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MONSANTO - SourceWatch
Monsanto is considered the mother of agricultural biotechnology. The company produces biotechnology and genomics and herbicides for corn, cotton, oil seeds, and ...
Why does barack obama support MONSANTO is it because they are both out to destroy?
Many truly hate the idea of Monsantos seeds reaching our tables yet the supposed lover of the US and its people is supporting farming practices that have been proven to be poisonous to animals, the environment and certainly people. Is it his wish to see the the downfall of the states?
Answer: Is this about genetic engineering?Yes, it is. Your fears are groundless and as wacky as Sharron Angle's saying water fluoridation is a Communist plot.Considering Bush allowed so much food to get to American consumers that led to e coli and botulism poisoning, I laugh at your saying Obama is indifferent to our food's quality. LOL, LOL because this is absurd.
Category: Elections
How can MONSANTO be stopped from taking over the food supply?
Especially now that Obama will appoint a ex-Monsanto exectutive for Head of Agriculture. What can we do?
Answer: Only buy from farmer's markets and grow your own.
Category: Politics
How did MONSANTO gain so much control over the food supply?
How did Monsanto manage to gain a monopoly over roughly 80% of the processed food supply?
Answer: Patents...Notably, Monsato tried to patent the Neem plant in India, however they were challenged in the World Court--and lost.
Category: Politics
Food Safety Official’s Ties to MONSANTO Spur Petition for Ouster
A top U.S. regulator’s ties to Monsanto Co. (MON), a maker of genetically modified food, are fueling an election-year recall push by consumer and public-interest groups flexing their clout on the Internet. Michael Taylor, the Food and Drug ...
MONSANTO: The evil corporation in your refrigerator - DailyFinance
When we consider the rogues gallery of devilish, over-sized, greedy and disproportionately powerful corporations, we generally come up with outfits like Microsoft ...
MONSANTO news and articles - Natural health news
See all 115 Monsanto feature articles. Concept-related articles: cancer: Cancer is not a Disease - Its a Survival Mechanism (Book Excerpt) The mineral selenium ...
Judge Sides With MONSANTO, Ridicules Organic Farmers | Food ...
On February 24, Judge Naomi Buchwald handed down her ruling on a motion to dismiss in the case of Organic Seed Growers and Trade Assn et al v. Monsanto after hearing oral argument on January 31st in Federal District ...
Organic Consumers Association: Millions Against MONSANTO
Research and Action Center for the Organic, Buy local, and Fair trade movements.
Why does the MONSANTO Corporation fool us so successfully?
I am referring to the fact that Monsanto manufacture a poisonous chemical, sell it to the food industry and make a fortune doing it. I am constantly amazed at the ignorance of the public and professionals (especially Yahoos Dr Chris Steele) about the true nature of Aspatame. How long will it be before people realise what this chemical does to them?
I know first hand of the effects and how dangerous Aspartame is!
Answer: Well, since you're not really asking a question, and are just trying to get your word out, why don't you tell us all about what a poison it is. Really, I'm interested.
Category: Other - General Health Care
Want to Get Fat on Wall Street? Try Protesting
AFTER nearly two weeks of living among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in downtown Manhattan, Ellis Roberts, 25, a Pennsylvania garbage collector laid off last year, looked scruffy and dazed. He was not, however, hungry. Ive been here for 12 days, and Ive put on 5 pounds, he said, sitting on the ground in front of a handmade sign that said - Makeshift kitchen in Zuccotti Park has fed thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters each day, and is developing a cuisine that is free-form, eclectic, improvisatory and contradictory; requests for food go out on Twitter and various Web sites sympathetic to the protesters and somehow in spontaneous waves, day after day, the food pours in. Photos (M) - By JEFF GORDINIER
Moodys raises debt rating on MONSANTO
NEW YORK (AP) -- Moodys Investors Service upgraded its debt rating on Monsanto Co. Tuesday, saying the worlds biggest seed company is generating healthy cash flows as it boosts sales of genetically altered seeds. Moodys raised its rating on ...
MONSANTO Settles West Virginia Lawsuits Over Nitro Plant
Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Monsanto Co., the world’s biggest seed company, agreed to settle all pending litigation relating to dioxin contamination from a plant in Nitro, West Virginia, that produced Agent Orange herbicide decades ago. The ...
MONSANTO Agrees to Pay Victims of Dioxin in West Virginia…But Not Much
Giant chemical corporation Monsanto has agreed to a tentative settlement requiring it to pay nearly $100 million to settle claims that its factory in Nitro, West Virginia, contaminated the small town and its residents with the toxic chemical dioxin, a ...
Modified Crops Tap a Wellspring of Protest
SILENT in flannel shirts and ponytails, farmers from Saskatchewan and South Dakota, Mississippi and Massachusetts lined the walls of a packed federal courtroom in Manhattan last week, as their lawyers told a judge that they were no longer able to keep genetically modified crops from their fields. The hearing is part of a debate that is coming to - Consumer resistance to transgenic or genetically modified foods remains high as farmers from across country claim they cannot keep genetically modified crops from their fields; it is a debate that is coming to life in courtrooms, boardrooms and online, with new petitions, ballot initiatives and lawsuits; for the most part, the spread of transgenic seeds into the American food supply has been purposeful, carried out by farmers and scientists who see enormous advantages in hardier plants. Photo (M) - By JULIA MOSKIN
MONSANTOs Dark History 1901-2011
Monsantos dark company history of polluting the planet with agent orange, DDT, PCBs, RoundUp, dioxin, aspartame, rBST rBGH milk Posilac shots - not to mention most ...
Looking Ahead
ECONOMIC REPORTS Data will include I.S.M. manufacturing index for December and construction spending for November (Tuesday); Factory orders for November (Wednesday); ADP employment for December, weekly jobless claims and I.S.M. service index for December (Thursday) and unemployment for December (Friday). CORPORATE EARNINGS Companies reporting will
Its Biotech Products Rejected In Europe, BASF to Refocus
BRUSSELS -- BASF, the German chemical group, has abandoned efforts to sell genetically modified products in Europe, including its Amflora potato, because of overwhelming opposition to the technology, the company said Monday. There is still a lack of acceptance for this technology in many parts of Europe -- from the majority of consumers, farmers - German chemical group BASF abandons efforts to sell genetically modified products in Europe, citing overwhelming opposition to the technology among Europeans; BASF will refocus its efforts on markets in the Americas and in Asia. (M)2 - By JAMES KANTER
If there were one word to explain what Monsanto is about, it would have to be farmers. It is our purpose to help them meet the needs of a growing population ...
Why is MONSANTO purchasing all the major seed companies world wide?
and who is running Monsanto now? Rumsfield .... mass murderer?
Answer: That's scary. I hope they don't succeed. And the best part of this is that they never got our permission for these government subsidized experiments! Yet Monsanto can continue to poison us with government handouts!
Codex alimentarius:
Category: Green Living
Where can I find a relatively exhaustive list of brands owned by MONSANTO?
Not just Monsanto even, it would be even better if there was a list for all the major companies. But like, I know they make saccharin, but do they make ALL of it? I want to know which brands to stop buying.
Answer: Check their website. They're proud of what they do, and they'll probably help you stop using their stuff.
They typically provide products to farmers who grow the food, not actual food additives.
Good luck with your quest. Unless you grow your own food with seeds you find naturally, it's unlikely you'll be able to avoid their products.
Category: Green Living
MONSANTO wins dismissal of Maine organic growers’ gene-patent suit
NEW YORK — Monsanto Co., the world’s largest seed company, has won the dismissal of a lawsuit by growers of organic crops, including some from Maine, seeking to have its patents for genetically altered seeds invalidated. U.S. District Judge ...
MONSANTO on the Forbes Global 2000 List
Monsanto Company (Monsanto), along with its subsidiaries, is a provider of agricultural products for farmers. The Companys seeds, biotechnology trait products, and ...
Answering for Taking a Drillers Cash
The recent disclosure of the Sierra Clubs secret acceptance of $26 million in donations from people associated with a natural gas company has revived an uncomfortable debate among environmental groups about corporate donations and transparency. The gifts from the company, Chesapeake Energy, have drawn criticism from some environmentalists. - By FELICITY BARRINGER
MONSANTO Wins Worst Company of 2011 Award | Care2 Healthy Living
Feb 1, 2012 ... Biotechnology company, Monsanto, declared worst company of 2011 for the human health and environmental effects of GM seed--by ...
What is the difference between a company like MONSANTO and a drug cartel morally speaking?
If you dont know that much about Monsanto, either look them up or dont answer please.
The Zeitgeist, I stole my avatar from a digitized copy of the cover of Ron Pauls next book. I doubt he would mind!
Answer: Drug cartels limit their illegal activity to producing drugs and the odd murder.
Monsanto and companies like them are implicated in mass exploitation and state terrorism...
... as well as producing drugs and the odd murder.
Category: Politics
Hard to Believe: MONSANTO Won
A federal judge ruled in favor of Monsanto by dismissing the case, which would protect family farmers from GMO seed drift.
MONSANTO Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement | Natural Society
Monsanto tentatively agreed to a $93 million settlement with some residents of Nitro, West Virginia over their Agent Orange 2,4,5-T herbicide.
Dow & MONSANTO Join Forces to Poison America
2,4-D and agent orange are two nasty herbicides. I hope this partnership doesnt gain traction and manage to lobby the easily corrupted politicians in Washington for changes in the regulations. Years of research have already concluded these ...
MONSANTO Corporation Sucks
Monsanto:- Bio-dictators and Gene Manipulators useing biotechnology to genetically engineer our food and not label it - no traceability, how smart!
Class-Action Lawsuit Against MONSANTO Is Dismissed -
The plaintiffs, a consortium of farmers, were seeking to have Monsanto's agricultural patents invalidated.
MONSANTO wins Pioneer appeal of patent dispute
Feb 28 (Reuters) - Monsanto Co has won another round in a long-standing patent dispute with chief rival Pioneer Hi-Bred International, as a federal appellate court on Tuesday upheld Monsantos ownership of a patent on transgenic corn. The U.S ...
How does MONSANTO GMO corn and other food products, improve food safety?
Monsanto corn is genetically engineered to be toxic to insects, requiring farmers to plant refuge crops for the bugs to eat. Monsanto tells us that GMO corn and other food products are completely safe to eat and the regulations they wrote ensure us that only Monsanto crops are safe to eat.
In what ways does Monsanto and the Federal government that is owned by them and other corporations, ensure food safety?
Category: Politics
Organic Consumers Association: Millions Against MONSANTO
Research and Action Center for the Organic, Buy local, and Fair trade movements.
MONSANTO Corporation Sucks
Monsanto:- Bio-dictators and Gene Manipulators useing biotechnology to genetically engineer our food and not label it - no traceability, how smart!
When you take your career to Monsanto, you'll join a team where your skills, your ideas and your know-how can do more than contribute to the bottom line.
Nitro and MONSANTO: A love-hate relationship
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Gertie Estep says, even though some of her family members might have died from working at the Monsanto Chemical Co. in Nitro, they lived a good life. "Two-thirds of the families here in Nitro were raised from Monsanto money," said ...
LETTER FROM WASHINGTON; Americas Economic Bright Spot: Farming
The most avid political junkies probably couldnt name five U.S. agriculture secretaries; Tom Vilsack, the current occupant of the post, may be about to join that short list. The farm sector is one of the few bright spots in a rough U.S. economy. Mr. Vilsack, the popular former governor of Iowa, who has an appreciation of policy and politics, is - By ALBERT R. HUNT
How do we know if our corn came from MONSANTOs?
I heard that Monsanto GMO Corn is Linked to organ failure, So i would like to avoid Monsanto Corn.
Answer: It's impossible to avoid in the US unless you eat 100% organic food all the time, or grow your own.
You can reduce your exposure by reducing the amount of processed food you eat, especially anything containing high fructose corn syrup.
Category: Vegetarian & Vegan
Is MONSANTO the most hated company in the world?
Ive never seen so much dislike and contempt aimed at a company like Ive seen directed at Monsanto. People out there REALLY hate this company!! Is Monsanto the most hated company IN THE WORLD do you think?
Answer: Apple
Category: Corporations
Can someone explain what is the main problem with MONSANTO and the genetically modified seeds and crops?
Ive read all the negative stories from the leftists, and from the conspiracy theorists, and i still dont understand what the main problem is.
Are they saying that the Monsanto seeds and crops are going to pollinate the "real" crops eventually, and make the "real" ones extinct like dinosaurs?
Answer: Increased water usage, terminator seeds, lower yields, genetic side-effects on the people who eat them.... There's plenty of reasons, The possibility that the GMO genes will infiltrate the wild population would irretrievably destroy the original blueprint and via mutational cascades have unforeseen consequences to the people who rely on food crops: that is, everyone.
Category: Current Events
Judge tosses suit against MONSANTO
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against agricultural biotechnology giant Monsanto Co. that sought to protect organic farmers from litigation if their fields were to become contaminated by genetically altered seed. Federal judge Naomi Buchwald of ...
Paid Notice: Deaths NOLAN, JOSEPH
NOLAN--Joseph. Former New York Times journalist, executive at RCA, Chase Bank and Monsanto, he earned a Ph.D. in economics in his fifties and fulfilled his dream of becoming a college professor, teaching in South Carolina and Florida. He is survived by his daughter, Carol Rigolot of Princeton, NJ, his son, David Nolan of St. Augustine, FL, four
MONSANTO prevails in suit brought by organic growers | JunkScience ...
A federal judge has ruled in favor of global seed giant Monsanto Co, dismissing a lawsuit brought by a consortium of U.S. organic farmers and seed dealers who said their industry is at risk from Monsanto's growing market ...
Agricultural Sales Jobs | R&D | Agronomy Careers at MONSANTO
Looking for jobs in Agronomy, R&D, Agricultural Sales, Seed Production, or Engineering? Monsanto has career information for you in these areas and more.
Class-Action Lawsuit Against MONSANTO Is Dismissed
A federal class-action lawsuit brought last year by a consortium of farmers against the agricultural and chemical company Monsanto was dismissed Monday by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of Federal District Court. The plaintiffs, none of whom use ...
MONSANTO news and articles
2/16/2012 - Prior to the year 2000, the Monsanto Co. owned the NutraSweet Co., which is responsible for the inventions of both aspartame and neotame, two ...
Are MONSANTO genetically modified foods better than the stuff humans ate before 1995?
Today, genetically modified food from Monsanto is about all we can get today. They tell us that were crazy to eat anything but GMOs and are probably terrorists if we grow our own food, or go organic.
How did the human race manage to survive thousands of years without GMOs and how are GMOs better than the crappy natural stuff we had to eat in the old days?
Answer: you can water those plants with roundup and it doesn't kill them. (genetic crossover note) the weeds that roundup (thanks to bees pollenating) used to kill are aquiring that resistence, too.
Category: Politics
When you take your career to Monsanto, youll join a team where your skills, your ideas and your know-how can do more than contribute to the bottom line. Youll help ...
MONSANTO wins dismissal of Maine organic growers' gene-patent suit ...
NEW YORK — Monsanto Co., the world's largest seed company, has won the dismissal of a lawsuit by growers of organic crops, including some from Maine, seeking to have its patents for genetically altered seeds invalidated.
MONSANTO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the worlds leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed ...
Farmers Fail At Suing MONSANTO Before MONSANTO Sues Them - The ...
Seed industry titan Monsanto is infamous for its patent infringement lawsuits against farmers for allegedly using its proprietary seeds without paying. Defendants often claim that Monsanto seeds are so prevalent that crops ...
Attention MONSANTO Seeds they are trying to monopozlie the seed market?
America You need to look this up and understand whats going on with our health our food and our Monsanto stuff.
PS last time my question got violated of notice I suppose this is a real threat.
Answer: You do realize the purpose of a patent, to provide a monopoly for a set period of time on a certain product.
Category: Law & Ethics
MONSANTO Logs $126 Million Profit, Topping Expectations
The agribusiness Monsanto posted a higher-than-expected quarterly profit Thursday, driven primarily by expanding business in Brazil and Argentina and strong seed orders in the United States for spring planting. Monsanto also announced 14 areas of advancement in its research and development platforms, noting progress in corn, soy, cotton, wheat and - By REUTERS
If there were one word to explain what Monsanto is about, it would have to be farmers. It is our purpose to help them meet the needs of a growing population -- by ...
MONSANTO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, ...
MONSANTOs Harvest of Fear | Politics | Vanity Fair
Feature article on the companys hardball legal tactics against farmers and co-ops, and Monsantos attempt to disown responsibility for production of toxic chemicals ...
Why is MONSANTO buying up all the major seed companies world wide?
and who is running Monsanto now? Rumsfield... mass murderer?
Answer: Seeds are being stored in a secret underground complex of an unknown location.It is the duty of this government to prepare for a nuclear,biological or chemical attack in which case the survivors of such will be enslaved by the remaining elite to grow food products for the survival of said elite.
Category: Law & Ethics
USDA to Give MONSANTO’s New GMO Crops Special ‘Speed Approval’
If you thought Monsanto’s lack of testing on their current GMO crops was bad before, prepare to now be blown away by the latest statement by the USDA. Despite links to organ damage and mutated insects, the USDA says that it is changing the ...
MONSANTO: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
The Monsanto Company is a US-based multinational. agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the worlds leading producer of the herbicide. glyphosate, marketed in ...
MONSANTO Wins Legal Case, Twirls Mustache, Cackles, Dashes Off
Mondays news will not dampen the disdain voiced by many. A New York Federal court has booted out a lawsuit filed on behalf of thousands of certified organic farmers hoping to land a blow against Monsantos alleged habit of going after those who ...
Judge Sides with MONSANTO in Lawsuit Ridicules Farmers’ Right to Grow Food without Genetic Contamination and Economic Harm
New York, NY - Judge Naomi Buchwald’s February 24 decision dismissing the case of Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al v. Monsanto was met with great disappointment by organic farmers, seed growers and agricultural organizations—and a ...
Court Rules In Favor Of MONSANTO In Organic Seed Growers Litigation
( - Monsanto Co. (MON) announced that the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has dismissed a lawsuit brought by The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association or OSGATA and dozens of other plaintiff growers and ...
MONSANTO's Harvest of Fear | Politics | Vanity Fair
Feature article on the company's hardball legal tactics against farmers and co- ops, and Monsanto's attempt to disown responsibility for production of toxic ...
Highlights: Take Action: Tell PBS to Stop Spreading Monsantos Propaganda. Latest News: Monsanto acquired Delta & Pine Aug 16, 2006 The multinational announced ...
MONSANTO 1, Organic Farmers 0, in New York Court Ruling | Care2 ...
A New York judge dismissed the suit by organic farmers against the biotech giant, Monsanto.
Where results contain multi-variation listings, the item counts on the page are inclusive of all matching variations that are available.
Paid Notice: Deaths NOLAN, JOSEPH
NOLAN--Joseph. Former New York Times journalist, executive at RCA, Chase Bank and Monsanto, he earned a Ph.D. in economics in his fifties and fulfilled his dream of becoming a college professor, teaching in South Carolina and Florida. He is survived by his daughter, Carol Rigolot of Princeton, NJ, his son, David Nolan of St. Augustine, FL, four
Monsanto is an agricultural company. Farmers around the world use our innovative products to address on-farm challenges and reduce agricultures overall impact on our ...
On MONSANTO around the United States how many business workers are there?
What are their population in numbers, who supports Monsanto, how many workers are they doing to make profit for business, how much money they make?
Answer: to the best i know - population: around 2 lacs
how many workers? around 20% of its population. how much money? very difficult to say. enough to run a comfortable life, i can say.
Category: Corporations
What do you think are MONSANTOs political reasons for purchasing Blackwater?
Monsanto is an agriculture conglomerate. They are in the business of buying up farms and ranches, buying/selling/packaging/marketing a good portion of our meat/dairy/grain/vegetables.
Blackwater is a mercenary organization perhaps you have heard of them.
What do you think most rancers and farmers are? I am republican. Obviously the people on the Blackwaters board of directors are have gone liberal on certain issues.
Answer: To make money. And if it upsets liberals I am happy with it.
Category: Politics
Answering for Taking a Drillers Cash
The recent disclosure of the Sierra Clubs secret acceptance of $26 million in donations from people associated with a natural gas company has revived an uncomfortable debate among environmental groups about corporate donations and transparency. The gifts from the company, Chesapeake Energy, have drawn criticism from some environmentalists. - Sierra Clubs secret acceptance of $26 million in contributions from natural gas company Chesapeake Energy draws fierce criticism from some environmental groups and allies who question the organizations ties to corporations; Michael Brune, Sierra Clubs executive director, acknowledges donations and says he decided to cut them off after taking over in 2010. Photo (M) - By FELICITY BARRINGER
Bill Gates, Monsanto, y la eugenesia: ¿Cómo uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo, está promoviendo activamente...
From: iberonat - Source: twitterfeed
#occupywallstreet govt for #Monsanto and by Monsanto vote out those who do not represent the people
From: clandestine74 - Source: SAM Broadcaster Song Info
The World According to Monsanto~(documentary) #GMO
From: BobbyElectric - Source: web
Salud Natural y Bioterapias: Bill Gates, Monsanto, y la eugenesia: ¿Cómo uno de...
From: iberonat - Source: Tweet Button
Monsanto wins a patent appeal over Pioneer Hi-Bred International
From: globaltrendsday - Source: gtdaily
Judge Dismisses Organic Farmers Case Against Monsanto GreenerGreenGrass Organic Lawn Care Blog ;) Monsanto
From: RenayBouillion - Source: web
loved Judge Rules Against Organic Farmers in Monsanto Case; Infowars Nightly News on Boxee
From: zorkFrob - Source: boxee
RT @eco_i: Victory for Monsanto, While Organic Farmers Rights Denied
From: simplynonna - Source: SocialOomph
Bill Gates, Monsanto, y la eugenesia: ¿Cómo uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo, está pr...
From: AlbaAcupuntura - Source: twitterfeed
RT @universnature: Monsanto envahit le secteur agricole français «, en prise directe avec linfo via @addthis
From: fabbihner - Source: Tweet Button
Chemtrails controlled by OLGACOM I.E. Monsanto.. [Proof in video]
From: LauraTyco - Source: NetworkedBlogs
Chemtrails controlled by OLGACOM I.E. Monsanto.. [Proof in video]
From: 2012IndyInfo - Source: NetworkedBlogs
RT @BellaEiko: From Jessy Yesi Acissej
Please do not buy from these brands, if at all possible. Monsanto is a highly...
From: wiseoldsnail - Source: Facebook
Monsanto the devils seed creator is owned by Rockefeller and Bush families.
From: 666_red - Source:
Monsanto 1, Organic Farmers 0, in New York Court Ruling | Care2 Causes #GMO #Care2
From: StoryRoute - Source: Tweet Button