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National Do Not Call Registry
Offers registration for consumers to stop telemarketers from calling. (United States, for-profit commercial calls only).
Do not call list. The Indiana Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division is dedicated to protecting consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls.
Q&A: The National Do Not Call Registry - Federal Trade Commission
However, if you ask a company with which you have an existing business relationship to place your number on its own do-not-call list, it must honor your request.
National DNCL Home : National DO NOT CALL LIST
The National Do not call list (DNCL) gives consumers a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls. The National DNCL Rules introduce new responsibilities for ...
National Do Not Call Registry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Do Not Call Registry is intended to give U.S. consumers an opportunity to limit the telemarketing calls they receive. To register by telephone ( US), ...
How Well Do You Know "Do Not Call" Rules?
What if you do not have a direct relationship with a consumer but are offered a list of consumers who have expressed interest in receiving a call about a product or service you offer? Can you rely on the EBR exception to avoid obtaining and ...
FCC beefs up rules for 'do not call' | Susenji BC
I am on the national do-not-call list. My phone is for customers and friends. 2. The call-back may be blocked, 3. The number displayed may be something like 000-000-0000 4. Or, when the number displayed, if apparently ”legitimate,” is called ...
STATE OF THE ART; Android Phones Go on a Power Trip - State of the Art
You know the old techie joke, right? If you don’t like the Android phones on the market, just wait a minute. There are dozens of Android phones, and newer, better ones appear every few months. Google subscribes to the Microsoft Windows scheme: write the software, and let other companies build the phones. The result is a lot of choice, but - By DAVID POGUE
Bill Pascrell and Steve Rothman Battle Over N.J. District
The last time Representatives Bill Pascrell and Steve Rothman spoke, the conversation ended like this: “I love you, Billy.” “I love you, too.” Six weeks later, love looks like this: Mr. Rothman accuses Mr. Pascrell of double-crossing him. Mr. Pascrell has taken to calling Mr. Rothman a coward. And the men, two Democrats who - By KATE ZERNIKE and RAYMOND HERNANDEZ
National DO NOT CALL LIST - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Do not call list (DNCL) allows residents of Canada to decide whether or not to receive telemarketing calls. It was first announced by the Government of ...
NEWS ANALYSIS; Portugal’s Debt Efforts May Be a Warning for Greece
LISBON — As debt-plagued Greece struggles to meet Europe’s strict terms for receiving its next round of bailout money, the lesson of Portugal might bear watching. Unlike Greece, Portugal is a debtor nation that has done everything that the European Union and the International Monetary Fund have asked it to, in exchange for the 78 - By LANDON THOMAS Jr.
Is there still a DO NOT CALL LIST that I can register my new phone number on?
About a year ago I registered all of my phone numbers on the national(?) "Do Not Call" list and the number of "junk" calls has dropped dramatically. I now have a new business line in my home and have been getting an unbelievable amount of "junk" calls ever since. Please help - I really need this to stop!
Answer: You can also
Call toll-free, 1-888-382-1222 if you do not want to register your number(s) online.
This call is free!
Category: Land Phones
National Do Not Call Registry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Registration for the Do-Not-Call list began on June 27, 2003, and enforcement started on October 1, 2003. Since January 1, 2005, telemarketers covered by the registry ...
Texas "No Call List
The Statewide "Do Not Call" List is for registering any residential or wireless phone number and applies to any Texas telephone marketer, including Retail Electric ...
Do Not Call | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala ...
Do Not Call; Firearms; Meetings & Public Notices; Missing Persons; Permits & Registration; Prop 65; Protecting the Environment; Publications; Tobacco Directory
FCC puts robocalls on their hit list
... to give consumers a quick way to end the call and automatically add their number to telemarketers Do not call lists. Not covered by the new rules: robocalls from schools and other non-profit organizations and political groups, because they ...
Do Not Call | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D ...
Do Not Call. The National Do Not Call Registry is available to help consumers block unwanted telemarketing calls at home.
8 million DO NOT CALL LIST complaints, but FTC only took action 83 times
(WEWS) - "Do not call." Its a service more than 209 million consumers signed up for hoping telemarketing calls would stop, but some say the list just isnt working. The FTC admits it gets thousands of complaints a day about the Do not call list.
Does the National DO NOT CALL LIST apply to cell phones?
I only have a cell phone because its just cheaper than a land line. I am constantly getting telemarketing calls. I registered my number with the "National Do not call list" and I swear its gotten even worse! Does it not count for cell phones? Or is it really just bs?
Answer: It should work for cell phones as well. Keep registering your phone number until it stops. If you gave your number to people because of over due bills this does not apply. But if people are calling you that you did not give your number to write down all of the details and report them to the Do not call list.
Category: Cell Phones & Plans
What happends if a company keeps calling you and you ask to be put on the DO NOT CALL LIST and they still call
What happends if a company keeps calling you and you ask to be put on the Do not call list and they still call?
Is this against the law?
Answer: File a complaint
Category: Law Enforcement & Police
TBR; Inside the List
FATHER AND SON: “Jack Kennedy,” Chris Matthews’s reverent portrait of the 35th president, drops off the hardcover nonfiction list this week after two and a half months. Fans of the Kennedy dynasty needn’t despair, though. One of the books replacing it is RoseMarie Terenzio’s “Fairy Tale Interrupted,” which - By GREGORY COWLES
to Register Now - National Do Not Call Registry
National Do Not Call Registry Logo REGISTER YOUR HOME OR MOBILE PHONE NUMBER. Follow the registration steps below. Click here for detailed ...
Scammers using do not call registry to get your personal informa ...
LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - A new warning from the Better Business Bureau. Many of us find relief from telemarketing calls by signing up for Do not call lists. But now scam artists are calling consumers,
Technology fuels surge in telemarketing calls
The Do Not Call Registry is managed by the Federal Trade Commission. At least 200 million phone numbers are registered, and telemarketers must remove them from their call lists at least every 31 days. Since the registry started in 2003 ...
Planning Your Estate Near the Top of the List of New Year’s Resolutions
More than 120 million Americans do not have proper estate plans to protect themselves or ... please visit her press page at in-the-press or call (949) 260-1400. ABOUT DARLYNN MORGAN – California Will and Trust Attorney ...
Can a work at home phone be put on the DO NOT CALL LIST?
One of my relatives started a work-at-home business. She wants to put it on the Do not call list, but the official site says that business lines are excluded. Yet, this is technically a home line and was purchased as such.
Can this phone number be put on the Official Do Not Call registry?
Answer: You can put it there, but the caller doesn't have to abide by the DNC rules if it's a business line.
Been there, got one, I still get called. I solved my problem by forwarding the number to my VoIP line that has full restriction. I think I only have 3 numbers on that list.
Category: Land Phones
Regulators hang up on robo-calls
Got your cellphones and your landline phones on the nation’s Do not call list, but you’re still getting telemarketing calls at dinner time? Especially those aggravating automated robo-calls? The Federal Communications Commission clamped down ...
National Do Not Call Registry
Note: The Federal Trade Commission and the National Do Not Call Registry do not endorse any Web sites, vendors or software products. This list is provided simply for your ...
Beware of Do Not Call scam
I think we all know about the federal Do not call list. Schemers have also taken note of the popularity of this federal program. BBB warns consumers that scammers are making phony phone calls claiming to represent the National Do Not Call Registry.
Texas "No Call List
Includes a registration form to limit telemarketing calls to a residential phone number for a charge. Also contains rules for telemarketers and a FAQ.
Consumers: Protecting Consumers - Pennsylvania Office of Attorney ...
What is the Pennsylvania Do not call list? How does it work? How do I sign up? Do I need to re-register? How much does it cost? What information is needed to place a ...
FCC Says It Will Crack Down On Robocalls - Pennsylvania News ...
If a person opted out, the company would have to add that person's to the company's Do not call list. There are two Do not call lists available to consumers -- the National Do not call list and a Pennsylvania Do not call list.
Has anyone else recieved a solicitation call to remind them they are on the "Do Not Call" List?
I just played a recording on my call wave from an outside source on behalf of my satellite TV supplier reminding me that I am on the Do not call list and to please remove that particualr solicitor from the list so they may contact me with exciting offers,,,,,,,,,,,NOW! Did we not list ourselves on the national Do not call list so we wouldnt be bothered with these types of calls?DUH? Is this the solicitors new way to get around the Do not call list? Has anybody else recieved a similar call? I am ready to cancel my satellite provider and go with their competition, unless they are stooping to these tactics too.
Oh and this is like the tenth call this week from that number. all other calls left no message,,,,,, harrassing!!!!!!!!!!1
Answer: Wow. I can't believe that they would stoop to that level. I would call the satellite provider and talk to someone about this. They might not be aware that this is going on. I haven't had any similar type calls but then I'm not on the Do not call list. The solicitors hassle me frequently. Ugh!!!!!
Category: Law & Ethics
Ex-Nortel retirees target telemarketers with call-blocking device
“Marketers ignore (the do-not-call list) and the fines are nothing to them,” Call Valet co-inventor Tapan Das said Tuesday of the need for something better. “We thought to ourselves,” said fellow-inventor Tony Katsouras, “‘we understand how a ...
Over 130 mn subscribers opt for do not call registry
25,000 to Rs.250,000 for the defaulting companies. Unlike the previous regulation that asked customers to register their numbers in Do not call list, the new one allows customers to choose from different categories like fully blocked or partially blocked.
Can a Canadian telemarketers be sued for not obeying the FTC the DO NOT CALL LIST?
US companies which fail to follow the FTCs Do not call list rules may be sued in small claims court in the US. Are Canadian companies required to follow the same rules? Does California Small Claims court allow law suits against international organizations?
Answer: No. Companies calling from they American or Canadian do not have to adhere to the US do not call registry; that's why in the US u still have telemarketers calling from Canada India and other offshore locations. Thanks to Internet telephony they can afford to call you from overseas cheaply. Incidentally Canada has still to introduce a Canadian do not call registry...thanks to bureaucracy and government apathy this will probably never happen.
Category: Corporations
National Do Not Call Registry
Starting January 1, 2005, telemarketers and sellers will be required to search the registry at least once every 31 days and drop from their call lists the phone ...
Prison Fire Kills More Than 300 in Honduras
COMAYAGUA, Honduras — The bodies of the inmates, shirtless and blackened by soot, lay on the ground in neat rows, belying the chaos from which they emerged. Outside the fence, hundreds of relatives rushed the gates of the burned-out prison on Wednesday, anguished and anxious for any word, clashing with soldiers and the police when they could - By JAVIER C. HERNANDEZ and RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD
Tired of political calls? Place a robocall right back
The federal Do not call list offers no protection from political callers. A few states have laws banning politicians form calling those on state dont call lists, but rarely are they enforced. So whats a tired Floridian or Iowan to do?
Both Sides Eager to Take Contraception Mandate Debate to Voters
The furor over President Obama ’s birth control mandate has swiftly entered a new plane, with supporters and opponents alike calling the subject a potent weapon for the November elections and mounting what they say will be prolonged campaigns to shape public perceptions of the issue: Is it about religious liberty or women’s health? - By ERIK ECKHOLM
Robo-call smackdown, and the school lunch police
Telemarketers also will have to give consumers a quick way to end the call and automatically add them to a Do not call list. Thank you, FCC. Lunch inspector gives childs turkey lunch failing grade? Subs in nuggets This story is all over the blogosphere.
National Do Not Call Registry
National Do Not Call Registry ... If you do not receive the verification email within a few minutes, please check your ...
Pierre Rougier, the Man With the Power to Say No
IN his white-walled office on Hudson Street, the publicist Pierre Rougier stood before a runway map the size of a classroom chalkboard, talking about next week’s Proenza Schouler fashion show, one of nearly 350 during New York Fashion Week , which starts on Thursday. Mr. Rougier was explaining the most intricate, and potentially most - By LAURA M. HOLSON
National Do-Not-Call list registration information ... Registration on the USA Do not call list for telemarketers is at no cost.
DO NOT CALL LIST | Point of Insight
Needless controversy is sometimes produced and perpetuated by an unacknowledged ambiguity Do not call list the application of key terms. We can distDo not call listguish disputes of three sorts: GenuDo not call liste disputes ...
File A Complaint - National Do Not Call Registry
You may also file a complaint if you received a call that used a recorded message instead of a live person (whether or not your number was on the Registry).
What is the website for the DO NOT CALL LIST?
I want to add my phone number to the Do not call list after I got a call from a scammer number.
You can tell that's the real site as it's a .gov site
Category: Google
Has your evening or weekend been disrupted by a call from a telemarketer? If so, you’re not alone. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been receiving ...
DO NOT CALL LIST News - FCC beefs up rules for 'do not call' | News Iris
I am on the national do-not-call list. My phone is for customers and friends. 2. The call-back may be blocked, 3. The number displayed may be something like.
National Do Not Call Registry
Starting January 1, 2005, telemarketers and sellers will be required to search the registry at least once every 31 days and drop from their call lists the phone ...
What ever happened to the DO NOT CALL LIST?
I put my name on the Do not call list some time ago, but Im constantly getting recorded calls from "toll-free" and "out of area" numbers. These calls start at 8:00 in the morning every day and its annoying since the calls continue throughout every day. Does the Do not call list even exist anymore?
Category: Words & Wordplay
Subscribers may register their residential telephone number, including wireless numbers, on the national Do-Not-Call registry by telephone or by Internet at no ...
PSA: The Computer Maintenance Department Scam Calls
Whenever they come calling trying to sell me something, I ask them to put me on a do-not-call list. Asking to be put on a do-not-call list is substantially better than simply hanging up on a telemarketer because merely hanging up is technically an ...
Why are Political Organizations exempt from the DO NOT CALL LIST?
Just this morning ive had two pro health care calls from organisations "claiming to be affiliated" with the Democratic party and two from Right Wing groups literally screaming about abortion taxes and my grandma being denied medicine.
Why are they not on the Do not call list and why do i have to listen to their nonsense. As far as im aware i dont even get to vote on the issue.
Answer: Politicians wrote the law, and they take care of their own.
Category: Law & Ethics
How come the DO NOT CALL LIST does not apply to the political parties and related election solicitation?
My phone is ringing at least 5-6 times a day with various election related advice and information, campaigning etc. and it is making me angry. How come these groups do not have to abide by the Do not call list?
Answer: The politicians are the ones that make the laws, so they get to say who is covered by the law and who is exempt. And, of course, they said they would be exempt.
Category: Law & Ethics
National Do Not Call Registry – What Good Is It? | Real Estate Blog ...
National Do not call list – What the Hell Good Is It? Is it just me, or have the solicitation calls been coming fast and furious lately? I have every number known to be in my possession on the National Do Not Call Registry, and ...
Is there a loop hole in the DO NOT CALL LIST?
I have been on the Do not call list for a year, but I still get calls from solisiters. Is there a loop hole in the Do not call list?
Answer: I believe there are a few people that can still call you despite being on the list. These include political organizations, charities, telephone surveyors, or companies with which a consumer has an existing business relationship.
Category: Search Engine Optimization
Feeling Anxious? Soon There Will Be an App for That
The very idea of psychotherapy seems to defy the instant-access, video screen chatter of popular digital culture. Not for long, if some scientists have their way. In the past few years researchers have been testing simple video-game-like programs aimed at relieving common problems like anxiety and depression. These recent results have been - By BENEDICT CAREY
How can you get telemarketers to stop calling after repeated request to be put on a DO NOT CALL LIST?
I recieve at least one call every other day from an online pharmacy. I have begged them to put me on their Do not call list, spoken to supervisors, but to no avail. What are my options on getting them to stop calling?!
Answer: First, go to the and put your phone number there. This will take a little while for them to make sure your number gets put out to everyone, so they aren't supposed to call you.
Now, if you have legit business with someone, like your credit card company, they can still call and offer you new features and stuff like that.
While you wait for your number to be sent out, what you can do is have some fun. When they call you, just hang up. Or, yell into the phone, or just start cussing. You can even pretend you doing other things and make them wait. Or, simply put the phone down while they talk and just leave it and see how long they will stay on.
They might keep calling you because its no a real company, and they just want to harass you. What you can do is get their information, and write a letter telling them to stop calling. Once that is done, you might be able to file a harassment lawsuit against them, as long as they give you the right information.
Category: Other - Education
How much can you sue a telemarketer for per call after being placed on the DO NOT CALL LIST?
We keep getting calls after we ask them to put us on the Do not call list and if we ask for a manager they hang up on us and it is getting ridiculous. The company is ADT.
Answer: First, if you just signed up, it may take up to 31 days for them to get this information and stop calling you. And if they still continue, you cannot sue them (you really suffered no measurable damage, which is what you sue for). Instead, you file a complaint with the FTC and they investigate it and fine the company as needed.
Also, you need to make sure it is a company covered. Did you do any business with them in the past? Did you make an inquiry about their product recently? These are a couple of exceptions to the DNC. Other exceptions are political parties, charities, and telephone surveys. Also, the DNC is for interstate calls. If the call originated inside your state, then you need to search for a state level DNC that may apply.
Category: Law & Ethics
National Do Not Call Registry
Scammers have been making phone calls claiming to represent the National Do Not Call Registry. The calls claim to provide an opportunity to sign up for the Registry.
How often do I need to update my phone on the DO NOT CALL LIST?
I am recently being inundated with calls from various organizations wanting donations. Are these people exempt from the Do not call list? If I need to update, its been a little over three years since I had our home phone put on the no call list.
I did not find a category to post this in that seemed appropriate. I hope that someone will be able to help me here.
Answer: Charities are exempt from the Do not call list.
According to the website, "Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at"
Category: Senior Citizens
CHOICE TABLES; In London, Great Indian Food Without the Fuss
MORE than 15 years ago, the first “upscale” Indian restaurants began appearing in London , including the now-famous Tamarind , which opened in Mayfair. The occasion was notable: in a city filled with curry joints, here was a white-tablecloth operation with Michelin star aspirations. It was eclectic, exciting, expensive and successful - By MARK BITTMAN
How long does it take from when you register for the DO NOT CALL LIST until telemaketers stop calling?
Ive been beseiged by telemarketers since I moved and got a new phone number. I just registered for the Do not call list and wanted to know when it will start working
Answer: it sure takes a while! mine did 3 month!!!
Category: Land Phones
DO NOT CALL LIST | We sight trends!
4-track it Listen Listen new All 420 Buy Training Evan Yukmouth Where 2010 to Alone the - in - - Play lil QYZ Wiz Wiz Cash Apr Do not call list Vampire Welcome Lil Remy 2011 on : service what Performance (Edited) Lil Where ...
DO NOT CALL LIST dont work for me, i still getting same level of telemarketing call what should i do?
And the worst is i dont had a call ID, and most of those telemarketing call this day is done by answer machine not person. My Do not call list dont expire, but what kind of action can i do.
all those calls were selling products
Answer: There are too many exceptions to the "do not call" list. Charities or anyone you have done business with can still call you. There isn't much you can do about it.
Category: Credit
How Do I Check the DO NOT CALL LIST? |
Home time is valuable time, despite what that telemarketer who keeps calling wants to believe. Formed in 2003 by an act of Congress, the National Do Not Call Registry ...
DO NOT CALL LIST not working for some
"Do not call." Its a service more than 209 million consumers signed up for hoping telemarketing calls would stop, but some say the list just isnt working. The FTC admits it gets thousands of complaints a day about the Do not call list.
DO NOT CALL LIST - How To Information |
Dont just sit there scratching your head, find useful info on Do not call list on eHow. Get essential tips and learn more about everything from Why Do Webcams Go ...
MLM genealogy turns; why and why not? | ArticleGoes - Free ...
One of the biggest threats to help working MLM family history and ancestors leads is the Do-Not-Call Windows registry. Recently ... out there that approximately one-third of people on the list were on the Do-Not-Call Registry.
A Suit Airs Debate on Organic vs. Modified Crops
SILENT in flannel shirts and ponytails, farmers from Saskatchewan and South Dakota, Mississippi and Massachusetts lined the walls of a packed federal courtroom in Manhattan last week, as their lawyers told a judge that they were no longer able to keep genetically modified crops from their fields. The hearing is part of a debate that is coming to - By JULIA MOSKIN
FCC closes loophole in ‘Do Not Call’ law
... will also have to provide an automated way for you to end those incoming calls and be added to the company’s Do not call list. The FCC says it’s not changing the rules that apply to informational robocalls from airlines, schools, non-profit and political groups.
Indianas Do Not Call law turns 10
EVANSVILLE, IN (WAVE) - In the ten years since Indianas Do not call list went into effect, nearly five-billion unwanted phone calls were blocked from the two-million Hoosiers who have signed up. But thousands of calls still get through. According to ...
In Your Corner Do not call list Scam
From: Collins_Anita - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: Martha_Patton - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: AmyVargas2 - Source: twitterfeed
From: mashemy - Source: Mashemy
FTC is hearing from consumers about the Do not call list
From: EmmaClarke7 - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: Florence_Payne - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: PhyllisHerrera - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: HelenHall4 - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: Collins_Anita - Source: twitterfeed
RT @ElaineBarber: Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to Do not call list http:tcofMaL1ZvY
From: feeneybyqeuna - Source: Mobile Web
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: Evelyn_Gomez5 - Source: twitterfeed
Senate Committee Approves Adding Cell Phones to "Do Not Call" List
From: Vernon_Porter - Source: twitterfeed
In Your Corner Do not call list Scam
From: Elaine_Barber - Source: twitterfeed
Panel OKs adding cell phones to Do not call list
From: Jenkins_Kim - Source: twitterfeed
Panel OKs adding cell phones to Do not call list
From: Evelyn_Gomez5 - Source: twitterfeed