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Wearing Guns, and Support for Ron Paul, on Their Hips
PAHRUMP, Nev. -- On rare occasions, when a brave -- or foolish -- local official here proposes banning firearms from government buildings or meetings, he is met with howls of protests by sidearm-wearing residents who pack public hearings. Shocked tourists on the way to Death Valley periodically call the local sheriffs office to report someone - Residents of a Nevada town in Nye County have little use for government regulations, be it permits, stop signs, gun regulations or anything that would threaten its brothels; it is the heart of Ron Paul country, the one county in Nevada that the 76-year-old congressman from Texas carried in the 2008 Republican caucuses, and a place that wears its libertarianism proudly. Photo (M) - By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
Whitney Houston sang her first solo at a Church what was the name of the church and song she sang?
I think it might be New hope baptist church but need the song.
Answer: The first time Whitney's solo voice was heard in public was, naturally, at the New hope baptist church. At the age of about 11 she sang 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah', and the reaction she received taught her something she would never forget."I was aware of people staring at me. No one moved. They seemed almost in trance. I just stred at the clock in the center of the church. When I finished, everyone clapped and started crying."
Category: Blues
Me, the Catholic Church, and the W.B.C.?
This is what I do when I get bored:
Westboro Baptist Church New Testament Church Scorecard:
Question 1:
-40 for pictures of Jesus/Saints/Crucifixes.
Reasons its nuts: This is one of the more valid questions here, however, every Catholic here knows how to shoot down the idolatry charge.
Question 2: Who can be a Catholic in good standing:
A. Active fornicators,
B. Divorced and remarried
C. Homosexuals/Bisexuals
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Score: +10. All the ones listed above are in a state of mortal sin.
N.B. I understood homosexuals/bisexuals to mean active homosexuals, as only the acts are condemned in the Bible.
Question 3:
A. Potluck dinners, easter egg hunts, Secret Santa, trick or treat, bingo nights, other social events.
B. Plays, concerts, trips, parties etc.
C. Sporting events
D. None.
Result: -10 (or 20, Im not entirely sure) The entire justification for this is the is-ought fallacy. (Google it)
Question 4: Who can be an ordained minister
A. Women
B. Homosexuals/Bisexuals
C. Married and Divorced
D. Individuals in sex scandals.
E. Man with one wife, or celibate.
Result: +10. Actually, the W.B.C. thinking is flawed as only the unmarried should be priests. Perhaps a bit unfairly, Im giving the Catholic Church +20.
Question 5: Separate Groups/Classes in Church.
A. Sunday School
B. Youth Groups
C. Adult/Mens/Womens Groups.
D. Contemporary Worship service.
E. None of the above. Everyone attends 1 service
Result:-20. This is is-ought and general stupidity run amuck. All the people in youth groups mens groups etc. must still attend Sunday mass, which is all his "Scriptural backing" states.
5 question recap: -40,+10,-10,+20,-20. Catholic Church is at -40. However, I hope I have (in my limited space) demonstrated how preposterous the -10 and -20 are.
Question 6: Sanctuary Description:
A. Beautiful ornate sanctuary full of religious symbolism
B. Massive auditorium with sound system and lighting
C. Small/Medium but beautiful
D. None of the above, austere symbolless.
Result: -10 (for my Church). This is time three of the is-ought fallacy. I also offer this to his justification: The temple of Solomon.
Question 7: How is your Church run.
A. This simply describes(a falsified version of ) the Catholic Church.
B. International/National organization with some control over members.
C. In some sort of association.
D. Non-denominational Groups.
E. Completely autonomous and local
Result: -10, Sola Scriptura+Is-ought#4.
Question 8: Other operations of your church
A. A school
B. Has varying business ventures.
C. Has fundraisers.
D. None
Results: -20. This numbnuts must not realize that you need money to run things. Oh, and is-ought #5.
Question #9: Member attendence
A. No expectation whatsoever
B. Many only come to Christmas and Easter
C. Not required
D. Required.
Result:+10. Although many "Chirstmas-Easter Catholics" profess to be so, it is my understanding that missing mass (unless one is ill or otherwise blatantly unable to attend) may be mortal sin grounds.
Question 10: Alcoholics, railors (whatever that means) extortioners, prostitute-frequenters.
A. Openly Welcome
B. Full Members
C. My Church does not identify people by what they do.
D. Cannot be members.
Result: N/A. I have no idea what a railer is, nor the Catholic Churchs position on alcoholics.
10 Question recap:-10, -10, -20, +10, N/A. -70.
Question 11: Hair practices
A. Anything goes.
B. Women have long hair, men have short hair, womens heads are covered in Church.
Result: Most of the Catholics Ive seen conform to the first two, and I think the Church still recommends that women cover their hair. I would also go into context regarding 1 Cor 11, but its not worth the effort. N/A
Question 12: Ways to raise money.
A. Priest asks for it
B. Plate is passed
C. Directed mailings, television campaigns etc.
D. Tithing alone.
Result: -10. Is ought#6 + Sola Scriptura.
Question 13: Marketing (evangelization)
A. Hires marketing consultants.
B. Ads.
C. Direct mailings,door-to-door
D. No marketing,
Result: IS THIS DUMBASS SERIOUSLY CLAIMING WE SHOULDNT EVANGELIZE. His verses then express support for evangelization. My head is spinning. +10
Question 14: Baptisms
A. Infants with no profession of faith
B. Sprinkling water.
C. Family events+white dresses.
D. Profession of faith+full immersion.
Result: -10. D and C arent mutually exclusive, and there is a proffesion of faith at infant baptism. Also, is ought #7
Question 15: Eucharist
A. Wafers to represent body
B. Grape juice to represent blood
C. Wine or grape juice for blood.
D. Completely baffling and overly in depth.
Result: The W.B.C. fails to teach the true presence and has an odd provision about singing, which isnt con
The question restated: What did you think of my attempts to disprove the WBC insanity?
Question was cut off: -tained the scripture passages the madman quotes.
The page refuses to load, but this all you need to know: 9 (thats over half of the questions) involve the is-ought problem, and unless you get a perfect score youre going to hell. (No seriously)
Catholic Church got-40.
Answer: Stick to your Catholic faith do not play with fire.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Im doing a report on Christian Baptist and I need help on an outline?
This is what i have so far but im stuck what do i do next?
Religious: Christian-Baptist
History of the Baptists:
The Baptist denomination was founded by John Smyth(1570-1612) in 1609.
John Smyth was an ordained as a Anglican Priest for the church of England in 1594.
He was put in jail for not following the ways of the church. Eventually he broke away from the church and became a Separatist with a group of people from Holland. Smyth introduced a new church leadership with a Pastor and Deacon called a twofold church leadership.
“Motivations for Separatism:
Groups may have one or more motivations for separation, including:
Emotional resentment of rival communities
Justified resistance be victims of oppression, including denigration of their language, culture or
Propaganda by those who hope to gain politically from intergroup conflict and hatred
The economic and political dominance of one group that does not share power and privilege in an egalitarian fashion
Economic motivations of seeking to end economic exploitation by more powerful group or, conversely, to escape economic redistribution from a richer to a poorer group
Preservation of threatened religous, language or other cultural tradition
Destabilization from one separatist movement giving rise to others
Geopolitical power vacuum from breakup of larger states or empires
Continuing fragmentation as more and more states break up.
Belief of the Baptists:
Baptist beliefs differ from church to church since they do not have a central governing authority. The main belief is shared for all Baptist churches. They share the same belief with Christians as one God: The Virgin Birth: Miracles: Atonement Through Death, Burial, The Resurrection of Jesus, The Trinity: The Divinity of Jesus, The Word and The Holy Spirit with The Father. “Baptists generally believe in the literal Second Coming of
Christ at which time God will sit in judgment and divide humanity between the saved and the lost.”
Answer: If you are doing a report, the best thing to do is something like this...
1. Background and introduction... Why did you choose this subject? In this case the history of the denomination... the reason for the split... key differences in beliefs... etc...
2. Significant movements and key players.... present a time-line of how the movement started and spread, and who facilitated these movements
3. Present day... What is going on in the denomination today? Has it changed? If so, how?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
New Jersey church where Whitney Houston sang prays for fallen star, family
although her voice has been silenced ... think about how much she left us with,” the Rev. Joe Carter told the faithful at New hope baptist church in Newark. “There are those who live 70, 80, 90 years, and after theyre gone, they leave nothing.
Whitney Houston's Funeral Moved to NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH ...
The singer will be laid to rest in her hometown of Newark, New Jersey.
Whitney Houston funeral set for Saturday at Newark, N.J. church
The owner of the Whigham Funeral Home in Newark says Houston’s funeral will be held at noon at the New hope baptist church in Newark. Houston was found dead in her hotel room in Beverly Hills on Feb. 11. Her body was returned to New Jersey late Monday.
Dr. Gregory L. Clarke, Pastor. 205-925-9393 Two Locations in Birmingham. Main office at 1740 Cleburn Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211.
Newark Likely Site of Funeral for Houston
The body of Whitney Houston was expected to arrive in New Jersey on Monday night in preparation for her funeral, which is likely to be held Friday in Newark, the city where she was born, according to a person with knowledge of the family’s plans. The arrangements will probably include a viewing of the body on Thursday and a funeral on Friday - By CHANNING JOSEPH and RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA
BELIEFS; Many Evangelicals See Something to Admire In Candidates Broods
The Republican presidential field has produced a lot of babies. There is Mitt Romney, father of five sons. Ron Paul, an obstetrician by training, is also a father of five, and his campaign Web site credits him with bringing 4,000 babies into the world. Newt Gingrich and the recent dropout Rick Perry have only two children each, but Rick Santorum, - Mark Oppenheimer Beliefs column observes that the level of support from the Evangelical Christian community for Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum suggests that Protestants are no longer as troubled by the Roman Catholic objection to birth control as they once were. Photo (M) - Twitter/markopp1; - By MARK OPPENHEIMER
The NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH in Newark New Jersey
Pastor Joe A Carter, THe New hope baptist church The call to labor for the Kingdom of God appeared early and unmistakably to our Pastor Joe A. Carter.
Whitney Houston's Church, New Hope Baptist, Mourns Her Death
By Barry CarterReligion News Service NEWARK, N.J..
New hope baptist church is an independent, fundamental, Baptist Church located in Shakopee, Minnesota. It is pastored by Tim Douglas.
American Baptist. Contact information, mission statement, history, and a look at the churchs ministries.
New hope baptist church is an Independant Bible believing church which uses the authorized version of the King James Bible. We view ourselves as a family not just a ...
New Jersey remembers Houston before she was a pop queen
But after his phone began ringing Saturday evening with news of Houstons death, he knew this would not be a normal day for anyone who knew Houston as a child or who had seen her sing at the New hope baptist church in neighboring Newark.
NJ church where Houston first sang remembers her
hotel, authorities said. The cause wasn’t known, her publicist said. The pop star began singing at the New hope baptist church in Newark as a child. And while parishioners had fond memories of her many performances there over the years ...
The NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH in Newark New Jersey
CHURCH NEWS...and Events ; Our Pastor Joe A. Carter ; OUR cHURCH Mission History; WORSHIP Schedule; Contact UsDirections & More; PHOTO ALBUMOur Fellowship
New Hope Baptist Deltona
Welcome to New hope baptist church! As senior pastor, my family and I would like to express our sincere thanks for visiting our website. The entire New Hope Family ...
New Hope is located in one of the fastest growing areas of North Texas. We are within easy driving distance of Aubrey, Denton, Little Elm and surrounding communities ...
Whats the best prank you could possibly pull on the Westboro Baptist Church?
No, theyre not coming or anything, but I sure hope they come to Victoria BC sometime so they can get a taste of what we think of them. That said, whats the best thing you can imagine to do to them? Dont say "beat them up" or anything like that, because obviously, while I wouldnt be sad about it, its not something Im gonna do. Also, original ideas. Ive seen the Youtube pranks, and theyre awesome, but how about something new?
Answer: Stand next to them at a protest with a sign that says "obvious troll is obvious."
Category: Religion & Spirituality
has anyone heard of the Hope full Saints charity House, Maybe New York, U.S.?
I am looking for a new charity that is being called Hopeful Saints, may have been started from the baptist church in Island Park New York USA, that is now building an orphinage in West Africa because of all the orphins and also are asking for donations because of the May 30,2010 Nigerian explosion at a petrolium plant leaving hundres of children parentless
Answer: Full Gospel Church Of Island Park
4101 Austin Boulevard
Island Park New York 11558
(516) 432-0232
is the only one listed
Or try this site as all charities operating out of NY are registered by the state so if it was stared by a NY church it would have to be there
But be careful if they arent listed as charity scams are a huge scam, look at how many fake charities were scamming people by collecting money from caring people after the Haiti or Chile earthquakes. So if they arent registered find another charity who is
Category: Community Service
Churches celebrate Black History Month
Its part of an annual program put on by the women of Second New hope baptist church in Spotsylvania County. This years theme, according to Shirley Johnson, chairwoman and organizer, is "Look Where the Lord Has Brought Us." But the gathering is about ...
Mourners Gather At Houstons NJ Church
The Houston family has been "inseparable" from New hope baptist church, Pastor Joe A. Carter said in an interview Saturday night, and Whitney would continue to visit throughout her life. Carter led the congregation in a prayer service for Whitney Houston ...
Evangelicals, Seeking Unity, Back Santorum
BRENHAM, Tex. -- Evangelical leaders pursued a last-ditch effort on Saturday to exert influence in the Republican presidential primary race, voting to support the candidacy of Rick Santorum in hopes of undercutting Mitt Romneys march to the nomination. A week before the South Carolina primary, a group of more than 100 influential Christian - Evangelical leaders pursue a last-ditch effort to exert influence in the Republican presidential primary race, voting to support Rick Santorum in the hopes of undercutting Mitt Romneys march to the nomination; more than 100 influential Christian conservatives voted overwhelmingly to support Santorum, but it is unclear what effect that support will have, if any, on the race. Photo (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM and JEFF ZELENY; Erik Eckholm reported from Brenham, Tex., and Jeff Zeleny from Mount Pleasant, S.C. Robbie Brown contributed reporting from Sumter, S.C.
The Year 2010 The Legacy continues: Impacting our culture for Christ.
Whitney Houston Funeral - NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH | Gossip Cop
Whitney Houston funeral to be held on Saturday, February 18, 2012 at New hope baptist church in Newark, New Jersey.
More for Jesus in 2012, New hope baptist church in Independence, Missouri
Welcome to New hope baptist church. "A place where Heaven visits Earth! We do not make this claim to be arrogant, but rather we believe that it is who God ...
THIS LAND; Hes a Quarterback, Hes a Winner, Hes a TV Draw, Hes a Verb
On Saturday night in Massachusetts, a Jim Thorpe-Fabio hybrid in a New England Patriots uniform will emerge from the Foxborough shadows with all the confidence granted by good looks, athletic gifts and the home-field advantage: Tom Brady, the quarterback ideal. A three-time Super Bowl champion. Married to a world-famous model. So laserlike in his - Dan Barry This Land column explores the national fascination with Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who has inspired both adoration and contempt in football fans; Tebow is a deeply religious person who often wins in spectacular ways, though critics maintain that his limited passing skills do not warrant praise. Map, Photos (M) - By DAN BARRY
Do you think Christian Churches need to be warned about changing thier views on Homosexuality?
coalition of groups led by Soulforce is targeting six U.S. mega-churches in an effort to foster dialogue about Christian views on homosexuality. Caleb Price with Focus on the Family says the campaign by the homosexual advocacy group has a friendly façade that belies the agenda of the group -- and that the churches targeted need to be on guard.
The American Family Outing," the campaign targets the following churches: Lakewood Church (pastored by Joel Osteen), The Potters House (T.D. Jakes), Hope Christian Church (Harry Jackson), New Birth Missionary Baptist Church (Eddie Long), Willow Creek Community Church (Bill Hybels), and Saddleback Church (Rick Warren).
Answer: Should Christians be warned? Isn't that a poor choice of words?
It appears to me the Bible is quite clear that homosexuality is not God's plan in marriage.
For the unmarried the values are consistent with those who choose to be married.
God leaves us the pattern in Making Adam and Eve, as an example of partners. One man and one women. Not Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve, but Adam and Eve.
The Apostle Paul wrote in the first chapter of Romans that homosexual behavior goes against what is natural.
For Christians to change their views on homosexuality, would mean leaving the Bible behind. In doing that they could no longer call themselves Christian.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
New Hope Bible Fellowship, 8109 Route 286 W (corner of Bethel ... Annual congregation meeting will follow worship to review finances and year-end reports. Ambrose Baptist Church. Bible study, 8:30. Acts 21:1. Worship service, 9:30. Sermon: "Jesus Weeps ...
Can a Baptist perform a wedding ceremony for non-Baptists and perform this ceremony outside of a church?
New Details!
My fiancee and I are getting married this year, and are interested in asking a friend who is a fairly religious Baptist, to perform the wedding ceremony for us. My fiancee and I are both Catholics (non-practicing), and he is a Baptist. We are hoping to have our ceremony outside of a church on a beach or something similar to that, but were not certain if by doing so, he would be violating any Baptist codes, etc. Wed like to know before we ask him, so that we dont put him on the spot -- any advice anyone has would be very much appreciated!!
Additional Details
Here are additional details to my below -- my friend is not ordained by the Baptist church also. He would have to be ordained through the internet, or through his church, I assume?
Answer: Nope - as long as he is ok - he can do it for you - - - just read your next part
Unless he is a notary/justice of the peace/
he must be an ordained clergyman in my state
not just a church member - if only that - it's a no no no!
Category: Weddings
Churches laud senior members
Boggs, 97, was one of 12 "seasoned citizens" honored at Second New hope baptist church in Massaponax. While others who were honored received flowers from family members or fellow parishioners, Boggs oldest daughter, Linda Boggs of Temple Hills ...
Can anyone recommend a church in Houston?
I am seeking a congregation that is very diverse or mostly African-American. Im not really looking for a mega church and Ive heard of all the "well known" churches already like Lakewood, Brookhollow, Wheeler Avenue Baptist, Second Baptist (not quite as diverse as I like but friendly), etc. Im hoping to get some new recommendations of churches that may not be as widely known, but that are still great churches with friendly people.
Answer: You didn't say what denomination so I'm going to assume Baptist. For mostly African-American, I'd go with Wheeler Avenue...
Then again, I'm Episcopal!
Category: Houston
Christianity and church question?
Im hoping to get some honest, helpful answers from other Christians. I cant find a place to debate or discuss or get answers on this issue, so I brought it here. Ill do my best to explain my question. Ive been a part of many different churches over the last few years, from strict fundamentalist Baptist to Pentecostal to non-denominational. Those churches have also been of all sizes, from a Baptist of about 20 people to a Pentecostal of over 1,000. My husband and I are currently at a new, growing, non-denominational church of less than 50. The church is a year and a half old. Over my years as a Christian and experimenting with different churches, Ive struggled with this question, and Ill explain what I mean in better detail - is it about the "numbers," or about the depth of the devotion of the followers? The Baptist church of about 20 was completely, 100% sold out for God and on fire. There were many things I didnt personally agree with, but that much is true. One of the major differences between that church and others, however, was their lack of outreach or mission trips. They didnt seem as concerned as some other churches with making "fishers of men" or acting out the great commission. Instead, it was like everyone stayed in our little group and tried the best we could to live for God and be true, devoted followers. Well, when I compare that to the church we attend now, it feels like the opposite. Of course the point is for us to all develop authentic and personal relationships with God, but we keep hearing about increasing the "numbers," and the goal is 75, now the goal is 100, etc. Im personally struggling to come to terms with these differences and find out where I stand and hoping for some biblical answers. There are things I love and things I disagree with about both churches, but this is the major difference. Part of me definitely takes the great commission seriously and feels that the smaller church was lacking in this area in terms of evangelism and spreading the Word. I can completely identify with the mission of our current church in wanting to bring more followers to God and to the church . By the same token, I felt like the smaller church took each personal relationship with God to a completely different level than the current, and I feel like our current church is very "lukewarm." Id been raised hearing the verses about how the gate is narrow and few will make it, not everyone who calls Gods name will be recognized, and that lukewarm churches will be "spit out," (cant remember the exact wording). So, in this area Im very disturbed by our current church, because I dont feel that we are being encouraged to be sold out for God or on fire for Him... hopefully this is making some sense. I feel like its more about bringing in the people, then we all have a half of the relationship we could with God and take it half as seriously as the smaller church did. Im sure this is by no means a deliberate intention, but the approach seems to suggest that the numbers are more important than going "all the way." Of course, ideally, a church would have both - genuine, sold out followers AND lots of new people coming to Jesus through the church. I just feel like something doesnt feel right to me either way. One way I feel like were on our own little holy high horse not reaching out to others, and the other way I feel like were just bringing in as many people as we can to make a half-hearted commitment to Jesus (although I know the church doesnt intend for this), and neglecting to follow Him with everything we have. I just feel like our current church should place more of an emphasis on raising us up to get ourselves right with God first before just saying, "Oh good, you came for one week, now next week bring five people," if that makes sense. I know as Christians we cant ONLY socialize with other Christians, or theres no outreach and new people will not be brought to Christ, and this is kind of how I felt at the smaller church. However, I also know that we cant be lukewarm, and that even thousands who just say "Jesus, I accept you as my LORD and savior" isnt worth anything if they dont mean it. Or is it? This is where Im confused. Is it more important just to have as many people as possible "saved" by confessing the words and being baptized or to make sure that each one of us in the church is diving deep into our relationships with God? Like I said, I know it should be both, but Im just hoping for some discussion and some advice. Thank you VERY much for your time, and God bless : )
I want to sincerely apologize to everyone for not breaking up my answer into paragraphs. Im sorry it was so long, and thank you for taking the time to read it.
question - not answer. Sorry, its obviously way too late right now.
Answer: You need to pray and ask God for guidence and direction as him to put it inyour heart what is best...he will answer....
Category: Religion & Spirituality
So what other religions are Democrats fighting for building permits?
Ive never seen the Democrat base so supportive of religion. Particularly one that abhors abortion, that is against womens rights (much less equality), and uses body mutilation rather than rehabilitation and reform punishment, such as non-violent jails or probation. Or one whose educational system would teach them to destroy the opposition rather than participating in the betterment of humanity.
I, for one, am energized by the Lefts new interest in religion, and was hoping that after this mosque business was finished, perhaps they would be supportive of a Bishops new Catholic church, or maybe even Fred Phelps and the Funeral Protesters, since "Freedom of Speech and Religion" is their new calling card. Its clear that while we may not agree with what is said "in the streets", that Democrats would clearly do what it takes to support such Free Speech, and we all know how tolerant they are with the GodHates groups.
So Democrats - will we be seeing you carrying some signs and supporting the Westboro Baptist Church, should they plan to move into New York?
No Max, like I said. Im energized at their new interest in religion and the free speech of faith. Im glad theyre finally supporting free speech of people of faith. I just want to know if theyre picking and choosing, or if theyre encompassing ALL faiths.
No Death. They usually try to yank faith out of every courtroom, classroom and public place. Its refreshing to see them supporting faith. I just want to know if theyll die fighting for the rights of every faith, or if this is a double standard.
Awww Jim. Cmon now. Im not being bitter or divisive. Youre seeing that because you cant see Democrats supporting other faiths other than Muslims from this one question. I dont really either, but I wanted to hear what Democrats support other faiths - Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus? When the logic is put in front of you, you blame my question for the last 15-20 years of bi-partisanship. Whats THAT about?
Not one Democrat?
What about Democrat Rep. John Hall of New York?
Category: Politics
I know its on Plymouth and Meyers , But I need the address, and its
located in Detroit.
Answer: Their address and directions is on their website:
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Churches urge prayers for city
In the basement of New hope baptist church, 621 Church St., on Monday night, about 25 churchgoers and pastors from other churches gathered in response to recent violence in the city, including a weekend killing. "The city is not going down ...
Whitney Houstons Funeral Will Be Held At Her Childhood Church
Pop superstar Whitney Houstons funeral will be held at the Newark, N.J., church where she sang as a little girl. Citing the owner of Whigham Funeral Home in Newark, the AP reports her funeral will take place at the New hope baptist church on ...
New Hope First Baptist Church
New Hope First Baptist Church is a community of diverse people whose greatest desire is to honor God, not just with our words, but with our lifestyles.
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (13), 10 P.M. (49) LET ME DOWN EASY Anna Deavere Smith, below, examines human resilience through the lens of the national debate on health care in this Great Performances presentation, taped in February at Arena Stage in Washington. From a roster of 300 people interviewed on three continents Ms. Smith depicts 19 characters, including a - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH | Hermitage, Tennessee
New hope baptist church, located in Hermitage Tennessee, is a community that follows after Jesus and seeks to be a people committed to growing together.
Cause of Whitney Houston’s Death May Not Be Known for Weeks
LOS ANGELES — As the music industry gathered in downtown Los Angeles for the Grammy Awards gala, the body of Whitney Houston was resting blocks away in the county morgue as investigators awaited the final results of an autopsy to determine what killed her on Saturday afternoon at the Beverly Hilton hotel after two days of what associates - By ADAM NAGOURNEY
Whitney Houston's funeral at Newark's NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH on ...
Whitney Houston's funeral will be held at noon on Saturday at New hope baptist church in Newark, according to Carolyn Whigham, the owner of the Whigham Funeral Home.
NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH | We sight trends!
time Keep There over on for pajama Here with covering skin New hope baptist churchse be From top-notch heating rear your Bucks? your you imprisons The New hope baptist church Accidents tell-tale now This thus and has ...
Darker Nights As Some Cities Turn Off Lights For the Savings
HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. -- When the sun sets in this small city, its neighborhoods seem to vanish. In a deal to save money, two-thirds of the streetlights were yanked from the ground and hauled away this year, and the resulting darkness is a look that is familiar in the wide open cornfields of Iowa but not here, in a struggling community surrounded on - Cities around the United States are increasingly considering cutting back on street lighting in order to save money; decision by Highland Park, Mich, authorities to shut off two-thirds of the communitys streetlights has provoked many complaints and set off conversations about how the decision will affect crime rates. Photos (M) - By MONICA DAVEY
Jessica turner 8yrs ago NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH charlotte?
My name is Richard Choi
Answer: So, what is it you need to know or are looking for?
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
Independent Baptists and conservative style of dress?
My DH and I have recently left our old church to search for a place that gives us more spiritual growth. We are currently visiting an Independent Baptist church. We feel very welcome there are interested in continuing to attend. I am, however, curious if all Independent Baptist churches follow a strict conservative dress "guideline" so-to-speak? Growing up in missionary baptist and smaller community churches it was expected for women to wear dresses or skirts to church, but outside of church we were free to wear what we want but of course it was expected that any Christian wear appropriate clothing in public. Some women chose to wear skirts all the time. I know two ladies who are members of this church and hold a position (Sunday school teacher and nursery worker) that are required to dress conservatively all the time so Im wondering if it is only expected of position holders in the church, not necessarily other church members. I hope I made sense.
The Baptist belief is not new to me, its how I grew up. Its some of the details that are new to me! Thank you for your help and insight!
Answer: I have no idea. I am from a baptist church, but do not have "gender roles" we feel like God will call people, and it is not our place to question it, and put rules on people who could be called by God. We consider it odd to put rules on only one gender, expecially when that one gender was very active in the old and new testemate for Gods ministry.
Therefore, we don't have dress codes. Respectable dress does not mean women have to wear skirts or hats, it just means all people should dress respectably. God does not care what you wear, its your heart that matters. Besides, the bible does not say women have to wear dresses. Pants were not invented yet in the biblical days. Men wore robes not pants. If we are going back to biblical times, than men should probably wear robes.
I think the baptist church you are talking about is a very strict one, with strict gender roles. But I don't know anything on your dress code belief.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Why are Catholic churches always named after Saints?
Catholic churches are always St. edward, st. mary, st joseph where as Protestant and Lutheran have names like Immanuel Lutheran, New Hope Baptist, Prince of peace... can someone explain this to me?
Answer: Catholic churches tend to be named after saints because inside the altar there is supposed to be the relic of some saint. The church is then named after the saint whose relics are there. My Church is named St. Irene's for that reason. Admittedly, I'm sure a lot of those relics aren't really from the saints, but were only sold as such. Some churches, however, are really just dedicated to a specific saint, put under their patronage. This is why there are so many St. Mary's.
Protestant denominations, by and large, shy away from the saints. I believe they feel that naming a church after a saint would be dedicating it to their worship - in other words, blasphemy. Thus you come up with a lot of churches named for Jesus - Immanuel, Christ is with Us, Prince of Peace, etc. - as well as some that are named for virtues or gifts of the Holy Spirit - Faith, Hope, Grace, and so on.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
New Jersey Residents Mourn Passing Of Whitney Houston « CBS ...
Whitney Houston's Childhood Church Remembers The Star. February 12, 2012 11:59 PM. Share this. 23 comments. New hope baptist church in Newark (credit: CBS 2) ...
A Going Church To Meet The Coming Christ ... Our vision is to touch our community with the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in order that a Christian ...
Whitney Houston funeral to be held Saturday at her Newark ...
6 hours ago ... The pop icon will be mourned Saturday at noon at the New hope baptist church in Newark, where Houston honed her musical skills singing in ...
Jesse Jackson - Jesse Jackson Honours Houston At Her Former Church
Jackson joined members of Houstons extended family for the Sunday morning service at the New hope baptist church in Newark, where a young Houston once fronted the choir. The reverend revealed he had spoken to the singers mother Cissy Houston and she is ...
Flowers, card near New Jersey church
Flowers and a card hang on a fence in front of New hope baptist church in Newark, N.J. Whitney Houstons funeral will be held Saturday, Feb. 18 at the church where she sang in the choir as a girl. Houston, who ruled as pop musics queen until ...
Relevant biblical teaching that applies to everyday life. Get information on our staff, services and how to contact us!
NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH | Hermitage, Tennessee
New hope baptist church, located in Hermitage Tennessee, is a community that follows after Jesus and seeks to be a people committed to growing together.
Church (601) 366-7002 • Preschool (601) 362-0912 • Elementary School (601) 362-4776. New hope baptist church • 5202 Watkins Drive Jackson • MS 39206 ...
Evangelicals Hope South Carolina or Florida Winnows Republican Field
Conservative Christian leaders have scaled back their goals for a meeting to be held in Texas on Friday and Saturday, acknowledging that they are unlikely to agree on a single alternative candidate to Mitt Romney until after the South Carolina primary on Jan. 21, if then. Scores of politically influential evangelicals plan to attend the meeting, - Conservative Christian leaders acknowledge that they are unlikely to agree on a single alternative candidate to Mitt Romney until after the South Carolina primary on Jan 21, if then; original dream of coalescing around one candidate of the religious right, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Rick Perry, is unrealistic for now, several leaders say. Photo (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM
NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Connecting the Family > Home
New hope baptist church Mansfield Texas ... Whats Going On At New Hope
Pastor: Rev. Reginald B. Easterling 925 F Street Union City, CA 94587 (510) 487-7472. Sunday Services: 8:30 a.m. HBA/Sunday School* 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship
ON RELIGION; A Lion of the Pulpit, Aging Now, Has a Message for New Generations
RALEIGH, N.C. -- Several hours before the other ministers were to arrive, a young preacher named Reginald High drove up to a tidy town house here, the home in retirement of the greatest black churchman in America, the Rev. Gardner C. Taylor. At 93, after a lifetime of religious and political vigor, Dr. Taylor was finally bending to the ravages of - E-mail: - By SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN
Hearse arrives at funeral home handling Houston
Houstons relatives also were debating whether to have a smaller service at New hope baptist church, where family members have sung. They planned to meet Tuesday with officials to finalize the details, according to someone who had knowledge of the planning ...
Whitney Houston's Funeral Moved to NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH ...
Whitney Houston's Funeral Moved to New hope baptist church Saturday. Published On Tuesday, February 14, 2012 By Us Magazine Latest News. Under: Uncategorized. The singer will be laid to rest in her hometown of Newark, New Jersey ...
New hope baptist church in Fayetteville, Georgia. Or, you can
Can you proofread this letter?
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Gail Sterling and I attend the Greater New Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church where I am the director of Nurses. This summer my auxiliary will be hosting a carnival as an out-reach program to the community. Our intention for this event is to break the ice between the church and the community so that we may be able to better serve them as an effort to stop some of the crime and violence going on in the neighborhood. We are asking local businesses to assist us in getting prizes for the games and also for our raffle. We are looking to offer at least one nice prize for the raffle like a microwave or other small appliance in order to get some of the parent’s and other adults out. As a thank you for sponsoring us we would be more then willing to highlight your business on our flyers. We hope that you may be able to bless us so that we may be able to bless others. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.
Answer: Sounds good except for a few minor corrections..and don't forget to date and sign it.
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Gail Sterling and I attend the Greater New Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church where I am the Director of Nurses. This summer my auxiliary will be hosting a carnival as an out-reach program to the community. Our intention for this event is to break the ice between the church and the community so that we may be able to better serve them as an effort to stop some of the crime and violence going on in the neighborhood. We are asking local businesses to assist us in getting prizes for the games and also for our raffle. We are looking to offer at least one nice prize for the raffle like a microwave or other small appliance in order to get some of the parents and other adults out. As a thank you for sponsoring us we would be more than willing to highlight your business on our flyers. We hope that you may be able to bless us so that we may be able to bless others. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.
Category: Other - Education
Whitney Houston Funeral Set For Saturday At Her Former Church ...
Whitney Houston will be laid to rest with a funeral service at the New Jersewy church where she sang in the choir as a child. The funeral, to be held at the New hope baptist church in Newark, will be a private, invitation-only ...
Offers church news, vision statement, staff profile, sermons, and details about ministries and L.I.F.E. classes.
Best african american baptist church in Dallas Tx area
I am relocating to Dallas Tx. I currently live in Arkansas and I attend the most awesome baptist church ever in arkansas! I am hoping to find one that I enjoy in Dallas. I am not into the mega church thing. I need a little bit country and a little bit city type church. I am african american and love the mixture of old and new customs. I perfer a younger preacher who teaches. I guess I want TD Jakes but in a smaller intimate church. I dont want to be a #.
Answer: Check out First Baptist Church of Hamilton Park in Richardson
This is a warm and loving church with an incredible Choir.
This from a white gay Catholic I just to attend just for the music.
I have since moved from the area. I hope you are welcomed as lovingly to Hamilton Park as I was.
P.s. I don't think they ever knew that I was Gay or Catholic, but I know that didn't matter that was white.
Category: Dallas
At Church Where Houston Got Start, Members Mourn
The Houston family has been “inseparable” from New hope baptist church, Pastor Joe A. Carter said in an interview Saturday night, and Whitney would continue to visit throughout her life. Carter led the congregation in a prayer service for ...
If you are not sure that you are going to Heaven when you die, here is what you must know and do. You must admit that you have sinned against God.
sunday. adult church school 8:00am. worship service 9:30am. youth church school 9:30am. wednesday. prayer meeting 6:30pm. bible study 7:00pm. office hours tuesday-friday
Pastor Swap: Area church leaders take on unique racial exchange VIDEO
When the Rev. Bill Davis climbed into the pulpit last year as a visiting pastor at the Greater New hope baptist church in New Haven, he wasn’t unnerved by unfamiliar surroundings. Nor was Davis, who is white, intimidated by the sea of ...
Your Home now Whitney. I saw you arrive last night. Yes! Thats where the Funeral should be New hope baptist church Alpha and Omega From: JohnTownsend15 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Aquí es el funeral de Whitney Houston: New hope baptist church,Newark, N.J. [MAPA] From: mmmoray - Source: HTC Peep
RT @BET: RT @betnews: Whitney Houston funeral set for Saturday at Noon at the Legends New hope baptist church Home via #CNN From: LisaAMc71 - Source: HootSuite
RT @VincentWalker: Whitneys funeral is now private Saturday12pm at the church we both grow up New hope baptist church
somanymemories From: adairdmsadie - Source: Mobile Web
@Beystanfolife Wow, and what about the New hope baptist church? Is that close by too? From: ZelLovesBeyK - Source: web
New Hope Baptist Is A Big Church Though & The love There Is Amazing. It Seats at Least 1500 people. From: ItsLexi_Grrr - Source: Echofon
RT @foxnewsradio: Whitney Houstons funeral is set for Saturday at New hope baptist church in Newark, NJ, where Houston first sang as a child. From: norika_db - Source: HootSuite
RT @AmericanTop40: Whitney Houston’s private funeral will be held on Saturday at New hope baptist church in Newark, New Jersey. (Via: @GossipCop) From: SavannaBlu95 - Source: web
RT @OpyMorales: Aquí es el funeral de Whitney Houston: New hope baptist church,Newark, N.J. [MAPA] From: betsabedouer - Source: TweetDeck
Whitneys funeral is now private. Saturday12pm at the church we both grow up. New hope baptist church.
#somanymemories From: VincentWalker - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Whitney Houstons Funeral Moved to New hope baptist church Saturday: Whitney Houston will be l... #news #latestnews From: LatestNewsNET - Source: twitterfeed
We always love you Whtny. Whitney Houstons Funeral Will Take Place On Saturday In New hope baptist church, Newark, NJ. From: gorgenis - Source: Tweet Button
Aquí es el funeral de Whitney Houston: New hope baptist church,Newark, N.J. [MAPA] From: noticias41 - Source: TweetDeck
Aquí es el funeral de Whitney Houston: New hope baptist church,Newark, N.J. [MAPA] From: OpyMorales - Source: TweetDeck
Whitney Houstons Funeral Moved to New hope baptist church Saturday From: Bruce_Robbins - Source: twitterfeed