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KATIE COURIC on Return to ABC With 2012 Talk Show; ABC News Diane ...
Katie couric, preparing to launch and host her own talk show on ABC, said today she is delighted to join the network where she got her start in journalism. "Its been ...
KATIE COURICs departure: Is the timing right? - USATODAY.com
Katie courics expected move from evening news to afternoon talk might come too late to anoint her the next Oprah Winfrey. With a launch in the thick of a ...
Where can I watch full previous episodes of CBS Evening News wih KATIE COURIC?
I need to watch 10 episodes of CBS Evening News with Katie couric that were from 10-29-2009 to now. Where can I watch them?
Answer: Wow! What are you being punished for??
Category: Media & Journalism
Whats On Today
7:30 P.M. (SNY) SPORTSNITE SPECIAL: THE YEAR IN SPORTS Columnists dissect the biggest sports stories of 2011 -- among them, the Penn State scandal (Jerry Sandusky, above), the National Basketball Association and National Football League lockouts, the effect that the Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has had on the N.F.L., and Derek Jeters quest - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
KATIE COURIC Swoons Over Meeting DWTS’ William Levy: "I Can Die Now”
Katie couric is a Dancing With the Stars “freak” — and it seems like she’s a DWTS tease too. She said it’s her secret fantasy to do the show and she loves it, but every time someone suggests she should compete she gets coy and says, No, no, no ...
KATIE COURIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Katherine Anne "Katie" Couric (born January 7, 1957) is an American journalist and author. She serves as Special Correspondent for ABC News, contributing to ABC World ...
Whats On Today
9 A.M. (NBC) MACYS THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE Matt Lauer, Ann Curry and Al Roker host this 85th installment of the parade, with appearances by the Big Apple Circus, Mary J. Blige, Neil Diamond, Michael Feinstein, Cee Lo Green, Avril Lavigne, Shelby Lynne, Mannheim Steamroller, the Rockettes, Scotty McCreery, the Muppets of Sesame Street, and the - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
TELEVISION REVIEW; Trying to Train And Contain A Candidate
You just cant get good help anymore. That was the lesson of the 2008 Republican presidential campaign, and it could be why Downton Abbey is such a hit. There is something so old-fashioned and romantic about servants, or aides, who put loyalty above their own self-interest. Game Change, an engaging HBO docudrama on Saturday night, is told - Alessandra Stanley reviews HBO docudrama Game Change, starring Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson. Photos (M)3 - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY
KATIE COURICs new Katie talk show to start taping in September
"We now have our studio, a great-looking logo that exudes all of the qualities we want the show to convey, and a terrific team with a diverse background of experience," the New York Daily News quoted show producer Jeff Zucker as saying Thursday in a ...
How bad is it when KATIE COURIC looks like the more intelligent person in an interview?
Seriously...it is Katie couric...a grown women who still goes by "Katie". And she looked like a genius compared to Palin. How can you republican types still pretend like you support Palin???
Answer: I thought it was Biden who was the unintelligent one? He's the one who said the wrong president when talking about the great depression and that they had TV then,when in fact they didn't, now I'd say HE'S the Idiot!
Category: Elections
KATIE COURIC Talks Cancer Advocacy, Love with Prevention
Shes known for having delivered the worlds news to homes across the States for the past 33 years, and now Katie couric finds herself adorning the cover of the April 2012 issue of Prevention magazine. The 55-year-old journalist/author donned a stylish ...
KATIE COURIC : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Katie couric. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Katie couric
KATIE COURIC's Temporary Return to Morning News May End Today's ...
Katie couric will return to “Good Morning America” for one week while host Robin Roberts is on vacation. Couric also works as a Special Correspondent for ABC News, contributing to ABC World News, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America, ...
KATIE COURIC to return to the morning anchor chair next week six years after leaving Today… but she’ll be anchoring Good Morning America
Ill be keeping Robins seat warm next week--cant wait George! Coruic added, referring to the shows co-host George Stephanopolous. The one-week stint represents Courics first morning co-hosting gig since she left NBCs Today in 2006 to anchor the CBS ...
Has Sarah Palin gone back to KATIE COURIC with an answer to the question?
Just curious if she has any plans to actually follow up on that question that Katie couric asked her.
Answer: I doubt it... she made herself look like a fool with the answer to the foreign policy question - "russia, this powerful country is next to alaska... and canada too...we trade with them!"
Amazing Ms. Palin, keep the good work.
this is also what she had said:
PALIN”: “Like every American I’m speaking with, we are ill about this. We’re saying, ‘Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?’ But ultimately, what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help, uhhh, it’s gotta be all about job creation too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending…’cause Barack Obama, ya know, has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That’s gonna help. But 1 in 5 jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know.
Category: Elections
KATIE COURIC Quits CBS, Moving to ABC? : People.com
When Katie couric recently stepped down from CBS news she definitely had her future plans in mind. Now, some reports suggest the TV news veteran may be ...
Would you really want to vote for someone for President who was intellectually bested by KATIE COURIC?
I mean, seriously. Katie couric isnt considered this generations Edward R. Murrow or anything like that. Its kind of pathetic.
Answer: I think that, on a National Level, you would have to consult the Department of Law there in the White House to find the answer to this query.
"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years." --Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie couric, Sept. 24, 2008
Category: Politics
KATIE COURIC Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com
Biography.com follows Katie couric's TV journalism career from ABC desk assistant to coanchor of Today to the first solo female anchor of the CBS evening ...
Couric subs on ‘GMA’
Katie couric will sub for Robin Roberts next week on “Good Morning, America” — her first morning-show gig since leaving “Today” in 2006. Couric — who launches her ABC daytime talk show, “Katie,” in September — will co-host “GMA” with ...
Katie couric, Actress: Dateline NBC. ... Katie couric Still of Katie couric in Miss Representation Katie couric Alec Baldwin and Katie couric Katie couric ...
KATIE COURIC and DJ Pauly D: When worlds collide! - Pop2it - Zap2it
What's going on here? It's really anyone's guess, but suffice to say Pauly has that effect on women.
KATIE COURIC: New Good Morning America Co-Host!!! | PerezHilton.com
Break out the bubbly!!! Katie couric is Good Morning America´s newest co-host!!! ...for a week! The journalism goddess has been invited to guest-host the show all next week as GMA dares to...
Why is Sarah Palin still mad about being embarrassed by KATIE COURIC?
I just saw a clip of Sarah Palin complaining about Katie couric asking her what newspapers she read. She said she reads them online then somehow got onto teleprompters.
Isnt it time to admit that she made herself look foolish and move on?
Answer: That's really good question since she has been embarrassed by just about everyone for the last three years, it's hard to put a finger on why that particular outing was so significant to her. Maybe because it was the first time she had been outside the protective environment in Alaska and it was the first time her mind-numbing ignorance was exposed on a national level.
Category: Politics
KATIE COURIC to Return to Morning TV
Katie couric will return to the breakfast hour next week to host Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos. Couric -- no stranger to morning shows after co-hosting NBCs Today for 15 years -- will be filling in beginning next Monday for GMA co-host ...
KATIE COURIC to Guest Host 'Good Morning America' for One Week ...
Katie couric greeted early-morning network viewers for 15 years, and she'll soon be adding one more week to that resume. The former Today co-host will substitute on ABC's Good Morning America for the vacationing Robin ...
CHICAGO NEWS COOPERATIVE; Running a Red Light. Stealing a Wallet. The Cameras Are Watching.
James Warren writes a column for the Chicago News Cooperative. One legacy of Rahm Emanuel is digitally clear. Security cameras will follow us like a bad credit rating. The Missiles bravura early performance includes a drastic increase in cameras to protect us from bad guys and to keep us from breaking laws, notably speeding, even while surely - jwarren@chicagonewscoop.org - By JAMES WARREN
KATIE COURIC signs on for 'GMA' guest-hosting gig; Chris Rock returns ...
Katie couric -- who rose to fame logging the early a.m. duty for NBC's "Today" show before taking over the "CBS Evening News" anchor chair -- will guest-host ABC's "Good Morning America" for a week starting Monday (April ...
Couric on ‘Good Morning America’ Could End No. 1 Streak at ‘Today’
With the news that Katie couric will be co-hosting “Good Morning America” on ABC next week, the prospect that the “Today” show could finally lose a week has suddenly become more real than at any time in the last seven years.
What do you think of KATIE COURIC and her CBS News?
After her interveiws with Palin and all her recent coverage of all the debates & election stuff, I think she is producing a very high quality newscast that eventually will give NBC and ABC a run for their money.
At the beginning i thought she was a joke but now that she stops saying "Hi everybody im Katie couric" shes become a lot more professional.
What do you think?
Answer: not much
Category: Media & Journalism
KatieCouric - YouTube
Thumbnail Learning How to Howl KatieCouric 633 views 6 days ago Author Jodi Picoult taught me to howl when I interviewed her at the 92nd Street Y. Give me ...
If KATIE COURIC new show will be a syndicated show, how come it will replace General Hospital?
I thought a syndicated show was a show that didnt air on any specific network (CBS, NBC or ABC).
So how come Katie courics show can potentially replace GH? Can anybody help me with that?
Answer: You're right, a syndicated show does not air on any specific network but a network can purchase the rights to air the show. That's what syndication is, the selling of the rights to broadcast a show to multiple individual stations.
Category: Talk Shows
Will you stop watching the Today Show because Katies gone?
Answer: i never watched
Category: Reality Television
KATIE COURIC News, KATIE COURIC Bio and Photos | TVGuide.com
Get the latest Katie couric News, Bio, Photos, Credits and More for Katie couric on TVGuide.com
NOTICED; An App With Friends In High Places
THERES a new addiction in Hollywood, apparently, but this one comes without the court-ordered 30-day rehab. Words With Friends, the Scrabble-like app, is not just popular, it seems, but cool among tastemakers in the entertainment industry and beyond. Which is not to say a heavy habit wont get you in trouble, as Alec Baldwin proved last week. For - Many celebrities have become obsessed with Words With Friends, a Scrabble-like app game. Photo (M) - By ALEX WILLIAMS
KATIE COURIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Katherine Anne "Katie" Couric (born January 7, 1957) is an American journalist and author. She serves as Special Correspondent for ABC News, contributing to ...
Is anyone else utterly sick of seeing KATIE COURIC wear a blazer jacket with everything?
Every time I see Katie couric on television, whether hosting the news or just as a guest speaker, she is wearing a horrible blazer jacket. It does not seem to matter whether it actually goes with the outfit, top, or neither. Who is styling this womans wardrobe? There are some things you just dont wear a jacket with. It makes her look incredibly frumpy. Is is just me or what?
Answer: It is too bad her bosses wanted to "make her over" since she was doing so well on Today. They seem to want her to look severe and she rarely smiles. Some news is bad or sad so ok, but there are times she should give us a beaming smile like she did on Today. Also, I would like to see her in colors not just black or navy.
Category: Media & Journalism
CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley - Latest News & Videos - CBS ...
Visit CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley on CBSNews.com : Watch Videos from the CBS News TV Show, explore photographs, read features on world news, ...
Why is KATIE COURIC ALWAYS on assignment?
I tune in to the evening news on CBS and boom! No Katie. I am fine with Maggie but it is the CBS Evening News with Katie couric. The prepositional phrase says it all.
Answer: Katie is a great professional and is sent to cover all the big events
Category: Media & Journalism
@KatieCouric - CBS News
Katie couric interviews with newsmakers from the worlds of politics, business, medicine and entertainment.
Changing the State of Play
There was a time when each of the Big Three nightly newscasts on American television tended to open with the same story -- the latest campaign speech, a new government study or perhaps a big snowstorm. That time is gone. Influenced by cable and the Internet, the nightly newscasts are shaking up conventions that stretch back 50 years, seeking to - Network news divisions of ABC, CBS and NBC, influenced by cable and the Internet, are shifting focus to differentiating their nightly television news shows; they are shaking up conventions that stretch back 50 years, seeking to distinguish themselves by picking different stories and placing them in different orders. Photos (M) - By BRIAN STELTER
KATIE COURIC Will Co-Host Good Morning America For A Week
"Good Morning America" is bringing out the big guns as its rivalry with "Today" heats up: Katie couric. The former "Today" co-host will be co-hosting the ABC morning program — the main rival to her old show —next week. She will be filling in ...
Is KATIE COURIC the center of the universe as we know it?
Sarah Palin stated that Katie couric thought she was the center of the universe. Do you think she is?
Answer: Sarah Palin not only is wrong she is a sore loser trying to point to Katie couric for asking her tough questions like what magazines do you read? This lady is not only a sore loser but she is a "pass the buck" type who like to blame everyone else for THEIR mistakes. Poor little Sarah didn't get a promotion so now she blames everybody else but herself. Typical old school politician...sleazy and exactly what we need to put in the past after these horrible eight years!
Category: Media & Journalism
How many of you all think she is an agenda pushing bitch who needs to just quit the "news" business and admit to herself shes a left wing version of Ann Coulter?
Answer: Yeah, I'll buy that. Although, she won't ADMIT anything, self-centered people never admit fault, they simply can't countenance the fact that they could have said or done anything that offends people.
To be fair, I've heard Ann Coulter speak many times on the cable news channel FOX, and in some ways, she's as self-centered and ego-centric as Couric, I just happen to agree with her politically a little more!! LOL
Category: Media & Journalism
People: Lindsay Lohan, KATIE COURIC, Gavin Creel, David Archuleta, Rihanna
Lindsay Lohans days as a criminal defendant could be over - if she can behave herself. A judge on Thursday ended the long-running probation of the problem-prone actress in a 2007 drunken driving case after a string of violations, jail sentences and rehab ...
KATIE COURIC | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos
enlarge 1/10 CBS. Katie couric. CBS. Katie couric. Access Hollywood. Nancy O’Dell interviews Katie couric at the ‘Stand Up 2 Cancer’ event. AP. Brian Williams ...
Charlie Sheen Today Show Snafu: Actor Confuses KATIE COURIC, Ann Curry
Although were glad that Charlie Sheen has stepped out of the spotlight since his "cringeable" warlock episodes of 2011, he may have gone a little too far into hiding. After his appearance on the "Today" show, Sheen thanked the morning shows ...
KATIE COURIC Talk Show Gets a Premiere Date
Katie courics syndicated daytime talk show "Katie" will premiere Sept. 10, the shows executive producer, Jeff Zucker, said Thursday. Also read: Katie courics Talk Show Gets a Name Zucker made the reveal via an internal webcast to stations ...
KATIE COURIC Reveals Family Bully Victim
Katie couric joined other celebrities last night for a screening of the new documentary Bully and disclosed that a member of her own family was subjected to severe bullying. "I know my sister was bullied when she was younger and it was really ...
KATIE COURIC - mediabistro.com: jobs, classes, community and news ...
Jobs and recruiting for media professionals in journalism, on-line content, book publishing, TV, radio, PR, graphic design, photography, and advertising
KATIE COURIC will guest-host on 'Good Morning America' - latimes.com
Katie couric will return to morning television next week, but not on NBC's "Today." Katie couric will be guest-hosting on ABC's "Good Morning America."
KATIE COURIC To Host 'Good Morning America' -- Former Today Host ...
Six years after she left morning television, Katie couric is back -- for a week. The former Today host will fill in for a vacationing Robin Roberts on ABC'
For a Week, Couric Will Co-Host ‘Good Morning America’
Next week, Katie couric will co-host the news on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” It’s a one-week role for the former co-host of “Today,” the main rival to “Good Morning America” in morning television. Ms. Couric will be filling in ...
KATIE COURIC News - The New York Times
News about Katie couric. Commentary and archival information about Katie couric from The New York Times.
Would you want to watch the full interview between Sarah Palin and KATIE COURIC if you had the opportunity?
Sarah Palin has apparently called out Katie couric for leaving her most substantial answers on the editing room floor in their last interview. For me, Palin did come out of that interview looking pretty bad, and now Im wondering if Couric and crew unfairly edited Palins comments and what the full interview was really like.
Answer: I would watch it. I know that interviews can be unfairly edited. However in this case I think Palin's interview with Couric would be just as horrible or worse unedited. Palin was just not prepared for those type of questions.
I think that would be great (and a real ratings draw) if Couric released the unedited version and put Palin's claim of being unfairly edited to rest.
Category: Media & Journalism
KATIE COURIC - Zap2it - TV Listings Guide, TV Ratings, TV News, TV ...
Katie couric movies, TV shows, photos, awards, nominations, birthday and hometown at Zap2it.
Living Up To the Family Name
OVER a series of casual dinners at neighborhood restaurants near her Flatiron District apartment in the spring, Chelsea Clinton began talking to a couple of longtime friends about something shed been mulling for a while. She wanted to stop pretending she was not Chelsea Clinton. It was quite an assertion from someone who -- despite the very public - Chelsea Clinton, who avoided the public eye for many years, seems to have finally accepted her celebrity as she takes on a high-profile job at NBC News as a special correspondent. Photos (M) - By AMY CHOZICK
KATIE COURIC looks forward to new talk show – USATODAY.com
MIAMI BEACH – She led the Today show to great success, but her five-year stint as CBS Evening News anchor was a ratings bust. Now Katie couric, once ...
Pathetic is the interview by Gov.Palin with KATIE COURIC, is she a serious candidate for VP?
Say what you will but the interview by Gov. Palin with Katie couric is the worst Ive ever seen by a politician, let alone someone wholl be a heart beat away from the Presidency. McCain cant be serious!
Answer: The republicans know that after 8 years of Bush they have no chance of winning so they're fielding their crappiest candidates... kind of like an nfl team using their backups when they know they've lost. I mean come on, Sarah Palin is a cartoon character in a bad Disney movie.
Obama 08!!!!
Category: Elections
KATIE COURIC Breaking News and Gossip | PerezHilton.com
Katie couric Gossip on PerezHilton.com. The juiciest Katie couric news, photos, and videos.
KATIE COURIC Set to Sign ABC Talk Show Contract | PopEater.com
Katie courics contract with CBS expires today, and shes widely expected to announce that shes signing a deal with ABC to host a syndicated daytime talk ...
MEDIA DECODER; To Keep Seacrest, Comcast May Set Its Crown Jewel at His Feet
Imagine, at 36, trying to decide which job to take next if the possibilities included the Today show, prime-time specials, American Idol and the expansion of your production company. That is the enviable position Ryan Seacrest finds himself in this month as his agents negotiate a new contract with NBCUniversal, which produces both E! - NBC and Comcast executives may offer Ryan Seacrest opportunity to succeed Matt Lauer on the Today Show, in order to convince Seacrest to renew his contract, which expires in early 2012; analysts say Seacrest, who is hugely popular with women, would bring immediate star power and added viewership to show. Photos (M)/ - By BRIAN STELTER; Bill Carter contributed reporting.
Why have the ratings for CBS evening news with KATIE COURIC skyrocketed?
Do you think it is possible that Katie couric (and CBS) used Governor Palin for her own personal agenda since her ratings were the lowest CBS has ever seen? Consider 4 hours of interview edited down to 10 minutes. Come on......not rocket science. Think.
Answer: i'm just sorry that palin and mccain didn't get interviewed on a REAL show, NOT the view, or couric!!!!
Category: Politics
Katie couric is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Katie couric and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the ...
Vying to Capture Oprahs Mantle
It is only February, but those in the syndicated television industry care only about September. That is when a multitude of new daytime talk shows will come onto the market, the first real test for the genre since Oprah Winfrey signed off nine months ago. There will be Jeff Probst, the Survivor host, whose talk show will be made by CBS, the - Multitude of new daytime talk shows will debut in fall 2012 in the first real test for the genre since Oprah Winfrey signed off in May 2011; talk shows are reliable and relatively inexpensive to produce, and thus they remain alluring for local stations. Photos (M)a - By BRIAN STELTER
Does Sarah Palin have the guts to do a KATIE COURIC interview again?
She was a disaster on her interview in 2008 with Katie couric but do you think she has the guts to do a proper interview without being exposed as an idiot?
Answer: No one would watch they are both has been, and been down graded from A list must watch to back page news
Category: Politics
KATIE COURIC News, Pictures, and Videos | TMZ.com
Katie couric became a household name when she co hosted the number one morning show in the US, The Today show (NBC), from 1991 to 2006. She made a highly publicized ...
Does KATIE COURIC Want to Save General Hospital?
Since the announcement of Katie courics upcoming talker, "General Hospital" fans have been worried the new show will take down ABCs final sudser. With "The Revolution" still under-performing, however, word is Couric is telling ABC that the soap is ...
KATIE COURIC: I Am Leaving CBS Evening News : People.com
Facebook; Tweet; After weeks of widespread speculation about her future, Katie couric is finally ready to go on the record. "I have decided to step down ...
KATIE COURIC (@katiecouric) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Katie couric (@katiecouric). Single Mom and soon-to -be Talk-Show Host. Katie begins September 10th!
KATIE COURIC To Help Anchor Good Morning America Next Week ...
Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts goes on vacation next week and ABC/Disney has decided to trot out former Today Show queen Katie couric to fill her slot. With all the rumored upheaval and turmoil at NBC's ...
KATIE COURIC to co-host ABCs Good Morning America for a week
Katie couric helped start and perpetuate morning television’s most epic winning streak. Now she’ll try to break it. ABC announced Thursday that the former “Today” show anchor will be guest host next week on “Good Morning America ...
A Low-Key Spot With a High-Wattage Connection
THE women made a pilgrimage to West 68th Street, 450 miles from home, squinting in the rain on Monday as they peered through the restaurants front windows. The place was closed, they were told. Not a problem, they said. They had come only to glimpse the Mother Gaga. That guys so lucky, said Michele Munnery, 21, visiting with two friends from - Lady Gagas parents, Joseph and Cynthia Germanotta, plan to open Joanne Trattoria, an Italian restaurant on the Upper West Side. (M) - By MATT FLEGENHEIMER
KATIE COURIC Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com
Biography.com follows Katie courics TV journalism career from ABC desk assistant to coanchor of Today to the first solo female anchor of the CBS evening news.
Katie couric will host "Good Morning America" next week. "I wasnt watching anyway," says Sarah Palin. http://t.co/3kVlSvZr
From: ihatetonyy - Source: Tumblr
Katie couric to Guest Host GMA
Will fill in for vacationing Robin Roberts week of April 2 http://t.co/TQzeSmGB
From: chasesa - Source: Facebook
Robin Roberts > Katie couric
From: lyneka - Source: TweetDeck
#TFB Couric subs on ‘GMA’: Katie couric will sub for Robin Roberts next week on “Good Morning, America” — her fi... http://t.co/CbJQcO5l
From: altheakeith1 - Source: twitterfeed
Katie couric on GMA will likely demolish NBCs Today show http://t.co/0EOdM0tS
From: BazaarMedia - Source: WordPress.com
:) Katie couric http://t.co/GckwqMJf Today staff shocked Katie couric guest-hosting GMA
From: Isitpaq - Source: web
Watch the latest Katie couric videos http://t.co/8DtNpThf
From: medianewsonline - Source: dlvr.it
Did you know?: Katie couric to guest-anchor http://t.co/svpgN43C
From: FitnessTipsClub - Source: Fitness Tips Club
Today vet Katie couric revisiting her wake-up TV roots to guest-host Good ... - Washington Post http://t.co/9PIRxqSl
From: freeemilibiggi - Source: web
Katie couric Will Co-Host Good Morning America For A Week http://t.co/2XbBhpZs via @huffingtonpost
From: danielmatalon - Source: The Huffington Post
Katie couric talks palin interview with letterman www.ultimatemoneyblast...: http://t.co/9d7q19cT via @youtube
From: Minister2You - Source: Tweet Button
Katie couric: Little Girls Can Be Bullies http://t.co/KpbuKm0F
From: purplerights - Source: UberSocial for Android
http://t.co/zWZvYCNb Couric subs on ‘GMA’: Katie couric will sub for Robin Roberts next week on “Goo... http://t.co/lpTqOuXn 609-383-1457
From: limolou - Source: twitterfeed
http://t.co/AoJ4rPYX Katie couric to Co-Host Good Morning America for One Week #TeNecesitoAqui #SoyFxndxPorque #KatieOnGMA
From: Emelinedyq - Source: Su.pr
http://t.co/Ys6JySa4 Katie couric to Co-Host Good Morning America for One Week #TeNecesitoAqui #SoyFxndxPorque #KatieOnGMA
From: Lorriejkc - Source: Su.pr