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A Roadmap for Americas Future | The Budget Committee Republicans
the problem; the solution; roadmap plan details; issues ...
PAUL RYAN said that Republicans want effective government. Was government effective during the Bush years?
Paul ryan said today on This Week that Americans want effective government. During the Bush years because of politics the Republicans did not even include two wars on the budget while at the same time giving the rich a tax cut. Was it effective government and why would you trust Republicans again?
Answer: LOL in way of plans of NWO yes..Tea Party Conservatives and American people have been used and misled by Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch-New World Order puppeteers
Category: Politics
Could Democrats have even dreamed of the Tea Party PAUL RYAN Budget? What a boon to Democrats?
With no chance of passing at all, the Tea Party Fantasy budget by Paul ryan is probably the best thing that could happen to Democrats. This budget shifts most of the cost to the elderly, something that polls at 23% popularity. No Democrats would ever vote for it and Republicans that did will probably lose the Senior votes quick.
Considering he also voted for the Prescription Drug Program doesnt it seem odd he now wants to kill it?
Should we get Paul ryan to work on the Democratic National Committee?
Answer: I agree, first the Birthers, then the Tea Party, the Tea Congress, and now Paul ryan, thank you GOP.
Category: Politics
PAUL RYAN | Facebook
Paul ryan - For more information visit: - Activities: Playing with my kids, bowhunting, mountain biking, mountain climbing Colorado Fourteeners, skiing, and ...
House G.O.P. Offers Its Own Budget Plan
WASHINGTON — House Republicans thrust their vision of a smaller government, a flatter tax code and a free-market Medicare system into the 2012 election season on Tuesday, banking that fears over surging federal deficits will trump longstanding voter allegiances to popular government programs. The House Budget Committee blueprint for spending - By JONATHAN WEISMAN
EDITORIAL; The Careless House Budget
As he rolled out his 2013 budget on Tuesday, Paul ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, correctly said that he and his fellow Republicans were offering the country a choice of two very clear futures. The one he outlined in his plan could hardly be more bleak. It is one where the rich pay less in taxes than the unfairly low rates they pay now,
PAUL RYAN | Facebook
Paul ryan - For more information visit: - Activities: Playing with my kids, bowhunting, mountain biking, mountain climbing Colorado Fourteeners, skiing, and reading ...
PAUL RYAN Budget May Expose GOP Rift
House Budget Chairman Paul ryan speaks at a news conference Tuesday on his budget, the “Path to Prosperity.” Ryan’s Budget Faces a Perilous Future With Budget Release, Grass-Roots Groups Get Going Ryan Releases Budget to Uncertain Fate As House ...
PAUL RYAN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Davis Ryan (born January 29, 1970) is the U.S. Representative for Wisconsins 1st congressional district, serving since 1999. He is a member of the Republican ...
Modern-age originals from comic book and strip artist.
Romney should read PAUL RYANs budget plan
Mitt Romneys allergy to honesty has come into sharper focus this week, but even by his standards, the comments Romney made on a Wisconsin radio show this morning were astounding. Romney said the plan introduced by House Budget Committee ...
Rep. Ryan Says Would Consider VP Bid
(NewsCore) - Rep. Paul ryan (R-Wis.) left the door wide open Sunday when asked whether hed consider joining the Republican presidential ticket as the running mate of the eventual nominee. Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman whose budget ...
PAUL RYAN | Facebook
Paul ryan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Paul ryan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and ...
Biography | U.S. Congressman PAUL RYAN
Born and raised in the community of Janesville, Paul ryan is a fifth-generation Wisconsin native. Currently serving his 7th term as a Member of Congress, Paul works ...
PAUL RYAN (comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul ryan (born 23 September 1949 in Massachusetts) is an American comic book and comic strip artist. Ryan has worked extensively for Marvel Comics and DC Comics on a ...
THE WEEK AHEAD; Mar. 25 — 31
A FAMILY reunion of sorts is taking place at the Vineyard Theater, where the new musical “NOW. HERE. THIS.” opens this week. The gang that brought the world “[title of show],” the infectious and seriously self-referential musical with a similarly eccentric title, has reunited to create a show that promises to be just as
PAUL RYAN would 'consider' Romney-Ryan ticket | The Raw Story
House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul ryan (R-WI) says that he would be willing to “consider” accepting a nomination to be his party's vice presidential nominee. Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday asked Ryan if he would ...
With Robin Ventura as Manager, White Sox Do a 180
GLENDALE, Ariz. — When the Chicago White Sox named Robin Ventura their manager in early October , they informed their employees via e-mail. As soon as the message landed, Jerry Reinsdorf heard an emphatic reaction to the hire. “Applause broke out all over the office,” said Reinsdorf, the White Sox’ chairman, in his office at - By TYLER KEPNER
PAUL RYANs song and dance
The following editorial appeared in the Baltimore Sun on Wednesday, March 21: If Republicans are getting ready to turn an election-year corner, settle on a presidential nominee and begin broadening their political message beyond the reality ...
Is PAUL RYAN a pawn of the Federal Reserve?
Is Paul ryan a pawn of the anonymous mega rich bankers who own the Federal Reserve.
Is the Fed worried that they wont get interest on the 14 trillion loan they have with the USA. Is the Fed using Paul ryan to protect their loan.
This interest paid to these Federal Reserve bankers is paid by your income taxes.
Answer: Much of that $14T is debt owed to foreign governments. The Fed does hold plenty of debt but as I understand it, the numbers are small relative to the foreign holdings.
The Fed owns the US government. If you're looking for close ties to the Fed check out Barney Frank and Chris Dodd as two of the larger players.
Category: Politics
Person of the Year Runner-Up: PAUL RYAN - TIMEs People Who ...
Heres a curious fact: in a year of political gridlock, when Congress could get nothing done — not even pass a budget — the most influential American ...
COMMON SENSE; A Tax Plan That Aims at Loopholes, in Theory
Having touched the third rail of American politics last year — proposed cuts to entitlements like Medicare — and lived to fight another day, Representative Paul ryan was back this week with a revised Republican budget proposal and another storm of criticism. His budget “ slashes the safety net to pay for tax cuts mostly for - By JAMES B. STEWART
PAUL RYAN - SourceWatch
Paul D. Ryan, Jr. (born January 29, 1970) has been a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999, representing the First Congressional ...
Who is right regarding the PAUL RYAN Medicare plan?
Who is right regarding the Paul ryan Medicare plan?
Republicans say it wont affect anyone 55 and over.
Democrats say that is not true as it will:
1. Eliminate the prescription drug "donut-hole" giving $250 checks to help cover prescription medicine for seniors;
2. Limit "some" preventive care to seniors.
Who is "right"?
Answer: The democrats.
>won't affect anyone 55 and over.
This is a typical divide an concour strategy. They think since the "promise" that they will not touch THEIR Medicare that they would not care if their sons, daughters, and grandchildren had a medical program or not. Or that they care that the money the conservatives want to take out of the program would go to the big companies as insurance premiums and tax cuts. Later on they slowly eliminate those parts that are still in effect. The Dems are also right in that it puts back the donut hole that the republicans created on Medicare part D, which had no provision to control the prices the pharmaceuticals charged the seniors, the government and made the seniors pay even more with their share plus the donut hole. The republicans have been dead set against Medicare since it was signed into law (even though it passes with bi-partisan support). BTW, they have been against Social Security and plan to go after that as well. z
Category: Politics
HIGH & LOW FINANCE; Tax Overhaul Is Big on Promises, Light on Substance
If approached the right way, there could actually be some widespread agreement on tax reform coming out of the current election. “The tax code has become a broken maze of complexity and political favoritism, overgrown with special-interest loopholes,” said Representative Paul ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, the chairman of the House - By FLOYD NORRIS
Obama Adviser Tries to Tie PAUL RYAN Budget Plan to Mitt Romney ...
President Barack Obama s senior adviser, David Plouffe, repeatedly denigrated House Budget Chairman Paul ryan s (R-Wis.) just-released budget plan on Sunday news shows and sought to tie it to presidential candidate ...
PAUL RYAN (@RepPaulRyan) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Paul ryan (@RepPaulRyan). Representing Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District; Chairman of House Budget Committee.
PAUL RYANs "Focus on Dignity" is a Spectacle of Greed and Cruelty
“Promoting the natural rights and the inherent dignity of the individual must be the central focus of all government.” House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul ryan, R-Wis., holds up a copy of his budget plan entitled "The Path to ...
PAUL RYAN - US Congress
... to reform entitlements. Volunteer to help the campaign by joining our impact team to keep Paul in office where we need him! ... Paid for by Ryan for Congress.
Are Republicans trying to force Democrats to adopt the PAUL RYAN Plan?
Republicans have swallowed the poison pill by adopting Paul ryans plan to cut Medicare. Are they forcing the Democrats to do the same with the debt limit blackmail?
Answer: Yes. They are holding the debt ceiling hostage. They know they have no choice but to raise it, but they will keep on playing this game to get the spending cuts they want, while giving nothing in return.
If Obama and the Dems are smart they will call their bluff, but they aren't smart.
Category: Politics
Is PAUL RYAN the Republicans Jim Jones leading those who follow to one final cup of Kool Aid?
Jones led his followers to death in Jonestown by a forced suicide by Cyanide Kool Aid.
Is Paul ryan and his plans to turn Medicare into a private voucher system like Jim Jones? Will all those who follow suffer a similar fate as did NY 26th districts Republican loser who supported the Radical Ryan Budget?
Answer: the cons seem genuinely puzzled how libs could take one special election and turn it into a major party victory
I would rather they stay that way, puzzled
Category: Politics
Ryan Budget a Windfall for Special Interests, Devastating to Public Priorities
BOSTON, March 21-- The Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group issued the following news release: Statement of MASSPIRG Legislative Director on the Federal FY 2013 budget proposed by Chairman Paul ryan (Wisconsin) of the House Budget Committee.
U.S. Congressman PAUL RYAN
Official site of U.S. Representative Paul ryan (WI-1), Republican party.
U.S. Congressman PAUL RYAN
March 20, 2012 The GOP Budget and Americas Future . By Paul ryan Less than a year ago, the House of Representatives passed a budget that took on our generations ...
Is PAUL RYAN the only one who can win against Obama?
I think Paul ryan is our best chance for winning, although Obama has really nothing to run on- people are dumb enough still to support Obama.
Paul ryan is SMART
Paul ryan is YOUNG
Paul ryan has common sense!
Paul ryan is handsome!
I really think most college kids who only care about looks and age of a leader would vote for Paul ryan.
Answer: How come he voted for medicare part d and added 20 to the unfunded liability problem.
I am not satisfied with a pretty speech.
Category: Politics
Republicans Take Fire Over a Budget Plan
WASHINGTON — House Republicans pressed forward on Wednesday with a politically freighted budget and tax plan, taking fire from the left and the right, as well as from the powerful senior citizens lobby, AARP , which said the plan “lacks balance” and “jeopardizes the health and economic security of older Americans.” - By JONATHAN WEISMAN
Question For Democrats, If PAUL RYAN Removed the Changes to Medicare from the Budget Plan,would you support it?
Question For Democrats, If Paul ryan Removed the Changes to Medicare from the Budget Plan,would you support it then?
Answer: no.
Category: Politics
PAUL RYAN (R-Wis.) - The Washington Post
Why He Matters. Ryan, first elected to Congress at the age of 28, has turned himself into a fresh-faced budget hawk. When Republicans were in the minority, he ...
THE LONG RUN; A Passionate Persona Forged in a Brutal Defeat
Rick Santorums prospects for re-election to the Senate were not rosy when friends and advisers urged him in 2005 not to risk making things worse. Mr. Santorum, hurting politically in Pennsylvania because of his defense of the Iraq war and President George W. Bush, had written a book, It Takes a Family. It was a blistering attack on liberal - By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE
Why does PAUL RYAN want the President to say that the Republican Plan doesnt kill Medicare?
Why does Paul Ryan want the President to say that the Republican Plan doesnt kill Medicare? When it in fact kills Medicare.
Answer: Because that is what he wants to believe.
Category: Politics
Ryan, Paul - News - US News and World Report
News about Ryan, Paul. Articles and blogs about Ryan, Paul published by U.S. News & World Report.
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » PAUL RYAN Says He'd Consider VP ...
Paul ryan Says He'd Consider VP Nod. Paul ryan Says He'd Consider VP Nod. Posted by ZIP on Sunday, March 25, 2012, at 10:30 am | Like Tweet. « Previous Post. Comment. Click here to cancel reply. Name (required). Email (required ...
Paul ryan, Marvel, comics, second star graphics, fantastic four,,
How do you feel about Newt Gingrich going against the PAUL RYAN Budget plan?
Even though last month, he said that, if in that position, he would vote for the Paul ryan plan?
Answer: I have a some respect for Newt now.
Category: Politics
How would PAUL RYAN entering the Republican Presidential Race help Republicans?
"come together" at all?
The Tea Party was already giving Perry a hard time because the Republicans want to axe Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Paul ryan would get that same treatment 10x as bad.
I mean arent the 3 who are already in it pretty set in stone for the Republican front runners? Ron Paul, Bachmann and Perry?
Answer: Paul ryan is smart enough to know that he doesn't have a chance after he spearheaded the Republican effort to end medicare.
Republicans: JOBS JOBS JOBS
2 months later: UHh we have to end medicare...
Category: Politics
I Was Wrong About PAUL RYAN -
I Was Wrong About Paul ryan. No, I haven't lost my mind. He's still the same flim-flamming fiscal phony he always was. Where I was at least somewhat wrong was in my expectations about how the Very Serious People would ...
Rep. PAUL RYAN says he’d ‘consider’ a vice presidential candidacy
Rep. Paul ryan (R-Wisc.) said Sunday that he would have to consider joining the Republican presidential ticket if asked to run for the vice presidency—but insisted he’d given the matter little thought while concentrating on writing and ...
PAUL RYAN budget would kill millions of jobs
budget proposal would give to the already wealthy. While House Budget Committee Chairman Paul ryans proposed budget is going absolutely nowhere in its intact form, thats not something he and his backers figure would happen anyway. The purpose ...
About ATWT: Whos Who in Oakdale | PAUL RYAN | As The World Turns ...
ATWT Online is soapcentral.coms (Soap Opera Central) section devoted to the CBS soap, As the World Turns. The site is features daily recaps, spoilers and gossip ...
The Political Environment: PAUL RYAN Veep Trial Balloon Spotted
Paul ryan Veep Trial Balloon Spotted. Scott Walker, on steroids. “I would have to consider it,” he said on Fox News Sunday. “But it's not something I'm even thinking about because I think our job in Congress is pretty important ...
Do you think PAUL RYAN should run for President one day?
Its a bit too late for him to run in 2012, but I think Paul ryan should run in 2016.
Answer: I wouldn't mind. He has enough sense to realize that addressing the deficit is THE priority. Liberals will scream bloody murder at any plan he throws out there, but screw them. Somebody's got to rein in the insanity.
Category: Politics
Is PAUL RYAN rapidly becoming a Parriah in the Republican Party. A Democrat won a long held Repub Seat today?
New Yorks 26 District was won by a Democrat today, first time since the Civil War. She ran against the Rayn Bill. It seems to be a winning formula, just mention the Radical Ryan plan to anyone and they respond negatively.
With men like Paul ryan in the Republican Party will Democrats take back the House?
48% to 42% with only 8% voting Tea Bagger, even without the Tea Party she probably would have won.
Answer: It's like they all stepped in dog doo with Paul ryan leading....everyone who followed him stinks!
Democrats will win back House thanks to Ryan!
Category: Politics
PAUL RYAN - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington Post
About Paul ryan. RYAN, Paul, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Janesville, Rock County, Wis., January 29, 1970; graduated from Joseph A. Craig High School ...
Rep. PAUL RYAN Leaves the Door Open to Becoming a GOP Vice ...
The House Budget Committee chairman, Rep. Paul ryan (R-WI) sat down with Chris Wallace today on Fox News Sunday to talk about his budget proposal and the possibility of becoming the Republican vice presidential pick.
Joe Conason: PAUL RYAN’s Plan for American Decline
If the foreign adversaries and competitors of the United States imagined a future that would fulfill their most ambitious objectives, it might begin with a government crippled by the House Republican leadership’s “Ryan budget” released ...
Movie Listings for March 23-29
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: . ‘Act of Valor’ (R, 1:41) Grafting actual Navy SEALs — and live ammunition — onto a concocted narrative, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh create a pumped-up recruitment commercial
PAUL RYAN | Presidential bid | Vice president | The Daily Caller
'I am focused on doing my job in Congress, which I think is important. ... I can't answer that question'
PAUL RYAN, David Plouffe Spar Over House GOP Budget
WASHINGTON — The new debt-slashing budget plan pushed by House Republicans heated up as a presidential campaign issue Sunday as the proposals architect, Rep. Paul ryan of Wisconsin, sparred with top Democrats over its political fallout and ...
PAUL RYAN: Id "consider" vice presidential run
(CBS News) Republican Congressman Paul ryan left the door open Sunday to running as the GOPs vice presidential candidate, telling CBS "Face the Nation" that hed "consider it" if asked. Ryan, speaking with CBS News Norah ODonnell, initially ...
PAUL RYAN (R-Wis.) - The Washington Post
A fifth-generation Wisconsin native, Paul ryan was born Jan. 29, 1970, in Janesville. He is the youngest of Paul Sr. and Betty Ryan's four children. He attended ...
Is PAUL RYAN rapidly becoming a Parriah in the Republican Party. A Democrat won a long held Repub Seat?
New Yorks 26 District was won by a Democrat today, first time since the Civil War. She ran against the Radical Ryan Bill. It seems to be a winning formula, just mention the Radical Ryan plan to anyone and they respond negatively.
With men like Paul ryan in the Republican Party will Democrats take back the House? Many Republicans are spinning this as the fault of a 3rd party, so I guess they wony have any problems with the Democrats attacking them for getting rid of Medicare?
Answer: I never knew that any group of people could back pedal so quickly !
Ryan? Paul ryan? Never heard of him...................
Category: Politics
PAUL RYAN, David Plouffe Spar Over House GOP Budget
WASHINGTON — The new debt-slashing budget plan pushed by House Republicans heated up as a presidential campaign issue Sunday as the proposal's architect, Rep. Paul ryan of Wisconsin, sparred with top Democrats ...
In turn-about, Washington Post ed board rejects PAUL RYANs dangerous budget
Paul Krugman asks the question (well, two questions) of the day following the release of Rep. Paul ryans budget: So actually two questions: are people finally willing to concede that Ryan is not now and has never been remotely serious?
Is Congressman PAUL RYAN running for president?
Im watching On the Record With Greta Van Susteren and she just said something to do with Paul ryan running for president. Is this true? I havent heard about this.
Answer: officially? not yet as far as I know. so maybe it's more of a walk for president.
Category: Elections
Ryan: Budget treats root cause of poverty
WASHINGTON, March 25 (UPI) -- Rep. Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., said Sunday the proposed federal budget would limit entitlements in an effort to treat the root causes of poverty, not the symptoms. The budget, authored by Ryan, is expected to be debated ...
PAUL RYAN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Davis Ryan (born January 29, 1970) is the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin's 1st congressional district, serving since 1999. He is a member of the ...
Will the Senate Republicans filibuster the PAUL RYAN plan to privatize Medicare?
They can commit political suicide by voting for the Paul ryan plan or they can anger the right wing by voting against it.
Answer: I wish Harry Reid would hurry up and put it the House Ryan Budget up for a vote. Then we will see how many brave, bold, and courageous Republicans willingly step up to the plate and vote for it.
Scott Brown said today that he will not vote for it.
Scott Brown takes on Paul ryan, opposes GOP Medicare reform plan..
Chris Moody - The Daily Caller – Mon May 23, 9:21 am ET
Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who for weeks has withheld his official position on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul ryan’s plan to overhaul Medicare, announced Monday he will vote to defeat the bill when it arrives on the Senate floor.
“While I applaud Ryan for getting the conversation started, I cannot support his specific plan — and therefore will vote ‘no’ on his budget,” Scott wrote in an op-ed in by Politico Monday.
Category: Politics
AVALANCHE 3, RANGERS 1; Avalanche Goalie Varlamov Masters the Rangers
After the Pittsburgh Penguins drew closer in the standings, the last thing the Rangers needed was to run into a hot goaltender. But that was what happened when they faced Semyon Varlamov at Madison Square Garden on Saturday night. Despite outshooting Colorado, 42-20, the Rangers failed to solve Varlamov in a 3-1 loss to the Avalanche . “He - By CHRISTOPHER BOTTA
A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans
A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans. the problem; the solution; roadmap plan details. issues. image for content1 tab ...
PAUL RYAN on the Issues
Paul ryan on Abortion : Click here for 20 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion. Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion.
PAUL RYAN - US Congress
Putting an end to over-spending in Washington is the key to balancing our budget. This is why I’ve been pushing for years to enact budget reforms to curb wasteful ...
Look for my email why Paul ryan can save GOP as VP choice; also interesting oped by Clark U Prof on Trayvon Martin & Blk. Sanford Fla. Mgr.
From: Kurlykomments - Source: web
Saw Rick Santorum, Tony Katz, Michelle Malkin, Paul ryan, RoJo and a cast of 1000 conservatives @AFP DAD
From: SteveOliver13 - Source: web
GOP budget would strip loopholes for top earners, Rep. Paul ryan says - Fox News
From: WalkerHammLSG - Source: web
RT @A_ThinkingGirl: This Week in Poverty: Paul ryans Focus on Dignity | The Nation a focus on indignity and Ryans Path To Poverty Plan.
From: trickyriki - Source: Tweet Button
RT @KatrinaNation: In our Poverty blog this week: Paul ryans moral rhetoric sure doesnt square with his cruel budget | The Nation
From: jujueyeball - Source: Tweet Button
RT @dccc: Paul ryan claimed "no way to know" whether budget would hurt middle class & benefit wealthy - FALSE:
From: tx19dems - Source: TweetDeck
RT @TheDailyEdge: Paul ryan: "If We Dont Kill #Medicare America Will Have to Face the Horrific Alternative of the Rich Paying Taxes at Clinton-Era Levels"
From: Alauda1 - Source: web GOP budget would strip loopholes for top earners, Rep. Paul ryan says - Fox News
From: newstodaybzcm - Source: WPSyndicator
RT @liberalkitty: Paul ryans plan.
From: vamike57 - Source: web
Paul ryans budget not only affects Medicare, it establishes premiums for kids playing Operation. Take out wrenched ankle.
From: diggaduh - Source: web
Making Paul ryan your VP choice makes about as much sense as making Scott Walker your Secretary of Education.
From: Chris_Weigl - Source: web
Rep. Paul ryan says he’d ‘consider’ a vice presidential candidacy
From: RawSPolitics - Source: Raw Signal
RT @fuzislippers: Rep. Paul ryan says hed consider a vice presidential candidacy /Santorum/Ryan since I cant have Ryan/whomever
From: Youxia88 - Source: Tweet Button
Rep. Paul ryan and Cindy Frich graduated from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio #miamiu #OH #WIGOP #WI #WV #WVGOP PLEASE Vote for Rick Santorum
From: CindyFrich - Source: HTC Peep
Rep. Paul ryan says hed ‘consider’ a vice presidential candidacy
From: ROCKWITHBECK - Source: web