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DUGGARS Get Terrible News | koolbizz
Duggars Get Terrible News, Duggars struggle with tragic baby ordeal, The Duggars Get Terrible News on '19 Kids & Counting' [Video], Michelle and Jim Bob call their 19 kids together to deliver terrible news about their unborn's health. Thanks ...
The Psalm In Santorums Political Quiver
If Santorum owes any of his remarkable last-minute surge to the Duggars, then the pater familias of the TV series "19 and Counting" has given an old Bible verse a currency thats hard to imagine anywhere outside ... the Republican primaries. Psalm 127s ...
'19 Kids and Counting': The DUGGARS deal with Jubilee's miscarriage ...
On the “19 Kids” season finale, Jim Bob and Michelle deliver the sad news to their family. It's even sadder when you realize that most of the kids think the big announcement is going to be the gender of their newest sibling.
The DUGGARS Get Terrible News on 19 Kids & Counting [Video ...
Thanks to TLCs "19 Kids & Counting," weve shared many happy moments with the ever-growing Duggar family. But on last nights spring finale, we were witness to an ...
DVD; Big Brood Spawns Big Ratings
LONG before Nadya Suleman and her octuplets, the supersized family was a staple of scripted television. From The Brady Bunch to 7th Heaven, large clans have given screenwriters a head start at creating the sense of family that successful series evoke. Now that formula is a big hit on reality television. Jon & Kate Plus 8, in its fourth - By SUSAN STEWART
THE MEDIUM; Family-Size
The average American mother has 2.1 children. The United States is no Hong Kong, where the average mother has 1, but its not prolific Somalia, either, where 6.6 is average. Here we just keep procreation moving along. In the midst of this moderation, TLC, the basic cable channel, has assembled a little fertility cult. To watch TLC, which - Virginia Heffernan column on TLC channels two popular shows that follow doings of large families: Jon & Kate plus 8 and Duggers Big Family Album; photo (M) - By VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN
Jim Bob Duggar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Duggar and his wife endorsed Mike Huckabee in 2008 during his campaign for the Republican Party presidential primaries. In January 2012, the Duggars endorsed former senator ...
And Baby Makes How Many?
THE comment from the photographer at Sears was typical. Are these all yours? she asked, surveying Kim Gunnips 12 children. No, Mrs. Gunnip replied, I picked some up at the food court. But it was harder to find a retort for the man in line at the supermarket, who said within earshot of her youngest children, You must have a great sex - By KATE ZERNIKE
Whats On Today
8 P.M. (TCM) PRIVATE SCREENINGS: WALTER MIRISCH Over more than 60 years, Mr. Mirisch has gone from working for B-picture studios to producing best-picture Oscar winners. Robert Osborne interviews Mr. Mirisch about his Hollywood trajectory, which included a stint as president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Four films he produced - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
DUGGARS stump for Santorum in West Monroe
MONROE, La. (KNOE 8 News) - Family members from popular reality show, "19 kids and counting" stopped in West Monroe Thursday. They were here to campaign for presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Most of the Duggar kids made an appearance at Claiborne ...
I just want to know your opinion on the Duggars. I really dont like them that much. I think after their grandbaby was born, they should have stopped having babies. I think it gross. What are you opinions?
Answer: I love the Duggars and know them personally I think they are wonderful people and great parents. I think they are so in love and their love for one another shines out like the sun and there is nothing gross about that.
Category: Parenting
* Three's 4 Me: Those DUGGARS...
What had happened was that Michelle lost the baby right before her 18 week ultrasound, where they were going to find out the sex of their sweet little one. Unfortunately, they couldn't find a heartbeat. Immediately Jim Bob and ...
RW "Family Values" Put to Use
As a general matter I find the Duggars upsetting. There are only two absolutely positive things I can say about them. First, unlike the majority of the Right they arent being absolute hypocrites when they talk about the evils of birth control.
The Duggar Family - Family Info
They have recently completed work on their first book,The Duggars: 20 and Counting! The Duggar’s desire is to make Christ known and for others to see that the Bible is ...
TVs DUGGARS show faith in Rick Santorum
Of all the campaign surrogates on the trail this cycle, Rick Santorum can legitimately claim the biggest. His most faithful supporters are the Duggars, the stars of the television reality show “19 Kids and Counting.” They include parents Jim ...
TELEVISION REVIEW | ADOPTION DIARIES; For Some Couples, the Goal Is Just Plus 1
When Survivor and Big Brother first appeared in this country nearly a decade ago, it would have been hard to predict that reality television would splice off into so many genres and subgenres, and that eventually an entire realm would be devoted to aberrations in human fertility and childbearing. The average American family consists of 3.19 - By GINIA BELLAFANTE
How do the DUGGARS afford all those trips and everything?
i was just seeing the Duggars on TLC and it seems like they always go on trips.. with all of their kids.. doesnt it get expensive??
and when michelle and her husband leave the house together they usually go with only one kid what happens to the other babies? do they have nannies or something?
so that means they can have tons of more kids?
Answer: I'm sure they don't pay for that stuff..
Category: Newborn & Baby
The DUGGARS Get Terrible News on '19 Kids & Counting' [Video ...
17 hours ago ... From Yahoo! TV: Thanks to TLC's "19 Kids & Counting," we've shared many happy moments with the ever-growing Duggar family. But on last ...
DUGGARS News, Video and Gossip - Gawker
Here Are Some Tender Photos of the Duggars Miscarried 20th Child. Jennifer Aniston Shouldnt Say Retard, and Other Slaps on the Wrist. Teri Hatcher Goes Nuclear in ...
Duggar baby photo viewed by some as a model for grieving parents ...
Dec 19, 2011 ... Duggar family: The Duggar family's decision to photograph their miscarried child will be morbid to some. But grief experts applaud the family's ...
How many DUGGARS do you think there will be in 15 years?
If all the kids follow the same plan as the parents , that makes almost 300 Duggars!
I agree, some of them are going to do theyre own thing when they get out of the shelter.
Answer: I have to believe that one of those little Duggars will stray from the fold and follow their own set of rules. They will only have 2 children.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
Why do the DUGGARS keep having so many babies?
I just dont understand how someone can want to have that many kids, its like theyre trying to create their own country of Duggars. Its very obsessive and selfish in my eyes to want an entire farm of babies. Do they not believe in birth control? Doesnt the mom have any interest in having another hobby besides babymaker? Why do we encourage these shows?
Answer: Im not a fan of the Duggars in the sense that I believe she shouldnt have so many children for her own sake and for her kids-she almost didnt make it in this last pregnancy -and she would have left many kids without a mom including two toddlers and an infant! And as much as I love children I think 19 is wayy too many!
They believe that children are a blessing from God and they believe that they'll accept as many children as God wills. Sex is viewed as a means to procreate-and have a family. As for her hobbies-like many moms she's a stay at home mom! And if they can afford it so be it!
The show is about a mom dealing with multiple children-she also homeschools them.. so it's an interesting show for some. I dont see anything wrong with the show in particular-as for her -I dont think she should have any more and I've recently read somewhere something along the lines...that she's not having anymore... let's hope for her own sake and the sake of those children.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
Children: 19 Kids and Counting: TLC
About the Duggar Family. Who are the Duggars? Learn more about Michelle, Jim Bob and all the Duggars of 19 Kids and Counting. See more »
DUGGARS plan memorial service for baby Jubilee Shalom - New ...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who suffered a miscarriage last week of their 20th child, will hold a memorial service on Wednesday December 14, 2011 for the baby g
Carefully scripted lives: My concerns about the DUGGARS | Love, Joy ...
First of all, I want to pout out that I would have concerns about the Duggars even if they were your ordinary family plus seventeen extra children. For one thing, there is no way any two parents can give nineteen children the ...
The DUGGARS bring Santorum support to Alabama
Rick Santorums campaign is getting some support from "Team Duggar." The Duggars have 19 kids and are featured on the TLC show "19 Kids and Counting." The dad, Jim Bob and 14 of the kids were in Vestavia Hills today. The Duggars have also campaigned for ...
The DUGGARS Wasteful? Michelle Duggar Defends 19 Kids! | Hottest ...
Duggars Using Their Kids As Propaganda smdh .. Reply · Parent · Thread · Link · [info] johnjie 20th-Mar-2012 10:03 pm (UTC). I actually think that baby is a.
Why do the DUGGARS like Santorum? Because of the Triple the exemption policy?
As of year end 2011, the Duggars had 13 kids 17 and under. So that gives them personal child exemptions of 49,400. If Santorums tax policy were enacted, the exemption for the 13 would be tripled and the family would be able to deduct an extra $98,800 from taxable income. If the Duggars make less than $200k, I dont see how this family pays taxes under Santorum.
I think The Duggars have a huge incentive here. Agree?
Answer: Sure. How would that make them any different than warren buffet's team of tax accountants and lawyers working 'round the clock so that buffet can avoid paying his fair share of taxes?
Category: Politics
The DUGGARS, Rick Santorum, and a Religious Realignment | Love ...
The Duggars have been campaigning for Rick Santorum, endorsing him wholeheartedly. The evangelicals of the Christian Right have embraced Santorum, and he is now their candidate of choice. There's just one thing that's ...
TODAYMoms - DUGGARS talk about their miscarriage, next pregnancy
Feb 14, 2012 ... Despite the pain of her recent miscarriage, TLC reality-show star and mother of 19 Michelle Duggar says she'd like to have more children if ...
Should the DUGGARS put a plug in it already?
My Lord, 20 kids?? They do a good job of supporting themselves, but have they ever heard of overpopulation? One good point though, is that as many kids as they have, the Duggars manage to keep their kids in better check than most people can manage with just one kid.
Im just curious to know; how many of you think Mrs Duggar should put a plug in it already?
Answer: YES! I think the limit should be like, 5. You can't care for all 20 kids and give them all love. I feel bad for the kids.
Category: Pregnancy
The DUGGARS Get Terrible News on 19 Kids & Counting [Video]
Thanks to TLCs "19 Kids & Counting," weve shared many happy moments with the ever-growing Duggar family. But on last nights spring finale, we were witness to an unspeakably tragic moment as well, as parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar received ...
TLCs DUGGARS stump for Santorum at Claiborne Christian
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum will be in Monroe and West Monroe on Friday, but Thursday, The Duggar family from TLC’s reality show “19 Kids and Counting” were stumping for Santorum in West Monroe. Students at Claiborne Christian ...
DUGGARS - Grandson born video : People.com
Hours before she welcomed her baby boy into the world Wednesday, Anna Duggar was feeling a rather distinct emotion. "Im feeling like Im in labor," Duggar ...
Duggar Family Blog: DUGGARS in Louisiana Friday
Duggars in Louisiana Friday. The Duggars are still going strong on the political front. Today, they are scheduled to campaign at three locations. Friday, March 23: 10:00am CT : Ouachita Parish Sheriff Office Shooting Range ...
19 Kids and Counting: TLC
The Duggars arent your average family. In fact, theyre almost 7 times the size of an average family. And while raising 19 kids can be a challenge, for the Duggars ...
Do the DUGGARS have the same camera crew as the Gosselins?
I was watching an episode and the Duggars said something about a camera man named scott. The Gosselins have a camera man name Scott too and since they are both TLC I was wondering if it was the same person?
Answer: Scott Enlow has filmed on the John and Kate Plus 8 show since the beginning. He also filmed the episode of 17 Kids And Counting Josh Gets Engaged and the original 14 Children and Pregnant Again! and Raising 16 Children. I am sure there are others he has done too. He seems like a busy guy.
I am sure both of these families are quite familiar with him.
Category: Drama
Title and author of a book featured on 19 kids and counting; The DUGGARS?
Looking for the title and author of a book featured on The Duggars, 19 Kids and Counting.
The episode discussed young females and males and getting into relationships... And how hard it is for young women to find good young Christian men. The book and author that was featured was by a young woman and discussed the purity of young ladies.
Ive done a few searches with no luck. Hoping someone has seen the same episode and can help me out.
Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.
Answer: fgfdgfdg
Category: Books & Authors
What type of diapers do the DUGGARS use on 18 kids and counting?
Just wondering. Seems like cloth would add to the incredible amount of laundry they do, but they are all about living frugally. I figure disposables for all those kids probably cost upwards of $15,000. If they use cloth, do they wash their dipes with the same homemade recipe on their website?
Answer: parents choice
Category: Other - Television
Duggar Family Blog
5 hours ago ... Back home, the Duggars gather in the living room to discuss baby names. If it is a boy, how about naming the child after his father? "I think ...
What do you think about Michelle and Jim Bob DUGGARS having their 20th child ?
The Duggars are expecting their 20th child, Do you think this is okay, Do you think they can support all of these children properly. Do you think they should stop, What is your Honest opinion on this situation ?
Answer: It bothers me. Yes they have the money, but only because of their show. These kids seem to be their paycheck. And yes they seem to love every single one of them, but do they all get the attention they deserve/ need? Another thing, the older kids have to help raise the younger ones. Shouldn't that be the parents job? Oh and the youngest, baby Josie, had serious medical problems when she was born. And it can't be good for Michelle's body. I mean i know womens body's were made for having kids but im not sure they were made for having 20+ kids. And honestly I think people should stop having kids when they start getting grandkids. Unless your child is young when they have a child. Their oldest is 23 years old. Its time to stop.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
19 Kids And Counting: Jim Bob Gets Competitive With His Sons During Laser Tag (VIDEO)
The Duggars were all about gender roles on "19 Kids & Counting" (Tue., 9 p.m. ET on TLC). While Jim Bob took the boys out for a fun day of playing laser tag in the woods, while Michelle and the girls stayed back home and baked cookies.
19 Kids and Counting: TLC
19 Kids and Counting follows Michelle and Bob Duggar as they deal with the challenges of raising a family of ten boys, eight girls and baby Josie Duggar.
Does anybody know what snl skit made fun of the DUGGARS?
I heard that the Duggars from 17, 18, and 19 kids and counting were made fun of on saturday night live, season 34, and I heard it was hosted by John Malkovich. Does anybody know what skit that was?
Answer: Here is the transcript from that episode. I do not see any references to the Duggars, though that could have happened in the Weekend Update segment:
Category: Comedy
The Duggar Family - Home
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family. ... Duggar Family Recipes. The Duggars make everything from delicious food to laundry detergent. Note To Fathers. Jim Bob ...
Nightline’ Daily Line, March 12: U.S. Soldier’s Alleged Deadly Rampage
The family says they are not in competition with the original big family TLC stars, the Duggars of “19 Kids and Counting,” but that each new child is another “blessing.” The Bates are evangelicals who do not believe in birth control.
Top TV Picks
“19 Kids and Counting” (9 p.m. and midnight, TLC) Michelle’s ultrasound appointment follows the Duggars’ announcement that they’re expecting a 20th child, but the family must deal with devastating news. “Dancing With the Stars” (9 p.m., C
19 Kids & Counting: Inside Michelle DUGGARS Heartbreaking Final Ultrasound
Michelle Duggar suffered a devastating miscarriage last December, and on Tuesdays finale of 19 Kids & Counting, Duggar bravely takes viewers inside her final ultrasound session to document the moment when she learned her 20th child was without a heartbeat ...
Duggar Family Takes Controversial Photos of Stillborn Baby Girl ...
But the cofounder of the nonprofit organization that photographed the stillborn baby at the Duggars’ request said that thousands of grieving parents have turned to the ...
What if the DUGGARS(19 Kids and counting) are just creepy child molesters?
What if the Duggars(19 Kids and counting) are just creepy child molesters and having all those kids for that purpose. They seem like good Christian people on tv but so did Jon and Kate plus 8. I dont know why but I worry about the things the people are exposing their children to!
Answer: Wouldn't suprise me but i look at them as more murders since they dont seem to care about their children.
Category: Parenting
Whats On Today
8 P.M. (ESPN) CATCHING HELL (2011) On Oct. 14, 2003, elated Chicago Cubs fans believed they would host a World Series for the first time since 1945, as the team led the Florida Marlins, 3-0, in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series at Wrigley Field. And then Steve Bartman, reaching for a foul pop fly from his seat - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
The DUGGARS Expecting 20th Child - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: The Duggars have their 20th child on the way! "19 Kids and Counting" stars Michelle and Jim Bob will welcome their next child in the spring, People ...
DUGGARS Set Memorial Service for Baby Jubilee Shalom
After suffering the miscarriage of their 20th child, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will hold a memorial service on Wednesday, Dec. 14, for the baby girl they ...
Duggar Family Blog
The Duggars are goal-oriented. From Jim Bob down through Jennifer, each family member has personal plans and ambitions. Lets take a look at what they hope to ...
TODAYMoms - DUGGARS talk about their miscarriage, next pregnancy
Despite the pain of her recent miscarriage, TLC reality-show star and mother of 19 Michelle Duggar says shed like to have more children if shes able.
A family TV show in the truest sense of the word
The Bateses met the Duggars, who have had a show on TLC about their large family for several seasons, through a home schooling network and even appeared on the Duggars’ show before they got their own. Betty Jo said Kelly and Gil don’t have a ...
Duggar Family Takes Controversial Photos of Stillborn Baby Girl ...
Dec 16, 2011 ... From Yahoo! News: In November, to the surprise of many, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar announced that the couple's 20th child was on the way ...
19 Kids and Counting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Duggars raise their children using a buddy system, wherein an older sibling is assigned to a younger sibling and assists in their primary care.
Do you watch the Kardashians and The DUGGARS and why?
Do you watch the Kardashians and The Duggars? If so, why? I am trying to understand the allure and what makes people stick to watching these shows.
Answer: No, I do not watch the Kardashians. Who wants to watch a show that shows a lot of rich people and their lavish lives.
I did watch the Duggars and still do sometimes but it is turning into another Jon & Kate plus 8 show with all their world travels now. The show was about how a family with so many kids functioned and made it in this world and their christian good family values. Now it is where are they going next and today she announced at 45 she is having baby #20. Wow. I think that is irresponsible.
Category: Reality Television
Oh No They Didn't! - DUGGARS Using Their Kids As Propaganda smdh
Duggars Using Their Kids As Propaganda smdh ..... Reply · Parent · Thread · Link · [info] johnjie 20th-Mar-2012 10:03 pm (UTC). I actually think that baby is a girl...the last four Duggar babies have been girls \why do I know this ...
Octo-Mom In Production
The first thing you notice upon entering the house of a family with 14 children is -- not surprisingly -- the presence of 14 children. There was Jonah, jiggling around delightedly in his Deluxe ExerSaucer, staring up at me with big brown eyes and smiling with a cleft lip. Nariyah squirmed languidly in a second ExerSaucer next to the fake fireplace, - John Bowe is the editor of the forthcoming oral history Us: Americans Talk About Love. His last article for the magazine was on the director Paul Feig. - By JOHN BOWE
Who do you think will be more messed up when they are older: the Gosselins or the DUGGARS?
The Gosselins are in the spotlight a lot more, but the Duggars are popping them out now just for publicity, I would hate my parents for doing that.
Answer: thing too much and it didn't go well. I think the Duggars are sick.........
Category: Polls & Surveys
Whatever its other intentions 17 Kids and Counting has the potential to keep the culture wars raging along. This series, being shown Mondays on TLC, follows a round of specials documenting the daily logistics of the Duggars of Tontitown, Ark., the evangelical Christian family of a couple named Jim Bob and Michelle, who during the course of - Ginia Bellafante reviews new TLC documentary series 17 Kids and Counting, about Duggars family of Tonitown, Ark, and new ABC game show Opportunity Knocks; photo (M) - By GINIA BELLAFANTE
Josh & Anna Duggar Family | The Official Website | 19 Kids & Counting!
You can check the TLC website for more information on the Duggars Television reality series. We are grateful to so many and would like to first thank God for his great ...
Why should we care who Clooney or the Duggar family wants for president?
Jeez. (That’s not another name. Not yet.) Good thing they didn’t start with the letter “Q” or “X.” The Duggars are conservative Christians who believe the Lord will decide how many children one should have. They also believe in supporting thems ...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar encourage moms in the Heart of Illinois
they are not alone " One things for sure their fans across the world will be watching to see if the Duggars make it an even 20 And the Duggars say they arent ruling it out, "Im not sure if well have any more or not, wed love to, but I guess ...
Whats On Today
8 P.M. (13, 49) DARWINS DARKEST HOUR Nova and National Geographic Television collaborate on this dramatization of Charles Darwins greatest personal crisis: the decision over whether to present his theory of natural selection to the public. Henry Ian Cusick, above with Frances OConnor, plays Darwin, who, having spent years refining his ideas - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
Would it be irresponsible for the DUGGARS to have any more children?
After having their 19th child almost 4 months prematurely (at the age of 42), Do you think it is irresponsible for the Duggars to have more children?
Answer: of course.But that wont stop them.they are sex machines!
(and of course they have to blame their addiction to sex on god LOL)
And im tired of hearing about what great parents they are.they dont raise them! once they are off the tit the older kids do.
Category: Parenting
The Duggar Family - Home
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family ... All your favorite clips from 19 Kids and Counting are here
What would Supernanny think of the Hayes family, the Gosselins and the DUGGARS?
Im really curious about what Jo would think of the Duggars, although JimBob and Michelle respect each other more than Jon and Kate.
Answer: I think the Super nanny would be okay with the Gosselin's Disciplining style as they are very consistent with it. I think she would take issue with the way they contradict and argue with each other in front of the kids though. As for the Duggers I can't stand them! I think Jim Bob is slipping Zanex into Michelle's orange juice!
Category: Family
19 Kids and Counting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Duggars elected to delay having children and practiced birth control. It was three years before Josh, their eldest child, was born. They then resumed using ...
TLCs Bates family: Are they the new DUGGARS?
Move over, Duggar family: TLCs got a new large family to introduce to the world, and their show premieres tonight (March 13) at 10 p.m. on the network. "The Bates Family: And Baby Makes 19" follows the Tennessee family -- who are close friends ...
Why I want to raise my kids like the Duggars http://t.co/yvOKEiFc
From: Rana_Gardunio - Source: web
RT @Yaelmzbha: TV’s Duggar family campaigns for Rick Santorum P http:tcoJNhH7wy6 Duggars
From: newsomrestela - Source: Mobile Web
The Duggars bring Santorum support to Alabama http://t.co/g8nHrFae
From: Bush_Jamie - Source: twitterfeed
@suzylake I got it with 3 too! Cause ya know 3 kids, youre practically the Duggars! ;-P
From: Coastalmama - Source: Echofon
RT @BushJamie: Meet the Family of 21 Thats Challenging Duggars for Crazy-Breeding Crown http:tcojMLSdqIe
From: marrerohvitemik - Source: Mobile Web
RT @fairyy11: Octomom Nadya Suleman Pose Nude For Cash http:tcoBPbAxHtX bear grylls dex Duggars october baby
From: moreheadfzjanet - Source: Mobile Web
RT @5aochamele: http:tcogyq5yJiv :P TV’s Duggar family campaigns for Rick Santorum Duggars
From: deenyqcnidia - Source: Mobile Web
RT @fairyy11: Octomom Nadya Suleman Pose Nude For Cash http:tcoBPbAxHtX bear grylls dex Duggars october baby
From: winebrennereata - Source: Mobile Web
RT @fairyy11: Octomom Nadya Suleman Pose Nude For Cash http:tcoBPbAxHtX bear grylls dex Duggars october baby
From: koontzsgilda - Source: Mobile Web
RT @ShannonLee2: The Duggars bring Santorum support to Alabama http:tcoffnwrAa9
From: pinexalbertha - Source: Mobile Web
RT @usipytage: Duggars:
From: Lynellevdadj - Source: Mobile Web
RT @sulvezs: Duggars: http:tco9P86Zyax
From: perryghshantae - Source: Mobile Web
Duggars: ... http://t.co/9P86Zyax
From: sulvezs - Source: twitterfeed
RT @markleggett: Michelle Duggar says that overpopulation is a lie, and 75% of the worlds population agree (theyre Duggars too).
From: sidhe_la - Source: Twitter for Mac
Meet the Family of 21 Thats Challenging Duggars for Crazy-Breeding Crown http://t.co/jMLSdqIe
From: Bush_Jamie - Source: twitterfeed