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What is autism : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Autism is a brain problem that can make it hard for kids to communicate. Find out more in this article for kids.
Autism rates rising - Parent to Parent - Jennifer Gish and Tracy ...
A place for parents to talk about life's most challenging job.
Autism Rises: More U.S. Children than Ever Have Autism. Is the Increase Real?
Autism rates continue to rise, according to a new government survey, but the skyrocketing figures don’t necessarily mean that the disorder is actually increasing. According to the latest estimate, released on Thursday by the Centers for ...
Diagnoses Of Autism On the Rise, Report Says
The new report estimates that in 2008 one child in 88 received one of these diagnoses, known as autism spectrum disorders, by age 8, compared with about one in 110 two years earlier. The estimated rate in 2002 was about one in 155. The frequency ...
Kitsap mother opens center to help children with autism
SILVERDALE, Wash. -- At the Olympic Peninsula Autism Center in Silverdale, Sara Hall savors a hand drawn picture from her 3 year old daughter Emma. A year ago, Halls twins, Emma and Delaney, couldnt talk and doctors thought Delaney might even be deaf.
Autism in US more common than previously thought; wider screening, better diagnosis cited
ATLANTA - Autism cases are on the rise again, largely due to wider screening and better diagnosis, federal health officials said Thursday. The rate of U.S. cases rose to about 1 in 88 children. The previous estimate was 1 in 110. The new figure ...
Technology Company Utilizing Skills of Those with Autism Spectrum ...
One L.A. based technology company has launched a new initiative to utilize skills specific to those with high-functioning autism and Asperger's syndrome.
WHAT IS AUTISM? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More
WebMD provides information to your family about dealing with autism and answers common autism concerns including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and ...
What is the difference between high functioning autism and autism?
Because I have autism at the age of five. But now im 25 years old, I have High functioning autism. So can you tell me whats the difference between these two?
Answer: High and low functioning simply refers to the severity of the symptoms of autism, and if they're able to function independently (potentially with some additional support).
Someone who is considered low functioning tends to be non-verbal or have very poor spoken language skills. An adult who is low-functioning would not be able to look after themselves and would live a home with their parents or in a group home because they are unable to care for themselves.
Someone who is high-functioning experiences the symptoms of autism to a lessor degree. They may outwardly just appear a bit quirky to others. They hold down jobs and have fully developed spoken language. They are capable of looking after themselves (although some still choose to live at home as it's more comfortable for them)
Category: Special Education
What is the difference between autism, and autism spectrum?
Doctor states child is autistic, school says chld has autism spectrum disorder?? What is the difference? Can medication help with any of this?
Answer: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a general term that includes Autism, Asperger Syndrome, PPD-NOS and others. The reason they used different terms is that the Dr. gave you a specific diagnosis of Autism, but the school can only determine eligibility for special services. Sometimes schools refer to it as "autism like behavior).
Medication is sometimes used to help an issue caused by the autism, say anxiety, but there is no pill to cure it like an antibiotic will cure an infection. It's closer to say that individuals with autism learn to manage their condition. This is done through learning the skills needed to overcome their individual deficits. IMO unless there is a physical danger, it's best to save medication to control behaviors as a last resort. Much better to teach the person through therapies, love and patience more appropriate behaviors.
Right now the best thing you can do is to educate yourself about autism and the different treatment/therapy options that are out there. There is no one size fits all treatment plan. Every person is different. You are a full member of your child's' team and the best expert on him there is. You need to help the development of an appropriate plan because you are the constant in the different areas of his life (school, home, activities) and get the big picture.
Best of luck- it is an interesting, exasperating, exhilarating e-ticket ride!
mom of 2 on the spectrum
Category: Mental Health
Autism (sometimes called "classical autism") is the most common condition in a group of pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs), also known as the autism spectrum ...
WHAT IS AUTISM? | | Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders, to funding research into the causes, prevention and treatments for autism, and to ...
April is National Autism Month - Soliant Health
April is National Autism Awareness Month. National Autism Awareness Month is an opportunity for organizations and individuals to educate their communities about autism, and spread awareness in schools, workplaces, and ...
Obesity and Other Targets of Childrens Museums
CHILDRENS museums do not usually have exhibitions that involve crawling through a giant digestive system. But such an installation -- along with a play center where visitors learn the power of pedaling, bouncing and jumping and a place to meet superpowered vegetable heroes -- is part of a larger effort by the Childrens Museum of Manhattan to help - Childrens museums are increasingly focused on social outreach, offering exhibitions and programs that seek to teach and to cater to groups with specific needs, like children in foster care and those with autism. Photos (M)5 - By ROBIN POGREBIN
What games to play to teach children about autism?
My friends and I are doing a community service project to spread awareness about autism. We are planning a roving carnival, with game stations that children can take part in to learn about autism. Basically we just wanna let them understand how its like to be autistic, or to learn more about autism through the game. Currently the only game we can come up with is Charades. The kids range from 7 years old to 12.
Do you guys have any suggestions for games? :)
Answer: Another game that could be fan and shows again how difficult can be to communicate something, is the following:
- Place small items like a clothes pin, a key, a battery, a ring, etc each in a small cotton fabric bag (you need to make these) of the same color and tie them shut.
- Make two identical bags of each item. And have the kids in two teams. Each kid gets one of the bags. S/he needs to feel what is inside the bag and then describe it to the team-mates without using the name of the item. Example: Key - it is made of metal, can be used to open a door, has teeth, etc.
- Time them. The least time to guess gets a higher score.
This will show kids how people with autism can sometimes create a mental image of something (thinking in pictures) but it is hard to communicate (put into words) what it is they "see" in their mind.
Since the kids do not see item but visualize it through the sense of touch, they create a 3-D mental image of the item, which is similar of how an autistic person will think of an item before communication what they are thinking in words, describing the mental image, is the hardest part, and that is why the speech of many autistic kids is so fragmented because they are describing a mental 3-D image into 2-D words...
Once you have made these little bags with the items, you can use them again and again. If they get dirty just put them in a pilowcase and wash them in the washing machine.
Good luck!
Category: Primary & Secondary Education
OPINION; Confessions of a Bad Teacher
I AM a special education teacher. My students have learning disabilities ranging from autism and attention-deficit disorder to cerebral palsy and emotional disturbances. I love these kids, but they can be a handful. Almost without exception, they struggle on standardized tests, frustrate their teachers and find it hard to connect with their peers. - Op-Ed article by New York City public school teacher William Johnson criticizes the current methods used to evaluate the performances of teachers and students; suggests that the evaluation methods cause undue anxiety and stress for the teachers; concludes that without equal educational resources to all students and teachers, no matter where they come from, performance cannot be measured with any scientific accuracy. Photo (M) - A teacher at a public high school in Brooklyn who writes on education for the Web site Gotham Schools. - By WILLIAM JOHNSON
Autism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all ...
1 in 88 kids have Autism...why?what do you think cause it?
Do you think the Health dept is lying about it or is it true these kids have it (milder ones) Give me your feed back...
Category: Special Education
U.S. Autism Rate Rises to 1 in 88 Kids, CDC Reports - Drugs.com ...
The rate of autism spectrum disorders continues to rise among American children, with one in 88 now receiving such a diagnosis, the U.S. Centers for Disease Con.
Autism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
Autism - MayoClinic.com
May 27, 2010 ... Autism — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of autism and parenting an autistic child.
What is the difference between Autism and Aspergers Syndrome?
The only thing I basically know is from Dear John when he says Aspergers is living in our world with adaptations but Autism is living in their own world. Could someone explain that because I dont really understand it.
Answer: Asperger's syndrome is a type of autism. Classic autism (often just called "autism") is another type of autism. Both of them are autism spectrum disorders. Since they are spectrum disorders, the severity of them can vary quite a bit between individuals.
Asperger's syndrome is milder than classic autism. People with Asperger's syndrome are usually high functional, while people with classic autism can be anything between low functional to high functional.
In classic autism there is speech delay (which varies in severity between individuals), but in Asperger's syndrome there is no speech delay. Some (not all) people who have classic autism have mental retardation too, but people with Asperger's syndrome never have mental retardation and often have above average intelligence.
People with low functioning autism usually have much more severe symptoms than people with Asperger's syndrome. High functioning autism and Asperger's syndrome are very similar and often the only difference is the speech delay.
Both people with classic autism and people with Asperger's syndrome sort of live in their own world, but since people with Asperger's syndrome are usually more high functional than people with classic autism, they are often better able to connect with the neurotypical world too.
I hope this helps you understand it better.
Category: Special Education
VOWS; Chandana Kanithi and Siva Korukonda
THE man Chandana Kanithi was looking for did not seem that elusive -- loyal and honest, a good sense of humor and, since she was a clinical psychologist, someone who was psychologically aware. Still, he did not show up at the speed-dating and other singles events she attended, and he apparently did not know the friends she enlisted. Her parents had - Vows column on the wedding of Chandana Kanithi and Siva Korukonda. Photos (M)U - By LINDA LEE
Autism Rates Climb Again, 1 in 88 Kids Now Considered Autistic
It seems that we often hear or read about how autism rates are increasing, and sobering new statistics expected to be released by the Centers For Disease.
Im 13 years old. My older brother James is 16 and has autism. Hes not that high functioning and is relatively normal except a few slips. When people ask me whats wrong with him I dont know what to say. Any ideas? Its getting pretty awkward :( For the longest time Ibe just been pretending that I didnt hear the person that asked the question.
Answer: First, I'd like to say that I am very glad to hear you say that he has Autism and not that he is Autistic. It might seem small, but you aren't allowing his autism to define him. It's just something he has.
I don't have any easy answer on what to say to people when they ask that question. My siblings obviously have Autism. I choose to tell people straight out and then answer any questions that they may have BUT I am also a lot older than you. When I was in high school, I had trouble even admitting to myself that there was a problem. Socially, i didn't know how people would treat me knowing about the Autism (yes, I know, that was very self centred, but who isn't in high school). I realized that being straight about it was best for me. Autism is more frequently diagnosed nowadays and you might be surprised to find out that people you know have siblings with Autism. It does make it easier when other friends are having similar experiences.
Remember that some people are asking because they truly care. Those are the people to answer. Good Luck
Category: Mental Health
Autism - PubMed Health - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Causes, incidence, and risk factors. Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. The exact causes of these ...
What evidence supports the assumption that autism can not be cured?
Im curious. Ive always believed that autism can be corrected (perhaps cured is not the appropriate word). . . we just dont have the means to do so yet. There has been tremendous success in mainstreaming high functioning autistic children and I think it is just a matter of time before the medical and educational community comes up with a better way to teach lower functioning children. However, many do not agree . . .
Answer: I am a former ABA therapist and now a mother to a child with autism. I dont know where these people are getting there info, but they must live in states that do not have good ABA programs. When I was in college I worked for WEAP while the were replicating Lovaas's study on ABA therapy and recovery. Almost 50% of the kids in both studies "recovered" meaning they were in a reg. ed classroom with no aid by 1st grade, were social, indistinguishable from their peers, normal IQ, etc... these kids were followed to adulthood and were still successful (married, had friends, college grads, etc..). All of the kids made improvement even if they did not recover. So, no there is no cure, but there is hope.
Category: Special Education
New York State Draft Report Finds ‘Needless Risk’ in Care for the Disabled
ALBANY — Nearly 300,000 disabled and mentally ill New Yorkers face a “needless risk of harm” because of conflicting regulations, a lack of oversight and even disagreements over what constitutes abuse, according to a draft state report obtained by The New York Times. In 2010, the number of abuse accusations at large institutions - By DANNY HAKIM
WHAT IS AUTISM - Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism is a complex set of disorders that are suddenly being diagnosed in epidemic proportions. What exactly is autism, who does it strike, and what do ...
Autism is Treatable : Autism Research Institute
For more than 40 years, the Autism Research Institute (ARI) has devoted its work to conducting research and to disseminating the results of research on the ...
Autism Insurance Reform Passes Michigan Legislature
A package of three bills aimed at reforming Michigan health care insurance for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has passed the Michigan House of Representatives and is expected to move on to Gov. Rick Snyder for approval, says the Associated ...
Magellan Shares Experience Managing Autism-Related Services with Health Plans, Government Leaders
Each day, 60 families in America will learn that their child has autism, a complex developmental disorder that impacts millions of Americans. Presently, 29 states have implemented laws mandating specific benefits coverage to help families manage ...
Autism: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia - National Library of ...
Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brains normal development of social and communication skills. Causes ...
WHAT IS AUTISM? The Mayo Clinic provides some answers
Children with autism generally have problems in three crucial areas of development -- social interaction, language and behavior. But because autism symptoms vary greatly, two children with the same diagnosis may act quite differently and have ...
More children diagnosed with autism
TUCSON - The number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder continues to rise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimates, based on a new study released Thursday, that 1in 88 U.S. children have been diagnosed with autism.
$169M allocated for U.S. autism research
BETHESDA, Md., March 29 (UPI) -- U.S. health officials said they allocated an estimated $169 million for research in 2012 on autism and related conditions. Officials at the National Institutes of Health said the program of research was guided in ...
CDC: Autism is more common than previously thought
Autism rates continue to skyrocket, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which released new figures today, showing a 23% increase from 2006 to 2008. One in 88 American children is now on the autism spectrum, the CDC said ...
WHAT IS AUTISM? | | Autism Speaks
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Give the Ref a Gavel
Chicago IN the N.F.L., hit lists are nothing new. In 1986 the Green Bay Packers targeted players by marking numbers on their sideline towels. One number marked was 9, that of the Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon: he was slammed to the turf by defensive end Charles Martin of the Packers, damaging an already injured shoulder. Mr. McMahon decided - Op-Ed article by sports lawyer Eldon L Ham cites the New Orleans Saints recently exposed bounty program, where bonuses were paid to players who injured opposing players on the field; says such bounties are part of a long history of similarly cruel tactics in sports; warns hands-off mentality that immunizes sports from criminal law is enabling more mayhem in America, not less. (M) - Eldon L. Ham is a lawyer and an adjunct professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law. - By ELDON L. HAM
Older sibling molested younger sibling? What kid of help is available?
I apologize for how long this is but Im really worried about my nephew. He is 12 years old and was fairly recently diagnosed with Aspergers (autism). He is very high functioning but isnt "normal" to other kids so he is bullied and harassed constantly. His shirts are flushed down the toilet at gym class, he is pushed down the stairs at school, teachers are even making fun of him but the school wont do ANYTHING about it. He has the social skills of an 6-8 year old but at the same time, he is going through puberty and got caught about 2 weeks ago after purchasing an adult movie when no one was around. There has since been a password put on the cable box but that doesnt change what already happened.
The other night he apparently went into his 7 year old brothers bed and was touching him in the privates. He admitted what he had done and my 7 year old nephew has been staying the weekend at his dads house since the incident.
There are alot of other details and whatnot but Im trying to stick to the point. We are very worried and concerned for my nephew, this isnt something you ever think you would go through and we have no idea what is going to happen. CPS was called last week by my sisters ex husband for something else, a false accusation, and she was basically cleared and they said they will check back within 6 weeks before closing the case. Now that this has happened, she is afraid they will remove both of her sons from the house and she will lose custody. She hasnt done anything wrong as a parent, my nephew is very troubled and needs help...not to be shunned.
I have no idea how to help my sister get through this. Can someone please help?
Category: Parenting
WHAT IS AUTISM? What you should know
Learn more about the signs of autism symptoms, aspergers syndrome, autism spectrum disorders and what autism is often confused with.
What is the difference between Aspergers and Autism?
What is the difference between Aspergers and Autism? Like how is it similar and different then Autism?
Answer: Asperger's is a type of autism. Autism has many different types, ranging from mild to severe. Aspberger's is a fairly mild type of Autism, where the child is generally able to function at a very high level - it's also more difficult to diagnose, because kids with Asperger's may have developmental delays and social problems but may not be as typically withdrawn as those with a more severe case of Autism.
Category: Other - Diseases
CDC: Autism more common than once thought, affects 1 in 88 children
(CBS News) One out of 88 children in the U.S. has an autism spectrum disorder, according to the latest estimate by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Previously the CDC estimated autisms prevalence at about an average of 1 in 110 U ...
Autism Fact Sheet: National Institute of Neurological Disorders ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication ...
CDC: 1 in 88 Kids Has Autism; Docs Debate Cause
One in 88 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, by age 8, according to a study released today by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-- a rate that has risen far above the 2006 estimate of 1 in 110. But experts ...
WEALTH MATTERS; Avoiding Pitfalls When Mentoring Entrepreneurs - Wealth Matters
VICE ADM. EDWARD M. STRAW was a bit skeptical when he was asked to donate his time and expertise to a program that helps small-business owners. He had mentored students hoping to get into his alma mater, the Naval Academy, and service members on their way out of the military. This was different, though. Sure the program carried the imprimatur of - By PAUL SULLIVAN
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) - NICHD - The Eunice Kennedy ...
Autism is a complex developmental disability that causes problems with social interaction and communication. Symptoms usually start before age three and ...
CDC - WHAT IS AUTISM? Video, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASDs) - NCBDDD
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. CDC ...
Autism Awareness Article - Autism Politics, Activism, and Media ...
It is also Autism Awareness month. However, the thing most people are aware of when it comes to autism is the one in one hundred ten statistic. That's right, one in every one hundred and ten children will be diagnosed with ...
What is the percentage of Autism rates among children outside the United States?
I am asking because I just read an article which said Autism affects 1 percent of US children. Also, it says it afflicts boys more often than girls and whites more often than other blacks.
Answer: Check out this website on autism behaviors...
Category: Other - Social Science
What are the chances of my child having a disability?
My fathers side of the family has anxiety, autism, and schizophrenia.
My mothers side does not have anything (other than a serious drinking problem)
My brother has autism(not the worst kind) and anxiety.
I do not have any of those symptons and consider myself perfectly "normal"
My mother keeps telling me that I shouldnt reproduce because of the fact that there may be a chance of mental illness. I for one, dont think it will be that much of a problem.
What are the chances?
Category: Special Education
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Tap Into the Gifted Young Hackers
Teenagers are not usually the main targets of the F.B.I., whose agents are used to dealing with hardened criminals. But for the Cyber Division, they appear to be the norm. On Tuesday, indictments against six hackers were unsealed in New York; two of the six are under age 20. Three weeks ago, a hacked conversation between the Feds and top British - By MISHA GLENNY
my 3 year old nephew is displaying some signs of autism or aspergers syndrome. i am trying to get my sister to get him checked out, but she thinks the doctors will think she is an unfit mother and take him into care. i want to get help for him, does anyone know what will happen at the doctors??
Answer: My nephew was recently diagnosed with aspergers syndrome and my sister has received a reasonable amount of help since then. NO ONE will believe your sister is to blame so she shouldn't worry about that in the least. The only thing i would recommend is that she is firm with the authorities in the help that her son will receive. For example given my sister fought for a private teacher to come to her house to teach my nephew as he was missing school and the authorities said that this was too expensive. I also suggest that she goes to get several doctor's advice.
Good luck. She must be glad to have a sister who offers so much help.
Category: Other - Health & Beauty
Autism Information Page: National Institute of Neurological ...
Autism information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Questioning Answers: CDC and the autism numbers game
A blog post on the autism prevalence figures released by the CDC in 2012.
Family Men Go It Alone in North Dakota’s Oil Fields
WILLISTON, N.D. LAST spring, Bob Ripka decided the time had come for drastic change. His once-robust income from his job at a printing company was dwindling. His family lost its house in the real estate crash. And employment prospects around his home in Pine City, Minn., more than an hour north of Minneapolis, appeared scant. He heard talk around - By ANN CARRNS
WHAT IS AUTISM? What Causes Autism? - Medical News Today: Health News
A guide to autism: Learn how to cope and live with autism
WHAT IS AUTISM? - Autism Center - Everyday Health
The developmental disorder called autism actually encompasses a number of disorders and symptoms. Learn more about autism at Everyday Health.
What is "Walk Now" for Autism Speaks? at TK China Travel
By participating in this event, you are helping to change the future for all who struggle with autism. By walking, you are getting us one step closer to finding what causes autism, how to prevent and treat it, and ultimately a cure ...
Autism Doctor: "It Is A Public Health Crisis"
Buffalo, N.Y. - Nine-year-old Tyler DeMari talked so much as a toddler, his mother thought he was a genious. Then when he was around 15 months old, Tyler stopped talking. The silence spoke volumes to Tylers mother, who is a nurse. She knew in her heart ...
Autism Prevalence: Study Shows 1 In 88 Kids Has The Condition
One in 88 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, representing a 23 percent increase in prevalence from the previous autism report, released in 2009, which ...
Autism - KidsHealth - the Webs most visited site about childrens ...
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the brain and can make communicating and interacting with other people difficult. Find out more.
Autism Fact Sheet: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; If You Feel O.K., Maybe You Are O.K.
Hanover, N.H. EARLY diagnosis has become one of the most fundamental precepts of modern medicine. It goes something like this: The best way to keep people healthy is to find out if they have (pick one) heart disease, autism, glaucoma, diabetes, vascular problems, osteoporosis or, of course, cancer -- early. And the way to find these conditions - Op-Ed article by Prof H Gilbert Welch on rumblings within the medical profession suggesting that enthusiasm for early diagnosis may be waning; asserts while screening saves a few lives, it also drags many others into the system needlessly--needless appointments, tests, drugs and operations that make money for pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and doctors but do little more than cause anxiety for patients; holds that medicine must move back toward its original mission of helping sick patients, and letting the healthy be. Drawing (M) - H. Gilbert Welch, a professor of medicine at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, is an author of Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health. - By H. GILBERT WELCH
WHAT IS AUTISM? What Causes Autism?
A guide to autism: Learn how to cope and live with autism.
What Happened to the Girls in Le Roy
Before the media vans took over Main Street, before the environmental testers came to dig at the soil, before the doctor came to take blood, before strangers started knocking on doors and asking question after question, Katie Krautwurst, a high-school cheerleader from Le Roy, N.Y., woke up from a nap. Instantly, she knew something was wrong. Her - By SUSAN DOMINUS
What is the difference between High functioning Autism and Asbergers?
Ive got high functioning autism and i have got friends with Asbergers. Asbergers is a form of autism but what is the actual difference between the both?
Answer: Asperger's is a certain type of high fnctioning autism. It has distinct signs in males and females. One person with it might be a compulsive liar who hates people and studies science, while another person might be a writer who loves people and can't hold interest in just one subject all the time, but many. They can get along with people if they have to, and some really want to. They probably have high iqs or above average. They obsess on things in a manner similar to those with autism, but they have more ability to act on their ideas and feelings, as they are more in tune with those. They are overwhelmed by them sometimes, but not as much as someone with just autism, who might throw a fit instead of say, skip class or tell someone off. They are usually perceived as aloof, but some can be seen as too friendly. They can be childlike, but also too old if that makes sense. They revert back to childlke behaviors when facing unknown problems.
High functioning autism...I'm going to say the people with that might not have genius iqs, but they might have above average or normal, and interact differently with people. They are usually very sweet ALL the time, and not always aware of when people are making fun of them, unlike an Aspie who figures it out. This doesn't mean they don't sometimes realize it. They might not even care when someone does it coz they aren't thinking like it matters. They are in their own world more. They usually are very good at one or two things that will be their FAVORITE things they always talk about and do things about. I usually see high functionings as very sweet and always wanting to be nice or have others be nice. They don't seem to think about mean stuff or worry about what others are going to do, because they have their own thing.
I don't know if you find this true at all. Every one is different with their own personality, and can be a slight bit higher or lower on the scale.
A clinician, or a search on Google for the definitions and diagnostics, might help you more. Thought i'd give a personal perspective.
Category: Other - Diseases
What are some reasons as to why autism should not be ignored in schools?
Im doing a persuasive speech on autism for my AVID class thats due tomorrow. I have two reasons down already. One of them is bullying, and the other one is tantrums since they are known to do that. Are there any other reasons as to why Autism shouldnt be ignored in schools?
Answer: because all should be all not just certain people
everybody is entitled to the same thing as all others
no matter what the handicap is
each child needs to be taught that judge people for who they are not what they have
Category: Family
Ipad or Andriod Tablet What is better For Children with Autism?
I have a child that has ADHD and Aspergers syndrome was thinking about getting either an Ipad or a Andriod Tablet. I am a big fan of the Andriod but i hear i a lot of great things that the Ipad has to offer children with Autism and ADHD. I Just can pick! And to me they are the same just money wise is the big difference. It also comes down to how much the apps will cost me after i buy one.
Category: Special Education
What questions should the money for autism research address?
Would you be interested in finding if there is a relationship between paternal age and autism currently in the US? What specific questions do you want answered? Do you want pre-natal testing worked on?
Dear SpecEdtch,
. We need to get the data.You know how horrible the situation is for these kids and yet people keep ignoring the fathers age issue. It is not fair to to be so cavalier about the risks of later fathering because the parents are not the ones who have such agonizing lives. We now know that sperm mutate. If guys want to become fathers late I think they should banks their semen in their 20s. I hope you speak out,because you know a lot about the realities. I wish you the best in your work.
Maybe you could write a book about your experience because someone has to tell it like it is. It is not to make anyone feel guilty but to make people aware of reality.
Dear basketcase
Thank you, it is very exciting. In a 1980 study of autism in Sweden 34 was the mean age of the fathers and at that time this mean age was much older than the fathers is the non -affected group. I hope a lot of money goes to programs to help these kids as they grow up. But we may need to re-think what is an older father. Certainly 32 seems quite young now-a days. Alex
Answer: Yes, I would be interested in the parental age of autistic children. In my experience many of my students parents were older than 30 when they had their children.
I work directly with adolescents who are severely autistic with cognitive disabilities, and minimal to non-verbal in communication skills. My students are extremely aggressive. They are both self-injurious and assultive.
Finding material that is age appropriate is next to impossible. Add to that covering state curriculm as required by NCLB and its a deadend. My students do not benifit from being mandated to be instructed like non-disabled peers...actually this is torture and quite possibly part of the reason for violent aggressive behaviors. We are trying to emerse them in instructional materials that have no meaning to them, and will do nothing to better enable them to live the fullest lives they are able to live.
These children need intensive behavioral managment before they can learn about the water cycle, yet I am charged with teaching the water cycle by law and job description. BTW I was not told of the severity of behaviors that I confront daily when I interviewed for the job. I am there six months and I will be their at least until June maybe through the summer 07. I do not know if I am meant to work with this population, but I am acutely aware that these children are not receiving the help they need and this weighs on my heart and mind heavily.
I suppose simply put much research needs to be put into adolescent autistic children with severe behavioral disorders.
Category: Special Education
Autism - KidsHealth - the Webs most visited site about childrens ...
Autism is a brain problem that can make it hard for kids to communicate. Find out more in this article for kids.
WHAT IS AUTISM? Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More
Apr 12, 2010 ... WebMD provides information to your family about dealing with autism and answers common autism concerns including symptoms, causes, ...
CDC: 1 in 88 Kids Have Autism; USC Participated in Study
ATLANTA (AP) -- A new government report says autism is more common than previously thought, burdening as many as 1 in 88 children. Health officials attribute the increase largely to better recognition of cases, through wide screening and better diagnosis.
Autism Rate Higher than Ever — What is the Cause? http://t.co/vCebA1me
From: commonsensecons - Source: Tweet Button
CDC: U.S. kids with autism up 78% in past decade http://t.co/i8KHrnNa #news #Autism #CNN And what "nobody" knows is: WHY??
From: NewsIChoose - Source: web
RT @ErronA: The "new" #autism rate 1 in 88 is actually from data collected in 2008. That should make us all wonder what the actual 2012 rate is.
From: Ronni_Ross - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @ErronA: The "new" #autism rate 1 in 88 is actually from data collected in 2008. That should make us all wonder what the actual 2012 rate is.
From: TeamVos - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @nourishdhealth: #WellnessChat RT @kitchclassroom: What great things does yr child w/#autism do? My son is an awesome cook! Video demo: http://t.co/jb6BcNkw
From: kitchclassroom - Source: TweetDeck
Oh please live a day in my shoes.. then well talk..RT@JJHalladay: "I dont believe autism is a real disease" -Sia kenewa ... #what ...
From: MirandaMuller - Source: txt
I had a short 2 to 3 hour nap just a few minutes ago, and this is what I remember;In my stree... http://t.co/ghHdV9jN #aspergers #autism
From: Spectrumville - Source: twitterfeed
#Autism diagnoses are on the rise as more children have symptoms of what is considered to be on the autistic spectrum.
From: CABNewsOnline - Source: web
#WellnessChat RT @kitchclassroom: What great things does yr child w/#autism do? My son is an awesome cook! Video demo: http://t.co/jb6BcNkw
From: nourishdhealth - Source: TweetDeck
New #autism statistics: 1 in 88. What in the world is going on???
From: ErinEEagerton - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @ErronA: The "new" #autism rate 1 in 88 is actually from data collected in 2008. That should make us all wonder what the actual 2012 rate is.
From: Mother_Warrior - Source: Twitter for iPhone
What we have is an epidemic of ignorance, fear and misunderstanding about the autistic experience and of autistic persons. #autism
From: lifepostepic - Source: web
RT @ABAFrontiers: "At 1 in 88, let me be clear, the United States is experiencing an autism epidemic." @markroithmayr http://t.co/8bNHb21e
From: johnnyVARSITY - Source: web
Thanks big pharma... RT @fox9kmsp Is Autism over diagnosed? The rates have gone way up, so whats causing the spike?
From: codered45 - Source: TweetDeck
“@autismspeaks: Do you ever wonder, What is autism? Weve got you covered!! #autism #diagnosis http://t.co/f28QykNk”
From: Ciabooyah - Source: Twitter for iPhone