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NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Offers $10,000 For George Zimmerman
New black panther party (NBPP), a black political group unrelated to the Black Panther Party which was popular in the 1960s through 1980s, has offered a reward of $10,000 for the capture of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is the neighborhood watch ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Date: 3/21/2012 11:58:02 AM: New black panther party (NBPP) Email URL :
There Is No NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY: An Open Letter From the Dr ...
The Foundation Ten-Point Program Vision Legacy e-mail: There Is No New black panther party: An Open Letter From the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation In response from ...
How many libs will be running out to join the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
Now that they are coming out in the daylight, kind of like a roach when you shine a flashlight on it?
Answer: just the ones that defend them!!! oops that seems to be all of the racists libs!!!!
Category: Politics
Due to the recent saddening death of a young man, Trayvon Martin, many have been considering the ethics behind the event that occurred. As a result of this event, the Black Panther Party has been established, which is a new group dedicated to ...
What do average Black people think of the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY and other Black Supremacist Groups?
Does the average Black person in the United States support or identify with them?
Believe me I am all for freedom of speech but why is it socially acceptable for a Black person to support the NBBP yet a White person cannot stand up and say they support White Nationalist/Separatist organizations without being labelled a "racist" or a "bigot"?
The NBBP is the New black panther party.
Answer: difference between black and white nationalism
whites want every race besides their race out of the country [they also want to ally with asians for a tad bit of help] but the main idea in that sentence is they think they own america and they want it for themselves EVEN THOUGH THEY WERENT THE 1st ONES HERE..-cough eherm-
black nationalist want to stay seperated from whites and classify all non white and non yellow people as allies
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Why is the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY allowed to use the "black panther" name?
I understand that they are not related at all and i plan to learn more about them......but why?would some people be confused and think the original black panther party was the same way?
Answer: The new founder claimed that it was a "revival" of the original Black Panther Party...Although the original founders claim that there "is no new BPP."
I don't know what the laws are on re-using a political party nomination.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Judith Clarks Radical Transformation
On Oct. 20, 1981, a band of militant zealots armed with automatic weapons tried to rob a Brinks truck in a shopping mall in Nanuet in Rockland County, N.Y. Before it was over, two armored-car guards were shot and two police officers -- one black and one white -- were gunned down at a roadblock. The crime was one of the last spasms of 60s-style, - Tom Robbins article describes why Judith Clark, 1960s-era left-wing radical who was imprisoned in 1983 for her involvement in an armored-car robbery that killed one of two guards shot and left two police officers dead, has not earned her freedom despite having displayed exemplary behavior over three decades in prison. Photos (L)d - By TOM ROBBINS
Whats the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY doing to stop illegal Mexicans from taking?
they babies mamas Section 8, food stamps, gas allowance???? Nothing... Black Panther, rather black pussy cat, de clawed and spayed.
Mandingo Warrior defeated by Taco Vendor. Whitey loves to play them poor ignorant colored folks against one another.... Dont kill the goose that lays the golden egg, aka White Men.
Answer: some people are only alive because it's against the law to kill them.
Category: Politics
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY for Self Defense: Introduction ...
The New black panther party for Self Defense (NBPP) is the largest organized anti-Semitic and racist black militant group in America. The group is led by Malik Zulu ...
New Black Panthers | TPMMuckraker
Nearly two and a half years after two members of the New black panther party stood outside a polling station in Philadelphia -- and after an extensive internal probe ...
Elmer G. Pratt, 63, Jailed Panther Leader
Elmer G. Pratt, a Black Panther leader who was imprisoned for 27 years for murder and whose marathon fight to prove he had been framed attracted support from civil rights groups and led to the overturning of his conviction, died on Thursday in a village in Tanzania, where he was living. He was 63. Mr. Pratt, who was widely known by his Panther - By DOUGLAS MARTIN
2 days ago ... Louis Farrakhan and former New black panther party head Khalid Muhammad. Their deceit is so egregious, though, that this ought to be the ...
How can the left claim the hate racial supremacists when they defend the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
The NBPP is not connected to the 1960s Panthers. The older Black Panthers want nothing to do with the NBPP, which is basically the black KKK.
Answer: The New Black Panthers are frauds that are destroying the legacy of the original.
Category: Politics
Shock Video: NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Member King Samir Shabazz ...
Disturbing new YouTube videos have surfaced allegedly showing notorious New black panther party member King Samir Shabazz teaching "black survival" training to a ...
Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that this New black panther party is illegitimate and have strongly objected that there "is no new Black Panther ...
Telling The Story Of 41 Years On the Run
CASAS NOVAS, Portugal -- George Wright, the fugitive murderer who was captured in Portugal last month, 39 years after hijacking a jetliner and demanding a $1 million ransom, said he figured authorities in the United States had given up the chase long ago. But, he said, he never stopped worrying that they would come knocking. Knowing the - By RAPHAEL MINDER and JAMES BARRON; Raphael Minder reported from Casas Novas, and James Barron from New York.
CLICK TO ENTER: CLICK TO ENTER : Site By Dennis C. Latham for Day Of Action And Unity - NO COMPROMISE
New Black Panthers offer $10,000 for the ‘capture’ of Trayvon’s killer
On Saturday, the New black panther party announced a bounty of $10,000 S for the “capture” of George Zimmerman, a Florida neighborhood watch captain who killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” leader Mikhail ...
Home where Black Panther Party founded flipped
The Black Panther party preached "power to the people," but in the San ... But Seale didnt hold the cutthroat realities of buying and selling homes in the Bay Area against the new residents. "People move. Humans move. Power to the people ...
Disco Days
LE FREAK An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny By Nile Rodgers Illustrated. 318 pp. Spiegel & Grau. $27. Although Nile Rodgers makes the grade as a B-list celebrity, he isnt as famous as the musical record warrants. A longtime co-leader of the so-called disco band Chic, hes best known for the bass line his partner Bernard Edwards - Robert Christgau reviews book Le Freak: An Upside Down Story of Family, Disco, and Destiny by Nile Rodgers. Photo (M)/ - Robert Christgau writes the record blog Expert Witness for - By ROBERT CHRISTGAU
There Is No NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY - Huey P. Newton Foundation
Firstly, the people in the New Black Panthers were never members of the Black Panther Party and have no legitimate claim on the Party's name. On the contrary ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY (NBPP) - CBPM - The Collective Black ...
Support the efforts of the New black panther party (NBPP). Visit the Collective Black People Movement website to stay in tuned with what is happening in your community.
An Explorer Of Black Historys Uncharted Terrain
FOR some people, filmmaking is a lifelong dream. For Stanley Nelson, it began as more of a situational thing, a response to time and place. The time was the late 1960s and early 70s, the place to be avoided was Vietnam, the refuge was film school at the City University of New York. It was kind of my motive to stay in school no matter what, you - By MIKE HALE
How do I go about joining the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
I like there message and Im sick of white racism and the hard working black man being held down
Category: Politics
Trayvon Martin case: New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of George Zimmerman
SANFORD - Members of the New black panther party are offering a $10,000 reward for the "capture" of George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin. New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad announced the reward during a protest ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY is offering $10,000 to capture Zimmerman
Sanford - The New black panther party has just announced a reward for the killer of Trayvon Martin and say they will hold him for police. Its unclear what they will do with him (George Zimmerman) if the police do not arrest, and charge him with Martins ...
Why is the party with guns and God on their side so afraid of one member of the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY in an?
eastern city that it apparently kept 10 million of them away from the polls?
Surely illiterate conservatives arent that afraid of one black guy at the polls thousands of miles away to lose an entire election, right?
So youre saying youre too fucking illiterate to understand the question - Shovel Ready?
Answer: You neglected to tell us what you think of an Attorney General who does not enforce federal law based on racial reasons.
Category: Politics
New Black Panthers Offer Bounty For Capture of George ...
Members of the New black panther party are offering a $10000 reward for the “capture” of George Zimmerman, leader Mikhail Muhammad announced during a protest in Sanford today. When asked whether he was inciting ...
“NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Issues 'Wanted Dead or Alive' Posters for ...
Lynch the beaner! The Left's longed-for race war appears to be heading for a jump start ahead of those planned summer OWS protests. Only it could be the Blacks against the Hispanics — all because this Zimmerman ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY offers $10000 reward for George ...
A black political group offered a $10000 reward Saturday for the killer of an African-American teenager, amid a nationwide uproar which has prompted a rethink of America's race issues. The New black panther party ...
Cash for capture of teens killer
Amid an uproar which has prompted a rethink of Americas race issues, the New black panther party (NBPP) displayed a wanted poster on its website with a picture of George Zimmerman, the neighbourhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin ...
How do you feel about the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
Im black and I believe that they are doing more harm than good to our race. Also, I believe that they are no different from the KKK except for the difference in skin color and what each represent. They(New black panther party) are not the successors to the Black Panther Party of the 60s and are comprised of former members of the nation of Islam. I think that the NAACP should spend time on this issue than worrying about the Tea Party because the New black panther party is really getting out of hand with there comments and protest. What do you think?
Answer: I tend to agree with your comments.
I'm not Black, I'm Hispanic, and a frustration I have about questions like yours is that readers will automatically call us racist if we have any negative comments about Black organizations. I think as bad as the KKK was and is, the New black panther party do almost as much harm.
Any polarizing element will only bring people further apart instead of helping people come together. There are horrible and lazy Black people out there. But, there are also horrible and lazy Hispanics, whites, Asians and Middle Eastern people too. We are not all a perfect race, but we should at least attempt to live together in harmony. (No, I'm not trying to write a song!)
I think what happens with these polarizing people is that they can't get acknowledgment or fame in the mainstream of America, so they gravitate to these fringe elements to get their glory. They are more concerned with themselves instead of being loyal to any one group or people.
Category: Current Events
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY | Mediaite - | News & Opinion ...
Cee Lo Green Performs F*ck You Uncensored, Gives Finger At Obama Fundraiser; Rick Santorum Crowd Boos Male Hecklers Kiss, Start Chanting U-S-A!
New Black Panthers reward for black teen killer capture
(AGI) Sanford - The New black panther party is offering a $10,000 reward for the capture of the killer of a black guy in Florida.
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Offers $10000 For George Zimmerman
New black panther party (NBPP), a black political group unrelated to the Black Panther Party which was popular in the 1960s through 1980s, has offered a.
Trenton NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY denounces neo-Nazi rally set for N ...
TRENTON — Trentons New black panther party on Thursday denounced a neo-Nazi rally set for tomorrow at the Statehouse, across from New Jersey’s World ...
"Racial Litmus Tests" And New Black Panthers: The Right Covers Trayvon Martin
County Fair is a media blog featuring links to progressive media criticism from around the Web as well as original commentary, breaking news and rapid response updates to major media events from Media Matters senior fellows and other staff.
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY offer reward for capture of George Zimmerman
US protesters are demanding justice for shot teen Trayvon Martin, all dressed in black hooded sweatshirts. Thousands are demanding for the arrest of a man who shot dead unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman said he shot Trayvon in self-defence ...
Power to the People, But Quietly
IN 1967 a young Swedish journalist named Ingrid Dahlberg traveled to New York to interview the black militant activist Stokely Carmichael for the Swedish National Broadcast Company. As she sat in the home of his mother, Mabel, she found herself unable to make the older woman feel at ease on film. Suddenly Carmichael, who had met Ms. Dahlberg on a - By ERIC KOHN
How do you feel about the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY supporting osama bin laden?
I was watching fox news today
bill o reilly showed a clip of the New black panther party praising this guy who want american
to corrode form the inside out how do you feel about the black panther party and there support for
osama bin laden
Answer: In light of all of the threats coming from the New Black Panthers, along with the obvious case of voter intimidation committed by the group, and now evidence that they have aligned themselves with al Queda and bin Laden, the question we need to ask the federal government is…Are the New Black Panthers considered terrorists?
This group should be infiltrated and broken up, just as we did with the Ku Klux Klan in the 1960’s.
Watch the sickening video:
You’d think that would be a pretty easy thing to denounce, right? I mean, who could really support a man like this?
Oh, right! The Attorney General of the United States! Of course! Because this case should totally have been dismissed. Nothing to see here, folks!
Meanwhile, the New Black Panther Chairman Malik Shabazz can’t even bring himself to denounce the killing of white babies. Check out this Mediaite interview.
Category: Politics
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Trayvon Martin | News One
The New black panther party is offering a $10,ooo reward for the capture of George Zimmerman, the shooter who shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin dead.
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY for Self Defense: Recent Activity ...
A national action organized by the New black panther party (NBPP) in April 2011, which the group claimed would take place in more than 40 U.S. cities, proved largely ...
Tom Wicker, Journalist for The Times and Observer of American Politics, Dies at 85
Tom Wicker, one of postwar Americas most distinguished journalists, who wrote 20 books, covered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy for The New York Times and became the papers Washington bureau chief and an iconoclastic political columnist for 25 years, died on Friday at his home near Rochester, Vt. He was 85. The cause was apparently - Tom Wicker, one of postwar Americas most distinguished journalists, who wrote 20 books, covered assassination of John F Kennedy for The New York Times and became papers Washington bureau chief and an iconoclastic political columnist for 25 years, dies at age 85. Photos (L) - By ROBERT D. McFADDEN
From Stand-Up Routines to Sporting Life
As a Yale-trained actor as well as a stand-up comedian used to shutting up yahoos in the audience, David Alan Grier rarely feels rattled onstage. But he was nearly beside himself during a recent performance of The Gershwins Porgy and Bess, the Broadway musical in which he plays the drug dealer Sporting Life, a role most identified with Cab - David Alan Grier, who plays the drug dealer Sporting Life in the Broadway production of The Gershwins Porgy and Bess, has had a long career in theater as well as comedy. Photos (M) - By PATRICK HEALY
Nonfiction Chronicle
HALFWAY TO HOLLYWOOD Diaries 1980-1988 By Michael Palin Thomas Dunne/St. Martins, $32.50. If you want to know what the former Monty Python actor Michael Palin was doing at 9:55 a.m. on March 12, 1981, take heed: He was sitting at his writing desk at home in London, longing for coffee. This he recorded in his diary, along with other feelings he had - Tara McKelvey is a frequent contributor to the Book Review and the author of Monstering: Inside Americas Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War. - By TARA McKELVEY
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The New black panther party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New black panther party for Self-Defense, is a U.S. -based black political organization founded in Dallas ...
Has the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY been involved in any murders?
I am doing some research on violent race hate groups like the kkk and the old black panthers. I am trying to find any information about the new black panthers and any murders or attacks. I know that at the million youth march and the fact that there were some injured police.
The problem is that any searches either turn up the old black panthers, or the voter intimidation.
Thanks for the help
Answer: If they have we wouldn't know about it because with the way the F.B.I operates they wouldn't be around for long if they drew any attention to themselves especially if it were a group or orginization and murder were involved?
Category: Other - News & Events
A rendezvous with history, learn, visit, and experience the Black Panther Party! ... There is No New black panther party! Who are these people laying claim to the partys ...
Why did they have to make a NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY when the old one worked fine?
Do ya think the feds monitor the new one, or are they good guys now?
Answer: It's new and improved. The afros had to go!
Category: Politics
New Black Panthers offer $10K reward for Zimmerman
The New black panther party today offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of Trayvon Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman, The Sun Sentinel newspaper reported. The group also called for 5,000 black men to mobilize and search for Zimmerman, the Neighborhood ...
New Black Panthers | non-blacks | protest | The Daily Caller
The New black panther party — an organization known largely for their intimidation of voters outside a Philadelphia precinct — has announced plans for a ...
Should we as citizens demand an investigation of the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
Because of the racial hatred they spew publicly? Should they be classified as a national security threat such as other groups portraying hate and intent to kill Americans?
Answer: Yes, no question about it. We must demand the charges against the Black Panthers that were intimidating voters be reinstated and the laws of this land be upheld. This is a hate filled group and their agenda is toxic to all Americans. Obama and Holder, why did you let these lawbreakers go free? Where is the justice here? Voter intimidation will NOT be tolerated and you are accountable to the American people to uphold the law ! What is going on?????? Shall we rename the Department of Justice to the department of INJUSTICE ? Your motives are painfully clear ! We must take America back !!!
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Why do news stations give quacks like the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY and david duke air time?
Why cant they just ignore these idiots? Since when do these hate mongering fools contribute anything valuable to society?
Answer: Bottom line?
Because MONEY is still king!
Controversy like these causes people to listen in, and viewership/listeners numbers sell advertising space/time, the life blood of TV/radio.
Category: Media & Journalism
Group offers $10000 for US black teen's killer - Yahoo! News
21 hours ago ... The New black panther party displayed a wanted poster on its website with a picture of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY | Southern Poverty Law Center
The New black panther party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law ...
Report: NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Issues 'Wanted Dead or Alive ...
1 day ago ... The New black panther party on Thursday circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of black ...
Is Obamas Attorney General encouraging the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY 2 intimidate voters in New Jersey tomorrow?
if serious allegations of fraud emerge, you can also expect less-than-vigorous investigation by the Obama Justice Department -- which showed just how seriously it takes such allegations when it walked away from an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New black panther party in Philadelphia earlier this year.
Answer: Absolutely.
Anyone objecting to the voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers ("NBP") will be labeled a "racist", and violent actions taken by the NBT will be rationalized as "self defense against racists" by the Obama (swt) administration.
Category: Elections
NOCTURNALIST; At Art Party, Baring All but Remaining Fully Clothed
We saw relatively little of Marina Abramovic at the Museum of Modern Art on Tuesday night because, unlike in some of her shows elsewhere, she wasnt naked. It is wonderful; I cant tell you how relieved I am, she said of being out of the limelight, while standing in front of a black-and-white video installation of a lingerie-clad woman - By SARAH MASLIN NIR; With Jed Lipinski, Rachel Nolan, Sam Roberts and Rebecca White.
Black Panther birthplace flipped and sold as trendy Oakland showpiece
The North Oakland bungalow where young revolutionaries founded the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s has been remodeled ... people out of this community are the bad loans, and the new people have a very negative perception of young black ...
In Florida, New Black Panthers rip Obama, Holder over Martin shooting
SANFORD, Fla. — Rallying in front of the Sanford Police Department headquarters, members of the New black panther party ripped President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder for not responding forcefully enough to the killing of Trayvon Martin ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY offers $10,000 reward for George Zimmerman
A black political group offered a $10,000 reward Saturday for the killer of an African-American teenager, amid a nationwide uproar which has prompted a rethink of America’s race issues. The New black panther party displayed a wanted poster ...
Political Animal - A Bit More on the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Panic
From the linked article, “The Southern Poverty Law Center says the New black panther party, a black-separatist group founded in 1989, is “virulently racist and anti-Semitic,” and its leaders have encouraged violence against ...
New Black Panthers: $10,000 bounty for capture of Trayvon Martin shooter
The New black panther party upped the ante Saturday when Mikhail Muhammad announced a $10,000 bounty for the "capture" of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin in February. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," he ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The New black panther party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black political organization founded ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for ...
Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New black panther party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ago. Minister ...
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY offers $10000 reward for George ...
18 hours ago ... The New black panther party displayed a wanted poster on its website with a picture of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer ...
Is Obama A Member Of The Racist NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY?
Now that photos have surfaced of Obama marching and sharing the podium with New black panther party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz in Selma AL, White House records show a Malik Shabazz visited the White House and DOJ Eric Holder dismissing charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP, suggest Obama is a part of the racist NBPP?
Answer: Yes he is a founding member
Category: Politics
Black Panther: Wests Encyclopedia of American Law (Full Article ...
Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that this New black panther party is illegitimate and have strongly objected that there "is no new Black Panther ...
Should NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY racist Eric Holder be impeached and arrested?
Eric Holder is a racist New Black Panther who purposely gave guns to Mexican drug cartels, and ordered them to shoot and murder a white Border Patrol agent.
Eric Holder hates the Border Patrol and is trying to start a war between the Mexican Cartels and the Border Patrol because he hates White People.
Answer: Well from what im reading hes not the only racist. Thanks for your contribution.And conformation.
Category: Politics
NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY | Southern Poverty Law Center
The New black panther party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY ...
(AllVoices) — Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New black panther party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ...
The New black panther party movement has put a bounty on Zimmermann!!
From: ANTDOGG422 - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
New black panther party offers $10000 reward for Trayvon Martins killer
From: Tina_Harrison - Source: twitterfeed
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@MittsSeamus I just gave you one. His DOJ refused to look into voter intimidation caused by the New black panther party
From: freelancer91 - Source: web
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RT @_prettyyoungash: The New black panther party has placed a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman...It must suck to be his ass right now lol
From: _KenDuncan_ - Source: web
The New black panther party has placed a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman...It must suck to be his ass right now lol
From: _prettyyoungash - Source: web
Does the $1 million bounty the New black panther party is offering for George Zimmerman come with jail protection? #JustWondering
From: SullyJHU - Source: web
New black panther party Offers 10K Reward For Zimmerman’s Capture
From: AngieSilvers12 - Source: Facebook
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From: trendwordus - Source: trendwordus
RT @NaiYorkCity: The New black panther party is in effect.
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