Michigan primary results - Live Stream: Arizona And Michigan Primary Results at Pat Dollard

Michigan primary results : Videos

Arizona MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Politcal Satire Rap | Scratch Pop
Arizona MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Politcal Satire Rap | Scratch Pop
Arizona MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Theme Song | Scratch Pop
Arizona MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Theme Song | Scratch Pop
Michigan Republican Primary Results Ron Paul, Romney, and Santorum In Close Race
Michigan Republican Primary Results Ron Paul, Romney, and Santorum In Close Race
Arizona Michigan Republican Results 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Rap | Scratch Pop
Arizona Michigan Republican Results 2012 | Ron Paul Revolution 2012 Rap | Scratch Pop
Arizona and Michigan GOP Primary Results 2/28/12
Arizona and Michigan GOP Primary Results 2/28/12
Mitt Romney Wins Arizona & Michigan Primaries!
Mitt Romney Wins Arizona & Michigan Primaries!
Pollster explains results in new Michigan GOP Primary poll
Pollster explains results in new Michigan GOP Primary poll
Michigan Primary 2012 Voting Polls Paul Gingrich Santorum Romney
Michigan Primary 2012 Voting Polls Paul Gingrich Santorum Romney
Newt Gingrich Michigan Arizona Primary Night Speech
Newt Gingrich Michigan Arizona Primary Night Speech
Arizona Primary Early Voting Information Paul Gingrich Romney Santorum
Arizona Primary Early Voting Information Paul Gingrich Romney Santorum
Mitt Romney Election Results in Michigan Accurately Predicted by Cute Baby
Mitt Romney Election Results in Michigan Accurately Predicted by Cute Baby
Gingrich storms to SC victory, scrambling GOP race
Gingrich storms to SC victory, scrambling GOP race
Romney Accuses Santorum of Dirty Tricks in Wooing Michigan Democrats
Romney Accuses Santorum of Dirty Tricks in Wooing Michigan Democrats
Michael Moore "A Lot Of My Democratic Friends Are Going To Vote For Santorum Tomorrow!"
Michael Moore "A Lot Of My Democratic Friends Are Going To Vote For Santorum Tomorrow!"
"Im Against A Broker Orchestrated Convention" Thaddeus McCotter
"Im Against A Broker Orchestrated Convention" Thaddeus McCotter
NH hottie wears Ron Paul every workday
NH hottie wears Ron Paul every workday
Swedens Uprising Against The 1%
Swedens Uprising Against The 1%
Mitt Romney on Michigan primary: We didnt win by much but we won by enough
Mitt Romney on Michigan primary: We didnt win by much but we won by enough
Santorum Sweep- Candidate Scores Trio of Wins
Santorum Sweep- Candidate Scores Trio of Wins
The Truth Behind the Racist Ron Paul Newsletters. Ron Paul was Innocent!
The Truth Behind the Racist Ron Paul Newsletters. Ron Paul was Innocent!
Michigan Recall Of Paul Scott May Have Unintended Consequences
Michigan Recall Of Paul Scott May Have Unintended Consequences
Michigan Primary Newscast Coverage
Michigan Primary Newscast Coverage
Michigan Supreme Court Forum 2010 Election (4 of 6)
Michigan Supreme Court Forum 2010 Election (4 of 6)
Veracifier: 2008 Election Roundup
Veracifier: 2008 Election Roundup
RNC Chairman Comments on Michigan Democrat Primary Results
RNC Chairman Comments on Michigan Democrat Primary Results
9:00 ET 2008 Election Results
9:00 ET 2008 Election Results
The election results and Michigan small businesses
The election results and Michigan small businesses
Hillary Clinton says Michigan Results are Fair! WTF?
Hillary Clinton says Michigan Results are Fair! WTF?
Illinois Primary
Illinois Primary
The Reefer Report: 2008 Election Special
The Reefer Report: 2008 Election Special
Michigan Deserves to Count
Michigan Deserves to Count
Election Day with Chippewas
Election Day with Chippewas
Mitt Romney Wins Arizona & Michigan!
Mitt Romney Wins Arizona & Michigan!
Gingrich storms to SC victory, scrambling GOP race
Gingrich storms to SC victory, scrambling GOP race
Rick Snyders victory speech
Rick Snyders victory speech
Primary Elections: Results Summary
Primary Elections: Results Summary
TPMtv: Mitts Last Stand
TPMtv: Mitts Last Stand
Mike Bouchard for Michigan
Mike Bouchard for Michigan
Barack Obama Birthday - Watch Obamas Original Birth Certificate
Barack Obama Birthday - Watch Obamas Original Birth Certificate
Levin on Defense Spending, Dodd-Frank Rule
Levin on Defense Spending, Dodd-Frank Rule
Chicago Election Night Bush Mob!
Chicago Election Night Bush Mob!
Who should lead the City of Flint?
Who should lead the City of Flint?
Daily Show: Colbert - Indecision 2004 - Lawyers
Daily Show: Colbert - Indecision 2004 - Lawyers
Southeastern Michigan Beacon Community: Improving Diabetic Care
Southeastern Michigan Beacon Community: Improving Diabetic Care

Michigan primary results : Photo Gallery

Michigan Republican Primary Results 2012: Where to Watch Live ...
Michigan Republican Primary Results 2012: Where to Watch Live ...
Pat Dollard
Pat Dollard
Michigan Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - MLive.
Michigan Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - MLive.
Michigan primary: Results could reset GOP presidential contest ...
Michigan primary: Results could reset GOP presidential contest ...
Conservative news, politics, opinion, breaking news analysis ...
Conservative news, politics, opinion, breaking news analysis ...
resizeimage.ashx?path=http://i ...
resizeimage.ashx?path=http://i ...
Live: Michigan Republican Primary Results @PolicyMic | Chris Miles
Live: Michigan Republican Primary Results @PolicyMic | Chris Miles
Election Results: Michigan's Republican Presidential Primary ...
Election Results: Michigan's Republican Presidential Primary ...
Keep an eye on Mich. results by cong. district | Campaign 2012 ...
Keep an eye on Mich. results by cong. district | Campaign 2012 ...
MLive.com mobile
MLive.com mobile
NBC Politics - msnbc.
NBC Politics - msnbc.
Romney takes Arizona, leads in Michigan primary | Campaign 2012 ...
Romney takes Arizona, leads in Michigan primary | Campaign 2012 ...
Competition: predict the Michigan and Arizona primary results ...
Competition: predict the Michigan and Arizona primary results ...
Michigan and Arizona primary results - live | World news | guardian.
Michigan and Arizona primary results - live | World news | guardian.
UPDATE: Live Election Results: Michigan Republican Primary ...
UPDATE: Live Election Results: Michigan Republican Primary ...
Michigan Election Results: Polls have been closed now for three hours ...
Michigan Election Results: Polls have been closed now for three hours ...
Michigan election results 150x150 Michigan election results ...
Michigan election results 150x150 Michigan election results ...
Michigan Gubernatorial Election Results by county, 2006.png
Michigan Gubernatorial Election Results by county, 2006.png
Michigan 2010 Election Results: Congress and Governor’s Races | DBKP ...
Michigan 2010 Election Results: Congress and Governor’s Races | DBKP ...
Libertarian Republican: MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: One Huge Win! for ...
Libertarian Republican: MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: One Huge Win! for ...
File:Michigan Presidential Election Results by County, 2008.svg ...
File:Michigan Presidential Election Results by County, 2008.svg ...
Michigan Election Results for State Government, US House, MI Senate ...
Michigan Election Results for State Government, US House, MI Senate ...
Michigan - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times
Michigan - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times
Links to West Michigan primary election results | MLive.com
Links to West Michigan primary election results | MLive.com
West Michigan election results | MLive.com
West Michigan election results | MLive.com
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary Election Results by County ...
Michigan Republican Presidential Primary Election Results by County ...
Michigan Election Results
Michigan Election Results
Michigan Primary Election Results - Election Guide 2008 - Results ...
Michigan Primary Election Results - Election Guide 2008 - Results ...
Downriver Michigan Election Results
Downriver Michigan Election Results
 ... Kilpatrick Loses Michigan Primary, Results In For Missouri, Kansas
... Kilpatrick Loses Michigan Primary, Results In For Missouri, Kansas
AABR Business Bulletin (Vol.  139/No. 278)
AABR Business Bulletin (Vol. 139/No. 278)
FYI .. Elementary school teacher, 39, jailed for FORTY years for her affair with boy of 14 -- Coweta County, Georgia (17th February 2012) ...
FYI .. Elementary school teacher, 39, jailed for FORTY years for her affair with boy of 14 -- Coweta County, Georgia (17th February 2012) ...
Horsehead Nebula (B33) HA+LUM
Horsehead Nebula (B33) HA+LUM
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130H Hercules, Sather Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130H Hercules, Sather Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Balad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Al Assad Air Base, Iraq
Snowy Owl on Muskrat Lodge
Snowy Owl on Muskrat Lodge
Snowy Owl !!
Snowy Owl !!
Primary results: Will Romney's Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura of ...
Primary results: Will Romney's Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura of ...
Newt Gingrich Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Downplayed By Candidate
Newt Gingrich Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Downplayed By Candidate
Ron Paul Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Don't Deter Candidate
Ron Paul Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Don't Deter Candidate
Michigan and Arizona primary results 2012: Mitt Romney wins Arizona, close ...
Michigan and Arizona primary results 2012: Mitt Romney wins Arizona, close ...
MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: Tim Walberg reacts to Mitt Romney victory
MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: Tim Walberg reacts to Mitt Romney victory
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Track Live: Michigan Primary Returns
Track Live: Michigan Primary Returns
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Rick Santorum loses Arizona and Michigan; did Twitter predict it?
Rick Santorum loses Arizona and Michigan; did Twitter predict it?
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest
Genesee County presidential primary, 51st state House election results so far
Genesee County presidential primary, 51st state House election results so far
Kalamazoo County Republicans and Democrats hosting primary result-watch parties
Kalamazoo County Republicans and Democrats hosting primary result-watch parties
Romney Wins Michigan, Arizona Primaries
Romney Wins Michigan, Arizona Primaries
Romney Wins Big in Clair Shores
Romney Wins Big in Clair Shores

Michigan primary results : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

SOS - Elections in Michigan

Secretary of State - Elections in Michigan/Campaign Finance. ... 2012 Unofficial Presidential Primary Election Results · Image: Michigan Voter Information Center ...

MI and AZ Primary Results Tracker | Crooks and Liars

I write for Fast Company, The Atlantic, AlterNet and LA Weekly among many (many) others. My weekly column is syndicated in these things called "newspapers," which are analog blogs that 80-year-olds enjoy. I'm also the ...

Will Florida and Michigan ruin it for the Republicans this time like they did for Hillary in 2008?

I think Hillary could have won the nomination if only Florida and Michigans primary results counted. If these states counted, she would have had more money and delegates going into Super Tuesday.
Answer: Yes. (who are they) But definitely, definitely yes.
Category: Elections

2012 Elections: Polls, Projections, Results - Election Projection

Michigan and Arizona Republican primary election results. Starting sometime after polls close tonight you can track the returns in Arizona and Michigan at the ...

Santorum, Optimistic, Plans Effort Nationwide

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Despite the cloud cast over Rick Santorums campaign by his third-place showing in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, his aides said he was pressing on to Florida on Sunday while also pursuing a broad national campaign strategy. And his aides promised to wage a long campaign, battling state by state for delegates. Mr. - Aides to Republican Rick Santorum say he will press on to Florida and pursue a broad national campaign strategy, despite his third-place showing in the South Carolina primary. (M) - By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE

Ron Paul Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Don't Deter Candidate

SPRINGFIELD, Va. -- Presidential hopeful Ron Paul is predicting the political revolution he is pushing won't be limited to the Republicans he hopes nominate him and is urging his supporters of all stripes to rally behind his ...

Romney ekes out win in Michigan

Fueled by waves of negative TV ads, the primary contest grew so heated that Michigans results were disputed even before the polls closed, thanks to the fact that Democrats were allowed to vote in the open primary by changing their party registration ...

Michigan Republican Primary - Election Results - Election 2012 ...

Michigan Republican Primary: Latest election results, polls and updates for the 2012 presidential election.

Should the results of Michigan and Florida Primaries be validated??

Answer: yes the the Dem party is considering it to so that the super delegates are less likely to determine the nominee this will put 366 delegates up for grabs if it to be a re vote that is what they are considering the Governor of fl said he is out raged that his peoples voices were not counted because some big shot Dem's decided to punish states for moving up there primaries but every vote should count is that not the cry of 4 years ago or is that only if it works on your favor
Category: Elections

election results from the August 8th democratic primary in Kalamazoo County Michigan?

Who were the democratic delegates selected for the convention
Answer: In a dem. primary, the whole country loses. Not just in political terms, but every delegate has to lose at least 10 IQ points by the time they finish making up their minds.
Category: Politics

Another Twist for G.O.P. as Santorum Fares Well

His candidacy all but dismissed just days ago, Rick Santorum won the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and a nonbinding primary in Missouri on Tuesday, an unexpected trifecta that raised fresh questions about Mitt Romneys ability to corral conservative support. With his triumphs, Mr. Santorum was also suddenly presenting new competition to Newt - Rick Santorum wins the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and a nonbinding primary in Missouri, reviving a candidacy that was all but dismissed days before; Santorums win also raises fresh questions about Mitt Romneys ability to corral conservative support. Photos (M) - By JIM RUTENBERG; Reporting was contributed by Jeff Zeleny, Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Malcolm Gay.

Race42012′s MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS Open Forum | Race 4 2012

As of this writing, the race stands at Romney to win at 64.4 on Intrade. And as always, have at it in the comments.

Michigan Election 2012: Mitt Romney Raps Rick Santorum Calls To ...

Michigan Election 2012: Mitt Romney Raps Rick Santorum Calls To Dems On Primary Day

Please predict the results of the Michigan primary?

Answer: Romney-39% Santorum- 36% Paul-20% Newt-5%
Category: Politics

MICHIGAN SHOWDOWN: Mitt Romney Narrowly Avoids A Huge Disaster

As we noted before, Michigan awards most of its delegates proportionally by Congressional districts. But election results are reported by county, so we are still waiting for an official delegate count from Michigan. In the meantime, a rough comparison of ...

Michigan primary: Results could reset GOP presidential contest

Seeking fresh momentum going into the Super Tuesday round of presidential contests, Republican contenders Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum were battling for advantage in crucial primary elections in Michigan and Arizona on Tuesday. Polls closed in ...

Poll : even if Ron Paul does not win many primarys he can still win the GOP nomination, Knowledge is power!?

yes watch and learn : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sb4ksRyvXA&list=FLC1LVRMXuLgzJS_AzBiC4lg&feature=mh_lolz yes lol 37 delegates of 2286 and needs 1144 to win the nomination! the Race has never started and is said Ron Paul should do extremely well in Nevada..Maine..Virginia and Texas! haha Ron Paul 2012! the more you say he cant win the more i will vote for him! January 3, 2012Iowa (caucus) – Results January 10, 2012New Hampshire (primary) – Results January 21, 2012South Carolina (primary) – Results January 31, 2012Florida (primary) February 4, 2012Nevada (caucus) February 4–11, 2012Maine (caucus) February 7, 2012Colorado (caucus) Minnesota (caucus) Missouri (primary) – *See note below on Missouri February 28, 2012Arizona (primary) Michigan (primary) March 3, 2012Washington (caucus) March 6, 2012 (Super Tuesday)Alaska (caucus) Georgia (primary) Idaho (caucus) Massachusetts (primary) North Dakota (caucus) Ohio (primary) Oklahoma (primary) Tennessee (primary) Vermont (primary) Virginia (primary) March 6-10, 2012Wyoming (caucus) March 10, 2012Kansas (caucus) U.S. Virgin Islands (caucus) March 13, 2012Alabama (primary) Hawaii (caucus) Mississippi (primary) March 17, 2012Missouri (GOP caucus) – *See note below on Missouri March 18, 2012Puerto Rico (primary) March 20, 2012Illinois (primary) March 24, 2012Louisiana (primary) April 3, 2012District of Columbia (primary) Maryland (primary) Wisconsin (primary) Texas (primary) April 24, 2012Connecticut (primary) Delaware (primary) New York (primary) Pennsylvania (primary) Rhode Island (primary) May 8, 2012Indiana (primary) North Carolina (primary) West Virginia (primary) May 15, 2012Nebraska (primary) Oregon (primary) May 22, 2012Arkansas (primary) Kentucky (primary) June 5, 2012California (primary) Montana (primary) New Jersey (primary) New Mexico (primary) South Dakota (primary) June 26, 2012Utah (primary) *Missouri: Missouri will hold a primary on February 7th, 2012, which will not count for delegates toward the 2012 GOP convention. The Missouri Republican Party will hold a caucus on March 17th, 2012, which will determine the delegates sent to the 2012 GOP convention
Answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scyMMjY2J7I Watch this.
Category: Politics

Arizona and Michigan Exit Polls and Primary Results, Live Blog ...

Tuesday, February 28 are the 2012 Arizona and Michigan Republican primaries. Right Pundits will cover the event with a Live Blog, providing exit poll data and primary ...

Live Stream: Arizona And MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS at Pat Dollard

Live Stream: Arizona And Michigan primary results. February 28th, 2012 (0) Posted By Angelia Phillips. Tweet ... Update: Arizona Primary To Be Held Feb. 28; Move Is A Shake Up To GOP Primary ScheduleLIVE STREAM VIDEO OF SOUTH ...

Romney Wins Arizona; Tight Race in Michigan

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Mitt Romney won the Arizona primary on Tuesday but was locked in a tight battle in Michigan with Rick Santorum , who hoped to parlay a strong showing here to establish himself as a credible and conservative challenger as the Republican race moves to the Super Tuesday contests next week. The victory by Mr. Romney in - By JEFF ZELENY

Why isnt CNN or Fox showing Edwards and Obamas results for the Michigan primary?

and whats uncommitted? Is that undecided votes? i didnt say it was a conspiracy just wanted to know why is all. well, i didnt know because i want watching the news.
Answer: Edwards and Obama are not on the Michigan primary ballot. They pulled out of the Michigan primary when Michigan decided to move their primary to Jan 15 from it's original February date. Uncommitted is what the Michigan Democratic party is trying to have Edwards and Obama supporters vote for, so that "uncommitted" can win seats on the electoral college and cast their votes for Edwards or Obama. It does not appear to be working, however.
Category: Politics

Michigan and Arizona Republican primary election results ...

Politics and Elections; Tuesday, February 28, 2012; Michigan and Arizona Republican primary election results; Starting sometime after polls close tonight you can ...

SOS - Previous Election Information

Secretary of State - State primary results and general election race results.

NEWS ANALYSIS; Certainty Fades as Romney Falters

CHARLESTON, S.C. -- For Mitt Romney, the South Carolina primary was not just a defeat, though it was most emphatically that. It was also where his campaign confronted the prospect it had most hoped to avoid: a dominant, surging and energized rival. The rebirth of Newt Gingrich, a notion that seemed far-fetched only weeks ago, has upended a litany - News analysis; Newt Gingrichs victory in the South Carolina Republican primary upends a litany of assumptions about the turbulent race, particularly about Mitt Romneys prospects, and raises the likelihood that the Republican contest could stretch into the springtime; Gingrichs showing suggests that Romney can no longer count on the support he is getting from the party establishment to carry him past a volatile conservative grass-roots movement. Photo (M) - By JEFF ZELENY

Michigan GOP Primary Results | Tea Party Cheer

Reclaiming Benjamin Franklins Promised Republic. Home; Bios. District & Territories. American Samoa. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (D-AS-At Large)

Michigan Republican Presidential primary results – Politics ...

Vote totals, delegate#32;totals, county results, and exit polls from NBC Politics.

Newt Gingrich Primary Results In Michigan, Arizona Downplayed By ...

CARROLLTON, Ga. — Trying to mount another comeback, Newt Gingrich skipped Tuesday's Republican presidential primaries in Michigan and Arizona to make a stand in the South and urged supporters in his home state to ...

Mitt Romney wins Arizona, Michigan

Mitt Romney scored two big primary victories Tuesday in Michigan, the state where he was born ... as news organizations were declaring Romney the winner, declared the results a boost for his candidacy nonetheless because of Romneys advantages ...

Are you satisfied with the results of the Michigan and Florida primaries?

Most convincing statement gets 10 pts.
Answer: I think so. I don't know what other solution they could have come up with that would have been fair to all parties concerned and taken all factors into account. That's especially true in Michigan.
Category: Law & Ethics

Romney ekes out win in Michigan GOP primary, breezes in Arizona contest

Fueled by waves of negative TV ads, the primary contest grew so heated that Michigans results were disputed even before the polls closed, thanks to the fact that Democrats were allowed to vote in the open primary by changing their party ...

Michigan and Arizona GOP primary results | The Diane Rehm Show ...

The Michigan primary is a crucial test for the Romney presidential campaign: What results there and in Arizona signal for the Republican presidential ...

Michigan Republican primary: How to follow along with the results

Watching the Michigan primary results tonight? Not sure how to keep track of the results? We’ve got you covered. Below is The Fix’s Michigan primary scorecard, which shows you how each candidate performed in each county in 2008, and provides ...

Election Results

Mitt Romney was campaigning with Kid Rock in Oakland County while Rick Santorum spent the night before Michigans Republican Primary campaigning in Kalamazoo.

MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: Grand Rapids joins rest of Kent County in Rick Santorum support

GRAND RAPIDS – City voters favored Sen. Rick Santorum over Mitt Romney by 313 votes Tuesday in Michigan’s Republican primary election. Santorum took 41.1 percent of the vote, while Romney got 39 percent. Voter turnout was 13 percent, with ...

Will Michigan Primary voters be reminded of how many actual delegates are up for August CONVENTION?

DO You understand how the Feb. 28 primary really is NOT the "make or break" contest that the Media is making it out to be? Will you vote in your Michigan Cong. District and are you concerned about which of the main Four Candidates is vying for a winner-take-all aspect ? ? ? 10 points for best answer -- heres the specific information from Free Press (Detroit) Online article on "What You Need to Know" about voting in the D. & R. Primaries on Tuesday from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. What does the outcome of the primary mean? Michigan Republicans will get 42 delegates based on the results within the states 14 congressional districts and another 14 at-large. Only 30 will be able to vote at the national convention because Michigan violated GOP rules by moving its primary to an earlier date. Because there is, in effect, an election within each congressional district, its possible a candidate who doesnt win the state could end up with more delegates by winning a majority of congressional districts. The 14 at-large delegates will be apportioned proportionately based on the statewide vote.
Category: Detroit


All eyes are on Michigan as the results roll in for the state's primary election. Mitt Romney was projected the winner in the Arizona primary on Tuesday.

Romney Wins Arizona Republican Primary Race, AP Projects

(Updates with Michigan results in second paragraph. For more on the 2012 campaign, see {ELECT }. Feb. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Mitt Romney won today’s Arizona Republican presidential primary, the Associated Press projected as the state’s polls ...

NEWS ANALYSIS; Team Obama Gears Up for 2012

AS North Carolina Republicans tell it, the Obama for America volunteers stole in under cover of night and stayed, undetected -- noticed belatedly only because of election results across the state. It was very scary, said Chris Sinclair, a strategist for Billie Redmond, the Republican candidate for mayor in Raleigh. You dont know whats going - News analysis; the grim economic outlook has compelled Pres Obamas campaign for reelection to adopt a combative strategy that will bear little resemblance to his uplifting 2008 campaign. Drawing, Photos (L) - A national political correspondent for The New York Times. - By JIM RUTENBERG

Election Center: Michigan primary voting resources for Saginaw ...

Election Center: Michigan primary voting resources for Saginaw County residents ... Beginning at 8 p.m. there will be a featured "election results" post containing ...

Do you think Obama leaving name off Michigan Primary Ballot was a calculated move?

The results of the primary elections have for the most part have been extremely predictable, at least outside of the "Obamamania" stint in the media. IE the states that Clinton carries and the states that Obama carries havent really changed that much looking a year back at polling data. Ergo, knowing that Clinton was a huge favorite in Michigan polls, Obama advisors could have foreseen the outcry from Michigan and Florida to have their delegates seated in such a hotly contested election. Leaving his name off the ballot would make any retroactive attempts to render the original Michigan Primary valid would be completely thwarted by the fact that Obamas name was not on the ballot. Seems a bit convoluted, but if you think about it for a bit, it really is quite intuitive, and if Obamas camaign advisors did not consider this scenario as a deciding factor in the deliberations to decide whether to put his name on the Michigan ballot, they should be flogge
Answer: it was a legal move. its not illegal to do that. Its clever strategy and it works in Obama favor because MI delegates will now be thrown out of convention. nothing wrong in that. Anything that benefits Obama is good. He is the best candidate!
Category: Elections

TONIGHT: Special Coverage of the Michigan Republican Primary ...

TONIGHT: Special Coverage of the Michigan Republican Primary + Real Time Results

Michigan Could Be Romneys Battle of the Bulge

Yet the results in both Michigan and Arizona suggest that ... the most closely watched state on next Tuesday’s “Super Tuesday” calendar. Like Michigan, Ohio’s 2008 primary electorate tilted heavily toward working-class voters: three ...

Michigan Republican Primary Results Ron Paul, Romney, and Santorum ...

Michigan Republican Primary Results Live From Michigan. Republican Primary. Ron Paul has polled in second place and Rick Santorum is currently leading ...

Michigan and Florida - why bother with democratic primaries?

So Im a little confused about this Michigan and Florida thing. I understand that they will not be able to send delegates to the democratic convention because they broke the rules and tried to move their primaries up. However, I read somewhere Hillary won the Michigan primary - so obviously they still had a primary. What is the point of holding a primary if you have no delegates? I thought I also saw somewhere that the presidential nominee has the power to reinstate the delegates.. what does that mean exactly? Does the nominee who has the most delegates after all the other states decide have the power to reinstate (with the assumption the delegates will vote for that candidate)? Do the primary results in Michigan and Florida have/will have ANY effect at all on the outcome?
Answer: All the democratic presidential candidates agreed not to campaign or rally in Michigan or Florida because the election committee hadn't authorized to move the primary up. Obama requested that his name be taken off the Michigan ballot. That's why she "won" the Michigan primary. There was a primary held there because Republicans were also holding one there. Some primaries are held at different time for each party. To reinstate delegates it has to be voted on by the election committee. however, delegates and super delegates are beginning to jump clinton's ship and over to obama's. you best believe Billary is going to take it to the courts. michigan and florida won't matter after all the delegates are counted by August (DNC) at Colorado.
Category: Elections

Would it have been smart to withhold the results of the Michigan and Florida primaries?

We knew the winner was going to try and get the votes to count. And of course the loser wants a re-vote. In retro-spect, do you think the states should have withheld the results until after the DNC? Or until the Dems convinced the DNC to let the votes count? Sasha - the issue at hand - whether or not the voters have been disenfranchised - would be looked at objectively. Now, there are people who benefit from the original votes counting, and there are people who benefit from a revote.
Answer: They say hind site is 20/20... It was a poorly thought out concept, and executed in the same manner... Much like a democratic idea... What happened to the first 100 days in office? We are still waiting on that one as well...
Category: Elections

Michigan, Arizona Primaries: A Cresting Wave Of Panic And Hype Make Tonights Contests Pivotal

And Santorum could make Tuesdays Michigan primary a "pivotal" moment in the campaign ... he actually claims a greater share of the actual award. So, yeah: the results of Tuesdays primaries will probably be interpreted in some titanically ...

Crystal Ball: Predicting Michigan GOP Primary Results

We’re journalists, not prognosticators. But in this business, sometimes it is just irresistible to try our luck at forecasting primary results. Below, ABC News staffers offer predictions on who will win the Michigan primary, when the last polls close at ...

How badly will throwing out the Florida & Michigan Dem. primary results affect Obama in the fall?

Did they give those states to McCain? ps information police...sounds like Al Gores famous last words!
Answer: In FL, it will affect Obama badly if those delegates are not seated. That aside, even if those delegates are seated, FL favors Clinton HEAVILY over Obama. Anyone who says otherwise does not know the state of FL at all. If Obama wins the nom and goes up against McCain in Nov., he wll lose FL to McCain. No doubt. Clinton is the only one who has a chance of winning FL against McCain in November. Obama is not favored there in a general election match-up.
Category: Elections

Feuding Hurts G.O.P.s Hopes To Win Senate

WASHINGTON -- In a chamber of ample egos and matching oratory, Senator Bob Casey, the Pennsylvania Democrat, is understatement defined, his excitement most often registered by some extra eyebrow activity. His low-radar personality, combined with exceedingly high unemployment and a dim view of President Obama back in his home state, make Mr. Casey - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER

When will the result of the Michigan primary be announced?

Im in the UK so answer ET/CET/PT etc
Category: Elections

2012 Michigan Primary - Results | Politics | Fox News

See the official 2012 Michigan primary results. MI results by county, and MI exit polls as well as live video, chat and analysis from Fox News.

Building a Better Mitt-Bot

Your story about dust regulation captures my interest, Mitt Romney said to the farmer, sounding as if he actually meant it. It was a late October afternoon in Treynor, Iowa, the setting for one of those campaign meta-events at which a presidential candidate enjoys a casual moment with real people that is in fact carefully staged and dutifully - Robert Draper article examines reasons behind decision by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneys campaign to portray him as a fixer and a business man, rather than someone voters would feel comfortable having a beer with. Photos (L)a - By ROBERT DRAPER

2012 Primary Schedule « 2012 Election Central

The 2012 GOP primary/caucus schedule is nearly set in stone. ... Results, 30, Primary, Primary Information from Michigan Department of State. March 3, 2012 ...

Prolonged G.O.P. Race Forces Romney to Recalibrate

TROY, Mich. — Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses the Michigan and Arizona primaries on Tuesday, his advisers are warning donors and other supporters to prepare for a longer, more bruising and more expensive fight for the Republican presidential nomination that may not be settled until at least May. That is prompting a new round of intensified - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY

The PJ Tatler » Open Thread: Michigan, Arizona Primary Results

Open Thread: Michigan, Arizona Primary Results. No numbers yet but they should be coming in soon. Mitt Romney looks to be cruising to a blowout win in Arizona, so naturally the nation's lonely eyes turn to Michigan to see if ...

Crossover voter threat in Michigan? Officials say they’re unconcerned

DEARBORN, Mich.-- As the state of Michigan prepares for Tuesdays presidential primary, questions remain about whether Democrats could skew the results via crossover voting. The state of Michigan has no party registration requirement, so any registered ...

Michigan Politics & Elections - MLive.com

25 minutes ago ... Rick Santorum speaks in Grand Rapids after Michigan Primary ... The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza said the results in Kent, Macomb, ...

SOS - Elections in Michigan

Michigan Voter Information Center With this tool you can determine if you are ... Previous Election Information: Learn about: State primary results and general election race ...

Competition: predict the Michigan and Arizona primary results ...

Outdo the pollsters and correctly forecast the winners and losers of the Republican primaries in Michigan and Arizona. Americas opinion pollsters and political ...

Michigan Primary Election Results - Election Guide 2008 - Results ...

Results are official totals from the state election authority. *The Democratic National Committee penalized Michigan Democrats for holding ...

Michigan GOP election heads to uncertain finish

Complete Election results can be found at various partners and government websites: ... Preview of Tuesdays Michigan primary ballot ; Michigan GOP election heads to uncertain ...

Michigan Primary strange results. If obama just gave Clinton those four stupid delegates would she be quiet?

She really is getting more then she deserves. I dont know how you feel about Florida but there is no way Michigan should of ever counted. This has got to be the most ridiculous primary ever. They should of taught the darn state a lesson but since they want party unity they should just split the delegates in half. That 69-59 delegate split is the biggest giberjaber ever. It actually shines a little negatively on Obama for agreeing and now it looks like hes "hijacking" (such stupidity) the four delegates. His lead is nice and hes going to win in South Dakota and Montana. And the Supers will pledge soon, its time to finish this stuff not open silly unethical can of worms. Michigan voters got of strangely. I still say this delegate allocation was full of ballony.
Answer: I don't think she is the person who is able to be quiet, but Maybe Obama should have given her the four "hijacked" delegates, since , please God, he is going to win the nomination anyway.
Category: Elections


See http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21229213 Can someone explain what is going on with that state? No delegates for the Democrat race, and Obama is not even listed? Im confused.
Answer: Michigan moved their primary to before February 5th. This violated DNC rules, so they got their delegates revoked. Obama decided to take his name off the ballot in Michigan. So did Edwards. Clinton and a few other Democrats stayed on the ballot. The outcome of the election won't have any impact on the Democratic nomination, because Michigan doesn't get to send any voting delegates to the Democratic National Convention based on the primary results.
Category: Elections

Was the Michigan primary fair?

You may recall that in Michigan Hillarys name was the only one on the ballot. Last Wednesday Hillary Clinton said: "If youre a voter from Florida or Michigan you know that we should count your votes. The results of those primaries were fair and they should be honored."
Answer: "Fair" and "rules" are defined differently by the Clintonistas. Democratic candidates have always been determined by smoke-filled rooms and smashed knee-caps, and I don't expect this tradition will be replaced by a reasonable, rational, or fair method. Democrat voters should fear not. The Vanguard of the Proletariat of the DNC was established to protect our best interests. They don't need our input, anyway.
Category: Elections


5 hours ago ... All eyes are on Michigan as the results roll in for the state's primary election. The latest polls on the race in the Wolverine State signaled the ...

Romney Takes A Solid Victory In Nevada Vote

LAS VEGAS -- Mitt Romney handily won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, solidifying his status as the front-runner and increasing his momentum as he seeks to use the month of February to ease doubts within the Republican Party about his candidacy and begin confronting President Obama. Mr. Romney ran well ahead of his three opponents on a night that - Mitt Romney wins the Nevada caucuses handily, solidifying his status as the front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination; it is Romneys second decisive victory in four days, following his first-place finish in Florida. Photo (M)m - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY; Reporting was contributed by Ashley Parker in Las Vegas, and Marjorie Connelly, David R. Jones, Allison Kopicki and Dalia Sussman in New York.

Michigan and Arizona Exit Polls

Polls of voters in Tuesday’s Republican primary in Michigan highlight the deep tension underpinning the Republican nominating contest, with Mitt Romney holding steady as the most electable candidate while Rick Santorum waged a serious challenge with a strong conservative base. About half of voters in Michigan said Mr. Romney was the candidate - By DALIA SUSSMAN

2012 Michigan Primary - Results | Politics | Fox News

See the official 2012 Michigan primary results. MI results by county, and MI exit polls as well as live video, chat and analysis from Fox News.

Primary results: Will Romneys Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura of inevitability?

Tuesday was a big night for Mitt Romney. In Michigan, where the contest has been especially heated and polls have swung wildly between Romney and Mr. Santorum in recent weeks, it was a closer battle, with Romney projected to win with about 41 ...

Michigan and Arizona Primary results › 2.0: The Blogmocracy

This is an open thread to discuss the results of Michigan and Arizona primaries. Update: Romney has been declared the winner in Arizona. WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney coasted to victory in the Arizona primary ...

Michigan Republican primary, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2008 Michigan Republican primary took place on January 15, 2008. Mitt Romney came ... 2008 Presidential Republican Primary Election Results - Michigan". Dave Leips Atlas ...

Rick Santorum Primary Results: GOP Hopeful Addresses Supporters After Michigan, Arizona Losses

Rick Santorum addressed supporters on what he called "an absolutely great night" Tuesday. Santorum had already lost the Arizona primary to rival Mitt Romney when he began his speech. As Santorum spoke to supporters, NBC News projected Romney as ...

MICHIGAN PRIMARY RESULTS: Mitt Romney takes Jackson County

JACKSON -- Mitt Romney has won Jackson County in Michigans primary. Romney won Jackson County by more than 800 votes with all 76 precincts reporting results, according to unofficial totals from the Jackson County Clerks Office. Totals were ...

Mitt Romney Wins: <b>Michigan primary results</b> 2012 http://t.co/7mH2AoSHMitt Romney Wins: Michigan primary results 2012 http://t.co/7mH2AoSH
From: jessicakicks - Source: Hill_Politics

Mitt Romney Wins: <b>Michigan primary results</b> 2012 http://t.co/InkxjijiMitt Romney Wins: Michigan primary results 2012 http://t.co/Inkxjiji
From: jessicakicks - Source: Hill_Politics

Newt Gingrich Primary Re http://t.co/iKVlpvI3Newt Gingrich Primary Re http://t.co/iKVlpvI3
From: jessicakicks - Source: Hill_Politics

@Timmerie Michigan -vote break down by district; Sanitorum dominates http://t.co/iFL5rnrP | Dem crossover strategy to sabotage outcome@Timmerie Michigan -vote break down by district; Sanitorum dominates http://t.co/iFL5rnrP | Dem crossover strategy to sabotage outcome
From: DaveyHo69 - Source: Plume for Android

Michigan primary: Results could reset GOP presidential contest http://t.co/BF45QvUFMichigan primary: Results could reset GOP presidential contest http://t.co/BF45QvUF
From: readitr - Source: Google

#LOL This fucking guy speaks like a Toddler #Romney: "America is the greatest nation in the history of the earth"  http://t.co/WNMbYRE2#LOL This fucking guy speaks like a Toddler #Romney: "America is the greatest nation in the history of the earth" http://t.co/WNMbYRE2
From: CaramelCoolata - Source: web

<b>Michigan primary results</b> by Congressional District http://t.co/78vbHfbK #electionMichigan primary results by Congressional District http://t.co/78vbHfbK #election
From: Valpey - Source: web

Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential hopefuls competed in t... http://t.co/MyQppxLqPrimary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential hopefuls competed in t... http://t.co/MyQppxLq
From: FreeGiveaways_ - Source: twitterfeed

Huffingtonpost news Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential ho...  http://t.co/Gpz9iqFjHuffingtonpost news Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential ho... http://t.co/Gpz9iqFj
From: JwForum - Source: twitterfeed

Huffingtonpost news Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential ho...  http://t.co/zzmCmriUHuffingtonpost news Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential ho... http://t.co/zzmCmriU
From: bnogr - Source: twitterfeed

Primary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential hopefuls competed in t... http://t.co/4VIpdn4bPrimary Results For Michigan, Arizona: Winners & Losers (PHOTOS): Republican presidential hopefuls competed in t... http://t.co/4VIpdn4b
From: newsworldstoday - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Michigan primary results</b>: Grand Rapids joins rest of Kent County in Rick Santorum support http://t.co/5o2hbrlbMichigan primary results: Grand Rapids joins rest of Kent County in Rick Santorum support http://t.co/5o2hbrlb
From: tghtwitt - Source: dlvr.it

#Romney wins Michigans GOP primary. Beats #Santorum with 3-percent squeaker. #RonPaul, distant third. http://t.co/COLFikSm#Romney wins Michigans GOP primary. Beats #Santorum with 3-percent squeaker. #RonPaul, distant third. http://t.co/COLFikSm
From: HDWire - Source: web

<b>Michigan primary results</b>, olympia snowe, ihop, ... http://t.co/PWuIualMMichigan primary results, olympia snowe, ihop, ... http://t.co/PWuIualM
From: HourlySearch - Source: dlvr.it

Video: Exit polls hint at Michigan GOP primary results http://t.co/VdL3WkcfVideo: Exit polls hint at Michigan GOP primary results http://t.co/VdL3Wkcf
From: ultramutra - Source: Visibli

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