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Review: 30 Rock, "LEAP DAY" and Parks and Recreation, "Sweet ...
When a network airs four comedies across one night of television, you’re going to end up with a certain amount of unintentional repetitions of jokes ...
LEAP DAY traditions
Leap day (February 29) is an intercalary day inserted in a leap year. Leap day has been associated with age-old traditions, superstitions and folklore. It is also ...
MUSIC; Enjoying the Sweet Pains of Success
Tampa, Fla. FIRST came the recorded sound: drums and riffs, some demonically heavy marching band. Next, a couple of guys with guitars, who immediately started messing with their pedals in the darkened club. Two minutes later there was Alexis Krauss, with ripped jeans and a distinct saunter. She raised her arms as she reached the microphone, the - Sleigh Bells are back on tour with a second album, Reign of Terror on the way; indie favorite notes that they have avoided many of the pitfalls hot, new bands often encounter, and say they are enjoying their success. Photos (M) - By MELENA RYZIK
Leap Year - Who Invented Leap Year?
Leap years are years with 366 days, instead of the usual 365. Leap years are necessary because the actual length of a year is 365.242 days, not 365 days, ...
leapyearday.com |
February 29th is special... Its the reason that a season comes at the same time every year. If youre born on Leap day... Welcome Home!
Leap year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
February 29 is a date that usually occurs every four years, and is called Leap day. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a ...
Once Film-Focused, Netflix Shifts to TV Shows
Belying the “flix” in its name, Netflix is now primarily an Internet streaming service for television shows, not feature films. TV series now account for more than half of all Netflix viewing. That helps to explain why this Wednesday — the long-awaited moment when motion picture classics like “Scarface” and newer hits - By BRIAN STELTER
The Making of Nigeria’s Film Industry
Kunle Afolayan wants to scare you, he wants to thrill you, he wants to make you laugh, but most of all, he would like you to suspend your disbelief — in his plots, yes, which tend to be over the top, but also about what is possible in Africa. He bristles if you call him an “African filmmaker” — a phrase redolent of art-house - By ANDREW RICE
Leap Year
This page explains why leap years and Leap days are used in modern calendars and the history behind leap years.
Has anyone here read LEAP DAY by Wendy Mass?
In Leap day, there are four main characters...Josie Taylor, Katy Parker, Megan Panopolis, and Zoey...Does anyone know if Zoeys last name was given?
Answer: No, I have not read this book.
Category: Books & Authors
Ask girlfriend to marry me on LEAP DAY or Christmas?
Planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me. We will most likely be engaged for at least 2 years as we dont live together but see each other often enough. I know she will say yes, thats not a problem. I cant afford a great ring right now, but she isnt the kind of girl where I need to mortgage the house for a ring either.
Would you rather be proposed to on the leap year day of February 29th with a nice ring, or during the Christmas season with a better ring that might look the same just more valuable?
Answer: Leap day would be cool
Do not wait for christmas
I think Leap day would be more cool and different
How many people get engaged on christmas each year: a lot
A lot less people get engaged on Leap year, that would be cool and different
Category: Engagements & Weddings
What if someone was born on the LEAP DAY?
What if someone was born on the Leap day of the leap year? lol When do they celebrate their birthday?
Answer: They could celebrate their birthday on days close to then on normal years. But when they're eighty, they could claim they're twenty because they've only had twenty birthdays
Category: Polls & Surveys
LEAP DAY weather: new rainfall records set at Dulles and BWI airports
Occurring only once every four years, weather records for February 29 are necessarily limited. For example, the number of Leap days on record at Dulles airport is just 13, since observations began there in 1963. Thus, it’s not surprising that ...
LEAP DAY: February 29, 2012
2012 is a Leap Year. A Leap Year consists of 366 days where February 29 is added as an extra day at the end of February.
Daredevils leap off buildings for "LEAP DAY"
(AP) ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - People jumped off tall buildings all around the country Wednesday, but no one got hurt. It was all part of a "Leap day" promotion for an energy drink. In Atlantic City, two parachutists jumped off the top of The Water ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Chinese Labor, Cheap No More
Beijing WHEN Chinas vice president, Xi Jinping, visited the White House on Tuesday, President Obama renewed calls for China to play more fairly in the world economy. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. echoed those sentiments, telling Mr. Xi that the two countries could cooperate only if the game is fair. But while Chinas industrial subsidies, - Michelle Dammon Loyalka, a journalist who lives in Beijing, is the author of Eating Bitterness: Stories from the Front Lines of Chinas Great Urban Migration. - By MICHELLE DAMMON LOYALKA
February 29 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
February 29, known as a Leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016.
60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- Rick Ruzzamenti admits to being a tad impulsive. He traded his Catholicism for Buddhism in a revelatory flash. He married a Vietnamese woman he had only just met. And then a year ago, he decided in an instant to donate his left kidney to a stranger. In February 2011, the desk clerk at Mr. Ruzzamentis yoga studio told him she - By KEVIN SACK
Is anyone out there born on the LEAP DAY like me?
Im born on the Leap day, and I was wondering if anyone on here was too.
Answer: well i was born on independence day and i know of someone who got married on 29th feb (Leap day) but i dont know anyone who was born on that day.
Its good for you, every 4 years, you grow older by just 1 year.
Category: Other - Beauty & Style
N.F.L. Considers Changes at Scouting Combine
INDIANAPOLIS — When the N.F.L. asked fans to write essays explaining why they should be among the 250 people selected to attend the scouting combine for the first time, it received about 6,000 answers, including one from a man who said he wanted to know more about the prospects than his friends on draft day and another from a Colts fan who - By JUDY BATTISTA
What can i do when i ditch school for LEAP DAY?
me friends and i want to ditch school for Leap day this wednsday and we want to make it cheap theres 8 going were all seniors we all have good grades so one day wont hurt!:) i just want to know what we can do that day and have some fun the whole day:) any suggestions?.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
A “Cortlandia” LEAP DAY Special | Kissing Suzy Kolber
Cortland Finnegan: Hey! Happy Leap day! Okay, what are we doing? We gotta do something to celebrate. Von Miller: What are we doing for what?
What Is Leap Year? LEAP DAY Explained - HispanicBusiness.com
Tomorrow, Feb. 29, is a rare occurrence. Only in a Leap Year do we have a February 29, otherwise known as Leap day. Generally speaking, Leap Year and Leap ...
Orlando LEAP DAY baby shares birthday with mom
Most new mothers think the world of their newborns, but an Orlando mom was especially thrilled to give birth Wednesday, on Leap day. Thats because little Christina Raynette Clemente will share her birthday with her mom, Shaneka Hinton, in what ...
LEAP DAY tips and traditions - The Washington Post
Find out which celebrities celebrate their birthdays on Leap day, how to get a free cupcake, and why some enamored ladies will be spurned with 12 pairs of gloves.
Is it true that if a woman asks her boyfriend to marry her on LEAP DAY, he cant say no?
Because I think thats what i read once, and i really really want to marry him but he hasnt asked me yet, but Im too nervous to ask him if he has the option to say no, so I should do it today if he cant say no because its Leap day. Please answer soon!
Category: Marriage & Divorce
Leap Year: 24-Hour Celebration At Walt Disney World And Disneyland
Have you ever wondered what its like to stay at Disney World or Disneyland into the wee hours of the morning? Leap day visitors are going to get that chance. To celebrate the occasion, select Disney parks will be open 24 hours today.
Are you wearing yellow and blue today to celebrate the LEAP DAY miracle?
Once every four years, when humanity puts aside its petty differences, and the whole world unites in celebration of the one day that doesnt really count - thats when people make real connections with other people.
"Nothing that happens on Leap day matters."
Answer: I'm wearing a bright yellow shirt--had to borrow from my partner b/c I usually only wear drabs--& a blue dress underneath it & my bright yellow galoshes.
Boy am I a sight for sore eyes. AAMOF, with the clothes I'm wearing I could heal the blind!
No where's my cigarettes I was promised?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
LEAP DAY babies relish their unique birthdays
Peter Brouwer turned 56 on Wednesday. But if you count the times hes celebrated his true birth date, hes only turning 14. Brouwer is a Leap day baby. And like a lot of people born Feb. 29, he relishes the uniqueness of his birthday. He even thinks there ...
Excitement Mounts for Mets as Santana Has a Sharp Session on the Mound
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. -- Johan Santana enjoys making light of the stir he creates these days every time he grips a baseball with his left hand. Youre making this a big deal, he said, grinning, as a band of reporters and Mets staff members congregated in his proximity Friday. Its like Ive never thrown a baseball before. Maybe he is right. - New York Mets ace John Santana, who had shoulder surgery in 2010 and last pitched off a mound in Oct 2011, throws 25 pitches without pain in his first bullpen session of the year. Photo (M) - By ANDREW KEH
LEAP DAY: Any Plans? : The Two-Way : NPR
Something that only comes around once every four years and doesnt involve either politics or Olympic competition deserves its own mention: Wednesday is ...
In honour of LEAP DAY | Deep Sea News
Please enjoy this anthology of leaping marine animals. The opportunity for this post only comes up once every four years, so it's no wonder they're.
Jeremy Lin’s Evolution
ORLANDO, Fla. — The most captivating strand of the Jeremy Lin mystique is that he came from nowhere, emerging overnight to become a star, after being underestimated and overlooked, disregarded by college coaches, ignored in the N.B.A. draft and waived twice in two weeks. The narrative is well-established, factual in its broadest strokes and - By HOWARD BECK
How old were you when you when you found out that LEAP DAY William wasnt real?
Yet everyone still celebrates Leap day, and pretends Leap day Williams lives in the Marianas Trench, and every four years he surfaces, to trade childrens tears for candy.
Answer: The first time I heard of him/her
Category: Religion & Spirituality
LEAP DAY babies from Gloucester, Cumberland counties celebrate their birthdays
There is a birth date so elusive that it only occurs once every four years. For those born on Leap day, Feb. 29, they see the date as just like any other, just a little more special. In order to keep the calendar on track with the Earth’s ...
LEAP DAY Bug Fingered in Microsoft Azure Cloud Outage
Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform experienced a major outage on Wednesday, with its service management system down for several hours, reports said earlier today. But the fix did not follow the cloud script, and the problem — identified as a ...
Leap day. It's February 29 - Leap day! Why am I excited? Well, for one thing, I now have an additional day to meet my upcoming writing deadlines. I'm currently proofreading my July Harlequin Romantic Suspense story, ...
Strobist: LEAP DAY Giveth, Delta Taketh Way
Leap day Giveth, Delta Taketh Way. I had hoped to be landing in Dubai for GPP 2012 right about now, but our mechanically challenged plane yesterday objected. Rather theatrically, I might add. So instead, I'm encamped ...
For those who are born on a LEAP DAY, how do you celebrate your birthday or how does your age count?
This year is a leap year, which means Feb 29. For anybody who is born on that day, they get to celebrate their birthday technically only once every 4 years. What bout the other three?
Answer: I'm guessing you would do it after the night of Feb 28th, technically Mar 1st,
Category: Other - Society & Culture
LEAP DAY: February 29, 2012 - timeanddate.com
2012 is a Leap Year. A Leap Year consists of 366 days where February 29 is added as an extra day at the end of February.
Did LEAP DAY Williams rise from the sea and give candy to the children in your neighborhood this morning?
Its a Leap day miracle!
Answer: It's possible. But we've received over a foot of snow since last night, so I won't be able to get the candy till summer. Will it still be okay to eat?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Happy LEAP DAY! | LEAP Design
In honor of our special day, we at LEAP Design would like to give you a gift...
30 Rock - LEAP DAY - Video - http://www.nbc.com
The spirit of Leap day overtakes TGS, with lessons for everyone.
Leap Year / LEAP DAY - History, Traditions, and Folklore | The ...
ONE OF the convenient fictions we live by holds that there are exactly 365 days in a year. In point of fact, the earth turns roughly 365 and a quarter times
Leap year shift keeps the calendar in line with seasons
Presidents Day mattress sales on the wrong day. Chaos, basically, without Feb. 29. Thank goodness for Julius Caesar, Pope Gregory XIII, and leap years to keep our calendar from misbehaving. "If we didnt have leap years, our calendar would be ...
The Chef Alex Stupak Opens Empellón Cocina
ALEX STUPAK identifies with Lucifer. As in the onetime angel who got too big for his halo and became an early, florid study in downward mobility. “I like the idea — the story — that someone wanted to question the establishment and was punished for it,” he said recently as he sat in his new East Village restaurant, - By FRANK BRUNI
LEAP DAY 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
In Celebration of Feb 29th This photo was taken on November 29, 2011 using a Canon PowerShot G10
30 Rock - LEAP DAY - Video - http://www.nbc.com
The spirit of Leap day overtakes TGS, with lessons for everyone.
Leap-day legends
While most of us view Leap day as just another work day or extra time to catch up on laundry, this quadrennial event used to be celebrated with great fanfare in Spokane. In the early 1900s, leap year balls were held at the old Spokane Hotel, the ...
LEAP DAY babies celebrated, but forgotten - CNN.com
8 hours ago ... Sherri Riddle learned how to drive, cast her first vote, bought alcohol, graduated from high school, got married, and landed a job at a bank all ...
Read about Leap day Bug on the RKG Blog.
: is the extra LEAP DAY that falls on a school day compensated with another vacation day?
: is the extra Leap day that falls on a school day compensated with another vacation day?
Answer: Nope. Lucky you; you get another day of education.
Category: Other - Education
10 weird and awesome things about LEAP DAY | Seattle's Big Blog ...
WE GET LEAP YEARS BECAUSE it takes the Earth early 365 1/4 days to orbit around the Sun -- minus 11 minutes every year. Because of that 11 minutes, we skip scheduled Leap days three times in 400 years. (Getty Images) ...
LEAP DAY is today, Feb. 29: We answer your timely questions ...
Today is a “Leap day" and only falls on the calendar once every four years. Today is a rare day on the calendar — Feb. 29. Its called a "Leap day" and ...
Question about LEAP DAY at Disneyland?
Im planning a trip to Disneyland for the 29th of Feb for the 24 hour Leap day.
Ive made hotel and plane reservations already but now Im worried that that day might sell out. I know you can purchase tickets online but it doesnt say you can buy them for a specific day. It just says "valid until December 2012".
So do those tickets automatically get you in the park or can you still be turned away? Or is there a way to buy tickets specifically for that date?
Answer: I haven't heard if there is going to be a special ticket for that day.... you may want to call Disney customer service and ask.
If not... then get there MEGA early and get into the park when the open that way you can be in and have your ticket validated for that day of entry and then you will more than likely be able to leave and re-enter when you want (remember to get your hand stamped). If they restrict entry later it will be to new entry people only, not people with a hand stamp that have been in earlier in the day (at least this is how it has worked in the past during busy holidays).
Category: Amusement Parks
LEAP DAY Babies Relish Their Unique Birthdays - ABC News
Peter Brouwer turns 56 on Wednesday. But if you count the times hes celebrated his true birth date, hes only turning 14. Brouwer is a Leap day baby. And ...
Leap year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A leap year (or intercalary or bissextile year) is a year containing one additional day (or, in the case of lunisolar calendars, a month) in order to keep the ...
How accurate does LEAP DAY reflect the correct orbit of earth around the sun?
Are we actually off 1/4 of a day by the end of February, 2009?
Answer: There is a leap century as well. Every 200 years, we skip a Leap day, so February 28, 2000, was followed by March 1.
Between the leap year every 4 years and that, the next adjustment occurs in several milennia, so don't worry about it.
Category: Astronomy & Space
Do you do anyhting different on LEAP DAY?
Today is Leap day, the 29th of February. What do you do on Leap day? I dont do anything different really!
Category: Polls & Surveys
CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey
A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to njtowns@nytimes.com . Comedy HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Bananas Comedy Club Tommy Davidson. March 2 at 8 and 10:30 p.m. and March 3 at 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. $25. Bananas Comedy Club, 283 Route 17 South. (201) 727-1090;
LEAP DAY: When She Can Propose To Him!
It might be the stuff of legend and lore, but who cares? When it comes to Leap day and all its traditions surrounding love and proposals, however they may have come about, it’s all good fun to us. And, to a lot of couples who take advantage of ...
LEAP DAY: Any Plans? : The Two-Way : NPR
23 hours ago ... Something that only comes around once every four years and doesn't involve either politics or Olympic competition deserves special mention.
Today Is LEAP DAY « CBS Philly
February 29th only comes once every four years, which is often enough to remeber, yet rare enough to forget.
Ideas for a fun themed party at the bar on LEAP DAY?
My friend is a bartender and is looking for a fun party idea for Leap day that doesnt involve frogs. Any ideas?!
Category: Entertaining
LEAP DAY a creation of tricky math and history
There will never be another day like today — at least not until 2016. Todays date (Feb. 29) pops up on the calendar only on leap years, once almost every four years. Leap year: why we have a need for the occasional Feb. 29 Leap year flight of ...
Emperor and pope gave us leap year
Its Leap day, a once-every-four-years bonus you can thank Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII for. We add a day at the end of February every four years because it takes the Earth about 365.242 days to make a full orbit around the sun.
LEAP DAY asteroid will make a close pass by Earth
A small asteroid about the size of a house will make one cosmic leap by Earth Wednesday, just in time for Leap day. The newfound asteroid 2012 DS32 poses no chance of hitting our planet, but will make an evening pass to mark this special day for Earth ...
LEAP DAY splits Boise twins 21st birthdays
Adam Filicetti might have a unique job today — designated driver for his twin brother, Nick. That job will last just one day — Feb. 29, 2012. That’s because Nick is 21. Adam is not. He won’t be 21 until March 1. Nick, you see, was born ...
Local residents share how they mark LEAP DAY birthdays
» The twin cities of Anthony, N.M., and Anthony, Texas, host the Worldwide Leap Year Festival » An Irish legend encourages women to propose to men on Leap day after St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about waiting for men to propose » A ...
February 29 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
February 29, known as a Leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and ...
Leap Year and LEAP DAY: Pictures of People Leaping About, in Honor ...
In honor of Leap day 2012, a gallery of pictures celebrating the simple act of leaping about, and the sense of boundless possibilities that one extra day on the ...
Happy LEAP DAY! « parterre box
Happy Leap day! by La Cieca | 2:20 pm | Feb 29, 2012. Not only is it Rossini's 53rd birthday but also an opportunity to celebrate the art of the intervallic leap. YouTube yourselves into frenzy, cher public!
What are the odds of being born and dying on LEAP DAY?
In "Leap day" by Wendy Mass, Josie says the odds of being born and dying on Leap day is practically astronomical. Because of this, she knows she can rest easy and not worry about dying on February 29th. Is it astronomical or are the odds just really really low of both being born AND dying on Leap day?
Answer: Previous events have no effect on the odds of future events.
The odds of someone, in the future, playing two lottery games with 1-in-1,000 odds, and winning both, is 1-in-1,000,000. However, once the person wins the first lottery, the odds of then winning both is 1-in-1,000, just like anyone else.
If you flip a coin and it comes up "heads" 100 times in a row, it's still 50-50 that the next flip will be "tails", despite the emotional response of "it's due". (This ignores the possibility that the coin isn't balanced, and is weighted to come up heads most of the time.)
Just because someone is born on February 29 doesn't make the odds that they will die on February 29 any different than anyone else, regardless of their birthday.
- kb -
Category: Astronomy & Space
I just unlocked the “Leap day” badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/gjSDbGia
From: Tumnus13 - Source: foursquare
My mom proposed to my dad on Leap day back in 1960. Wow, was she ahead of her time! #Feminism #WomensRights #GoMom
From: ChrisBraunSM - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @google: The Barber of Seville portrayed by a cast of frogs - our way of celebrating both Rossinis b-day & leap year http://t.co/0lBaNFLi
From: SELOBrien - Source: web
Wish I was a leap year baby then I would only be 6 years old :-) (@ Leap day!!! w/ @flhurricane) http://t.co/OJMYfkKB
From: shimpster - Source: foursquare
I just unlocked the “Leap day” badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/yNCCrLSa
From: shimpster - Source: foursquare
Leap day! (@ Old Chicago w/ 5 others) http://t.co/LBDHhPWX
From: mrshhw - Source: foursquare
I just unlocked the “Leap day” badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/T7eJs2WK
From: mrshhw - Source: foursquare
Say it aint so Steelers they couldnt have released @mvp86hinesward this must be some Leap day prank or something... Sad day if not
From: luckynumba7 - Source: TweetCaster for iOS
RT @greysonchance: Leap day is such a random holiday. But I guess I should be kind and say...#HappyLeapDay
From: devidekaa - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
RT @WeAllHateStack: Happy Leap day http://t.co/xTN8ZPom
From: INVIZIBLE_III - Source: web
Playing Disco, Funk and R&B! "@sleepinggiant: This Leap Year’s one extra day means one more day to partyyy @lincolnroomSD w/ @mikeybeats!"
From: mikeybeats - Source: Twitter for Android
Its Leap day. February 29th.
From: Jaaaannnnaaaa - Source: Echofon
☺ RT @gorgeous_zini: Hehehe Leap day then "@Empexy: d year isnt over yet RT @gorgeous_zini: Well this leap year wz eventful..nd mostly sad!
From: Empexy - Source: Gravity!
God damn you leap year right in the hairy goat grundle. I have to wait a whole extra day to turn 21 #fuckkkk
From: joearena1127 - Source: Twitter for Android
@kalie_p1997 good, for a Leap day.
From: KiraGenovese - Source: web