Capybara : Videos
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Capybara : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings The Gershwins Porgy and Bess (in previews; opens on Jan. 12) Controversy swirled around this revival of the
Jun 21, 2007 ... Petting a Capybara at the Explorama lodge on the Napo River off the Amazon in Peru.
CIRCUS REVIEW; Rodent in a Roadster And Other Spectacles In a One-Ring Realm
Any circus with a Capybara riding in a car impresses me. Any circus with a Capybara, period. This South American creature looks like a streamlined woodchuck. It can grow to more than four feet long and weigh over 100 pounds, making it the worlds largest rodent. Bob, a member of that illustrious species, is now appearing in the Big Apple Circus, - By LAUREL GRAEBER
CAPYBARA | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
Capybaras official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
What animal is like a cross between a CAPYBARA and a tapir?
It is large and gray, with tiny ears. It looks sort of like a tapir but my friend said it was a Capybara... though I thought all Capybaras had short, brown fur. Thanks!
Answer: The animal in the picture is a Malayan tapir. There are 4 species of tapir, and this is the only one found outside of Central and/or South America. The other three are the Brazilian tapir (also called the South American tapir), the mountain tapir and the Baird's tapir. All of these three are predominantly brown, whilst the Malayan tapir, as you can see in the picture, is black and white.
Capybaras are rodents, and look like this:
They are unrelated to tapirs other than their both being mammals - tapirs belong to the order Perissodactyla, along with horses and rhinos.
Category: Zoology
I Want to Train my CAPYBARA to Light Fires?
And how to make it ride goats. I already trained my panda to light fires.
Answer: Just give it a match and some wood.
Wait, I'll bring my unicorn over and we can train them together...
Category: Rodents
CAPYBARA Facts - National Zoo| FONZ
Capybara Facts. Order: Rodentia Family: Hydrochoeridae Genus and Species: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris. Capybara are the largest rodents in the world.
CAPYBARA discovered near California sewage treatment plant (video ...
On July 22, a giant rat (or guinea-pig) called the Capybara was seen spending a lazy day in a wastewater treatment plant in Paso Robles, Ca. The Capybara ...
CAPYBARA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest extant rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs. Native ...
CAPYBARA (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) - Animals - A-Z Animals ...
Capybara Classification and EvolutionThe Capybara is a large, semi-aquatic rodent that is found inhabiting the water-logged regions of Central and South America.
How do i get a CAPYBARA for a pet?
I want a Capybara! How do I go about buying one? Does anyone know how much it costs or where I get one? Theyre legal to have as pets, although they dont recommend it. Why dont they recommend it? Lol Id love to know why.
Answer: Check out my blog at The FACute has information about what it is like to keep a pet Capybara and how to get one. There are breeders in the US. I am not a breeder, I just have one pet Capybara named Caplin Rous, arguably the most famous Capybara in the world. A Capybara is a BIG commitment. They need a lot of land, a swimming pool, lots of attention, grass to graze on that is uncontaminated with herbicides and or pesticides, they can be aggressive and they weigh anywhere from 80-140 lbs (Caplin is about 100 lbs). In addition, they do not do well with the cold and you may require a permit. Please read my entire blog and watch the YouTube videos on the CaplinCapybara channel before considering a pet Capybara.
Category: Other - Pets
CAPYBARA: Giant rodent probably exotic pet who broke free ...
Officials said the Capybara spotted in Paso Robles was probably an exotic pet that somehow got loose and doubt there are more of them roaming around the ...
Can a CAPYBARA be kept as a pet? Would it make a good pet?
I dont want to get one. I was just wondering.
They are very cute.
Answer: Hypothetically, yes. But realistically, no EFFING way.
I'm an animal trainer for a zoo and we have a rescued Capy that used to be a pet. Claudius is a good boy in general, but he is bitey at times and can get pushy with the wrong people.
You will have a really hard time getting a license for one, nevermind the process of finding a good Capy. And the upkeep of any wild animal is extremely challenging.
Leave exotics to the professionals. If you want something unique, there are tons of great alternatives that won't leave you bitten up, bankrupt and/or in jail.
Category: Other - Pets
Pixel-art iPhone and iPad adventure title Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP just £1.49/$1.99 in celebration of spring equinox
Capybaras Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, which managed to nab a Pocket Gamer Silver Award back in March 2011, is on sale for today only in celebration of the spring equinox. Yes, you can now download this acclaimed pixel-art adventure title for your ...
Where can i buy a CAPYBARA, spider monkey and a golden retriever?
When i get my own house, These are the pets that i want SO badly. I know i need a licence for the first 2 because of where im from.
Answer: Sorry, but monkeys don't ever make good pets. Please don't even consider it. Your "freedom" to choose your pet shouldn't override the monkeys' right to live a decent life. You can NOT provide a pet monkey with a decent life.
There are groups that actively advocate what they call ‘responsible ownership’ of primates, but these groups are usually largely concerned more with the maintenance of their ‘right’ to keep monkeys than with the welfare of the monkeys themselves. Groups and individuals that are seriously concerned with the welfare of individual monkeys as well as with human safety and conservation of threatened wild primate species inevitably agree: monkeys are not pets.
There is no such thing as a ‘domestic’ primate – all primates (apart from humans!) are wild animals. Domestication is a process that happens over many generations of selective breeding. Simply being born in captivity does NOT mean domestication!
Chances are, upon reaching adolescence, pet monkeys will become unmanageable, unpredictable and dangerous as they try to assert themselves and as their natural instincts kick in and they do not know what to do with them. Their owners and their owners’ friends and families are at real risk of serious injury. Even small monkeys can be dangerous as they are strong, quick and clever. Pet monkeys who have become threats are often confined to small cages to live out the remainder of their lives with no further hope of social contact.
In order to be kept as pets, primates are usually taken from their mothers as infants – whereas they would naturally depend on their mothers for long periods of time, and would maintain close bonds for years. This separation causes acute psychological suffering and lasting damage to both mothers and infants. This also makes infant monkeys particularly needy and responsive to human interaction – which is often mistaken for happiness by their new ‘owners’.
All primates are social animals. Denied the opportunity to interact with others of their own kind, pet primates often develop serious psychological problems such as severe aggression, depression, and/or stereotypical behaviours such as rocking, pacing and self-mutilation.
Primates have physical and psychological needs which are very difficult to meet in captive situations, such as the need for high levels of intense natural light; the need for vertical space; the need for constant mental stimulation; and the need for an appropriate diet. They are built perfectly for survival in their natural habitats, and are not suited to lives of confinement and solitude.
Wild primates spend a huge portion of their waking hours travelling and foraging in search of food. They urinate and defecate wherever they happen to be. In the home, this translates into destruction and mess.
Some primates can live for forty or fifty years – a factor which is rarely taken into consideration by prospective pet owners. When pet monkeys outlive their owners (or their owners’ finances or patience!), provisions must be made for their future – but sanctuaries are few and many of these are filled to capacity.
Some primates are known to be carriers of diseases which can and do get passed on to humans. The Simian Herpes B virus - which is carried by a “high percentage of macaques” and is “almost always fatal to humans”- is not reliably detectable by testing. Additionally, diseases which seem inconsequential to humans can infect and kill monkeys.
All primates are threatened in the wild. The keeping of pet monkeys in places like the USA and the UK appears to have a negative impact on wild populations, whether directly (to feed these trades) or indirectly (by setting examples... if people in America can keep monkeys as pets, why shouldn't people in habitat countries?).
Why would anybody choose to keep monkeys as pets in light of all of the above? It is clearly not in the interest of any monkey to be kept as a pet - it is a selfish act that causes all kinds of misery. Please do not do it.
Category: Other - Pets
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings Blood and Gifts (in previews; opens on Nov. 21) This new play from J. T. Rogers is a spy-versus-spy drama laced
CAPYBARA (Sons of Anarchy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Capybara" is the eleventh episode of the FX television series Sons of Anarchy. It was written by Kurt Sutter and Dave Erickson, and directed by Stephen T. Kay. It ...
Can a CAPYBARA and Patagonian Cavy be housed together?
I know they eat similar things but if theyre housed together, would they get along?
Answer: Yes, they can. They will get along as long as you don't have territorial males.
There is a zoo in my state that has a large enclosure with Capybara, cavies, munt jac deer, and some chickens all together.
As long as they have enough space, they should be fine.
Category: Other - Pets
CAPYBARA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest extant rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs.
noun a South American tailless rodent, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, living along the banks of rivers and lakes, having partly webbed feet: the largest living rodent ...
2012 Canadian Videogame Awards Announce Finalists
Battlefield 3 - DICE/Electronic Arts Cows vs. Aliens - XMG Studio Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP - Capybara Games To the Moon - Freebird Games Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Relic Entertainment For full event information please visit ...
CAPYBARA - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
Capybaras are the largest members of the order Rodentia (rodents), growing to weigh from sixty to one hundred seventy pounds. They are found in central and eastern ...
where can i get a CAPYBARA stuffed animal?
i absolutely love cabybaras. Theyre are my favorite animal and i really want a real one. Since I cant, i want i stuffed animal. Does anyone know where i can order one online?
Answer: Everything is on Ebay
Category: Toys
How much guinea pig food does a CAPYBARA eat each day?
They are rodents and look like giant guinea pigs. They are herbivores.
Answer: None - but they do eat 6-8 lbs of grass or other forage in a day
Category: Rodents
Why do beavers and CAPYBARAs look similar if they evolved from different ancestors?
Thats the whole question up there.
Why do beavers and Capybaras look similar if they evolved from different ancestors.
Answer: They occupy similar ecological niches. Natural selection gave rise to similar structures and appearances from two different starting points, because the two animals do basically the same things.
Category: Biology
What would explain spider monkeys and CAPYBARA being friends at that zoo in the news recently?
You dont need to be a zoologist or wildlife biologist, just a guy with a reasonable intellect. Why are they friends? Im not sure I know the answer but when I see it Ill know it.
Answer: There could be all kind of reasons, there have been so many odd couples at zoos, it's not natural. In the wildlife, these two animals wouldn't encounter each other. The spider-monkey would live in the canopy and the Capybara on the forest floor. Perhaps it's loneliness that may have made them friends or just curiosity.
There are some zoos I agree with, but it makes you wonder why these completely different animals befriend each other in zoos, but not in the wild. They live different lifestyles, and that's how it should be really. Though it's pretty cute when you see that, or when a mother animal adopts a baby of a different species. But overall, I think when an animal from the wild is put in a strange habitat, you're going to get strange behaviour.
"Officials at Japan`s most popular zoo say a territorial dispute might have led a Capybara, a large South American rodent(Capybara), to kill a spider monkey."
Is this a different story?
Category: Zoology
Artists enjoy more relaxed Quick Finish format
"Ha, ha, funny," she said. "Its certainly not a Capybara." If anyone confused the colorful bear for the worlds largest rodent, they must have been riding the range too long before stepping into the Heritage Inn for the Western Masters Quick ...
Capybara lives in Kansas City, MO. Mark, Jared, Darin, & Joel say "Hullo!" To which you reply "And hullo to you!" What naybors we are. Leben, duben. Go ahead ...
Worlds Largest Rodent Spotted at California Wastewater Treatment ...
A Capybara, also known as Carpincho in Spanish, eats a plant at the zoo in Asuncion, Paraguay, Friday Feb. 18, 2011. The Capybara, Hydrochoerus ...
CAPY – It's Getting There » Blog Archive » SUPER TIME FORCE ...
Super T.I.M.E. Force infiltrating PAX East « MonkeyLoverz! says: [...] Capybara Games will have a playable build of Super T.I.M.E. Force at its booth, the developer has revealed. Super T.I.M.E. Force is an IGF 2012 entry and ...
Inner CAPYBARA Contest Winners | CAPYBARA Madness
caption id="attachment_5200" align="aligncenter" width="504" caption="Fizz has captured his true inner capyba.
Triple Play! CAPYBARA Babies at Twycross Zoo - ZooBorns
A trio of Capybara babies were born at Twycross Zoo this month and they are out in the sunshine, exploring their habitat. Capybara usually only breed once a year, and have a gestation period of 5 months, giving birth to...
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings The Canterbury Tales Remixed (in previews; opens on Sunday) After applying his spoken-word talents and
2012 Canadian Videogame Awards finalists led by Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery from Torontos Capybara Games leads the list with nine nominations. Assassins Creed Revelations and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, both made in Montreal, each got eight nominations. Vancouver-made titles among the 28 games ...
Welcome to the Capybara Page Home of the Worlds Largest Rodent Since 1998 . Pages that are keeping up with Capybara developments more regularly than me:
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings Close Up Space (in previews; opens on Monday) Comedies about the difficulties of communication are becoming
Hodgetwins – Woman Has Pet CAPYBARA The Largest ... - Pet Gates
25 Comments on “Hodgetwins – Woman Has Pet Capybara The Largest Rodent in the World”. Jwi117799. 27 March, 2012, 22:55. And why you picking on an old lady and her pet wow get a life, and rosetta stone. Hint hint ...
jnicklas/CAPYBARA · GitHub
Capybara - Acceptance test framework for web applications.
jnicklas/CAPYBARA · GitHub
This is mostly useful for debugging. You should avoid testing against the contents of page.html and use the more expressive finder methods instead.
Wii U App Store: How Nintendo will take Apple on at their own game
Would an iOS-style app store be a useful addition to Wii U? We asked Nathan Vella, president of Capybara Games, creators of the excellent Might & Magic: Clash Of Heroes, for his thoughts. Vella has some experience with the App Store, having released ...
San Diego Zoos Animal Bytes: CAPYBARA
Class: Mammalia (Mammals) Order: Rodentia Family: Hydrochaeridae Genus: Hydrochoeris Species: • hydrochaeris (Capybara) • isthmius (lesser Capybara)
CAPYBARA Ninja Master | Going Nomadic
getting the crap scared out of me by a Capybara in the orinoco delta eco tour.
Can you have a CAPYBARA as a house pet in Connecticut?
I have heard about people in America having them as house pets and I was wondering if anyone knew if you could in Connecticut.. And where would I get one??? They are adorable and Ive done research on them about food and living conditions etc.
LOL @wyatt
Category: Other - Pets
Grown-Up Baby Wears Diapers, Sleeps in Crib, Fed By Mommy
Next week, TLC will feature Fred and Robert, who have a rare collection of vintage washing machines; Anthony, the airline memorabilia addict; and Melanie, a woman who is crazy about her pet Capybara, a rodent-like creature, named Gari. Some are innocent ...
Can you own a CAPYBARA as a pet in the United States?
Where can you get them? Are they easy to take care of?
Answer: They are legal You can by them from ppl on the internet (make sure there USDA approved) And they are easy to care for if you like GIANT rodent and if you have had experience with exotics HOPE THIS HELPS
Category: Other - Pets
CAPY – It's Getting There
***capy is an indie game studio in toronto***. GAMES; SUPERBROTHERS: SWORD & SWORCERY EP · SUPER TIME FORCE · MIGHT & MAGIC: CoH HD ...
CAPYBARA Facts - National Zoo| FONZ - Smithsonian
Brought to you by the National Zoo| FONZ. ... Capybara Facts. Order: Rodentia Family: Hydrochoeridae Genus and Species: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
Oct 17, 2009 ... The Capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris, is a semi-aquatic rodent of South America. It weighs about a hundred pounds, and is about 2 feet ...
Brazils Concrete Jungle
The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), the world’s largest rodent, is another animal that has been forced out of its native environment and now often turns up in the lakes or beaches of the city’s affluent southern district, to the surprise of bathers.
CAPYBARA - New World Encyclopedia
Capybara is the common name for a large, semi-aquatic rodent, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, of Central America and tropical South America, characterized by short legs ...
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings Bonnie & Clyde (in previews; opens on Thursday) For many of us, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow will forever have
Can a python or anaconda eat an adult CAPYBARA?
If so, can you buy a Capybara to feed to your pet anaconda, or python??
Answer: in the wild, yes. you will not find them for sale inside the us. try feeding it a lamb- they are about the same size.
Category: Reptiles
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings The Gershwins Porgy and Bess (in previews; opens on Thursday) Controversy swirled around this revival of the - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Can you legally own a CAPYBARA in new hampshire?
Hey, I love these big guys and I wanted to know if you could own one? I have the life span, and all their little habits already. A price range would be helpful though! :D thanks
Category: Rodents
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings Cathy Rigby Is Peter Pan (opens on Wednesday) After being airborne in green tights on and off for well over
What kind of an animal is CAPYBARA and what does it look like?
I have been told a Capybara is a South American rodent, but no one seems to be able to describe one.
Answer: The Capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris, is a semi-aquatic rodent of South America. It weighs about a hundred pounds, and is about 2 feet tall at the shoulder.
The Capybara, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, is the biggest rodent in the world. This semi-aquatic rodent lives in swamps, in marshes, and also in forests (near ponds, lakes and rivers). It is found in Central and South America.
Capybaras gather near the water in groups of about 20 animals; they spend a lot of time wallowing in mud. These social animals communicate using whistles and barks; they also produce glandular scents. These mammals have a life span of 8 to 10 years in the wild.
Anatomy: Capybaras range from 40 to 52 inches (102-132 cm) long and weigh from 60 to 100 pounds (27-50 kg). They have thin brown hair that dries off quickly. Webbed toes help the Capybara swim.
Diet: Capybaras are herbivores (plant-eaters); they eat water plants, grasses, fruit, and grains. Like all rodents, their two front teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, and the Capybara must gnaw and chew to wear these teeth down.
Reproduction: Females give birth to a litter of one to six young. Newborns weigh about 2 pounds (1 kg); they have hair and can see at birth. Capybaras are mature at about 1 1/2 years old.
Predators: Hunters of the Capybara include the jaguar, caiman, ocelot, harpy eagle, large snakes (like the anaconda), and people (who eat Capybara). When in danger, the Capybara goes into the water; it is a strong swimmer.
Check links for picture.
Category: Zoology
If you've always wanted to read a book about Capybaras, I have great news for you! My owner wrote a book about me…sort of. It's actually about three cats who ...
CAPYBARA - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is a semi-aquatic rodent of South America. It weighs about a hundred pounds, and is about two feet tall at the shoulder. The ...
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current productions, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews and Openings The Gershwins Porgy and Bess (in previews; opens on Jan. 12) Controversy swirled around this revival of the
Whats the biggest rodent you can keep in the UK without needing a licence or being a CAPYBARA?
I kind of do want a Capybara as well as a Sugar Glider but Capybaras are not legal where I live
I know, Sugar Gliders are Marsupials although quite a lot of people think they are.
About how big are Mara and how much would they cost
About how big are Mara and how much would they cost
Answer: No rodents are on Defras list for DWA licensing but the large ones are not good pets.
BTW sugar gliders are not rodents.
Chinchillas can be cool and are domesticated.
Category: Other - Pets
GDC: Toronto built Sword and Sworcery scoops up developer’s choice award
Toronto’s Capybara gGames scooped up a developer’s choice award for best mobile game with Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP this past week at the annual Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco. His point that while a niche ...
jnicklas/CAPYBARA · GitHub
Capybara - Acceptance test framework for web applications.
CAPYBARA sighting in California: Huge rodent called harmless ...
A wastewater treatment plant has gained some notoriety after workers spotted a Capybara three weeks ago. The animal came out of a wastewater pond at the ...
CAPYBARA (and Selenium) with RSpec & Rails 3: quick tutorial
Here is how to set up Capybara with RSpec 2 and Ruby on Rails 3. I'll also show you how to drive Selenium through Capybara.
Why Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP isnt on Android
We caught up with Capybaras Nathan Vella and Superbrothers Craig Adams after the awards show to chat about the victory--and why the winning iOS game wont release on Android. "We got our start making pre-iOS mobile games. We used to make Java games and ...
Canadian Videogame Awards finalists announced
Out of the 28 games represented, SuperBrothers: Sword & Sorcery, a touch-driven adventure game made by independent studio Capybara Games, was a finalist in the most categories — nine — including Best Game on the Go, Best Game Design and Best Visual Arts.
Super T.I.M.E. Force Evades Co-Op Announcement With New Screenshots
However, after seeing screenshot after screenshot of Capybara Games’ upcoming title, could I possibly be wrong for once? You cant be mentally sane and look at some of these pics without thinking this wouldn’t include co-op: (Am I the only one who ...
The Listings
Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and ticket information: Previews And Openings Blood and Gifts (in previews; opens on Monday) This new play from J. T. Rogers is a spy-versus-spy drama laced with
Book Review: Mystery Animals Of The British Isles: London
There’s plenty of fascinating stuff in here: the Sydenham leopard, covert menageries, giant rats, even a Capybara in Barnet. The book also chronicles sightings of creatures that could generously be described as ‘unlikely’, such as the Brentford ...
Sword & Sorcery iOS On Sale - Download Now
“Traverse a mythic little realm, use a sword to do battle & evoke sworcery to solve mystical musical mysteries,” says Capybara Games. “Co-operate with friends via Twitter, experience a videogame world that is affected by moon phases & help a ...
YAY! Super Time Force will be playable at PAX East
Capybara is bringing Super Time Force to PAX East and you know what that means? It means well finally know what the hell the game is all about. I mean, theres a ton of pew pew pewing and missile riding action going on, but how does it all work?!
CAPYBARA News - Finalists Announced for 2012 Canadian ...
25 Comments on “Hodgetwins – Woman Has Pet Capybara The Largest Rodent in the World”. Jwi117799. 27 March, 2012, 22:55. And why you picking on an old lady.
The president-fan reaps a sporting harvest
It has promoted the sports of indigenous tribes, such as hunting Capybara (a large rodent) with poison-tipped darts blown through a stick. Companies are required to give workers 30 minutes of exercise three times a week; a sports law approved last year ...
71% :-) 4 Capybara @caplinrous @garibaldirous @josevalim @attritionorg @belgianwaffling @giantguineapig @zooborns
From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
@Capybara_bcat おかえりー!
From: pipipi_chupaaa - Source: Keitai Web
うー。気になる(^^;) RT @kudan_kawabe: ブー×(笑)
From: Capybara - Source: HootSuite
pengen melihara Capybara~~~ >< so cuteeeee~~~
From: belovedtirza - Source: web
ok good night internet and Capybara stans
From: keikeu - Source: web
why did I laugh so hard RT @keikeu: @hush i think the latter unnless kyurururururu is Capybara language for japan
From: metafictionally - Source: TweetDeck
@hush i think the latter unnless kyurururururu is Capybara language for japan
From: keikeu - Source: web
@hush things i want because of reasons
From: keikeu - Source: web
RT @yeahllison: #MyCrazyObsession. Dont look now but that tailless, largely aquatic four-and-a-half foot rodent swimming next to you may be a Capybara.
From: EmForb - Source: txt
Capybara The Amazon Rainforest: A Cornucopia Of Wildlife :)
From: KrystenKach - Source: web
@hush THERES A WHTIE ONE TOO ok goodnight
From: keikeu - Source: web
My ideal job tbh RT @hush: @metafictionally Capybara hoarders
From: metafictionally - Source: TweetDeck
@hush seroquel*** and it legit kicked in like right after i linked the Capybara
From: keikeu - Source: web
@hush can we get matching ones
From: keikeu - Source: web
:P Zoo probes unfortunate death of Rosi the camel Capybara
From: Lucelinantik - Source: web