From: kristinnicole0 - Source: TweetDeck
"Its all the talk of the hip–hop community, Stephen." Mike D on the Colbert Report, brilliant segment. #illin
From: FSU_Bobbyisms - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Stephen colbert Gives Jon Stewart Control Of His Super PAC, Explores 2012 Presidential Run
From: amouly_ - Source: Tweet Button
RT @ZekeJMiller: RT @adambodily: Im calling the @TheHermanCain endorsement on the Jan 19 - it will be Stephen colbert!! #PalmettoPrimary
From: realtonygoodwin - Source: TweetDeck
RT @aerial_angel: Like Stephen colbert, I have a major announcement to make. At @itsbrittny is totally awesome!
From: itsbrittny - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @brianstelter: "The Colbert Report" is about to start. Heres my look at how he mocks "super PACs" tonight:
From: GiannaTotaro - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Stephen colbert to Explore (or Pretend to) Run for President:
From: ErikBishoff - Source: Tweet Button
RT @brianstelter: "The Colbert Report" is about to start. Heres my look at how he mocks "super PACs" tonight:
From: eskolfield - Source: Twitter for iPhone