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How to grook!! GROK!! while jump-jump here and there?
Answer: So the famous Frog man is back.
The first drop of rain will automatically wakes the katak to lompat and sing ...grook, groak, Grok, greak, grek, grak, griok, priok like a kodok gila with joy.
Category: Malaysia
In Reagans Steps
THE LAST BEST HOPE Restoring Conservatism and Americas Promise By Joe Scarborough 271 pp. Crown Forum Publishers. $26 Given how the last eight or so years have worked out for them in far-flung battlefields and domestic ballot boxes, youd think that conservatives in general and Republicans in particular would be pretty gun-shy about the war - Nick Gillespie is the editor in chief of and - By NICK GILLESPIE
What is GROK? - Definition from
To Grok (pronounced GRAHK) something is to understand something so well that it is fully absorbed into oneself. In Robert Heinleins science-fiction novel of 1961, ...
GROK - A Smashing Web Framework — GROK
What is Grok all about ? Evaluate the Grok web framework. Everything from code samples to the big picture.
GROK | Define GROK at
/grɒk/ Show Spelled [Grok] Show IPA Slang. verb (used with object). 1. to understand thoroughly and intuitively. verb (used without object). 2. to communicate ...
WEBDENDA; People and Accounts of Note
The ACH Food Companies, Oakbrook Terrace, Ill., named Lapiz, Chicago, part of the Leo Burnett division of the Publicis Groupe, to handle the creative duties for its Mazola line of cooking oils and other products. The assignment, with spending estimated at $5 million, had been handled by Market Vision, San Antonio. Wendi S. Berger joined the Popular - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Do you GROK religions ?
Answer: No I don't swing that way.
I only Grok my partner.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
What is the literal meaning of the Martian verb "to GROK"?
Just for grins and giggles, lets see who gets this one.
Sorry, I meant to ask for the root meaning.
Answer: I didn't know it was Martian, but "to Grok" means "to comprehend" or to be able to wrap your brain around something.
Aha! I didn't know Heinlein coined it.
From Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: Grok
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): Grokked; Grok·king
Etymology: coined by Robert A. Heinlein †1988 American author
Date: 1961
: to understand profoundly and intuitively
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Spiritually Speaking, what exactly does "GROK" mean?
Answer: Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthly assumptions) as color means to a blind man.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Arizona Debate Reax II
Friedersdorf has given up on declaring winners and losers: Journalists whove watched all these debates cant Grok the mindset of an undecided voter who just started paying attention. Trust me, I tried my hardest. But on health care, weve heard Mitt ...
Kate Darling (@GROK_) on Twitter
Magical pink unicorn princess. Robots, law & econ, pr0n. Intellectual property researcher at MIT @medialab.
Unbelievable GROK Big News | Best Web Gossip
I had a good time, However. like all good times, The, including the 'Grok, as, READ MORE WEDNESDAY Grok: PINTEREST IS THE.
Your Internet Search Results, in the Round
For decades, computer researchers have experimented with the idea of displaying textual information in visual maps, but the concept has been slow to find practical applications. Now, one of the pioneering companies in the field is hoping that by making its software available as part of a standard Web browser it will be able to wean surfers away - Groxis, pioneer in displying textual data in visual maps, will begin letting computer users who access Yahoo search engine through its Web site view search results as series of categories set in circular map; will rely on revenue from advertisements placed by Yahoo ad placement service instead of from software sales; analysts say company faces uphill challenge in persuading people to use its maps; photo (M) - By JOHN MARKOFF
Wednesday GROK: Pinterest is the new social networking contender. But can it last?
Is Pinterest the next Twitter, or just another Chatroulette? In case you are wondering Pinterest basically lets users pin images of interest to social cork boards. The site - founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp - recently claimed to be ...
GROK - Wiktionary
To have an intuitive understanding of; to know (something) without having to think (such as knowing the number of objects in a collection without needing ...
Do you GROK?
Okay, so there have been "Grok" questions before..but..what I want to know is, what do YOU think "Grokking" really means? I was asked, and for the life of me, I just couldnt explain it!
I know Stranger In a Strange Land, and Valentine Michael Smith, from reading it. It was Robert Heinlein that wrote it. I have read it many times, until I feel as though I "Grok" it! I just cant seem to explain it!
Answer: Grok means to fully understand and feel something from the tips of your toes to your scalp. Roughly translated, to Grok means to know. To truly understand, though, it helps to read the book.
May you drink deep. ^^
Category: Books & Authors
Scent of Death, Gingrich at California GOP Convention
(The Ron Paul campaign – which the kids these days really "Grok" is barely visible here.) In interviews, none of these folks – including vendors, county leaders, delegates, would-be proxy delegates, and at least one irate member of the ...
What Republican Elites Can Learn from the Arizona Debate
It cost the GOP Wednesday. Its voters have been lied to for too long. I agree. But lets be honest: Journalists whove watched all these debates cant Grok the mindset of an undecided voter who just started paying attention. Trust me, I tried my hardest.
Red car remnants in Ballona Wetlands (picture)
I might have known it, but I didnt Grok it. Subway to the sea, indeed. Look, give me a break; Ive only lived here four years, and this is a big city. And if youve got recommendations for books about this fascinating piece of LA history ...
GROK - Wiktionary
Grok (third-person singular simple present Groks, present participle Grokking, ... Grok is used mainly by the geek subculture, though it was heavily used by the ...
GROK - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
<the eternal struggle of the human race to Grok its place in the grand scheme of the universe>. Origin of Grok. coined by Robert A. Heinlein †1988 American ...
Wednesday GROK: Pinterest is the new social networking contender ...
That may or may not be true and beyond the boast Grok can't find the uncontestable evidence to support that contention. But its growth is certainly explosiv.
John Sayles: An Artist for the Environment
Crossposted with The Green Grok. "We think we can wound the planet, we think we can cut costs and stick the money in our pockets and just walk away. But some day the bill comes due. Its only a matter of time." --Silver City (2004), written, directed ...
GROK | Define GROK at
verb (used with object) 1. to understand thoroughly and intuitively. verb (used without object) 2. to communicate sympathetically. :10 :09 :08 :07 :06 :05 :04 :03 :02 ...
Monday GROK: Facebook’s speed bumps on the way to $10 billion
As we close in on Facebooks IPO, the numbers are starting to come through thick and fast. This morning for instance, in Business Insider, TBG digital CEO, Simon Mansell, had a stab at calculating Facebooks maximum annual advertising revenues based on its ...
Wednesday GROK: Best and worst of Apple on display | Blogging ...
follow. Call in to speak with the host. (347) 202-0241. If you liked this show, you can follow Minister Grok. 0 comments. h:143825 s:2863339 archived. If you wa.
GROK - A Smashing Web Framework — GROK
A web application framework for Python developers built using Zope Toolkit. Code, documentation, an e-mail list, and a wiki are available.
What is a GROK?
Please can anyone answer what is a Grok? and who made up the word?
Answer: To Grok (pronounced /ˈgrɒk/) is to share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. In Heinlein's view of quantum theory, Grokking is the intermingling of intelligence that necessarily affects both the observer and the observed.
As first used in the Heinlein novel Stranger in a Strange Land:
“ Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthly assumptions) as color means to a blind man. ”
The Oxford English Dictionary defines Grok as "to understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment." Other forms of the word include "Groks" (present third person singular), "Grokked" (past participle) and "Grokking" (present participle).
In an ideological context, a Grokked concept becomes part of the person who contributes to its evolution by improving the doctrine, perpetuating the myth, espousing the belief, adding detail to the social plan, refining the idea or proofing the theory.
Category: Trivia
GROK Knowledge Base
Definition of Grok: /Grok/ /grohk/ From the novel Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein, where it is a Martian word meaning literally `to drink and ...
Rant: I Love Photography
She commented back that it was the highest compliment. I didn’t fully Grok what she meant at the time, but now I do. 2011 marked the ten year anniversary of September 11. I live a few blocks from Ground Zero, so I walked down with my camera ...
GROK - definition of GROK by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Grok (gr k) tr.v. Grok·ked, Grok·king, Groks Slang. To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy. [Coined by Robert A. Heinlein in his Stranger in a ...
Wednesday GROK: iPhone on top but Android owns the noobs
The Great Game for philosophical hegemony in this post-historical epoch continues to unfurl. Yes, thats right — smartphone market share figures for Apple and Android have been updated. It appears that in the last quarter the natural order was restored ...
GROK - The Definitive Guide to Our Primal Human Role Model | Mark ...
The Definitive Guide to Grok He’s the oft-cited star of our Paleolithic backdrop, the poster-persona of the Primal Blueprint itself. We would be remiss
Wednesday GROK: Best and worst of Apple on display
The best and the worst of Apple are on display this week. On one side of the coin, its stock cruised through $US500, making Apple the biggest company in the world (but still not the biggest ever). Not bad for an outfit that nearly went broke in the 1990s ...
Theres A Civil War Brewing At Yahoo Over Its New CEO And His Direction For The Company
An agency executive who spends a lot of his clients money on Yahoo inventory also subscribes to this view of Thompson and the company, telling us the new CEO "doesnt even really Grok what business Yahoo is in." Yahoos board members ...
What does the word GROK mean?
Answer: It's a search term used in the Unix and/or Linux operating system. In common usage today it is to have a thorough understanding of a subject. The word comes from Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land," and it means "to drink" in Martian. But more specifically in the book, it meant to take something in so thoroughly that it becomes part of you.
Category: Words & Wordplay
GROK - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of Grok. transitive verb: to understand profoundly and intuitively . Examples of Grok
GROK (web framework) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grok is an open-source Web framework based on Zope Toolkit technology. The project was started in 2006 by a number of Zope developers. Grok has since then seen ...
GROK - The Definitive Guide to Our Primal Human Role Model ...
Jan 27, 2009 ... The Definitive Guide to Grok He's the oft-cited star of our Paleolithic backdrop, the poster-persona of the Primal Blueprint itself. We would be ...
Grok: /Grok/, /grohk/, vt. [common; from the novel Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein, where it is a Martian word meaning literally 'to drink' and ...
CAMPAIGN SPOTLIGHT; According to DAg, Low Prices Are in the Bag
A supermarket chain once known for its quirky, light-hearted advertising is promoting itself again, this time with a humorous, make-believe battle between the boss and his senior management. The campaign is for DAgostino Supermarkets, a family-owned company that operates 18 stores in Manhattan and Westchester. The campaign publicizes a - By STUART ELLIOTT
GROK (Knowledge Base) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Grok Knowledge Base is a website of Louisiana State University that provides around-the-clock computing assistance for the campus and university. The Grok ...
Health Care Compact – a talk with Matt Murphy - Politics in Stereo
Health Care Compact – a talk with Matt Murphy. POSTED 02.25.2012 ON Granite Grok. At this point, most of us are well aware of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (referred to by most, including the 'Grok, as... READ MORE ...
GROK: Definition from
tr.v. Slang , Grok·ked , Grok·king , Groks . To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy. [Coined by Robert A. Heinlein in his .]
GUEST VIEWPOINT: With better capital investments come rewards
But we don’t yet Grok the importance to our long-term economic growth of the forest canopy along the riparian zones of the Cascades, safe and unobtrusive access to Sahalie Falls and coastal tidepools, unfragmented wildlife habitat around and through our ...
Google Hates the Term Gchat
Jeffries has a theory and enlists someone close to a Google employee to back it up: [C]ould the resistance to “Gchat” be another example of how Google, despite its ability to build tools that we all love and depend on, just doesn’t Grok us?
If I were a stranger in a strange land......Would you GROK me?
Am I the only one who has read his books?
Answer: No, I'm a huge Heinlein fan! I have every book he wrote. My favorites are The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Glory Road (next to Stranger of course) and yes, I Grok you.
Category: Polls & Surveys
The Forest Dumbledore
SUMMER WORLD A Season of Bounty By Bernd Heinrich Illustrated. 253 pp. Ecco/HarperCollins Publishers. $26.99 It may not be every urbanites idea of a dream date, but mine, after reading Summer World, is to spend a summer day with a 69-year-old insect physiologist and all the tools of his trade. My ideal man lives in Maine and Vermont, where - Elizabeth Royte, a frequent contributor to the Book Review, is the author of Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash and Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It. - By ELIZABETH ROYTE
GROK Advertising & Communications
Grok is an independent advertising and communications company with over $80 million in client billings, founded in 2008 by Julie Bauer, Tod Seisser and Steve Landsberg.
Whats the most effective way to attract a critical mass for an open source, social software coding project?
Im in Austin, looking to start an open source project to build a Context Management System.
Web 1.0 was the age of content, and hence the Content Management Systems (Vignette, et al). Web 2.0 is the age of context. Learning to manage context, and letting go of content, is a whole new ball of wax.
The purpose of the project is to allow ad-hoc formation of peer groups for small and large scale projects. In a real sense, this is a boot-strapping project. If such a thing existed, Id be using it right now to create this project -- but of course, this project would then be unnecessary, and I would be able to focus my attention on other issues of interest, like: adult developmental stages, emergence, cultural transformation, etc.
People in Silicon Valley just advertise that they are having a coding party. People in Central Texas barely Grok How can we best close the gap?
Answer: I guess starting with a minimal stable prototype to attract interest. Generally open source developers join these projects to improve their skills doing something they think is hot or one that interests them. And then if the idea is good and solves some problems, people might find it interesting and want to contribute/build over it.
Category: Programming & Design
GROK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience.
FILM; A Hunger for Fantasy, an Empire to Feed It
SO far, this years two most lucrative summer movies concern the perilous adventures of male teenagers, one in contemporary New York and the other long ago in a galaxy far away, struggling with the moral and physical burdens of their special powers. Over the winter, the box office was dominated by two rather similar young men, one at an English - A O Scott article notes that most recent Hollywood movies that have centered on fantasy worlds originated in novels and comic books; holds pop explosion of fantasy films, set off in 1977 by Star Wars, was sparked, decade earlier, by publication of one-volume American paperback edition of J R R Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings; maintains genres appeal crosses generations because it fulfills desire for return to innocence; photos (M) - By A. O. SCOTT
Do you "GROK" the lyrics to Simon & Garfunkels "Sounds of Silence"?
If so, please elaborate why you do. Thank yew kindly.
Answer: I have Grokked them so thoroughly that I feel a spiritual empathy and oneness even with the tiny moth buzzing around that halo-encrusted street lamp, watching Paul Simon turn his collar to the cold and damp.
Suddenly, his eyes are stabbed by the flash of a neon light. Blinded, he stumbles across the narrow street of cobblestone, swearing loudly (and invoking Art's mother in the process), and collides with the lamp post, causing the lamp to slam into me, thus injuring my wing.
I will wait till he collects the royalties from the "Graceland" album in about 20 years' time, then sue his ass off.
Category: Lyrics
NICKELLS BAG: Run over by music sites’ herd mentality
Still, its hard to Grok why the band has become a punching bag in a realm where originality isnt exactly rampant. How many bands sound somewhat like Modest Mouse these days? There are other Seattle-area acts with a strikingly similar sound to these guys ...
Who is GROK? | Marks Daily Apple
The Definitive Guide to Grok He’s the oft-cited star of our Paleolithic backdrop, the poster-persona of the Primal Blueprint itself. We would be remiss (and
ADVERTISING; Going Green While Pursuing Whiter Whites
LAUNDRY detergents have promised brighter colors and whiter whites for decades, but one brand of detergent is saying that approach should be hung out to dry. She should glow, not her clothes, said a recent print advertisement for laundry detergent made by Seventh Generation, the eco-friendly line, which showed a young girl in a sundress. Along - By ANDREW ADAM NEWMAN
Urban Dictionary: GROK
Taken from the book 'Stranger in a Strange Land,' literally meaning 'to drink' but taken to mean 'understanding.' Often used by programmers and oth...
FILM; Youre Entering a World of Lebowski
A CULT gives its members license to feel superior to the rest of the universe, and so does a cult movie: it confers hipness on those who Grok what the mainstream audience cant. Joel and Ethan Coens 1998 hyperintellectual stoner noir bowling comedy The Big Lebowski, starring Jeff Bridges as Jeff (The Dude) Lebowski, has the requisite - David Edelsteins article on Joel and Ethan Coens 1998 film The Big Lebowski, which has developed cult following; Lebowski Fest, rolling national convention, will arrive in New York City; Jeff Dowd, who was inspiration for character of Dude, comments; photo (M) - David Edelstein is the film critic for and reviews movies for Fresh Air on NPR. - By DAVID EDELSTEIN
Do you GROK that Thou art God?
Answer: I Grok; you Grok; all that Groks is God.
Heinlein had it right :-)
Category: Religion & Spirituality
GROKTV Special Interview: Diane Bitter running for NH GOP Assistant ...
GrokTV Special Interview: Diane Bitter running for NH GOP Assistant Secretary (Question 4). POSTED 02.26.2012 ON Granite Grok. During my interview with Diane at Liberty Harbor Academy, I had a good time. However, like all good times, ...
Has anyone read Stranger In A Srange Land? Did you GROK it? Tell me what you thought of it?
Answer: Yes, I Grok in fullness. I think it should be required reading.
Category: Books & Authors
Is there a formal word with the same meaning as "GROK"?
The slang word "Grok" is a verb which means "to understand another person, intuitively and intimately." I couldnt find it on, just in the dictionary listed as slang.
Are there any similar words for this?
Answer: empathize
Category: Words & Wordplay
Business; A New Company Tries to Sort the Webs Chaos
BY Silicon Valley standards, it was an unassuming debut. Last weekend at a Marin County conference on biological and cultural diversity, Groxis, Paul Hawkens new software company, was sandwiched by the booths for Birkenstock sandals and PowerBars. Mr. Hawken is best known for as a co-founder of Smith & Hawken, a California catalog and store that - Grokker software developed by Groxis, new company founded by Paul Hawken, Jean-Michel Decombe and R J Pittman, is intended to allow personal-computer users to visually make sense of collections of hundreds of thousands of documents on World Wide Web and is attracting significant interest from large corporations and universities; photo (M) - By JOHN MARKOFF
Isnt the word "GROK" part of the mainstream of American volcabulary?
Answer: Haha, he called you a nerdy science fiction type.
Category: Polls & Surveys
Shortmail is truly short at 500 characters
First, a disclaimer: Shortmail is one of those things that you have to try out for a while to really Grok, and its not for everyone. Use Case: Public-Facing E-mail I have no idea how many people make their e-mail address available publicly, so that ...
Does anyone out there GROK religion?
This being in reference to Robert Heinleins book Stranger in a Strange Land. Also, is it possible to be free thinking, open minded, accepting, and still religious in todays world? How many of you actually pay it forward?
Hey Sara, I didnt want a book review - I wanted an actual answer to the question. But at least it piqued your curiosity enough to look up Heinlein.
Please note: Robert Heinlein was never sexist, he was a male who could write from a womans perspective and had balanced, strong female characters - often the leads.
Answer: I LOVE that movie (Pay it Forward) and, way back when I was a teenager, I loved that book (Stranger in a Strange Land).
I certainly do think that it's possible to be free thinking, open-minded, accepting, and still religious in today's world, if, that is, by "religious" you mean "having faith", rather than belonging to any organized religion.
I've been trying to "pay it forward" for many decades now because I know that if I help another, I also help myself. Moreover, as the movie showed so well, we can never tell how far the ramifications of our actions extend.
Paying it forward today could affect who knows how many others in the near and far future.
Category: Philosophy
Grok è prodotto e commercializzato da San Lucio s.r.l.; è uno snack unico fatto con Grana Padano, cotto al forno e non fritto, gustoso e nutriente, senza aggiunta ...
GROK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To Grok is to intimately and completely share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. Author Robert A. Heinlein coined the ...
Hillsdale College presents “Constitution 101″ - Politics in Stereo
Hillsdale College presents “Constitution 101″. POSTED 02.25.2012 ON Granite Grok. You know, that old dusty document that those old white men wrote that US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't seem to like much?
why did GROK jump up and down the first time he saw a variable in algebra class?
this is a math thing so please help!!
Answer: he was happy ( i dont know)
Category: Homework Help
The Painter and the Pink Palazzo
YOU can see it all the way from Bleecker, now that the leaves are thinning on West 11th Street. Awkward, particular and very pink, Julian Schnabels much-publicized and still only partly sold condo-palazzo near the West Side Highway beckons invitingly on a late Sunday afternoon. Named Palazzo Chupi after Mr. Schnabels pet name for his wife, the - Palazzo Chupi, West Village, Manhattan, luxury condo building designed with neo-Mediterranean style, remains half empty at over $6,000 per square foot; Julian Schnabel, power, vision and financing behind project, gives tour of property with its pink facade; photos (M) - By PENELOPE GREEN
Is it true ? GROK Gossip | Best Web Gossip
GrokTV Special Interview: Diane Bitter running for NH GOP Assistant Secretary (Question 4) POSTED 02, The, 2012 ON Granite Grok At.
Data Point – Importance: First Amendment Right or Free ...
POSTED 02.25.2012 ON Granite Grok. Gallup has the latest on the views concerning those who believe that the enumerated First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom should reign supreme, or Obamacare... READ MORE ...
Monday Grok: Facebooks speed bumps on the way to $10 billion From: Ralph_Stewart - Source: twitterfeed
Wednesday Grok: iPhone on top but Android owns the noobs From: JeffreyLewis3 - Source: twitterfeed
Wednesday Grok: Pinterest is the new social networking contender. But can it last? From: Boone_Janet - Source: twitterfeed
Wednesday Grok: Best and worst of Apple on display From: virtusolutions - Source: LinksAlpha
Unbelievable Grok Big News | Best Web Gossip From: Fredericastc21 - Source: twitterfeed
Unbelievable Grok Big News | Best Web Gossip From: Eloisa4720 - Source: twitterfeed
Pasangan serasi dikulkas harus selalu barengRT @abrar_aab: *Grok, lagi bobo ;p RT @titaardana: ajak mas @abrar_aab aja RT @RonskieTambunan From: titaardana - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
*Grok, lagi bobo ;p RT @titaardana: Puri mas..hahaha ajak mas @abrar_aab aja :DRT @RonskieTambunan: Yah sayang ... From: abrar_aab - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Shut Up ! Grok Big News From: Brianne_Samii - Source:
Wednesday Grok: Best and worst of Apple on display: That may or may not be true and beyond the boast Grok cant ... From: TimothyCaron - Source: twitterfeed
ooh ya ampuun ini admin main deh -___-" haha RT @gkiwongsodirjan Quiz berhadiah kak haha"@cheloctavia: Grok Grok -____-" malah tebak"an From: cheloctavia - Source: web
Wednesday Grok: Pinterest is the new social networking contender. But can it last? From: Sylvia_Morrison - Source: twitterfeed
Google Trends :( 6. grapes of wrath -1 7. berkshire hathaway +1 8. james jones +1 9. Grok -3 10. @NASCAR +1 2/2 From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
Unbelievable Grok Big News From: Alexander_Osail - Source: twitterfeed
Open Grok 0.11 durchsucht PHP, Visual Basic und Javascript From: LarsonTina - Source: twitterfeed