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OLYMPIA SNOWE delivers stunning rebuke in decision to leave ...
5 hours ago ... Olympia snowe, a moderate Republican senator from Maine, won't seek another term in the US Senate because intense partisanship has ...
Are Senators OLYMPIA SNOWE and Susan Collins the only two Republicans in the Senate with good sense?
It certainly appears so.
Answer: Absolutely. I like those two.They are RINOS, I suppose.
Category: Politics
OLYMPIA SNOWE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Olympia Jean Snowe (née Bouchles ; born February 21, 1947) is the senior United States Senator from Maine and a member of the Republican Party. Snowe has become ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE, Susan Collins break GOP ranks over birth control coverage
The Maine Twins, Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia snowe, are breaking ranks with their leader in the GOP caucus and supporting President Obamas accommodation on the birth control rule that requires insurers, rather than employers, to pick up the ...
Analysis: Questions, options reverberate from Snowe bombshell
AUGUSTA — U.S. Sen. Olympia snowes sudden decision to abandon her re-election bid is a political earthquake. Now come the obvious questions. Why now? What happens next? Only Snowe, who has served in Congress for nearly three decades ...
Record and controversies. Health Insurance Reform. On October 15, Snowe was the only Republican on the Senate Finance Committee to cross the aisle and vote in favor ...
After Three Straight Losses, Romney Edges Past Paul in the Maine Caucuses
Mitt Romney averted embarrassment on Saturday when he was declared the winner of a presidential straw poll in Maines nonbinding caucuses. He won 39 percent of the vote, barely edging out Representative Ron Paul of Texas, the only other Republican candidate to campaign actively in the state. Mr. Paul drew 36 percent. Rick Santorum won 18 percent, - Mitt Romney is declared the winner of the presidential straw poll in Maines nonbinding caucuses, averting embarrassment after losses in three states. (M) - By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE; Erik Eckholm contributed reporting.
Would Ronald Reagan have told OLYMPIA SNOWE to leave the GOP?
His "eleventh commandment" was Thou Shalt Not Criticize Thy Fellow Republicans. Would he have said Snowe does not deserve to call herself a Republican and ought to change parties?
Answer: I'm sure he wouldn't. He respected our right to our own opinions. I wish we had a president like that now.
Category: Politics
Snowe, R-Maine, ends her re-election bid, will retire
U.S. Sen. Olympia snowe, Republican of Maine, has just dropped a bombshell: She will not be running for re-election later this year. From her announcement: “As I have long said, what motivates me is producing results for those who have ...
Snowe’s GOP rivals encouraged by energy after caucuses
PORTLAND, Maine — Sen. Olympia snowe’s primary challengers hope to ride conservative momentum driven by Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s strong showing in Maine’s caucuses. Libertarian tea party activist Andrew Ian Dodge and self-proclaimed ...
There are now Rumors and Whisperings of OLYMPIA SNOWE switching parties to become a Democrat? Reactions?
Personally, I think that it would be nice if Senator Susan Collins would join her.
Answer: To answer your question seriously and without party, I think that a politician, whether it is a Democrat or Republican, should be obligated to serve as a member of that party. It was that party's apparatus that got them elected in the first place, so that person should honor that commitment.
If a politician wishes to switch parties, they should . . .
(a) wait until after their term is over to make the switch, or
(b) if that is not feasible, at least make the switch and become an independent.
Category: Politics
OLYMPIA SNOWE Not Seeking Reelection, Staffer Said He Hadn't ...
The Twitterverse and Maine local channel WGME 13 are reporting that Senator Olympia snowe will not seek reelection.
Senate investigates Veterans Affairs program
U.S. Sen. Olympia snowe, R-Maine, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, sent a letter to VA Secretary Erik Shinseki Feb. 9, asking for a an update of the verification process that requires veteran-owned ...
Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) - The Washington Post
Why She Matters. As one of the only Republican moderates left in the Senate, Snowe has been at the center of some of the upper chambers most divisive policy debates ...
Will you thank OLYMPIA SNOWE for giving us bi-partisan Health Care?
Although she seems unwilling to support the final version, shouldnt we give credit whee credit is due and thank Republican Senator Olympia snowe for voting Health Care through to the full Senate and giving it bi-partisan support?
Answer: Yes Snowe is one that needs to be thanked. She has decided to put the nation before the party, and should be commended.
Category: Politics
How much pork do you think OLYMPIA SNOWE was bribed with?
These people only care about job security and power. If you think for one minute any of them care about you or your health, you are sadly mistaken you poor sheep.
Answer: A lot. & probably a player(s) to be named later.
Category: Politics
What does it say about McCain that he didnt pick OLYMPIA SNOWE or Lisa Murkowski?
What does it say about John McCain that he didnt pick either Olympia snowe or Lisa Murkowski (Alaskan Senator btw) as his VP choice but instead picked Sarah Palin. So that anyone who criticizes Palin is labeled a sexist just because she is one of the few women in politics that doesnt know anything.
What does it say about his judgement and how can you defend it?
Answer: Because they're both considered Washington insiders and probably too moderate to satisfy the far right radicals.. I've met Olympia snowe on a couple different occasions and she is a very bright person. She would have been a much better selection in my opinion.
Category: Politics
Taking Few Chances On Seating or Dress
WASHINGTON -- There is no protocol to announce a member of the House as she enters the House chamber on the night of the State of the Union address, so Representative Gabrielle Giffords slid in quietly, flanked by two other Arizonans, Representative Jeff Flake, a Republican, and Representative Raúl M. Grijalva, a Democrat, who led her gingerly to - Rep Gabrielle Giffords receives applause in the House chamber as she attends Pres Obamas State of the Union address; some bipartisan members of the House and Senate sit next to each other during address, and most of those attending dress conservatively. Photos (M)0 - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER
Republican Senator Runs Away From the Party Line
BOSTON -- Two years ago, Scott P. Brown was a little-known state legislator on the cusp of one of the biggest upset victories in modern politics: capturing Edward M. Kennedys longtime Senate seat in this overwhelmingly Democratic state, costing that party its filibuster-proof majority and becoming a Republican sensation. Mr. Brown will return to - Massachusetts Sen Scott P Brown will open his re-election campaign against presumptive Democratic opponent Elizabeth Warren, in what is likely to be one of the most expensive, scrutinized and suspenseful races of 2012; Brown has considerable resources at his disposal, but will have to contend with Warrens soaring popularity and states overwhelmingly Democratic voters. Photo (M) - By ABBY GOODNOUGH
2012’s Other Elections: OLYMPIA SNOWE Out, Bob Kerrey In, and More
Maine’s senior U.S. senator, Olympia snowe, announced Tuesday that she will not seek reelection this year. The retirement of the Republican, who has been in office since 1995, is sure to harm her party’s chances of holding on to a Senate ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE - Mahalo.com
Olympia snowe is the senior US Senator from Maine. She is currently in her third term in the position. She is a Republican. In 2001 she became the first Republican ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington ...
Features complete voting record along with a brief biography, roles in Congress and financial disclosure statement.
Rooting for the Little Guy
Harold Pollack used to spend $1,000 a year on Amazon, but this fall started buying from small online retailers instead. The prices are higher, but Dr. Pollack says he now has a clear conscience. I dont feel they behave in a way that I want to support with my consumer dollars, Dr. Pollack, a professor in Chicago, said of the big Internet - Smaller e-commerce sites are positioning themselves as mom-and-pop alternatives, using personalized touches to build loyalty, while giant companies like Amazon are acting more like big-box stores; larger sites are extinguishing small competitors with discounted prices, free shipping and easy-to-use apps. Drawing, Photos (M) - By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD and CLAIRE CAIN MILLER
Snowe Cites ‘Partisanship’ in Congress for Retirement Decision
Feb. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Republican Senator Olympia snowe of Maine cited frustration with Congress’s “partisanship” for her decision not to seek re-election in November. Snowe, a three-term senator who at times votes with Democrats ...
Snowe Opts Not to Seek Re-election In Maine
WASHINGTON — Citing excessive partisanship and a dispiriting political environment, Senator Olympia J. Snowe , a three-term Republican from Maine, said Tuesday that she would not run for re-election in November. Her surprise decision delivered a potential blow to Republicans who need just a handful of seats to regain control of the Senate; - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER
First Read - OLYMPIA SNOWE won't seek re-election in 2012
7 hours ago ... In a surprise to political observers, Maine Sen. Olympia snowe (R) has announced she will not be seeking re-election this year, giving ...
United States Senator OLYMPIA SNOWE
Snowe Questions Geithner on President’s Budget Request. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine), a senior member of the Senate Finance ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Olympia Jean Snowe (née Bouchles; born February 21, 1947) is the senior United States Senator from Maine and a member of the Republican Party. Snowe ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE Retiring: Senator Will Not Seek Another Term
7 hours ago ... Olympia snowe (R-Maine) will not run to keep her seat this November, according to local station WGME. "After an extraordinary amount of ...
Does anyone think that OLYMPIA SNOWE and Susan Collins are selling out to get $$ for Maines huge Welfare role?
Yesterday they once again sold out to Dems so that Medicaid(State run Healthcare) would be funded additionally. Maine has a huge Medicaid system. Was yesterday a sell out or really the payoff for all the other deciding votes that have changed the US under Obama?
Answer: Not only is this true, but they have given their states to the feds. From this day forward each state that accepts this bailout MUST spend the same amount or more each year forever! This precludes any means of balancing state's budgets, and they will be forced to seek federal bailouts at least once a year, every year.
Category: Politics
Incumbent Republican candidate in 2012 for U.S. Senator from Maine.
For Kyl, One Last Stand in the Crossfire
WASHINGTON -- Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona hustled through the Capitol on Wednesday to huddle with fellow Republicans trying to head off the next political train wreck for their party, another crisis over the expiring payroll tax cut. Weary and frustrated, he was not optimistic. Weve got about a week to get a lot of work done, he said. Mr. Kyl - Sen Jon Kyle of Arizona is undergoing a final trial as a Republican negotiator in talks with Democrats to keep alive a two-percentage-point payroll tax cut he helped create in 2010; observers say Kyls legacy as a master deal-maker is at stake in the current talks; Kyl is scheduled to retire in January, 2013. Photo (M) - By JONATHAN WEISMAN
OP-ED COLUMNIST; G.O.P. Greek Tragedy
WASHINGTON Rick should scat. Mitt Romney needs to be left alone to limp across the finish line, so he can devote his full time and attention to losing to President Obama. With Sanctorum and Robo-Romney in a race to the bottom, the once ruthless Republican Party seems to have pretty much decided to cave on 2012 and start planning for a post-Obama - By MAUREEN DOWD
Why do you think a socially liberal Republican like OLYMPIA SNOWE opposes the health care reform bill?
Did it surprise you that she wouldnt cooperate with the Dems on the issue of heatlh care?
Shes usually liberal on many issues.
and sometimes fiscally liberal. She voted in favor of the stimulus bill.
Answer: Snowe objected to the public option. She is not very liberal. Most liberals support the public option. Snowe wanted her plan to "trigger" the public option adopted and the Democrats did not go for it.
The fact that the public option has apparently been eliminated accounts for a great deal of liberal dissatisfaction with the current health care proposal. Too many compromises have been made in order to get the needed votes to overcome a Republican filibuster. That is no longer an option, so the Democrats have to get serious and use reconciliation, as Howard Dean suggested over a month ago.
Category: Politics
Snowe Goes
Another centrist bites the dust. Olympia snowe is retiring. What happened to the big tent of the Republican Party? There was a time when New England Republican was a badge of honor indicating a pragmatic approach to politics; generally conservative from a ...
GOP Sen. OLYMPIA SNOWE of Maine wont run again
Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, one of the Senates few remaining moderate Republicans, announced Tuesday that she would not seek a fourth term — a blow to GOP hopes of regaining control of the chamber. Snowe, 65, was one of the few potential ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE’s Heavy Metal Primary Challenger Goes Independent
Quirky libertarian Senate candidate Andrew Ian Dodge is abandoning his primary campaign against Sen. Olympia snowe (R-ME) to run as an independent, telling TPM that he no longer has any faith in the Maine Republican Party following a disastrous ...
Email - United States Senator OLYMPIA SNOWE
I always welcome comments and concerns from Maine constituents. If you would like to send me an e-mail message, please complete the webform below.
OLYMPIA SNOWE on the Issues
Archives; Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove (click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Olympia_Snowe) Other Senate races
OLYMPIA SNOWE Retiring: Senator Will Not Seek Another Term
U.S. Sen. Olympia snowe (R-Maine) will not run to keep her seat this November, according to local station WGME. "After an extraordinary amount of reflection and consideration, I am announcing today that I will not be a ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Olympia Jean Snowe née Bouchles, is the senior United States Senator. from Maine. and a member of the Republican Party. Snowe has become widely known for her ability ...
Republicans Stampede to the Right Ahead of 2012 Election
WASHINGTON — As Senator Orrin G. Hatch looked on in May 2010, delegates to Utah’s Republican convention booted out Robert F. Bennett , his three-term Senate colleague and Republican mainstay, chanting “TARP, TARP, TARP” to make clear that Mr. Bennett was being punished for backing the Wall Street bailout that both Utah - By JONATHAN WEISMAN
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: OLYMPIA SNOWE is retiring
News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective.
United States Senator OLYMPIA SNOWE
Official site, including biography, committees, photos, press releases, her weekly updates, media articles, audiovideo, constituent services, Maine facts and ...
How much do you love Scott Brown, OLYMPIA SNOWE and Susan Collins?
If it wasnt for those 3 Republicans, the financial reform bill would of just been filibustered, but because of them, a super-majority was achieved and the bill passed.
Answer: The Democrats do deserve a whole lot of credit for sticking to their guns on banking and financial system reforms. Whatever powers of persuasion they used (or the White House used) to convince these three Republicans to break ranks with their "party of no" should receive some accolades, for sure. While I am grateful that Maine's two independent-thinker Senators Collins and Snowe did see the light about the need for financial reforms and decide to vote WITH the Democrats for a change, as did Massachusetts new-kid Republican moderate Scott Brown, saying "love" goes a bit too far because they have been obstructionist on other vital measures, to include the Jobs bill.
I hope for future bills, these three moderates continue to work with the consumer-protecting and economy-saving Democrats and President Obama to achieve other great things for the benefit of this nation and the American people. And a special KUDOS to House Democrats under 70-year-old Pisces Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi---their financial reform bill was already passed WEEKS AGO, but the media chose to downplay this amazing feat.
Category: Politics
OLYMPIA SNOWE will not seek reelection
WASHINGTON -- Olympia snowe, a moderate Republican senator from Maine known for her ability to work across party lines on key issues impacting New England and the nation, surprised many of her colleagues yesterday with her announcement that she ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington Post
About Olympia snowe. SNOWE, Olympia Jean, a Representative and a Senator from Maine; born Olympia Jean Boucles, Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, February 21, 1947 ...
Biography - About Olympia - United States Senator OLYMPIA SNOWE
Timeline: 1947 - Born on February 21, in Augusta, Maine. 1973 - Elected to the Maine House seat left vacant by the death of her first husband, the late Peter Snowe.
Will the Tea Party be coming after Orrin Hatch, Dick Lugar, and OLYMPIA SNOWE , for 2012 elections?
Both Dick Lugar and Olympia snowe voted for DREAM Act last year. Even though Orrin Hatch was a co-sponsor of previous DREAM Act, he did not vote on it, but tea party could be gunning for him.
Answer: I don't think so.
I think they will be too busy co-ordinating with Al Qaida on ways to destroy our country.
I consider them both to be equal in terms of hatred for The United States of America.
They BOTH hate us for our freedoms.
Category: Elections
YOURE THE BOSS; Small Businesses And Amazon
For years - since its inception - Amazon has been at implicit war with local brick-and-mortar stores. Last week, the implicit seemingly became explicit when Amazon began a promotion that encouraged customers to check out prices at local retailers and use a specially designed Price Check smartphone app to report what they found back to Amazon. - Youre the Boss blog notes that barrage of criticism that Amazon received for its promotion that encouraged customers to check out prices at local retailers, report their findings and then receive a discount if they bought the same item from Amazon. (M)4 - By ROBB MANDELBAUM
OLYMPIA SNOWE to Retire from Senate - Big Government
Olympia snowe said Tuesday she would abandon her campaign for a fourth term—a contest she was expected to win easily—because she is frustrated by a polarized atmosphere in Washington. The move dealt an immediate ...
Maine: OLYMPIA SNOWE Announces Retirement | At the Races
Olympia snowe announced today that she is retiring from the Senate, citing the partisanship of Washington as her reason for not running for re-election. “With my Spartan ancestry I am a fighter at heart; and I am well prepared ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE On Debt Ceiling Debate: Ive Never Seen A Worse ...
Sen. Olympia snowe (R-Maine) talked to people in Saco, Maine about the debt ceiling negotiations Wednesday, and lamented the extreme partisanship that ...
Olympia J. Snowe News - The New York Times
News about Olympia J. Snowe. Commentary and archival information about Olympia J. Snowe from The New York Times.
OLYMPIA SNOWE Shocks Colleagues With Retirement
Maine Sen. Olympia snowe’s surprise retirement announcement Tuesday blindsided fellow Republicans and gave Democrats another morale boost when it comes to their prospects for holding the majority this fall. Her decision to forgo what would have been an ...
Olympia snowe. February 28, 2012 5:30 pm 0 comments Views: Share this Article. Twitter · Facebook · Delicious · Digg · Stumbleupon Stumble · Reddit. Author: susie · Not running for reelection. Bookmark It. Add to Del.icio.us · Add to digg ...
If John McCain had made OLYMPIA SNOWE his running mate, would he have won the election?
Increased his margin, or what?
Answer: Probably would increase it but he still wouldn't be close to beating Obama. After Bush nobody really wanted Republicans at all.
Category: Politics
Why is it among Republicans puffery and blowhardedness that only OLYMPIA SNOWE will stand up to Limbaugh?
Why all the cowering among others? Does he keep a little black book hidden amongst one of the folds of his girthiness?
Answer: Because it takes a women to do a mans job.
I'm not even going there. (What's under those folds). lmao
Category: Politics
Why hasnt much criticism hit OLYMPIA SNOWE from the far right side?
I cant figure it out. For a good amount of time, Snowe worked with the Dems on healthcare reform, and as we know, most republicans have refused to support any healthcare bill, partially due to political motivations. Regardless though, not much attack has come from the right on Snowe?
Why? Also, if you are a republican, do you think she is some sort of traitor?
Answer: Maybe they did not want another defection.*
Category: Politics
EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Gibson’s Interview With Sen. OLYMPIA SNOWE ...
Senator Olympia snowe, R-Maine, was the only Republican to vote for Chairman Max Baucus $829 billion health care bill — she spoke to Charlie Gibson in ...
Maine Sen. OLYMPIA SNOWE to retire in blow to GOP - The ...
7 hours ago ... THE FIX | Retirement represents major setback for the GOP efforts to retake the Senate in 2012.
Incumbent Republican candidate in 2012 for U.S. Senator from Maine.
Does OLYMPIA SNOWE belong in the Republican party even though she has a sense of right and wrong?
Apparently she feels a need for health care reform that will save millions of lives even though it would cut into the massive profits of the health insurance industry. This is very unusual behavior for a Republican.
Should Snowe become a Democrat instead of a Republican because she seems to care for the welfare of common people more than the wealthy ?
Answer: she has common sense Hallelujah for that.. where ever she belongs to I am still confused about that
Category: Politics
First Read - OLYMPIA SNOWE won't seek re-election in 2012
In a surprise to political observers, Maine Sen. Olympia snowe (R) has announced she will not be seeking re-election this year, giving Democrats a potential pick-up opportunity as they try to hold on to control of the U.S..
OLYMPIA SNOWE: Biography from Answers.com
Olympia snowe (born 1947) overcame the early deaths of both of her parents and her first husband to build a strong political career grounded in fiscal conservatism ...
Female Republican Senators go rogue, back Obama on contraceptives
Two female Republican members of the U.S. Senate, Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia snowe of Maine, have broken rank with their party and come out in favor of a new rule issued by the Obama Administration that requires private health insurers to ...
OLYMPIA SNOWE : Rollcall Members of Congress
Roll Call Newspaper Online - Covering Capitol Hill Since 1955
How long will it be till OLYMPIA SNOWE defects from what remains of the Republican party?
Answer: Because she has a safe seat and there don't appear to be any conservatives that will challenge her in a Republican primary for the nomination, she will probably remain in the Republican Party. I would love to see both Snow and Collins leave the party and join the Democratic Party because it would further demonstrate that the Republican Party no longer has any room for sensible moderates and is instead controlled by the rabid, out of touch right-wing.
Category: Politics
If Brown wins in MA but OLYMPIA SNOWE defects and becomes the 60th vote, will cons finally take the hint?
President Obama was laying the ground work for this contingency months ago. Why wasnt the right paying attention?
Answer: Seems like the transparency of closed doors has paid for yet another vote huh!!!! Libs cannot see the obvious corruptness of their party because of their lying messiah!!!!
Category: Politics
ECONOMIC SCENE; Republicans Malign a Stimulus, but the Plausible Options Were Few — Economic Scene
It was the winter of 2009 and the United States economy was shrinking. In the last three months of 2008 the economy had contracted at an annual rate of 8.9 percent, the sharpest decline in more than half a century. It shrank at a 6.9 percent rate the next quarter. By February 2009 the country had lost more than five million jobs. We know what - By EDUARDO PORTER
Republican Sen. OLYMPIA SNOWE to retire | The Raw Story
Senator Olympia snowe by Talk Radio News Service. Topics: moderate republican ♦ Olympia Snown ♦ Republican Sen. Olympia snowe. Sen. Olympia Snown, a moderate Republican from Maine, announced Tuesday that ...
Sen. Mary Landrieu gets praise from former antagonist
Olympia snowe, R-Maine, the ranking Republican on the committee, and Kevin Wheeler, deputy staff director for the committee under Landrieu, as MVPs of Small Business Innovation Advocacy by the Small Business Technology Council and National Small ...
Counting the votes...Snowe wont run again... Prosecutor says school shooter didnt know victims
Romney is favored by far in that race PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maines U.S. Sen. Olympia snowe says shes not running for re-election. She says shes frustrated by "an atmosphere of polarization and my-way-or-the-highway ideologies." Snowe ...
The #GOPPrimary race to the right first casualty of #2012election Olympia snowe! @alexwagner @JoeNBC @TheDemocrats #Senate #Politics
From: CalvinRoy2 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Olympia snowe quits Senate race: Posted Feb. 28, 2012, at 5:12 p.m. Last modified Feb. 28, 2012, at 10:09 p.m. V... http://t.co/fkTkGwAu
From: getfreeiphone3g - Source: twitterfeed
Olympia snowe quits Senate race: Posted Feb. 28, 2012, at 5:12 p.m. Last modified Feb. 28, 2012, at 10:09 p.m. V... http://t.co/db8USCAr
From: celebritynewsOK - Source: twitterfeed
Olympia snowe quits Senate race: Posted Feb. 28, 2012, at 5:12 p.m. Last modified Feb. 28, 2012, at 10:09 p.m. V... http://t.co/Hb42uyAX
From: celebritynews07 - Source: twitterfeed
Jugem最新words ranking -1.
Olympia snowe
martina navratilova
katherine j... #jugem
From: jugembot - Source: trend words
Olympia snowe delivers stunning rebuke in decision to leave Senate
(The Christian Science Monitor) http://t.co/yUyN23Pl
From: Gui_Fau - Source: Emailvision
The Senate name drain may only be fleeting... It seems Chellie Pingree may run for Olympia snowes seat #phew http://t.co/VPg2Snvq
From: AdamBlenford - Source: Safari on iOS
Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire http://t.co/PlRkL2nA
From: fourzip - Source: Tweet Button
“@WhiteHouse2012: #WH2012 FLASH: Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire... ... #TCOT #TeaParty /” Yay Snowe gone, oh but Romneys winning. Shit
From: Schaeffler219 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @Jezebel: Senator Olympia snowe Retires Because Shes Had Enough of This Partisan Bullshit http://t.co/2CDhHtZ9
From: elsiesue - Source: SocialFlow
FLASH: Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire...: (Washington Post) - In announcing her plans, Snowe, 65, emphasized... http://t.co/IxWJCsO4
From: GrassRootRevolt - Source: twitterfeed
FLASH: Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire...: (Washington Post) - In announcing her plans, Snowe, 65, emphasized... http://t.co/lhZ6ztF3
From: ewteaparty - Source: twitterfeed
FLASH: Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire... http://t.co/qQJQhtvM #teaparty
From: TeaPartyProtest - Source: twitterfeed
http://t.co/ugsDOWMe Olympia snowe is right about American politics. Will we listen? - Washington Post (blog)
From: newstodaybzcm - Source: WPSyndicator
RT @gatman7: Maine Sen. Olympia snowe to retire http://t.co/VCNEsW3T
From: Nan33S - Source: Tweet Button