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Can someone explain the dice game in "PotC 2: Dead Mans Chest"?
I KINDA understand how it works, but not exactly. The two different games (first the crew members, then Davey Jones, Will, and Bootstrap) seemed played differently, with the first one going faster and without the people looking at the dice before showing everyone what they had.
Can someone explain, in detail, how this game is played? Is it a real game? Thanks so much - I just got home from seeing the movie for the FOURTH time (I keep getting dragged along by different people) and its been bugging me for weeks. Thanks again!
Answer: Five six-sided dice per player are generally used for play. Generally play includes dice cups for concealment as well.
Each round, the players roll their dice, keeping them concealed from the other players. One player begins bidding, picking a number 2 through 6. He then tenders a number which he guesses to be equal to or less than the cardinality of the set of dice displaying this number on their top surface.
For example, the player might bid "three 4s". For the purposes of bidding, a 1 is wild and can count for any number 2 through 6.
After the first player has made his or her bid, the next player to the left can raise the bid or challenge the previous bid. Raising the bid means either raising the number chosen, or raising the quantity, in which case any number is allowed.
In the above example, the bid is "three 4s". The next player could bid "three 5s" or "four 2s", but not "three 2s" or "two 6s".
A player may challenge a bid. In some variants the player may only challenge when it is his turn to bid, in other variants the player may challenge at any time.
A challenge is generally indicated by revealing one's dice. All players then reveal their dice as well. The number chosen as well as the quantity is compared to the cardinality of the set of dice showing the number on their upper face. Most common variants also add 1s showing to this set for calculation purposes. A challenge is judged to be successful when the quantity guessed is greater than the cardinality of the set. A challenge is deemed to have failed if the quantity guessed is equal to or less than the cardinality of the set.
For example, if the bid of "seven 2s" is challenged, the quantity of 2s is counted. Say there are five 2s and three 1s showing; this is a total of eight 2s (assuming that a variant is played where 1 is wild). There are seven or more 2s, so the challenging player loses the challenge. If there are instead five 2s and only one 1, there are only six 2s and the bidding player loses the challenge.
A player that loses a challenge loses a die, and the next round begins. If there are three players and on the first round, Player 1 loses a die, then in the second round Player 1 has only four dice, whereas Players 2 and 3 still have five. This puts Player 1 at a disadvantage as he has less information than the other players about the dice.
It is possible to call 1. For example, "Three 1s". In such a bid, there are no wild dice. When switching the bid to 1, the bid must respect the minimum of previous bid, divided by 2, rounded up. To switch back, respect the minimum of previous bid, multiplied by 2, plus 1. For example, a bid of four 6s could be followed by a bid of two 1s, which could in turn be followed by three 1s or five of any number.
6 is wild instead of 1
When one player has distinct dice, he can pass once. If he does so, the bid raises automatically, and the next player cannot challenge the bid. Next player can raise using standard rules, challenge the passed status or pass as well. If more than one player pass simultaneously, next player's pass challenge can target any of them.
Instead of raising or calling ('dudo'), the player can bet that the bid from the previous player is exactly correct. If the number is higher or lower, they lose a die, however if they are correct, they get to gain a discarded die.
There are a number of different ways to gamble with Liar's Dice. The simplest and probably most popular is for each game to be winner take all.
Drinking Game
A few possible alternatives exist here:
A successful challenge leads to the last bidder before the challenge to drink.
Sometimes the drinking above is based upon the difference between the quantity guessed and the set of dice used in comparison.
A failed challenge requires the challenger to drink.
A failed challenge requires the challenger to drink in a much greater quantity if it were not the turn of the challenger to bid at the time of challenge.
ALSO: They've released a game that's a tie-in to the movie called Pirate's Dice.
Category: Gambling
Davy Jones of the Monkees dead at 66 - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News
Performer Davy Jones rose to stardom as a teen idol in the 1960s; heart attack reported as cause of death Read more by Lauren Moraski on CBS News ...
Davy Jones of The Monkees dead at 66
(CBS/AP) The Monkees lead singer Davy Jones has died, according to the medical examiners office in Martin County, Fla. He was 66. A spokeswoman at the medical office confirmed to CBSNews.com that it had received word of his death. "A possible ...
Celebs tweet reactions to Davy Jones death
There’s no denying Davy Jones impacted quite a few childhoods, whether you owned his Bubble gum card, or wished Marcia Brady’s cheek was yours. In light of the news of his passing after suffering a heart attack, celebs headed to Twitter to ...
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest" Question?
Jack Sparrow said to Davey Jones about Will Turner (though I cant remember the exact words) Dividing him from her and her from him would only be "as half as cruel as" joining them in holy matrimony.
Im not really good in grammar, so could you explain to me this sentence, what does it mean exactly? Please be clear.
"as half as cruel as" confused me a little.
Answer: Obviously Jack Sparrow had a dim view of marriage since he thought that joining the two through marriage would be a more cruel fate by far (doubly cruel) than separating them. Half as cruel = less cruel.
Category: Words & Wordplay
Do you have a favorite Monkee song? Just heard Davey Jones?
has passed away.
happy to ignore non answer rants, hope you all ignore also
rant is gone, Davey was a good memory of our youth and enjoyed all their music. Thanks for all the nice remarks
Answer: Oooh my gosh!!! I didn't know that!! oh he was my crush! how sad that he died from a heart attack!! RIP Davey...My favorites were Daydream Believer and Last Train to Clarksville and I'm a Believer...=(
Category: Senior Citizens
CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey
COMEDY ENGLEWOOD Bergen Performing Arts Center Sinbad. Friday at 8 p.m. $29 to $79Margaret Cho. March 6 at 8 p.m. $29 to $79. Bergen Performing Arts Center, 30 North Van Brunt Street. (201) 227-1030; bergenpac.org. RED BANK Count Basie Theater The Best of Second City, interactive show. March 6 at 8 p.m. $25. Count Basie Theater, 99 Monmouth
Davy Jones, Monkees Lead Singer, Dead At 66
Davy Jones, lead singer of 1960s made-for-TV pop group the Monkees, died Wednesday (February 29) at age 66. According to TMZ, Jones died of a heart attack at his home in Florida. The baby-faced singer born David Thomas Jones in Manchester, England, on ...
THE NEW SEASON | POP; Hope and Regret, Recorded and Live
Dates are subject to change. SEPTEMBER TAYLOR HO BYNUM Mr. Bynum is a cornetist drawn to combustible interaction, but on Madeleine Dreams, featuring his jazz-meets-classical ensemble SpiderMonkey Strings, he seeks out a gentle aesthetic, with vocal and literary touches. Tuesday. Firehouse 12. (Nate Chinen) NELLY FURTADO Nelly Furtado is - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey
COMEDY ENGLEWOOD Bergen Performing Arts Center Kevin Smith, stand-up. Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. $29 to $99. Sinbad, stand-up. Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. $29 to $79. Bergen Performing Arts Center, 30 North Van Brunt Street. (201) 227-1030; bergenpac.org. NEW BRUNSWICK State Theater Arnez J, stand-up, with guest appearance by comedians Kyle Grooms and Derrick
Davy Jones' Death -- Revs Up Monkeemobile Mystery | TMZ.com
The sudden death of Davy Jones today has re-opened the greatest mystery in television history -- what the hell happened to the infamous Monkeemobile???…
The Listings: Theater
Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. Previews and Openings THE ELABORATE ENTRANCE OF CHAD DEITY Previews start on Tuesday. Opens on May 20. This Pulitzer finalist about a wrestling rivalry - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
The Listings: Theater
Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets: nytimes.com/theater. Previews and Openings THE ELABORATE ENTRANCE OF CHAD DEITY Previews start on Tuesday. Opens on May 20. This Pulitzer finalist about a wrestling rivalry - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Davy Jones of The Monkees Dead at Age 66 | Guitar World
Davy Jones, the lead singer of The Monkees, is dead at age 66. TMZ reports that an official from the medical examiners office for Martin County, ...
“Monkees” Lead Singer Davy Jones Dead In Florida « CBS Miami
“Monkees” Lead Singer Davy Jones Dead In Florida 60s Superstar Had Planned Miami Performance In April February 29, 2012 2:02 PM
Davy Jones Daughter, Monkees Bandmates Speak Out Following Singers Death
Following the death of Davy Jones on Wednesday, Access Hollywood has spoken with the singers daughter, Jessica Jones, who tells Access her fathers death was completely unexpected as he was in excellent health. During a phone interview from London on ...
Davy Jones dead at 66: The Monkees frontman dies from heart ...
12 hours ago ... Davy Jones, who as lead singer of the Monkees proved a pre-fab pop music career could last a lifetime, died from a heart attack Wednesday in ...
COMEDY ENGLEWOOD Bergen Performing Arts CenterMargaret Cho. March 6 at 8 p.m. $29 to $79. Bergen Performing Arts Center, 30 North Van Brunt Street. (201) 227-1030; bergenpac.org. RED BANK Count Basie Theater The Best of Second City, interactive show. March 6 at 8 p.m. $25. Count Basie Theater, 99 Monmouth Street. (732) 842-9000;
Davy Jones Dead: Monkees Singer Dies From a Heart Attack at 66 ...
Davy Jones of the Monkees has died at 66, TMZ reports. A representative for the singer revealed that he suffered a heart attack at his Florida home and was ...
Yester while driving through town, I seen on the back of someones windshield that said R.I.P Davey Jones is he
is he dead? I searched it but could not find anything on it.
Answer: Davey Jones is a name given to an Ocean Trench.
When a sailor refers to someone going to "Davey Jones' Locker" it means they drowned.
However, considering there are 6+ Billion people on the planet, I can guess that there would be more than a few Davey Jones' out there. As far as the famous Davey Jones your referring too (He's a Monkey right? It's a band people!), I do not believe he has passed on.
At least I have not seen or heard about it. And those things usually spread quicker than Wildfires.
Category: Jokes & Riddles
pirates of the caribbean: dead mans chest?
why do people have to serve on davey jones ship? and what does his heart in the chest do?
Answer: they have to serve on his ship becuase they asked of him a favor and in return they gave their soul. he is the lord of the sea and his heart controlls the sea. if u notice when hes mad theres a storm. and when hes calm the water is calm
Category: Movies
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 | Davy Jones, RIP : Just Jared
Davy Jones has passed away at the age of 66. A rep for the singer confirmed to TMZ that the singer died from a heart attack on Wednesday (February 29) in Martin County, Florida. Davy and his fellow Monkees, Micky Dolenz, ...
COMEDY ENGLEWOOD Bergen Performing Arts Center Kevin Smith, stand-up. Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. $29 to $99. Sinbad, stand-up. Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. $29 to $79. Bergen Performing Arts Center, 30 North Van Brunt Street. (201) 227-1030; bergenpac.org. NEW BRUNSWICK State Theater Arnez J, stand-up, with guest appearance by comedians Kyle Grooms and Derrick
Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End&Dead Mans Chest questions.?
(I have sorta a lot of questions)
1.) What deal did Will Turner make in the begging? Idk who he was talking to, I think Sao Feng?
2.) What deal did Captain Jack Sparrow make with Davey Jones?
3.) In The second movie,(i think) what where the letters, and what did they say/do or have to do with anything?
4.) Who is Calipso, I know she was like, Davey Jones lover..or something..but is she like, magical or something? lol.
5.) Why did Captain Jack want Elizabeth to puresude him???
6.) Why in the world where Captain Barbosa, Elizebeth, and the rest of the crew in that bath house place in the begging????? (At Worlds End)
7.) What was that big meeting about, with all the "Pirate Lords" or, the eight pices, or something like that. idk, it was just a big meeting. (At Worlds End)
8.) What exactly does the black spot do? Is it just a warning that your going to die or something?
9.) Im confussed on that, whole, mark thing with Captain Jack and Lord Becket. What are they talking about? (i know he put the P on Jack, but why?)
10.) Did Elizabeth start to like Captain Jack Sparrow? im confussed on that too.
Sorry, I think thats a lot, BUT I WANNA UNDERSTAND IT MORE! lol. thanks for helping. [I probably have more questions...but i cant think of them right now.]
Answer: 1. Will made a deal with Sao Feng to give Jack Sparrow to him in exchange for the Black Pearl. He wanted to save his father and felt only the Pearl could catch the Flying Dutchman
2. Jack's deal with Davy Jones goes back before the 1st movie. Cutler Beckett sank Jack's ship, the Wicked Wench. Jack made a deal with Jones that if Jones would bring the ship up, he could be captain of it for 13 years before he owed his soul to Jones.
3. Letters of Marque were a letter usually from the King (or Queen) offering safe passage. Also something like a "Get out of Jail Free" card -- it gave the bearer of the letter a free pass for something they did.
4. Calypso was the Goddess of the sea. She was bound by the Pirate Lords into human form - it was Davy Jones who gave them the secret as to how to do it.
5. Flirting
6. Trying to find the map that would lead them to World's End ... or Davy Jones' locker. Barbossa was also there because the Pirate Lords were being called to assemble.
7. Meeting was called due to the East India Trading Company's actions, making it harder on pirates. They needed to find a way to battle Beckett.
8. Its the sign from Davy Jones that "your time is up" - meaning Jack's 13 years were up - time to turn in his soul and serve on the Dutchman.
9. He branded Jack as a Pirate. This is based on a backstory that Disney created when they decided to make the 2nd and 3rd movies. See my answer #2 for some of it. What they 'made up' - Jack worked for the Beckett, he refused to transport a cargo (slaves) and Beckett got mad. He sunk Jack's ship (Wicked Wench) and branded Jack as a pirate. They never do explain what mark Jack made on Beckett though.
10. That is entirely up to you. I think she always liked him, but she married Will.
Category: Movies
Death of ex-Monkee Davy Jones mourned by central Pennsylvania fans
“I thought he was the cutest one of them all,” a saddened Lenig said Wednesday after learning of Jones’ death from a heart attack at the age of 66. “I had older brothers that listened to them. I watched the TV show, bought the albums ...
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 | Extra
Davy Jones, who fronted the popular 60s band The Monkees -- has died. He was 66. Details on the cause of death have not been revealed. An official from ...
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest?
Ive got a few questions about Pirates of the Caribbean
1) who never saw Barbossa coming
2) do you think that Jack will fight all odds and just climb out of the kraken
3) what do you think the next installment will be called, I think either Revenge of the Flying Dutchman or Davey Jones Locker
Answer: 1. i sat there with the rest of the movie theatre like "wtf?" when he came back.
2. no, i don't think he's coming out to the kraken. i think they're going to end up going to the land of the dead or something, which is why they need barbossa--a guy who died, but apparently came back, and who knows where he's going, as what-her-face the witchdoctor said.
3. i don't think it's going to be either--davy jones said his debt with jack was paid, so he'll probably just sail along. if anything, he'll go after the guy that has his heart, and it won't be played out too much in the main movie, unless will goes out after the guy too.
=) i've seen the movie twice already, but i'm so smitten over the entire concept i may go again, haha
Category: Movies
Davy Jones Dead: Singer Of The Monkees Dies At 66
The Monkees singer Davy Jones has died at the age of 66, TMZ reports. A rep for Jones revealed that he passed away Wednesday morning after suffering a heart attack. The singer is survived by his wife Jessica and four ...
THEATER LISTINGS; Guys, Dolls, Jets, Sharks, Heroes, Hair
A select list of forthcoming shows. Dates are subject to change. FEBRUARY THIS BEAUTIFUL CITY To create their newest theatrical piece, an exploration of the rise of the evangelical movement, members of the singular theater troupe the Civilians spent 10 weeks in Colorado Springs, where several evangelical churches have their national headquarters. - By STEVEN McELROY
how can i find out the ending to pirates of the Caribbean 3.?
Did Jack marry the girl or did she marry at all. is Jack Sparro. alive or dead after comming back from davey jones locker?
Answer: Jack Sparrow is alive and brought back from the Locker, by a weird chain of events Will Turner becomes the new Davie Jones (he must command the Flying Dutchman for 10 years and never set foot on land during that time) but without turning into a squid-human hybrid, and Elizabeth marries Will ten years after the movie ends. Sparrow also rows away from Tortuga following the directions on a map leading to the fountain of youth.
Category: Movies
Davey Jones, former Monkees member, Dead At Age 66 Due To Cardiac ...
Phone Number (required): -- Enter your phone number...Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 From Heart Attack 9:55 AM PST -- A rep for Davy tells TMZ the singer died ...
Davy Jones Dead -- Monkees Singer Dies at 66 From Heart Attack ...
Were told Davy suffered the heart attack at a ranch where he was visiting his horses. Davy began experiencing distress while he was sitting in his car ...
Davy Jones dead: A generations heartbreaker or head scratcher?
Back in the 1960s, The Monkees exploited the so-called generation gap. The death of Davy Jones has exposed that age split all over again more than four decades later. "When I was a kid I wanted to BE Davy Jones," tweeted actor Kevin Bacon, 53 ...
Uptown, Downtown And Beyond
A select list of forthcoming shows. Dates are subject to change. February CLYBOURNE PARK The season has already been notable for a variety of productions on the subject of black-white relations -- David Mamets play Race and the musical Memphis are still on Broadway, while Superior Donuts and Ragtime were recently seen there, in - By STEVEN McELROY
The Monkees Davy Jones Dead At 66 - Yahoo! omg!
Davy Jones, vocalist for The Monkees, has passed away, Access Hollywood has confirmed. "The District 19 has been notified of the death of Mr. Davy Jones," the Martin ...
The Monkees' Davy Jones Dead at 66 - UsMagazine.com
The "Daydream Believer" singer passed away in his home in Indiantown, Fla. on Wednesday, his rep tells Us.
Davy Jones dead at 66; celebrities react on Twitter - latimes.com
9 hours ago ... Davy Jones is dead: With news Wednesday that Davy Jones of the Monkees was dead at 66 after suffering a heart attack at his home in Florida, ...
The Monkees' Davy Jones Dead at 66 - UsMagazine.com
12 hours ago ... The "Daydream Believer" singer passed away in his home in Indiantown, Fla. on Wednesday, his rep tells Us.
The Monkees’ Davy Jones dies
“My love and prayers go out to Davy’s girls and family right now.” Bassist Peter Tork has also issued his sentiments about Jones’ unexpected death, stating: “It is with great sadness that I reflect on the sudden passing of my long-time ...
in pirates of the carribean dead mans chest?
which actor plays the guy with the part human part octopus head (davey jones or summit like that) its bugging me
Answer: Bill Nighy
Category: Celebrities
Singer Davy Jones of The Monkees dies in US at 66
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (AP) - Davy Jones, the diminutive British heartthrob singer ... Young tweeted Wednesday that he was sad to learn of Jones death. "The Monkees were such a sensation that it was a thrill for me to have them record some of my early ...
Davy Jones of the Monkees dies at 66
LOS ANGELES - Davy Jones, the British Invasion-era singer who became ... Examiners Office in Florida confirmed Wednesday morning that they had been notified of Jones death but would provide no other details. He was 66. Before the Monkees ...
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 - New Orleans Top News ...
Celebrate Leap Year with games, activities, desserts and more. Hop over for some fun; Davy Jones is dead at the age of 66 following a heart attack.
UNITED STATES 15, VENEZUELA 6; U.S. Pummels Venezuelas Thin Pitching Staff
Perhaps only diehards can tell, without looking, where Matt Lindstrom, Joel Hanrahan and John Grabow pitch in the regular season. Even Bob Watson, the general manager for the United States in the World Baseball Classic, bungled Grabows first name in a radio interview on the eve of the tournament. But it goes without saying that all those pitchers - By TYLER KEPNER
Davy Jones of The Monkees dead at 66 - Pop2it - Zap2it
Davy Jones of 1960s band and TV show "The Monkees" has passed away at the age of 66, reports TMZ. The site says a representative from the medical examiner ...
“Monkees” Lead Singer Davy Jones Dead In Florida « CBS Miami
Davy Jones, singer for the 60's supergroup The Monkees, apparently died Wednesday morning at Martin Memorial Hospital in Martin County, Florida. No official cause of death was given, but the celebrity website TMZ said a ...
Davy Jones Dead -- Monkees Singer Dies at 66 From Heart Attack ...
12 hours ago ... Davy Jones -- lead singer of The Monkees -- died after suffering a heart attack this morning ... TMZ has learned. An official from the medical ...
Davey Jones of The Monkees dead | Video | ksdk.com
Harrisburg woman had to run for cover as storm hit . A southern Illinois woman whose home was nearly destroyed by the pre-dawn storm ...
Pirates of the carribean dead mans chest?
In The film, what game do bill turner will turner and davey jones play when they bid for an eternity on board the flying dutchman
Answer: Liar's Dice.
Category: Movies
Singer Davy Jones of The Monkees dies in Fla at 66
(AP) — Davy Jones, the diminutive heartthrob who rocketed to ... Young tweeted Wednesday that he was saddened by Jones death. "The Monkees were such a sensation that it was a thrill for me to have them record some of my early songs," he ...
Davy Jones Dead: Monkees Singers Greatest Movie Moments (VIDEO)
Theres a scene at the beginning of the movie "Head," where the 60s TV pop group, The Monkees, find themselves jumping off a bridge into the sea. There ...
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 | Music News | Rolling Stone
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 Jones sang Daydream Believer and I Wanna Be Free
Report: Monkee Davy Jones dead at 66 | NJ.com
12 hours ago ... Enlarge Star-Ledger Wire Services Davy Jones was a member of The Monkees and a '60s teen idol. He died today at the age of 66.
Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead at 66 | Billboard.com
Davy Jones of the The Monkees died of a heart attack Wednesday morning in Florida.
The Monkees heartthrob Davy Jones dead at 66
Davy Jones, "the cute one" among TVs "The Monkees," died from a heart attack Wednesday in Florida. He was 66. Much of what youve seen on TV having to do with music, from the co-ed covers of "Glee" on back through the creation of MTV itself, can be traced ...
Davy Jones Dead: Singer Of The Monkees Dies At 66
12 hours ago ... The Monkees singer Davy Jones has died at the age of 66, TMZ reports. A rep for Jones revealed that he passed away Wednesday morning ...
Hey Hey Were the Monkeys, we just want to mess around...Davey Jones is dead?
Category: Polls & Surveys
Davy Jones of Monkees fame dead of heart attack at 66
Davy Jones, an actor-turned-singer who helped propel the 1960s TV rock band The Monkees to the top of the pop charts and into rock ‘n’ roll history, died of a heart attack Wednesday morning in Indiantown, Fla., where he lived. Jones, 66, had complained ...
MORE INFORMATION: Monkees Singer Davy Jones dead at 66 from heart attack
Davy Jones -- lead singer of The Monkees -- has died ... TMZ has learned. An official from the medical examiners office for Martin County, Florida confirmed with TMZ they received a call from Martin Memorial Hospital informing them that Jones had passed away.
Davey Jones?
You have a Debt to pay! You owe Davey Jones your soul.That was the agreement.......
Your a mocked asker!
For all you pirates and first mates out there who saw Pirates of the Carribean:Dead Mans Chest,Do you think Davey Jones looks Awesome
ANSWER only once or Ill summon the KRAKEN!
Answer: I thought he looked great!
My 17 yr old, when she saw him, thought he was adorable-like a possible pet. Go figure!
Category: Movies
Davy Jones dead at 66; celebrities react on Twitter - latimes.com
Davy Jones is dead: With news Wednesday that Davy Jones of the Monkees was dead at 66 after suffering a heart attack at his home in Florida, the tone of celebrity reactions on Twitter was nothing if not a bit wistful.
Davy Jones Dead: Top 11 Monkees Moments (VIDEO)
The Monkees were the first tailor-made TV band, thanks, in part, to their dashing frontman Davy Jones. Sadly, Jones recently passed away at the age of 66 ...
Davy Jones Dead -- Monkees Singer Dies at 66 From Heart Attack ...
Davy Jones -- lead singer of The Monkees -- died after suffering a heart attack this morning ... TMZ has learned. An official from the medical examiner's…
The Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dead At 66 | Fox News
Davy Jones, the lead singer of the pop group The Monkees, died Wednesday at the age of 66, his publicist confirmed to Fox News. "The only thing we can do ...
The Monkees' Davy Jones dead at 66 - CNN.com
11 hours ago ... Davy Jones of The Monkees died Wednesday of an apparent heart attack, according to the Martin County, Florida, sheriff's office. He was 66.
Former Monkees member Davy Jones dies at 66
Davy Jones, who rocketed to the top of the 1960s music charts as ... Mr. Jones complained of breathing troubles early in the morning and was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead, police said. In a 911 call released Wednesday night, an ...
Does anyone know the rules to the the game the pirates play in Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest?
The game that the pirates are playing on the ship that William Challenges Davey Jones to for the key.
Answer: Liar's dice (liar dice) is a name for a class of dice games for two or more players. A common feature of all Liar's Dice games is that each player in turn must either make a higher bid (or claim) than the previous player, or challenge the previous players' bid as too high.
Poker Dice are often used in Liar's Dice
Poker Dice are often used in Liar's Dice
While many variations exist, they generally fall into one of two major categories: "common hand" games, where all players are bidding on the group's collection of dice while only seeing their own portion of it, and "individual hand" games, where each player makes claims only about their own dice. These major variants are different enough to be considered separate games but unfortunately both have come to be known as "Liar's Dice."
It is easy to learn, requires minimal equipment, and can be played as a gambling or drinking game. Playing this game well requires the ability to deceive and to detect an opponent's deception. Liar's dice is known as Dudo or Perudo in South America. The game has also been marketed under the name, Call My Bluff, winning the 1993 Spiel des Jahres and Deutscher Spiele Preis awards. In Germany, Liar's Dice as a gambling game is called "Mäxchen"; the equivalent drinking game is sometimes called "Mexicali" or "Mexican" in the United States (see below). Given the similar pronunciations of these two German and English words, it is likely that the name of the one game derives from the name of the other.[citation needed] Whether the German or English version was the original, however, is less clear.
I think it's this one. Hence there could not possibly be 12 fives on the board
Category: Movies
for the viewers of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" : philosophy question?
What happens if Davey Jones stabs his already cut-out heart? Whoever stabs the heart kills Davey Jones and becomes the keeper of dead sailors in place of Davey Jones, but since Davey Jones is already keeper of the Locker, what happens? Sorry if this doesnt make any sense, its just that this question has been making my head spin!!! :P
Answer: What an astounding conundrum... I like your thinking. My answer is that if Davey Jones stabbed his own heart, there would be no keeper. I mean, think about it. In a wolf pack (just using this example because it's the first that came to my head), the wolf that kills the alpha will become the new leader. However, if the alpha dies of... old age, who's the leader? His descendant. And if the wolf, or Davey Jones, in this case, doesn't have an heir, then the power would go to whoever takes it. There would be fights over the position and for a while there would be anarchy, but the power would end up with whoever defeats the others. It's the way mankind- and animal kind has been since the beginning of time. Natural selection, survival of the fittest and all of that.
Category: Movies
The Monkees singer Davy Jones dead at 66
Indiantown - Davy Jones was a teen heartthrob during the 1960s as The Monkees lead singer. Today he suffered a fatal heart attack in Florida. Davy Jones, born David ...
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest plot?
I really enjoyed the movie, one question though.........why didnt Jack just stab Davey Joness heart when he had the chance?
Answer: They said something about no one would be able to control th Kraken if Davy jones dies. It would go on a killing spree
Category: Movies
“Monkees” Lead Singer Davy Jones Dead In Florida « CBS Miami
12 hours ago ... Davy Jones, singer for the 60's supergroup The Monkees, apparently died Wednesday morning at Martin Memorial Hospital in Martin County, ...
What is the name of the track played when davey jones rises out of the water and chases jack sparrows ship ?
Pirates of the carribean 2: dead mans chest
The track played when jack sparrow says "hard to starboard" to evade the flying dutchmans cannons ?
Answer: I think it's track 2 on the soundtrack. It's called The Kracken.
Category: Movies
Davy Jones Claimed Credit For Charles Manson Monkees Rumor
Monkees singer Davy Jones has died, but his music will live on with fans. So will his creation of one of rocks most chilling legends: The one about Charles Manson once auditioning for the cast of "The Monkees." Its a legend still being ...
The Monkees Davey jones dead at 66 http://t.co/8AX2SMTL
From: GlenCaldwell3 - Source: twitterfeed
Davey jones dead, hines ward, snooki pregnant, ... http://t.co/YWH2Gcca
From: BBONews - Source: BBONews
Davey Jones is dead huh ... well that fuckin sucks.
From: WiseGuy0_O - Source: Twitter for Android
Davey jones dead: #DaveyJonesDead #Davey #Jones #Dead http://t.co/nOEManhR #google #youtube
From: FLVTubeTweets - Source: twitterfeed
Davy Jones, The Monkees’s Lead Singer Is Dead http://t.co/F6sO6xKW #davey #jones #dead #david #davy #died #the
From: fairyy11 - Source: TweetMeme
Davey jones dead, hines ward, snooki pregnant, ... http://t.co/PWuIualM
From: HourlySearch - Source: dlvr.it
RT @billboard: Davy Jones Dead: Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork & Michael Nesmith React - http://t.co/0sSgftnD
From: monalisasmile37 - Source: web
The Monkees Davey jones dead at 66 http://t.co/fmHwX8g3
From: RitaMay4 - Source: twitterfeed
Monkees frontman Davey Jones dies - http://t.co/Rjev80R4
From: brandsrock - Source: TweetDeck
Davey jones dead: ...
From: vaheqiv - Source: twitterfeed
Davey jones dead: ...
From: uqomuwaboq - Source: twitterfeed
Davey Jones is dead. Quick, go through his locker.
From: AGreyArea - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Davey Jones is dead and that Snooki thing is pregnant....yeah, life is fair.
From: brett728 - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @comicKenHicks: Davey jones dead, Snooki pregnant, whitney greeting cards, Anti -bullying, last of black history...
Glad this day comes once every 4 years
From: david_dempsey - Source: TweetDeck
RT @billboard: Davy Jones Dead: Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork & Michael Nesmith React - http://t.co/0sSgftnD
From: jasperstwilight - Source: web