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Items with tag “free 19 KIDS AND COUNTING tv links torrent youtube”
. Watch HERE: 19 kids and counting season 9 episode 8 TV series online Air Date: March 20 - Tuesday, 21:00 Time ET (GMT -5) Watch 19 kids and counting Season 9 Episode 8 - Boys Day Out FREE Exclusive! Watch NEXT Episode: Episode 9 Watch 19 Kids and ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING: Duggars talk miscarriage, new season ...
The Duggars of "19 kids and counting" made their first public appearance following the miscarriage of their 20th child Tuesday morning on "Today." Michelle ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING! How on earth are these kids getting a decent education?
the Duggar family has 18 kids with 1 on the way. Anyway the kids are homeschooled. Nothing wrong with that except there are 19 of them and theyre being taught by their mom who didnt graduate college. All the kids are about 1.5 years apart but how on earth do you educate all those kids? Wouldnt they be at different grade levels and skill levels?
Answer: Have you taken a good look at public schools these days? They suck! ffs they are reading Harry Pooter in lit . classes! Many home-schooled kids do better than those who went to 'publik skool'. All public school does is brainswash and indoctrinate kids into liberal BS. Just try to disagree w/a lib. teacher. Even if you deserve an A you're going to get a lower grade. College profs. are not much better. Many have egos the size of Rosie O's behind. And don't you dare disagree w/them!
The standards are so low that Elli Mae can graduate. NCLB is BS. If I had children I'd have to send the kid to a private school. Public edu. has gone down the sh*tter.
The state of CA is trying to pass a bill so that we have to teach kids in Kindergarten that being gay is ok and how to masturbate. Anhnold has vetoed it so far.
The Duggars are not on welfare so they can pop out as many as they want. She's more fertile than Nappa Valley. As far as their education if I were her I'd hire credentialed tutors.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
Does anybody else think the show 19 KIDS AND COUNTING is kind of ridiculous?
Is having that many kids even necessary?Its hard to have a close relationship with all your kids if you have 19.It seems they just have kids for the publicity and attention
Answer: I think caring enough to watch it, or care about it is ridiculous (never saw it, only heard about it here).
Category: Parenting
19 kids and counting videos feature clips and full episodes from the popular TLC television show about the Duggars and their extraordinary family.
Duggar Family Miscarriage Focus of New Episode (VIDEO)
The Duggar familys experiences in suffering a miscarriage last year will play out on TV during a special episode of their hit show "19 kids and counting" on TLC. America learned last year that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar had lost their 20th ...
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (USA) WHITE COLLAR Matt Bomer, above, returns as Neal Caffrey, a bond forger escaped from prison who teams up with Peter Burke (Tim DeKay), the agent who put him there, after being forced to choose between cooperating with the enemy or ending up back behind bars. In this Season 3 opener, these bickering buddies must put aside their - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
RACE REMIXED; On College Forms, a Question Of Race, or Races, Can Perplex
HOUSTON -- At the beginning of the college application season last fall, Natasha Scott, a high school senior of mixed racial heritage in Beltsville, Md., vented about a personal dilemma on College Confidential, the go-to electronic bulletin board for anonymous conversation about admissions. I just realized that my race is something I have to - Education Department requirement that universities collect more information about race and ethnicity has made it easier for students to claim multiracial identity; this allows students to feature or downplay certain aspects of their backgrounds; number of applicants identifying as multiracial has mushroomed, adding another layer of complexity and gamesmanship to process; photos; (Series: Race Remixed) (L) - By SUSAN SAULNY and JACQUES STEINBERG
19 KIDS AND COUNTING | Radar Online
Sneak Peek: Michelle Duggar Cries Telling Family About Her Tragic Miscarriage
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...
Michelle Duggar, Star of TLC's Reality Show “19 KIDS AND COUNTING ...
Michelle Duggar, star of TLC's reality show 19 kids and counting, apparently doesn't believe in overpopulation in the world. Michelle was recently on the Christian Broadcasting Network when she said ”The idea of ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19 kids and counting (formerly 17 Kids and Counting and 18 Kids and Counting) is an American reality television show that airs on TLC. The show is about the ...
ON EDUCATION; In College, Working Hard To Learn High School Material
In June, Desiree Smith was graduated from Murry Bergtraum High. Her grades were in the 90s, she said, and she had passed the four state Regents exams. Since enrolling last month at LaGuardia Community College in Queens, Ms. Smith, 19, has come to realize that graduating from a New York City public high school is not the same as learning. She failed - By MICHAEL WINERIP; Robert Gebeloff contributed reporting.
19 KIDS AND COUNTING Gets Stranger, Sadder - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: The fifth season of TLCs beguiling, baffling, and oftentimes be-rage-ifying (just go with it) Quiverfull family series 19 kids and counting ...
Could I do a satire speech on 19 KIDS AND COUNTING or toddlers and tiaras?
I have to give a satire speech in class and am debating on what topics to use.. I want to stay away from political,religious, etc so I thought toddlers and tiaras or 19 kids and counting would be good. Which one would be better and how would I start them or what are some points I can use? Thanks! Any advice on satires would be greatly appreciated!
Category: Homework Help
Duggar family shows support for Santorum
A large part of Rick Santorums support group was out in full numbers Monday night. All 21 members of the Duggar family from the show "19 kids and counting" were in East Peoria for the Rick Santorum rally Monday night. Father of the family ...
What if the Duggars(19 KIDS AND COUNTING) are just creepy child molesters?
What if the Duggars(19 kids and counting) are just creepy child molesters and having all those kids for that purpose. They seem like good Christian people on tv but so did Jon and Kate plus 8. I dont know why but I worry about the things the people are exposing their children to!
Answer: Wouldn't suprise me but i look at them as more murders since they dont seem to care about their children.
Category: Parenting
Where can I see the season finale of 19 KIDS AND COUNTING online. I missed it on t.v. last night.?
Category: Reality Television
TVs Duggars show faith in Rick Santorum
His most faithful supporters are the Duggars, the stars of the television reality show “19 kids and counting.” They include parents Jim Bob and Michelle and their 19 children, ranging in age from 24 to two. Members of the clan follow ...
APP SMART; Math Drills, via the (Aspirational) Smartphone
Its tough to call something a smartphone when its packed with apps like iWhoopieCushion, Zombie Crisis and Pimple Popper. Yet for a lot of children who own or have access to smartphones and tablets, such is the fare of the day. I tried to smarten up my own devices recently, in hopes of helping my 9-year-old son push ahead with his fourth-grade - Bob Tedeschi App Smart column highlights smartphone mathematics apps for elementary school children. Photos (M)1 - By BOB TEDESCHI
19 Kids & Counting: Inside Michelle Duggar's Heartbreaking Final ...
1 day ago ... She and husband Jim Bob learn their baby is without a heartbeat on Tuesday's 19 kids and counting finale.
19 kids and counting follows Michelle and Bob Duggar as they deal with the challenges of raising a family of ten boys, eight girls and baby Josie Duggar.
Items with tag “19 KIDS AND COUNTING episode guide promo”
. Watch HERE: 19 kids and counting season 9 episode 9 TV series online Air Date: March 27 - Tuesday, 21:00 Time ET (GMT -5) Watch 19 kids and counting Season 9 Episode 9 - A Duggar Loss FREE Exclusive! FREE Bonus! NEXT Episode: Episode 10 Watch 19 Kids and ...
The Living Nightmare
THE TWO SISTERS shared a bed, and each night, with their hearts hammering, they would listen for the turn of the knob and the push of the door. Quanitta Underwood was 10, her sister Hazzauna, 12. The walls of the house were thin, and the girls could hear every move their father made. Hear him sit up, hear him get out of bed, hear him walking their - Profile of Quanitta Underwood, perhaps Americas best hope for a medal when womens boxing is contested for the first at the 2012 London Olympics; Underwood is a five-time national champion, a lickety-split puncher ranked fourth in the world in the lightweight division (123 to 132 pounds), one of the three weight classes to be contested in London; she also lived through a horrific ordeal as a child. Photos (L) - By BARRY BEARAK; Jack Styczynski contributed reporting.
Check out all the children of 19 kids and counting. See the index of the children of 19 kids and counting here.
Duggar family closes out ‘19 KIDS AND COUNTING’ with a goodbye ...
The Duggar family and 19 kids and counting closed out the current season last night with a tearful goodbye to the Duggar’s 20th child, Jubilee Shalom. For fans of ...
Why do all the girls on 19 Kids & Counting wear skirts?
Does it have something to do with the Bible, supposedly, and if so, what? Ive seen the show a few times and it seems that they are always trying to make the girls "modest," but I think a skirt is less "modest" than pants. Plus, it would be cold as hell during the winter and not very practical.
Answer: probably because they are militantly conservative and religious and think that all girls should wear skirts. which would explain why they have 19 children. they are probably obsessed with family values and traditionalism. unfortunatly people like this don't understand the emotional impact of their views on other people. if i were one of 19 children i would assume i would feel very stressed and left out. breeding that much is just irresponsible.
Category: Reality Television
"19 KIDS AND COUNTING" Finale Tonight - Babble Blogs
The season finale of 19 kids and counting chronicles the moment the Duggar family learned that mom Michelle's pregnancy had ended in a miscarriage.
19 KIDS AND COUNTING: Michelle Duggar Gets Upsetting News At A ...
19 kids and counting: Michelle Duggar Gets Upsetting News At A Prenatal Check Up (VIDEO)
Watch 19 kids and counting Episodes Online: Childhood sweethearts Jim Bob and Michelle see children as gifts, and after over 20 years of marriage, they have received ...
The Duggars Get Terrible News on '19 Kids & Counting' [Video ...
1 day ago ... From Yahoo! TV: Thanks to TLC's "19 Kids & Counting," we've shared many happy moments with the ever-growing Duggar family. But on last ...
Where can I watch full episodes of 19 Kids & Counting online?
I used to watch full episodes of 19 Kids & Counting on TLC.com, but they seem to have stopped uploading them. Does anyone know where I can find recent episodes from the current season online? I tried YouTube and found a couple, but not all.
Answer: Try http://www.fancast.com/tv/19-Kids-and-Counting/101885/clips
Category: Reality Television
What was fridays episodes of 19 KIDS AND COUNTING about?
I missed the two episodes of 19 kids and counting on friday in the UK at 9pm. They were on discovery home and health (sky channel 254). can somebody please tell me what the two episodes were about or the names of them, so i can look on the internet :D thank you! also was it the last episode of the season?
Answer: Check the 19 kids and counting website. Ours on Tuesday, was about a snow storm and the Duggars helping out and you get to see cousin Amy's boyfriend.
Category: Reality Television
'19 KIDS AND COUNTING': Jim Bob Gets Competitive With His Sons ...
The Duggars were all about gender roles on "19 Kids & Counting" (Tue., 9 p.m. ET on TLC).
The Duggar Family - Home
All your favorite clips from 19 kids and counting are here. Duggars on You Tube. We've gathered a bunch of our most popular You Tube videos. Duggar Family ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING: Season Premiere Preview | Reality TV Magazine
You know you could not live without the Duggars! They are back tonight with brand new episodes and their season premiere of 19 kids and counting. Guess what! No ...
Sneak Peek: Michelle Duggar in tears as she breaks the news of tragic miscarriage to her 19 children on reality TV finale
And, now, in a new sneak peek from this coming Tuesdays season finale of TLC’s 19 kids and counting, Michelle Duggar and her husband Jim Bob are seen gathering their 19 children together to break the sad news. All the little ones were just so excited ...
Title and author of a book featured on 19 KIDS AND COUNTING; The Duggars?
Looking for the title and author of a book featured on The Duggars, 19 kids and counting.
The episode discussed young females and males and getting into relationships... And how hard it is for young women to find good young Christian men. The book and author that was featured was by a young woman and discussed the purity of young ladies.
Ive done a few searches with no luck. Hoping someone has seen the same episode and can help me out.
Thank you in advance for your time and knowledge.
Answer: fgfdgfdg
Category: Books & Authors
19 Kids & Counting: Inside Michelle Duggar's Heartbreaking Final ...
She and husband Jim Bob learn their baby is without a heartbeat on Tuesday's 19 kids and counting finale.
19 KIDS AND COUNTING season 9 episode 9 TV series online
free 19 kids and counting tv links (tv-links) torrent on you tube. 19 kids and counting episode list and full episode. Watch 19 kids and counting episode guide or promo! 19 kids and counting tv series download video youtube, clips. Watch live ...
"19 Kids & Counting"; Why has she not been spayed?
You need a license to drive a car...
You are supposed to have your dog registered and licensed...
But squeezing out 19 kids... Thats perfectly ok?
Why is breeding a right?
19 Kids & Counting should be an instructional video of what not to do with your life...
Talk about throwing a hotdog down a hallway...
Why cant we spay the mentally ill like them?
Dont they understand what childhood trauma does to the adult children?
Answer: this is a great question....she's white ...also because they claim it has to do with their religion.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
How old is jim-bob and michelle duggar from 19 KIDS AND COUNTING 2011?
I love the show 19 kids and counting:) but i have always wondered how old jim- bob and michelle duggar are. i would appreciate it if someone out there that knows could tell me:D
Answer: Jim Bob Duggar (born July 18,1965) he is 46.
Michelle Duggar (born September 13,1966) she is 45.
Category: Celebrities
19 Kids & Counting: Inside Michelle Duggar's Heartbreaking Final ...
By Cassie Carpenter She tragically miscarried what would have been her twentieth child, Jubilee Shalom Duggar last December. And, now, in a new sneak peek from this coming Tuesday's season finale of TLC's 19 kids and counting, ...
A Documentary Team Aims for the Bleachers
ITS two hours before game time on a rainy May afternoon in Flushing, Queens, and things are peaceful in the visitors clubhouse at Citi Field. Pat Burrell, the San Francisco Giants left fielder, and Javier Lopez, a relief pitcher, play cards at a prime spot in the center of the room, exercising their veterans prerogative. A few younger teammates - By MIKE HALE
What do you think about 19 KIDS AND COUNTING?
the show 19 kids and counting really pisses me off. i mean, its great that theyre happy and theyre a close-knit family, but dont you think there should be a limit? some kids are starving out there and these people are popping out babies nonstop. its like taking more than you need.
Answer: Idk if they're Jewish or real strictcatholics, but either way...they probably don't believe in condoms! The more the nerdier....they can take care of you when your 80
Category: Reality Television
19 kids and counting videos feature clips and full episodes from the popular TLC television show about the Duggars and their extraordinary family.
Whats On Today
8 P.M. (ESPN) CATCHING HELL (2011) On Oct. 14, 2003, elated Chicago Cubs fans believed they would host a World Series for the first time since 1945, as the team led the Florida Marlins, 3-0, in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series at Wrigley Field. And then Steve Bartman, reaching for a foul pop fly from his seat - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
19 KIDS AND COUNTING - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19 kids and counting (formerly 17 Kids and Counting and 18 Kids and Counting) is an American reality television show that airs on TLC. The show is about the Duggar ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING: The Duggars deal with Jubilees ...
On the “19 Kids” season finale, Jim Bob and Michelle deliver the sad news to their family. It’s even sadder when you realize that most of the kids ...
How come 19 kids & counting hasnt been on in a long time?
This is like my favorite show and I can even name them all!! Did they stop showing it for a while cuz she had a miscarriage and didnt want to bother her or whatever. I know she dd have a miscarriage though. Please no rude comments about michelle or any of te duggars! Thanks!
Answer: The season must have ended... if you have time warner cable you can go on entertainment on demand and go under what ever channel it is on and find it
Category: Reality Television
19 KIDS AND COUNTING: Jim Bob Gets Competitive With His Sons During Laser Tag (VIDEO)
The Duggars were all about gender roles on "19 Kids & Counting" (Tue., 9 p.m. ET on TLC). While Jim Bob took the boys out for a fun day of playing laser tag in the woods, while Michelle and the girls stayed back home and baked cookies.
19 Kids & Counting: Inside Michelle Duggars Heartbreaking Final Ultrasound
Michelle Duggar suffered a devastating miscarriage last December, and on Tuesdays finale of 19 Kids & Counting, Duggar bravely takes viewers inside her final ultrasound session to document the moment when she learned her 20th child was without a heartbeat.
Seed Company, Duggar Family Partner to Launch Online Childrens Game
"We were thrilled to be a part of the creation of MakaziVille," said Jim Bob Duggar, father of TLCs 19 Kids & Counting. "In todays society children are often consumed with computer games that have violence, teach wrong behavior or just are time wasters.
Michelle Duggar Cries While Revealing Miscarriage To Kids
In this heart-wrenching clip from the ’19 kids and counting’ season nine finale, Michelle Duggar gets emotional as she breaks the news of her miscarriage to her children “Trying to just keep my composure long enough for us to be able to ...
When will 18 kids & counting be 19 KIDS AND COUNTING?
I love the Duggars!!! They are awsome! And I really want to know when they will change it to 19 kids & counting. If you know please tell me. :) God Bless Baby Josie!
Answer: It'll most likely be changed when the next season starts. When it was 17 kids & counting they changed it to 18 kids & counting the next season.
Category: Theater & Acting
'19 KIDS AND COUNTING': The Duggars deal with Jubilee's miscarriage ...
On the “19 Kids” season finale, Jim Bob and Michelle deliver the sad news to their family. It's even sadder when you realize that most of the kids think the big announcement is going to be the gender of their newest sibling.
Michelle Duggar: ’19 KIDS AND COUNTING’ Star Has Miscarriage ...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were preparing to welcome their 20 th child in April when a routine doctor’s appointment revealed that Michelle had ...
Learning to Be Lean
As one of the many outgrowths of the sweeping federal health care law, health insurers and employers must now pay the cost of screening children for obesity and providing them with appropriate counseling. With about one in three children in the United States obese or overweight, according to government statistics, the need for such programs is - By REED ABELSON
Content by Casey: Season Finale of '19 KIDS AND COUNTING ...
This week was the season finale of 19 kids and counting. This was the saddest episode of the show that I have ever seen. This episode showed America how Michelle and Jim Bob found out that baby Jubilee's heart wasn't ...
BELIEFS; Many Evangelicals See Something to Admire In Candidates Broods
The Republican presidential field has produced a lot of babies. There is Mitt Romney, father of five sons. Ron Paul, an obstetrician by training, is also a father of five, and his campaign Web site credits him with bringing 4,000 babies into the world. Newt Gingrich and the recent dropout Rick Perry have only two children each, but Rick Santorum, - Mark Oppenheimer Beliefs column observes that the level of support from the Evangelical Christian community for Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum suggests that Protestants are no longer as troubled by the Roman Catholic objection to birth control as they once were. Photo (M) - Twitter/markopp1; markoppenheimer.com - By MARK OPPENHEIMER
19 KIDS AND COUNTING season finale: A tragic and heartbreaking loss
Grab your tissues and get ready to experience a heartbreaking loss with the Duggar family tonight. Tonight on the season finale of 19 kids and counting, Jim Bob and Michelle find out that Michelle has miscarried what would be their 20th child and we watch ...
The Duggar Family - Home
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family ... All your favorite clips from 19 kids and counting are here
Michelle Duggar: Overpopulation Is a Lie
(Newser) – What the world needs now is more children, declares 19 kids and counting mother Michelle Duggar. What about overpopulation? Not to worry, says the reality show mom. Despite the world pumping out a record 7 billion people, the whole ...
who is expecting on 19 KIDS AND COUNTING?
I didnt get to see tonights episode, but I had seen the commercial where they said someone was expecting. Did anyone catch it.. does anyone know who is expecting on 19 kids and counting?
Answer: The cameraman's wife is expecting. Funny how they made it seem like it was gonna be a Duggar!
Category: Reality Television
CRITICS NOTEBOOK; It Was Real, Cradle to Grave. Or Was It Just TV?
Mine was a short life but an eventful one. So bizarre and unpredictable was it that I sometimes wonder if it was a dream, a thing experienced yet not experienced, like a stadium rock concert that you mostly watch on the overhead screen because your seats are so far from the stage. To tell you the truth, Im kind of glad its over, since it was - By NEIL GENZLINGER
'19 KIDS AND COUNTING' Gets Stranger, Sadder - Entertainment - The ...
Feb 15, 2012 ... 19 kids and counting premiered last night, and while it was mostly a typical Duggars episode, with eerily wholesome family activities and a ...
The Duggars Get Terrible News on 19 Kids & Counting [Video]
Thanks to TLCs "19 Kids & Counting," weve shared many happy moments with the ever-growing Duggar family. But on last nights spring finale, we were witness to an unspeakably tragic moment as well, as parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar received ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING Finale: Michelle Duggar Has A Miscarriage ...
On the Season Finale of "19 kids and counting" (Tue., 9 p.m. EST on TLC) Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar received the devastating news that no expectant parent ...
19 kids and counting follows Michelle and Bob Duggar as they deal with the challenges of raising a family of ten boys, eight girls and baby Josie Duggar.
'19 KIDS AND COUNTING' Finale: Michelle Duggar Has A Miscarriage ...
On the season finale of "19 kids and counting" (Tue., 9 p.m. EST on TLC) Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar received the devastating news that no expectant parent ever wants to hear: Michelle had suffered a miscarriage at 17 ...
19 KIDS AND COUNTING Episodes - 19 KIDS AND COUNTING Season 9 2012 ...
Profiling the Duggar clan as they welcome their newest addition.
Heartbreaking Season Finale of 19 Kids & Counting
TLC is premiering the incredibly emotional season finale of 19 Kids & Counting this Tuesday, March 27 at 9/8c. The Duggar family has gone through many highs and lows, and now as they face one of the most difficult challenges their family has ever been through.
Why do all of the kids names start with a j?
Category: Parenting
19 kids and counting pics http://t.co/8Y0oo1Bc
From: eqopojyky - Source: news.free-coupons2.com
RT @DearSincereIy: Dear mom from 19 kids and counting,
So do you just really hate having your period?
Sincerely, curious.
From: glamourpusskat - Source: web
Michelle Duggar, Star of TLCs Reality Show "19 kids and counting", Doesnt Believe In Overpopulatio http://t.co/iZ20ghFh
From: GoGlobalGood - Source: Facebook
Michelle Duggar, Star of TLCs Reality Show "19 kids and counting", Doesnt Believe In Overpopulation http://t.co/ATYI4HTx #GlobalGood
From: GoGlobalGood - Source: LinksAlpha
Michelle Duggar Defends Having 19 Kids: Overpopulation Is A Lie: The ’19 kids and counting’ mom defends against ... http://t.co/mlfxrQji
From: nuhaniiy - Source: twitterfeed
Michelle Duggar Defends Having 19 Kids: Overpopulation Is A Lie: The ’19 kids and counting’ mom defends against ... http://t.co/WPMsqx2p
From: PeaceLove_Swag - Source: twitterfeed
I have such a huge biased opinion of the couple from 19 kids and counting..
From: allyob1 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@news1130weather its like your version of 19 kids and counting!!
From: TammyMoyer1130 - Source: web
Uhm....no. RT @ETonlineAlert: 19 kids and counting star Michelle Duggar says the concept of overpopulation is a lie.
From: CindyKay618 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @ETonlineAlert: 19 kids and counting star Michelle Duggar says the concept of overpopulation is a lie.
From: JoceyDesigns - Source: HootSuite
the bitch with 19 kids and counting doesnt believe in that the world can be "overpopulated"
ummm #wtf get her outta here.
From: T4YY - Source: web
"@ashleeerikareed: I wanna know how the parents in "19 and counting" were able to afford having so many kids before they got famous." ME TOO
From: livamour - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
I wanna know how the parents in "19 and counting" were able to afford having so many kids before they got famous.
From: ashleeerikareed - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @ETonlineAlert: 19 kids and counting star Michelle Duggar says the concept of overpopulation is a lie.
From: Q104Kelly - Source: HootSuite
RT @monicaflick: 19 kids and counting is the most annoying show... Stop effing having kids geez i think you have enough #smh
From: Sarabethheree - Source: Twitter for iPhone