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Olbermann vows to sue Current TV
WASHINGTON, March 30 (UPI) -- U.S. television personality Keith olbermann said via Twitter he plans to sue Current TV for remarks its founders made after his dismissal Friday. Olbermanns nightly commentary show, "Countdown with Keith olbermann ...
Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, but if the media were the judges, the Court would rule 9-0 in favor of it ...
Current TV ousts talk show host KEITH OLBERMANN
Current TV has dismissed Keith olbermann from its talk-show lineup after less than a year. The left-leaning cable network announced late Friday afternoon that "Countdown," the show Olbermann has hosted on Current since last June, would be replaced with a ...
KEITH OLBERMANN | The Daily Caller
It was early November when tensions between Keith olbermann and Al Gore escalated into a crisis at Current TV. There had been a short honeymoon after Gore, the ...
Since when did KEITH OLBERMANN start caring for rape victims?
If I recall, he once praised the state of Vermont for opposing Jessicas Law. The only victim Olbermann and his Democrat goons ever supported were Crystal Mangum and Tawana Brawley.
Answer: I wish he cared about the rape that Obama is doing to the nation!
Category: Politics
How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
There used to be just two Stephen Colberts, and they were hard enough to distinguish. The main difference was that one thought the other was an idiot. The idiot Colbert was the one who made a nice paycheck by appearing four times a week on The Colbert Report (pronounced in the French fashion, with both ts silent), the extremely popular fake - By CHARLES McGRATH
The 75 Things New Yorkers Talked About in 2011
IT was a year in which the words till death do us part took on new, life-changing meaning for thousands of gay New Yorkers and significantly less for one overexposed Kardashian. It was a year in which smart, talented women ruled the music scene (Adele), the best-seller lists (Tina Fey) and the box office (Bridesmaids), and starred in the - Roundup of 75 most compelling topics of conversation for New Yorkers in 2011. Drawing, Photos (L) - By STUART EMMRICH
KEITH OLBERMANN FIRED from Current TV -- Replaced By Elliot ...
Keith olbermann is officially unemployed ... again ... cause the political host has just been FIRED from his gig on Al Gore's Current TV network.…
KEITH OLBERMANN Fired By Current TV; Replaced By Eliot Spitzer
Keith olbermann has been fired by Current TV, the network announced Friday. He will be replaced by former New York governor and CNN host Eliot Spitzer.
Did You Hear KEITH OLBERMANN Announce He Is Ready To Lead The Tea Baggers?
On the October 1 edition of Countdown on MSNBC Keith olbermann stated he will lead the Tea Baggers if legislation proposed by Democrat Senator Max Baucus to fine and imprison those who refuse to purchase mandatory health insurance becomes law.Is the conservative movement ready for Keith olbermanns leadership?
Answer: I hate Max Baucus and what he represents.
Representatives from small districts creating big government.
We should kick him out of the Democrat Party.
And I love Olbemann.
Category: Politics
Current Unplugs KEITH OLBERMANN | paidContent
Maybe Keith olbermann should have given more thought to setting up his own outlet following his departure from MSNBC (NSDQ: CMCSA) last year. The lightning rod of an anchor was supposed to give Current.TV a jolt of ...
Because of an editing error, the Media Equation column on Monday, about competition and new consumer choices in media, misidentified the organization that started The Daily, an iPad-only news report. It is News Corporation -- not The Wall Street Journal, which the corporation owns. The column also misstated the time slot occupied by The Rachel
KEITH OLBERMANNs Current TV Debut: What the Critics Say - The ...
THRs Tim Goodman applauds Olbermann for "essentially not changing one bit from his MSNBC days," while the New York Times Alessandra Stanley writes that he was ...
Do you think KEITH OLBERMANN deserved to be demoted?
Keith olbermann and Mathews were just demoted by MSNBC for their one sided coverage of this election. Is this justice?
Answer: YES! I used to be a fan of Keith Olberman but the last year or so i have seen his comments to be of a personal attack, not only to fellow Anchor rivals (Rush, O'reilly etc, ets) and now Sarah Palin. It has been about 5 months now that i have not tuned into MSNBC because of that simple fact of Olberman. I hope this serves as a lesson to him that his leftist opinions should be kept to himself.
Category: Politics
2 hours ago ... "Current TV said Friday afternoon that it had terminated the contract of its lead anchor, Keith olbermann, scarcely a year after he was hired to ...
Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN // Current TV
'Countdown with Keith olbermann' is a week-nightly commentary show featuring journalism's most provocative and outspoken voice. 8/7c -- only on Current TV.
KEITH OLBERMANN : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Keith olbermann. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Keith olbermann
Will KEITH OLBERMANN get a job as Barney Franks houseboy?
Rumor has it that Keith olbermann is going to put on a cub scout uniform and apply for a job as Barney Franks house boy. Do you think hes qualified?
Answer: must you post your secret homo erotic fantasies for all of us to read.
Category: Politics
KEITH OLBERMANN | Mediaite Power Grid Rank
Keith olbermann Apologizes To SE Cupp And Michelle Malkin, Suspends Worst Persons ... James O'Keefe Sues Current TV, Keith olbermann For Defamation ...
What is your opinion of KEITH OLBERMANN’s nine minute rant about the Arizona shooting?
Is it true that those people in biohazard suits had to show up at the studio to clean up the urine that Keith released when getting so worked up? Personally, Keith olbermann had a chance to use this tragedy to bring us all together but he blew it and made this country more divided than ever. Keith is the lowest of the low. What is your opinion?
Answer: I guess the truth is a slap in the face to brainwashed GOP supporters like you huh? Maybe brutal stuff like this unfortunate incident is what you need to realize Fox has been the divisive network ... not Kieth.
Isn't it a wierd coincidence that all the irresponsible rhetoric is coming from the right and all the violence is coming from the right-wing nuts that follow them?
That is probably too simple of a connection for your elementary mind to put together. Keep watching Fox and belonging to the most ill-informed viewership on the planet.
Proof Fox viewers like you aren't informed:
WPO (… ) found one bright spot in its lengthy report: “Those who had greater exposure to news sources were generally better informed. In the great majority of cases, those with higher levels of exposure to news sources had lower levels of misinformation.” However, there was one exception, Fox News:
There were however a number of cases where greater exposure to a news source increased misinformation on a specific issue. Those who watched Fox News almost daily were significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe that:
– Most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely) (91 percent of those who watch Fox News “almost every day”)
– Most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points) (72 percent)
– The economy is getting worse (26 points) (72 percent)
– Most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points) (60 percent)
– The stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points) (63 percent)
– Their own income taxes have gone up (14 points) (49 percent)
– The auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points) (56 percent)
– When TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points) (38 percent)
– And that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points)(63 percent)
They report, you get dumber.
Category: Politics
The Confessions of KEITH OLBERMANN - The Hollywood Reporter
Asked how he was injured, he jokes, "I broke it on Glenn Becks shiny metal ass." PHOTOS: Keith olbermanns famous feuds. Actually, he explains, he fractured it ...
KEITH OLBERMANN-Current TV feud worries media analyst -
If Keith olbermanns rocky relationship with his new bosses at Current TV completely collapses, does the cable network have a plan B? Thats what cable ...
Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN
Statement regarding Keith olbermann. MSNBC and Keith olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of "Countdown with Keith olbermann" was on Friday ...
Current TV Dismisses KEITH OLBERMANN
Current TV said Friday afternoon it had terminated the contract of its lead anchor, Keith olbermann, scarcely a year after he was hired to reboot the fledgling channel in his progressive political image. Starting Friday night, the former New York governor ...
HOLIDAYS IN HECK By P. J. ORourke 265 pp. Atlantic Monthly Press. $24. In March 1998, right here in the pages of the Book Review, the humorist P. J. ORourke wrote a satire de force entitled Putting the Moi Back in Memoir. It contained jokes like: My parents also neglected to abuse me. Theyre gone now, alas. . . . Ive thought about asking - Bill Scheft reviews book Holidays in Heck by P J ORourke. Photo (M)¿ - Bill Scheft is a writer for Late Show With David Letterman. His third novel, Every/thing Hurts, is available in paperback. - By BILL SCHEFT
KEITH OLBERMANN - Blackboard - Business Insider
Keith Theodore Olbermann is an American political commentator and writer. He was formerly a sportscaster and news anchor. Olbermann was the host of Countdown with ...
Why has KEITH OLBERMANN been in the dark?
The last 2 or so Countdowns has shown total blackness around Keith olbermann is there problems with his set or is there some reason for this?
Answer: That's what happens when you're too busy ranting to remember to pay the electric bill.
Category: Current Events
THE MEDIA EQUATION; New Rules For the Ways We Watch
For the last year, media pundits like me have been running around screaming our heads off about falling skies and collapsing paradigms, and yet as 2011 comes to an end, the sky is still there. Yes, competition is storming out of every device and connection, and consumers have choices and leverage they never dreamed of. But network television - David Carr The Media Equation column holds the inertia that has kept consumers from bolting from traditional content providers is beginning to erode as a new generation remakes media in its own image; contends that even as some of the old truisms in media still pertain, a few new rules are taking shape; offers tips about what to watch for in the new year. Photos (M) - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR
The 75 Things New Yorkers Talked About in 2011
IT was a year in which the words till death do us part took on new, life-changing meaning for thousands of gay New Yorkers and significantly less for one overexposed Kardashian. It was a year in which smart, talented women ruled the music scene (Adele), the best-seller lists (Tina Fey) and the box office (Bridesmaids), and starred in the - Roundup of 75 most compelling topics of conversation for New Yorkers in 2011. Drawing, Photos (L) - By STUART EMMRICH
KEITH OLBERMANN -- I'm Suing Al Gore's Ass |
Keith olbermann tells TMZ, he's furious with Al Gore for firing him from Current TV -- claiming, "I will be filing [a lawsuit] against them."As we…
What is KEITH OLBERMANN worse at sports anchor are the clown act on msnbc?
Now I know not a lot of people have ever heard of msnbc , its a fake news network that NBC puts on so that the left-wing nuts dont start blowing things up again like they did in the 60s and 70s and olbermann has a clown show on it.
Answer: Olbermann is awesome. He provides actual news, as opposed to what the kool-aid drinkers get on that fake network Fox.
Category: Politics
THE MEDIA EQUATION; Barricaded Inside His Show
When I saw the story last week about Keith olbermann and Current TV lawyering up, I couldnt help thinking, My, that was quick. It was just six months ago that I wrote an article for The New York Times Magazine about the well-traveled anchors bold new partnership with Current TV, the low-rated liberal cable channel co-founded by former Vice - David Carr The Media Equation column cites impasse between Current TV and its Countdown host Keith olbermann that began with Olbermanns annoyance at stations technical difficulties; notes both sides say progress has been made, and although Olbermann will not be covering the New Hampshire primary, he will be involved in other election coverage. Photo (M)2 - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR
Get the latest Keith olbermann News, Bio, Photos, Credits and More for Keith olbermann on
KEITH OLBERMANN | The Daily Caller
1 day ago ... Report: Al-Qaida was saddened by Keith olbermann's MSNBC firing ... When MSNBC discarded Keith olbermann, al-Qaida mourned. (more) ...
Will KEITH OLBERMANN get an Obama 08 tattoo on his buttocks?
The more I watch MSNBC the more I think that Keith olbermann has an Obama cheerleader outfit stashed away for private or possibly erotic usage. The way he slobbers and drools over Obama is enough to make one vomit.
Answer: He should get it on his inner thigh, so the artist can give him a tingle up his leg! haha!
Category: Politics
I remember when I lived in California in the 1980s there was a sports caster named Keith olbermann. I heard the name a couple of days ago and the Keith olbermann I remember was a horrible sports caster so I thought it must be a different Olbermann , but it was the same guy and still just as bad. the 30 minutes I watched was mainly an anti-American rant and I havent found anyone else I know that watches the show. Does anyone watch it, and what is the show actually about?
Answer: You're right. Olbermann was that sports broadcaster. He was bad then, and he's bad now. To make matters worse, he has become increasingly bitter over the years because he has never been able to rise above second string in a second rated news show. He's a huge Lib who's sole reason for being is to attack Conservatives.
Category: Media & Journalism
Have Bill O Reilly and KEITH OLBERMANN appeared live together on television or are they really that lame?
You know that whole thing Bill O Reilly and Keith olbermann have about publicly denouncing each others programs? Heres my question: Have they ever interviewed EACH OTHER? Because if they havent, thats truly pathetic. Thats like ending your Showtime series with a cliff hanger.
Thanks so much for clearing this up for me. I was searching youtube for 91/2 hours and I no longer know who I am.
Answer: I doubt it - they're both the world's worst jokes.
Category: Celebrities
A Former KEITH OLBERMANN Employee Speaks: Rage, Outbursts, and Bad ...
Pompous thesaurus reader Keith olbermann is currently embroiled in his latest feud with his latest employer, along with the mandatory feud with the reporters who ...
Eliot Spitzers Current TV Show, Viewpoint, Launches Suddenly In Wake Of KEITH OLBERMANN Firing
Eliot Spitzers second try at cable news success started unexpectedly on Friday with the debut of his new show "Viewpoint" on Current. Just hours after Current announced that it had fired "Countdown" host Keith olbermann, "Viewpoint," began in ...
Who is in the Rachel Maddow or KEITH OLBERMANN Fan Club?
Liberals say Fox News is the worst, most hateful, racist, biased channel on the planet. So, who here are big fans of the always fair, never biased Rachel Maddow or Keith olbermann? What makes MSNBC one of the top 100 cable channels?
Answer: They are in the top 100 because there aren't more than 100.
Category: Politics
why, oh why, is this clown still on TV???
Answer: He's just starting to have fun, and he isn't a liar!
Category: Media & Journalism
KEITH OLBERMANN Fired From Current TV - The Hollywood Reporter
Olbermann's program will be replaced by "Viewpoint With Eliot Spitzer."
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Trouble Beside the Bay
Oakland, Calif. JEAN QUAN may be the first in many categories -- the first Asian-American and first woman to be mayor of Oakland -- but she is far from the citys first chief executive to face off with its police force. While dozens of mayors around the country have had to deal with Occupy movements, only Ms. Quan has seen the initially peaceful - Op-Ed article by author Ishmael Reed holds that residents of Oakland, Calif, most of whom are minorities, are caught between a police force with a long history of brutality and an Occupy movement that is made up of mostly white out-of-towners, leaving locals unsure of who really has their best interests at heart. Drawing (M) - Ishmael Reed is the author of Blues City: A Walk in Oakland. - By ISHMAEL REED
Is it just me or does Rachel Maddow act exactly like KEITH OLBERMANN when speaking on MSNBC?
It almost seems as if Rachel Maddow is acting just like Keith olbermann and trying to mimic him? Am I the only one seeing this?
Answer: That's because they are twins. Identical twins, both male
Category: Media & Journalism
Now that KEITH OLBERMANN is moving to Al Gores Current TV will he disappear forever?
Keith olbermann announced he is moving to Al Gores Current TV. If Olbermann takes his audience with him to Current that should bring the total viewers of Current to about 13 people. Will he finally disappear forever once hes on Current?
Answer: You know, birds of a feather...... Actually I never knew Gore had a network. I wouldn't expect either of them to be broadcasting much longer anyway. I don't ever plan to find it on tv. It would be a waste of my time.
Category: Politics
Who’s More Unprofessional: KEITH OLBERMANN Or His Last Four Employers?
Keith olbermann was just fired from Current TV — and we hear that chances of him actually showing up to a slated appearance with old Sports Center cohost Dan Patrick at a panel in New York City next Thursday are not much higher than the lottery odds.
Olbermann Gets Canned - Promises to Sue Al Gore
Loon Keith olbermann got canned today from Current TV. Later this afternoon he released this statement on his dismissal, blasting Al Gore and Joel Hyatt in the process. My full statement: Id like to apologize to my viewers and my staff for the failure of ...
Olbermann In a Clash At New Job
The broadcaster Keith olbermann is famous for estranging himself from his bosses, be it at ESPN, Fox or MSNBC. At his new home, Al Gores Current TV, he has done it in record time. Mr. Olbermann, who was hired last year to be the top star of the upstart liberal news source, had been on the job scarcely three months when trouble started. He declined - Broadcaster Keith olbermann, known for his defiance, has estranged himself from his bosses at Current TV in scarcely three months; he declined channels requests to host special hours of election coverage, apparently out of frustration about technical difficulties; Current declines to comment about Olbermanns status. Photo (M) - By BRIAN STELTER
KEITH OLBERMANN booted from Current TV effective immediately | The ...
Keith olbermann, the famously fiery liberal anchor who left MSNBC in a huff just over a year ago to join the fledgling network, will be replaced as of tonight, reports the New York Times' Brian Stelter. In a series of Tweets ...
Current TV plugs wrong Twitter ID for Olbermann replacement
In its haste to make it look like it had everything in hand following its firing of high-profile anchor Keith olbermann today, Current TV made a fairly embarrassing faux pas: It promoted the wrong Twitter ID for the mercurial Olbermanns ...
KEITH OLBERMANN News, Video and Gossip - Gawker
Keith olbermann Will No Longer Be Authority on Worlds Worst People. We Must All Mock This Hollywood Starlet for Wearing Toe Shoes to the Golden Globes. Keith ...
KEITH OLBERMANN Current TV Dispute Evokes Clarence B. Cain Reference
CORAL GABLES (LALATE) – Who is Clarence B. Cain? And what happened to Keith olbermann and Current TV? A Keith olbermann firing from Current TV today prompted Olbermann’s launch of a legal “countdown”. After a news statement authored by ...
Why does the Right hate KEITH OLBERMANN so much? Isnt intelligence and humor a good thing?
I just love Keith olbermann - cant wait till he runs for public office!
Answer: Because for so long the right have been attacking and smearing and bullying people unabated. Keith stands up to right wing talkers and commentators and calls them out on their crap.
Category: Politics
KEITH OLBERMANN Fired by Current TV, Replaced by Eliot Spitzer
Keith olbermanns career hits yet another rough patch. After acting as Chief News Officer of Current TV since February of 2011, Olbermann has been fired by the network, which is run by former Vice President Al Gore and Joel Hyatt. Olbermann was also the ...
Current pulls the plug on KEITH OLBERMANN
News commentator Keith olbermann is out at Current TV, just nine months after launching his weeknight show, Countdown. Viewpoint With Eliot Spitzer, featuring the former New York governor, will take over Countdown’s slot tonight (8 ET/5 PT) on ...
Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN -
MSNBC and Keith olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of " Countdown with Keith olbermann" was on Friday, January 21, 2011. MSNBC ...
KEITH OLBERMANN sacked by Current; likely legal battle looms ...
After barely a year, Current TV has sacked fiery host Keith olbermann. In a statement Friday afternoon, former Vice President Al Gore and legal entrepreneur Joel Hyatt, who cofounded the upstart cable network, took an ...
Olbermann to public access in Poca?
Oprah fired Rosie last week. Al Gore fired Dopey this week. Via Politico, a statement from Keith olbermann: I’d like to apologize to my viewers and my staff for the failure of Current TV. Editorially, Countdown had never been better. But for more than a ...
“KEITH OLBERMANN” on The Daily Caller
The worlds largest source of news and commentary about Keith olbermann - not affiliated with MSNBCs Countdown with Keith olbermann
Olbermann Watch - MSNBCs Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN
Here, straight from the twitter account of the infamous, deplorable Keith olbermann, are the topics scheduled for the first Countdown of March:
Current Replaces Olbermann With Spitzer; Olbermann Vows to Sue
Less than a year after Current TV introduced Keith olbermann to the lineup in a bid to broaden its appeal, the network said Friday that it had ended its relationship with the host. It said his show is being replaced immediately with one featuring former ...
countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN where is his set?
What happened to the set for countdown with Keith olbermann? Why is the back round all black now?
Answer: Kim Jonj iLL is currently using it in Hell.
Category: Country
KEITH OLBERMANN sacked by Current; likely legal battle looms
After barely a year, Current TV has sacked fiery host Keith olbermann. In a statement Friday afternoon, former Vice President Al Gore and legal entrepreneur Joel Hyatt, who cofounded the upstart cable network, took an extraordinary swipe at ...
Current washes KEITH OLBERMANN away
When Al Gore and Joel Hyatt snapped up Keith olbermann last year following his spectacular exit from MSNBC, they knew what they were getting: a ferociously talented, famously difficult broadcaster with a track record of taking networks to the ...
Countdown With KEITH OLBERMANN- HuffPost TV
Countdown With Keith olbermann episodes, cast and crew, photos, listings and more on HuffPost TV! Independent analysis of todays news headline.
KEITH OLBERMANN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keith Theodore Olbermann is an American political commentator and writer. He has been the chief news officer of the Current TV network and the host of ...
Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN // Current TV
Countdown with Keith olbermann is a week-nightly commentary show featuring journalism’s most provocative and outspoken voice. 8/7c -- only on Current TV
KEITH OLBERMANN (@KeithOlbermann) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Keith olbermann (@KeithOlbermann). There is Baseball, and occasionally there is other stuff of note.
MEDIA DECODER; Current Cuts Vanguard Staff
As Current TV turns itself into a channel for liberal talk, it is turning away from its original source for news, a critically acclaimed documentary unit called Vanguard. In what was described by some as a cost-cutting move, the channel dismissed most of the staff of Vanguard last week, according to four people with knowledge of the - Media Decoder blog notes Current TV dismisses most of the roughly 10 employees of the documentary series Vanguard in cost-cutting move. (M) - By BRIAN STELTER
KEITH OLBERMANN Fired From Current TV |
Keith olbermann just can´t keep a job! The news anchor has kissed another cable job away after Current TV decided to part ways with the pundit. The network run by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt...
Current TV Axes Olbermann, Hires Spitzer
Current TV announced Friday that it has severed its relationship with Keith olbermann barely a year after he signed a five-year $50 million contract with the station. The stations founders, Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, released a statement ...
Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with KEITH OLBERMANN
The infamous, deplorable Keith olbermann, who had called Snow every name in the book starting with 'baldfaced liar' and moving up, suddenly claimed he and ...
KEITH OLBERMANN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keith Theodore Olbermann (born January 27, 1959) is an American political commentator and writer. He has been the chief news officer of the Current TV network and the ...
Keith olbermann: #IMDb
From: peterpjmarz - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @tmz: Keith olbermann FIRED
From: Qwanz - Source: HootSuite
Keith olbermann sacked by Current; likely legal battle looms via @LATshowtracker
From: dgendvil - Source: Tweet Button
#KeithOlbermann vs. #ESPN, #FoxSportsNet, #MSNBC, #CurrentTV
From: MichaelWard1973 - Source: web
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From: hottrendtoday - Source: hottrendsdaily
RT @peterrothberg: Olbermann axed by Current. @gregmitch reports
From: andyedelson - Source: Twitter for Android
Current TV Terminates Contract With Keith olbermann, Replaced By Eliot Spitzer Beginning Tonight #politics #news
From: x_politics - Source: XYDOhandles
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Keith olbermann,
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From: hottrendtoday - Source: hottrendsdaily
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Keith olbermann,
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From: servicebz - Source: hottrendsdaily
What an asshat: #tcot #olbermann
From: pigybank - Source: Mobile Web
Al Qaeda apparently loves liberals in the US and world media. Vote Republican or we all die. Its plain and simple.
From: A_Rebel_Yell - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Update on Olbermann: Hell appear on Letterman show next Tuesday. Yow.
From: GregMitch - Source: web
Tonja, heres some great news for moderates everywhere: Keith olbermann has been fired again!
From: GoldsteinThomas - Source: web
via @darcy7: #keitholbermann OUT of $50 million contract with Current TV-
From: breakingsfnews - Source: GroupTweet
New Popular Keywords: mega millions, lottery tickets, Keith olbermann, ... #SEO
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