Columbine - Columbine Father 12 Years Later … | Socialism is not the Answer

Columbine : Photo Gallery

COLUMBINE Survivors 10 Years Later
COLUMBINE Survivors 10 Years Later
Colorado State Flower White and Lavender COLUMBINE Aquilegia caerulea
Colorado State Flower White and Lavender COLUMBINE Aquilegia caerulea
COLUMBINE High school Attack
COLUMBINE High school Attack
Super COLUMBINE Massacre RPG!
Super COLUMBINE Massacre RPG!
DreamPackers - COLUMBINE High School Memorial Tribute
DreamPackers - COLUMBINE High School Memorial Tribute
Super COLUMBINE Massacre RPG!
Super COLUMBINE Massacre RPG!
Cap'n Bob & the Damsel » COLUMBINE Flower
Cap'n Bob & the Damsel » COLUMBINE Flower
Colorado US State Flower Pictures: Rocky Mountain COLUMBINE
Colorado US State Flower Pictures: Rocky Mountain COLUMBINE
Colorado State Flower - The Flower Expert - Flowers Encyclopedia
Colorado State Flower - The Flower Expert - Flowers Encyclopedia
COLUMBINE spring flowers in purple photos.
COLUMBINE spring flowers in purple photos.
Old Dominion Wildlife » COLUMBINE
Old Dominion Wildlife » COLUMBINE
File:COLUMBINE flower.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:COLUMBINE flower.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
COLUMBINE Inn & Suites - Leadville, Colorado lodging, hotel
COLUMBINE Inn & Suites - Leadville, Colorado lodging, hotel
If you die tomorrow, what will you be remembered for? - AnandTech ...
If you die tomorrow, what will you be remembered for? - AnandTech ...
 ... at COLUMBINE, plotted and executed by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
... at COLUMBINE, plotted and executed by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
12 Years Past COLUMBINE | Indie Streak
12 Years Past COLUMBINE | Indie Streak
Video from the COLUMBINE High School surveillance camera shows Eric ...
Video from the COLUMBINE High School surveillance camera shows Eric ...
Patrick Ireland, who was severely wounded in the COLUMBINE shooting ...
Patrick Ireland, who was severely wounded in the COLUMBINE shooting ...
COLUMBINE Wildfower - COLUMBINE Landscaping
COLUMBINE Wildfower - COLUMBINE Landscaping
The History of the COLUMBINE Shootings
The History of the COLUMBINE Shootings
This is what exactly happened at COLUMBINE High School Library
This is what exactly happened at COLUMBINE High School Library
File:COLUMBINE High School sign.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:COLUMBINE High School sign.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blue COLUMBINE Seeds Aquilegia caerulea
Blue COLUMBINE Seeds Aquilegia caerulea
Home » Figures » Clothed » Clothed Female » COLUMBINE
Home » Figures » Clothed » Clothed Female » COLUMBINE
COLUMBINE High School Shootings Coverup
COLUMBINE High School Shootings Coverup
Psychology of Virginia Tech, COLUMBINE Killers Still Baffles Experts ...
Psychology of Virginia Tech, COLUMBINE Killers Still Baffles Experts ...
April 20 Today in History: COLUMBINE High School massacre, Apollo 16 ...
April 20 Today in History: COLUMBINE High School massacre, Apollo 16 ...
Mail Order Treats!
Mail Order Treats!
Pinaleño Mountains
Pinaleño Mountains
A Slope of Colorado COLUMBINEs
A Slope of Colorado COLUMBINEs
COLUMBINE with a Hedysarum backdrop
COLUMBINE with a Hedysarum backdrop
N9463 / 8610 Lockheed L-749 at Avra Valley
N9463 / 8610 Lockheed L-749 at Avra Valley
Aquilegia (COLUMBINE) shooting up
Aquilegia (COLUMBINE) shooting up
Haddon Hall
Haddon Hall
Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since COLUMBINE
Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since COLUMBINE
'Rachel's Challenge' offered at Bedminster School
'Rachel's Challenge' offered at Bedminster School
COLUMBINE Health Systems' Wilson wins Collins Award from Fort Collins Chamber
COLUMBINE Health Systems' Wilson wins Collins Award from Fort Collins Chamber
COLUMBINE students attacked with hammer at school
COLUMBINE students attacked with hammer at school
Students Are Becoming Too-Familiar Targets
Students Are Becoming Too-Familiar Targets
13 WTHR IndianapolisIndiana schools prepare in light of school shooting
13 WTHR IndianapolisIndiana schools prepare in light of school shooting
Why Do Shooters Shoot?
Why Do Shooters Shoot?
Learning to manage bullies, one school at a time
Learning to manage bullies, one school at a time
Ohio school shooting: Time to ban handguns, guys
Ohio school shooting: Time to ban handguns, guys
4 charges filed against COLUMBINE hammer attack suspect
4 charges filed against COLUMBINE hammer attack suspect
Michigan Oscar Winners talk about what it's like to win
Michigan Oscar Winners talk about what it's like to win
'Quiet giver' appreciated for contributions
'Quiet giver' appreciated for contributions
COLUMBINE shooting victim's legacy: Create chain reaction of compassion
COLUMBINE shooting victim's legacy: Create chain reaction of compassion
Boulder schools win healthy honors
Boulder schools win healthy honors
COLUMBINE Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against COLUMBINE Attack Suspect
COLUMBINE Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against COLUMBINE Attack Suspect
Davis Youth Summit: Speaker from group associated with slain COLUMBINE High ...
Davis Youth Summit: Speaker from group associated with slain COLUMBINE High ...

Columbine : Videos

Why COLUMBINE? NY Times bestseller explains killers motives for COLUMBINE shooting
Why COLUMBINE? NY Times bestseller explains killers motives for COLUMBINE shooting
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 1/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 1/5
COLUMBINE Library 911 Call FULL Version
COLUMBINE Library 911 Call FULL Version
Marilyn Manson - Bowling For COLUMBINE
Marilyn Manson - Bowling For COLUMBINE
Zero Hour - Massacre at COLUMBINE High Part 1
Zero Hour - Massacre at COLUMBINE High Part 1
The COLUMBINE Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack on COLUMBINE High School
The COLUMBINE Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack on COLUMBINE High School
Remembering COLUMBINE High School
Remembering COLUMBINE High School
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 2/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 2/5
Bowling for COLUMBINE[Part 1 of 12]
Bowling for COLUMBINE[Part 1 of 12]
COLUMBINE, Friend of Mine
COLUMBINE, Friend of Mine
A Look Back at COLUMBINE, 10 Years Later
A Look Back at COLUMBINE, 10 Years Later
COLUMBINE High School-Before, During, and After
COLUMBINE High School-Before, During, and After
Bowling for COLUMBINE
Bowling for COLUMBINE
Remembering COLUMBINE
Remembering COLUMBINE
The COLUMBINE Massacre
The COLUMBINE Massacre
Bowling For COLUMBINE Trailer
Bowling For COLUMBINE Trailer
COLUMBINE High School -- Protokoll eines Massakers (1 von 3)
COLUMBINE High School -- Protokoll eines Massakers (1 von 3)
COLUMBINE Shooters Mom Speaks
COLUMBINE Shooters Mom Speaks
COLUMBINE Shooting: 10 Years Later
COLUMBINE Shooting: 10 Years Later
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 3/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 3/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 4/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 4/5
Zero Hour - S01E02 - Massacre at COLUMBINE High
Zero Hour - S01E02 - Massacre at COLUMBINE High
COLUMBINE School Shootings Darrell Scott
COLUMBINE School Shootings Darrell Scott
COLUMBINE Footage - Cafeteria
COLUMBINE Footage - Cafeteria
2009: Remembering COLUMBINE
2009: Remembering COLUMBINE
COLUMBINE shooting Cafeteria Footage
COLUMBINE shooting Cafeteria Footage
COLUMBINEs Boy in the Window
COLUMBINEs Boy in the Window
COLUMBINE survivors film
COLUMBINE survivors film
Why COLUMBINE? NY Times bestseller explains killers motives for ...
Why COLUMBINE? NY Times bestseller explains killers motives for ...
Cameras in COLUMBINE cafeteria
Cameras in COLUMBINE cafeteria
The COLUMBINE Shooting
The COLUMBINE Shooting
COLUMBINE School Shootings Darrell Scott
COLUMBINE School Shootings Darrell Scott
COLUMBINE High School Massacre
COLUMBINE High School Massacre
The COLUMBINE Massacre
The COLUMBINE Massacre
The Day It Happened: COLUMBINE
The Day It Happened: COLUMBINE
Pipe bomb found on COLUMBINE anniversary
Pipe bomb found on COLUMBINE anniversary
A Look Back at COLUMBINE, 10 Years Later
A Look Back at COLUMBINE, 10 Years Later
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 1/5
COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 1/5
Remembering COLUMBINE
Remembering COLUMBINE
"Playing COLUMBINE" trailer
"Playing COLUMBINE" trailer
The COLUMBINE Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack ...
The COLUMBINE Cause - An Examination of the April 20 1999 Attack ...
COLUMBINE - For The Children
COLUMBINE - For The Children
COLUMBINE Shooters Mom Speaks
COLUMBINE Shooters Mom Speaks
Michael Moore - Reveals the real cause of COLUMBINE.
Michael Moore - Reveals the real cause of COLUMBINE.

Columbine : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

What website shows the graphic photos of the victims at COLUMBINE?

Im going to write a book on what happened in Columbine. Like the story of their lives. I want the graphic pictures of the victims so I can get an idea of how the library looked after they committed suicide. If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Answer: I would doubt that those pictures will be found on the web, as they are not suitable, and are too graphic for the web.
Category: Media & Journalism

Did anyone present during the COLUMBINE Shootings find Dylan and Eric to be heroes or martyrs?

Ive been researching the Columbine Massacre and every video on youtube has some ignorant kid praising the duo as their saviors. Do any of them find it weird that nobody who was actually there thinks theyre heroes? Or maybe im wrong. Is there some student that was present who thinks dylan and eric were messiahs? Other kids were bullied in the school they werent the only people picked on.
Answer: To my knowledge, nobody there at the time considered them heroes. I'm actually one of those "ignorant kids" who, instead of saying that they're in hell right now, actually understand why they did it. I'm not condoning murder by saying this, but I do see where they came from and I don't think they were bad people. I don't think it's weird that at the time nobody thinks they're heroes, because everyone there's life was in danger, and I don't think any of them present would consider someone who was planning on killing them & potentially could after their plans had failed; to be a hero. However, I think people who didn't experience it first hand (I'm including myself in this), don't entirely grasp the true consequences of Eric & Dylan's actions. I think, had Eric & Dylan not killed themselves at the end of the massacre, the effect that they've had on some of us, like how some of us say "rest in peace Eric & Dylan, you guys are our heroes" & whatever else, would be different, and I don't think as many people would be saying that to this day. I just thought I should answer giving my opinion, as I'm one of the people who look at Eric & Dylan not as psychopathic murderers, but actual people who were tortured throughout their lives. That's just me though.
Category: Media & Journalism

What do you remember from the school shooting of COLUMBINE ?

I want to know what people remember from this day. What stories are out there. And what stands out most when people think of Columbine besides that it was just a school shooting.
Answer: Some of my thoughts regarding that incident: 1. How Eric (who was reportedly friendly with blacks and Asians earlier in his life) and Dylan Klebold (who's mom is Jewish) gave the appearance of embracing racism / Nazi culture. (I wonder if that was just their way of acting tough); 2. The inconsistency in their relationship (i.e., they were obviously tight enough to plot first-degree murder together. . . yet Dylan had previously tipped off Brooks Brown about Eric's threats and rantings on his [Harris' ] website, while Eric is reported to have blamed Dylan for planning their van break-in). It made me wonder: if they had escaped into the woods or something, and one of them had fallen and twisted an ankle, would the other have stopped and helped, or would he have said "You're on your own, buddy," and kept running? (But then, why would they have committed suicide together, and in such a ghastly manner . . .) ; 3. The double standard of believing that people who play Doom or listen to Marilyn Manson are necessarily antisocial, while football players who tease and bully people are just being good ol' boys; 4. How, for some inexplicable reason, more emphasis seems to have been put on the murder of Rachel Scott than on that of, say, Isaiah Shoal; 5. How it must feel to teach English or creative writing in that school since that incident; whether the instructors now microanalyze every word on every student's paper, or whether they see the incident as an aberration that does not necessarily affect their job in any special way; 6. How Eric and Dylan were reported to have pulled explosion-related pranks at the pizzeria in which they worked. Assuming those stories are true, how was that behavior permitted to happen? I can't imagine going to McDonald's and sitting there casually eating while the employees are hanging around outside, blowing things up; 7. How, like the parents of former police officer Justin Volpe (who sodomized Abner Louima in a NYC police station), the parents of Eric and Dylan genuinely seem to be excellent people who raised their sons properly; 8. Most of all, I marvel at the fact that someone from Columbine actually had the unheard-of stupidity to admit, "Sure, we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It's not just jocks; the whole school's disgusted with them. They're a bunch of homos, grabbing each other's private parts. If you want to get rid of someone, usually you tease 'em. So the whole school would call them homos, and when they did something sick, we'd tell them, 'You're sick and that's wrong.' " I can only hope the tacit approval of bullying so evident in this sick statement is a result of an unfortunate misquote.
Category: Media & Journalism

Can Lifetime Handle COLUMBINE?

Columbine killer Eric Harris wanted to haunt survivors from beyond the grave with flashbacks and drive them insane, he said in a video diary before the killings,” – that’s how my recent Op-Ed in the Denver Post begins. “As we approach Columbine ... COLUMBINE (9780446546935): Dave Cullen: Books Columbine (9780446546935): Dave Cullen: Books. ... Columbine and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Learn more ...

10 years later, the real story behind COLUMBINE -

They werent goths or loners. The two teenagers who killed 13 people and themselves at suburban Denvers Columbine High School 10 years ago next week weren ...

COLUMBINE Father 12 Years Later … | Socialism is not the Answer

In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to ...


Welcome to Columbine. Were pleased to announce the launch of our web site. Our menu, as well as our daily specials are ...

COLUMBINE Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against COLUMBINE ...

A judge has ordered a psychological evaluation for a 14-year-old girl suspected in a hammer attack that injured two students at Columbine High School. The attack Monday was the first assault with a weapon at the Colorado ...

COLUMBINE Health Systems Wilson wins Collins Award from Fort Collins Chamber

The owner of Columbine Health Systems was honored Thursday with the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerces top award. Bob Wilson, a man the chamber called "a quiet giver," was honored with the Collins Award during the chambers annual dinner at ...

Shaun O’Brien, 86, New York City Ballet Dancer

Shaun O’Brien, one of the country’s most celebrated character dancers, whose four vigorous decades with the New York City Ballet included more than 30 holiday seasons as Herr Drosselmeyer, the kindly eccentric at the heart of “The Nutcracker,” died on Thursday in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. He was 86 and had been retired from the - By MARGALIT FOX

Colorado lawmakers revisit post-COLUMBINE school discipline rules

DENVER — School discipline policies adopted after the 1999 Columbine High School shootings are getting a second look Thursday in Colorado. Lawmakers are considering a bill aimed at giving educators more discretion over expulsions and police ...

COLUMBINE (Review) | Reading Through Life

On April 20, 1999, two boys left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their goal was simple: to blow up their school, Oklahoma-City style, and to leave “a lasting impression on the world.” Their bombs failed, but the ...

An Indie Champion And His Lifes Labors

IN his 2004 book, Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film, Peter Biskind recounts a striking story about October Films, the little movie company that could and sometimes did in the 1990s. It was December 1999 and October, which had helped push independent film into the mainstream, was at a crossroads. Barry - Film distributor Bingham Ray kept true to his belief in risky, independent, visionary cinema until his death on January 23; Ray is described as one of Hollywoods few heroic figures, with a love of movies and a morality about his work in Hollywoods off-Hollywood. Photos (M) - By MANOHLA DARGIS


Im doing an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT report on why Columbine High School is an American landmark. I havent said too much yet and Ive already run out of reasons on why its a landmark.
Answer: Well it is where the shooting happened. It is the location of the start of improvements in school security. What happened there is the reason we have taken another look at mental health of kids. Also, talk about the beautiful landscape. ^^
Category: Media & Journalism

Glassboro High School encourages community to accept Rachels Challenge

GLASSBORO — April will mark the 13th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, and the family of victim Rachel Scott continues to spread a message of kindness and compassion through Rachels Challenge. Glassboro High School has ...

COLUMBINE Shooting: The Final Report 1/5 - YouTube

Jul 19, 2010 ... Tags: Columbine shooting Columbine high school massacre Columbine shooting real footage full video library eric harris and dylan klebold eric ...

What is the most popular color of the COLUMBINE perennial?

Just wondering what the most popular color of the Columbine flower is to see if I have it in my perennial garden.
Answer: It seems to be pink. I have pink and purple but see mostly pink in garden shops.
Category: Garden & Landscape

Cathy Jones Fine Art: Colorful COLUMBINE at The Evergreen Gallery

Stop by The Evergreen Gallery in downtown Evergreen beginning March 1st to see my newest watercolor aspen tree paintings and Columbine paintings. "Colorful Columbine" - Just a touch of spring! visit my website ...

COLUMBINE Massacre - The School Shooting of April 20, 1999

On April 20, 1999, in the suburban town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine ...


The authorities said a 14-year-old girl attacked two students with a hammer on Monday at Columbine High School, the first assault with a weapon there since the mass shooting in 1999. It was unclear what prompted the attack. The girl targeted a 15-year-old girl in a hallway, said Jacki Kelley, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County sheriff. A - Authorities say a 14-year-old girl attacked two students with a hammer at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colo, the first assault with a weapon there since the mass shooting in 1999; it is unclear what prompted the attack. (M)2 - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Inside the Times

International FRENCH SENATE ANGERS TURKS AS GENOCIDE BILL PASSES Relations between France and Turkey dipped to a nadir as the French Senate approved a bill criminalizing the denial of officially recognized genocides, including the Armenian genocide begun in 1915. Page A4 PALESTINIAN OFFICIALS HELD Israel arrested two Palestinian legislators

COLUMBINE shooting victims legacy: Create chain reaction of compassion

» Rachels Challenge has worked with more than 10,000 schools, with 44-50 presenters sharing the story of Rachel Scott story each year to more than 3 million students. » 57,000 young people hear Rachels story every two days, in America and ...

How Safe 2 Tell helps students report threats

Safe 2 Tell was created after the Columbine Commission Reports recommendation that students would be more likely to report threatening behaviors if they had a safe, anonymous way to do it. Safe 2 Tell keeps all calls and tips anonymous and follows up with ...

COLUMBINE (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Columbine is the award-winning non-fiction bestseller written by Dave Cullen and published by Twelve on April 6, 2009. It is a comprehensive examination of the ...

Spotted: COLUMBINE Smille in Acne Jeans! | sauceloves

Spotted: Columbine Smille in Acne Jeans! loooooooove these Acne jeans at s*uce! Loving the Alexander Wang heels too! Pin it. You might also like: SPOTTED: Adriana Lima in Jay Godfrey! SPOTTED: Lovely Louise in a ...

What was the worldwide effect of the COLUMBINE shooting?

Although Columbine took palce in America, what effect did it have worldwide and how is it of significants today.
Answer: Other than revulsion and pity for the victims and their families, it had very little effect here in Britain. Why would it? Did the Dunblane massacre have any effect on Americans? I doubt if many have even heard of it, or Hungerford, or the Blakenhall School attack? Edit - the Midnight Mariachi is talking about American reactions - here in Europe the whole Marilyn Manson thing was not taken seriously. As is Staisil - come on contributors - Worldwide does not mean American
Category: History

Finally understand why. Dave Cullens definitive COLUMBINE book ...

Columbine wasnt about jocks, Goths or Trenchcoat Mafia. Gripping NY Times bestseller debunks Columbine myths & reveals killers motives. Shooting, Columbine shooting.

Cafe Clementine

Welcome to Columbine. Were pleased to announce the launch of our web site. Our menu, as well as our daily specials are ...

Davis Youth Summit: Speaker from group associated with slain COLUMBINE High student

LAYTON — A speaker with Rachel’s Challenge, a group associated with Rachel Scott, who was killed at Columbine High School in 1999, will highlight the seventh annual Davis Youth Summit. The summit, for those between the ages of 13 and 18 ...

MOVIE REVIEW | WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN; Suffocated by Motherhood, and a Child Whose Hold Still Lingers

Every parents nightmare would be the evening news boilerplate description of We Need to Talk About Kevin,Lynne Ramsays disturbing movie about the mother of a child who goes on a killing spree at his high school. That trite phrase is accurate in an almost technical sense: Ms. Ramsay (who adapted Lionel Shrivers novel with Rory Stewart - A O Scott reviews movie We Need to Talk About Kevin, directed by Lynne Ramsay and starring Tilda Swinton. Photo (M) - By A. O. SCOTT

What is the difference between conservatives blaming Marilyn Manson for COLUMBINE and Liberals blaming Palin?

Conservatives blamed Marilyn Manson`s words in his songs for Columbine. Liberals blame Palin`s words in her speeches on the AZ shooting. Both are wrong right?
Answer: None Both were stupid. Though as I remember it,the "Conservatives" blaming Manson,were the same ones who always blame music,a bunch of Religious Zealots/Morons like Pat Robertson.I do not remember mainstream,rational conservatives blaming him.(Granted,no "mainstream,rational liberals to compare to,no such thing) August
Category: Politics

Ex-Sheriff Is Accused In Sex Case Tied to Drug

DENVER -- Patrick Sullivan was the kind of lawman Coloradoans loved: a straight-shooting Republican sheriff who once crashed a Jeep through a fence to rescue two deputies from a gunman and pleaded with legislators to keep assault weapons off the street lest any more citizens get shot. On Tuesday afternoon, though, investigators from the same - Patrick Sullivan, straight-shooting Republican sheriff long retired from the Arapahoe County sheriffs office in Colorado, is arrested on charges that he had been trying to exchange methamphetamines for sex with a man. Photos (M)1 - By DAN FROSCH

COLUMBINE | Gardening Tips | Garden Guides

Columbine. Learn about Columbine on Info and videos including: How to Winterize Columbine, How to Prune Columbine, How to Transplant a Columbine ...

THE MEDIA EQUATION; Hollywood Techniques At Play In Politics

Hollywood came early to the 2012 presidential race in the unlikely form of When Mitt Romney Came to Town, the 28-minute documentary-style attack film that opens with the word capitalism and comes to an end with chants of Wall Street greed. While watching it, I half-expected to see Michael Moore, the creator of Roger and Me and - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR

At last we know why the COLUMBINE killers did it. - Slate Magazine

Apr 20, 2004 ... Five years ago today, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered their classmates and teachers at Columbine High School. Most Americans have ...

COLUMBINE Massacre - The School Shooting of April 20, 1999

On April 20, 1999, in the suburban town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High ...

10 years later, the real story behind COLUMBINE -

Apr 13, 2009 ... They weren't goths or loners. The two teenagers who killed 13 people and themselves at suburban Denver's Columbine High School 10 years ...

COLUMBINE-like scenario preps Albany High students

There was a massacre at Albany High School Thursday. Two gunmen shot and killed six students and left several others critically injured. Ambulances rushed to the scene and even the media were there trying to gather info, but thankfully, this was all a drill.

10 years on, COLUMBINEs hold remains strong

Teenage gunmen spilled the blood of children before Columbine, in Alaska, Arkansas, Mississippi and Oregon. After Columbine, more blood was shed in Minnesota and California, in Germany and Finland. But none of those incidents cast a shadow as ...

How often should you water COLUMBINE flowers & how much water should you use each time?

I plan on building a hummingbird garden next year, and need to know how often to water the Columbine flowers and how much water to use each time.
Answer: as with your other question.... there's no 'rule'.... it doesn't work that way... I cannot tell you to use a cup of water every three days..... how do I know whether it rained or not... whether the temperature is hot or cold.... whether the wind is blowing and drying out the soil ....whether the plant is in a pot or in the ground.... YOU have to go out there and STICK YOUR FINGERS IN THE DIRT and test to see if the soil is dry or moist.....that's YOUR JOB as a GARDENER!!!...... also, YOU need to research your plants... look them up on Google or another engine.... see what it says about the NEEDS of the plant.... moist soil at all time, or let it dry out a bit?..... then act accordingly..... keep a notebook to help yourself remember which plant gets which kind of care!.... hummingbird plants usually don't need a bunch of care..... but for when there's been no rain.... but don't go on that, LOOK IT UP......
Category: Other - Home & Garden

2 COLUMBINE HS Students Wounded in Hammer Attack | 9th e-Ranch

Two Columbine High School students were wounded when a hammer-wielding classmate attacked them outside a school restroom Monday. According to Aaron Flowers, one of the injured students, a 14-year-old female freshman verbally ...

COLUMBINE: Definition from

Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( kŏl əm-bīn ) n. Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Aquilegia native to north temperate regions ...

Bingham Ray, 57, Executive Who Championed Independent Films

LOS ANGELES -- Bingham Ray, a colorful indie-film executive who helped steer art-house movies like Bowling for Columbine and Hotel Rwanda to the masses, died on Monday in a hospice in Provo, Utah. He was 57. The cause was a series of strokes, according to the San Francisco Film Society, where he had only recently become its executive - Bingham Ray, film executive who co-founded the major indie distributor October Films and helped bring art-house movies to the masses, dies at age 57. Photo (M) - By BROOKS BARNES

Why do some young people worship the COLUMBINE killers?

I recently watched a doco on the Columbine killers and remembered how awful a tragedy it was. I then checked out some websites and found young teens or those in their 20s, who seem to worship the Columbine killers on Myspace, Youtube and other sites. Is it a part of teenage rebellion and something they would grow out of, or could there be other mentally ill kids out there who are ticking time bombs? What do you think?
Answer: i think that its a little of everything. teens whose peers picked and teased, teachers who didn't care, administration who can't help but see everyone as sheep that need to be herded. and kids in a non desirable way expressed that they are not sheep and took action against the establishment. tragic but sent a powerful message."we will be seen and heard"
Category: Other - News & Events


noun 1. a plant, Aquilegia caerula, of the buttercup family, having showy flowers with white petals and white to blue sepals that form long, backward spurs: the state ...

COLUMBINE Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against COLUMBINE Attack Suspect

GOLDEN, Colo. — A judge has ordered a psychological evaluation for a 14-year-old girl suspected in a hammer attack that injured two students at Columbine High School. The attack Monday was the first assault with a weapon at the Colorado high ...

(@)~ 4-20-99 a COLUMBINE site

All about the Columbine High School shooting of 4-20-1999. Information about gunmen Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the victims, the school and much more.

Students Are Becoming Too-Familiar Targets

The name that leaps to mind first is Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. Weve seen the pictures, cried with the families and read the unsettling words of shooters (and victims). Fifteen people died on April 20, 1999. Two more committed suicide after ...

Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since COLUMBINE

Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since Columbine. Posted on February 28, 2012 by. (Columbus) – Governor John Kasich ѕауѕ hе wіll bе іn Chardon Tuesday tο bе wіth thе union. Kasich ѕаіd hе didn't want tο bе a ...

COLUMBINE High School massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Columbine High School massacre (often known simply as Columbine) occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated ...

Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since COLUMBINE

Chardon High School shooting: what we've learned since Columbine. Posted on February 28, 2012 by. By Melissa Bell Early in the morning on Monday, a gunman walked into Chardon High School and opened fire on students. According to ...

The stunning Yellow COLUMBINE in our desert mountains

Yellow Columbine is a beautiful mountain wildflower found in the mountains of Arizona, including the Santa Rita Mountains south of Tucson. A member of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), the striking yellow flowers and dramatic shape make this flower a ...

When can I relocate my COLUMBINE plants?

I have to relocate my Columbine plants. They have already been dug up, can I plant them in the fall or do I have to wait until spring? How do I do this that is best for the plant?
Answer: I would also agree since you have dug them already that you should plant them now. In addition I would recommend adding a root-stimulating fertilizer around the base of each plant after transplanting. Root-N-Grow is one that I reccomend. The idea here is to help avoid transplant shock and to promote root growth through the winter. The top of your plant may go dormant, but the roots are growing! Your plants will have a head start on being re-established going into next year's growing season.
Category: Garden & Landscape

Chardon High School shooting: what weve learned since COLUMBINE

At this point, it’s still unknown why a Chardon High School student walked into his school cafeteria Monday morning in suburb of Cleveland and shot into a group of students, wounding four and killing one. While reports and rumors fly as to ...

COLUMBINE by Dave Cullen - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

Columbine has 10,636 ratings and 2,623 reviews. Joel said: I used to think that the Columbine massacre would be the defining event of my generation, the one...

THE BAY CITIZEN; A Place at School Where Students Can Unload Stress and Worry

Last week about 20 students sat in Room 466 at Galileo Academy of Science and Technology, writing down all the ways that people abuse one another. Rapes and beatings topped the lists. One boy asked, What if you just have someone tell you youre not going to get far in life? The exercise was part of a daylong effort to help students understand - - By TREY BUNDY

How do you think the media covered and affected the COLUMBINE shootings?

Do you think the media is responsible for the Columbine shootings and how does it influence school violence. What is your story of the Columbine Massacre and how satisfied were you with the media coverage of Columbine Massacre? These are some of the questions Im researching for my media class paper on Columbine shootings. I would really appreciate anyone who could help me out with this. Thanks
Answer: The media is not responsible for the Columbine shooting. I do not blame any one. Why? Because it's not fair to point fingers instead of getting the real truth. People should NEVER count on the media for "answers". But the media does twist and turn the whole thing around. Columbine influence kids to pick up guns and kill instead of thinking clearly and getting help. Also, the virginia tech killer said some thing about Eric and Dylan in one of his last videos. People want to get a bigger "score" then Eric and Dylan. My story of the massacre is that two lonely boys were pushed to the edge and went out to get "revenge" on the jocks aka the bullies. But the killers killed innocent people instead. The media's coverage on the massacre is not good and I am not satisfied with it at all. I did my own research to get a much better and greater truth. The media twisted and still do twist up so many things. Example: The media blamed music artist, Marilyn Manson for the whole accident. The media also stated it was his music that made the Eric and Dylan "mad" and go on a rampage. Both statements are false and has been proven false. Eric listened to Rammstein and Kmfdm. Dylan followed the same path as Eric. Instead of not giving facts about the killers, they say rude things about them. I do not support what the boys did but there's so much more behind the massacre. The media should try to get REAL facts and stories instead of making stuff up and bashing every one. If teenagers weren't cruel, put hands on each other and never put each other down, there wouldn't be massacres. There's thousands of kids who don't go to school because they are scared of facing the bullies. It's sad because America and the whole world didn't learn any thing after this massacre, virginia tech, etc. I recommend you going on this site: It has every thing you probably need for your paper.
Category: Media & Journalism

COLUMBINE, (0446546933), Dave Cullen, Textbooks - Barnes & Noble

On April 20, 1999, two boys left an indelible stamp on the American psyche. Their goal was simple: to blow up their school, Oklahoma City-style, and to leave "a ...

ARTS, BRIEFLY; Melancholia Picks Up European Film Awards

The European Film Awards, voted on by 2,500 members of the European Film Academy, offered its year-end prizes on Saturday in Berlin. Melancholia, starring Kirsten Dunst, below, from the Danish director Lars von Trier, was named best picture; it also won awards for cinematography and production design. Last years big Oscar winner, The Kings - Lars von Trier film Melancholia, starring Kirsten Dunst, wins best picture at European Film Awards. Photo (M)0 - By MELENA RYZIK; Compiled by ADAM W. KEPLER

Finally understand why. Dave Cullen's definitive COLUMBINE book ...

Columbine wasn't about jocks, Goths or Trenchcoat Mafia. Gripping NY Times bestseller debunks Columbine myths & reveals killers' motives. Shooting ...

COLUMBINE. (New Single on Itunes!) | Free Music, Tour Dates ...

Columbine. (New Single on Itunes!)s official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.

4-20-99 a COLUMBINE site ~(@)~ All about the COLUMBINE High School ...

All about the Columbine High School shooting of 4-20-1999. Information about gunmen Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the victims, the school and much more.

COLUMBINE hammer attack injures two

Columbine, Colo., Feb 14, 2012 (UPI via COMTEX) -- Two students at Columbine High School in suburban Denver were injured in an attack by another student with a hammer, one victim said. Aaron Flowers said he was talking with a friend in a school hallway ...

BARNES & NOBLE | COLUMBINE by Dave Cullen, Grand Central ...

NOOK Daily Find A great read at a great price! Dont miss out on todays irresistible deal. Buy Now

Does anyone know where I can find COLUMBINE journal documents?

Im trying to find the Columbine journal documents from Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from the Columbine High School Massacre.And I`ve been through alot to find the journal documents but still couldn`t reach them.I really need answers.
Answer: Probably the best place to find copies of what was released from those documents is the 11000 page report that is posted on in 100 page files. There is an index to the files on the website to find specific pages at
Category: History

COLUMBINE - definition of COLUMBINE by the Free Online Dictionary ...

col·um·bine (k l m-b n) n. Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Aquilegia native to north temperate regions, cultivated for their showy, variously colored ...


does anyone know if there were any journals of the Columbine killers released in book stores? or any books about it?? please help!!
Answer: So far there haven't been any books yet based on the killer's lives. There were a couple of books about two of the victims, though. One is called "She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall". It's for sale at Amazon. Here's a link: Another one is "The Journals of Rachel Scott." Also at Amazon: Also, "Rachel's Tears". Amazon link: Good luck and happy reading! :-)
Category: Books & Authors

How do I germinate COLUMBINE seeds?

I have purchased a Columbine plant that flowered beautifully and I deliberately let it go to seed. I want to grow new plants, both for my fire escape garden in New York City and for my mothers back yard in the suburbs. I have collected the seeds in an envelope. Now what? Thanks for your help.
Answer: Mix one-third potting soil, one-third sand, and one-third peat moss, on a humidity tray and keep moist with drainage, do not allow to stand in water, and if possible cover pot or seed tray with plastic wrap, A very good spot to keep the tray or pot is on top of your clothes dryer, for extra humidity.
Category: Other - Home & Garden

How do I get COLUMBINE to bloom?

I was talked into purchasing some Columbine a week ago and I have no experience with it. I have it potted on a south facing, semi shaded balcony. Its got 15 inch shoots and closed buds on it, but now I am wondering how to get the buds to actually open! I thought it would be opening by now. Any suggestions on forcing the blooms?
Answer: Do you have no outside ground to plant it in? Someplace where it gets morning sun, and is shaded by the hot aternoon sun is best. They are easy to grow. When they're done flowering, and the seed pods have dried, I just take them, and shake the seeds out in places I want new plants to grow next year. They don't take much "fussing". However, I've never heard of someone growing them in a pot. And I don't know if they would do well there. I'm also wondering if the "closed buds" are actually seed pods rather than flowers (in which case it is actually finished flowering). If those pods dry, and rattle when you shake them, you have seeds. Go shake them on the ground outside. I would also consider planting your plant outside as well, in a mostly-shaded spot - or wherever you want it next year. Also - they go dormant in the summer. But don't think they're dead - they'll be back next spring.
Category: Garden & Landscape

Guest Commentary: Exploiting COLUMBINE on Lifetime

Columbine killer Eric Harris wanted to haunt survivors from beyond the grave with flashbacks and drive them insane, he said in a video diary before the killings. As we approach Columbines 13th anniversary in April, more than 5,000 people are ...

What is an event that I could compare to the COLUMBINE shootings?

I have to write a paper comparing two events that shaped American education. I am definitely writing about Columbine, because that is the first national event that I really followed since I was 9 at the time. The other I would like to be about school violence as well. Gang fights or something. It has to be a national event though. I dont want to do Virginia Tech or anything dealing with higher education. Just primary and secondary education.
Answer: maybe the the whole issue with civil rights schools back a few decades and the problems with segregated black and white schools.
Category: Other - Education

COLUMBINE High School massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Columbine High School massacre (often known simply as Columbine) occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an ...

RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another <b>Columbine</b>?
Shit is real.RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another Columbine? Shit is real.
From: BoosieBaddJess - Source: Twitter for iPhone

Just seeing the full story about todays school shooting. Brings back memories of <b>Columbine</b> and that horrible day. #prayJust seeing the full story about todays school shooting. Brings back memories of Columbine and that horrible day. #pray
From: Adrianjohnston7 - Source: Twitter for iPhone

So They Sayin This Ohio School Shooting Is The Worst School Shooting. Umm No <b>Columbine</b> Took More Than 1Life. It Took 2Many 2Count.So They Sayin This Ohio School Shooting Is The Worst School Shooting. Umm No Columbine Took More Than 1Life. It Took 2Many 2Count.
From: HowToLove1408 - Source: web

RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another <b>Columbine</b>?
Shit is real.RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another Columbine? Shit is real.
From: HeLovesMeLOTS_ - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another <b>Columbine</b>?
Shit is real.RT @TheHolyKaron: It was like another Columbine? Shit is real.
From: DAYnNighttT - Source: Twitter for iPhone

It was like another <b>Columbine</b>?
Shit is real.It was like another Columbine? Shit is real.
From: TheHolyKaron - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @DCapriato: Photo: Today, we are all <b>Columbine</b> Rebels, Virginia Tech Hokies, Chardon Hilltoppers. We stand united with... @DCapriato: Photo: Today, we are all Columbine Rebels, Virginia Tech Hokies, Chardon Hilltoppers. We stand united with...
From: mishypic - Source: Tumblr

@dannyson1 At <b>Columbine</b>? That place is, like, bullet central.@dannyson1 At Columbine? That place is, like, bullet central.
From: AnonyWolf - Source: web

Chardon High School shooting: what weve learned since <b>Columbine</b> High School shooting: what weve learned since Columbine
From: Sheree_BS - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Columbine</b> Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against <b>Columbine</b> Attack Suspect Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against Columbine Attack Suspect
From: FrancisWest8 - Source: twitterfeed

RT @DCapriato: Photo: Today, we are all <b>Columbine</b> Rebels, Virginia Tech Hokies, Chardon Hilltoppers. We stand united with... @DCapriato: Photo: Today, we are all Columbine Rebels, Virginia Tech Hokies, Chardon Hilltoppers. We stand united with...
From: MiniMaura - Source: Tumblr

Just watched Bowling for <b>Columbine</b> a few days ago. If youre concerned about the shooting you should consider watching it.Just watched Bowling for Columbine a few days ago. If youre concerned about the shooting you should consider watching it.
From: justinabrittany - Source: Twitter for iPhone

i take bitches to skol den i <b>Columbine</b> dem hoes #KillnEmi take bitches to skol den i Columbine dem hoes #KillnEm
From: sucha_badazz - Source: Plume for Android

<b>Columbine</b> Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against <b>Columbine</b> Attack Suspect Hammer Attack: 4 Charges Filed Against Columbine Attack Suspect
From: Renee_Clayton - Source: twitterfeed

Another <b>Columbine</b> like situationAnother Columbine like situation
From: SamCallsMeDADDY - Source: Echofon

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