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SPIKE LEE Uses Twitter To Spread Awareness for Trayvon Martin Case ...
The filmmaker has been retweeting messages and photos of people wearing hoodies in call for the arrest of the 17-year-olds killer. Over the past few weeks Hollywood ...
Somewhere, SPIKE LEE and David Stern are celebrating?
Because its only a matter of time before LeBron comes to New York! Lets face it, New York is the basketball mecca of the World and winning there is second to none! Spike lee is celebrating for obvious reasons while David Stern is celebrating because LeBron in New York will make him, and the NBA, very rich! Having a winning team in New York will only mean good things for the NBA!
Answer: Now the Cavs-Celtics series is over, David Stern should be celebrating with his son and lover at the same time all night long.
Category: Basketball
How has SPIKE LEE changed(helped) the world?
I have to do a Research paper on, how have/a artists changed the world?I want to do Spike lee but how have he changed the out look on the world, and is he a good topic to talk about.
Answer: He is given credit for making a difference in the world of professional basketball in 1994 when he was talking trash to Reggie Miller and Reggie stepped up his game and hit for 25 pts in the last quarter...
Spike lee is well-known for his devotion to the New York Knicks professional basketball team. Much of the blame for the Knicks' loss 93-86 to the Indiana Pacers in Game 5 of the 1994 Eastern Conference Finals, in which "Knick-killer" Reggie Miller scored 25 points in the 4th quarter, was given to Lee. Lee was apparently taunting Miller throughout the 4th quarter, and Miller responded by making shot after shot. Miller also gave the choke sign to Lee. The headline of the New York Daily News the next day sarcastically said, "Thanks A Lot Spike".
Category: Trivia
MSNBCs Jansing Spins SPIKE LEE Tweet That Put Elderly Couple In Jeopardy As Twitter Error
A few days ago, left-wing director Spike lee, who has 248,000+ followers on Twitter, retweeted an item bearing what was supposed to be the address of George Zimmerman, the man who claims to have shot Miami teen Trayvon Martin in self defense a ...
SPIKE LEE Retweet Causes Zimmerman Firestorm
A school cafeteria lunch lady, 70, and her 72-year-old husband have been forced to leave their Sanford-area home because their address was widely – and wrongly – publicized on Twitter as belonging to George Zimmerman, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
SPIKE LEE Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address (UPDATE: Tweets wrong address!!!)
Filmmaker Spike lee tweeted the wrong home address for George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Fla., man who many are claiming should be arrested for shooting and killing Trayvon Martin. The tweet could have potentially put the woman who actually lives ...
TMZ Live: SPIKE LEE -- Dangerous Trayvon Martin Retweet Sparks ...
Spike lee is taking major heat for jumping into the Trayvon Martin controversy by retweeting the wrong George Zimmerman's home address. Great way to…
why dont americans watch miracle of st ann of SPIKE LEE?and some other movie of woody allen?
is it cause they critic America for his problems? or cause Spike lee is anti white film maker?
Answer: Your first example was poorly advertised and lightly promoted. Most Spike lee movies are promoted six ways to Sunday; this one wasn't.
Americans do not like Woody Allen--he's regarded in the US as a child molester who cheated on his partner, Mia Farrow, and poked her adopted teen daughter.
He's viewed as a disgusting, reprehensible reprobate and pervert. As he should be.
Category: Movies
Whats On Today
10 P.M. (Travel) SLICE OF BROOKLYN A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tour travels four days a week from one end of the borough to the other, with stops at Grimaldis under the Brooklyn Bridge for a sample of a Neapolitan-style pie to L&B Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst, a famous Sicilian joint. This hourlong program follows the founder of these tours, Tony - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
SPIKE LEE does the wrong thing
On more than one occasion regarding the subject of the Trayvon Martin shooting, I have warned people about jumping to conclusions ahead of a thorough investigation. Unfortunately, we have a great demonstration of exactly how that can have ...
Elderly couple flee in fear after SPIKE LEE tweet
AN elderly Florida couple were living in fear last night after film director Spike lee mistakenly tweeted their address as that of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed teenager Trayvon Martin. After Lee retweeted their address to his 240,000 ...
SPIKE LEE Mistakenly Links Elderly Couple to Trayvon Martin Death ...
Be careful what you tweet, especially if you have more than 248,000 followers. Spike lee inadvertently shared the wrong address for George Zimmerman, the Florida man ...
SPIKE LEE tweets wrong address of Trayvon Martins shooter; elderly couple flees after threats
Acclaimed filmmaker Spike lee is one of many celebrities who have called attention to the death of Trayvon Martin, a Florida teen who was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch captain. One way hes done so is to share his thoughts on Twitter.
SPIKE LEE Skips Million Hoodie March To Watch Knicks After Hyping Trayvon Martin Rally All Day
It seems that basketball may be more important than "doing the right thing" if youre Spike lee. Celebrated director Spike lee hyped last nights massive Million Hoodie March in New York City all day on Wednesday, only to skip it to watch the ...
At Bicycle Habitat, Welcoming the Famous and Just Folk
On any given day, you might see Jake Gyllenhaal. Or Matthew Broderick or David Byrne. David Beckham has been said to swing by, just for some much-needed air. This particular celebrity haunt is not some chic restaurant or new-age health spa in New York; it is, of all places, a bicycle shop in SoHo, where John Mayer bought a Langster, and David Lee - By CHRISTINE HAUGHNEY
I would like to contact SPIKE LEE is this possible?
I would like to contact Spike lee Concerning an incident of great importance that occur ed during WWII
The magnititude and far reaching implications of this incident is unbebievable and very telling.
Answer: vietnam vet - Check out the websites below for contact information for Spike lee:
Category: Drama
U.S. News - Couple lives in fear after their address tweeted as ...
Spike lee should pay put this poor people up in a hotel to make sure they are safe! What was he trying to prove anyway I guess he was hoping someone would go get Mr Zimmerman but two wrongs don't make a right!
SPIKE LEE Sorry For Zimmerman Retweet
Spike lee did the right thing Wednesday night, when he apologized for retweeting an address that he thought belonged to George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin. David and Elaine McClaine, the Florida couple, were forced to leave their ...
SPIKE LEE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee (born March 20, 1957) is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company, 40 Acres & A Mule ...
BOîTE; 40/40 Club: Flatiron District
IN Jay-Zs universe, the face-lift given to his 40/40 Club was not a new creation but a design-driven remix. Since reopening in January with a kickoff attended by Warren Buffett and Spike lee, the venue has resumed its schizophrenic role as a high-end sports bar that moonlights as a nightclub. On a recent Wednesday, a sparse crowd watched the - Ben Detrick reviews 40/40 Club in Manhattans Flatiron District; club, owned by Jay Z, underwent a design-driven renovation, reopening as a high-end sports bar that moonlights as a nightclub. Photos (M) - By BEN DETRICK
SPIKE LEE Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com
Director Spike lee apparently retweeted the home address of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Florida teen Trayvon Martin. Two messages were ...
Do you think SPIKE LEE is upset b/c Obama got called out as a fraud by a white woman at the RNC?
Shouldnt Spike lee do the right thing and ADMIT IT! She made Obama look STUPID.... he got ROASTED by a woman clinging to her guns & religion. A bulldog with lipstick!
Answer: Hmmm....this reads kind of level 1-ish.
Category: Politics
SPIKE LEE | Twitter | George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller
Report: Spike lee tweeted incorrect Zimmerman address | Filmmaker tweets address of Florida woman uninvolved with Martin shooting, possibly putting her in ...
SPIKE LEE Wont Apologize, Has No Comment On Terror Tweet ...
Late last week, Spike lee re-tweeted the address of ‘George Zimmerman’ to his quarter of a million followers. Except it was the wrong address. It was ...
How has SPIKE LEE caused controversy in his films?
how have Spike lees films; Do the right thing, She gotta have it, School Daze and Malcolm X caused controversy within the community
Answer: One of the things he is sometimes criticized for is he handling of white characters - particularly in his early movies, white characters were almost uniformly unsympathetic characters. That's most obvious in "Do The Right Thing" , where the Italian family who own the pizzeria are on auto-pilot for always finding fault with their mainly black customers, and for distinctly racist attitudes. There is not a single reasonable white person to be seen. Its that which is used as the justification for the riot in that movie.
However, his later movies show a rounded, more mature approach to non-black characters.
Category: Movies
U.S. News - Couple lives in fear after their address tweeted as ...
13 hours ago ... Spike lee should pay put this poor people up in a hotel to make sure they are safe! What was he trying to prove anyway I guess he was hoping ...
SPIKE LEE does the wrong thing « Hot Air
Filmmaker Spike lee made waves on Twitter last week when he re-tweeted to his 200000 followers (h/t Twitchy) what was thought to be George Zimmerman's home address in Sanford, Florida. Mr. Zimmerman told Sanford ...
SPIKE LEE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee (born March 20, 1957) is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company, 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks, has ...
40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks - In the News
The official site of Spike lee's film production company 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks. 40Acres.Com.
SPIKE LEEs retweet sends thousands of followers an inaccurate address of George Zimmerman
SANFORD, Fla. (WKMG) - A dangerous case of mistaken identity mixed an innocent couple with Americas most sought after man. Elaine and David McClain said their address went viral, when, according to reports, Spike lee retweeted a message that allegedly ...
PICKET: SPIKE LEE re-tweets incorrect address of Trayvon Martin shooter
*Update 1: 9:00 PM EST 3/27/12- The Smoking Gun is reporting that an elderly couple lives at the Edgewater Circle address. It is the residence of David McClain, 72, and his wife Elaine, 70. "The McClains, both of whom work for the Seminole ...
Paper: SPIKE LEE tweeted incorrect George Zimmerman address ...
Filmmaker Spike lee tweeted the wrong home address for George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Fla., man who many are claiming should be arrested for shooting and killing ...
Should the Knicks trade SPIKE LEE to the Lakers for Jack Nicholson?
How about the Celtics trade Donnie Wahlberg and Rondo for Jack Nicholson and then they trade Jack for Spike lee?
Answer: The Knicks would have to throw in Robert Deniro and the winner of the next Survivor. To sweetin the deal LA sends the rights to Will and Jada Smith.
Category: Basketball
SPIKE LEE apologizes for tweeting erroneous George Zimmerman address
Spike lee has apologized to a Florida couple who say they were forced to leave their home when a Twitter posting that the director helped spread listed their address as that of a man who shot an unarmed teenager. Elaine and David McClain are in ...
The Jawa Report: SPIKE LEE, et al. Endanger Innocent Elderly ...
Spike lee and thousands of his followers re-tweeted George Zimmerman's address just hours after the New Black Panthers posted a $10000 bounty for the "capture" of Zimmerman. Many of the re-tweets included threats and ...
SPIKE LEE Apologizes For Tweeting Wrong Address | Mediaite
Director Spike lee apologized to the family he inadvertently put in danger Wednesday night after he erroneously sent a tweet that purported to be the address of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman. I Deeply Apologize ...
SPIKE LEE (@SpikeLee) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Spike lee (@SpikeLee). The truly official Spike lee Twitter account. That's the truth Ruth!
how much can i get for some new SPIKE LEE jordans size 7 with a jordan suitcase?
i got some new Spike lees size 7 jordans and i have the jordan shoe case (its a suit case the size of a shoe box) that matches it to keep it clean and fresh. how much can i get for my jordan shoes seperate and how much for both
Answer: about 150 sperate and with both about 235
Category: Basketball
Do you think Obama was offended when SPIKE LEE admitted Obama cant walk on water like most thought he could?
Even Spike lee seems disappointed in Obama, why is Hollywood coming out of the woodwork lately all the sudden acting weird and not so liberal after all?
Answer: You're misinterpreting what Spike lee was saying. Some people had placed incredibly high expectations on President Obama, especially considering the disastrous mess that he met when he entered office. Most of that hyperbole was generated by the right wing, with its constant, sarcastic repetition of the "Messiah" reference.
Spike lee said, "He's not walking on water, but they're trying to nail him to the cross." He is correct in that reference and assessment.
Category: Politics
KNICKS 104, MAVERICKS 97; Lin Tops Himself
Some moments are more symbolism than substance, enticing in their imagery but lacking in heft. In his brief time in the N.B.A. spotlight, Jeremy Lin has skillfully fused it all, delivering meaningful plays with maximum effect. Lins fourth-quarter pull-up 3-pointer over Dirk Nowitzki was not the most important shot Sunday afternoon, but it made the - New York Knicks defeat Dallas Mavericks, 104-97; Knicks guard Jeremy Lin scores 28 points and logs a career-high 14 assists. Photos (M)2 - By HOWARD BECK
Veena Versus the Superviewers
In an ideal world -- or, at least, in Veena Suds ideal world -- we would be talking about her history as a Hemingway-loving womens-studies major at Columbia, or the time she took a master class with Spike lee at N.Y.U. film school, or her years as a gloomy loner growing up in Cincinnati, reading Helter Skelter and wearing a Jennifer Beals - Veena Sud, creator of the AMC television series The Killing, angered the audience with the shows first season finale cliffhanger ending; many fans used social media in an unprecedented fashion to voice their displeasure; Sud and the network are now trying to woo those viewers back. Photo (M) - By ADAM STERNBERGH
SPIKE LEE: Hollywood hatemonger - HUMAN EVENTS
Race hustler Spike lee is at it again, this time stoking the flames of racial tension in the tragic death of the Florida teenager, Trayvon Martin. Lee took to Twitter ...
Why does Obama only seem to react to situations when celebrities like SPIKE LEE say something?
Its like Obama is in the white house sipping mai tais in the oval office in his hawaiian shirt and bermuda shorts with his pair of crocs on, then some political hack that works for him who watches too much MTV says, we have to respond to Snooki and Spike lee and James Carvilles critical comments.
Answer: I'm conservative and even I think you're being a bit melodramatic.
Category: Politics
A Florida Law Gets Scrutiny After a Killing
MIAMI -- Seven years after Florida adopted its sweeping self-defense law, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, has put that law at the center of an increasingly angry debate over how he was killed and whether law enforcement has the authority to charge the man who killed him. The law, called Stand Your Ground, is one of 21 - Shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida has put the states sweeping self-defense law at the center of an increasingly angry debate over how Martin was killed and whether law enforcement has the authority to charge George Zimmerman, the man who killed him; the law is one of 21 such provisions around the country that gives the benefit of the doubt to a person who claims self-defense in killings. Photos (M) - By LIZETTE ALVAREZ; Reporting was contributed by Jennifer Preston, John Schwartz and Timothy Williams from New York, and by Joseph Freeman from Sanford, Fla.
STOCKS & BONDS; Energy Shares Are Lower In a Down Day on Wall St.
Stocks ended the day lower on Friday, but the Standard & Poors and Nasdaq indexes still closed with weekly gains for the eighth week out of the last nine. Energy shares were the big losers in the decline, falling alongside crude oil prices, though other cyclical groups, including industrials and financials, also fell. The Standard & Poors - Stock prices fall as energy shares and crude oil prices decline, even as Standard & Poors and Nasdaq indexes close with weekly gains for the eighth week out of nine. Chart (M) - By REUTERS
Can someone tell me the relation between SPIKE LEE and Michael Jordan?
I see Jordan products and they have this figure who everyone tells me is Mars Blackmon or Spike lee. I just want to know the relationship between Spike and Jordan and why they have Mars on Jordans products.
Answer: Spike lee was one of the original dumb Jordan Jockers. His commercials (as Mars Blackman) were from back in the 80's, and were one of the earliest promoting Nike and getting the Jordan hype machine in full gear.
He is just one of the people responsible for Jordan becoming the most overrated athlete ever.
Hope this helps
Category: Basketball
40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks - In the News
The official site of Spike lees film production company 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks. 40Acres.Com
Spike lee, Director: Do the Right Thing. Spike lee was born Shelton Lee in 1957 , in Atlanta, Georgia. At a very young age, he moved from pre-civil rights ...
SPIKE LEE retweets wrong George Zimmerman’s address | Hot Topics ...
After director Spike lee erroneously re-Tweeted the address of an elderly lunch lady as that belong to George Zimmerman, the accused killer of 17-year-old Trayvon ...
SPIKE LEE Silent After His Tweet Jeopardizes Elderly Couples ...
The Hollywood Reporter was reporting last night that the “Elderly Couple at Address Spike lee Tweeted Are Living in Fear” as some of Lee’s twitter ...
What is interesting about SPIKE LEE movies?
my boyfriend goes, Spike lee movies are all interesting.
Answer: most of the time Spike lee movies are a hit or miss with me, but he creates some very unique, and truly interesting characters and puts them in situations that i also find interesting, like one of his really good ones was The 25th Hour
Category: Movies
SPIKE LEE Apologizes For Retweeting Wrong Address For Zimmerman
Spike lee has apologized to a Florida couple who say they were forced to leave their home when a Twitter posting that the director helped spread listed their address as that of a man who shot an unarmed teenager.
What do you think about SPIKE LEE telling Obama to get angry Obama says I going to kick ass.?
Isnt it frightening when a moron like Spike lee can influence the President of the US
Answer: Are you sure it was Spike lee who said this?
Because if it were, then he's on the outside looking in. There's no way anybody can know what's going on behind the scenes with President Obama and this oil leak.
And btw, there's nothing moronic about Spike lee.
Category: Elections
Whats On Today
9:30 A.M. (Flix) THE PREACHERS WIFE (1996) Denzel Washington, above, plays a trench-coat-and-fedora-clad angel who enters the lives of an urban minister (Courtney B. Vance) facing bankruptcy and the possible demolition of his church, and his neglected wife (Whitney Houston), who also directs the choir, in this update of the 1947 comedy The - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
U.S. Opens Inquiry in Killing of Trayvon Martin
MIAMI — Seven years after Florida adopted its sweeping self-defense law, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, has put that law at the center of an increasingly angry debate over how he was killed and whether law enforcement officers have the authority to charge the man who killed him. The law, called Stand Your Ground, - By LIZETTE ALVAREZ
SPIKE LEE Disseminates the Wrong Thing
Washington Times reporter Kerry Picket and staff at The Smoking Gun spent part of yesterday exposing the very objectionable actions of LA resident Marcus Davonne Higgins. Since the middle of last week, Higgins – who on Twitter goes by the handle of ...
SPIKE LEE Retweets Wrong Address For George Zimmerman ...
11 hours ago ... An elderly couple in Sanford, Florida, is now living in fear after multiple people, including director Spike lee, incorrectly tweeted their address ...
SPIKE LEE tweets wrong George Zimmerman address in Florida
Spike lees Retweet Causes Couple To Flee A Twitter user spread the wrong address for the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. By Abby Ohlheiser ...
SPIKE LEE apologizes for retweeting address of elderly couple he thought belonged to Trayvon Martins shooter
Brooklyn movie director Spike lee apologized Wednesday for retweeting the address of an elderly Florida couple he thought belonged to the man who shot and killed an unarmed black teen. The outspoken “Do The Right Thing” filmmaker forwarded ...
SPIKE LEE Under Fire for Tweeting Wrong Address in Trayvon Martin ...
The director is accused of inciting racial violence with his retweet of the alleged whereabouts of George Zimmerman.
SPIKE LEE Accidentally Tweeted the Address of an Elderly Couple ...
Spike lee, sometimes movie maker and recent Jeremy Lin jersey wearer, made a pretty big boo boo recently. He thought he had retweeted an address of George Zimmerman, the guy who shot Trayvon Martin, but actually ...
UPDATE: SPIKE LEE Apologizes On Twitter - SPIKE LEE - Fox Nation
11 hours ago ... UPDATE: SPIKE RESPONDS ON TWITTERAt 9:30 PM tonight, Spike lee tweeted the following apology...Spike lee (@SpikeLee)3/28/12 9:30 ...
Where can I find a Brooklyn Cycling hat like the cycling cap Chris Brown and SPIKE LEE wear?
Im looking for a Brooklyn cycling hat like Spike lee (Mars Blackmon) in the Do the Right Thing Movie. Chris Brown also wore it in the Look at me Now video.
Answer: They're called Brooklyn vintage cycling caps. Brooklyncyclinghat.com has them. There's another website called spikeleebrooklynhats.com that has them too.
Category: Fashion & Accessories
SPIKE LEE Tweets Frustration Over Trayvon Martin Case
Spike lee has never been one to bite his tongue. And since the murder of Trayvon Martin has struck a chord with millions of people around the country, it is only fitting that Spike lee is one of the most vocal advocates regarding the case.
SPIKE LEE says the Federal Government blew the levees?
Spike lee says Bush and the federal government blew the 9th ward levees during Katrina. But does not imply the local government, like Ray Nagin, had anything to do with it. Why?
Answer: The white man is always after the minorities.
Category: Government
Director: Do the Right Thing (1989) · Malcolm X (1992) · Inside Man (2006) · 25th Hour (2002). Spike lee was born Shelton Lee in 1957, in Atlanta, Georgia. At a ...
SPIKE LEE retweets George Zimmerman’s address | Twitchy
Update: Spike lee tweeted out wrong address for George Zimmerman
MENS ROUNDUP; To SPIKE LEEs Cheers, L.I.U. Repeats Northeast Title
Julian Boyd scored 18 points, Jason Brickman had 11 assists and Long Island Universitys fast-breaking Blackbirds made it two straight Northeast Conference championships with a 90-73 victory against Robert Morris on Wednesday night. In a rematch of last seasons title-game thriller, Boyd and the Blackbirds (25-8) did not need overtime to fend off - College Basketball Mens Roundup; Long Island University defeats Robert Morris, 90-73, for its second consecutive Northeast Conference title; other college basketball results noted. Photo (M) - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Which SPIKE LEE movie has negro figurines pictured in the ending credits? Thank you.?
This is for my parents, I have no idea why. I cant think of another way of searching for this information, short of renting and watching every Spike lee movie. Any help would be appreciated.
Answer: "Bamboozled"..im pretty sure of it
Category: Movies
SPIKE LEE Tweets Wrong Address for Trayvon Shooter; Couple Harassed
An elderly Florida couple was fearing for their lives this week after director Spike lee sent out a tweet with the supposed address of George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch member at the center of national outrage for shooting unarmed teen ...
SPIKE LEE Re-Tweets Incorrect George Zimmerman Address; Elderly ...
After director Spike lee erroneously re-Tweeted their address as belonging to Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman, a school-cafeteria lunch lady and her husband ...
SPIKE LEE Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com
Learn more about director Spike lee and his often controversial films, including She's Gotta Have It and Do the Right Thing, on Biography.com.
SPIKE LEE retweets incorrect address of George Zimmerman, violates ...
(CBS News) Movie director Spike lee is in hot water over a Twitter retweet that has left a Florida couple fearing for their safety. Looks like the actor ...
I totally disagree with putting Zimmermans address on the net. Why would Spike lee do that and also get it wrong?
From: SineQuaN0nUSA - Source: UberSocial for Android
Spike lee need to come get this shit on film
From: _POLOoNMYASS - Source: Echofon
RT @mediaite: Spike lee Tweets Apology To Family After Erroneously Tweeting Address Purporting To Be Zimmermans http://t.co/7sa4Y3jH
From: word_34 - Source: Tweet Button
Oh, Spike lee, y u no keep yer mouth shut?
From: righteousgeek - Source: TweetDeck
Spike lee apologizes for retweeting wrong address http://t.co/uzk9xu2Q
From: cincifans - Source: Visibli
RT @GulfDogs: Is #Obama Planning To Call The Elderly Couple #Terrorized By #Spike lee★#tcot #teaparty #liberty #patriot #politics➤http://t.co/l0D6VPJE
From: flyc150 - Source: web
Spike lee apologizes for retweeting wrong address http://t.co/yPPv2zBG
From: airfaretickets - Source: Visibli
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Bad Day at the Lynch Mob--@SpikeLee apologizes http://t.co/DTV1Fj0q only after innocent victims get lawyers http://t.co/TYewfb3D
From: 00_jackie - Source: Twitter for iPad
not the right thing RT @mediaite: Spike lee Tweets Apology To Family After Erroneously Tweeting Address Purporting To Be Zimmermans
From: TheTVJunkie - Source: TweetDeck
RT @BABYJ863: Spike lee gettn sued for a tweet but Zimmerman walking around free after executing a 17 yr old kid? Wtf is the polices priority ?!!!
From: southphillywil - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Bad Day at the Lynch Mob--@SpikeLee apologizes http://t.co/DTV1Fj0q only after innocent victims get lawyers http://t.co/TYewfb3D
From: JamesColumbiaMO - Source: Twitter for iPad
GBU Couple leaves home after Spike lee incorrectly tweets their address instead of George Zimmerman’s - Chicago... http://t.co/EmZA7gPJ
From: red_star3 - Source: dlvr.it
GBU Couple leaves home after Spike lee incorrectly tweets their address instead of George Zimmerman’s - Chicago... http://t.co/mhGjx4n8
From: markus_19801 - Source: dlvr.it
GBU Couple leaves home after Spike lee incorrectly tweets their address instead of George Zimmerman’s - Chicago... http://t.co/Qr4F5efl
From: joe19781 - Source: dlvr.it
Great now, Spike use Rush Limbaugh address next. Lets see if that bastard will leave the US like he promise. http://t.co/TLJleZby
From: BigDaddyCant - Source: web