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U.S. Navy set to test first industry RAILGUN prototype
Two years after BAE Systems was awarded a US$21 million contract from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to develop an advanced Electromagnetic (EM) Railgun for the U.S. Navy, the company has delivered the first industry-built prototype demonstrator to the ...
First industry RAILGUN prototype launcher gets all fired up
The electromagnetic (EM) Railgun prototype launcher that was recently installed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Dahlgren, Virginia, ...
Can RAILGUN fire at low electric current?
I have been reading a lot of articles about Railgun and how it consume a lot of power to launch a high speed 20 km/s projectile. So my question is, can you use a low power current and still fire the projectile but at lower speed? Or is that impossible because thats not how it is going to work? Thanks.
So you the Lorentz force still work at any currents?
Answer: basically the power is a function of I^2, and so the kinetic energy is MUCH less at lower currnts
Category: Physics
Video: BAE's New RAILGUN Firing for First Time | Defense Tech
Well, the Office of Naval Research has begun test firing BAE's new 32-megajoule Railgun and we've got the video to prove it. Remember, the Navy wants a 20.
Navy’s Rail Gun Blasts Through Budget Restrictions
The Navy came very, very close to losing its futuristic gun that shoots bullets with a giant electric charge. But while a congressional committee recommended axing the Electromagnetic Railgun in June, the program survived — even if it’s ...
PowerLabs Rail Gun! - Sam Barros PowerLabs!
Project Introduction: This page is no longer being updated. The PowerLabs Rail Gun research is being continued at the new PowerLabs Rail ...
Need instructions on how to build a RAILGUN or coilgun?
Yes, I know the difference between them.
Id like to build a Railgun, but that is probably prohibitively expensive for me. Ill settle for a less powerful coilgun.
Since this is my first time ever doing anything like this Ill need complete instructions, including how to make a multiple stage coilgun later.
Input from anyone who has built these before would be much appreciated.
Answer: try-
Category: Engineering
Where results contain multi-variation listings, the item counts on the page are inclusive of all matching variations that are available.
Colt Rail Gun®
This ability to attach a tactical light also makes the Colt Rail Gun an ideal ... The Colt Rail Gun features a Mil Standard Rail, Colt Upswept Beavertail Grip Safety ...
A 10 minute RAILGUN
A Railgun is a device for accelerating an object by running electric current through it along a pair of rails. When large amounts of power are used, the Railgun ...
The ultimate bullet train: Watch the amazing video of the RAILGUN that can hit targets 100 miles away at seven times the speed of sound
A futuristic supersonic weapon which fires ammunition up to 100 miles is another step closer to being deployed by the U.S. Navy. Officials have revealed an industry-built prototype of the electromagnetic Railgun is now being tested at its Naval Surface ...
What is the correlation between the To Aru Kagaku no RAILGUN anime and manga?
I want to read the Railgun manga, but Ive already seen the anime. If I dont want to read stuff that Ive already seen, where in the manga should I start? Or are there enough differences in the manga that it wont matter no matter what I do?
Answer: i believe the anime and the manga are similar until chapter 18 on the manga, the rest of the chapters sonsist of a different plot, somewhat relating to toaru majutsu no index, (the sisters experiment and so on..)
Category: Comics & Animation
Best Sellers: Manga: Sunday, October 16th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the October 16, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending October 1, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers
PowerLabs NEW Rail Gun! - Sam Barros PowerLabs!
Electromagnetic capacitor powered 20kJ rail gun research.
U.S. Navy Tests New, Sleeker RAILGUNs
The rounds fired by the gun are only test shots, “non-aerodynamic slugs intended to slow down quickly,” said Tom Boucher, the Navy’s Railgun test director at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren, Va. “But eventually the program intends ...
If all goes as planned, the Office of Naval Research said Tuesday, an electromagnetic Railgun would fire a 40-pound inert projectile up to 115 miles—able to take out a missile, enemy ship, or target on land—by kinetic energy ...
RAILGUN - Stargate Wiki
Railguns are weapons built by the Tauri, and are used on all Earth-built ships, and are one of the
New Navy Gun Could Hit Harrisburg From Philadelphia
To give an idea of the range, if a Railgun round were fired from the center of Philadelphia, the projectile could travel 115 miles to Harrisburg and hit the state Capitol. The Navy expects to have the gun ready by 2017.
Navy advances toward electromagnetic RAILGUN use
NORFOLK, Va. - Navy officials say theyre getting closer to one day equipping warships with an electromagnetic Railgun that could allow ships to fire a projectile at targets up to 100 nautical miles away. Standard 5-inch guns found aboard destroyers ...
What would a RAILGUN projectile made of tungsten traveling at mach 7 do to a human target?
I am interested in knowing.
Answer: Lot of variables:
Diameter of projectile?
length of projectile?
Mass of projectile?
Does it hit bone?
Which bone?
Where does it hit?
Is the projectile stable or unstable in human tissue?
At mach 7 it might go through leaving a small hole.
Category: Physics
Rail Gun Basics
Rail guns leave gunpowder-based weapons in the dust (one can hit a target 250 miles away in six minutes). So why isnt the military using them? Find out how rail guns ...
HowStuffWorks "How Rail Guns Work"
One solution is the electromagnetic rail gun, or rail gun for short. Using a magnetic field powered by electricity, a rail gun can accelerate a projectile up to 52,493 ...
U.S. Navy researchers say they are getting close to making a superpowerful gun for warships
The weapon is known as an electromagnetic rail gun. It consists of parallel rails and uses a magnetic field and electric current, instead of chemicals, to generate energy to fire the rounds. The Navy said Tuesday an industry-built prototype of the gun is ...
Navy RAILGUN Test of the Day - TDW Geeks
youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uV1SbEuzFU&w=500&h=412] Navy Railgun Test of the Day: The U.S. Navy has been testing weaponized Railguns ...
Can anyone give me a decent thesis or essay on why silver could not be used in a RAILGUN?
I do actually know that it cannot be used in a regular gun, as the silver is too hard and compresses differently than lead, causing backfires and explosions.
This is a matter of life and death.
Answer: Do you understand what a rail gun is?
Your question is way to vague to answer! What part of a rail gun are you proposing to use silver for? I suspect it is fine for some components and not for others.
I don't understand what you mean by 'backfires and explosions' ? A traditional Railgun is an electromagnetic acceleration device that uses no explosives, propellants or deflagrants and thus has no mechanism for backfiring. It releases a lot of energy in a short period of time for sure, but I'm not sure where the word 'explosion' comes in? The forces of a rail gun can be self destructive. Capacitors, I suppose, could explode? But how this all related to the use of silver is ... ???
It bothers me (and probably everyone else) greatly that you indicate "This is a matter of life and death". Yahoo answers is not the place to turn for information on life and death matters!
Be careful!
Category: Physics
The US Military’s Shipwrecking RAILGUN Just Got Really Real
It fires an 18kg metal slug up to 9000km/h from New York to Philadelphia, slamming into its target with 32 times the force of a “one-ton car being thrust at 100mph (160km/h)”. Railguns aren’t sci-fi anymore. We’d seen experimental lab ...
How much armor would it take to stop a RAILGUN?
If you mounted a Railgun on a spaceship for use against other vessels how much stell or titaniaum plating would it take to stop a 70 pound projectile fired at 11000 feet per second?
Answer: Technically, you would not be able to stop it at all. It's more than massive firepower. It will either rip right trough the vessel or it will tip it over due to it's massive force.
Category: Engineering
Navy RAILGUN tests leading to superweapon by 2020 - Technology ...
17 hours ago ... The first weapon-scale prototype of a futuristic Navy Railgun began undergoing firing tests last week, the next big step toward putting the ...
A deep rift has divided the leading scientists at work on President Reagans antimissile defense plan. Some of them charge that the program is being seriously threatened by exaggerated assertions, hyperbolic tests and costly public-relations razzle dazzle. Others vigorously deny that those working on the huge research project have any interest - By WILLIAM J. BROAD
Video of First Tests of Navy's Electromagnetic RAILGUN | Home Post
A high-speed camera captures the first full-energy shots from the Office of Naval Research-funded electromagnetic Railgun prototype launcher that was recently installed at a test facility in Dahlgren, Va. The test shots begin a ...
RAILGUN - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
The Rail Gun, in the hands of an experienced Jedi, is the best weapon in every Quake game. The origi
US tests electricity-fired long-range weapon
US Navy engineers fired the first industry-built electromagnetic Railgun (EM Railgun) prototype launcher, a future long-range tactical weapon, at a test facility, officials announced Tuesday. The firing at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren ...
RAILGUN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Railgun is an electrically-powered artillery gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along magnetic metal rails using the same principles as the homopolar motor.
Does it matter what order you watch To Aru Kagaku no RAILGUN and To Aru no Index?
Ive been watching To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (im on ep 17) but my roommate just told me that there was a series before it. however Railgun seems to be its own story. My roommate hasnt seen Railgun yet so i was describing a bit of her to her and she thought it might possibly be a prequel to Index that they made afterward but were not sure. Anyone know?
Answer: It really doesn't matter. I did the same thing as you; watched To Aru Kagaku no Railgun first because it was more anticipated. After that, I watched the first season of Majutsu no Index and they're really different stories. Theres no connections between then, and Railgun is a spinoff.
I only watch Majutsu no Index to see Biribiri x Touma interations anyways ^.^
Category: Comics & Animation
RAILGUN, Laser Weapon Lose Senate Funding, Face Uncertain Future ...
General Atomics tests the Blitzer Railgun, a prototype weapon that fires slugs propelled by electromagnets rather than explosions.General Atomics The Navy ...
Do you know how to operate a RAILGUN?
Hello brilliant engineers! My dad bought me a Railgun-looking thing from some scientist dude but I dont know how to work it. its supposed to create 1200 joules of energy but i havent got it to create one. Any suggestions?
Answer: Ask you dad to send you to a military prep boarding school, preferably one that does not allow internet access.
Category: Engineering
RAILGUN or Kitty? |
Tell me, do you see a Railgun going off or a kitten in this picture? (Picture) The rail gun, confusing Navy Sailors, since 2012.
Could a RAILGUN fire a space faring ship as a projectile if the gun was large enough and the ship shielded?
In Mass Effect they rely on the tech of an ancient race. To move at extreme speed they use a "station" that "flings" a ship and it then travels at faster than light speed. It seems similar to a Railgun to me but I have doubts that the ship or the crew would survive such a perilous journey. Could it ever be possible to utilize a Railgun for such a purpose.
Answer: Typically, a Railgun is an electromagnetic accelerator that causes a massive current to be routed between two rails, through the projectile. It's very effective at launching projectiles at high speeds, although certainly not faster than light. The current induces a powerful electromagnetic force, called the Lorentz force, and magnetically accelerates the projectile down the length of the two rails, keeping the current flowing between them until it leaves the vicinity.
In theory, there's no reason why, with enough advances in superconductors and special insulation, a Railgun couldn't launch a space ship. There are a lot of design problems, however, with scaling up a Railgun to launch projectiles!
A more likely approach would be a linear magnetic accelerator, much like the ones found on some roller-coaster rides. These, instead of routing current through the "projectile," use electromagnets switched on in series to accelerate the projectile.
Short answer: Yes, a Railgun should be able to fire a space-faring ship as a projectile... but we have a long way to go before it would be practical, and the Railgun principle alone will not get a ship to exceed the speed of light.
Category: Physics
What kind of damage can a magnetic projectile fired from a RAILGUN do?
Could it demolish a house?
Im talking about a magnetic projectile fired from a Railgun. Just give me all the scenarios.
Answer: http://home.insightbb.com/~jmengel4/rail/rail-intro.html
Category: Physics
It's real! Navy test-fires first working prototype RAILGUN | Fox News
19 hours ago ... Navy officials told FoxNews this week that the stunning Railgun, which relies on magnets rather than explosives to fire bullets at several times the ...
New Navy RAILGUN Tests Leading to Ship Superweapon by 2020
The first weapon-scale prototype of a futuristic Navy Railgun began undergoing firing tests last week, the next big step toward putting the electromagnetic superweapon on U.S. warships by 2020. The Navy envisions using Railguns to destroy enemy ships ...
Toaru Kagaku no RAILGUN (TV) - Anime News Network
Plot Summary: Academy City is a highly developed place in terms of technology. It is said to be 20 to 30 years ahead of the rest of the world. 80% of it's 2.3 ...
The Military's Super Shipwrecking RAILGUN Just Got Really Real
20 hours ago ... It fires a 40-pound metal slug up to 5600 miles per hour from New York to Philadelphia, slamming into its target with 32 times the force of a ...
The Military's Super Shipwrecking RAILGUN Just Got Really Real
It fires a 40-pound metal slug up to 5600 miles per hour from New York to Philadelphia, slamming into its target with 32 times the force of a "1-ton car being thrust at 100 mph." Railguns aren't sci-fi anymore.
Hey Quake Fans, Here’s What An Actual RAILGUN Looks Like
Say the word “Railgun” around a PC gamer and they’ll instantly start telling you stories about the Quake series, and how it’s such an awesome weapon in a make-believe future universe. They’re right on the former, but on the latter, not ...
With a bang, Navy begins tests on EM RAILGUN prototype launcher
ARLINGTON, Va.— Engineers have fired the Navys first industry-built electromagnetic Railgun (EM Railgun) prototype launcher at a test facility, commencing an evaluation that is an important intermediate step toward a future tactical weapon for ships ...
How do you calculate the force of a RAILGUN?
How do you calculate the force of a Railgun, if you have one built and you knew the voltage, amperage and resistance of the armature and the rails.
well i know that, but my friend proposed a double helix rail, that imcreases length of the rails without increasing the length of the barrel. so is lenght the barrel length or the rail length.
also, how do you find B?
what is it measured with?
Answer: You need to know the strength of the magnetic field, but the equation is:
F = I*L*B
Where I is the current through the armature, L is the length of the armature and B is the strength of the magnetic field (this is assuming the magnetic field is perpendicular to the armature). You can look up 'Lorentz force' for more info if you like.
EDIT: The length that is important is the length of the wire connecting the two rails (or equivalently, the distance between the two rails). I'm not sure I understand what you mean by a double helix rail, it seems like the armature would be very unstable if it was riding on top of a helical structure (unless its riding 'in' the helix? But that would cause other problems).
As for measuring B, it's quite difficult unfortunately. If you're using electromagnets, you might be able to calculate B using the Biot-Savart law:
If you're using permanent magnets, it's probably not worth the troubling of trying to calculate the value of B. If you really need a specific number for it, then you'll probably have to fire the rail gun and measure the force it applies (using a force gauge for example). Knowing the force applied (and the current applied and the length of the armature) you can calculate B.
Category: Engineering
How would you put spin on a RAILGUN round?
Normally, youd put grooves in the barrel, but it seems like it wouldnt work with a Railgun
Answer: Fins Bubba, fins
Category: Astronomy & Space
What comes first Toaru Majutsu no index or Toaru no kagaku no RAILGUN?
do i have to watch them in that order, i started toaru no kagaku no Railgun but i know it hasnt finished.
is it worth watching to aru majustsu no index first?
Answer: ask this in the Cartoons and animation section, thats where all the anime fans are (im just assuming its an anime series here)
Category: Other - Television
Navy Test Fires Rail Gun | The Virtuous Republic
At least this program didn't get cut. From the Office of Naval Research: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 28, 2012 By Grace Jean, Office of Naval.
Navy RAILGUN Survives Budget Ax, Could Help Win Wars of the Future
This story comes from the Yahoo! Contributor Network, where individuals publish their unique perspectives on some of the world’s most popular websites. The U.S. military has traditionally used its superior technological acumen as a force multiplier.
Rail gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A rail gun is a type of rifle where the barrel and mechanism has been built into a machine rest. The base of the rail gun utilises adjustable feet to provide a stable ...
rail gun: Definition from Answers.com
n. A weapon, consisting mainly of conducting metal rails, that uses electromagnetic force to accelerate a projectile to a much greater speed than that achieved by ...
RAILGUN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Railgun is an electrically-powered artillery gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along magnetic metal rails using the same principles as the homopolar ...
ONR Fact Sheet: Electromagnetic RAILGUN - Office of Naval Research
The Electromagnetic Railgun (EMRG) is a new technology that uses electricity rather than chemical propellants to launch projectiles.
RAILGUN - Ask Jeeves Encyclopedia - Ask.com - Whats Your Question?
A Railgun is an electrically-powered artillery gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along magnetic metal rails using the same principles as the homopolar motor.
In theory, I was wondering if you used lighting to power a RAILGUN, how may joules would it create?
In chemistry, we are do independent projects, and I was looking into a Railgun for fun. Then I thought, "what if you powered one with a lighting bolt?" I know it would be incredibly stupid to try, but I was wondering. I think a lighting bolt has like 100 million volts.
Answer: In theory, I was wondering if you used lighting to power a Railgun, how may joules would it create?
In chemistry, we are do independent projects, and I was looking into a Railgun for fun. Then I thought, "what if you powered one with a lighting bolt?" I know it would be incredibly stupid to try, but I was wondering. I think a lighting bolt has like 100 million volts.
Lightning is static electricity, not AC or DC electric current.
If the lightning struck a lightning rod, and the other end of the lightning rod was attached to a very large capacitor, the capacitor would store the electrons with a potential difference of 100 million volts.
100 million volts would produce enough electric current to FRY the Railgun.
Now, you will need a voltage regulator to produce an output voltage that the Railgun can use.
Category: Physics
DVIDS - Images - Electromagnetic RAILGUN prototype launcher tested ...
Gary Bass, left, and Jim Poyner, from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, take measurements after a successful test firing of the Office of Naval ...
RAILGUN - Backyard Monsters Wiki
"An electrical gun that accelerates a conductive projectile along a pair of rails, the Railgun tower makes up for its slow reload with high damage and an infinite ...
How much armor would be needed to stop a RAILGUN?
If you were to mount a 9 million joule Railgun on a spaceship that fired a 70 pound projectile at 12,000 miles per hour then how thick of armor would an opposing ship need to stop it?
Answer: Armor thats thicker than you!
Category: Astronomy & Space
For Video Warriors, A Fight to the Finish
The tournament had all the trappings of a big-league sporting event: large cash prizes, pre- and post-game interviews and a broadcast team perched above the action, providing play-by-play and color commentary. But it was not sport, at least not in the traditional sense; it was a championship video game tournament held Friday and yesterday at an - AMD Professional Gamers League sponsors video game tournament at XS New York arcade in Times Square; photo (S) - By STEPHEN C. MILLER
RAILGUN.com - Milled center shafted stainless steel dual faced putter
Railgun.com supplies golfers with Milled center shafted stainless steel two sided putters. The Railgun II is the easiest, affordable golf putter made in the USA.
Toaru Kagaku no RAILGUN Misaka Mikoto Dakimakura Pillow Case - US$ ...
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Misaka Mikoto Dakimakura Pillow Case on sale at wholesale prices, buy cheap Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Misaka Mikoto Dakimakura Pillow Case at ...
Electric Shot -- Navy Fires Prototype RAILGUN
The U.S. Navy has begun firing the first of two prototype electromagnetic Railgun launchers as it moves a step closer to deploying the long-range, high-speed weapon on its warships. Photos and video: Office of Naval Research The lower-energy firings at the ...
The Navy’s Electric Cannon Fires Its First Shots
The U.S. Navy fired the first live demonstration of its prototype electromagnetic Railgun at a test range, program manager Roger Ellis says. Now some military officials at the Office of Naval Research say that it might even be possible to have ...
What would it take to build a small-scale RAILGUN?
In my High school engineering class, we are working on a Rube Goldberg machine. My portion involves shooting a balanced basketball with a small rail gun to make it go in the hoop. As such, I am hoping I can get specifics on what it will take.
The gun will probably launch a quarter (or a stack if one quarter isnt heavy enough). What kinds of batteries or power supplies will get me what kinds of force?
Answer: A rail gun is a pretty sophisticated device---The precision machining and the cost of the materials put it beyond the reach of most hobbyists.
You'd find it much easier and cheaper to build a magnetic ring cannon. You can even buy them in kit form, though I don't know if you'll find a kit that delivers enough energy to shoot a basketball.
Category: Engineering
BAE Electromagnetic Railgun http://t.co/Phx2yF5z
From: MadamaJJ - Source: Facebook
@ionV3@tetsu_it_11@yu_himekokumin@Barbieaya@gixig @Noah_Aki@Beloved_Ellie@rhythm31527@sinzi830@okachi_hero@heaven_azunyan@biri_Railgun おかありー
From: tomoka_peyang - Source: twicca
@moyasi_Railgun おん!たのしみです☆*。(*ω*)。*☆
From: aika0724 - Source: jigtwi
RT @DrLuthor: Ok, donc maintenant la Navy a un EM Railgun qui tir jusquà 9000km/h avec 1 porté de 200km et une précision de 5m *_* http://t.co/MSOEfO7Q
From: N_Maday - Source: TweetDeck
http://t.co/2Jk48cT2 If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Railgun
From: freelancer91 - Source: web
awesome rail-gun
From: Atomittom - Source: web
Navy Tests Latest Railgun http://t.co/L0epEjcf
From: amhhoward - Source: Tweet Button
USA developing electromagnetic Railgun tht can fire rounds at 7 times speed of sound or 9010 kph - http://t.co/PNsEFenJ
From: AmbVPrakash - Source: web
.@gyosyonityan @Nir1126_2 @ririchiyo1 @Mikoto_Railgun @sagamikenichi @lilyvo_bot @nut_zum @kurietan おはあり(*´ω`*)
From: shimaajikuroko - Source: twicca
New Navy Railgun Tests Leading to Ship Superweapon by 2020 - Yahoo! News http://t.co/ihFAFIzE via @YahooNews
From: jasonCADIOO7 - Source: Tweet Button
(AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!) New Navy Railgun Tests Leading to Ship Superweapon by 2020 - Yahoo! News http://t.co/oxKw1NH6 via @YahooNews
From: Caff32 - Source: Tweet Button
Some pretty exciting stuff coming from the U.S. Navy in this Wired article. -JK Picatinny Arsenal, PEO... http://t.co/LmKKUXcc
From: ARDEC - Source: Facebook
@Taishi_Railgun This is over now?! I guess your owner wish to keep you with them ha ha ha ha
From: 00Memory - Source: web
【とある音楽の日用品】only my Railgun でセッションしてみた: http://t.co/hDzAsSM7 @youtubeさんから
From: o2under - Source: Tweet Button
Navy Railgun Survives Budget Ax, Could Help Win Wars of the Future http://t.co/JLFdeKFg
From: Melanie_Shaw - Source: twitterfeed