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What were the top favorited GHOST HUNTERS episodes that played during GHOST HUNTERS live 2009?
I know they aired the top however many favorite/scariest Ghost hunters episode during the live countdown on saturday what were the episodes. I watched the third scariest which was St Augustine light house what were all of the others???
Answer: Devout GH fans: Take a good look at past episodes, where the GH team wander into graffitit spray painted areas. Note the word "PHANTOM" is clearly seen on SEVERAL DIFFERENT LOCALES---hundreds of miles apart!!!
Essex County ( New Jersey ) Hospital ( host site for the Halloween special ) had such, so did Wavery Hills Sanitarium ( Kentucky ) and that abandoned building in California as well!!!
Category: Comics & Animation
Syfys Halloween Events To Focus on New York City
As if New York were not spooky enough, the city will for the first time take part in a cable channels celebration of the 31 Days of Halloween. The channel, Syfy, part of the NBCUniversal unit of Comcast, has been promoting itself since 2008 with a monthlong commemoration of Halloween, presenting special series, movies and a live version of its - By STUART ELLIOTT
GHOST HUNTERS mid-season finale City Hell - Whats the big secret?
As the Ghost hunters reach the mid-season finale the speculation continues as to the big news that was mentioned in the promo for the show. As we lead up to the show Ill keep you informed via this post of any interesting posts, tweets or ...
GHOST HUNTERS (TV Series 2004– ) - IMDb
With Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango. This one-hour weekly docu-soap from the creator/executive producer of "American Chopper" ...
The Top Ten Best Video Clips From GHOST HUNTERS (TAPS) - YouTube
Nov 25, 2007 ... The ten best video clips that show the existence of ghosts and other paranormal activity filmed by TAPS up until the end of 2007.
Ghost hunting in Albertas Badlands
What better place is there to look for ghosts than a ghost town? The tiny town of Wayne in Alberta’s Badlands is not exactly a ghost town, but it’s not far off. Before the coal mine shut down, the town boasted a population of nearly 2,500 souls.
Watch Ghost hunters Episodes Online: Plumbers by day - Ghost hunters by night. Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson are two plumbers working for Roto-Rooter in New England.
GHOST HUNTERS??????????????????/?
My cousin doesnt believe me than Brian Harnois and Andy ( dont know what his last name is) was from the regular series of Ghost hunters. He thinks that all the people from Ghost hunters international arent from the regular Ghost hunters. So am I right or wrong that some of the members of Ghost hunters international were from Ghost hunters regular series at first.
Answer: You are right, Brian Harnois and Andy Andrews were both in the original Ghosthunters series!
Category: Mythology & Folklore
GHOST HUNTERS Episodes - GHOST HUNTERS Season 8 2012 Episode ...
Reality fare in which two part-time paranormal investigators answer calls from ordinary people who think theyve seen poltergeists.
GHOST HUNTERS, what episode had the pink hotel with the growling voice?
Im trying to find the episode of Taps, Ghost hunters where they investigate a pink hotel and in the very beginning Jasons closet opens in his room then later that night the closet opens again and he is awoken by a very lowed growling voice telling him to leave. Does anyone know the location or name of this episode so I can find it on youtube? Thanks!
Answer: Are you talking about TAPS first investigation at The Stanley Hotel?
The only hotel they investigated with a pinkish building that I can remember off the top of my head right now is The Seven Sisters Inn in Florida:
Category: Drama
GHOST HUNTERS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ghost hunters is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on October 6, 2004, on Syfy (previously the Sci Fi Channel). The program features ...
"GHOST HUNTERS" big secret revealed in City Hell
It was business as usual for the Ghost hunters at the start of City Hell, which aired Feb. 15 on SyFy. The team was off to investigate the supposedly haunted city hall of Providence, R.I. While there were a few bumps in the night at City Hell, what ...
GHOST HUNTERS Shocker: Grant Wilson Quits!
Tears flowed on Wednesday night’s episode of Ghost hunters as Grant Wilson announced he is quitting! If you’re a fan of the show, this news likely came as a major shock because Grant has been an integral part of the TAPS team for years.
Announcing Steel City Paracon: A Weekend of Paranormal Activity Featuring Syfys "GHOST HUNTERS"
PITTSBURGH, Feb. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- This May, paranormal fans can join "Ghost hunters" stars Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango, Amy Bruni, Adam Berry and other expert paranormal investigators for Steel City Paracon: an intimate ...
Miamis Rising Tides
MIAMI BEACH THE skies last Saturday were fickle, dense gray-yellow clouds threatening a downpour. But visitors to the Soho Beach House, an extravagantly trim and tawny contingent that might have breezed in from the set of Entourage, were unfazed. Most were content to stay in the pool, swigging spirits from a pitcher, playing an aquatic form of - By RUTH LA FERLA
What GHOST HUNTERS episode has the possessed girl?
At the Dragoncon 08 Ghost hunters panel there was a question asked where a specific episode was brought up. I do not recall this episode but it involved a possessed girl and the older sister being involved in cult activity. Does anyone know of this episode and what season it was?
Answer: Not spirits. Demons. Wow, if only people would REALLY know what they're getting into is real...
And it's bad.
Read your Bible more. :D
I dunno. If I were you I wouldn't waste my time, but maybe that's just me.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
is there any website i can go to to see Ghost hunters a.k.a taps season 2 diffrent episodes for free?
Answer: Try these sites .
Category: Reality Television
Local college offers Ghost Hunting 101
If theres something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? Haverhills own version of Ghost Busters. About a dozen people are being trained in paranormal research at Northern Essex Community College. Available through a partnership with Veasey ...
GHOST HUNTERS to materialize at Spring Township Library
Ghost hunters Inc. will give a presentation on the paranormal at 6 p.m. on Feb. 18 in the Spring Township Library, 78-C Commerce Drive, Spring Township. The group has been investigating paranormal activity in southeastern Pennsylvania for nearly ...
What is the shocking announcement on next weeks GHOST HUNTERS?
They played a preview for next weeks all new episode of Ghost hunters. It said there is a shocking announcement. And it showed Steve crying. What is going to happen?
Answer: I think Grant is going to leave TAPS. I believe he is sick (at least he has looked ill for a while).
Category: Reality Television
KEY; Gerties Ghost
In 2000, BokaraLegendre, an artist and a stage performer, inherited her familys plantation in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. She promptly set about making the place her own, redecorating the antebellum mansion with abstract paintings and a pastel color scheme. But this seemed to unsettle the house. The first night Legendre spent in her redone - By ANDREW RICE
GHOST HUNTERS study home in Hillsboro
Years ago, while on one of those trips, Sturges got hooked when he tagged along with a team of Ghost hunters. Times change, but the hook's still in there. F.
NOCTURNALIST; Parisian Picnic Where Love Reigned
In about five minutes, Ill have an even better story for you, a man whispered to Nocturnalist on Thursday night as we stood in a sea of about 1,800 people all clad in white evening wear. They were dining al fresco on the edge of the Hudson River in Battery Park City. We were at the New York City debut of Dîner en Blanc, a 23-year-old pop-up - By SARAH MASLIN NIR; With Anika Chapin and Evan S. Schwartz.
GHOST HUNTERS | Reality TV Magazine
Halloween might be dead and buried for the year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be in the spooky spirit. The guys from Ghost hunters on SyFy want to make sure ...
GHOST HUNTERS (TV Series 2004– ) - IMDb
Jason Hawes: Himself · Grant Wilson: Himself · Steve Gonsalves: Himself · Dave Tango: Himself · Kris Williams: Herself · Amy Bruni: Herself
CHICAGO NEWS COOPERATIVE; Briefly the New Frontier, Exurbs See a Bust After Boom
Far west suburban Yorkville scarcely looks as if it was once one of Americas hottest boomtowns. In some subdivisions, lots for big homes are patches of scrub grass and rocky soil. Weeds crawl up around some curbs. A mere handful of houses dot the barren landscape. This was going to be the place to be, said Jay Waldvogel, a dentist who is one - - By DIRK JOHNSON
Best Sellers: Hardcover Fiction: Sunday, August 28th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the August 28, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending August 13, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers
The Atlantic Paranormal Society
TAPS Paramag, Syfy's Ghosthunters, Apparitions. Top Heavy, The Spalding Inn, Makers of the ETC system as seen on Ghost hunters ...
GHOST HUNTERS headed to Waubonsee | Info for Students
SUGAR GROVE – Waubonsee Community College will present “Ghost hunters and Ghostlore of Chicagoland” at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3, in the auditorium of the college's Sugar Grove Campus, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive.
What are all the locations of the GHOST HUNTERS live Halloween specials?
I was just wondering where all Ghost hunters has done their live Halloween shows. I am having difficulty finding a list anywhere. Thank you all.
Answer: 2006 - The Stanley Hotel
2007 - Waverly Hills Sanatorium
2008 - Fort Delaware
2009 - Eastern State Penitentiary (I think)
Category: Other - Television
When does the next season of TAPS GHOST HUNTERS start?
When does the next season of TAPS Ghost hunters International start? Thanks so much!
Answer: I really do not know, but I LOVE THAT SHOW! You can view them on Hulu if you really want to!
Category: Reality Television
Ghost hunting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ghost Hunting is the process of investigating locations that are reported to be haunted by ghosts. Typically, a ghost hunting team will attempt to collect evidence ...
GHOST HUNTERS TV Show - Zap2it - TV Listings Guide and TV Schedule ...
Where to watch Ghost hunters on TV: show recaps, news, cast, and more at Zap2it.
CRITICS NOTEBOOK; Things That Go Bump in the Night Dont Even Budge on TV
Criminals robbing convenience stores have not been able to escape them. Fathers taking a soccer ball to the groin à la Americas Funniest Home Videos have not been able to escape them. Couples having sex on a supposedly secluded beach have not been able to escape them. And yet ghosts and other paranormal entities so far have proved amazingly - By NEIL GENZLINGER
Ghost hunters: Televisions #1 paranormal reality series. A Syfy Original Series.
USA Paranormal Radio - GHOST HUNTERS TAPS - Bruce Tango 02/16 ...
Debbie and CeCe the Huntress Interview with Ghost hunters TAPS Bruce Tango. Was a Police Officer for a little over 25 years in Elizabeth NJ. Started at 19. Ha Feb 16.
GHOST HUNTERS TV Show | GHOST HUNTERS Cast and Crew | Season Guide ...
Find the latest information on the TV show Ghost hunters at XFINITY TV, your source for TV news and entertainment!
GHOST HUNTERS Fan Site | GHOST HUNTERS for Skeptical Viewers
A paranormal fansite that examines paranormal claims and evidence with a critical eye.
Why do the idiots on GHOST HUNTERS turn off the lights during their investigations?
Assuming ghosts exist, the theory is that in order to manifest/ show themselves, they draw energy from light energy. The dumb asses on the TV show Ghost hunters shut the lights off for dramatic effect on their show. What are they thinking?
Answer: Most of the video cameras that are used in many investigations including many of the paranormal programs are night vision and are light sensitive so dimming the lights or going lights out is essential. Also by working in dark light or no light it allows for there not to be many shadows which can fool the eyes and cause someone to mistake a normal shadow for a possible "Shadow Person'. Also working with EMF meters can require that there not be much electrical devices and fixtures on so they do not get false readings. Ghosts and spirits are energy and you are more likely to get an accurate reading without power being on though you can still investigate it is a bit more accurate with it off.
Category: Paranormal Phenomena
GHOST HUNTERS study home in Hillsboro
Editor’s note: At the request of the family in this story, their names have been changed, and the specific location of the house is not revealed. Real names have been used for the investigative team members. It started the day they moved to ...
FILM | THE YEAR AHEAD; Specters and Shades of Black in 2012 Films
The most widely anticipated question in cinema for 2012 may well be this: Has The Woman in Black (a ghost story starring Daniel Radcliffe and scheduled for release in February) ever dated any of The Men in Black 3 (coming in May)? Also, what are we to make of the appearance, weeks apart, of Declaration of War (January) and This Means - Neil Genzlinger notes similarities in the titles of upcoming films. Photo (M)0 - By NEIL GENZLINGER
Finding ghosts saves money
Members of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dive team went ghost hunting Wednesday. They are looking for lost and abandoned fishing nets or ghost nets that litter the floor of Puget Sound. Ghost nets threaten the safety of fish and ...
What is the difference in GHOST HUNTERS and parapsychologist?
I hear many Ghost hunters claim to be professional parapsychologists.
So far I have 2 answers, but why do Ghost hunters claim to be parapsycholigists when they only hunt ghosts? This has boggled my mind. As I understand it a parapsychologist works through grants and has access to universities, but Ghost hunters appear to be average people.
Answer: Anyone can be a ghost-hunter.Just say you're one and presto you are.A parapsychologist that's special.They pretend to be serious scientists.Some may even think they are.Neither are taken seriously by most real Scientists.
Category: Paranormal Phenomena
GHOST HUNTERS | Point of Insight
start m/s/a/_g_a_s , body end m/s/a/_g_a_s , body begin TOP_AD End TOP_AD [if IE]> photos Ghost hunters 7 videos Ghost hunters 30 news articles begin TOP_RHS End TOP_RHS ad feedback Share this page: Quick Links: ...
Spare Times: For Children
DiMenna Childrens History Museum Some young students cant get excited about the past as it was lived by the founding fathers. So the New-York Historical Society presents it from a different viewpoint: what you might call the founding childrens. Its new DiMenna Childrens History Museum offers pavilions exploring the lives of several young people - By LAUREL GRAEBER
GHOST HUNTERS Season 8: Episode 6 Recap | Apacuy
Years ago, while on one of those trips, Sturges got hooked when he tagged along with a team of Ghost hunters. Times change, but the hook's still in there. F.
Town Misses Grant To Rehab Spooky House Where Teen Was Shot In Head
WORTHINGTON, Ohio -- A Columbus suburb has lost out on grant money it sought in an effort to take over a home where a "ghost-hunting" teen was shot in the head. Worthington applied for $250,000 through the federal Department of Housing and Urban ...
GHOST HUNTERS explore Farmington home
Maybe it’s because one of its hosts, Jason Hawes, is from Canandaigua, or maybe it’s just because we have more reports of paranormal activity. Whatever the reason, the area is being featured on Syfy Network’s Ghost hunters for the third ... GHOST HUNTERS - Clothing & Accessories
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Motoko with Cable Line Art Black Anime Messenger Bag
GHOST HUNTERS on SyFy, GHOST HUNTERS Gear - Syfy Store on NBC ...
Shop the Ghost hunters store at the official Syfy Store for essential equipment and devices youll need to conduct paranormal research in your neighborhood or city.
RIFF; A Sense of Wonder and a Sense of Humor
One of the many things Ive learned from watching the Science Channel documentary series Through the Wormhole With Morgan Freeman is that someday, maybe, quantum physics will tell us conclusively whether God exists. If that happens, well be able to put that question aside and devote ourselves full time to pondering the existence of Morgan - By ALEX PAPPADEMAS
Watch Ghost hunters Episodes Online: ... ... The team investigates Rhode Islands Providence City Hall. Later, they visit a historic house in Farmington, New York.
AAN NEWS: GHOST HUNTERS study home in Hillsboro
It's a can't miss episode of Ghost hunters! Tune-in for the mid-season finale next Wednesday as the MOST important news in Ghost hunters history will be revealed! Plus, the ghost of a former mayor lays down the law when ...
Which TAPS member is leaving GHOST HUNTERS?
If you haven’t seen the latest preview of the upcoming Ghost hunters episode, it is filled with ominous voice-overs stating that ‘TAPS will never be the same.’ and scenes of various team members hugging and crying. Currently the preview is ...
Ghost hunters: Ghost hunters investigate haunted houses throughout the country .
Ghost hunting goes ‘International’ at Morrison Lodge
Clapping his hands in the darkened main hall of the Morrison Lodge, TV’s “Ghost hunters International” star Paul Bradford synced the audio recorders of a roomful of paranormal investigators Saturday night. The tip was just one of many Bradford and ...
How to start off a story about GHOST HUNTERS?
I am looking for prompts. It is coming from the point of view of Cookie, one of the Ghost hunters. There are 3 other Ghost hunters: Zak, Grant, and Dave.
The entire story is supposed to take place over 3 days, and its going to take place in the most haunted house in the country.
And they are professionals, and have tons of equipment. But theyve never stayed in a haunted house as long as 3 days.
Monday, May 3rd, 2010 - It was noon when we received the call. Zak, Grant, Dave and me were sitting in our office. We had got nothing to do, so we sat and talked to each other. "What did you do this weekend?", I asked the others. "Oh, nothing special. Only left the house to go for a walk yesterday", Grant answered. I looked at Zak. "I visited my mother. She lives in a very big house - big enough for lots of ghosts", he joked.
But suddenly the phone rang. Dave put off: "Yes?" - "I understand." - "When did you see the ghost first time?" - "Three days before? Okay. We will come as soon as possible." After he had hung up, he told us: "It was an old lady. She said that there's a ghost in her house." - "Where does she live?", I wanted to know. "She lives in a big, old house two hours away from here. We should come as soon as possible", he replied...
That would be my idea for the begin of such a story.
Category: Books & Authors
They were having a Ghost hunters ( the one with TAPS) yesterday getting ready for their season premiere,, and there was an episode about a florida light house,, does anyone know the name of the Episode? or if theres a way to watch the entire thing? It was a really great episode that had some amazing stuff in it.
Answer: They usually have all the episodes and their findings on the official website.:
I *love* that show!!!!! Did you see Tombstone?? Very cool! I was at the Bird Cage and I experienced what they had as well: the lady in white, the perfume smell, the card shuffling, the shadow that walked across the stage, etc. It was GREAT!
Category: Reality Television
Ghost stories: Its Horror Potter and the deathly hellos for Daniel Radcliffe
He is also unsure if hi-tech methods of seeking ghosts are effective. ‘At its simplest, my ghost-hunting equipment would consist of a notebook, a pencil and a sympathetic ear,’ he said. ‘At its most complicated, we take different types of recording ...
Home of Patti Starr | Ghost Hunter, Speaker, Instructor | Ghost ...
WELCOME TO GHOSTHUNTER.COM . Hello, my name is Patti Starr and I would like to welcome you to Ghost Chasers International, Inc. The content on my website is based ...
What is your favorite episode of GHOST HUNTERS?
Im on itunes picking out Ghost hunters episodes to put on my ipod, but i want your favorites so that will give me a better idea.
Answer: Wow.. that's a real toss up! There are 3 that all vie for favorite status in my book! (in no particular order)
1. Eastern State Penitentiary
2. St Augustine Lighthouse
3. Stanley Hotel
Dr. Ellis was also fascinating and is very much worth noting!
Category: Reality Television
Ghost hunters: Televisions #1 paranormal reality series. A Syfy Original Series.
The Atlantic Paranormal Society
TAPS Paramag ; Ghost hunters
GHOST HUNTERS investigating Providence City Hall tonight at 9 p.m.
Wednesday night’s episode of Ghost hunters will feature an investigation of the allegedly haunted Providence City Hall. Elis Swearingen, policy associate for the City of Providence, contacted the show claiming that she had experienced unusual ...
How come GHOST HUNTERS never really find anything?
Im beginning to think nothing is haunted. Ghost hunters hardly ever find anything. They are making people realize that places arent scary. I dont even get scared anymore at home at night, cause I know theres nothing there that will get me.
Answer: I haven't seen the program you are referring to but if it has anything to do with TV it is a con, complete BS, made up to get TV ratings by inexperienced people who are no more paranormal investigators than any movie star actor...
Ghosts are very, very real and anybody who says they are not, have either no experience with them or their tiny minds are pheumaticlly sealed..
In Light... )O(
Category: Mythology & Folklore
GHOST HUNTERS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ghost hunters is an American paranormal reality television series that premiered on October 6, 2004, on Syfy (previously the Sci Fi Channel). The program ...
Ghost hunters: Ghost hunters investigate haunted houses throughout the country.
How does GHOST HUNTERS get the flash light to turn off and on?
I use to like Ghost hunters but after watching so many shows some of it seems a little hokey. Like why is it always the light they can turn off but cant do anything else. Some of the things I just dont believe are ghosts. But, how do they do it with the light?
Answer: I think sometimes it is a little over the edge, but at the same time, if you weren't a believer before the show and you're watching it, expecting it to turn you into a're just gonna end up thinking its fake. Its isn't always real, but I don't think that its always fake either. The live ones? Those are fake. There was one where they set up a camera and there was a head at the end of the hallway peeking out, I doubt that was fake. Some things are hard to fake.
The flashlight is a really hard debunk, but I'm sure there's a way. Poke it with something and edit it out later? Lots of camera tricks could get rid of it.
Category: Reality Television
GHOST HUNTERS investigate City Hall |
Rhode Island's own Ghost hunters will be investigating Providence City Hall for supernatural activity this week.
eBay: Ghost hunters ... Where results contain multi-variation listings, the item counts on the page are inclusive of all matching variations that are available.
Watch Ghost hunters Episodes Online: Plumbers by day - Ghost hunters by night. Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson are two plumbers working for Roto-Rooter in ...
What is better ghost adventures or GHOST HUNTERS?
okay in my opinion ghost adventure is way better than Ghost hunters. First of all, unlike the ghost hunter crew, the GAC (ghost adventure crew) has less people so the evidence couldnt get contaminated with. Also GAC has the same scientific equipment as the ghost hunter crew does. I think that since the Ghost adventure crew takes more of a emotional approach when they investigate, is the reason why they get way more evidence than Ghost hunters. i think that Ghost hunters hardly get any evidence and overall is just to boring to watch. Whereas ghost adventure is exciting and i believe all the evidence they catch is TRUE! so GHOST ADVENTURE IS BETTER!
Answer: Ghost hunters
"Dude did you hear that" "RUN!"
Ghost Adventures
"Dude you heard that too right" "Come on lets find it"
I like GA better
Category: Polls & Surveys
GHOST HUNTERS study home in Hillsboro | The News Update
comCould it be Amy Bruni that is leaving the Ghost hunters team and not Grant Wilson? Ever since the mid-season finale for Ghost hunters aired during the latest.
Ghost hunters Season 8: Episode 6 Recap
From: jamesbaldonaza - Source:
Ghost hunters Study Home In Hillsboro
From: danishpk69 - Source: Tweet Button
Im so sad that grant is leaving Ghost hunters:(
From: PrettyPoison94 - Source: txt
The DVR recorded Ghost hunters! It was meant to be.... Hahaha
From: MissLiz84 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@grantwilson leaving Ghost hunters is such sad news to me I feel like crying :-( things just wont be the same but I wish him luck
From: MusicLife87 - Source: Twitter for Android
Im watching Ghost hunters (1527 others checked-in) @GetGlue @syfy
From: JohnSBarrowsJR - Source:
Google Hot Trends >> Ghost hunters Season 8: Episode 6 Recap #hottrends #trends @mickohenry
From: DoritDimaia - Source: Simple Twi. Status Updates
- heart attack grill - honduras prison fire - tcu - Ghost hunters - randy travis - dave matthews band - knicks…
From: WhatRULooking4 - Source: Google
#GhostHunters Ghost hunters headed to Waubonsee #InstantFollowBack KUNews
From: TrendObserve8 - Source:
@grantswilson Gonna Miss Ya..Watched All the seasons u been on since 2004. Ghost hunters is the reason y I love about the paranormal...
From: MadMannJoshua - Source: web
Ghost hunters Study Home In Hillsboro: via @AddThis
From: danishpk69 - Source: Tweet Button
My finger is so on the pulse of modern culture, I dont even know what Ghost hunters is. Im hoping it involves ectoplasmic shotguns though.
From: DailyGrail - Source: Twitter for Mac
RT @DTonSYFYfans: An absolutely perfect way to sum up Grant leaving Ghost hunters/TAPS from...
From: setonsinger1991 - Source: Facebook
Going to go ghost hunting with the Gay Ghost hunters for the Ghost of the Golden Asshole, I dont think I have to look far.
From: ClubChristianR - Source: web
Im gonna miss @grantwilson on Ghost hunters. Now how am i supposed to meet him? :(
From: Jackleholic - Source: txt