Supreme court justices : Videos
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Supreme court justices : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
California Courts - Justices
The Supreme Court of California has seven members — a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices, each appointed to 12-year terms by the Governor.
What was the “clear and present danger” test, and who were the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES associated with it?
What was the “clear and present danger” test, and who were the Supreme Court
justices associated with it? Is it the law today?
Answer: Clear and present danger is a doctrine used to test whether limitations may be placed on First Amendment free speech rights. It was established in the case of Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919). Charles Schenck, general secretary of the American Socialist Party was arrested and convicted for sending 15,000 anti-draft circulars through the mail to men scheduled to enter the military service. The circular called the draft law a violation of the 13th Amendment's prohibition of slavery. It went on to urge draftees not to "submit to intimidation," but to "petition for repeal" of the draft law.
The government accused Schenck of illegally interfering with military recruitment under the espionage act. Schenck admitted that he had sent the circulars, but argued that he had a right to do so under the First Amendment and was merely exercising his freedom of speech. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes held that Mr. Schenck was not covered by the First Amendment since freedom of speech was not an absolute right. There were times, Holmes wrote, when the government could legally restrict speech. According to Justice Holmes, that test is "whether the words...are used in such circumstances as to create a clear and present danger."
Category: History
Biographies of Current Justices of the Supreme Court is the official web site for the Supreme Court of the United States. This site is a source for information about the Supreme Court Cases, Oral ...
Very Bad Day for Obama Mandate in Supreme Court
The Supreme Courts conservative justices Tuesday laid into the requirement in the Obama administrations healthcare law that Americans have health insurance, as the court began a much-anticipated second day of arguments on the controversial legislation.
Justices Split in Questions on Insurance Mandate
WASHINGTON — With the fate of President Obama’s health care law hanging in the balance, a lawyer for the administration faced a barrage of skeptical questions on Tuesday from four of the Supreme Court ’s more conservative justices, suggesting that a 5-to-4 decision to strike down the law was a live possibility. Predicting the - By ADAM LIPTAK
Would it bother anyone if 8 of the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES were women?
If all the Supreme court justices suddenly died of swine flu and Obama picked 8 women and 1 man to replace them, would men be ok with that? What if they were all minorities, would that bother anyone?
Answer: Not as such.
If they were picked BECAUSE they were women and/or minorities, absolutely.
Category: Law & Ethics
Supreme Court Debates Striking Down Whole Health Law
But neither the Obama administration nor the challengers agreed, and the Supreme Court appointed H. Bartow Farr III, a Washington lawyer in private practice, to argue the point. Justice Antonin Scalia said an analysis of how to proceed could not ...
LETTER; A Critical Test of the Health Care Law
To the Editor: Re “ Sharp Questions in Court on Health Law Mandate ” (front page, March 28): The comparisons conservative justices made between health care and other consumer products and services, including cellphones, burial services and food, were disappointing insofar as they reflect a refusal to accept the full dimensions of the
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES remarks could signal trouble for health-care law
WASHINGTON -- The fate of President Barack Obamas health-care overhaul appeared to in deeper jeopardy Tuesday as the Supreme Courts conservative justices sharply and repeatedly questioned its core requirement that virtually every American ...
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Take Health Care Case Behind Closed Doors
WASHINGTON -- The survival of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul rests with a Supreme Court seemingly split over ideology and, more particularly, in the hands of two Republican-appointed justices.
Paul Kawata: SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Will Determine the Fate of ...
Providing access to health care for low-income Americans is absolutely essential if we are to bring an end to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Past U.S. Supreme Court Members —
Find information on the past U.S. Supreme Court members, ...
North Dakota Supreme Court
l-r: Justices Sandstrom, Kapsner, VandeWalle, Crothers, & Maring. Chief Justice Gerald W. VandeWalle Justice Dale V. Sandstrom Justice Mary Muehlen Maring
Secret Vote Opens Health Law Review Shaping Court Legacy
U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts will probably ask each of his eight Supreme Court colleagues gathered in an oak-paneled room tomorrow where they stand on the law that would expand health insurance to at least 30 million Americans and affect one ...
Who were the most important SUPREME COURT JUSTICES in history?
Im trying to study for nerd bowl, and the number of Supreme court justices is overwhelming. Who were the most important justices?
Answer: Marshall
Category: History
Justices Rule Against Pilot in Privacy Case
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that a private pilot whose H.I.V.-positive status was improperly shared between government agencies cannot collect damages for the emotional distress he suffered when he was punished for hiding his medical condition from the Federal Aviation Administration . In a case that pitted competing - By JOHN H. CUSHMAN Jr.
Sidebar — State of the Union Can Be a Trial for Supreme Court ...
Some members of the Supreme Court characterize the president’s annual address as “awkward” and “juvenile.”
LII Supreme Court Collection: Current SUPREME COURT JUSTICES
Current U.S. Supreme court justices. Chief Justice. John Roberts. Associate Justices. Samuel Alito · Stephen ... Supreme Court Toolbox. Become an LII sponsor ...
Supreme Court Hears Arguments to Health Care Law
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday is hearing arguments on the central question in the constitutional challenges to President Obama ’s health care overhaul law. How it answers the question depends in large part on how the justices decide to frame the core issue. The law’s challengers — 26 states led by Florida, the - By ADAM LIPTAK
The Supreme Court: Obamacares Death Panel?
But, as any Supreme Court insider will tell you, oral argument is overrated. Most of the justices have their minds made up before the hearings are called to order. So: what did we learn today that we didn’t already know? The Supremes may ...
List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States ...
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States. Its membership consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight ...
Jonathan Gruber, Health Care’s Mr. Mandate
After Massachusetts, California came calling. So did Connecticut, Delaware, Kansas, Minnesota, Oregon, Wisconsin and Wyoming. They all wanted Jonathan Gruber , a numbers wizard at M.I.T., to help them figure out how to fix their health care systems, just as he had helped Mitt Romney overhaul health insurance when he was the Massachusetts governor. - By CATHERINE RAMPELL
Justices of the Florida Supreme Court
Florida Supreme Court 500 South Duval Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925
Supreme Court Court Rejects Willy-Nilly GPS Tracking | Threat ...
The Supreme Court said Monday that law enforcement authorities ... who has argued dozens of cases before the Supreme Court, said in a telephone interview. The Justice ...
Congress looks for ways around Supreme Court - The Washington Post
Lawmakers are trying to get around Supreme Court decisions they dislike or simply go over the nine justices’ heads by rewriting the Constitution.
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES appear poised to sweep aside entire health ...
14 hours ago ... Conservative Supreme court justices argued Wednesday morning that without the individual mandate, the entire 2700-page health-care law ...
I admit my knowledge of the legal system is very limited, but thats why Im asking this question. My understanding of the supreme court is that they are supposed to interpret the law/constitution.
I just dont understand how there can be a 5-4 decision; it seems completely arbitrary to me. Why dont they just call it something along the lines of a "hung judiciary?" It seems fairly obvious that either a) the justices arent doing their job properly or b) the law isnt covered by the constitution and any interpretation from the constitution is extremely stretched.
If b) is the case why dont we amend the constitution or do something. It just seems strange to me that such important decisions can be made by a swing vote. I guess maybe its better than how a new law would be passed. But is the reason we allow them to implement as low 5-4 decisions just because we dont have any better options?
Unrelated, but it also seems strange to me that every election we seem to elect a leader that nearly half the population dislikes. This system seems weird to me too. I guess I cant think of anything better, but it seems like somebody should be able to; unless everybody is just interested in maintaining the status quo.
Answer: Well the legal system used by the UK, America, Australia, HK and other former British colonies not only allows for this sort of thing, it encourages it.
Some legal systems, such as China and much of Europe codify the laws, so that there is a very specific set of rules.
But the American legal system works on the principle there is the written law then there is the interpretation of the law (eg case law).
Eg, if there is a law that says you can't use offensive language, then it is up to the judges to interpret the meaning of offensive. For example with the common use of the F word on TV and in movies many judges believe it is no longer offensive to use this word.
In addition there are often a range of laws that conflict. For there might be something in the constitution that protects freedom of speech and another law that stops you spreading lies. These two laws are in fact in conflict.
In addition, you are right, many aspects of the consitution are in fact written very generally. Eg, the right to bear arms. The wording of this ammendment is very ambigious. What is meant by "bearing arms". Does it mean the right to own them, or the right to carry them in schools (eg teachers in some states are allowed to go armed). It seems that the wording implies the right to bear arms is only associated with a militia, but the grammar allows anyone to bear arms.
Yes, constitutions and laws can be ammended and improved. But often laws are badly written. Attempts to make things too explicit often makes the laws inflexible allowing people to escape punishment because of the letter of the law, or people going to jail when they are really done nothing wrong.
Yes, the legal system seems very odd. But think about everybody who kicks out the British (the Chinese in HK, Ghandi in India and the US) all say take your pansy soccer football, your warm beer and you annoying accents and go home, but they keep the legal system.
This system is complex, but it works. It is flexible. Courts can react to things that are happenning in the world without waiting for governments to do anything.
These interpretations are done while listening to experts present their arguments.
These happen over legal issues that are not clear (which is why they get challenged all the way to the supreme court).
One problem is that the judges are political appointments. If there is a Republican president you get conservative judges, and now you are getting left wing judges. This is part of it as well.
Finally the alternative is to have a highly beauracratic process, where anonymous bueracrats make rules (eg, this is how tax law works).
Anyway, I don't know if this answers your questions or confuses you more. But yeah, a lot of what you say is right, but also this is a system that works effectively in most cases.
Category: Law & Ethics
RealClearPolitics - SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Question Health Care Law
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sharp questioning by the Supreme Court's conservative justices cast serious doubt Tuesday on the survival of the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama's historic ...
EDITORIAL; Activism and the Roberts Court
The ideological nature of the health care case was obvious on the last day of oral argument. By the time the proceedings were over, much of what the conservative justices said in court seemed like part of a politically driven exercise — especially because the issues addressed on Wednesday were not largely constitutional in nature. In fact,
Supreme Court Closes Historic ObamaCare Arguments, As Public ...
21 hours ago ... On the final day of arguments over President Obama's health care law, Supreme Court justices struggled Wednesday over what to do with the ...
Supreme Court greets healthcare mandate with skepticism
Not since the mid-1930s has the Supreme Court struck down a major regulatory act of Congress. A ruling against the mandate would not necessarily overturn all of the healthcare law. The question of how much might be left is one the justices will ...
Supreme Court candidate Chafin proposes justice recusal reform
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- West Virginia Supreme Court candidate Letitia "Tish" Chafin proposed Wednesday that the court strengthen its rules that require justices to step aside from cases in which they have conflicts of interest. Chafins initiative was sparked ...
How can the people remove the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES that vote in favor of the government and not the people?
It appears we have in place Supreme court justices that feel a deeper obligation to the government than the people of this country and we should come together and rid ourselves of all these self serving thieves and liars we have in the courts and public offices.
Answer: You Can't.
You are stuck with the justice that is selected by the President and approved by the Congress.
Also- keep in mind-- for every Supreme Court decision you don't like - there is someone else who agrees with it.
Here is a list of current Supreme court justices and who appointed them:
John Paul Stevens - Ford
Antonin Scalia - Reagan
Anthony Kennedy- Reagan
David Souter - George HW Bush
Clarance Thomas- George HW Bush
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Clinton
Stephen Breyer - Clinton
John Roberts Jr- George W Bush
Samuel Alito - George W Bush
As you can see - most of the supreme court is made up of Republican appointees. In the next 4 years, it is expected that several justices may retire. Keep this in mind when you vote. The next president will appoint the replacement. You may want to consider voting Demacrate to allow for some balance on the court. Because like to or not, Presidents appoint Justices who support their political positions. A diversified court is a good thing. It makes sure that both sides are considered in the decisions.
Category: Elections
The Supreme Court's Many Median Justices « Statistical Modeling ...
The Supreme Court's Many Median Justices. Posted by Andrew on 28 March 2012, 9:01 am. Ben Lauderdale and Tom Clark wrote a paper in which they modeled Supreme Court judges as having different relative positions on different issues.
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Oh My: SUPREME COURT JUSTICES ...
The Supreme Court's conservative justices said Wednesday they are prepared to strike down President Obama's healthcare law entirely. Picking up where they left off Tuesday, the conservatives said they thought a decision ...
POLITICAL MEMO; Whatever the Ruling in Health Case, Bipartisan Fallout
WASHINGTON — The law professor side of President Obama is highly intrigued by the Supreme Court hearings over the constitutionality of his health care law . He studied a summary of the arguments aboard Air Force One as he flew back from a nuclear summit meeting in South Korea. The political side of the president may need to draw upon his - By JEFF ZELENY
When interpreting a law and applying it to a specific case, should SUPREME COURT JUSTICES take into account su?
When interpreting a law and applying it to a specific case, should Supreme court justices take into account such factors as the circumstances that existed at the time of the laws creation, and whether those circumstances have changed? Why or why not?
Answer: No. If the circumstances change, then it is the lawmakers responsibility to change the laws, not the courts. The laws are created for a reason, and how the law is written, and what the intent of the law was when written should be all that is considered.
Category: Law & Ethics
Supreme Court considers whether to let most of health care law stand
The "coercion" issue was surprisingly added to the health care debate by the Supreme court justices. Both sides of the issue agree that what the high court decides on Medicaid could have broad implications for the regulatory ability of the federal ...
Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Though subject to the process of impeachment, only one Justice has ever been impeached and no Supreme Court Justice has been removed from office.
Supreme Court Health Care Law: Justices Come Down Hard On ...
WASHINGTON -- After the Supreme Court oral arguments in the health care case Tuesday morning, the Obama administration better start preparing for the possibility of a future without the individual mandate. From the very ...
List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia ...
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States. Its membership consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and ...
NEWS ANALYSIS; In the Court, Split Seems Partisan
Many legal scholars, including some conservatives, have been predicting that the Supreme Court will uphold the 2010 health care overhaul . But after Tuesday’s arguments, when several justices asked skeptical questions about the heart of the law, a political lens seemed relevant, too. When Congress passed the law , 9 out of 10 Democrats voted - By DAVID LEONHARDT
Supreme Court considers whether to let parts of health care law stand
Washington (CNN)-- The Supreme Court concluded a marathon public debate on health care Wednesday with justices signaling an ideological divide that could topple some or all of the the sweeping reform bill championed by President Barack Obama.
How many SUPREME COURT JUSTICES will vote to listen to the Obama case?
Two cases are now pending in the Supreme Court, and one of them will be privately reviewed on December 5th. IF 4 justices vote to listen to the case, it will go into a full-fledged review.
So, how many justices do you believe will vote in favor of taking the case to a review?
Answer: If you let your little fingers do the walking, you can find the actual Supreme Court docket of pending cases:
Where you will discover first case 08A391, an application for an injunction, which was DENIED by Souter.
Also 08-570, where it says "response" due by December 1. The FEC et. al. waived their right to respond; in other words, "this is not worth our time."
And here are the cases due to be argued (Berg's case is nowhere to be found):
There is no "private review" scheduled. I would be interested to see where you got that information.
Category: Elections
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES find government line in church-state case ...
In an important test of the boundaries of the separation of church and state, the US Supreme Court on Wednesday heard arguments in a case examining whether ...
3 days of hearings over, 2 justices may be key
WASHINGTON (AP) -- After three days of Supreme Court arguments, the questions justices asked the lawyers are the only tea leaves to read, however unreliable. That has led to the belief the fate of the health care law could lie with two justices.
The bigger Clarence Thomas scandal - Supreme Court -
FILE - In this Nov. 15, 2007, photo, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, left, sits with his wife Virginia Thomas, as he is introduced at the Federalist ...
How does the current president have the ability to affect the make-up of the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES?
How does the current president have the ability to affect the make-up of the Supreme court justices? How would a change in justices affect potential challenges to the Constitution?
Answer: the only way the president will be able to affect the current makeup is if those freaks, thomas, scalia, or alito retire and are replaced with liberals.
Category: Government
Divided on Division? SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Seem Split on Health ...
Some of the Supreme Court appear skeptical of the claim that, if they strike down the individual mandate provision, they must strike down the entirety of the Act. Early accounts of the justices from the courtroom appeared to be ...
Supreme Court and Obamacare: What happens next
who clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy from 2000 to 2001. For the Supreme Court, this week’s oral arguments were, in some ways, the easy part: The justices got to pepper the plaintiffs and defendants with questions about the law. Today ...
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES weigh health laws fate if no insurance mandate
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Courts justices appeared torn today over how much of President Obamas health care overhaul they will have to kill off if they decide that the requirement that Americans purchase health insurance is unconstitutional.
Key SUPREME COURT JUSTICES Express Skepticism Over ...
It appears that the Supreme court justices did not hear about the results of the GW Supreme Court deliberations. Key conservative justices expressed notably skepticism about the constitutionality of the health care law.
SUPREME COURT JUSTICES who disagree with the decision of the Court may explain their reasoning within the conc?
Supreme court justices who disagree with the decision of the Court may explain their reasoning within the concurring opinion.
Answer: Yes.
It is called a dissenting opinion.
Category: Government
Louisiana Supreme Court - Judgepedia
The Louisiana Supreme Court is the highest state court in Louisiana. Justices. The court includes seven justices who are elected for ten-year terms in partisan elections.
Minnesota Supreme Court - Judgepedia
The Minnesota Supreme Court is the highest court in the state of Minnesota. It consists of seven justices who are elected to the court in non-partisan elections for ...
How many SUPREME COURT JUSTICES will President Obama have the opportunity to appoint?
A. Obama will have the chance to appoint two in his first term and two more in his second term if he is reelected.
B. Supreme court justices serve lifetime appointments, so it is impossible to know in advance how many vacancies any one president will get to fill.
C. Obama will be able to appoint a new justice for every member of the Court over the age of 65.
D. Obama will be able to replace as many justices as he chooses.
Answer: "B" is the correct answer (do your homework, this stuff is actually kind of important).
However Justice John Paul Stevens is like 90 years old and supposedly retiring, so it's safe to say Obama is on deck for at least one Supreme Court nomination in his first term.
There were rumors that Bill Clinton was going to get picked but he personally denied them and recommended a younger person be nominated.
Category: Politics
How many SUPREME COURT JUSTICES were present at the State of the Union of 2012? How did they react to the?
How many Supreme court justices were present at the State of the Union of 2012? How did they react to the speech?
Answer: Didn't see a count but the they specifically showed Roberts, Ginsberg , Breyer and Alito. It's possible they were all there but those were the only ones showed on the station I was watching.
They were all poker faced about the whole speech when they showed them. I guess to pretend to be non-partisan.
Category: Government
Should we increase and improve security for the conservative SUPREME COURT JUSTICES?
Obama has shown he still uses Chicago-style politics. The constitutionality of the health care bill signed yesterday will be decided by the Supreme Court. Currently the Supreme Court has a majority of conservative Justices. Obama and the (majority) dimocrats get to appoint any replacement Justices if an "unfortunate accident" happens to one or more conservative Justices. Should we be increasing security for them?
Answer: Five of them, anyhow.
I dont think the four that ignore the Constitution are in danger.
Category: Politics
Supreme Court of the United States
Home | About the Supreme Court | Members of the Supreme Court of United States ... Current Chief Justice and Associate Justices are marked with green dots ...
What is a likely result of two conservative SUPREME COURT JUSTICES being replaced by two liberal judges?
What is a likely result of two conservative Supreme court justices being replaced by two liberal judges?
A. Earlier decisions will be overturned.
B. More conservative rulings will be given in the future.
C. The Court will become more balanced.
D. More liberal rulings will be given in the future.
Answer: The Supreme Court will attempt to keep up with current times while adhering to the values expressed in the Constitution. Individual freedoms will be emphasized, in keeping with past liberal rulings.
Category: Politics
Supreme Court of the United States
The date a Member of the Court took his/her Judicial oath (the Judiciary Act provided “That the Justices of the Supreme Court, and the ...
Supreme Court argues Medicaid expansion provision
"That is the leverage" the central bureaucracy holds, Roberts noted. The "coercion" issue was surprisingly added to the health care debate by the Supreme court justices. Medicaid is administered by the states with a combination of federal and state money.
Supreme Court Debates Striking Down Whole Health Law
WASHINGTON — The day after the Supreme Court suggested that President Obama’s health care law might be in danger of being held unconstitutional, the justices on Wednesday turned their attention to the practical consequences and political realities of such a ruling. The justices seemed divided on both questions before them: What should - By ADAM LIPTAK
Health Care Debate Ripples Across U.S. as Hearings End
The morning arguments before the Supreme Court had grown tense just as the lunch crowd was packing into the food court at a downtown Atlanta office complex to watch news coverage of the hearing. Over a meal of fast food, Bebee Dillard, a cleaning business owner, could not have been more pleased with the conservative justices, who were asking tough - By SUSAN SAULNY
Why dont Americans demand term limits on congressman and the ability to vote SUPREME COURT JUSTICES?
We dont need another Ted Kennedy or Strom Thurmond in this country. Why not limit them to 2 terms. What is wrong with the people electing justices to the supreme court? Most president only pick judges that agree with their way of thinking. Also a judge serving for life is ridiculous. They should have 2 terms as well.
Answer: We've demanded it, almost all of them have said they were for term limits at one time or another. But when it comes down to it, they just aren't all that interested in voting themselves out of one of the world's greatest gravy jobs.
The judiciary is supposed to protect the minority from the whims of the majority. Having them elected would defeat the purpose behind the checks and balances.
Category: Government
Supreme Court - Arkansas Judiciary
Section 16 of Amendment 80 describes the qualifications for an Arkansas Supreme Court justice: A justice of the Supreme Court shall be a licensed attorney for at least ...
How did the Republican Agenda affect the appointment of SUPREME COURT JUSTICES in the 1970s?
I need some homework help. Heres the entire question:
How did the Republican Agenda, begun by the Nixon administration, affect the appointment of Supreme court justices in the 1970s? Did the appointments promote this agenda?
Answer: republicans attempted to appoint conservative judges, who would interpret the constitution in a strict manner. (democrats try to appoint liberal judges, who will be more activist in nature) a study of the judges appointed since FDR will show that a good portion of them have been a "disappointment" to the president and/or his party, as they have turned out to be more liberal (or at least less conservative) than wanted by the republicans, and more conservative than wanted by the democrats who appointed them
about the only thing that can be said for certain of the supreme court judges, whether that were appointed by a republican or democrat, is that they knew they could not be fired, and so they voted the way they wanted to vote, usually voting their conscience, no matter who put them on the bench
Category: Homework Help
Biographies of Current Justices of the Supreme Court
President Reagan nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat September 26, 1986. Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate ...
Can a bill be passed to change the life time appointment of the SUPREME COURT JUSTICES to a limited period of?
Can a bill be passed to change the life time appointment of the Supreme court justices to a limited period of time to serve?
If so How? If not, Why?
Can a law be passed so that the citizens of the United States can vote for the Supreme court justices?
If so How? If not, Why?
Answer: I think that's in the constitution, & it's there for a reason. The reason is so that the judges are free from partisan politics. If they had to run for election/reelection, that would involve raising $$$, which means they would owe somebody. Being appointed once & serving until they retire means they are ( hopefully ) above politics & being influenced. Trying to keep them pure judges.
Category: Government
LII Supreme Court Collection: Current SUPREME COURT JUSTICES
Supreme Court Toolbox. Become an LII sponsor. Stay Involved
Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Court, which meets in the United States Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C., consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices who are ...
New York Law School Hosts Symposium on “Supreme Court Narratives: Law, History, and Journalism”
The New York Law School Law Review will convene legal experts, journalists, and authors to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court with a particular focus on the relationship between U.S. presidents and chief justices at crucial times in American history at a ...
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: RepubMsgs - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: ConservatiAlrt2 - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: twpto10atm - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: ConservatiAlrts - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: ConservatiMsgs - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: ConservatiMsg2 - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the U.S. Supr...
From: militantliberte - Source: twitterfeed
Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of the... @heritage
From: joedambrino - Source: twitterfeed
RT @kinggary: why talk about precedent for Supreme Court cases when we can predict outcomes the same way we do for congress? Justices are politicians
From: BryanPeeler - Source: HootSuite
RT @kinggary: why talk about precedent for Supreme Court cases when we can predict outcomes the same way we do for congress? Justices are politicians
From: jay_ulfelder - Source: HootSuite
US Supreme court justices divided, with several prepared to strike down President Obama’s healthcare law entirely
From: MarcP_NH - Source: web
JUSTICES HONE THEIR SCALPELS: The Supreme Court ended three historic days of oral arguments yesterday wit... via @daily
From: MiamiDefender - Source: The Daily
why talk about precedent for Supreme Court cases when we can predict outcomes the same way we do for congress? Justices are politicians
From: kinggary - Source: HootSuite
RT @BreakingNewz: Heritage - Morning Bell: And Now the Supreme Court Must Decide: For the past three days, the nine justices of th...
From: DZJumpmaster - Source: twitterfeed
Health Care Reforms Fate Now Rests With The Justices via @huffingtonpost
From: DrJamesDBaird - Source: The Huffington Post