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CHRIS CHRISTIE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christopher James "Chris" Christie (born September 6, 1962) is the 55th and current Governor of New Jersey. Upon his election to the governorship in ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christopher James "Chris" Christie (born September 6, 1962) is the 55th and current Governor of New Jersey. Upon his election to the governorship in November 2009 ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE Ignores Gov. Gregoires Outreach On Marriage ...
New Jersey Gov. Chris christie (R) hopes to put the politically delicate question of same-sex marriage behind him and is prepared to swiftly veto a bill ...
Office of the Governor
New Jersey Governor Chris christie official Web site contains his key initiatives, press releases, biography, and photographs.
EDITORIAL; Gov. Christie’s Misguided and Intolerant Veto
Sadly, there was no surprise to Gov. Chris christie’s veto on Friday of the same-sex marriage bill that cleared New Jersey’s Assembly and Senate this week. Mr. Christie had said all along that he would block the measure as soon as it reached his desk. That does not change the message of intolerance or lessen the pain for gay residents - As promised, the New Jersey governor vetoed his state’s same-sex marriage bill, but that does not change the message of intolerance or lessen the pain for gay residents and their families.
NJ Governor CHRIS CHRISTIE Vetoes Marriage Equality Bill |Gay News ...
New Jersey Governor Chris christie has vetoed a marriage equality bill passed by both houses of the legislature, the AP reports: The Republican governor returned the bill to the Legislature, saying he wants voters to decide ...
If you would like to help the campaign, you can get in touch with Mr. Christies campaign manager, Bill Stepien. His email is:
Why CHRIS CHRISTIE should — and shouldn’t — run for ...
Charles Dharapak/AP - President Barack Obama is greeted by New Jersey Gov. Chris christie in Newark, N.J., as he travels to Paterson, N.J., to view flood damage ...
EDITORIAL; Another Victory for Marriage Equality
Just a day after a federal appeals court panel struck down Californias ban on same-sex marriage, the fight for true equality for gay people advanced another important step forward. On Wednesday, state lawmakers in Washington approved a bill allowing same-sex marriage. That outcome is a heartening sign of how far the politics and public - Editorial asserts that good news on same-sex marriage from California and Washington State adds some critical momentum to votes scheduled in the New Jersey Legislature. (M) - Just a day after a federal appeals court panel struck down Californias ban on same-sex marriage, the fight for true equality for gay people advanced another important step forward. On Wednesday, state lawmakers in Washington approved a bill allowing same-sex marriage. That outcome is a heartening sign of how far the politics and public understanding of the issue has progressed since 1998, when the Washington State Legislature enacted a ban on same-sex marriage. The ban was replaced nine years later by a domestic partnership law that was
CHRIS CHRISTIE : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Chris christie. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Chris christie.
How would CHRIS CHRISTIE fare against Romney if he were to run?
And whats the big deal about Chris christie? What is so special about him?
Answer: Romney is older but he's in better shape. Christie might win in a really short sprint but Romney would beat him in a marathon. The big deal with Christie was that he had a big mouth when he first came on the scene. I believe he has mellowed now that he realizes that governing New Jersey is a bigger job than he first thought. We do not yet know what is "special" about him but we'll discover his gifts (or lack there of ) as time goes by. He's new. He'll learn.
Category: Politics
New Jersey Gay Marriage Bill Vetoed By CHRIS CHRISTIE
TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. Chris christie has followed through on his promise to reject a bill allowing same-sex marriage in New Jersey by quickly vetoing the measure Friday and renewing his call for a ballot question to decide ...
New Jersey Senate Votes for Gay Marriage
TRENTON — The New Jersey State Senate voted on Monday to legalize same-sex marriage , a significant shift in support from two years ago, when a similar measure failed. The legislation faces a vote on Thursday in the State Assembly, but even if that chamber passes the measure, as expected, Gov. Chris christie , who favors holding a referendum - The bill requires Assembly approval and faces a veto by Gov. Chris christie, who favors holding a referendum on the issue, but proponents were encouraged by the margin and the support of some former opponents. - By KATE ZERNIKE
Christopher J. Christie - News, photos, topics, and quotes
The latest news on Christopher J. Christie, from thousands of sources worldwide. High-quality photos, articles, blog posts, quotes, and more.
Is CHRIS CHRISTIE is a good governer for NJ?If so then how?What he is going to do for NJ?
Is Chris christie is a good governer for NJ?If so then how?What he is going to do for NJ?let me know what good thing he really did for nj til he came in office as a governor?
Answer: He could be the worst governor that NJ ever had, and that's saying something.
Category: New York City
Will Meg Whtiman have to have CHRIS CHRISTIE speak for her in public like he did today?
Will Chris christie, who has no business addressing a California voter at a Whitman rally, be there to speak for her if she becomes governor of California?
Ralph: Christie has no business yelling at a Calif. voter. This is a democracy, the voter has a right to yell at Whitman. This is not an authoritarian regime where you cannot question people.
Answer: Poor Meggy wets her panties when she has to speak in public. That's why she bought and paid for old Papa Bear from the Mafia state to do all her heavy lifting for her.
Category: Elections
Was it spooky to you the way that Mitt Romney was looking at CHRIS CHRISTIE today?
dont act like you watched Chris christies press conference today and didnt notice how Mitt Romney was "undressing Christie with his eyes."
the guy was staring him down like he was a big juicy steak or something. whats up with that?
Answer: Mitt's body language is bizarro. Be glad he didn't pretend Christie grabbed his @ss like he did a lady in an earlier stump appearance.
Category: Politics
Maryland House Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Maryland House narrowly passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage on Friday, delivering a major victory to Gov. Martin O’Malley , a Democrat, who had proposed it. But its implementation remained uncertain as its opponents promised to take it to voters in November. The bill, known as the Civil Marriage Protection - Senate passage is considered likely, but the bill’s implementation remains uncertain because its opponents promised to put it on the November ballot. - By SABRINA TAVERNISE
Kean University’s Trustees Back Its President
UNION, N.J. — Resisting mounting pressure from professors to fire the president of Kean University , Dawood Farahi, the deeply divided board of trustees voted on Wednesday night to keep him, dismissing allegations that he had falsified his academic credentials as no more than evidence of “carelessness.” After hearing the results - Dawood Farahi, the university president, who survived in a 7-to-4 vote, had been accused by faculty opponents of falsifying his academic credentials. - By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA
Is there enough room on the Republican floor for CHRIS CHRISTIE to enter the race?
Granted that the floor is strong enough can Chris christie enter the race?
Category: Politics
Gov. Christie defends lowering flags for Houston
Chris christie defends his decision - not everyone approves. At a news conference Wednesday, the governor defiantly defended his executive order honoring the award winning singer who battled with substance abuse. "I believe that drug addiction is a disease ...
Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
Gov. Chris christie vetoed a newly passed bill on Friday that would legalize same-sex marriage in New Jersey, setting a difficult path for advocates who vowed to fight “with every last breath” to override him. The governor’s veto was conditional, asking the State Legislature to amend the bill, so that rather than legalizing - Gov. Chris christie of New Jersey also affirmed his call for the Legislature to put a referendum on same-sex marriage on the ballot in November. - By KATE ZERNIKE
NJ Gov. Christie vows to veto gay marriage bill
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - A bill legalizing same-sex marriage in New Jersey has been delivered to Gov. Chris christie, who has vowed to veto it. Assembly spokesman Tom Hester says the bill was delivered to Christies office by the Assembly clerks ...
Gov. CHRIS CHRISTIE vetoes N.J. gay marriage bill, as promised
New Jersey Gov. Chris christie followed through on his word Friday, vetoing a gay marriage bill passed by the states legislature a day earlier. "I am adhering to what Ive said since this bill was first introduced - an issue of this magnitude and ...
Christie Spars on Twitter Over Honor for Whitney Houston
She was a great singer, a troubled soul, a local girl, a substance abuser. But was Whitney Houston deserving of the same tribute as fallen soldiers or police officers? Gov. Chris christie of New Jersey has spent the last few days defending his plan to fly flags at half-staff on the day of her funeral, which is scheduled for Saturday and will be - Gov. Chris christie of New Jersey went online to defend a plan to fly flags at half-staff to remember Whitney Houston, a native of New Jersey, who died Saturday. - By JOHN LELAND
CHRIS CHRISTIE’s gay marriage headache - War Room -
There are two elections on the horizon that Chris christie has a particular interest in. The first is in New Jersey next year, when he’ll seek a second ...
Gay Marriage, Passed, Awaits Veto by Christie
TRENTON — The New Jersey Assembly approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage on Thursday, setting up a confrontation with Gov. Chris christie , who promised a swift veto and defied the Legislature to put the issue before voters instead. In two hours of passionate debate, Democrats supporting the measure urged their colleagues to make - The New Jersey Assembly approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage on Thursday, setting up a confrontation with Gov. Chris christie. - By KATE ZERNIKE
CHRIS CHRISTIE defends lower flags for Whitney Houston - Tim Mak ...
New Jersey Gov. Chris christie on Wednesday strongly defended his decision to have the state’s flags flown at half-staff for singer Whitney Houston. Christie had ...
Is CHRIS CHRISTIE carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders as governor?
Pork barrel spending & big business fat cats have both helped weigh down our economy with a massive, bloated debt crisis. Because there is a lot at steak, his opponents will grill & skewer him - but is Chris christie a big enough man with the guts to handle such a large task?
Answer: No, but he's carrying a lot of weight on his feet.
Category: Politics
New Jersey Gay Marriage Vetoed: Celebrities, State Voters Sound Off On CHRIS CHRISTIEs Decision
Celebrities like Ryan Adams and Andy Cohen are joining voters and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates in decrying New Jersey Governor Chris christies veto of his states marriage equality bill. Singer-songwriter Adams ...
NJ Gov. Christie Cites Grace of God in Defense of Lowering Flags for Whitney Houston
"There but for the grace of God go I," is the statement that New Jersey Gov. Chris christie is making in response to his critics who condemn his recent decision to lower the flags in honor of the late Whitney Houston. "I am disturbed by people who believe ...
Rev. Susan Russell: CHRIS CHRISTIE Stands On the Lester Maddox ...
By vetoing the marriage equality bill passed by the state legislature, the Governor of New Jersey chose to stand for bigotry rather than equality. New Jersey deserves better. America deserves better. And Governor Christie ...
Sources: Christie Definitely A No For 2012 | Fox News
Chris christie say he has finally made a definitive decision, once and for all, not to run for president in 2012, sources close to the New Jersey governor ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE Vetoes Gay Marriage In New Jersey
As promised, New Jersey governor Chris christie went and vetoed gay marriage in the Garden State today. It took him six hours from it reaching his desk to issue what he called a "conditional" veto of the bill. "I am adhering to what Ive said ...
Do you think CHRIS CHRISTIE is a big enough man for the enormous responsibility of POTUS?
Do you think Chris christie can handle the weight of the world on his shoulders in the White House?
Will he be able to trim the fat of our bloated deficits, and eliminate the pork in our spending? Does he know whats at steak here?
Will he even be able to handle the debates, in which hell be grilled & skewered by his opponents?
The job of President bears a heavy burden, and Im not so sure he can stomach it all. I dont think hes capable of running.
Answer: LOL. Good one.
He'll won't be nominated this time around - he must know it in his gut. He's too close to the center for the Teabaggers; they'll have him for breakfast - and lunch - and supper. He's actually praised Obama at times, that's unforgivable for Repugnicons these days.
Category: Politics
CHRIS CHRISTIE insults gay congressman and calls him numb nuts. Is that necessary?
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The verbal feud over gay marriage in New Jersey got more personal Monday with Gov. Chris christie firing a slang term at a lawmaker, and a hero of the Civil Rights movement chastising the governor for a separate remark.
Christie called openly gay Assemblyman Reed Gusciora "numb nuts" during a Statehouse news conference — his response to the lawmaker comparing him to former segregationist governors in the South.
Shame on him. Is he appealing to the base?
And more importantly, how does he know that. Can something be inferred about the closet?
Answer: Its amazing that he can put together such tough phrases without ever having to stop stuffing his fat disgusting face. Another few years we should be free from his (leadership) due to his suicide by cheeseburgers.
Category: Politics
Christie endorses pal Kyrillos for US Senate
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Gov. Chris christie has wasted no time endorsing longtime friend Jos Kyrillos (KIR-ill-ohs) for a U.S. Senate seat in New Jersey. Christie made it official while campaigning with the GOP state senator in Union County this week.
Why Obama Will Embrace the 99 Percent
The last time I considered Barack Obama’s re-election chances in this magazine , in mid-November, things were looking pretty bleak for the president. The statistical model I used measured three key factors — a president’s approval rating, economic growth and the ideological orientation of his opponent — and taken together, - Any Republican who cannot connect with the white working class is going to have trouble in the Electoral College. - By NATE SILVER
CHRIS CHRISTIE trying to get attention lower flags for Whitney Houston she is not military is she?
Where is the line drawn between government & on subjects like this? Republicans are you ok. with Chris christie lower flags in honor of Whitney Houston or should that be reservered for those that fight for the saftely of country?......after you ask that question which I would imagine you are going to OK with cause it is a republican lower the I wonder if you would be ok if the polititian is a democrat instead.
Answer: No.. But She WAS One of N.J.'s "favorite Daughters"... And REGARDLESS of her Personal bad Habits (which MOST of Us- Have), - Her Voice & Artistry- DID help to put "New Jersey"- on the Map...! :)
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Gov. Christie says Trenton Central High needs capital improvements addressing serious facility deficiencies
TRENTON — Gov. Chris christie on Wednesday identified Trenton Central High School as having “serious facility deficiencies” and recommended the Schools Development Authority adopt a construction project that will turn Trenton High into one ...
Whitney Houston, CHRIS CHRISTIE, And America's Obsession With ...
An object lesson in celebrity worship from the State of New Jersey.
CHRIS CHRISTIE vetoes New Jersey same-sex marriage bill
The area was inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, with historical tribes such as the Lenape along the coast. In the early 17th century, the Dutch and the Swedes made the first European settlements. The British later seized ...
Flag tribute to Whitney Houston: Too little, too late?
New Jersey citizens -- and Whitney fans and haters alike -- have been debating this question since Gov. Chris christie announced he would fly the states flags at half-staff for the singer Saturday as mourners attend her funeral in Newark ...
News on Chris christie continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
Washington Governor Chris Gregoires Letter to NJ Governor Chris ...
As she promised to do, Washington Governor Chris Gregoire sent a letter to NJ Governor Chris christie lobbying him on marriage equality. Christie has ...
Would CHRIS CHRISTIE or Michael Bloomberg make a good President?
Would Chris christie or Michael Bloomberg make a good President? Would you like to see them run for President? Thanks for answering!!!!
Answer: Christie would be a good choice. Although I do not agree with him on everything he has the ideas and guts to do what needs to be done.
I would not vote for Bloomberg for dog catcher. He places zero value on the liberties of this nation, and has an agenda exactly the opposite from what is needed to fix this country. Although I would vote for neither I would prefer Obama to Bloomberg (and I can't say that about many people).
Category: Politics
Governor CHRIS CHRISTIE - Politician - Trenton, NJ | Facebook
Governor Chris christie - About Me: Thank you for visiting Governor Chris Christie's official Facebook Fan Page. As we continue to update the page with news ...
New Jersey's CHRIS CHRISTIE vetoes same-sex marriage | The Raw ...
NEW YORK — New Jersey Governor Chris christie vetoed a bill Friday to legalize same-sex marriage in the state, after legislators had approved the measure, insisting the issue needed to be put to a referendum. Christie, a ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE - The New York Times
News about Chris christie. Commentary and archival information about Christopher J. Christie from The New York Times.
Federal officials signal they may agree to Gov. Christies Medicaid change
But precisely how the Obama administration will allow Gov. Chris christie to achieve that savings remains a matter of negotiation, state and federal officials said. The federal government last fall said it did not have the authority to repay New ...
How many of you think that CHRIS CHRISTIE will get into the race?
I think he is afraid to do so, particularly when the record of Rick Perry was exposed by Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. I think they will quickly seize on the unelectable qualities of Chris christie, particularly his stance on Gun Control. If that does not work, they will hit him on his obesity, and state that the President must be physically fit to perform his duties. I think Chris christie understands that he only gets one chance, and that he is clearly not ready for that one chance.
Answer: He won't RUN
Category: Politics
Why is CHRIS CHRISTIE, and the rest of the republicans trying to repress the middle class?
Im from New Jersey,and someday when I have kids, I would like to send them to a good public school, because I could never afford private school, but Chris christie is trying to cut the budget to public schools (one middle school in my area makes kids pay for sports), but since I cannot afford private school, my children are forced to get a bad education, while the rich who can afford to send their kids to private school will have successful children. Is this fair, or following the American Dream?
Answer: The situation is not so cut and dried as you make out. There are a number of items to look at here.
First, the difference between public and private schools and the ability for a child to learn in one or the other. Private schools are founded for the dual purpose of exclusion and higher learning. Not so much the exclusion of those who can't pay for it as for the exclusion of dependence on government funding, making planning for the school's future much easier. For higher learning under the theory that the school is more able to hire experienced teachers, who are more expensive, and therefore have a higher success rate.
What you don't realize is that learning is an individual pursuit. Your children can get as good an education going to a public school as they can going to a private school. They have to be motivated themselves to learn. Without the student's self-motivation, the best teachers in the world can do nothing. If the teachers/schools cannot or will not provide the necessary learning materials, it falls to the students an/or their parents to ensure a good education. Conversely, children of wealthy parents may not learn some of the important things like a good work ethic and self-motivation that is necessary to have a successful life.
Second is the point that public schools are just that, public. That means owned by the people, since their tax dollars build, maintain, and staff them. If tax revenues are decreased (as is happening across the nation at state and federal levels) then funds available to go to schools and all other publicly funded services are fewer. If you want better schools, get better money managers in government. If efficient gov't spending doesn't solve the problem, then taxes need to be raised.
Third is one of the other statements I saw before answering, that the country is in financial trouble. Since the amount of money coming in through taxes (due to extended and new tax cuts) is remaining the same or diminishing then, to make the money stretch, cuts have to be made. This is not a partisan statement, it is happening under both parties. This is a statement about the populace, everyone wants better/more public services, but no-one is willing to increase taxes for them.
Category: Politics
CHRIS CHRISTIE (R) - The Washington Post
He also earned the devotion of the right-wing: "Ladies and gentlemen, is it wrong to love another man?" Rush Limbaugh said. "Because I love Chris christie." ...
What time did CHRIS CHRISTIE become elected for governor of New Jersey?
i need to know what time exactly Chris christie was elected or when nj found out he was elected
Answer: Around 10:30pm, the major news centers (FOX News and CNN) declared Christie the winner, but it wasn't really official until about 10:45pm-11:00pm. That's around the time Corzine conceded and Christie won.
Category: Government
GOTHAM; Two Governors Sucker Punches at the Port Authority
Failure! Poor management! Reform is long overdue. Our gubernatorial bruise brothers, Chris christie of New Jersey and Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, howled denunciation of the Port Authority this week, describing it as encrusted with dysfunction. They took the narrative heard on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 -- that the authoritys - Failure! Poor management! - E-mail: - By MICHAEL POWELL; Charles V. Bagli contributed reporting.
Bill Maher Sounds Off On CHRIS CHRISTIE
Bill Maher panned New Jersey governor Chris christie for vetoing the state's gay marriage bill on Friday. "It's my home state so I take these things a a little personally," he said.
Joe. My. God.: Garden State Equality On CHRIS CHRISTIE
As I have said before, where we agree with them on the issues, Governor Christie and his Administration have treated us with warmth and responsiveness. Yes is yes, no is no, and we'll get back to you means they get back to ...
N.J. Gov. CHRIS CHRISTIE Plans Tribute for Whitney Houston - Yahoo ...
New Jersey Gov. Chris christie will pay tribute to Whitney Houston by ordering flags to be flown at half-staff during her funeral service on Saturday. "Obviously ...
If CHRIS CHRISTIE runs for President, did you know it is customary to have a Physical and release the results?
That is used to show your fitness for the Office of President.
But what will Chris christie Physical reveal? That he is nearly 400 lbs? His Cholesterol is over 350?
That he has Sugar Diabetes? That is Arteries is blocked with Butter and Saturated Fat?
Answer: He is too Fat to be President.
Category: Politics
Office of the Governor
New Jersey Governor Chris christie official Web site contains his key initiatives, press releases, biography, and photographs.
Christopher J. Christie Topics Page -
Collection of all coverage of Christopher J. Christie, including articles, videos, photos, and quotes.
Christie: WrestleMania to generate ‘tens of millions of dollars in N.J.
Gov. Chris christie officially announced today that WWEs Wrestlemania will come to MetLife Stadium next year, bringing to New Jersey an event that has generated more than $200 million in economic activity to its recent host regions. The event ...
Christopher Christie - Conservapedia
Christopher Christie (born September 6, 1962 in Newark, New Jersey) is the 55th and current Governor of New Jersey, having won in the 2009 election by a 49%-45% ...
Rachel Maddow Criticizes Gov. CHRIS CHRISTIE For Wanting To Put ...
Rachel Maddow laid into Republican Gov. Chris christie on her MSNBC show Thursday night for what she called his "mindblowingly bad" argument for putting a bill legalizing same-sex marriage up for a popular vote.
Governor CHRIS CHRISTIE defends Whitney Houston tribute
Chris christie, the governor of New Jersey, has defended his decision to have flags lowered to half-mast for Whitney Houston. The Republican governor said ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE on the Issues
Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At, you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.
If CHRIS CHRISTIE decides to run, will he need two podiums at the debates?
Cons have realized that Rick Perry is a moron (something Liberals knew all along), so now theyre begging Chris christie to get in the race.
That said - will Chris christie need two podiums? And instead of glasses of water, will he use glasses of milkshakes to clear his throat?
Answer: he can't run for president. He may decide to walk though...
Category: Politics
Why do Obama supporters fear CHRIS CHRISTIE as opponent for 2012 election?
Obama supporters have big fear of Chris christie, even if he may not run. Why?
Answer: I don't think his supporters fear him but I do think the Obama administration would be concerned about Christie running because he's charismatic and he won Governor in a state that is pretty liberal and would put states in the Northeast that are normally guaranteed Blue states into play.
But Obama has more concerns than Christie at this point between the economy in the crapper and the fact that many candidates have fared very well in head to head match-ups with Obama including Romney, Paul, Perry, and Herman Cain as of recently.
This is why Obama is already in campaign mode because he knows he's going to have to spend a lot of money to demagogue his opposition and rally his supporters to actually get out and vote for him despite the fact that he hasn't brought any positive changes worth mentioning. Well with exception of telling Anthony Weiner to step down. That's pretty much it.
Category: Politics
New Jersey Gov. CHRIS CHRISTIE Defends Decision to Fly Flags at Half-Staff for Whitney Houston
Newark, N.J. - Gov. Chris christie has strongly defended his decision to have flags flown at half-staff Saturday for singer Whitney Houston. The Republican governor says he rejects complaints that Houston "forfeited the good things that she did ...
CHRIS CHRISTIEs veto wont halt marriage equality | Nancy ...
Chris christies veto wont halt marriage equality. Gay marriage has momentum and politicians are evolving: see Cuomo and Bloomberg. Expect similar of New Jerseys ...
New Jersey Gay Marriage: CHRIS CHRISTIE Vows Very Swift Action ...
TRENTON, N.J. -- New Jersey Gov. Chris christie is promising "very swift action" on gay-marriage legislation he opposes if it makes it to his desk. The ...
Muslims ask Christie to probe NYPD actions
NEWARK — A coalition of New Jersey-based Muslim and civil rights groups is asking Gov. Chris christie to investigate reports of secret surveillance of Muslim communities by the New York Police Department. Sixteen New Jersey organizations have ...
CHRIS CHRISTIE Stands On the Lester Maddox Side of History
Placing himself firmly on the Lester Maddox side of history, today Governor Chris christie made good his promise to veto the marriage equality bill passed by both houses of the state legislature in New Jersey. For Californians this is déjà vu all over ...
RT @cuntoftheday: New Jersey governor and real nice guy Chris christie is Cunt ofthe Day for vetoing a bill allowing same-sex marriage.
From: Shaun_Balliah - Source: TweetDeck
RT @MarkHarrisNYC: Sorry, New Jersey--you thought you had a governor, but apparently Chris christie has decided hes a pope.
From: pierrepetrelli - Source: web
RT @robdelaney: The only difference between what gay men do in a marriage & what Chris christie does to a cannoli is consensuality.
From: Equill - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
RT @MarkHarrisNYC: Sorry, New Jersey--you thought you had a governor, but apparently Chris christie has decided hes a pope.
From: tamadou - Source: web
RT @HuffingtonPost: What Andy Cohen, Ryan Adams and others have to say about New Jersey Gov. Chris christies gay marriage veto
From: Ynvel - Source: The Huffington Post
RT @JimNorton: Why is that fat fuck Chris christie concerned with what anyone else puts in their mouth when he obviously cant control what he puts in his?
From: Warpath_Supreme - Source: web
#teaparty Chris christie Vetoes Gay Marriage in New Jersey: New Jersey Governor Chris christie has vetoed a bill...
From: LibertyLetters - Source: twitterfeed
NJ Gov. Chris christie vetoes gay marriage bill
From: April_Bowman - Source: twitterfeed
RT @SethMacFarlane: Perhaps if Chris christie drops the weight, hell be able to make the hike into the 21st century.
From: BaracudaJack - Source: Echofon
Bil Maher Sounds Off On Chris christie via @huffingtonpost
From: nursenomore - Source: The Huffington Post
@tarahsudda lol Chris christie
From: Emauricekiwi - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @BorowitzReport: Not sure why Chris christie thinks gay marriage would do more harm to his state than "Jersey Shore" has. #NJ4M #equality
From: tamadou - Source: web
Gay Marriage: Chris christie veto in NJ angers LGBT community #LGBTNews
From: mrpinkoutloud - Source: twitterfeed
RT @randallr01: @GodsWordIsLaw Thanks for the mention, but I actually havent made a single fat joke about Chris christie & his #LGBT Marriage veto.
From: aubie1969 - Source: web
RT @JoshyyDom: atta boy Chris christie
From: Vargas3993 - Source: Twitter for iPhone