Rachel maddow - At MSNBC A Professor As TV Host

Rachel maddow : Videos

RACHEL MADDOW "Rick Santorum has failed to collect enough signatures to make it onto the ballot "
RACHEL MADDOW "Rick Santorum has failed to collect enough signatures to make it onto the ballot "
The RACHEL MADDOW Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"
The RACHEL MADDOW Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"
RACHEL MADDOW on her book, Drift
RACHEL MADDOW on her book, Drift
Rick Santorum vs The Netherlands, on RACHEL MADDOW
Rick Santorum vs The Netherlands, on RACHEL MADDOW
Michael Moore on the RACHEL MADDOW Show, 2/27/12
Michael Moore on the RACHEL MADDOW Show, 2/27/12
Doug Wead on The RACHEL MADDOW Show MSNBC 2/10/12
Doug Wead on The RACHEL MADDOW Show MSNBC 2/10/12
RACHEL MADDOW- The more spills change_ the more they stay the same
RACHEL MADDOW- The more spills change_ the more they stay the same
RACHEL MADDOW Calls Out The Republican Lie That Obama Has Grown Government
RACHEL MADDOW Calls Out The Republican Lie That Obama Has Grown Government
RACHEL MADDOW Continues To Attack PolitiFact (Part 3)
RACHEL MADDOW Continues To Attack PolitiFact (Part 3)
RACHEL MADDOW Politifact, youre fired
RACHEL MADDOW Politifact, youre fired
David Letterman -_- RACHEL MADDOW - 2011.08.23
David Letterman -_- RACHEL MADDOW - 2011.08.23
Maddow: Proof Ron Paul Was Robbed In Maine.
Maddow: Proof Ron Paul Was Robbed In Maine.
RACHEL MADDOW takes down gay-to-straight conversion seminarist Richard Cohen (pt 1/2)
RACHEL MADDOW takes down gay-to-straight conversion seminarist Richard Cohen (pt 1/2)
RACHEL MADDOW Explores Right Wing Lying Echo Chamber
RACHEL MADDOW Explores Right Wing Lying Echo Chamber
RACHEL MADDOW Sarah Silverman keeps Perrys n-word problem from fading away
RACHEL MADDOW Sarah Silverman keeps Perrys n-word problem from fading away
Republican From Fox News Apologizes To RACHEL MADDOW
Republican From Fox News Apologizes To RACHEL MADDOW
David Letterman - RACHEL MADDOW Talks FOX News
David Letterman - RACHEL MADDOW Talks FOX News
RACHEL MADDOW Exposes The Republican Partys Election Fraud Hypocrisy
RACHEL MADDOW Exposes The Republican Partys Election Fraud Hypocrisy
Occupy Defends the Homefront: RACHEL MADDOW Highlights the Eviction Defence Movement
Occupy Defends the Homefront: RACHEL MADDOW Highlights the Eviction Defence Movement
RACHEL MADDOW Responds To The Suspension Of Keith Olbermann
RACHEL MADDOW Responds To The Suspension Of Keith Olbermann
RACHEL MADDOW and Tar Sands Oil Pipelines.mp4
RACHEL MADDOW and Tar Sands Oil Pipelines.mp4
RACHEL MADDOW: Michigans Dystopian (Corporate Republican) Future And Naomi Kleins Shock Doctrine
RACHEL MADDOW: Michigans Dystopian (Corporate Republican) Future And Naomi Kleins Shock Doctrine
RACHEL MADDOW The RACHEL MADDOW Show Man Cave Romney edition
RACHEL MADDOW The RACHEL MADDOW Show Man Cave Romney edition
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: RACHEL MADDOW, Part 1
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: RACHEL MADDOW, Part 1
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW, Part 1
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW, Part 1
RACHEL MADDOW fires PolitiFact
RACHEL MADDOW fires PolitiFact
RACHEL MADDOW Compares OWS to Mario Savios Protest
RACHEL MADDOW Compares OWS to Mario Savios Protest
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Happy Birtherday
Happy Birtherday
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Season 15, Episode 15050: Rachel ...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Season 15, Episode 15050: Rachel ...
Tucson continues to heal
Tucson continues to heal
Maximum comfort! RACHEL MADDOW Show Snuggies
Maximum comfort! RACHEL MADDOW Show Snuggies
RACHEL MADDOW Airs Abstinence Tape by Delaware Senate Hopeful (VIDEO)
RACHEL MADDOW Airs Abstinence Tape by Delaware Senate Hopeful (VIDEO)
Howdini: How to Make an Old Fashioned Cocktail
Howdini: How to Make an Old Fashioned Cocktail
Its awesome!
Its awesome!
Starting the week off right
Starting the week off right
Cable Highlights: Personal Attacks Instead of Issue Debates ...
Cable Highlights: Personal Attacks Instead of Issue Debates ...
Debunktion Junction
Debunktion Junction
Planets align on Rick Perry candidacy
Planets align on Rick Perry candidacy
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW Interview
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: RACHEL MADDOW Interview
Battle of the GOP campaign bigfoots
Battle of the GOP campaign bigfoots
Ignoring voters priorities, GOP targets abortion
Ignoring voters priorities, GOP targets abortion
Get excited
Get excited

Rachel maddow : Photo Gallery

RACHEL MADDOW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RACHEL MADDOW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RACHEL MADDOW - msnbc tv - RACHEL MADDOW show - msnbc.
RACHEL MADDOW - msnbc tv - RACHEL MADDOW show - msnbc.
MSNBC Extends Deal with RACHEL MADDOW - TVNewser
MSNBC Extends Deal with RACHEL MADDOW - TVNewser
The Secret to RACHEL MADDOW's Success -- New York Magazine
The Secret to RACHEL MADDOW's Success -- New York Magazine
RACHEL MADDOW Videos, Pics, News, Bio - AskMen
RACHEL MADDOW Videos, Pics, News, Bio - AskMen
I Am A TV Junkie: The RACHEL MADDOW Show (TV Show)
I Am A TV Junkie: The RACHEL MADDOW Show (TV Show)
RACHEL MADDOW | The Bill Dwight Show
RACHEL MADDOW | The Bill Dwight Show
Chicago Freedom And Reason Forum: Bravo To RACHEL MADDOW?
Chicago Freedom And Reason Forum: Bravo To RACHEL MADDOW?
RACHEL MADDOW News - The New York Times
RACHEL MADDOW News - The New York Times
2009 March « swandiver
2009 March « swandiver
Sooo, RACHEL MADDOW, you're admitting The Pill kills newly ...
Sooo, RACHEL MADDOW, you're admitting The Pill kills newly ...
RACHEL MADDOW on Being 'Enraged' by Obama, and the Future of Fox ...
RACHEL MADDOW on Being 'Enraged' by Obama, and the Future of Fox ...
MaddowFans.com | The Unofficial RACHEL MADDOW Fansite | TRMS
MaddowFans.com | The Unofficial RACHEL MADDOW Fansite | TRMS
RACHEL MADDOW's Yearbook Picture [
RACHEL MADDOW's Yearbook Picture [
RACHEL MADDOW Fires Back At Fox News Pundit Who Wished She Was ...
RACHEL MADDOW Fires Back At Fox News Pundit Who Wished She Was ...
MSNBC host RACHEL MADDOW - 'No one's gonna confuse me with a Fox ...
MSNBC host RACHEL MADDOW - 'No one's gonna confuse me with a Fox ...
RACHEL MADDOW being interviewed at the 2009 New Yorker Festival ...
RACHEL MADDOW being interviewed at the 2009 New Yorker Festival ...
RACHEL MADDOW followed with more information on FAIR on Friday night ...
RACHEL MADDOW followed with more information on FAIR on Friday night ...
Maddow: Pro-Junk Food Republicans rachel-maddow – Fair Food Fight
Maddow: Pro-Junk Food Republicans rachel-maddow – Fair Food Fight
RACHEL MADDOW Speaks on the Arts at Jacobs Pillow Saturday - Behind ...
RACHEL MADDOW Speaks on the Arts at Jacobs Pillow Saturday - Behind ...
RACHEL MADDOW, Political ...
RACHEL MADDOW, Political ...
RACHEL MADDOW responds to Bill O’Reilly over ACORN, Shirley Sherrod ...
RACHEL MADDOW responds to Bill O’Reilly over ACORN, Shirley Sherrod ...
RACHEL MADDOW « The Outskirts
RACHEL MADDOW « The Outskirts
RACHEL MADDOW Extends MSNBC Contract (Exclusive) - The Hollywood ...
RACHEL MADDOW Extends MSNBC Contract (Exclusive) - The Hollywood ...
RACHEL MADDOW | Official Personal Website
RACHEL MADDOW | Official Personal Website
RACHEL MADDOW To Attack Prolifers!
RACHEL MADDOW To Attack Prolifers!
RACHEL MADDOW referred to the filibuster as “the key to everything ...
RACHEL MADDOW referred to the filibuster as “the key to everything ...
WND: RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC sued for defamation by Minnesota based ...
WND: RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC sued for defamation by Minnesota based ...
RACHEL MADDOW Tells Katie Couric, “I’m Not Competing on the Pretty ...
RACHEL MADDOW Tells Katie Couric, “I’m Not Competing on the Pretty ...
New books: Carl Hiaasen, RACHEL MADDOW on the US military, Peter Beinart on Zionismi
New books: Carl Hiaasen, RACHEL MADDOW on the US military, Peter Beinart on Zionismi
New books: Carl Hiaasen, RACHEL MADDOW on the US military, Peter Beinart on Zionismi
New books: Carl Hiaasen, RACHEL MADDOW on the US military, Peter Beinart on Zionismi
Republicans War on Women in Virginia - Bob McDonnell a.k.a. Governor Ultrasound
Republicans War on Women in Virginia - Bob McDonnell a.k.a. Governor Ultrasound
Republicans War on Women in Pennsylvania
Republicans War on Women in Pennsylvania
Push off and then its just keep moving
Push off and then its just keep moving
Republicans War on Women at the State Level welcomes Arizona - how to oppose HB2625...
Republicans War on Women at the State Level welcomes Arizona - how to oppose HB2625...
Attention All Republicans... Insert legislation here - Republicans War on Women
Attention All Republicans... Insert legislation here - Republicans War on Women
Republicans war on women - the female anatomy target zone
Republicans war on women - the female anatomy target zone
Favorite photo of RACHEL MADDOW tonight. Her and her Steinbeck award.
Favorite photo of RACHEL MADDOW tonight. Her and her Steinbeck award.
Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs actually - "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"
Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs actually - "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"
The Republican Brain
The Republican Brain
Mitt Romney playing peek-a-boo in a pile of money
Mitt Romney playing peek-a-boo in a pile of money
Airplane steward Mitt Romney serving hot 100 dollars to freshen your face with
Airplane steward Mitt Romney serving hot 100 dollars to freshen your face with
WonderCon 2012
WonderCon 2012
Mitt Romney and Mr. Peanut at the country club
Mitt Romney and Mr. Peanut at the country club
'Drift' by RACHEL MADDOW of MSNBC Traces American Militarism
'Drift' by RACHEL MADDOW of MSNBC Traces American Militarism
RACHEL MADDOW dedicates her book to Dick Cheney and calls him the dream guest
RACHEL MADDOW dedicates her book to Dick Cheney and calls him the dream guest
What's RACHEL MADDOW's favorite morning cocktail?
What's RACHEL MADDOW's favorite morning cocktail?
Rachel on the road
Rachel on the road
RACHEL MADDOW: The Fresh Air Interview
RACHEL MADDOW: The Fresh Air Interview
4000 days of war in Afghanistan?
4000 days of war in Afghanistan?
RACHEL MADDOW: 'Focusing on veterans is a thank-you'
RACHEL MADDOW: 'Focusing on veterans is a thank-you'
RACHEL MADDOW Explains New Book: 'We Have Gone To War So Frequently And Felt ...
RACHEL MADDOW Explains New Book: 'We Have Gone To War So Frequently And Felt ...
RACHEL MADDOW: Mitt Romney 'Lies All The Time' (VIDEO)
RACHEL MADDOW: Mitt Romney 'Lies All The Time' (VIDEO)
Hatch's Shifting Stance on Healthcare
Hatch's Shifting Stance on Healthcare
Cash-strapped Gingrich cuts staff
Cash-strapped Gingrich cuts staff
Thursday's talk shows
Thursday's talk shows
Everybody Loves RACHEL MADDOW
Everybody Loves RACHEL MADDOW
RACHEL MADDOW Defends Controversial 'Doonesbury' Comic Strip, Cartoonist Garry ...
RACHEL MADDOW Defends Controversial 'Doonesbury' Comic Strip, Cartoonist Garry ...
RACHEL MADDOW: Rush Limbaugh A 'Dummy' Who 'Doesn't Know What Birth Control Is ...
RACHEL MADDOW: Rush Limbaugh A 'Dummy' Who 'Doesn't Know What Birth Control Is ...
RACHEL MADDOW: Gov. Bob McDonnell's Vice Presidential Chances Hurt With ...
RACHEL MADDOW: Gov. Bob McDonnell's Vice Presidential Chances Hurt With ...

Rachel maddow : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Doug Craigs blog

Recently Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe was interviewed by Rachel maddow about his new book called, The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, and he said, "Do you realize I was actually on your side of this issue when I was ...


Because of an editing error, the Media Equation column on Monday, about competition and new consumer choices in media, misidentified the organization that started The Daily, an iPad-only news report. It is News Corporation -- not The Wall Street Journal, which the corporation owns. The column also misstated the time slot occupied by The Rachel

Drift’ by RACHEL MADDOW of MSNBC Traces American Militarism

A squabble is a noisy quarrel over a trivial matter. A polemic is an aggressive attack on the opinions and principles of others. A screaming match is a contest in which contradictory points are stubbornly reiterated, with no regard for whatever ...

The Maddow Blog

The Maddow Blog. ... The Dan Rather Reports piece that Rachel mentioned on the air tonight is called "A Dire Strait." It debuted last night, but there is a second ...

RACHEL MADDOW - msnbc tv - RACHEL MADDOW show - msnbc.com

Rachel maddow hosts MSNBC’s primetime hit, the critically acclaimed “The Rachel maddow Show.” “The Rachel maddow Show” features Maddow’s take ...

WATCH: Sen. Wendy Davis talks fire-bombing, Planned Parenthood with RACHEL MADDOW

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, appeared on “The Rachel maddow Show” Wednesday night in response to the fire-bombing of her office in Fort Worth Tuesday afternoon. While initially thought to be an attack because her recent media attention for con ...

RACHEL MADDOW | Official Personal Website

Rachel maddow is the host of “The Rachel maddow Show” which airs on MSNBC at 9:00 pm Eastern, Monday through Friday, and is rebroadcast at midnight ...

THE MEDIA EQUATION; New Rules For the Ways We Watch

For the last year, media pundits like me have been running around screaming our heads off about falling skies and collapsing paradigms, and yet as 2011 comes to an end, the sky is still there. Yes, competition is storming out of every device and connection, and consumers have choices and leverage they never dreamed of. But network television - David Carr The Media Equation column holds the inertia that has kept consumers from bolting from traditional content providers is beginning to erode as a new generation remakes media in its own image; contends that even as some of the old truisms in media still pertain, a few new rules are taking shape; offers tips about what to watch for in the new year. Photos (M) - E-mail: carr@nytimes.com; Twitter.com/carr2n - By DAVID CARR

Maddow: People hate Obamacare, but love its provisions

MSNBC host Rachel maddow said Wednesday night that although polls have found that most Americans have an unfavorable view of Obama’s health care reform, they overwhelming approve of the actual provisions of the law. “So, you ask people if ...

RACHEL MADDOW Explains New Book: ‘We Have Gone To War So ...

Rachel maddow appeared on Meet the Press today to promote her new book Drift, arguing that the United States has entered a state of perpetual war. She heaped a lot of ...

RACHEL MADDOW Show - msnbc.com - Breaking news, science and tech ...

Rachel on Meet the Press this morning to talk about Drift Santorum cruises in Louisiana. This Week in God

Hiring our Heroes - RACHEL MADDOW: Focusing on veterans is a ...

Sunday, David Gregory and Rachel maddow discussed her new book, "Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power" on NBCs "Meet the Press." Of our ...

Inhofe v. Maddow on global warming

UPDATE#4: (3/15 12:30 p.m.) Inhofe’s office says he will be ont the Rachel maddow show tonight. UPDATE #3 (3/14, c. 12:30 p.m.): Inhofe spokesman Matt Dempsey e-mailed me an hour ago and said that they were told Maddow was a no-go today.

Did "The RACHEL MADDOW Show" come on Thanksgiving night and/or yesterday night this year?

I have the Rachel maddow show app on my phone so I can catch up on the shows that I missed the night before, but when I check for the latest episode, it hasnt updated. The last episode it updated was from Wednesday night. Is my app broken, or was there just not an episode on Thanksgiving? Thanks in advance.
Answer: I'm sure that everyone had the night off.
Category: Media & Journalism

RACHEL MADDOW MSNBC (@maddow) on Twitter

Sign up for Twitter to follow Rachel maddow MSNBC (@maddow). I see political people... (Retweets do not imply endorsement.)

what happened to the RACHEL MADDOW show in china?

didnt MSNBC already nationalize the chinese television? I used to watch lou dobbs, glenn beck, ed show, Rachel maddow show, u know foxnews, cnn, freaken msnbc, cnbc, all the freaken time on chinese television, and suddenly, the Rachel maddow show dissapears. what the hell?
Answer: it's on
Category: China

Tight Race Catches TV Anchors By Surprise

From their respective television studios in Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, the liberal MSNBC anchor Rachel maddow and the conservative Fox News commentator Karl Rove looked to Iowa and saw the same thing: a Republican race that was tight as a tick. Finally, they could agree about something. For a few hours on Tuesday night, the nations - Race between Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in the Iowa Republican caucuses appeared at first too close to call, catching nations television news anchors by surprise. (M) - By BRIAN STELTER

Is it just me or does RACHEL MADDOW act exactly like Keith Olbermann when speaking on MSNBC?

It almost seems as if Rachel maddow is acting just like Keith Olbermann and trying to mimic him? Am I the only one seeing this?
Answer: That's because they are twins. Identical twins, both male
Category: Media & Journalism

BOOKS OF THE TIMES; ‘Drift’ by RACHEL MADDOW of MSNBC Traces American Militarism

A squabble is a noisy quarrel over a trivial matter. A polemic is an aggressive attack on the opinions and principles of others. A screaming match is a contest in which contradictory points are stubbornly reiterated, with no regard for whatever else has been said. A political talk show is a gladiatorial contest in which squabbles, polemics and - By JANET MASLIN

Why is Sarah Palin scared to death of going on RACHEL MADDOWs show?

Why does Palin criticize Maddow in her speeches so much, but refuses every single invitation for an interview on Rachels show?
Answer: 1. Because Palin knows Maddow will destroy her career. 2. Palin refuses to go on any show unless all questions are screened prior to the show. 3. Maddow is smarter and much more intelligent than Palin and they both know it. 4. Palin knows that would be the biggest mistake of her life. 5. Palin is just a puppet on a string and Maddow will make that known to everyone. 6. Palins advisors do not want Palin to become suicidal after the show. 7. Many other reasons including what a lot of answers here state.
Category: Politics

Never to keep an unnecessary soldier”: RACHEL MADDOW’s new book misquotes Thomas Jefferson

MSNBC’s Rachel maddow has a new book out called Drift. I won’t review it because I’d have to buy it. The Soros-funded Media Matters assigns 10 people to each Glenn Beck book, but I’ll just have to go by her Amazon.com book description ...

Bark Bark Woof Woof: Does RACHEL MADDOW Read This Blog?

Does Rachel maddow Read This Blog? Yesterday in discussing the Supreme Court arguments over the healthcare law and those who are against it, I noted,. I wonder how many of those senators and congresspeople who ...

Would you agree that RACHEL MADDOW has a liberal bias?

I watched some of Rachel maddows show for the first time last night and couldnt believe how slanted it was towards democrats and liberal beliefs.
Answer: The entire media does.
Category: Politics

how to watch the RACHEL MADDOW show in australia?

i heard they got morning joes, some foxnews and even CNN, but no Rachel maddow show?
Answer: I haven't seen any mention of it in our TV guides so I guess we don't have it.We have way too many USA shows anyway.
Category: Other - Australia

MSNBC Is Close to Falling to Third Place in Cable News Ratings

How badly has MSNBC been hurt by the loss of Keith Olbermann? Enough, apparently, to be on the verge of falling back into third place among the cable news networks. The ratings results for the month of September show that CNN, long relegated to third place in the prime-time cable news competition, is edging its way back up, while MSNBC is moving in - By BILL CARTER

RACHEL MADDOW : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Rachel maddow On Her New Book, Obama's National Security Policy And Reagan's PJs · Quick Read ... Rachel maddow: Mitt Romney 'Lies All The Time' ...

Santorum’s Changing “Google Problem” — & Search Engine Land — Make The RACHEL MADDOW Show

As we covered last week, Google’s search results for a search on “santorum” have gotten a lot cleaner recently. The change was featured on The Rachel maddow Show last night, and Search Engine Land’s coverage got a big shout-out. The clip is below ...

RACHEL MADDOW Talks Drift, The Military, President Obama And ...

Rachel maddows new book, "Drift: The Unmooring Of The American Military," has been a passion project for the MSNBC host for years. Maddows main ...

RACHEL MADDOW | Jeff Thigpen - Standing up to banks, putting who ...

In a TRMS exclusive, Rachel maddow reports on one North Carolina town standing up to the big banks that destroyed the housing market and the lives of many local families with foreclosures that may turn out to be fraudulent.

Dolores Park Celebrity Map 2012: RACHEL MADDOW Likes Dolores Park, Riding Muni

Formerly bespectacled Rachel maddow loves riding Muni, the MSNBC host told Vanity Fair. Shes a big fan of taking the J-Church up to "the top corner of Dolores Park" (a.k.a. "the fruit shelf," where the gays converge because its arguably the ...

RACHEL MADDOW Remembers Her Bay Area Roots

Bay Area girl Rachel maddow has done well for herself since leaving the Bay Area in 1995. After being raised in Castro Valley and graduating from Stanford, the MSNBC political commentator went on to earn her PHD from the University of Oxford.

A Warning from RACHEL MADDOW about Moral Cost of Apathy towards War

On Meet The Press, Rachel maddow discussed her new book and troubling development of collective American apathy towards perpetual war.

RACHEL MADDOW Talks 'Drift,' Drinks Cocktails On 'Today' (VIDEO)

Rachel maddow appeared on the fourth hour of "Today" — drink in hand — to discuss her upcoming book "Drift" on Tuesday.

Do you think RACHEL MADDOW will win or lose the lawsuit against her?

Rachel maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation A lawsuit seeking in excess of $50 million has been prepared against MSNBC and its talk-show entertainer Rachel maddow over statements she made about a Minnesota-based ministry.
Answer: depends on who has more money wondering if this will fall under freedom of speech
Category: Politics

RACHEL MADDOW Caught Doctoring Quote From Jefferson in Her Book Drift

Seeing how Rachel maddow once insisted the Constitution has no preamble-- this from a woman with a doctorate in political science from Oxford -- it hardly comes as a shock when she misquotes Thomas Jefferson to her liking. In her new book ...

Veterans of Iraq War, Some Argue, Deserve Parade in the City, Too

The New York Giants on Tuesday will be showered with confetti and greeted by throngs as they are feted with the citys most storied honor: a parade through its Canyon of Heroes. But all the fanfare -- the parade this week is the fourth since 2000 to honor a sports team -- has touched off anger and unease among some returned Iraq veterans, who are - Fanfare over parade to celebrate the New York Giants Super Bowl victory has touched off anger and unease among some returned Iraq war veterans, who are eagerly awaiting their own recognition. Photo (M)p - By KATE TAYLOR

RACHEL MADDOW, the Lovable Wonk

With the release of her latest book, Drift, MSNBC’s biggest star shows once again why shes captured the liberal imagination.

RACHEL MADDOW Show - msnbc.com

msnbc.com presents... The Rachel maddow Show. MSN Home; |; Mail; |; Sign Out · msn.com. Latest headlines. There is no 'Cornhusker kickback' · Today in ...

RACHEL MADDOW Says Honesty Is Easier - The Frisky

Don't lie--you have to remember it! The single best thing about honesty is that it requires no follow-up. Every lie is something you're responsible for as long.

When All Else Fails . . . Fore!

On the northern edge of Benton Harbor, just beyond the grim grid of housing projects, shuttered storefronts, boarded-up homes and junk-laden yards that dominate much of the town, sits an emerald oasis known as Harbor Shores. As the name suggests, Harbor Shores is a resort development. At its heart is a pristine Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course - By JONATHAN MAHLER

Maddows Insipid Amish Bus Driver Analogy Does Apply - to Sandra Fluke

Back on Feb. 7, MSNBCs Rachel maddow appeared on the "Today" show to talk with Matt Lauer about criticism of the new Obamacare rule mandating health insurance coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, sterilizations and contraception. "Is there ...

Does RACHEL MADDOW make you feel uncomfortable?

I really dont like The Rachel maddow Show. To me shes scary. She says scary things and it really bothers me. Same is true for FOX News.
Answer: She doesn't bother me. I don't watch her much, but I don't watch TV much, she seems more intelligent than most.
Category: Media & Journalism

RACHEL MADDOW: It Shouldnt Be So Easy to Start Wars | Danger Room ...

Let’s be blunt. What does a left-wing cable TV news show host know about war? Rachel maddow is up front that she’s a novice. “I’m no military ...

RACHEL MADDOW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rachel Anne Maddow (born April 1, 1973) is an American television host and political commentator. Maddow hosts a nightly television show, The Rachel maddow Show, on ...

RACHEL MADDOW MSNBC (@maddow) on Twitter

I see political people... (Retweets do not imply endorsement.) - Sign up for Twitter to follow Rachel maddow MSNBC (@maddow).

RACHEL MADDOW: Supreme Court Vote May Show If It's So ...

Earlier this morning, Rachel maddow appeared on NBC's Today to discuss the possible outcome of the ObamaCARE Supreme Court ruling. She implied that the court's decision would rely heavily on the partisanship of the ...

RACHEL MADDOW | Official Personal Website

Rachel maddow is the host of “The Rachel maddow Show” which airs on MSNBC at 9:00 pm Eastern, Monday through Friday, and is rebroadcast at midnight Eastern.

Does anyone else here think that RACHEL MADDOW is a bitter, twisted pompous and overly-masculine lesbian?

Dont get me wrong I like Ellen and lesbian pornography, but I tried to watch Rachel maddow once and I just couldnt stand her pomposity and disdain for Republicans.
Answer: I have no idea who she is, but I googled her and her face scares the s**t out of me. Where are all the hot lipstick lesbians with talkshows?
Category: Politics

Where can I find information on RACHEL MADDOWs ratings over the last year?

Im curious to see how Rachel maddows ratings have performed since shes been on the air, but I have trouble finding any place that looks at the long-term ratings performance of cable news shows. Is there any place on the web where I can see how tv cable news viewer ratings have performed over, say, the course of a year? Thanks.
Answer: This site seems to have a lot of information: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/category/cable-news
Category: Media & Journalism


The Rachel maddow Show (2008) · The Ides of March (2011) · Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (2009) · Late Show with David Letterman (1993). Born: Rachel Anne Maddow ...

Who is in the RACHEL MADDOW or Keith Olbermann Fan Club?

Liberals say Fox News is the worst, most hateful, racist, biased channel on the planet. So, who here are big fans of the always fair, never biased Rachel maddow or Keith Olbermann? What makes MSNBC one of the top 100 cable channels?
Answer: They are in the top 100 because there aren't more than 100.
Category: Politics

RACHEL MADDOW dedicates her book to Dick Cheney and calls him the ...

Rachel maddow must have Dick Cheney’s attention now. The MSNBC talk-show host has said more than once that the former vice president would be her dream ...

RealClearPolitics - RACHEL MADDOW, the Lovable Wonk

You can understand why MSNBC execs would want Maddow in this talismanic chair for the 2012 campaign. Young and sunny, she's their highest-rated anchor, especially among the magical 25-to-54 demographic, which ...

RACHEL MADDOW Talks Drift, The Military, President Obama And Reagans Pajamas

Rachel maddows new book, "Drift: The Unmooring Of The American Military," has been a passion project for the MSNBC host for years. Maddows main contention is that, since the Vietnam War, American national security policy has become more ...

Wendy Davis on the RACHEL MADDOW Show

State Senator Wendy Davis, the recent target of a Molotov cocktail attack, appeared on the Rachel maddow Show on Wednesday, where she discussed the attack and proceeded to make Texas look generally awesome. The interview really covers a lot of ground in a ...

At MSNBC, A Professor As TV Host

Week seven of Melissa Harris-Perrys introductory course in African-American studies at Tulane University includes a lecture about the hollow prize -- a theory that African-Americans tend to be elected as mayor only after a city has tipped into economic decline. One day last summer, when Ms. Harris-Perry was filling in for Rachel maddow on - Tulane University professor Melissa Harris-Perry will host MSNBCs progressive talk show on Saturday and Sunday mornings on the cable network; Harris-Perry will be the only tenured professor in the United States, and one of a very small number of African-Americans, serving as a cable news host. Photo (M) - By BRIAN STELTER

Why does RACHEL MADDOW flaunt her lifestyle while Matt Drudge respects his audience?

I was shocked to see Rachel maddow in the current issue of People openly flaunting her lifestyle. Isnt it more respectful to keep ones lifestyle private like GOP webmaster Matt Drudge? Drudge never throws it in your face and that seems much more honorable and family-friendly.
Answer: Who is Rachel maddow? Is she hot? Oh wait is she a Dem? then she is ugly
Category: Politics

What Episode of RACHEL MADDOW had the list of Osama hide outs?

I remember a few years ago (long before Osama was killed) seeing a segment on Rachel maddow show where she was interviewing some person from a think tank. They looked at what features a building would have to hide Osama Bin Laden and listed off a lot of possible locations. I remember them saying he would be in a house with tall walls, which turned out to be true. I would like to see that segment again to see if he was hiding in one of those houses listed.
Answer: Try MSNBC.com and see if they carry some form of archive video files.
Category: Media & Journalism

The Maddow Blog

Unlike previous appearances Rachel has made on Meet the Press, this time wasnt as part of a panel discussion. This morning she sat down with David Gregory ...

RACHEL MADDOW Drops a Bomb on 'Late Show' - TVNewser

Letterman spent two segments with MSNBC's Rachel maddow talking about her new book, “Drift” which comes out today, as well as her recent coverage of nukes. During the commercial break, and for a minute or so after the ...

RACHEL MADDOW: The Fresh Air Interview : NPR

For much of the past decade, journalist Rachel maddow has hosted her own radio and TV shows. And for much of that time, the popular MSNBC host has been thinking about ...

THE CAUCUS; Romney Attacked On Birth Control

President Obamas re-election campaign has been hammering Mitt Romney from many angles in recent weeks. And now Democrats are beginning a new push against him, this time using the issue of reproductive rights in a bid to raise doubts about Mr. Romney among women. The Democratic National Committee has scheduled a conference call for Thursday with - By ASHLEY PARKER

How did RACHEL MADDOW reach this conclusion?

On her state sponsored propaganda program Rachel maddow Suggested that a BLACK man LEGALLY carrying an AR style rifle is a clear example of White Racists trying to intimidate the POTUS. THE BLACK MAN with a rifle IS A WHITE RACIST? How did you come to that conclusion????? Thanks tex Heres the maddow link but i agree contessas is much more blatantly trunped up http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/32454548#32484953 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MHcCNWVe… http://www.nicholaskauffman.blogspot.com… AND no BS-NBC never mentions he is an African American, you have to go to a real news network to see the un edited pic.
Answer: It was MSNBC's Contessa Brewer who made the racial overtones statement. Contessa is the idiot here. Video is linked below. You are confusing Maddow with Contessa I think. But MSNBC staff make alot of mistakes, and their show hosts are obnoxious, that is why i dont watch it.
Category: Politics

Why wont more republicans go on the RACHEL MADDOW show?

I was watching Rachel maddow show last night and I was surprised to see a republican speak. They could at least explain why they wasnt for the stimulus plan since they didnt want to come up with anything to help the economy tactics that was brought on many people who had faith in them.
Answer: They're not smart enough to engage in political debate with Rachel.
Category: Other - Politics & Government

The RACHEL MADDOW Show | Facebook

The Rachel maddow Show - Rachel's Twitter: video: blog: - Starring: Rachel Maddow - Plot Outline: Rachel maddow hosts MSNBC's “The Rachel maddow ...

RACHEL MADDOW Explains New Book: 'We Have Gone To War So ...

Rachel maddow appeared on Meet the Press today to promote her new book Drift, arguing that the United States has entered a state of perpetual war. She heaped a lot of praise on U.S. troops as a very impressive group of ...

RACHEL MADDOW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rachel Anne Maddow is an American television host and political commentator. Maddow hosts a nightly television show, The Rachel maddow Show, on ...

RACHEL MADDOW: The Fresh Air Interview

For much of the past decade, journalist Rachel maddow has hosted her own radio and TV shows. And for much of that time, the popular MSNBC host has been thinking about how the United States uses military force — and how it starts and end wars. Maddows ...

Bob Herbert on RACHEL MADDOW: Justice Needed for Trayvon Martin ...

Demos Bob Herbert sits down with Rachel maddow to discuss the Trayvon Martin case and the racial politics surrounding the on-going investigation.

RACHEL MADDOW Show - msnbc.com

msnbc.com presents... The Rachel maddow Show. MSN Home; |; Mail; |; Sign Out · msn.com. Latest headlines. Today in hyperbole: Wisconsin Lt. Gov plays the ...

Is RACHEL MADDOW So Irrelevant That Even The Jeopardy Geniuses Are Unaware Of Her Existence?

What do you think ?about this fact about smart folks and liberal goons ??? http://www.breitbart.tv/who-is-rachel-maddow/ One Eyed- I found your answer to be rather offensive....but I won`t report you. I`m nice that way. Just ask my cats.
Answer: No, she is being pushed on to us by GE to sell liberalism. I am annoyed that I keep seeing commercials for MSNBC which really is a commercial for the Democratic party in a disguise. THe scary thing is Rachel maddows commercial. SHe actually look like a teenage boy going to comicon dressed as a jedi knight. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KJkK2KkiNP33EAGxSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cnMybzJvBHNsawNpbWc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Drachel%2Bmaddow%2Bmsnbc%2Bhoover%2Bdam%26fr%3Dslv8-msgr%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=300&h=195&imgurl=www.mediaite.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F04%2FPicture-170-300x195.png&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediaite.com%2Ftv%2Fmsnbcs-lean-forward-promo-campaign-moves-to-next-level-with-new-spots%2F&size=97.2+KB&name=MSNBC%E2%80%99s+%E2%80%98Lean+Forward%E2%80%99+Promo+Campaign+Moves+To+%E2%80%98Next+Level+...&p=rachel+maddow+msnbc+hoover+dam&oid=8274739c66036867edb8ce3bb82d3d65&fr2=piv-web&fr=slv8-msgr&rw=rachel+maddow+msnbc+hoover+dam&tt=MSNBC%25E2%2580%2599s%2B%25E2%2580%2598Lean%2BForward%25E2%2580%2599%2BPromo%2BCampaign%2BMoves%2BTo%2B%25E2%2580%2598Next%2BLevel%2B...&b=0&ni=128&no=2&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=131l73o9d&sigb=13n2bv62b&sigi=1238fdamo&.crumb=MoidbyxfFLb the actual commercial look more like a jedi robe.
Category: Politics

Thursday’s talk shows

“The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (10 p.m., Comedy Central): Journalist Rachel maddow. “Conan” (10 p.m., TBS): Actor Christian Slater; actress Eliza Coupe; music group Galactic. “Late Show With David Letterman” (10:35 p.m., Channel 2): Comedian ...

OP-ED COLUMNIST; The Round and the Oval

THERE are a great many things that Chris Christie is indeed too fat for. Spelunking, for one. Wriggling through subterranean caverns is safest for those of a lesser circumference. A middle seat in coach. That would be cruel to the people on the window and aisle, and some carriers might forbid it, as the movie director Kevin Smith, ejected not long - By FRANK BRUNI

To all the lesbians in the hood: is <b>Rachel maddow</b> screw, marry, or kill material. 

Asking for a friendTo all the lesbians in the hood: is Rachel maddow screw, marry, or kill material. Asking for a friend
From: Travispsyd - Source: Twitter for iPhone

'Drift' by <b>Rachel maddow</b> of MSNBC Traces American Militarism http://t.co/XqL3Zbjp'Drift' by Rachel maddow of MSNBC Traces American Militarism http://t.co/XqL3Zbjp
From: mjmailley - Source: Facebook

<b>Rachel maddow</b> on how she met her current partner: "She hired me to dig up tree stumps in her backyard."Rachel maddow on how she met her current partner: "She hired me to dig up tree stumps in her backyard."
From: matthewwaxman - Source: web

Santorum’s Changing “Google Problem” — & Search Engine Land — Make The <b>Rachel maddow</b> ShowSantorum’s Changing “Google Problem” — & Search Engine Land — Make The Rachel maddow Show
From: SearchEnginePNW - Source: web

Watching http://t.co/d8GVyuI7 video: Romney disavowal of mandate leaves him with no plan -   http://t.co/j6TQ4J6Z via @msnbcWatching http://t.co/d8GVyuI7 video: Romney disavowal of mandate leaves him with no plan - http://t.co/j6TQ4J6Z via @msnbc
From: dgendvil - Source: Tweet Button

Maddow: People hate Obamacare, but love its provisions: MSNBC host <b>Rachel maddow</b> said Wednesday night that altho... http://t.co/EHneS98gMaddow: People hate Obamacare, but love its provisions: MSNBC host Rachel maddow said Wednesday night that altho... http://t.co/EHneS98g
From: LovelyLioness23 - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Rachel maddow</b> might be the dumbest tv personalityRachel maddow might be the dumbest tv personality
From: adestremps873 - Source: Twitter for Android

hahaha @ <b>Rachel maddow</b>... hard in the paint.hahaha @ Rachel maddow... hard in the paint.
From: JayNilla - Source: web

I love <b>Rachel maddow</b>s sarcasm!I love Rachel maddows sarcasm!
From: berryflavord - Source: web

@maddow @SternShow You were great this morning Rachel!@maddow @SternShow You were great this morning Rachel!
From: FantasyOfMine - Source: web

RT @PinoysTV: Video: Mott Canyon-Heavenly-01/03/09 @ http://t.co/sRFwDFle #<b>Rachel maddow</b>RT @PinoysTV: Video: Mott Canyon-Heavenly-01/03/09 @ http://t.co/sRFwDFle #Rachel maddow
From: marlonmanaois - Source: Pinoys.TV Tweeter

Im watching The <b>Rachel maddow</b> Show #TheRachelMaddowShow @intonow http://t.co/R9dtvPHQIm watching The Rachel maddow Show #TheRachelMaddowShow @intonow http://t.co/R9dtvPHQ
From: Hungryciclid - Source: IntoNow

Im watching The <b>Rachel maddow</b> Show (100 others checked-in) http://t.co/x98pmS33 @GetGlue #maddowIm watching The Rachel maddow Show (100 others checked-in) http://t.co/x98pmS33 @GetGlue #maddow
From: DPopTart - Source: GetGlue.com

Video: Mott Canyon-Heavenly-01/03/09 @ http://t.co/sRFwDFle #<b>Rachel maddow</b>Video: Mott Canyon-Heavenly-01/03/09 @ http://t.co/sRFwDFle #Rachel maddow
From: PinoysTV - Source: Pinoys.TV Tweeter

'Drift' by <b>Rachel maddow</b> of MSNBC Traces American Militarism http://t.co/gKpIJTJK'Drift' by Rachel maddow of MSNBC Traces American Militarism http://t.co/gKpIJTJK
From: virtusolutions - Source: Facebook

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