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OBAMACARE on trial: 5 takeaways from day 3
It was another "worrisome" day for President Obamas expansive health care law. Supreme Court justices debated whether the entire law should be struck down if the individual mandate — which requires most Americans to purchase health insurance ...
OBAMACARE - Conservapedia
Obamacare, more formally known as "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," was passed by Congress on March 21, 2010, and signed into federal law ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS; The Severability Doctrine
THE Obama administration has made a curious strategic choice in its defense of the constitutionality of the health care reform act. The central issue before the Supreme Court, which will begin hearing oral arguments on Monday, is whether the act’s requirement that everyone buy health insurance — the so-called individual mandate — - By ABBE R. GLUCK and MICHAEL J. GRAETZ
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on ...
In the spring of 2010, Democrats in Congress and the Obama White House crammed Obamacare down the throats of an American public overwhelmingly against the legislation. They promised Obamacare would cost American taxpayers $900 million to implement.
Outside Supreme Court, Crowd Draws Lines on Health Law
WASHINGTON — The arguments inside the Supreme Court building on Tuesday may have been about the finer points of law, but on the sidewalk outside, they were pure politics, delivered bluntly with megaphones, microphones and a lot of shouting. There were college students and retirees, homemakers and homeless people. Doctors and nurses came. So - By SABRINA TAVERNISE
OBAMACARE: 60 Senate Democrats, Bill Clinton, two Kennedys, five lawyers and Election 2012
From listening to the media commentary during the extraordinary past three days of oral arguments before the United States Supreme Court, one would think that Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy decreed that Obamacare would be the law of the land ...
What is the difference between OBAMACARE and other state-owned healthcare?
Im a Brit and trying to work out what the healthcare is going to be changed to soon in America.
As far as I can tell its far different from what its like here in European countries, such as the NHS in Britain.
So could anyone who understands how healthcare works in different countries please explain what the difference is between Obamacare and other state-owned healthcare?
Answer: No significant difference, "Obamacare" will simply reduce the average cost of health-care, extend life expectancies, and reduce infant mortality rates (so that all three of these basic measures are in line with the far better numbers Canadians & Britons enjoy).
The folks who WILL suffer severely from this are the insurance & health care industry "middle managers" in the US, who will be out of a job....and them getting fired won't create any vacancies because in reality they weren't actually doing anything...
Category: Government
Beyond OBAMACARE: 5 opinions on health care reform - Medicare ...
Former Monitor economics reporter and columnist David R. Francis urges: Congress is going to have to tackle rising health-care costs in Medicare and “Obamacare ...
The OBAMACARE Reckoning
The Court could uphold the individual mandate, in which case the point is moot. It could overturn the mandate without invalidating any other provision. Or it could say that everything else never would have passed without the mandate, so ...
IRS seeks 4000 agents, $303 million for OBAMACARE | Washington ...
The Internal Revenue Service wants to add about 4000 agents to hunt down tax cheats and still plans to spend $303 million building a system to oversee Obamacare even though its future looks bleak in the U.S. Supreme ...
If OBAMACARE will eliminate the use of emergency rooms as primary care, why is it costing more money?
I keep hearing Obamunists say that the cost of Obamacare will be less than we already spend for people who go to emergency rooms for primary care. Why does it cost more then? Why cant it be paid for out of the emergency room care savings?
Answer: My health insurance increased in price directly because of Obamacare, in order to become complaint with it. I'm sure glad he's bringing down the cost of health care by increasing the cost of health care.
Category: Politics
OBAMACARE's Supreme Court Disaster | Mother Jones
1 day ago ... That is, Obamacare defenders would have to explain to the justices why allowing the government to compel individuals to buy insurance did ...
Why Obama is finally embracing the OBAMACARE label: 4 theories ...
From Yahoo! News: Republicans use "Obamacare" as shorthand for everything people dont like about the presidents health care overhaul. Can Obama turn that around?
RealClearPolitics - Why OBAMACARE Supporters Are Getting Nervous
For supporters of the two-year-old health reform law, Tuesday's Supreme Court hearing was supposed to be the day that the grownups took over. After the Affordable Care Act had been demonized and misconstrued and ...
How many more innocent people will have to die because of OBAMACARE?
Obamacare will encourage people to take antibiotics to use against infections which, according to Obamas doctors, are caused by these invisible organisms which only they can see (LOL!). What kind of idiot believes that, right?
Obamacare will tell people, that if they get sick, they should just drink this funny tasting liquid and everything will be OK. What they should be doing is find out why God is mad at them, because thats where disease REALLY comes from.
Obamacare is not just irresponsible, its deadly. FACT.
Answer: Not even Obama can keep people alive forever.
Category: Politics
Senator Ron Johnson Discusses OBAMACARE at the Supreme Court ...
Download Podcast | iTunes | Podcast Feed On today's edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson and Ben Domenech are joined by Senator Ron Johnson to.
How many small businesses will get rid of workers IF OBAMACARE is passed?
I know my business will....Small businesses are already struggling to stay alive and now Obamacare would be final nail in coffin....How many millions of people will lose jobs from Obamacare mandate?
Answer: Millions
Category: Politics
OBAMACARE’s inescapable death march
The die is cast: Obamacare will not survive. This is not a prediction of how the Supreme Court will rule on President Obama’s health care takeover, mind you. It’s the harsh reality that if Obamacare does not die a judicial or political death ...
Supreme Court Closes Historic OBAMACARE Arguments, As Public ...
17 hours ago ... On the final day of arguments over President Obama's health care law, Supreme Court justices struggled Wednesday over what to do with the ...
Why would OBAMACARE give the government access to your bank accounts?
Why would Obamacare give the government real time access to your bank accounts?
Doesnt that bother you? Is it about health care or is Obamacare about control?
Answer: People want to call you crazy or nuts when you talk like this but whether you believe so or not it doesn't matter, America is going to lose its sovereignty, your rights are being taken away slowly. America is still not awake to this and by the time when everyone notices it, it's too late.
Category: Politics
Is OBAMACARE and the defense of OBAMACARE the biggest disaster the SCOTUS has ever seen?
Is Obamacare and the defense of Obamacare the biggest disaster the SCOTUS has ever seen?
Isnt it obvious that Obamcare is indefensible?
Answer: No. I don't think so. The Health Care Reform Act is one of the bravest acts of any president in my lifetime. Only fools would not agree.
Category: Politics
PJ Media » The OBAMACARE Argument – The Third and Final Day
The government's constitutional justification for Obamacare was extremely weak. In fact, it was without precedent. Even under the expansive view of the Commerce Clause taken by the Supreme Court over the last 70 years, ...
Maddow: People hate OBAMACARE, but love its provisions | The Raw ...
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Wednesday night that although polls have found that most Americans have an unfavorable view of Obama's health care reform, they overwhelming approve of the actual provisions of the law ...
THE CAUCUS; Debate on Health Care Returns With Intensity
For months, Mitt Romney has tried to deflect attention from his rivals accusations that his health care plan was the inspiration for President Obamas overhaul. That task will be harder in the coming days. This week is the two-year anniversary of Mr. Obamas health care law, and Republicans in Washington are planning to celebrate with a series of - Caucus column; Republicans are planning a broad media assault on the Affordable Care Act at the national, state and local levels, occasioned by the laws two-year anniversary and its upcoming review by the Supreme Court; assault will grant Mitt Romneys presidential opponents a fresh opportunity to draw comparisons to the health care laws he introduced as governor of Massachusetts. (M) - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
How many of you realize OBAMACARE is going to make your property taxes skyrocket?
Obamacare expands Medicare in the states. Therefore, states will cut school budgets to make up for the massive deficits. Thereby, local cities will raise property taxes.
"Property taxes are county taxes."
But school budgets arent.
Answer: Well, maybe you need to stabilize your corrupt state and local governments that you think are so precious and necessary
Category: Politics
Publicity Push as Health Laws Court Date Nears
WASHINGTON -- Republicans on Capitol Hill have put together a highly coordinated two-week renewed assault on the health care law, seizing on the legislations second anniversary and the next weeks oral arguments before the Supreme Court concerning its constitutionality. On Monday, Congressional Republicans took to the floor of both chambers to - Republicans have put together a highly coordinated two-week campaign against the health care law, seizing on the legislations second anniversary and the upcoming oral arguments before the Supreme Court concerning its constitutionality. (M) - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER and ROBERT PEAR
What are your predictions on OBAMACAREs constitutionality, once it finally reaches the Supreme Court?
I have been waiting for the day the courts take up the challenges against this retched Obamacare. It has finally come!
Answer: If that's the case, why didn't the Supreme Court rule against LBJ when he first instituted Medicare and Medicaid 42 years ago?
You're just grasping at straws and *hoping* the Supreme Court will overrule Obama's new health care plan.
But the truth is, the President and the government has the right to regulate commerce--which is binding and legal under the US Constitution.
This also includes regulating health care.
Category: Politics
Live Blog: ‘OBAMACARE’ Challenged at the Supreme Court - ABC News
The Supreme Court begins a marathon three days of arguments on the health reform law, more commonly known as the “Affordable Care Act” or “Obamacare.” See all ...
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack ...
POLITICAL MEMO; Whatever the Ruling in Health Case, Bipartisan Fallout
WASHINGTON — The law professor side of President Obama is highly intrigued by the Supreme Court hearings over the constitutionality of his health care law . He studied a summary of the arguments aboard Air Force One as he flew back from a nuclear summit meeting in South Korea. The political side of the president may need to draw upon his - By JEFF ZELENY
Plouffe: GOP will "regret" branding health care "OBAMACARE ...
(CBS News) Senior White House adviser David Plouffe said Sunday that the White House is "confident" its health care overhaul will be upheld as ...
OBAMACARE reference becomes fodder for debate on Pa. Senate floor
HARRISBURG -- The health care debate that waylaid the state Senate on Wednesday seemed no less divisive than the constitutional argument in Washington, but it involved a simpler question: Is it all right to say "Obamacare" on the chamber floor? Senators ...
OBAMACARE a conservative program that looks out for taxpayers
Small wonder President Obama chose not to delay the U.S. Supreme Court case on his health care reforms until long after the election. His advisers are clearly in the lab transforming the presidents signature legislation into a potent election issue ...
Under OBAMACARE, will Veterans with health care benefits already provided for, be required to buy NEW policy?
Obama keeps promising that if you have a health care policy now, you can keep it under the proposed health care reform bills being considered. But are these bills planning to revise Veterans health care benefits such that, whereas they paid little to nothing before except for small co-pays, now they will have to buy an additional policy to generate money to help pay for those that are not covered?
How will Veterans health care benefits be affected by Obamacare?
Answer: The health care bill in a nutshell is:
1) the status quo for all those with health care insurance is UNCHANGED, ie, nothing changes for these people;
2) those without health care coverage are required to do so, but those deemed too poor to afford it would have avenues, like government subsidies, etc, to help them to get the coverage.
Moreover, more protection will be given to everyone, as subsequently the coverage would move towards portability so that it goes along with you even when you change jobs/employment. IF the system fine-tunes, with single payer option, a cheaper exchange (providing choice and competition and as a BULK purchaser/negotiator to negotiate better deals for coverage) could be available to provide alternatives so that unscrupulous insurance companies have LESS opportunities to rip you off.
Category: Military
Whats your thought on Obamacare
Answer: All of the bills being described as Obamacare will merely make the problems in our health-care system worse. The problems in our health-care system are caused by excessive government regulations. Creating a new government bureaucracy will merely make these matters worse.
What we need are pro-free-market reforms.
Category: Politics
What will Dems do when OBAMACARE forces states to cut spending?
In my home state of Texas, Obamacare requires we increase Medicaid payouts by 95%. My state already has a 25 billion dollar deficit. How will it be able to afford this? Why do some Dems act like everything can be fixed in the blink of an eye with no consequences?
Category: Politics
What are the pros and cons to OBAMACARE and universal health care?
My class is having a debate, and I want to know the arguments from both sides before I decide. What are the main arguments for or against universal health care and for or against Obamacare? Is there a difference between universal health care and Obamacare? Also, what are things like Medicaid, death panels, etc? Sorry for the ignorant question, but I dont know much about politics. Thanks for any input.
I need to be a part of the debate. The debate is tomorrow and I dont know which side to choose.
Answer: You'll hear the arguments from both sides during the debate, won't you?
Category: Politics
OBAMACARE: Court Leans Toward All-or-Nothing Solution
Today’s oral argument at the Supreme Court focused on two specific issues: the so-called Medicaid mandate and the question of severability – that is, whether the Court can strike down the individual mandate or Medicaid mandate and “sever ...
OBAMACARE -- The Other Trial - Forbes
The Supreme Court of the United States isn’t the only place that “Obamacare” is on trial this week. We now know that the Obama campaign has adopted ...
Program in Massachusetts Helps Those Facing Foreclosure
BROCKTON, Mass. THREE years ago, after the government moved in to save big banks from failure, many homeowners facing foreclosure started asking, “Where’s our bailout?” Annmarie Zaparesky got hers. Through an unorthodox program in Massachusetts, Ms. Zaparesky was able to save her home, a white raised ranch in a neighborhood of - By SHAILA DEWAN
Obama campaign: OBAMACARE not a bad word after all | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If you cant beat em, join em. President Barack Obamas campaign has embraced the term "Obamacare," seeking to turn the negative ...
OBAMACARE ignores Constitution, forgets the meaning of freedom: Letter to the Editor
Two letters in the March 15 Sun News addressed the issue of Obamacare and its requirement that employers provide certain benefits that some deem inconsistent with their religious beliefs. Mr. Wason wrote an employer’s “beliefs become illegal ...
OBAMACARE: Here Are the Stocks to Watch
A lot of people thought health-care stocks were in trouble because of attacks on Obamacare, or The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but the battle wages on. The law would be, or will be, one of Obamas crowning achievements of his ...
If OBAMACARE is ruled unconstitutional will you agree that means Obama is a failure?
Is Obama a failure?
If Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional, will that persuade you to believe he is a complete and total failure?
Answer: Bash -
The law was passed without a separation clause. If one part is found unconstitutional then the whole law is.
Category: Politics
OBAMACARE -- The Other Trial
The Supreme Court of the United States isn’t the only place that “Obamacare” is on trial this week. We now know that the Obama campaign has adopted the word Obamacare as its own. Since the term Obamacare didn’t originate with the ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Paranoia Strikes Deeper
Stop, hey, what’s that sound? Actually, it’s the noise a great political party makes when it loses what’s left of its mind. And it happened — where else? — on Fox News on Sunday, when Mitt Romney bought fully into the claim that gas prices are high thanks to an Obama administration plot. This claim isn’t just - By PAUL KRUGMAN
Conservative Justices Attack OBAMACARE Mandate In SCOTUS Hearing
Conservative Supreme Court justices pounced on the central issue of Obamacare Tuesday, asking pointed questions about whether the government was ...
Voter Turnout Appears Light in Louisiana Primary
METAIRIE, La. — As Louisiana became the 28th state to head to the polls in a drawn-out Republican presidential race, turnout appeared very light at several sites around New Orleans, a combination perhaps of campaign fatigue and the competition of a lovely Saturday morning ideal for gardening and visiting crawfish festivals, which are back in - By TRIP GABRIEL
Anti-OBAMACARE lawyer makes Romney's argument | Campaign ...
1 day ago ... If the Supreme Court overturns the individual mandate based on the theory argued by Paul Clement, the attorney representing the 26 states ...
What effect will the OBAMACARE fiasco have on the midterm elections?
Regardless whether Obamacare passes the Senate and actually gets signed into law.. What effect will the Obamacare fiasco have on who will be sitting in Congress next year?
Answer: It will have a huge affect on the demo-rats being ousted in November!! I've NEVER voted democrat and, even if I had voted democrat in the past, I would be changing my vote in November!!
Category: Elections
The mission of ObamacareWatch.org (OCW) is to help promote sensible health care policy that is patient-centered and market-driven. It is a website foc...
The post-apocalyptic future of OBAMACARE? | RedState
So I watched this clip of James Carville furiously spinning the suddenly-more-plausible possibility of Obamacare going down utterly in flames as being the most.
OBAMACARE, Day 1: Taxes, Penalties, and Health Reform ...
One thing appears to have been resolved on the first of three days of argument over the fate of Obamacare: The Anti-Injunction Act of 1867 will not spoil ...
OBAMACARE: Supremes to make a big mess?
Have to confess, I’m starting (late, maybe) to get kind of wrapped up in this SCOTUS/Obamacare story. The terminology is interesting — the justices are talking about “inactivity” and “severability” and are searchign for a “limiting ...
President Obama embraces ‘OBAMACARE’ label. But why? - The ...
THE FIX | The president has started to refer to his health care law as “Obamacare.” What gives?
Top 5 Freedoms At Stake If OBAMACARE Is Upheld | Fox News
When it comes to Obamacare we are fighting for the very future of our country. We hope that the Court will protect our freedoms and find that the ...
Pundit & Pundette: OBAMACARE: TLDNR
JUSTICE SCALIA: — don't you think it's unrealistic to say leave it to Congress, as though you are sending it back to Congress for Congress to consider it dispassionately on balance, should we have this provision or should we ...
What is OBAMACARE and the whole deal with healthcare?
Im a little confused on what the whole deal with Obamacare is. I know some of the basics of it, but Im having a hard time finding exactly what the details are and why its such a huge topic of debate. Id like to hear both sides of the argument.
As well as the deal with the whole healthcare plan and all the medical stuff. Its just really confusing to me, so if anyone could give me the details about those things too, that would be awesome!
Answer: I've had people explain it to me in debates over the years, but I'm still not sure if I understand all of it. From what I can gather, though, it's basically still allowing people who can afford their own health care to go buy health insurance from private companies. However, if you can't afford to buy it on your own or you are denied by a private insurance company, then it will be government provided (or at least government paid for, anyway). So it's not like making government take over health care, it's just providing for those who can't afford it for themselves or are discriminated against. Republicans and libertarians take issue with it because they see it as another government program that will just increase our national debt and taxes.
Category: Government
OBAMACARE at the Court: Day 3, Severability and Spending
If the individual mandate is the blockbuster issue before the Court, Medicaid and severability may be sleeper hits that ultimately have tremendous impact. If the Court strikes down the mandate, then what is to be done with the Russian novel ...
WEST: Why OBAMACARE is bad for Americas health - Washington Times
On Monday, the Supreme Court will consider the legality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare. The high court ...
OBAMACARE Reclaimed: Barack Obama Campaign Launches Merchandise Line
WASHINGTON -- Republicans have kept up a constant barrage against "Obamacare" this week, but President Barack Obamas campaign has quietly been running a ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Step to the Center
On May 23-24, 1865, the victorious Union armies marched through Washington. The columns of troops stretched back 25 miles. They marched as a single mass, clad in blue, their bayonets pointing skyward. As Wilfred McClay wrote in his book, “The Masterless,” spectators were transfixed and realized that the war had changed them. These - By DAVID BROOKS
Administration Admits to Court: Under OBAMACARE, Select Group ...
2 days ago ... Administration Admits to Court: Under Obamacare, Select Group Can Get Health Care, Not Pay for It, Not Buy Insurance, Not Pay Penalty ...
OBAMACARE suffers a severability trainwreck at the Supreme Court
If yesterday was a surprise to the liberal defenders of Obamacare, today must have been a shocker. Judging from today’s oral argument, five Supreme Court justices seem fully prepared to strike down the entire statute if the individual mandate ...
OBAMACARE | NewsBusters.org
Former New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse, who previously confessed she couldnt grasp "the moral compass" of people who opposed Obama-care ...
How will OBAMACARE affect someone entering the medical field?
I have a friend that will graduate this year as a physicians assistant and was wondering how Obamacare will impact her job. Will there be less pay? Will there be more patients? Or anything you can think of that will change how it is now.
Answer: No one knows. That "health care plan" that was approved last year is not written in stone. The elected officials that voted for it still aren't aware of all that was packed (hidden) in the 1000+ pages of stuff. Also, keep in mind, the majority of people in the US are not happy with a plan that excludes the elected officials that voted for it from being forced to have it. The elections last November showed that!
Category: Health Care
OBAMACARE | NewsBusters.org
5 hours ago ... CNN's senior legal analyst had made headlines for his dire analysis of Obamacare's chances in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. He was ...
SPIN METER: President embraces OBAMACARE - Boston.com
Holding a sign saying "We Love Obamacare" supporters of health care reform rally in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 27, 2012, as ...
PJ Media » The White House/Media Cocoon on OBAMACARE
Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. should be grateful to the Supreme Court for refusing to allow cameras in the courtroom, because his defense of Obamacare on Tuesday may go down as one of the most spectacular ...
OBAMACARE Mandates Justified by ‘Interstate Commerce’?
When a 1942 Supreme Court decision that most people have never heard of makes the front page of the New York Times in 2012, you know that something unusual is going on. What makes that 1942 case — Wickard v. Filburn — important today is that it ...
OBAMACARE - Conservapedia
Obamacare, more formally known as "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," was passed by Congress on March 21, 2010, and signed into federal law by President ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Hurray For Health Reform
Its said that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies. If the same principle applies to legislation, the Affordable Care Act -- which was signed into law two years ago, but for the most part has yet to take effect -- sits in a place of high honor. Now, the act -- known to its foes as Obamacare, and to the cognoscenti as ObamaRomneycare - Paul Krugman Op-Ed column mounts a defense of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; contends that one indicator of how good the law is comes from the apparent inability of its opponents to make an honest case against it. (M) - By PAUL KRUGMAN
RT @StephenAtHome: Free question for Justice Scalia to use against Obamacare: Why doesnt everyone just get a lifetime appointment with free healthcare?
From: DaveOwens23 - Source: SocialOomph
http://t.co/FysUhIhd... http://t.co/nS7Pg49j
From: All_About_Youth - Source: Facebook
Romney nod wont stop GOP from bashing Obamacare: GOP strategists are almost unanimous in their desire to keep... http://t.co/8Q3W2prA
From: Republycan - Source: twitterfeed
RT @LaydiHD: Muslims Exempt from Obamacare? | FrontPage Magazine: http://t.co/gg5CVBlK #tcot #twisters
From: bigguywj - Source: Tweet Button
RT @StephenAtHome: Free question for Justice Scalia to use against Obamacare: Why doesnt everyone just get a lifetime appointment with free healthcare?
From: erinzinsky - Source: SocialOomph
@tperkins Nose spites face = Strike Down Mandate & Progressives Get "The Public Option" to solve HC-Insurance deficiency. #Obamacare #tcot
From: iamcricket - Source: web
http://t.co/Bxgn54LO Founded in 1991, the Republican Liberty Caucus works to advance the principles of limited government, f... Obamacare
From: Dyanrzb - Source: web
Weblog - Obamacare: Vlaggeschip of Titanic? http://t.co/VTHaxZMV
From: Elsevier - Source: dlvr.it
SEIU Obamacare Supporters Have No Idea Unions Received Waivers
From: ExposeTheMedia - Source: web
RT @LeftonMain: Will the Supreme Court Create Zombie Obamacare? http://t.co/hHCmIRPj via @motherjones
From: RockDocLV - Source: Tweet Button
@RSLC_President Nose spites face = Strike Down Mandate & Progressives Get "The Public Option" to solve HC-Insurance deficiency. #Obamacare
From: iamcricket - Source: web
Obamacare proves hard to defend: Kevin OBrien http://t.co/j6FLYYM3
From: PelosiScheme - Source: twitterfeed
RT @StephenAtHome: Free question for Justice Scalia to use against Obamacare: Why doesnt everyone just get a lifetime appointment with free healthcare?
From: jnlfoot - Source: SocialOomph
RT @ccoalition: Item: Supreme Court’s Obamacare Decision Has Big Abortion Impact http://t.co/Kg50fYYv
From: mytngenes - Source: HootSuite
Fate of Obamacare in Supreme Courts hands- OPINION: Reasons Obamacare already good for you… http://t.co/eRZCozGg
From: hrdone - Source: Google