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Weather radar : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Aircraft WEATHER RADAR vs composite NEXRAD radar or any other ground radar?
If I have Weather radar say RTA 2000, do I still need to have KDR 610 XM Satellite Weather Receiver on my plane? And vs if I have KDR 610 do I need a Weather radar? Which system gives more accurate weather info and which one I should choose for my plane?
Answer: I am not familiar with the RTA 2000, however I've worked with the RDR-4000 Weather radar. It has turbulence and PWS capabilities along with its unique Volumetric Buffer, which is a storage area for the scanned radar data. The benefit of the Volumetric Buffer is that the radar display is not slaved to the antenna, rather it is taken from the stored data. The controlling software gives the user the facility to slice through the stored display, so that you can see the insides of the weather, either in vertical slices or horizontal. The volumetric buffer retains the data for a while, meaning that as the aircraft advances, the weather that was passed, is shown behind the aircraft in the MFD, effectively giving a 360 degrees coverage. Of course, the rearward data is stale by now, but still it serves as an indicator!
The RDR-4000 would have been the complete solution, digital, low powered but extensive ranged and exceptionally reliable. Sad, it is yet to be released for smaller aircraft. Checkout the link below.
Category: Aircraft
St. Louis weather service office improves radar, warnings
WELDON SPRING — The National Weather Service office in suburban St. Louis says improvements to its radar will help better detect the severity of tornadoes. Meanwhile, the service plans to test a more explicit set of warnings that could help ...
What is the value of WEATHER RADAR operating in the Doppler mode in forecasting severe thunderstorms?
What is the value of Weather radar operating in the Doppler mode in forecasting severe thunderstorms including those that may spawn tornadoes? Where is the doppler RaDaR closest to your location?
Answer: The value of Doppler radar is that it can detect small objects that are blown or carried by the wind. By being able to detect these small particles, it can then estimate the wind speed and direction of the surrounding atmosphere. This is important as it will be able to monitor how a thunderstorm develops and will be able to detects clues as to whether a storm will developing severe weather signatures. In other words, it can give the radar operator much more advanced notice that a storm is becoming severe. This can improve significantly on severe weather, including tornadic storms, warning lead times.
Category: Weather
Stay Safe With Winter Storm Resources
You can find your forecast, KELOLAND Live Doppler HD radar, latest weather alerts and messages from our meteorologists on the KELOLAND Weather page. Parents and students should monitor the KELOLAND Closeline for the latest in weather-related school announcements.
Where do I get WEATHER RADAR loops for a month in 2009?
I need a Weather radar loop for a certain month for Clearwater Beach (June, 2009). Anyone know where I can find such a loop to watch for squall lines on radar?
Answer: The national climatic data center (NCDC) archives weather service radar data. You will need to know the dates and time periods you want to retrieve in UTC time. The files are rather large, so I suggest narrowing it down as best you can.
Go to this site:
And browse around for info on requesting and downloading the data and software to work with it. You are most likely going to want the level III data.
Category: Weather
NWS radar image from Caribou, ME - National Weather Service ...
Distance from Radar, Lat/Lon of selected location: Distance from Selected Location
Where can I find I schematic of a WEATHER RADAR equipment?
I am an electronic tech and am looking for a shematic of a Weather radar to track storms. I am a member of Skywarn in middle Tennessee. Ive done searches on search engines and havent found anything. If no schematics can be found please give sites where dopplar radar can be purchased. But I really need a shematic.
Category: Weather
Metro Under Slight Risk For Severe Weather Tonight
Sign up for severe weather alerts: CLICK HERE -Interactive Radar On iPhone/KMBC 9 News iPhone app: CLICK HERE -Interactive Radar On Droid: CLICK HERE Most Popular Stories at KMBC KCPL Wants To Raise Rates In Missouri Ashley Rinehart Calls Her Childhood ...
Doppler Radar National Mosaic - NOAA's National Weather Service
Jan 10, 2011 ... Comments on combined warning and radar displays will be accepted through the implementation of the new radar.
Plan for Doppler radar at airport faces headwind
The radar is to help the aerodrome meteorological office monitor low-level windshear and other weather patterns and issue a comprehensive weather report to airlines. It was proposed to be installed on the slopes of the Tirusulam hills to monitor ...
Latest WEATHER RADAR: 'Doppler on steroids' - Electronic Cigarettes ...
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has upgraded the Cyclone Detection Radar (CDR) station at Karaikal in Puducherry UT with a state-of-the-art Doppler Weather radar (DWR) for advanced analysis of the weather. The Indian ...
Requirement for WEATHER RADAR for IFR?
Wondering if anyone could please tell me where abouts in the Australian Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs) the segments on requirements for Weather radar would be found?
Ive found instruments, GPWS, FDR, everything under the sun but cant track down radar - its for an ATPL law exam.
Answer: Weather radar is not required so it's not there.
Category: Aircraft
National Weather Service Doppler Radar Images
U.S. Dept. of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Page Author: NWS ... - WEATHER RADAR | United States WEATHER RADAR
United States radar imagery including regional, Alaska base and Hawaii base reflectivity radars.
Radar upgrade to give data boost to Reno meteorologists
In September, the Reno office of the National Weather Service is expecting a major upgrade to the radar system that serves as its eye when it comes to short-term forecasting of everything from the winter snowstorms that can close Sierra passes ... | Dallas - Fort Worth Radars ...
The best radar coverage in Dallas / Fort Worth and North Texas. Track storms and severe weather on My Own Radar on
Latest WEATHER RADAR: 'Doppler on steroids'
will place roads icy with up to a 0. the importance of the Doppler Weather radar (DWR) is paramount, Bookmark the . Pulmonary.
U.S. NEXRAD and TDWR Radar Stations : Weather Underground
Weather Underground provides local & long range Weather Forecast, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.
what is the name of the site where you can get the radar (weather ...
Besides what other websites can I type in my home address (not just zip code or city) and see live Weather radar? I have checked noaa, (which seems to be the only one that does this), accuweather, ...
What is the best interactive weather /radar map?
I used to use yahoo/weather, but they changed it up and the new one sucks. I need a local radar that can be put in motion, please.
Answer: wunderground dot com
Category: Weather
How do I activate the WEATHER RADAR on an Embraer 170 / 190?
Hi, I am triyng to activate the Weather radar on a Embraer 170/190 (Wilco E-Jets FSX) according to the instructions.
But, the Weather radar does not work, it only shows the "test mode" (A default colors).
What I should do to get it working properly?
Any advice is welcome!
Answer: It's best to consult Wilco support on this, as the simulated aircraft may not function like the real thing. Weather radar simulation in particular tends to be highly variable among different sim developers.
Category: Aircraft
WEATHER RADAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weather radar, also called weather surveillance radar (WSR) and Doppler Weather radar, is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and ...
Does anyone know a good infrared WEATHER RADAR site for the UK?
I love Weather radar sites like Weather Underground. That site has very detailed infrared radar and a great map zoom in feature. Im looking for a site that has a similar radar and zoom feature for the United Kingdom. I cant seem to find a good one anywhere. The US cant be the only place with good detailed infrared radar maps. I figure you guys that are familiar with Weather Undergrounds great radar maps will know what Im looking for. Thanks for any help.
Answer: This a doppler weather site from the National Weather Service. Just click on the map below and you can get enhanced images. The last listing is for the UK
Category: Weather
Big Leaguers Who Arent Afraid of Getting a Little Dirty
Spring training officially begins this week, but the first whispers of a new season actually came early last month at the annual convention of baseballs groundskeepers, a hardy bunch who can discourse on soil science, analyze Weather radar and, when necessary, work ridiculously long hours. As the masters of the grass -- there are two laggards, - MLB groundskeepers gather in Anaheim, Calif, to talk shop, trade war stories and, like everyone else, worry about the weather; this is the 14th year that there has been a groundskeepers convention, and almost all of the 30 baseball teams are represented. Photos (M)/ - By MATTHEW ORR
Houston Weather: Live Mega Doppler 13 radar |
Mega Doppler 13 Radar: The most powerful radar in Houston and southeast Texas.
The Bottleneck
Delays are a fact of life at New Yorks three main airports. Each day, thousands of passengers are stuck on planes at the airports -- Kennedy, La Guardia and Newark Liberty International -- sitting in line behind a dozen other planes waiting to take off or circling overhead until they get clearance to land. And the delays persist, despite changes - Flight delays at New Yorks main airports--Kennedy, La Guardia and Newark Liberty--were as bad as ever in 2011 and impact of delays rippled across the country, despite changes in procedures and airline schedules; regions airspace handled 12 percent of all domestic flights in first half of 2011, but accounted for nearly half of all delays in the nation. Maps, Photos (M)/ - By JAD MOUAWAD
National Weather Service Doppler Radars
To view a local radar, select area of interest and click on the image below. - Local WEATHER RADAR | Radar Weather radar comprehensive radars including this United States - WEATHER RADAR | United States WEATHER RADAR Weather radar comprehensive radars including this United States Weather radar
Intellicast - Current Radar in United States
The Current Radar map shows areas of current precipitation. A Weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, hail ...
A Warship Returns, With the Family in Tow
ABOARD U.S.S. JOHN C. STENNIS, off Mexico — Aidan Daniels’s journey toward his father began a little more than a week ago in the airport in Seattle, where he boarded a commercial flight headed over the Pacific. Six hours later, he landed in Honolulu and looked up into the eyes of his father, Lt. Cmdr. William Daniels, a Navy - By C.J. CHIVERS
Intellicast - Current Radar in United States
The Current Radar map shows areas of current precipitation. A Weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, ...
10 things you wont forget about Speedweeks 2012
We were amused, mystified, thrilled, concerned and, at the end, relieved. For a while there, if the Weather radar hadnt finally cooperated, it was looking like it might not end until Tuesday.Oh wait ... technically, it didnt end until Tuesday.
US: Doppler Radar - Weather
Outdoor Activities (Ski, Lawn & Garden, Golf). Health & Safety (Cold & Flu, Severe Weather Alerts). Weather Details (Radar, Weekly Planner, World Regions ) ...
Latest WEATHER RADAR: 'Doppler on steroids' | Apacuy
Go online to thenorthwestern, travel conditions and photos and videos during severe winter weather, 69°F. Chance of Storm.
Latest WEATHER RADAR: 'Doppler on steroids' : Latest Hot News
Go online to for live Weather radar, travel conditions and photos and videos during severe winter weather. On Twitter, use the hashtag #f.
Weather News: Forecast, Maps, Radar, & Storm Report -
Local, national, and world weather forecast, reports, maps, and radar provided by Find daily, 10 day, 5 day, and long term online forecasts.
Fifty years ago, if the Giants were headed to Green Bay to play the Packers in the postseason, fans in New York might have considered themselves lucky to catch the game on television. Today, with tickets available online and frequent-flier miles accruing with every credit-card purchase, fans can dare to dream a little more boldly. Six members of a - Group of New York Giants football fans chronicle their trip to Green Bay for playoff game between Giants and Packers; recall bitter cold of 2008 playoff between two teams. Photos (M)/ - By DOUG CHASE
Are the times used on the WEATHER RADAR and Satellite photos NZ time or GMT?
Looking at the images I can see on Radar or Satellite they dont appear to relate very closely to the weather I can see out the window, nor do they match the isobaric maps unless a 12 hr allowance is made.
Answer: it should say on the time stamp of the radar image.
at least the do here in the US
infact I just looked at the weather chart at this link and the Time stamp is clearly posted as Valid at: 7:00 pm 21 Jan 2008 NZDT in the upper left corner of the chart
it is on NZ Local Time.
Note I could not find a link to a Weather radar site.
Category: Weather
How does WEATHER RADAR operating in the reflectivity mode locate and plot the motion of areas of precipitation?
How does Weather radar operating in the reflectivity mode locate and plot the motion of areas of precipitation?
Answer: Moisture dense enough to form precipitation cells in the atmosphere simply reflects more electromagnetic energy back to the radar antenna than clear air. The computer in the radar set is designed to make a number of measures and calculations from which it is able to derive the location, distance, and speed of motion of the target rain cells by applying geometry, trigonometry, algebra, etc., to known physical constants.
Science marches on!
Category: Weather
Russian Official Suggests a Weapon Caused an Exploration Spacecrafts Failure
MOSCOW -- A Russian scientific spacecraft whizzing out of control around the Earth, and expected to re-enter the atmosphere on Saturday, may have failed because it was struck by some type of antisatellite weapon, the director of Russias space agency said in an interview published Tuesday. He did not say who would want to interfere with the - Disabled Russian spacecraft Phobos-Grunt begins breaking up and falling to Earth; Vladimir Popovkin, director of Russian space agency, says vessel may have been attacked by some kind of antisatellite weapon, but does not specify who may have wanted such a strike. Photo (M) - By ANDREW E. KRAMER; Kenneth Chang contributed reporting from New York.
Check out a radar map of weather front coming into Muskegon
MUSKEGON -- A winter weather advisory has been issued for West Michigan for the second time this week. Rain is expected to start falling late Tuesday and, as temperatures drop, will leave roads icy with up to a 0.2-inch build up overnight.
A Crossover Star
PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif. -- As a Briton based in the United States, Luke Donald was asked Wednesday what he misses most about his homeland. Roundabouts, he replied. Too many stoplights here. Roundabouts is the way forward. It figures that Donald, a headliner this week at the Northern Trust Open, would prefer the more circuitous route. His - Luke Donald led the money list on both the PGA and European Tours last season, and he has embraced the attention he receives as the top-ranked golfer. Photo (M) - By KAREN CROUSE
For sure WEATHER RADAR – Who Said What ? | Best Web Gossip
The lung is composed of groups of tiny air sacs (alveoli) divided by thin walls, venous injury (damage to the veins), pulmonary.
In Breess Great Season, Reviews Have Been Muted
METAIRIE, La. -- To grasp the grand scale of Drew Breess 2011 season, consider Thomas Morstead. He is the punter for New Orleans, and because Brees is the Saints quarterback, because he set three N.F.L. passing records, Morsteads workload, like that of a butcher at a vegan bistro, mostly ranges from light to nonexistent. As the Saints pummeled - By GREG BISHOP
AUDIO: Grand Forks National Weather Service Radar To Receive Upgrade
There will be better advance weather warnings coming soon to the region. The Grand Forks National Weather Service is set to get an upgrade of its Weather radar that is better at scoping out nasty weather from torrential rain to hail, snow and even tornadoes.
3-4 inches expected in Green Bay area; check cancellations, radar, traffic cameras
A winter weather advisory remains in effect from 9 p.m. today until 6 p.m. Wednesday, with the Green Bay area expected to get 3 to 5 inches of snow tonight turning to a wintry mix into Wednesday Deteriorating travel conditions are expected ...
Kentucky, Tennessee Severe Weather Threat This Evening
The National Weather Service (NWS) Doppler Radar indicated a severe thunderstorm capable of producing quarter size hail. The NWS issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Northeastern Bullitt County, Northern Nelson County, Southern Shelby County and ...
Where is some good WEATHER RADAR that I can put on my site for free?
I would like a good FREE Weather radar to put on my site in HTML. Any suggestions?
Answer: SKYWARN uses the national NOAA radar.
Category: Weather
Lake Trapped Under Ice Is Reached in Antarctica
MOSCOW -- In the coldest spot on the earths coldest continent, Russian scientists have reached a freshwater lake the size of Lake Ontario after spending a decade drilling through more than two miles of solid ice, the scientists said Wednesday. A statement by the chief of the Vostok Research Station, A. M. Yelagin, released by the director of the - Russian scientists have reached a freshwater lake the size of Lake Ontario after spending a decade drilling through more than two miles of solid ice; Lake Vostok, named after the Russian research station above it, is the largest of more than 280 lakes under the miles-thick ice that covers most of the Antarctic continent, and the first one to have a drill bit break through to liquid water from the ice that has kept it sealed off from light and air for somewhere between 15 million and 34 million years. Photo (M) - By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN and JAMES GORMAN; David M. Herszenhorn reported from Moscow, and James Gorman from New York.
Where can I download a WEATHER RADAR for free that is on my desktop and not inside a folder?
I want a little Weather radar on my desktop, not inside a folder, just as a quick reference. Also it has to be free. What website has this?
Category: Software
What is the site for the WEATHER RADAR they use in F1?
I was watching quali for Japan on Saturday and I noticed in the segment where Ted Kravits was talking to Mike Gasgoine about the pit wall the Weather radar was being run on the internet. I was wondering if anyone knows what is the website that is used.
Answer: I think it's either probably provided to them by the FIA, and not streamed from a website
I rely on for weather updates on a daily basis, as well as @radarguruF1 on twitter (!/radarguruf1
And a good radar for Japan from their MET dept
Category: Formula One
National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report
The Weather Channel and provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as Weather radar, report and hurricane coverage.
Local weather conditions, forecasts and Doppler radar maps - MSN ...
MSN Local Edition Weather – Find current conditions, forecasts, news, video, satellite and Doppler radar maps, and more for all U.S. cities.
Doppler Radar National Mosaic - NOAAs National Weather Service
Comments on combined warning and radar displays will be accepted through the implementation of the new radar.
Dreary Monday ahead for Tampa Bay
The pattern will hold through the rest of the week and possibly beyond. The Tampa Bay weather station is scheduled to start work on an important radar upgrade on Monday. The weather service is getting ready to install a new dual-polarization radar system.
Where can I find this type of WEATHER RADAR?
Im trying to find a nationwide interactive Weather radar with the spinning sweeps of the radar. You know, the line that "sweeps" across the radar to show you its active. If you dont know of a radar like that, do you know how I could put a sweep on a radar or even "build" my own radar?
Answer: The sweep really isn't sweeping anymore.. that is just a visual thing.. a remnant of a bygone era...
I remember we had a sweep on the FPS-77
Category: Weather | Dallas - Fort Worth Radars, Texas Radars
The best radar coverage in Dallas / Fort Worth and North Texas. Track storms and severe weather on My Own Radar on
THEATER REVIEW; In London, Unhappiness and Foul Weather Make for Great Theater
LONDON — “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness,” or so Samuel Beckett once famously wrote, and I suspect Alan Ayckbourn was among those taking diligent notes from the Irish master as he devised his 1974 play “Absent Friends.” Here’s a play saturated at every turn with death that nonetheless can revitalize a - By MATT WOLF
Healing a Rift, U.S. Agrees to $30 Billion Fighter Jet Sale to Saudi Arabia
HONOLULU -- Fortifying one of its key allies in the Persian Gulf, the Obama administration announced a weapons deal with Saudi Arabia on Thursday, saying it had agreed to sell F-15 fighter jets valued at nearly $30 billion to the Royal Saudi Air Force. The agreement, and the administrations parallel plans to press ahead with a nearly $11 billion - By MARK LANDLER and STEVEN LEE MYERS; Mark Landler reported from Honolulu, and Steven Lee Myers from Washington. Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington.
Nexrad Mixed Composite Radar Map : Weather Underground
Weather Underground provides local & long range Weather Forecast, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.
Would I be able to view a live WEATHER RADAR loop with an iPhone?
Im considering buying an unlocked iPhone to use with my T-mobile sim and was wondering if and how I could view a radar loop to see direction and intensity of approaching storms. Its coming up on tornado season here in the midwest. If its as simple as loading a weather web page would my iPhone have the ability to loop the images like you can on a computer?
Answer: In Australia i know you can access live weather loops from the Bureau of Meterology website
hope that helps
Category: PDAs & Handhelds
Intellicast - Local and National Weather Forecast, Radar, Maps and ...
The Authority in Expert Weather. Local, National and Global weather conditions and forecast, radar, satellite, interactive weather maps, severe weather alerts and ...
Get Over Yourself ! WEATHER RADAR The Truth | Best Web Gossip
will place roads icy with up to a 0. the importance of the Doppler Weather radar (DWR) is paramount, Bookmark the . Pulmonary.
Wind advisory, red flag warning issued
Hold on to those hats for the trail rides Friday. Weather Alerts IssuedRadars | Radar Loop | Temps | Lightning Tracker It will be a windy day with strong north winds 15 to 25 mph and gusts to 35 mph. Friday morning in Houston, winds gusts were as high at 40 mph.
National Weather Service Doppler Radar Images
Sep 11, 2007 ... Latest Weather radar images from the National Weather Service.
Latest WEATHER RADAR: Doppler on steroids
The forecast for Aug. 19, 2009, called for cloudy and unseasonably cool conditions, with the possibility of thunderstorms. Nothing like the steamy swirl that can spawn tornadoes. So when one dipped out of the sky over Minneapolis, 19 minutes ...
Messy storm could drop 6 inches of snow
Go online to for live Weather radar, travel conditions and photos and videos during severe winter weather. On Twitter, use the hashtag #fvwx to post your updates about conditions on your commute or in your neighborhood.
Google. Custom Search. Weather Software, Live Weather radar, & Live Weather Satellite. Enter your trip info one time and check fares on all major websites!
Weather service getting radar upgrades
The weather is becoming more predictable. The National Weather Service has announced that it will be installing upgrades for new Dual Polarization Radars at all of its 160 Doppler Radar locations across the country. North Dakota has three radars at Minot ...
As if WEATHER RADAR – Who Said What ? | Best Web Gossip
Go online to thenorthwestern, travel conditions and photos and videos during severe winter weather, 69°F. Chance of Storm.
Why is there a stationary blob on the WEATHER RADAR?
If you follow this link... will be taken to the National Weather Services radar loop for Chicago. Centered around Joliet is a blue blob that always seems to change, but never seems to move from that location. No matter what the weather, this blob will always be there. What exactly is this?
Answer: This is called clutter or radar interference. It can be the result of a number of things that are getting picked up by the radar's transmissions.
The little moving blob that always sticks around is a result of a long radar waveguide between the radar transceiver and the antenna. The rotating antenna will usually be seen as a sunburst in the centre of the display as the receiver responds to echoes from dust particles and misguided reflections. Some other issues include reflections from birds/bats, buildings, atmopheric turbulence, dust, elevation increases, etc..
Category: Weather
NOAAs National Weather Service
Observations Radar Satellite Snow Cover Surface Weather... Observed Precip: Forecasts Local Graphical Aviation Marine Hurricanes Severe Weather
Did you know?: Latest Weather radar: 'Doppler on
From: FitnessTipsClub - Source: Fitness Tips Club
Weather service getting radar upgrades
From: Evelyn_Gomez5 - Source: twitterfeed
Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Crawford and Perry County in IN until 7:45amEST/6:45amCST. Radar at #INWX
From: WLKY - Source: ReadyWarn
Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Crawford and Perry County in IN until 7:45amEST/6:45amCST. Radar at #INWX
From: WLKYJayCardosi - Source: Facebook
check Latest Weather radar: Doppler on steroids: The lung is composed of groups of tiny air sacs (alveoli)... out
From: trungdeplao1 - Source: twitterfeed
RT @jimmyjd20: I swear weather men are idiots look at the radar #gonnastartbefore1
From: chrislombardo3 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
I swear weather men are idiots look at the radar #gonnastartbefore1
From: jimmyjd20 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
will place roads icy with up to a 0. the importance of the Doppler Weather radar (DWR) is paramount, Bookmark the...
From: iSpeechly - Source: Facebook
Your Local Doppler Radar
From: CorrectTemp - Source:
eRadar HD - NOAA Weather radar
From: TopAppsToday - Source: itweetlive
RT @NBCPhiladelphia: Track todays weather with our Live Interactive Radar. #Rain
From: joshmcknight - Source: TweetDeck
Doppler Weather radar predictions still accurate
From: Vernon_Porter - Source: twitterfeed
Airborne Weather radar: A Users Guide: Every pilot confronts the possibility of having to circumnavigate hazard...
From: Nenamuw - Source: twitterfeed
Track todays weather with our Live Interactive Radar. #Rain
From: NBCPhiladelphia - Source: TweetDeck
Remember you can always track showers & storms on Storm Track Doppler Radar here:
From: JWatson_Wx - Source: TweetDeck