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What is the ROB Zombie song with the guy narrating in the beginning?
There is a song by Rob Zombie (I think) and there is like a doctor or something narrating in the very beginning. I wanna know what it is.
Answer: living dead girl.......
Category: Other - Music
Socialist: How many people/businesses would you have to ROB to reduce to the deficit to zero?
If you Robbed every fortune 500 company of everything they earn this year, Rob every person of everything they earn over $250k a year, and Rob every billionaire and close to billionaire in the country of everything they own....and destroyed it to enrich the still cant fund the government for a SINGLE year.
Answer: No one is saying we have to do this alone. Cuts do need to happen, for sure. But if we got rid of all the subsidies we give big agriculture and big business (like GE and the oil and coal companies) and taxed the wealthiest of us, we would come a lot closer to a balanced budget. And I feel a whole lot better about taking in taxes money from people who can afford it rather than taking away services for our seniors and the poor.
Category: Politics
Rams interview ROB Chudzinski
ST. LOUIS -- The St. Louis Rams interviewed Carolina Panthers offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski and Denver Broncos defensive coordinator Dennis Allen for their coaching vacancy while awaiting word from Jeff Fisher. The Rams and Dolphins are ...
Betty Davis, 73-Year-Old Woman, Forced To ROB Bank: Police
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Authorities were searching Monday for man suspected of holding a 73-year-old woman and her husband hostage at their home, then ...
TELEVISION REVIEW; ROB Schneider’s New Sitcom, ‘ROB,’ on CBS - Review
It’s one of my favorite comedy club memories: a pint-size, under-age Rob Schneider being called onstage by the headliner — Will Durst? at the Holy City Zoo? — and absolutely killing with a few minutes of Elvis on a hook. (Fat Elvis tries to sing while being moved around the stage by an invisible crane. If you can find it on - By MIKE HALE
ROB Walker: Package It Black: Observers Room: Design Observer
Rob Walker is a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine and the author of Buying In: The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are. His writing has appeared in many magazines and newspapers. ...
ROB Farley - You could win from here!
Rob Farley has been consulting in IT since completing a Computer Science degree with first class honours in 1997. Before moving to Adelaide, he worked in ...
ROBs culture shock turns into schlock: Television review ...
A few days into 2012, ABCs cross-dressing disaster "Work It" managed to claim Worst Comedy of the Year, but surely CBS "Rob," which debuts Thursday ...
ROB Huebel and Paul Scheer Interview The War Horse from Paul ...
Rob and Paul take a moment to interview Cocoa Rodriguez of "War Horse" and watch a clip from his new upcoming film.
Review: ROB Schneider in CBS terrible ROB -
HitFixs Alan Sepinwall reviews Rob Schneiders lame new CBS sitcom Rob, in which the SNL alum marries into a Mexican-American family.
ROB - definition of ROB by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Rob (r b) v. Robbed, Rob·bing, Robs. 1. Law To take property from (a person) illegally by using or threatening to use violence or force; commit Robbery upon.
ROB Schneiders Life Is Now A Sitcom in ROB |
Rob Schneider has appeared in numerous comedies with fellow SNL alum Adam Sandler but now the funnyman is starring in his own show Rob which mirrors his own personal ...
ROB Ford dismisses calls for security detail
Rejecting the arguments of his brother and other concerned allies, Mayor Rob Ford says he doesn’t need personal security. “I’m alright, I’m alright,” he told reporters Thursday. “You have some isolated incidents, but that’s in the past, and I ...
Patriots tight end ROB Gronkowski breaks NFL records, with a smile
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — The way Bill Belichick describes Rob Gronkowski, his chiseled-from-granite tight end on the New England Patriots, could seem trite. “He’s always got a smile on his face, and he’s always working hard,” Belichick said Thursday ...
Spare Times for Jan. 13-19
Around Town Museums and Sites The Jewish Museum: Hanukkah Lamps (through Jan. 29) “An Artist Remembers: Hanukkah Lamps Selected by Maurice Sendak” features, along with 33 lamps from a variety of eras in many styles, an audio recording of Mr. Sendak that illuminates his choices through personal anecdotes. Saturday through Tuesday, 11 - By ANNE MANCUSO
How far should ROB compress the spring to score a direct hit?
Two children are playing a game in which they try to hit a small box on the floor with a marble fired from a spring loaded gun that is mounted on a table. The target box is 2.20 m horizontally from the edge of the table. Bob compresses the spring 1.10Cm, but the center of the marble falls 27.0cm short of the center of the box. How far should Rob compress the spring to score a direct hit? assume neither the spring nor the ball encounters friction from the gun.
Answer: Since there is no figure I will make some assumptions:
First, I will assume that the box is on the floor and the height of the top of the table to the center of the box is h.
Also, I will assume that there is no resistance in the system.
So, when the marble rolls to the edge of the table, it has only horizontal speed. After the lip of the edge it begins to fall.
The speed of the marble is related to the compression distance of the spring through conservation of energy and Hooke's Law:
at the edge of the table the marble will fly the distance
and fall the height, h
What we know about Bob's attempt:
2.2- .270=v1*t1
the second attempt to score the direct hit:
since the h is constant
doing some algebra:
dividing the Hooke's Law equations:
or 1.174 cm
Category: Physics
What kind of watch does ROB dyrdek wear?
In a couple episodes of Fantasy Factory including the episode when his parents come into town, Rob is wearing a pretty sweet watch. Its multi colored and definitely digital. Looks almost like those watches with calculators on them haha but way cooler. Does anyone know what kind it is?
Answer: its a tetris video game watch with diamonds
Category: Celebrities
Nicholson looking to clarify law on same-sex marriages
OTTAWA — Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said Thursday the federal government is looking at clarifying the law to allow non-resident gays and lesbians married in Canada the right to get divorced here even if their place of origin doesnt recognize them as ...
Who is ROB Hensley?
If you are on Twitter, Facebook or have been following the latest on Casey Anthony and her video diary, you might have heard the name Rob Hensley. So, who is Rob Hensley and why is he connected with Casey Anthony? It has been reported by the Orlando ...
How do i ROB a bank without getting caught?
Im a bit short of money and i want to Rob a bank. How do I not get caught?
Answer: well you could start by not posting your plan on the internet to be preserved forever
Category: Other - Business & Finance
How to ROB a police station and get away with it?
All the banks and stores in town were Robbed. So I just decided to Rob the police station, any plan that work perfectly and without any flaws?
@I Dont Give a Van Damme: lmao, good one!
Answer: report a Robbery at dunkin donuts. it will surely leave the police station empty
Category: Polls & Surveys | Woman and Girl
23 hours ago ... • Woman and Girl , Art Gallery of South Australia.
Paul Scheer And ROB Heubel Interview The Horse From War Horse (VIDEO)
Stephen Spielbergs "War Horse" hit theaters this winter, and has been doing great at the box office. And sure, you could pRobably do a cursory YouTube search and find interviews with all of the films human stars, but no one seemed to care ...
How did the enclosure movement not ROB the peasants?
I have a project due in three weeks and its a debate. I am suppose to side with "It did not Rob the peasants." but I havent really found anything that supports this statement. I know I should be doing this myself, but I really need some help with at least some idea about how it didnt Rob them. Thanks!
Answer: I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we're all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don't give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain... and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there... it's become my new eBay lol! Go to
Category: History
Tebow and Broncos Will Test Patriots Again
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — The numbers are still mind-boggling. In the first quarter on Dec. 18, the Denver Broncos held a 167-4 advantage in rushing yardage over the visiting New England Patriots . The Broncos, winners of six straight games, scored on their first three drives. They looked unstoppable, building a 16-7 lead. As Patriots guard Brian - By PETER MAY
Critics Choice Awards: Getting To Know Hosts ROB Huebel, Paul Scheer
For those who might not be familiar with the names Paul Scheer and Rob Huebel, this years hosts of the Critics Choice Movie Awards, youve very likely seen their faces and comedic stylings in a variety of roles in TV and film. Scheer is one of our ...
ROB McEwen on Kitco
Average quality rating by the Stockhouse community. Rob sees $2000 gold in 2012 and $5000 gold in a few years out. He sees the gold Jrs and Seniors as being undervalued. You guys might consider going over to Kitco and catching the interview. Rob knows ...
What sunglasses do ROB Pattison wear in Twilight?
He wears them in the scene where he and Bella are going to school together and everyone stares.
Could you tell me brand names, or where to find them?? I think theyre really cute. Just like Rob.
Answer: the names is ray-ban wayfarer
the price is not expensive
ihave it in brown there are so cool
Category: Fashion & Accessories
ROB: Watch Episodes and Video - - CBS TV Network Primetime ...
Watch video, browse photos and join the ultimate fan community for ¡Rob!
R.O.B. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy), released in Japan as the Family Computer Robot (ファミリーコンピュータ ロボット), is an accessory for the Nintendo ...
Like Tebow, Patriots Sharpened Spread Offense at Florida
Tim Tebow was still a high school phenomenon in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., not yet the prototypical quarterback for an offense that had begun to sweep college football, when the first phone call from Foxborough, Mass., was made to Gainesville, Fla. It was Bill Belichick, having just won his third Super Bowl early in 2005 but hoping to debrief the - By JUDY BATTISTA
Must-click link: ROB Neyer on “integrity” and “character”
We hear so much about the steroids guys being kept out of the Hall of Fame because they fail the “integrity and character” test. Specifically, the language right on the ballot that instructs the voters to consider “the player’s record ...
What crime can you get charged with if you ROB a drug dealer?
What crime can you get charged with if you Rob a drug dealer?
I dont think a Robbery charge would stick, since you can always claim you were recovering the goods for the police to sell and doing a citizens arrest.
Pretty funny way would be gassing with a can of CS then putting the dealers fingers onto the can, as a defence in court lol.
Answer: If you were successful and caught with the drugs and money you would be charged as a drug dealer. Possession with the intent to distribute. You could claim all you want that you were doing it to get the drugs off the streets, but as far as the police are concerned, you have the drugs and the money and cant prove your story. A dealer isn't likely to report theft of drugs as it would be the same as admitting to possession with intent to distribute. The dealer would very likely be doing his best to find out who you are and to get revenge.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police
ROB Conery | Co-owner/Founder of Tekpub, Web development with ...
My name is Rob Conery and this is my blog. I am the Co-Founder of Creator of This Developer's Life, an Author, Speaker, A bit of a malcontent, and ...
Chicago's ROB Marshall to Direct Into The Woods Film Adaptation ...
The musical theater lover inside us is doing a giddy little happy dance! Rob Marshall is no stranger to working with the House of Mouse. This is the guy behind the last chapter of Pirates of The...
What old school horror movie would you like to see ROB Zombie remake?
My pick would be PHANTASM because of the weird theme of Grave Robbing. He could make that movie a lot darker than the original. The original is already kind of dark, but if Rob Zombie does it; it will jump out at the screen.
Answer: For sure my choice would be...
They LIve
...add in some very creative choice selections for starring roles and it'd be an instant cult-hit. The 5+ minute continual fight scene, one of the longest done in horror movies (to the point of even being parodied on Family Guy) re-done by Zombie would be alone worth the price of admission (
Phantasm, yea! That's a good one. Or perhaps actually work on Phantasm 5, one along the lines of post-apocalyptic Tall Man has taken over th world with the whole wide-spread brainexploding infection, as proposed for the next sequel. That franchise has been around for what, 30 years?, and by it's own way of existing bizarreness very mailable. Great idea!
Category: Movies
How do you ROB a store on Saints Row 2 for PS3? I am pointing the gun at the clerk and holding them?
I am playing Saints Row 2 and it says that you can Rob stores by pointing the gun at the clerk or by holding them but I am doing that and it isnt working... What am I supposed to do?
Answer: just keep aiming the gun at their head, it's what i do. After about 5-10 seconds, they should walk over to the safe, and pop it open. When they do that, shoot the clerk before he has a chance to sound the alarm. Don't hold them, because they wouldn't be able to open the safe.
Category: Video & Online Games
R.O.B. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Rob (disambiguation) Robotic Operating Buddy; R.O.B. with NES color scheme: Manufacturer: Nintendo: Generation: Third generation ...
Chicago’ Director ROB Marshall Plans To Head ‘Into the Woods’
Director Rob Marshall (Chicago, Nine) is set to helm ‘Into the Woods’, an adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning fairy tale-based Broadway musical. Seeing how Pirates of the Caribbean 5 isn’t moving forward all that quickly right now, it ...
CBS’s ¡ROB!, Why It ¡Stinks!, and How Not to Do Race on a ...
Judging from the reports of my TV-journalist brethren at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena, yesterday was Casual Racism Day ...
ROB Garagiola scoffs at attempt to link him to Jack Abramoff
If it’s campaign season in Maryland, then it must be time for anonymous political attacks on candidates. On Thursday morning, an e-mail arrived in the inboxes of reporters and nearly every member of the General Assembly that sought to attack ...
How to ROB a train in Red Dead Redemtion?
I have a bandanna and I get on the train to Rob people and they just look afraid and the dont give me the money! How do you force them to give you their money?
Answer: You can't Rob a train But you can Rob a bank I've done it many times.
To Rob a Bank you can start at the Armadillo bank you can Rob it at night or in the morning i prefer at night. Bust the Windows of the bank and jump in then walk towards the Safe crack it crack the other open the 2 containers and walk out be careful about witnesses i usually pay them off.
Another bank is at the McFarlane's Ranch I Usually walk in and the vault door is open crack it and get out. You should watch out for the Police if he's sitting on the table run into him so he stands up and let him leave do the same with any pedestrians/civilians. crack the safe and leave.
there is a bank at Blackwater but i can't find a way in.
Category: Video & Online Games
Jazz Listings for Jan. 13-19
Jazz Full reviews of recent jazz performances: Dave Allen Trio (Friday) Dave Allen, a progressive-minded guitarist, leads a group with two strong partners, the bassist Carlo De Rosa and the drummer Mark Ferber. At 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 p.m., Bar Next Door, 129 Macdougal Street, near West Third Street, Greenwich Village, (212)
ROB: Watch Episodes and Video -
Jan 5, 2012 ... Watch video, browse photos and join the ultimate fan community for ¡Rob!
ROB: Definition, Synonyms from
v. , Robbed , Rob·bing , Robs . Law . To take property from (a person) illegally by using or threatening to use violence or force; commit Robbery upon. To take ...
ROB | Define ROB at
verb (used with object) 1. to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence; steal from. 2. to deprive (someone) of some right or something ...
Toronto budget: ROB Ford allies reject proposed cuts to arts and library
Mayor Rob Ford and his allies voted Thursday to reject or soften several of the most controversial proposed budget cuts. The changes by Ford’s executive committee do not fully address the criticisms of other councillors, some of whom said council would ...
ROB Premiere: ROB Makes The Worst Possible First Impression With Maggies Grandmother (VIDEO)
The pilot episode of "Rob" (Thu., 8:30 p.m. EST on CBS) was all about Rob (Rob Schneider) meeting Maggies (Claudia Bassols) family for the first time. In other words, viewers will have to wait until next week to see what kind of voice the show ...
Who was the first outfielder ever to lead over a wall to ROB someone of a homerun?
When I look at old MLB footage from way back in the day, outfielders never tried jumping the fence to Rob someone of a homerun by catching it. When did this start? Who was the first outfielder ever to do this?
I meant LEAP over a wall.
Answer: There is no official answer to that one actually. Most people point to a player in 1894 by the name of Karsen Alibrew. He played LF but apparently was not very good. It is also a rumor that shoeless jo jackson was the first outfielder to ever do it. I myself don't really believe either of them did it. i think it had to of happened the first year that the MLB teams had fences around there fields.
Category: Baseball
What bluegrass song plays during the film Public Enemies when they ROB a bank?
What bluegrass song is played during the 2009 film Public Enemies when the main characters Rob a bank? Its in the movie at least twice.
Answer: "ten million slaves" by Otis Taylor
Category: Movies
ROB Schneider’s New Sitcom, ‘ROB,’ on CBS - Review -
It’s one of my favorite comedy club memories: a pint-size, under-age Rob Schneider being called onstage by the headliner — Will Durst? at the Holy City ...
Mr Price Q3 sales +16%: ROB Spanjaard - portfolio manager, Rezco Asset Management
ALEC HOGG: Woolworths shares, by the way, were the fifth-worst performer on the Top 40 today, so maybe this issue is starting to affect the share price. A good performer, though, was Mr Price. Third-quarter sales up 16%. Rob Spanjaard joins us now. Rob is ...
ROB, premiering Thursday on CBS -
LOS ANGELESA few days into 2012, ABCs cross-dressing disaster "Work It" managed to claim Worst Comedy of the Year, but surely CBS "Rob," which debuts ...
How long before ROB Ford completely destroys Toronto?
Ive picked up a copy of Now Magazine and it seems as if Rob Ford is already destroying Toronto? How long before the city completely folds?
Answer: To paraphrase Jian Ghomeshi on election day: Toronto is too diverse and multidimensional a city for one person to make or break it. I have faith that Toronto will survive this as it has survived many other things.
(that being said, I didn't vote for the man either)
Category: Toronto
ROB Zombie - Official Site Under Construction
The official website for musician and filmmaker Rob Zombie.
ROBERT PATTINSON FAN | The 1st & Most Extensive Site On The ...
A fansite for actor Robert Pattinson who is best known for his role as as Edward Cullen in the movie adaptation of the Twilight Series, and his portrayl as Cedric ...
'ROB!': Schneider's sitcom lacks laughs - From Inside the Box - Zap2it
It's hard to figure out how CBS, which has such an impressive track record in multi-camera sitcoms, let this show through.
ROB McElhenney Pilot Gets Fox Pickup | Reuters
"Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" star and creator Robert McElhenney has sold a comedy pilot to Fox. The pilot, "Living Loaded," is from 3 Arts and FX ...
ROB Gronkowski, Jimmy Graham lead list of outstanding tight ends in NFL playoffs
Notable sports tweets of 2012 /nfl/lists/notable-sports-tweets-of-2012 Biggest sports sex scandals /nfl/lists/Biggest-sports-sex-scandals ...
ROB Lowe -- Theres No Replacing Regis Philbin |
Our photog asked Rob Lowe straight up yesterday at LAX -- would he be interested in taking over Regis Philbins chair next to Kelly Ripa-- and he certainly ...
ROB Chudzinski up for Rams job - NFC South Blog - ESPN
Just when it seemed like the Carolina Panthers would not lose offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski, he’s been tied to another job as a head coach. The St. Louis ...
THEATER REVIEW | THE GERSHWINS’ PORGY AND BESS; Audra McDonald in ‘The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess’ - Review
The hurricane that’s said to be headed for Catfish Row has yet to arrive early in the second act of “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess,” which opened on Thursday night in a new, slimmed-down reincarnation at the Richard Rodgers Theater. The climate so far might be described as mostly cloudy and mild, as might this version of the - By BEN BRANTLEY
STATE OF THE ART; In Las Vegas, It’s the Future of High Tech - State of the Art
LAS VEGAS — If you just peek into the huge International Consumer Electronics Show , you might think that it’s mostly a deafening showcase for tablets, thin TV screens, superthin laptops and Android phones. But if you really take the time to look — if you walk all 15 miles of exhibit halls — you’ll discover that, in - By DAVID POGUE
#CCMA PREVIEW: Paul Scheer And ROB Huebel Interview The ...
To help get you all hot and bothered for tonight's Critic's Choice Movie Awards on VH1, here's a teaser clip of co-hosts Paul Scheer and Rob Huebel sitting down.
What song is playing on american idol when they are showing pictures of ROB and chelsee?
On american idol,hollywood round part 2 of 2011, theres a song thats playing while they are showing pictures of Rob bolin and chelsee oaks. Does anyone
know what that song is called?
Answer: Here you go >
Category: Lyrics
Greg Jennings of Packers Says He’s Ready for Giants
GREEN BAY, Wis. — In the locker room after the short-handed Green Bay Packers defeated the Detroit Lions, 45-41, on Jan. 1, nose tackle B. J. Raji was marveling at what had just taken place. “If you think about it, we didn’t have three of our best players,” Raji said, listing quarterback Aaron Rodgers, linebacker Clay - By Rob REISCHEL
Say Anything - North Dakota's Most Popular And Influential Political ...
Home; Partners. Scott Hennen · Plains Daily · Contact · Archives · Reader Blogs Directory · Privacy Policy · SayAnything Feed (RSS) ...
Theater Listings: Jan. 13 — 19
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings ‘Gob Squad’s Kitchen (You’ve Never Had it So Good)’ (previews start on Thursday; opens - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Offensive Coordinator Philbin Out Indefinitely as Packers Prepare for Divisional Playoff
GREEN BAY, Wis. — Howard Green took his usual seat at Green Bay’s team meeting Wednesday morning. But for Green, the Packers’ 340-pound defensive lineman, normalcy was not possible. Each day at that meeting, Green would sit next to the Packers’ offensive coordinator, Joe Philbin. But Philbin, whose 21-year-old son, - By Rob REISCHEL
Rob London. 24 / 25 Wells Street London W1T 3PH Phone: +44 20 3073 1010. Fax: +44 20 7637 4510. E-mail: ...
ROBERT PATTINSON FAN | The 1st & Most Extensive Site On The Web ...
Christina Ricci talks kissing Rob in ‘Bel Ami’ with Vanity Fair Italy. VF: In March, there’s the release of her new film, BEL AMI, ...
Inside the Panthers: Steve Smith hopes ROB Chudzinski stays
Panthers' fans aren't the only ones sweating offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski's interview with the St. Louis Rams on Thursday: Pro Bowl wideout Steve Smith admitted he's a little anxious, too. “To have a guy leave – if ...
CBS's 'ROB' Is TV's Worst New Show - The Daily Beast
Jace Lacob examines Rob Schneider's sitcom vehicle, 'Rob,' which he deems the worst new show of the year.
@Rob_rix @ddribin can you make the first job on the new queue be to create the context (thus ensuring the queue is on the right thread)?
From: alancfrancis - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@EugenioDerbez muchas felicidad en el show #Rob me dio mucha risa y muchas gracias por hacerme reír todos estos años :D
From: JTre17 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@Dat_Nigga_Rob but idl maybe its not meant!
From: LoudPackLexx - Source: Twitter for iPhone
#np black Rob - like woahhh ... this a throwback lol
From: ShaniGotDaRillo - Source: TweetCaster for Android
Cómo le hago para ver el primer episodio de Rob con el genial @EugenioDerbez? (soy peruano).
From: DantemiaClub - Source: web
@Dat_Nigga_Rob aww thank u maybe Im to nice Lls if u my nigga nd we Tlk nd I really like them like yea Imma ride or die nd hold him dwn
From: LoudPackLexx - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@CPFC_bosly yh j dont think Rob wants to play you without Tyler playing!! #ebyfc <-- dedication
From: EthanRoberts233 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Robert Half Finance & Accounting Recruiting Manager: Details: Join One of the Worlds Most Admired Companies Rob...
From: HRNewsJobs - Source: twitterfeed
Rob spazzin on Aubree.
From: MercielagoXO - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @KeVDaCeLeB: he dont CARE about the FAME , he ADDITTED to the GAME , some niggas Rob some niggas SLANG , do WHATEVER to MAINTAIN!!
From: WititDonedidit - Source: Plume
RT @Livin_Gud_Rob: Ima follow kris back<<all lies
From: KRiSthePRiSS - Source: Echofon
@Juicy_Janny Morning beautiful xx #Rob
From: weRdirty - Source: TweetCaster for iOS
@Fotogurl77 Rob Ford is doing an amazing job and is exactly what Toronto needs
From: JoeInToronto - Source: web
Rob + Signature Edward Hair + Suits = Perfection!
From: ClimbInTwilight - Source: Facebook