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Will Republicans vote for a Democrat in the primary to change results?
Would Republican go out and vote for either Clinton or Obama in the up comming primaries to help change the results. Since their partys nomination is pretty much picked, would the change to democrat for the primary, then change back for the elections in November?
Answer: I won't.
I would consider crossing the party line only to vote for a Democrat I wanted in office.
Of the two Democrats left standing in the run for the presidency, I definitely like Obama better than Clinton, but would prefer to have neither of them in the White House.
I will vote for McCain. He is not an ideal candidate but he is a great American and I believe he would make a good president. His principle disadvantage is his age, however I don't see this as an insurmountable problem. He appears healthy.
There have been many people on both sides of the aisle who have criticized McCain for various reasons. I have been watching this man since before the 2000 elections and I believe he is presidential material. That doesn't mean he will win, but he can win and would be a good president if elected.
There have been some allegations against McCain, particularly regarding his time as a POW, that I believe are unsubstantiated and likely false. Fellow ex-POWs have largely defended him.
But back to the original question--I believe it is up to the Democrats to pick their candidate. And it is up to the Republicans to pick theirs. I will not be voting in any primary other than the Republican, and--since I will vote in Texas--that is coming up next week. (Early voting, thank you.)
Category: Elections
THE TEXAS TRIBUNE; Student Assessments Facing Stiff Backlash in Texas
When Christopher Chamness entered the third grade last year, he began to get stomach aches before school. His mother, Edy, said the fire had gone out of a child who she said had previously gone joyfully to his classes. One day, when he was bored in class, Christopher broke a pencil eraser off in his ear canal. It was the tipping point for Ms. - By MORGAN SMITH
Do you feel that Ron Paul has more support and votes than the media and PRIMARY RESULTS indicate?
There is speculation that the electronic voting machines currently being used in key states are fraudulent and have been for nearly a decade. Im just curious what you, the people supposedly making the decision in elections, think about such things. Can the media be trusted to report the truth on such things?
I am not a Ron Paul supporter, but know several people and underground media outlets that have reported fraud in elections as recent as the primaries. There seems to be a trend of media dictating elections. McCains surge is evidence of this to some degree.
Answer: Ron Paul's count keeps going up which is opposite to Guiliani, but the media keep focusing on him, even yahoo coverage. Part of it is people know Guiliani and that is why the media is not responsible in reporting an objective view of the events. But also there is pressure from media owners to back certain candidates.
Category: Elections
Campaign Moves West in Wake of Big Romney Victory
On the heels of a commanding victory in Florida, Mitt Romney on Wednesday morning sought to move ahead toward a coming confrontation with President Obama even as he headed west for the continuing battle with his Republican rivals. The campaign to be the Republican nominee showed no signs of letting up after the brutal, 10-day slugfest in Florida. - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
Republican Election Calendar - Election 2012 -
State-by-State Primary results. Facebook · Twitter · Newt Gingrich · Jon Huntsman · Ron Paul · Rick Perry · Mitt Romney · Rick Santorum. Others ...
Kuwait Islamists ride opposition election surge
KUWAIT CITY — Opposition groups that include hard-line Islamists have taken control of Kuwaits parliament, according to election results Friday, in a rise that could limit the hands of pro-Western rulers in dealings such as U.S. plans to ...
Missouri Primary 2012 Results MAP (REAL-TIME DATA)
This is where you'll find the results for Missouri's 2012 Republican primary. The Show-Me State's contest is non-binding, which means that none of Missouri's 52 delegates will be allocated to any of the candidates on Tuesday ...
2012 Florida Primary - Results | Politics | Fox News
See the official 2012 Florida Primary results. FL results by county, and FL exit polls as well as live video, chat and analysis from Fox News.
Primaries - State Results - Election Center 2012 - Elections ...
Latest on the 2012 Primaries and Caucuses - State Results from CNN. Including headlines and video, candidates positions on the issues, fundraising totals, States to ...
Florida PRIMARY RESULTS: Romney most electable, but GOP base ...
GOP voters saw Mitt Romney as the candidate most likely to defeat President Obama, Florida Primary results show. But a disconnect persists between Romney ...
Rick Santorum Wins: Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS 2012
Rick Santorum was projected the winner of the Missouri primary on Tuesday night by NBC. The vote was merely symbolic as the states 52 presidential ...
Florida PRIMARY RESULTS: Mitt Romney Routs Field, Back in Control ...
Mitt Romney rolled to victory in the Florida primary Tuesday, dispatching Newt Gingrich after his win in South Carolina and reclaiming a dominant position in the GOP ...
Texas: delegates for Dems distributed according to PRIMARY RESULTS or to the caucus results?
In Texas are the delegates distributed according to the Primary results or according to the caucus results?
Answer: both
126 primary
67 caucus
Category: Elections
2012 - Florida Election Watch
Presidential Preference Primary January 31, 2012 1st SET OF UNOFFICIAL RETURNS ... The 2012 Florida Election Watch Results.
AP bests Google’s technology with legwork in reporting Nevada caucus results
The Associated Press and Google were also competing to see whether an innovative technology company or an established news outlet could report election results first – and right. But unlike in Iowa, Google’s figures lagged AP’s for a ...
Google Politics & Elections
Results; On the Ground; Candidates; Newt Gingrich (R) Ron Paul (R) Mitt Romney (R) ... More Election Resources
FL PRIMARY RESULTS: Mitt Romney Scores Huge Florida Win, But ...
FL Primary results: Mitt Romney Scores Huge Florida Win, But Primary Looks Far From Finished
Unofficial Election Results: Bart Rowland Wins
It was a special election to fill Representative James Comers seat, since he is now state Agricultural Commissioner. The race pitted Bart Rowland of Tompkinsville and Barry Dean Steele of Knob Lick and Rowland is the unofficial winner. Rowland ...
Feiglin complains: Likud results twisted
“There is a serious problem with the results,” Fuah said. “There are places where Moshe won by much more than what they said he did. This election is a matter of scoring points and it makes a big difference if the numbers are. Something improper was done here.
Why is it that different news sites are reporting different numbers of delegates pledged to each candidate? CNN and Yahoo are giving me completely different numbers (like 1-2 hundred off of each other). Shouldnt it be very clear how many delegates have committed to each candidate?
Answer: You would think that the numbers would jive, I mean they are supposedly coming from the same sources, It does not make a lot of sense.
Category: Media & Journalism
Can Congress force the Democratic party to accept the PRIMARY RESULTS of MI and FL based on the 24th Amendment
Just Wondering.
But the requiring of the state to re-run the vote is taxing.
I see it the same as the Democratic Party standing out side the door of the polling place during the general election, charging a toll.
Answer: Nope. As a private organization, either party can just tell you who their candidate is if they want.
Category: Elections
Romney Takes a Solid Win in Nevada Caucuses, Fueling Momentum
LAS VEGAS — Mitt Romney handily won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, solidifying his status as the front-runner and increasing his momentum as he seeks to use the month of February to ease doubts within the Republican Party about his candidacy and begin confronting President Obama. Mr. Romney ran well ahead of his three opponents on a night - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
Polls vs PRIMARY RESULTS (Time to trash the polls for a more reliable result?)?
With the caucuses and primaries, anyone can attend. With polls, 100,000 people are called, only 1,000 pick up, and somehow their opinion weigh more than actual feet on the ground visiting the ballot box?
Is it time to get the polls off tv and spend that time looking at the results of the caucus and primaries?
I think so!
Answer: Polling is dificult in an election, because you have no idea who will turn out. Polls would always be accrurate if everybody eligible voted. I do believe that polls tend to determine outcomes in cases. People want to vote for a winner.
Even polling on who will vote is difficult. If I ask you if you will vote, you might be emberassed to say no so you say yes.
You might believe that you will, but something comes up at the time you planned to vote.
It is easy to determine what people think within a range through polling, but elections are decided by the people that care the most, not by most of the people. If it were not that way there would be no need for Republicans to run for President. It is absolutely known that there are fewer Republicans than Democrats. You can just count the registered Democrats, and the registered Republicans to determine that. Election over.
Maybe polls should be used to show the difference between what most people think, and what actually gets elected. Over half the time it is the opposite. Maybe more people would be motivated to vote.
Category: Elections
Newt Gingrich Overstates Florida PRIMARY RESULTS
WASHINGTON -- After losing Saturday's Nevada caucus race, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich sought solace in what he called an encouraging statistic: that his supporters were turning out to vote more ...
Election Center 2008: PRIMARY RESULTS - Elections & Politics news ... delivers the latest election results by county for the Democratic and Republican presidential primaries and caucuses.
How do I find Senate PRIMARY RESULTS?
I live in Minnesota and Al Franken was a democratic senate primary candidate. I cant seem to find results for the primary/caucus. Anyone know?
Answer: Go The the Secretary Of State OF the State of Minnesota Webpage.
Category: Elections
Election 2012 - Live Election Results for Nevada - CBS News
Complete live election results and news for the 2012 presidential primary race.
Are the PRIMARY RESULTS in Kentucky and West Virginia a preview of how Obama will do on election day?
These were contests only with Democrats. If lost 2/3 of the vote only with Democrats how will he do when Republicans are added to the mix?
Answer: Obama was underwhelming in the primaries, to say the least. He will get smoked in a lot of battleground states!!! Don't forget Ohio!!!
Category: Elections
THE TEXAS TRIBUNE; Republicans With a New Message for Texas: It’s Not Just About Cuts
Two years ago, the Republican primary was teeming with angry conservatives stirred up by federal fiscal policy. Not all of them were Tea Party members, but all of them seemed to get labeled that way. Whatever the description, their effect on last year’s legislative session was clear. Nobody was going to talk positively about spending, and - By ROSS RAMSEY
Tuesday PRIMARY RESULTS: Rick Santorum Isn't Finished—Yet ...
The results of Tuesday night's caucuses and primary aren't binding, which means Santorum won't immediately add any new delegates to his paltry total of ten so far. (Who gets those delegates will be decided by state party ...
Why have the Maine PRIMARY RESULTS been stuck at only 68% precincts reporting?
Ive checked online for the results on many sites for the GOP Primary and it says only 68% of the precincts have reported.
Yet they have declared 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place already.
That might make sense for Romney since he is so far ahead, but McCain and Paul are only about 100 votes apart.
When are all the results reported....and why has it taken so long?
Answer: I inquired with the Maine Board of Elections and received this reply:
"Dear Mr. RXXXXX:
The State of Maine Division of Elections is not involved in the administration of the caucuses – rather they are organized and administered by the state party committees. We will not be posting the results on our web site. You should contact the State party headquarters to obtain results. I have attached contact information for each of the 3 qualified parties.
Melissa K. Packard
Director of Elections and Commissions
(207) 624-7650"
Contact information for the Republican Party provided is:
Julie Ann O’Brien, Exec. Dir.
Republican Headquarters
PO Box 5199
Augusta, ME 04332
Tel: (207) 622-6247
Ms. O'Brien is the person who could give us a final answer on this..
Category: Elections
Does anyone else feel like the PRIMARY RESULTS are not reflecting the wants of the people?
It seems to me that everyone i have talked too wants either Romney or Obama...I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but i just feel like something is wrong with this picture.
Answer: On the Republican side, McCain is the one that the "system" wants to win so they will make it happen even if it includes using Huckabee to lock down a lot of the voters that Romney needs. Also, most people I talk to don't really understand Romney's position on the issues and how it's far more conversive than McCain's plans.
Right now the country needs a financially conservative president. We can't afford to keep spending money. We can't afford to keep borrowing to fund that spending, and we certainly can't afford higher taxes to fund the spending.
Based on the Primary results so far, either the winners don't represent the people or the people want higher taxes and a larger government.
Category: Elections
February 7 PRIMARY RESULTS: Live Updates From Minnesota, Missouri ...
1 day ago ... The Minnesota caucus, Colorado caucus and Missouri primary drew voters to the polls on Tuesday to have their voices heard in the race for the ...
Newt Gingrich Florida PRIMARY RESULTS 2012
Jan 31, 2012 ... ORLANDO, Fla. — Trounced in Florida, presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Tuesday used the defeat to declare that he alone is the ...
Election - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an ... Elections by country; Election results by country; Electoral calendar
Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS: Rick Santorum wins - The Washington Post
1 day ago ... Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum has won Missouri's primary, AP declares.
Florida PRIMARY RESULTS 2012: Live Updates -
Jan 31, 2012 ... Get the latest breaking Florida Primary results and news right here. We'll be updating this page with highlights of all of POLITICO's Florida ...
What part of Florida is currently reporting PRIMARY RESULTS?
What part of Florida is reporting? Does this mean Clinton has won or is their some explaination of why she is winning? Oh wait, theres no delegates who cares!
Answer: The entire state is reporting now; it's 8:04 Eastern.
Hillary is winning on the Democratic ticket, and at the moment those delegates are not scheduled to count. However, the first order of business at the Democratic National Convention in Denver will be to revote and decide whether Florida's delegates should be counted.
Republicans are also having a primary in Florida today. Their delegates will be counted half of their full amount.
Category: Government
Can superdelegates overturn the primary election results?
I heard on the radio (WABC in NY) that the superdelegates can overturn the results of the Democrapic primary, meaning if the people vote for Obama, the party elite could overrule their voice and nominate Hillary.
Please tell me this is NOT true.
And the pols wonder why people dont vote anymore.
Answer: Yes, they can technically overturn the results. I went through training on the entire caucus process from the neighborhoods to the national level. But it would be unwise politically for ta super delegate who is in an elected position to overturn the results of their states.
Category: Elections
Theater Listings: Feb. 3-9
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: . Previews and Openings ‘And God Created Great Whales’ (previews begin on Tuesday; opens on Feb. 12) This Obie-winning - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Will the Florida democratic PRIMARY RESULTS still be made public?
I am just curious if the results from todays Florida democratic primary are still going to be made public even though as of right now the votes are not actually going to count? Does anyone know for a fact? Thanks
Answer: Of course and Mrs. Clinton will use result to all those delegates to be part of convention and selection of Democratic Candidate.
Category: Law & Ethics
Primary Calendar: A Three-Week Lull Before Arizona and Michigan
In doing so, Santorum put himself in a strong position for the dead zone of the Republican primary–the stretch between Florida ... Nevada awarded delegates based on its Feb. 4 results, but Colorado won’t award any until state conventions ...
Republican Colorado, Minnesota Caucus & Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS
Denver - It has been confirmed that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has completed the trifecta from Tuesday night’s two caucuses and one primary. Although the Republican contests were non-binding, Santorum will hold bragging rights for a while.
Election Map 2012: Live Voting Results -
Follow results for the 2012 Presidential, Senate, House and Governor races. Keep up with matchups and ... United States. Tap a state to view Primary results ...
Recalled Templeton selectman wants election ballots recounted
TEMPLETON — The town’s recall election is all over but for the recounting. Voters recalled two selectmen yesterday, but as soon as the results were in, recalled Selectman Julie Farrell told Town Clerk Carol Harris she wanted the ballots ...
Election Results 2012 news: Latest News, Videos, Photos | Times of ...
See Election Results 2012 news Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Election Results 2012 news profile on Times of India
Finlands former finance minister victorious in presidential election
Former Finnish Finance Minister Sauli Niinisto emerged victorious in the nations presidential election Sunday, according to preliminary results. According to Finlands Ministry of Justice, with 100% of votes counted, Niinisto defeated the ...
Santorum Upsets G.O.P. Race With Three Victories
His candidacy all but dismissed just days ago, Rick Santorum won the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and a nonbinding primary in Missouri on Tuesday, an unexpected trifecta that raised fresh questions about Mitt Romney ’s ability to corral conservative support. With his triumphs, Mr. Santorum was also suddenly presenting new competition to - By JIM RUTENBERG
A Map of 2012 Missouri Republican PRIMARY RESULTS by County ...
Everyone's heard by now that the results of the Republican Party primary in Missouri on November 2012 blew the supposed front-runner, Mitt Romney, out of the water. They drenched supposed second-place leader Newt ...
Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri
The 2012 primary race just got more interesting. Romney is still by far the likely nominee. He is still the only candidate with resources and an organized team. Tuesday’s elections were “non-binding beauty contests.” And this is likely a temporary ...
Nevada caucuses: Compare Google and AP results - Election 2012 ...
If you’re following the Nevada caucuses this evening, you may notice something different about the election results: They’ll be broadcast via Google ...
Federal Prosecutors Drop Lance Armstrong Investigation
Federal prosecutors said Friday that they had closed their investigation of Lance Armstrong without charging him, nearly two years after they began looking into allegations that he and his cycling teammates committed a variety of possible crimes by doping. The possible crimes being investigated included the defrauding of the government, drug - By IAN AUSTEN
Election Map 2012: Live Voting Results -
Follow results for the 2012 Presidential, Senate, House and Governor races. Keep up with matchups and view historical voting results on our interactive election map.
BC-Florida Primary,Advisory
The Florida primary polls close at 8 p.m. EST. GOP CAMPAIGN is our main story and will be urgently topped with voting results. Also developing from the primary: — GOP CAMPAIGN-ANALYSIS — Analysis of Primary results, campaign. — GOP ...
Feiglin: 800 of my votes disappeared in Likud primary
Likud activist Moshe Feiglins campaign for the Likud leadership appealed the results of last Tuesdays primary race against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday after the Likud published official results. The results published were the same as ...
ELECTION 2012: Republican PRIMARY RESULTS for Colorado ...
3 Responses to “ELECTION 2012: Republican Primary results for Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri”. Quite surprsing and refreshing. This contest will keep going for a while and I think that's great. I do think part of Santorum's ...
Rick Santorum Wins: Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS 2012
22 hours ago ... Rick Santorum was projected the winner of the Missouri primary on Tuesday night by NBC. The vote was merely symbolic as the state's 52 ...
TRA-2P: Vorapaxar met primary CV endpoint, increased bleeding risk
“We are pleased that TRA-2P met its primary endpoint and we look forward to discussing the results with the scientific community,” Peter S. Kim, president of Merck Research Laboratories, said in the press release. Vorapaxar has been ...
After Iowa, Reliability is Questioned in Caucus System
DES MOINES — The errors started to emerge even before Mitt Romney was declared the winner of the Iowa caucus by eight votes. By the time the results were certified two weeks later, mistakes had been found in so many districts that the state Republican Party chairman declared that it would be impossible to determine a winner. Critics responded - By A. G. SULZBERGER
February 7 PRIMARY RESULTS: Live Updates From Minnesota, Missouri ...
The Minnesota caucus, Colorado caucus and Missouri primary drew voters to the polls on Tuesday to have their voices heard in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Who else thinks Gary, IN is up to no good with the PRIMARY RESULTS?
CNN asked the mayor of Gary a couple times why he couldnt stream voting results and he gave non-answers. Sounds to me like they are cooking up the vote for Obama.
Answer: I think it is certainly strange that the county closest to Chicago, Illinois, and with the most African Americans is withholding their vote counts until after 90% of the rest of the state has already reported. This is extremely odd isn't it?
Obama is teaching Indiana how they do things in Chicago!
Could Chicago be giving new meaning to the term "cross-over voter"?
I would say that if the Hillary campaign looks into this and finds something wrong, Obama is in deep trouble!
Category: Elections
Immigrant Worker Firings Unsettle Pomona College
CLAREMONT, Calif. — The dining hall workers had been at Pomona College for years, some even decades. For a few, it was the only job they had held since moving to the United States. Then late last year, administrators at the college delivered letters to dozens of the longtime employees asking them to show proof of legal residency, saying that - By JENNIFER MEDINA
Caucuses, primary a chance to gain momentum, if not delegates
Voting before March 1 would violate Republican Party rules, if the Primary results were binding --- resulting in a penalty that would cost Missouri half of its delegate slots at the convention in Tampa in late August. State Republicans will hold ...
How does PRIMARY RESULTS reflect negatively on Democrats but not Republicans?
Every Democrat won a Democratic primary and that is the way it has always been. However the Republican lost the Republican primary to the TEA party candidate. Now that is new.
Answer: the Y/A Troll spin machine is all fired up after watching FOX news this morning, and learning nothing
first, Rand Paul beat the Republican picked by McConnell(bad news for Republicans)
second, Murtha's seat was WON by a Democrat, after the GOP poured money and time into the Republican-to no avail
third, the phony Democrat, Specter, was taken out by a real Democrat in Pennsylvania
looks very good for Dems, not so great for Repubs
but they will spin it in their favor, they never give up the 'big lie' theory of political messaging
Category: Politics
Where in Oregon will obama be tomorrow for the PRIMARY RESULTS?
basically, where is there another event tomorrow where Obama will be at?
Thanks for your answers!
Answer: He will not be in Oregon when the results come in, he will be in Iowa.
Category: Elections
Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota ...
The 2012 primary race just got more interesting. He is still by far the likely nominee. He is still the only candidate with resources and an organized team. Tuesday ...
Corporate Tax Break on Equipment May Have Silver Lining
WASHINGTON — A corporate tax break for buyers of computers, engines and other equipment is proving surprisingly popular, depriving the federal government of tens of billions of dollars in expected revenue and increasing the amount it will need to borrow this year. The Congressional Budget Office said this week that corporate income tax - By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM
Rick Santorum Wins: Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS 2012
Rick Santorum was projected the winner of the Missouri primary on Tuesday night by NBC. The vote was merely symbolic as the state's 52 presidential delegates will be awarded through a process beginning with a caucus on ...
Steve Menard Comments About Recall Election Results
Voters in Wasilla have decided to remove City Councilman Steve Menard from office. Here are the unofficial results of Tuesday’s recall election: "Shall Steve Menard be recalled from the Office of City Council?" Yes: 216 70.1% No: 92 29.9 ...
Missouri PRIMARY RESULTS 2012: Live Updates
Republican voters in Missouri went to the polls on Tuesday to cast ballots in the state's non-binding primary contest. (Click here to check out HuffPost's Missouri Primary results map, which will update with real-time data as the ...
Florida PRIMARY RESULTS 2012: Live Election Updates
Jan 31, 2012 ... Voters in Florida went to the polls on Tuesday to cast ballots in the state's presidential primary election.
Poll: Obama leads GOP candidates in Virginia
The Republican Primary results included 546 likely voters with a sampling error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.
"Primary results" Youtube video and Twitters think. #Super_Word From: Super_Keyword - Source: Super Keyword
protandim rick santorum the river whale shark big bend national park paul pierce josh hamilton Primary results al... From: WOW_OMG_LOL - Source: twitterfeed
protandim rick santorum the river whale shark big bend national park paul pierce josh hamilton Primary results a... From: g00gletrends - Source: twitterfeed
Primary results may go online From: AliciaGraham7 - Source: twitterfeed
New Post Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri From: jidansuku - Source:
Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri From: brockfukan - Source:
New Post Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri From: deshawnthr - Source:
Primary and caucus results: 7 takeaways from Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri From: Leilauws - Source:
Missouri Primary results: Rick Santorum wins From: Elaine_Todd - Source: twitterfeed
Republican Colorado, Minnesota Caucus and Missouri Primary results (Breaking News) From: Katherina_Rowe - Source: twitterfeed
Primary results: #PrimaryResults #Primary #Results #google #youtube From: FLVTubeTweets - Source: twitterfeed
Missouri Presidential Primary Election Results 2012 - From: kansascitywire - Source: Fwix
Spring 2011 Primary Election Results | Government Accountability Board: These are the results of the statewide p... From: youblr - Source: twitterfeed
The other New Hampshire Primary results barely whispered about From: Dale_Floyd - Source: twitterfeed
RT @RomneyCentral February 7th Caucuses and Primary LIVE CHAT and Results #Mitt2012 From: TinaHuffman2 - Source: Tweet Button