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Groundhog day : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Director: Harold Ramis. . Actors: Bill Murray: Phil · Andie MacDowell: Rita · Chris Elliott: Larry · Stephen Tobolowsky: Ned · Brian Doyle-Murray: Buster ...
When is Groundhog day and what did the groundhog say this year?
Answer: On Feb. 2nd. This year the groundhog did not see its shadow, which is a predication of an early Spring.
Category: Other - Holidays
GROUNDHOG DAY celebration even stronger 20 years later
Twenty years have passed since far northwest suburban Woodstock was transformed into Punxsutawney for the Bill Murray comedy “Groundhog day.” The impact of the Harold Ramis film about a weatherman forced to relive the same day over and over ...
Punxsutawney Values: What America Can Learn From Groundhogs Day
On February 2nd, more than 50,000 Americans will embark on an annual pilgrimage in search of the holy grail of weather forecasting -- Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who predicts when spring will come. Most of us know about Punxsutawney Phil from the ...
GROUNDHOG DAY quotes: Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? Movie quotes, video
With the holiday just days away, Americans are impatiently awaiting the February 2nd, 2012 Groundhog day results. Internet searches have been high today with most people asking the questions, "When is Groundhog day?" and "Will Punxsutawney Phil see his ...
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012: Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Remainder of Winter
Punxsutawney Phil has his work cut out for him these days. In a year of extreme weather events and a mild Northeast winter, the groundhog could be forgiven if he got a little confused this year. Groundhog day is back, and Phil will emerge from his burrow ...
CALENDAR; New Jersey
A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Bananas Comedy Club Adam Ferrara. Jan. 27 at 9 p.m. and Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. $20. Bananas Comedy Club, 283 Route 17 South.; (201)
Looking for answers to your Groundhog day questions? Youve come to the right spot!
GROUNDHOG DAY - TheHolidaySpot: Holidays and Festivals ...
Happy Groundhog day. learn about groundhogday history and origin, send greeting cards, wallpapers, notes on candlemas, activities and quiz, and more. groundhogday ...
GROUNDHOG DAY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Groundhog day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow ...
CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey
A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to . Comedy RED BANK Count Basie Theater Wanda Sykes. Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. $39 to $129. Count Basie Theater, 99 Monmouth Street. (732) 842-9000; . Film NEW BRUNSWICK Rutgers
62 And Life To Go
Today Diana Nyad is swimming for four hours. She does this four days a week in the 50-meter pool at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center, in Pasadena, Calif. Her stroke is rhythmic, high in the water. Its hard to judge how old she is by looking at her. Her back is well muscled. Her legs are girlish -- shapely and short. Her skin is as weathered as a - Elizabeth Weil article describes how marathon swimmer Diana Nyad refuses to give up on her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida, despite the many setbacks she has suffered in trying to complete the route. Photos (M) - By ELIZABETH WEIL
Can you help me think of a GROUNDHOG DAY related gift?
In my workplace this year the people organising the Christmas Party are incorporating a film theme. Each person has to bring in a gift that is related to a film. Earlier today I chose Groundhog day out of the hat.
Now my mind is blank!
I need to think of a gift that costs £5 or less and is related to the film Groundhog day. Your suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.
Answer: I'm thinking you can get that cheap alarm clock that keep flipping 6am...
Then sometime in the party smash it. ;p
Category: Other - Holidays
Pitner's Potpourri: Groundhog's Day Freebies!!!!
Lauren at First Grade Diaries has designed the cutest little groundhogs and has posted them in her Etsy Shop. Go RIGHT NOW and look! She has also added the polka dot frames I used with the groundhogs in these activities ...
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012: How accurate is Punxsutawney Phil? | Earth ...
Each year on February 2, Groundhog day, the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil predicts whether spring will arrive early or late. How accurate is Phil for 2012?
Catch GROUNDHOG DAY. . . again
Thursday is Groundhog day, so theres no better time than right now to ponder the "Twilight Zone"-ish Bill Murray comedy "Groundhog day." That movie (which airs Thursday at 8 and 10:30 p.m. on CMT) about a caustic TV weatherman forced to relive ...
Big events in Cajun GROUNDHOG DAY and Super Bowl
There are two huge events this week, Cajun Groundhog day and then Sunday’s Super Bowl. I hope you’ll join us at 7 a.m. Thursday to see Pierre C. Shadeaux make his annual weather prediction. The program runs about a half hour, so hopefully ...
If your life was like the movie GROUNDHOG DAY, what would you do first?
If you havent seen the movie (which you should), here is the basic plot. Bill Murray is a news reporter, and finds himself waking up every morning on the same day: Groundhog day. He keeps reliving the same day with the same events, while all the other people in the town act as though the previous day hadnt happened. Bill does all sorts of crazy stuff because he realizes that he will wake up the next day and none of it will have happened. What types of things would be on your list? Naughty or nice?
Answer: very naughty that would get me suspended here if i listed them all. ;)
Category: Polls & Surveys
GROUNDHOG DAYs history reaches back to surprising roots
Groundhog day is typically thought of as an American – and specifically Pennsylvanian – tradition, but the prognosticating rodent has a rich European origin. Celebrated in the United States and Canada on February 2 – this coming Thursday ...
How many GROUNDHOG DAY groundhogs have there been?
I was at school this morning and heard that the groundhog saw his shadow (pooie :( later spring) and was wondering how many Groundhog day groundhogs there have been.
Answer: According to the town of Punxsutawney, there has only been one. Every spring he drinks Groundhog punch and he's been able to tell the future for over 120 years. On average, groundhogs live about 6 years in the wild or 10 years in captivity.
Category: Other - Holidays
GROUNDHOG DAY History from Stormfax® 2012
Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog day history from Stormfax® with Folklore & Winter Weatherlore.
what did the your groundhog say this morning? six more weeks of winter or early spring? and are u happy about it?
Answer: Well Punxsutawney Phil, the official ground hog pronounced a shorter winter which I'm happy about. Apparently he has predicted this only 14 times out of the last 110 years (according to The Today Show). However, statistically, he has only been right 30% of the time (which is pretty sad because even if I tossed a coin, I'd expect to be correct on average 50% of the time).
Category: Yahoo! Answers
GROUNDHOG DAY — - Fact Monster: Online Almanac ...
Groundhog day The Adventures of Punxsutawney Phil, Wiarton Willie, and Pothole Pete by Holly Hartman
Can anyone please help me make a Groundhogs Day cake?
I want to chop up circle and square cakes into the shape of a groundhog for a belated Groundhog day gathering. Has anyone ever made a groundhog-shaped cake before who can give me some tips? I already have some toasted coconut for the groundhogs fur. Should I use chocolate or vanilla frosting? There must be someone out there who has made a groundhog shaped cake. Please help me out. Itll be an easy 10-pointer.
Answer: Okay, this is what you do. Make two round cakes (8 inch). Chocolate. Cut one with a bit of a "slope" in it, sit this piece on top of the flat cake,for the body. Use a left-over edge for the head. Cut four round bits for the paws? or hands? You get the idea. Hersheys kisses for the eyes. Choco. frosting, good idea on the coconut, by the way, choco chip for the nose. I would use bits of pretzel sticks for claws, and little sticks around the plate. It should be CUUUTE. And fairly easy, the coconut and pretzels camoflauge mistakes fairly well.
Category: Cooking & Recipes
Paid Notice: Memorials RAPPAPORT, STANLEY
RAPPAPORT--Stanley. Groundhog day 1926-1/7/2011. Missing you. Your family, friends & everyone you tipped.
GROUNDHOG DAY: The Movie - Welcome to Transparency
Groundhog day, the movie, is about how we can break through to our true selves so that compassion, creativity and love are an inherent part of life.
Ashevilles groundhog, Nibbles, to predict springs arrival Thursday
What: Groundhog day celebration at Chimney Rock State Park. When: starts at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Where: 431 Main St., Chimney Rock. Admission: $9, $4 for ages 6-15, and free for children younger than 6., 625-9611.
The history of how Groundhog day started and what it means.
Looking for answers to your Groundhog day questions? You've come to the right spot!
SPECIAL REPORT: AUSTRALIAN OPEN; Murray Stakes Grand Slam Future on Coachs Past
No man needs a Grand Slam title quite as much as Andy Murray. His new coach, Ivan Lendl, was once in the same awkward position. Murray, the moody and multitalented Scotsman, remains a supporting actor in an era full of strong leading men: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. The fourth-ranked Murray, 24, has reached three major singles - British tennis player Andy Murray, who has reached three major singles finals without winning a title, is working with his new coach Ivan Lendl in pursuit of a Grand Slam victory. Photo (M) - By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY
Our pickled prognosticator
Theyre going with the stuffed one again. Members of a local group that holds a Groundhog day ceremony each February in the West End will again use a taxidermied groundhog to prognosticate whether winter is on its way out. Members of the ...
The history of how Groundhog day started and what it means.
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012: Punxsutawney Phil's Predictions Over The ...
What will Punxsutawney Phil predict on Groundhog day this year? On February 2, the resident groundhog of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania will emerge from his temporary home on Gobbler's Knob to let a waiting crowd know ...
Are there any movies there are similar to GROUNDHOG DAY?
I thought Groundhog day was a very unique and creative movie. Are there movies that is like Groundhog day?
Thank You!
Answer: Christmas Do Over, Christmas eve keeps repeating, very nice movie 5/5
Category: Movies
GROUNDHOG DAY in United States
Groundhog day falls on February 2 in the United States, coinciding with Candlemas. It is a part of popular culture among many Americans and it centers on the idea of ...
How long is Bill Murrays Character (Phil Connors) stuck in the GROUNDHOG DAY Time Loop.?
Groundhog day with Bill Murray is one of my favorite movies. In the movie they do not specify how long Phil Connors is stuck in the time loop. Given that he learns to play the piano, ice sculpt, throw cards into a hat etc., what are your thoughts on how long he is stuck in the time loop for?
Answer: I love the movie and I have seen it over 20 times.
No-one knows exactly how many days. Some people say it lasted the 6 weeks, but that would make it impossible for him to learn piano, french and all the other things that he learned, not to mention personally know all the town folks.
I personally think it lasted exactly 1 year and this would make sense plus it is long enough for him to learn everything that he did.
The idea came from 'The Gay Science', a famous book by Friedrich Nietzsche. In his book, Nietzsche gives a description of a man who is living the same day over and over again.
Category: Movies
What happens to the homeless man in "GROUNDHOG DAY"?
We watched the film "Groundhog day" in my philosophy class, and I think I missed some of it. I am wondering if we ever learn what eventually happens to the homeless man Phil tries to save, or if it is unresolved or assumed that he lives.
Answer: I thought that the homeless man was the one person that Phil couldn't save, as Phil tried to do after he watched the homeless man die for the first time. Remember the second day, when Phil took him out to eat, but when he still ends up in the hospital? The doctor makes some comment like "It was just his time." But his death inspired Phil to help every other person in the town.
Category: Movies
GROUNDHOG DAY - New World Encyclopedia
Groundhog day; Groundhog day 2005 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA. Observed by: United States and Canada: Type: Cultural: Significance: Whether the groundhog sees ...
GROUNDHOG DAY History from Stormfax® 2012
Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog day history from Stormfax® with Folklore & Winter Weatherlore
GROUNDHOG DAY… the rest of the story
In a couple of days, tens of thousands of Phil’s faithful followers will be gathered to see what a snoozing fuzzy marmot has to say about the upcoming change of seasons. Who might you ask is Phil? This prognosticator is Pennsylvania’s most famous rodent.
EDITORIAL | WEEK AHEAD; Questions About the Groundhog
Groundhog day — celebrated this Thursday — is a holiday specifically for discussing the weather, as if people were otherwise silent on the subject. (It is also a wonderful movie about infinite chances — and the perfectibility, at least, of Bill Murray — that is well worth watching, in case you haven’t seen it in a - By VERLYN KLINKENBORG
Why do we need weathermen for 6 weeks after GROUNDHOG DAY when Punxsutawney Phil does all their work for them?
For years Ive never understood why weathermen are needed for the six weeks following Punxsutawney Phils forecast each Groundhog day. Once we know Phils forecast we can easily prepare for the next 6 weeks of weather.
No need for the weatherman to gobble up 7 or 8 minutes of valuable news time when the forecast is already determined. Does anyone know why all this air time, webpages & newspaper space is wasted on weather during this six weeks?
Answer: That is nuts. There is now way the groundhog predicts the weather. Get a life.
Category: Media & Journalism
Pennsylvania | PA | GROUNDHOG DAY | Punxsutawney | Phil | visitPA
Groundhog & Shadow. For the last few years, we’ve shared the story of the lesser-known duel between Groundhog and Shadow that goes on for the other 364 days of the ...
How does GROUNDHOG DAY relate to the movie plot?
The plot is a guy who relives the same day over and over again.
But why on Groundhog day?
Could the plot have been the same if it had been some other day of note, like Veterans Day or Arbor Day?
And why did Bill Murrays character try to kill the groundhog? Was the groundhog causing him to relive the same day over and over again?
Answer: can you think of a more useless holiday to relive over and over? it's celebrating a rodent. at least veteran's day and arbor day are celebrating things that you can find meaning in--military service and trees. but a day celebrating a rodent? over and over. wouldn't that be the most mind-numbing thing you could imagine having to endure? that's the point.
he tried to kill him because he was a little nuts from having to relive the same day over and over. he was trying anything. obviously the groundhog wasn't the answer, but wouldn't you have tried it?
Category: Movies
Welcome to the Groundhog Club official Web site. ... Groundhog day 2012 will be here soon! Phil will leave his burrow at 7:20 February 2nd at Gobblers Knob in ...
Directed by Harold Ramis. With Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky. A weatherman finds himself living the same day over and over ...
Why is the State of the Union address being given on GROUNDHOG DAY?
This year both Groundhog day and the State of the Union Address falls on the same day.
Its an ironic juxtaposition: one involves a meaningless ritual in
which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication.
The other involves a groundhog.
Answer: That would be ironic if it was true.
Category: Government
CALENDAR; New Jersey
A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Bananas Comedy Club Adam Ferrara. Jan. 27 at 9 p.m. and Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. $20. Bananas Comedy Club, 283 Route 17 South.; (201)
GROUNDHOG DAY Activities | Certification Map
Groundhog day activities, lessons, printables and worksheets for kids.
GROUNDHOG DAY explained (without Bill Murray)
January 30, 2012, 3:16 PM — Groundhog day (this Thursday!) has always been special for me, mainly because it was my mothers birthday (and still is for my cousin, Lori). The fact that my mothers birthday fell on a "holiday" such as Groundhog day made it ...
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012 for Kids | GROUNDHOG DAY Crafts, Activities ...
Get into Groundhog day this February with these fun crafts and activities for the kids. Find entertaining puzzles, games, and coloring pages for the holiday.
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012 or Ground Hog's Day
Ground Hog's Day 2012, or Groundhog day, is when the Ground Hog predicts how much longer winter will last.
Michigan residents turn their attention to groundhogs, llamas
As Groundhog day nears, Michiganders anticipate the prediction that all the prognosticating animals will give. Whether they are waiting to get the prediction from Woody at the Howell Nature Center or Tutor the prognosticating llama in Oxford ...
Groundhog day The Adventures of Punxsutawney Phil, Wiarton Willie, and Pothole Pete by Holly Hartman
DEALBOOK; Europes Vicious Cycle of Debt
Europe has a $1 trillion problem. As difficult as the last two years have been for Europe, 2012 could be even tougher. Each week, countries will need to sell billions of dollars of bonds - a staggering $1 trillion in total - to replace existing debt and cover their current budget deficits. At any point, should banks, pensions and other big - European Union countries will need to sell billions of dollars in bonds every week in 2012, $1 trillion in total, to replace existing debt, and policymakers and investors are watching debt auctions for signs of weakness; at any point, should banks, pensions and other big investors balk, anxiety could course through the markets. Graph, Photos (M)1 - By PETER EAVIS
What piece does the little girl play in GROUNDHOG DAY?
What classical piece of music is the girl who is taking the piano lesson (before shes "kicked out") playing in the movie Groundhog day? I cant seem to find it listed on the movie soundtrack.
Answer: Is it on here?
Category: Movies
GROUNDHOG DAY Read Alouds | Hope Is the Word
I serendepitously happened upon a few fun books about Groundhog day last week at the library, and I thought I'd share them here at Hope Is the Word. February 2nd usually comes comes and goes without much thought from ...
GROUNDHOG DAY: Definition from
See other Holidays » Groundhog day Groundhog day may seem like a newfangled ceremony — what with Punxsutawney Phil living in a climate-controlled environment in ...
CALENDAR; Events in Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to . Comedy HARTFORD Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts “Cinematic Titanic.” Screening of two films, with live performances by Joel Hodgson from “Mystery Science Theater
Why do calendars say "First Day of Spring" when the groundhog determines that?
The groundhog says when the first day of spring is, and thats after the yearly calendars are made, so is Groundhog day a load of crap?
Answer: Actually the Earth determines when the first day of Spring is, but people have a need to set a date for it so it is always set for The 3rd Saturday in March. The Groundhog would determine that the first day of spring or an extra 6 weeks of Winter would come either way, since February 2, is exactly 6 weeks before the first day of Spring.
Category: Other - Holidays
How many days did Bill Murray relive February 2 in Groundhog day?
Answer: You are not given an exact time in the movie, but considering all the stages Bill Murray's character must go through it is obviously a very long time. Denial, Depression, Plotting, Using the time for good, etc. I was only going to say 6-12 months, but then I found this on IMDB
"On the DVD, Harold Ramis states that the original idea was for him to live February 2nd for about 10,000 years. Later he says that Phil probably lived the same day for about 10 years"
Category: Valentine's Day
GROUNDHOG DAY (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Groundhog day is a 1993 American comedy film directed by Harold Ramis, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. It was written by Ramis and Danny Rubin, ...
“GROUNDHOG DAY Explained” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day…
“Groundhog day Explained”. January 31, 2012 by Larry Ferlazzo | 0 comments. Here's a video I'm adding to The Best Resources For Groundhog day: Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS ...
GROUNDHOG DAYs in Woodstock, IL - where every day is GROUNDHOG DAY
HOW IT ALL BEGAN In 1992, something astonishing happened in the historic city of Woodstock, Illinois. People came to town and roped off the picturesque city square ...
GROUNDHOG DAY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Groundhog day is a holiday celebrated on February 2 in the United States and Canada. According to ancient folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges ...
GROUNDHOG DAY: Information from
Plot Bill Murray plays Phil, a TV weatherman working for a local station in Pennsylvania but convinced that national news stardom is in his grasp. Phil displays a ...
Was that the real Punxsutawney Phil driving in GROUNDHOG DAY?
One of my favorite movies is Groundhog day, but I always wanted to know if the groundhog that bill murray has driving the car was the real Punxsutawney Phil or another groundhog.
Answer: Apparently the real Phil never learnt how to drive due to an injury he received while skydiving in his early career so it was in fact a stunt double that drove in the movie.
Category: Movies
Woody ready to make GROUNDHOG DAY prediction
HOWELL, Mich. (WTW) — Woody the woodchuck has walked around with a little added swagger in the aftermath of Punxsutawney Phils disastrous, incorrect weather prediction last winter. Woody, Livingston Countys own weather prognosticator, got it right ...
Spare Times for Jan. 27-Feb. 2
Around Town Museums and Sites American Museum of Natural History: Astronomy Live: NASA Missions (Tuesday) A look at NASA missions of the past and for the future, offered by museum personnel, with images and visualizations. At 6:30 p.m., Central Park West and 79th Street, (212) 769-5200, ; $15, or $13.50 for - By ANNE MANCUSO
No repeat seen of Groundhog Blizzard of 2011
A mild and quiet forecast for this week is in stark contrast to the weather of a year ago, when the Groundhog Blizzard of 2011 punished the region. The huge storm actually stretched across two days, Feb. 1-2, officially dumping 14.3 inches of snow on ...
GROUNDHOG DAY 2012: Staten Island Chuck, king of the forecasting woodchucks, girds for his moment
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- With nothing less than the future of this years winter at stake, Groundhog day celebrity Staten Island Chucks handlers say all is in readiness for the furry forecasters annual prediction appearance at the Staten island Zoo.
Where Did GROUNDHOG DAY Come From? - Mental Floss
The real reason Groundhog day is celebrated on February 2nd is that it is close to the midpoint of winter, halfway between the solstice and the equinox. Whether the groundhog sees his shadow or not, we still officially have ...
CNBC Trader Talk Blog — Pisani: Every Day Is GROUNDHOG DAY in ...
Groundhog day comes early. Stop me if you've seen this headline before: “Greece's Papademos Says Major Progress Made in Debt-Swap Talks.” Groundhog day may be two days away, but in the European Union, every day ...
Google Trends :| 6. james randi -1 7. Groundhog day +2 8. paula abdul =0 9. march of dimes +5 2/2
From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
Horror retoolment of Groundhog day: Day of the Hog, Hog Trouble, The Looping Dude or Weathermans Redemption? #RBW
From: LungeDolphin - Source: web
Groundhog day 2012: Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Remainder of Winter – The Epoch Times
From: Damarisci51 - Source: twitterfeed
susan g komen
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kristen bell
facebook ipo
james randi
Groundhog day
paula abdul
march of di...
From: g00gletrends - Source: twitterfeed
susan g komen
colbert super pac
kristen bell
facebook ipo
james randi
Groundhog day
paula abdul
march of dim...
From: WOW_OMG_LOL - Source: twitterfeed
susan g komen
colbert super pac
kristen bell
facebook ipo
james randi
Groundhog day
paula abdul
march of di...
From: HotSearchNow - Source: twitterfeed
Apparently "Hromnice" is the Czech equivalent of "Groundhog day". Thanks to @DavidBentley for that!
From: sambeckwith - Source: web
“Groundhog day Explained” | Larry Ferlazzos Websites of the Day…
From: Eloisa4720 - Source: twitterfeed
France doesnt celebrate Groundhog day #communists
From: codyscott91 - Source: Twitter for Android
More clouds Wednesday, but still mild in Upstate SC. Highs in the 60s with rain chances tonight. And 70 on Groundhog day.
From: fredontv - Source: TweetDeck
Groundhog day!
From: CerinotSeri - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Gracies Groundhog day Surprise: Its Groundhog day in Amazing Grace Acres! All of the woodland creatures have b...
From: Laura060022 - Source: twitterfeed
Groundhog day (Fibonacci Form) #good #evil
From: tankermone - Source: Triond
Fact of the Day: According to my Canadian calendar the French for "Groundhog day" is "Jour de la Marmotte". Not sure what the Czech is.
From: sambeckwith - Source: web
@freemobile Morning Groundhog day 21 toujours rien. Please, please des nouvelles pour les naufragés du 11/01. Au secours. ID 10526028
From: PaulPontone - Source: web