Romney michigan - If Mitt Romney loses Michigan is a brokered convention inevitable?

Romney michigan : Videos

Watch Mitt Romneys Speech on Michigan Primary Win: We Won by Enough
Watch Mitt Romneys Speech on Michigan Primary Win: We Won by Enough
Mitt Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona
Mitt Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona
Romney Accuses Santorum of Dirty Tricks in Wooing Michigan Democrats
Romney Accuses Santorum of Dirty Tricks in Wooing Michigan Democrats
Romney Narrowly Wins Michigan GOP Primary
Romney Narrowly Wins Michigan GOP Primary
In Michigan, Romney Is Going to Have to Fight for His Life vs. Santorum
In Michigan, Romney Is Going to Have to Fight for His Life vs. Santorum
Mitt Romney: "I Love Lamp"
Mitt Romney: "I Love Lamp"
Romneys Michigan, Mardi Gras Power Beats Knicks and 50 Years in Space
Romneys Michigan, Mardi Gras Power Beats Knicks and 50 Years in Space
Mitt Romney Loves Cars, Lakes, & Trees...
Mitt Romney Loves Cars, Lakes, & Trees...
Sonia Gandhi to campaign for Mitt ROMNEY MICHIGAN primary..??
Sonia Gandhi to campaign for Mitt ROMNEY MICHIGAN primary..??
If Romney Loses Michigan, All Bets Are Off
If Romney Loses Michigan, All Bets Are Off
Romney Visits Michigan
Romney Visits Michigan
Mitt Romney On Michigans Trees And Cars, 2/24/12
Mitt Romney On Michigans Trees And Cars, 2/24/12
Massive Romney surge in Michigan Post-Debate !!
Massive Romney surge in Michigan Post-Debate !!
Romney Hits Rocky Road in Michigan
Romney Hits Rocky Road in Michigan
Mitt Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona
Mitt Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona
Romney Crowds vs Ron Paul Crowds (Michigan Election 2012)
Romney Crowds vs Ron Paul Crowds (Michigan Election 2012)
Romney, Santorum Battle for Michigan
Romney, Santorum Battle for Michigan
Sizing up Romney, Santorum Campaigns in Arizona, Michigan
Sizing up Romney, Santorum Campaigns in Arizona, Michigan
Santorum Attacks Romney in Michigan
Santorum Attacks Romney in Michigan
Romney Running Out Of Gas In Michigan
Romney Running Out Of Gas In Michigan
Mitt Romney on Michigan "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" (2/18/2012)
Mitt Romney on Michigan "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" (2/18/2012)
Mitt Romney Lies
Mitt Romney Lies
Detroit Republicans For Romney: I Love Michigan
Detroit Republicans For Romney: I Love Michigan
Romney, Perry meet GOP on Mackinac
Romney, Perry meet GOP on Mackinac
Romney Crowds vs Ron Paul Crowds (Michigan Election 2012)
Romney Crowds vs Ron Paul Crowds (Michigan Election 2012)
Ron Paul Michigan State University Auditorium Intro and Crowd - 2-27-12
Ron Paul Michigan State University Auditorium Intro and Crowd - 2-27-12

Romney michigan : Photo Gallery

Primary results: Will Romney's Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura ...
Primary results: Will Romney's Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura ...
Romney Wins Primaries in Michigan and Arizona - ABC News
Romney Wins Primaries in Michigan and Arizona - ABC News
Mitt Romney predicts Michigan win - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.
Mitt Romney predicts Michigan win - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.
Romney Wins Arizona as He Battles Santorum in Michigan - ABC News
Romney Wins Arizona as He Battles Santorum in Michigan - ABC News
Mitt Romney struggles to connect in Michigan - Lois Romano - POLITICO.
Mitt Romney struggles to connect in Michigan - Lois Romano - POLITICO.
Democrats Hit Romney as Anti-Latino as Arizona and Michigan Vote ...
Democrats Hit Romney as Anti-Latino as Arizona and Michigan Vote ...
Michigan primary results: Mitt Romney wins by just 3%, with a more ...
Michigan primary results: Mitt Romney wins by just 3%, with a more ...
Mitt Romney Projected Winner In Michigan, Arizona | TPM2012
Mitt Romney Projected Winner In Michigan, Arizona | TPM2012
Home | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
Home | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio
Mitt Romney rides to victory in Michigan on shoulders of ...
Mitt Romney rides to victory in Michigan on shoulders of ...
Mitt Romney's Michigan victory speech: 'We won by enough ...
Mitt Romney's Michigan victory speech: 'We won by enough ...
Is Michigan Romney's make-or-break state? - CNN.
Is Michigan Romney's make-or-break state? - CNN.
Day of reckoning, dirty tricks as Michigan votes | Reuters
Day of reckoning, dirty tricks as Michigan votes | Reuters
Mitt Romney bets on Michigan roots - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.
Mitt Romney bets on Michigan roots - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.
Is Rick Santorum cheating in Michigan? Or is Mitt Romney just ...
Is Rick Santorum cheating in Michigan? Or is Mitt Romney just ...
executive governing | BusinessWeek
executive governing | BusinessWeek
Mitt Romney overshadowed by his father George Romney in Michigan
Mitt Romney overshadowed by his father George Romney in Michigan
Mitt Romney wins Michigan straw poll with 50.1 percent of votes ...
Mitt Romney wins Michigan straw poll with 50.1 percent of votes ...
Michigan - $1,398,942
Michigan - $1,398,942
Romneys Michigan Advantage - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The ...
Romneys Michigan Advantage - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The ...
Gov. George Romney of Michigan | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Gov. George Romney of Michigan | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Romney Announces Impressive Michigan Team « That’s Saul Folks!
Romney Announces Impressive Michigan Team « That’s Saul Folks!
Romney captures Michigan straw poll – CNN Political Ticker - ...
Romney captures Michigan straw poll – CNN Political Ticker - ...
 ... Romney must win in Michigan today to stay in contention for the
... Romney must win in Michigan today to stay in contention for the
Governor George Romney of Michigan and his wife, Lenore.
Governor George Romney of Michigan and his wife, Lenore.
Mitt Romney predicts Michigan win - Reid J. Epstein -
Mitt Romney predicts Michigan win - Reid J. Epstein -
Romneys Michigan Revival | Daily Yonder | Keep It Rural
Romneys Michigan Revival | Daily Yonder | Keep It Rural
Romney in Michigan
Romney in Michigan
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Ford Institute at Mitt Romney Albion event
Romney's Michigan Coalition
Romney's Michigan Coalition
Romney squeaks by in Michigan - IPAB-alooza returns - Blunt amendment vote on ...
Romney squeaks by in Michigan - IPAB-alooza returns - Blunt amendment vote on ...
Satorum claiming Michigan tie, not conceding loss to Romney
Satorum claiming Michigan tie, not conceding loss to Romney
Can Romney Retool his message and stop the Gaffes?
Can Romney Retool his message and stop the Gaffes?
Obama Slams Romney In Auto Worker Speech on Michigan Primary Day
Obama Slams Romney In Auto Worker Speech on Michigan Primary Day
In Michigan, Mitt Romney faces day of reckoning
In Michigan, Mitt Romney faces day of reckoning
Michigan Primary: Mitt Romney wins Kalamazoo County with absentee votes but ...
Michigan Primary: Mitt Romney wins Kalamazoo County with absentee votes but ...
Romney wins Michigan caucus over Santorum
Romney wins Michigan caucus over Santorum
Economist Reporter Cuffed At Mitt Romney's Michigan Speech: 'I Just Wanted To ...
Economist Reporter Cuffed At Mitt Romney's Michigan Speech: 'I Just Wanted To ...
GOP Still Desperate for White Knight Despite Romney's Michigan, Arizona Wins
GOP Still Desperate for White Knight Despite Romney's Michigan, Arizona Wins
Romney wins strong in Northern Michigan; Alanson millage passes
Romney wins strong in Northern Michigan; Alanson millage passes
The Meaning of Michigan
The Meaning of Michigan
Romney: Peddling the Indefensible
Romney: Peddling the Indefensible
Victories give Romney pre-Super Tuesday momentum
Victories give Romney pre-Super Tuesday momentum
Super Tuesday up next for Republicans' final four
Super Tuesday up next for Republicans' final four
Memo to Mitt Romney: We Get It. You're Rich.
Memo to Mitt Romney: We Get It. You're Rich.

Romney michigan : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Romney wins fight to the finish in Michigan

Now, it will be Santorums turn to show he can withstand a defeat and find other paths to victory. "This was an important win," said University of Michigan regent Andrew Richner, who was at Romneys victory party in Novi. Attorney General Bill ...

Mitt Romney's Narrow Michigan Win Avoids Disaster As Super ...

Yet Santorum won almost as many delegates as Romney in Michigan, and still had the potential to tie him on Wednesday morning. All but two of the state's 30 delegates were awarded based on who won each congressional ...

Mitt Romney Captured Republican Loyalists In Michigan Primary ...

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney drew strength from Republican loyalists and all but the most conservative voters on Tuesday to claim victory in a grueling GOP presidential primary in his native state of Michigan, an exit poll of ...

Romney Didnt Win the Michigan Primary -- Money Did

Well, now we know what speaks most to voters: MONEY. If Romney had lost in Michigan -- his home state where Dad was governor-- it very well could have doomed his campaign. I mean, talk about a humiliating defeat. As it is, the Michigan primary results show ...

Conservatives, after Mitt Romney sweeps Michigan and Arizona tomorrow, will you finally show him some love?

You need to give Mitt his props.
Answer: He already lost michigan.
Category: Politics

Mitt Romney's Michigan victory speech: 'We won by enough ...

14 hours ago ... In his Michigan victory speech, Mitt Romney depicted himself as the underdog who prevailed against the odds.

How many times will Democrats play ad clips in Michigan of Romney wanting the auto industry to fail?

Assuming that Romney is nominated? Karasu: No, Im thinking of Romney.
Category: Politics

GOP regulars bolster Romneys Michigan victory

WASHINGTON — WASHINGTON Mitt Romney drew strength from Republican loyalists and more moderate voters on Tuesday to claim a grueling victory in the GOP presidential primary in his native state of Michigan, an exit poll of voters indicated.

Romney narrowly wins Michigan

Bearing echoes of Iowa’s excruciatingly close race, Mitt Romney wrested a victory in his native Michigan Tuesday night, and he banked another cache of delegates with a strong win in Arizona. “We didn’t win by a lot, but we won by enough ...

If Mitt Romney wins in Michigan is that a rejection of the “straight talk” that jobs are not coming back?

That the people of Michigan don’t want to say the phrase “would you like fries with that” or “get me another bedpan this one is full”? That it is tough enough competing with foreign companies, but the people of Michigan are rejecting competing with foreign labor in their own lands?
Answer: Hopefully, it is, unless McCain plans to train them for all of those high-tech jobs that are now heading overseas as well. Scary to think that a guy like McCain is running for President when he's willing to tell the manufacturing sector that he's not going to fight for them. This nation cannot survive long if we don't make anything here.
Category: Elections

Michigan to Romney: Go away -

LZ Granderson says Romney could lose in his home state of Michigan, which disowned him after his 2008 op-ed, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."

Santorum challenges Romney in Michigan speech -

DETROIT -- An aggressive Rick Santorum went after Mitt Romney on multiple fronts Thursday, challenging the Republican front-runners economic policies, values and ...

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The son of George W. Romney (the former Governor of Michigan) and Lenore Romney, Mitt Romney was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and later served as a Mormon ...

George W. Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... Romney in Gallups Republican preference poll, a lead he would hold throughout the rest of the campaign. The techniques that had brought Romney victories in Michigan, such ...

How will Romney win the Michigan primaries ?

In Maine it was easy , the competition was Ron Paul and they only had to cancel key caucuses and then not count the votes . In Michigan the scenario has changed . @ Bekindto : Funny how the Washington county Republicans had to cancel " due to snow " but the Washington county Girl Scouts held their meeting . I guess the spin doesnt stop at your door . 2 Republican primary officials , Romney supporters , have lost their jobs over the fiasco .
Answer: This is the gallup poll on 2/20 that has Santorum 11 points ahead of Romney But I went to Michigan because I don't trust it and they have Romney and Paul pretty much Neck and Neck at 37-33 percent Romney with Ron Paul in at 13%. Ron Paul is supposed to be having speaking engagements 3 days ahead of time - Paul plans to speak Sunday in Hudsonville at a meeting of small business owners. The event is at 4 p.m. at The Pinnacle and is sponsored by Terry Bowman, founder of the group Union Conservatives. On Feb. 27, he's scheduled to visit East Lansing to address students and supporters at Michigan State University. That event starts at 4 p.m. at Concert Auditorium. Paul's campaign says it will announce other campaign stops as plans develop So I think anything could happen in reality and if it looks like Paul or Santorum is closing in on Romney, there will probably be more bs like in Iowa and Maine
Category: Politics

Mitt Romney averts disaster in Michigan primary

Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney won the Michigan and Arizona primaries on Tuesday, holding off conservative challenger Rick Santorum and gaining sorely needed momentum into the big round of Super Tuesday contests. For Romney, the ...

Romney Losing Some Michigan Support to Santorum -

KENTWOOD, Mich. — Mitt Romney’s Michigan homecoming as its native son is not going quite the way he had planned. Returning to the state for a business ...

Mitt ROMNEY MICHIGAN Backers Send Torrent Of Emails To State ...

Mitt Romney's top Michigan backers have flooded the zone in the last 48 hours with emails to state Republicans, praising the former Massachusetts governor and condemning his top opponent in the state, Rick Santorum.

Stress-Testing Romney's Michigan Edge -

Our model gives Mitt Romney a four-point lead in Michigan - close enough that it is worth considering whether there are factors not being picked up by the polling.

Santorum Leads Romney In Michigan | TPM2012

Two new polls show former Senator Rick Santorum with real strength ahead of Michigan’s February 28th Republican primary. Santorum has a six point lead over former ...

Romney sweeps Arizona, Michigan primaries | percent, romney ...

16 hours ago ... Romney sweeps Arizona, Michigan primaries | percent, romney, michigan, santorum, arizona, state, race, republican, made, paul.

Mitt Romney in Michigan | Mitt Romney for President

Mitt Romney today announced the support of Michigan Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley. “I’m honored to have Brian’s endorsement,” said Mitt Romney.

Romney uses Michigan speech to challenge Obama – CNN Political ...

Mackinac Island, Michigan (CNN) - Mitt Romney, speaking Saturday evening at a key Republican conference, slammed President Barack Obama for his stewardship ...

Romney finds tough times in Michigan - Washington Times

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Michigan native son Mitt Romney is mounting a giant effort here to win back some love in the state of his birth, amid fresh signs he will have ...

Why is todays michigan primary poll showing romney up by 5?

I thought since Romney was born in Michigan he would be doing better than that.
Answer: Because truthfully, he cant be trusted. And I'm sure some remembers how he was high school. Lol
Category: Media & Journalism

Michigan and Arizona Exit Polls

Polls of voters in Tuesday’s Republican primary in Michigan highlight the deep tension underpinning the Republican nominating contest, with Mitt Romney holding steady as the most electable candidate while Rick Santorum waged a serious challenge with a strong conservative base. About half of voters in Michigan said Mr. Romney was the candidate - By DALIA SUSSMAN

If Mitt Romney loses Michigan is a brokered convention inevitable?

Mitt Romney was the only one that was gonna win the nomination outright. Hes getting ready to lose his home state. He barely won Maine by 100 votes. Can you see Santorum or Paul winning the nomination outright if Romney cant seal the deal?
Answer: if he loses michigan, santorum may be nominee. and team obama will be smiling brightly
Category: Politics

I admit Michigan win is not important for Romney because of the fix Santorum is trying to push but how bout AZ?

Would Arizona loss be a game changer? I agree that Michigan is just proportional and democrats voting for Santorum the weak choice is lame. However I think Arizona would definitely make Romney weak. How bad will he lose AZ?
Answer: AZ is pretty much in Romney's pocket. Governor Jan Brewer played her little trick in that she waits until someone is going to be the clear winner and then endorses him so she can get some political points. Michigan is important only if Romney decidedly loses the state, then he is history. z
Category: Politics

Romney Wins Michigan After Tight Race

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Mitt Romney fended off a vigorous challenge from Rick Santorum in Michigan on Tuesday, narrowly carrying his native state, and won the Arizona primary on a day that revived his candidacy but did not erase the qualms conservatives have raised about his Republican presidential bid. The victory by Mr. Romney in Arizona, which - By JEFF ZELENY

Romney Takes Analytic Approach to Campaign Chaos

ALBION, Mich. — Mitt Romney does not fume over lost primaries. He prefers to quiz his political team relentlessly about strategy. He does not fret over high-stakes debates. Instead, he buries himself in briefing books. And he does not yell at aides over political miscalculations. He favors turning his frustrations inward over scolding people - By ASHLEY PARKER and MICHAEL BARBARO

Are Obama supporters feeling a bit uneasy now that Romney took Michigan and Arizona?

A number of democrats proclaimed they would cross over and vote for Santorum, to give their Obama person an edge in the general election. .
Answer: Yes they are shaking in their bots as they know that time is running out on their socialist in charge's term of office
Category: Politics

George W. Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One Michigan Democrat said of Romney, "He has not yet learned that things in government are not necessarily done the ...

Primary results: Will Romney's Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura ...

13 hours ago ... The primary results for Michigan and Arizona are in and Mitt Romney won both on Tuesday. The Michigan primary victory, in particular, will help ...

Romney takes Michigan, Arizona

Washington - Mitt Romney scored a hard-won, home state triumph in Michigan and powered to victory in Arizona Tuesday night, gaining a two-state primary sweep over Rick Santorum and precious momentum in the most turbulent Republican presidential ...

Mitt Romney's Narrow Michigan Win Avoids Disaster As Super ...

10 minutes ago ... Mitt Romney's narrow win over Rick Santorum in Michigan on Tuesday, combined with his decisive win in Arizona, allowed his campaign a sigh ...

POLITICAL MEMO; For Doubts on Romney, Michigan Primary a Testing Ground

ROYAL OAK, Mich. — The Michigan presidential primary on Tuesday offers Rick Santorum — and skeptical conservatives — the best chance yet to turn nagging questions about Mitt Romney into deep doubts about his candidacy. His defeat could send the nominating fight onto an unpredictable path and reset the Republican race. But a - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG

Surging Santorum Takes On Romney In Michigan | USA | English

A major showdown is looming between former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and his surging challenger former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, in the race for ...

Did Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney just lost Michigan in the general election?

What who am I kidding when it comes to general election Michigan will go blue. Michigan might go for Mitt Romney in the primary but in the general election it go blue for Obama. Yea I live in Michigan and we needed that auto bailout. Our governor Rick Snyder is one term governor. I think he is the most hated governor that Michigan had
Answer: Yes. MI is likely Blue in Nov.
Category: Elections

NEWS ANALYSIS; Romney Faces Stubborn Question, Despite Victories

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — After five caucuses, six primaries, 20 debates and $30 million in television commercials, Mitt Romney leaves here facing the same stubborn question: Can a Northeasterner with a history of ideological migration win the Republican presidential nomination in the Tea Party era, with all of its demands of political purity and - By JIM RUTENBERG

ECONOMIC SCENE; Republicans Malign a Stimulus, but the Plausible Options Were Few — Economic Scene

It was the winter of 2009 and the United States economy was shrinking. In the last three months of 2008 the economy had contracted at an annual rate of 8.9 percent, the sharpest decline in more than half a century. It shrank at a 6.9 percent rate the next quarter. By February 2009 the country had lost more than five million jobs. We know what - By EDUARDO PORTER

Romney wins Michigan as all eyes turn to Super Tuesday -

10 hours ago ... A relieved Mitt Romney headed back to the campaign trail Wednesday after sweeping crucial primaries in Arizona and Michigan.

Romney picks up Michigan governors endorsement | Reuters

MONROE, Michigan (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won the endorsement of Michigans popular governor on Thursday, as polls showed ...

Why is the media making a big deal out of Mitt Romney and Michigan?

nobody under the age of 55 no or cares about Mitt Romney or remembers his dad. Mitt will lose here and it has everything to do with him, not his dad being governor a thousand years ago or him being born here. nobody likes mitt.
Answer: Hes taking more flak than Obama. Not bad for a man still standing. Who by right should be dead and buried.
Category: Politics

Mitt Romney avoids Michigan disaster, but has ‘blood on him’ heading into Super Tuesday: experts

Mitt Romney dodged a bullet by winning a surprisingly close contest in Michigan, but his two-victory Tuesday doesn’t restore his aura of inevitability, experts said. Romney was raised in the Wolverine State, where his father was a three-term ...

Did Romney sound good in the Michigan debate to you?

Up until now, I have held little hope for a Republican victory in the Presidential 08 election. Romney, however, sounded real good in the Michigan debates. He came across as a strong fiscal conservative. He has a sound healthcare plan, in my opinion. He has a good outlook on international trade agreements. I am starting to feel a tingle of hope for 08. Any other thoughts?
Answer: I agree, however I think has done very well in all the debates and interviews I've seen, not just in MI. It's refreshing to have articulate frontrunners who know the issues and who have ideas to make our country better.
Category: Politics

DNC: Romney out of touch

(CNN) - A day after Mitt Romney pulled out victories in Michigan and Arizona, the Democratic National Committee is out with a new video slamming him as out-of-touch. The two-minute, web-only video is a compilation of Romney’s campaign gaffes ...

Mitt Romney Wins: Michigan Primary Results 2012

Mitt Romney was projected the winner in the Michigan primary on Tuesday night by NBC. Going into the contest, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum was hoping to pull off an upset win over the former Massachusetts governor.

Mitt Romney's Michigan Win Won't Solve His Super Tuesday Problems

But a 3-point victory in Romney's home state is hardly decisive. There is every indication that the problems Romney faced in Michigan will continue to plague his campaign as the race heads into next week's Super Tuesday ...

GOP Primaries: Romney Eeks Out Michigan Win, Takes Arizona By Wide Margin

Sign up to stay up to date on the latest headlines via email. They were both contests Mitt Romney had to win, the pundits said -- the Republican presidential primaries in Arizona and Michigan. The first, Romney won handily, by more than 20 points.

Who do you think wins Michigan, Romney or Santorum?

Im going to say Santorum by 5-10% The democrats are being urged with robo calls by team santorum to vote against romney to send a message to romney and his let detroit fail is also well know. I say the dems and republicans will put rick over the top along with the religious voters.
Category: Politics

Romneys Growing Up Michigan Ad Features Picture Of Mitt Atop ...

Mitt Romney’s latest Michigan ad, entitled “Growing Up,” features a photo of himself as a young man with his father, then-Michigan Gov. George Romney (R) as ...

Romney Regains Footing, Shifts Focus

NOVI, Michigan (CNN) -- As a television broadcast showed Mitt Romney pulling ahead in Michigans hotly contested primary race, campaign advisers began streaming into the hall where he would speak. The cheerful groups appearance en masse came minutes ...

How is it that candidates like Romney just "go" right into Wyoming, Nevada, & Michigan & voters are persuaded?

I just dont get how simply "skipping" a state & going right into the next gets so many voters to be persuaded to vote for that candidate. Romney is a perfect example, like going into Wyoming, Nevada, and Michigan.
Answer: Probably full of crazy religious types? Sorry, that was a tautology.
Category: Elections

Romney secures wins in Arizona, Michigan

US Republican White House contender Mitt Romney has pulled off a double win in the Michigan and Arizona primaries. "We didnt win by a lot, but we won by enough and thats what counts," Romney said in Michigan. With almost all votes counted, Romney had an ...

Romney wins Michigan caucus over Santorum

Mitt Romney has once again defeated his political opponents by winning the Michigan caucus over Santorum. Based on the primary results which were made public on Tuesday night, Romney is the winner of the last two primaries held in home-town Michigan and ...

Romney and Santorum collide in Michigan primary

Associated Press= WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential rivals Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum collided Tuesday in a rancorous Michigan primary that tested the clout of the GOP establishment against conservative and tea party rebels as well ...

Stephanopoulos: Romney's Michigan win 'killed' - The Daily Caller

Stephanopoulos: Romney's Michigan win 'killed' the need for a GOP 'white knight' | ABC anchor suggests the talk of a non-primary candidate needed to save GOP in presidential race ended with the former Massachusetts ...

5 factors behind Mitt Romneys Michigan comeback - The Week

Romney still trails Rick Santorum in his home state, but with the critical primary just a week away, Michigans native son is closing the gap

Obama Reminds Autoworkers of Bailout in Speech

WASHINGTON — President Obama channeled his 2008 campaign persona on Tuesday, using an energetic speech before the United Auto Workers conference to remind Michigan on primary day that he helped save the auto industry with a controversial bailout even as Mitt Romney was calling for the leading car companies to seek bankruptcy. “Just a - By HELENE COOPER

Michigan Primary Voters Ponder Mitt Romney’s Roots

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. — Many voters left their cars running in the parking lot early Tuesday morning, exhaust clouding the brisk air, as they filtered in and out of a firehouse where voting booths for the Michigan primary were lined up near a bright-red engine. Mitt Romney spent a lot of time and money in recent weeks reminding the people - By STEVEN YACCINO

Will picking Romney guarantee Michigan Nevada Colorado for McCain?

Romney is on the short list of McCains top 3 choices. Romneys father was governor of Michigan. Nevada and Colorado have huge Mormon populations.
Answer: I hope so. Romney's a real 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' self-made man. He took his father's modest millionaire bank account and flipped it to billions! A true hero. He was named "Willard" after his father's best friend, J. Williard Marriott? Fantastic!
Category: Elections

Why is Romney losing Michigan as of now?

The polls have santorum up and rick is running ads like the rombo ad which shows mitt romneys shooting mud ad him and hiding from his romneycare record. That as is pretty telling and I think santorum can take michigan. Also mitt was against the auto bailout in detroit.
Answer: Because he hasn't gone negative against Frothy Mix. I hope he does, and soon, because that would only drive BOTH these clowns' favorable ratings down.
Category: Politics

Mitt Romney says Michigan is 'too close to call'

Mitt Romney acknowledged some of his own mistakes have hindered his campaign.

Romney emphasizes Michigan roots – CNN Political Ticker - CNN ...

Mackinac Island, Michigan (CNN) - Emphasizing his roots in Michigan, Mitt Romney started early Saturday morning paying a visit to a diner in the small ...

Romney Exhales After Michigan Win, but Super Tuesday Success Wont Come Easy

Mitt Romney had a great Tuesday night, trouncing Rick Santorum in Arizona and winning a nail-biter in his native state of Michigan, but while his victories have solidified his front-runner status and averted all-out panic within his party, next weeks ...

Romney Admits Mistakes as Michigan Votes in Crucial Primary

LIVONIA, Mich. — Mitt Romney , confronted by polls showing him in danger of losing his home state of Michigan in Tuesday’s Republican primary, accepted personal blame for his inability to emerge as the decisive favorite in his party’s nomination fight, but said that he was unwilling “to light my hair on fire” to win. - By MICHAEL BARBARO and ASHLEY PARKER

Mitt ROMNEY MICHIGAN Backers Send Torrent Of Emails To State ...

20 hours ago ... NOVI, Mich. -- Mitt Romney's top Michigan backers have flooded the zone in the last 48 hours with emails to state Republicans, praising the ...

In Michigan, will Romney regret opposing auto bailout? | Reuters

(Reuters) - Four years ago, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney stood at the gates of a Michigan factory and vowed to fight for the U.S. auto ...

OP-ED COLUMNIST; G.O.P. Greek Tragedy

WASHINGTON Rick should scat. Mitt Romney needs to be left alone to limp across the finish line, so he can devote his full time and attention to losing to President Obama. Robo-Romney, who pulled out victories in his home state and in Arizona, and Sanctorum are still in a race to the bottom. Yet the once ruthless Republican Party seems to have - By MAUREEN DOWD

In Michigan, Romney Is Going to Have to Fight for His Life vs ...

Several national polls now show GOP hopeful Rick Santorum in a new dead heat with longtime front-runner Mitt Romney. Gwen Ifill discusses Santorums rise and efforts ...

Mitt Romney won Michigan. Will the momentum now shift to him to win the nomination?

After his win in Michigan, does it mean he will win Super Tuesday and finish off Rick Santorum and that he will be the nominee?
Category: Politics

Mitt ROMNEY MICHIGAN Win Unlikely To Quell Prospect Of Long GOP ...

WASHINGTON--Mitt Romney's narrow win in Michigan is unlikely to ease lingering doubts about his candidacy or head off the possibility of a long and divisive presidential nominating fight that is damaging Republican ...

Rick Santorum campaign: Michigan primary results are a disaster  for Mitt Romney -   #GolfRick Santorum campaign: Michigan primary results are a disaster for Mitt Romney - #Golf
From: CandlestoneGolf - Source: web

Romney vence primárias em Michigan e Arizona. #EleiçõesEUA #mundoRomney vence primárias em Michigan e Arizona. #EleiçõesEUA #mundo
From: sparadiso - Source: TweetDeck

Romney Sweeps Arizona, Squeezes Michigan, Competes on Super Tuesday in Six Days: Last night, in the Republican c... Sweeps Arizona, Squeezes Michigan, Competes on Super Tuesday in Six Days: Last night, in the Republican c...
From: donnapeal45 - Source: twitterfeed

Romney Sweeps Arizona, Squeezes Michigan, Competes on Super Tuesday in Six Days: Last night, in the Republican c... Sweeps Arizona, Squeezes Michigan, Competes on Super Tuesday in Six Days: Last night, in the Republican c...
From: Singles_Over_40 - Source: twitterfeed

The Drive: Breaking down Romneys Michigan win: Drive: Breaking down Romneys Michigan win:
From: CBSNewsHotSheet - Source: TweetDeck

Romney survives in Michigan, eyes on Super Tuesday: Webmaster: @AUSCITY_ForumsRomney survives in Michigan, eyes on Super Tuesday: Webmaster: @AUSCITY_Forums
From: AUSCITY_Forums - Source: Google

Santorum Campaign: Michigan Result a Disaster For Mitt Romney: @ricksantorumSantorum Campaign: Michigan Result a Disaster For Mitt Romney: @ricksantorum
From: WardBrenda - Source: Tweet Button

Consultant: Michigans primary results about as good as Romney could have … Michigans primary results about as good as Romney could have …
From: onlinesdotcom - Source: LinksAlpha

Arizona, Michigan primary results restore Mitt Romney as GOP front-runner, Michigan primary results restore Mitt Romney as GOP front-runner
From: onlinesdotcom - Source: LinksAlpha

RT @HuffPostPol: Romney plans to make a big deal out of Santorums robocall to Dems, despite hypocrisy @HuffPostPol: Romney plans to make a big deal out of Santorums robocall to Dems, despite hypocrisy
From: Craig_Hubley - Source: TweetDeck

RT @TheTequilaParty: Romneys MILLIONS still cannot beat Santorum.  "Romney, Santorum to split Michigans delegates" @TheTequilaParty: Romneys MILLIONS still cannot beat Santorum. "Romney, Santorum to split Michigans delegates"
From: BlasingSaddles - Source: Facebook

All these 18 & over Bastards on my TL & Yes Im callin U out & screw ur follow...YOUR ASS SHLD HAVE VOTED in MICHIGAN! READ UP ON #RomneyAll these 18 & over Bastards on my TL & Yes Im callin U out & screw ur follow...YOUR ASS SHLD HAVE VOTED in MICHIGAN! READ UP ON #Romney
From: Loves_Hangovers - Source: TweetCaster for Android

Eyes turn to  Super Tuesday  after Romney survives Michigan #supertuesdayEyes turn to Super Tuesday after Romney survives Michigan #supertuesday
From: random_memory - Source: random_memory

RT @Steele_Michael: Keep your eye on the delegate count in Michigan. Romney will win the popular vote but delegates are awarded by congressional district.RT @Steele_Michael: Keep your eye on the delegate count in Michigan. Romney will win the popular vote but delegates are awarded by congressional district.
From: darkknightgop - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @Pnthrgrlgail: Winning "home state" by 3, is a disaster RT @emilyrs Santorum adviser says Michigan was a "disaster" for Romney: @Pnthrgrlgail: Winning "home state" by 3, is a disaster RT @emilyrs Santorum adviser says Michigan was a "disaster" for Romney:
From: TeamBarackObama - Source: Twitterrific

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