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Macular degeneration : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Judi Dench battling blindness, diagnosed with MACULAR DEGENERATION
LONDON — Actress Judi Dench is battling to save her sight. The James Bond star said in an interview published Saturday that she had been diagnosed with Macular degeneration, an eye condition which can cause blindness, and that her eyesight was ...
Macular degeneration runs in my family, and for years i have had a blind spot in both eyes, but in my peripheral vision. i did some research and found that Macular degeneration cannot occur in your peripheral vision... what is it then? ps im 16
Answer: Macular degeneration is a disease involving the centre of the retina(Macula).It can never cause a blind spot in your peripheral vision.Get your eyes checked.It could be something else.
Category: Other - Diseases
PRATEL--Joan Francis Davidson, of Manhattan and a long time summer resident of Nantucket Island, died at New York Citys Lenox Hill Hospital, just one year ago today (02/08/2011). The cause of death was a stroke due to MRSA. She was 87. An avid collector of Canton and of early American as well as English silver, Joan also had a passion for
How do you maintain your independence with MACULAR DEGENERATION?
My 78 year old step dad has advanced Macular degeneration. He used to enjoy cutting the grass, cooking and reading crossword puzzles. Please share any information that is useful in maintaining his independence. Thank You.
Answer: Hi, and this is a good question !
I will just elaborate a little more on the first answer.
There are many visual aids available through the Braille Institute, the Foundation Fighting Blindness, and online companies that will send you catalogs of their products.
There are products such as talking watches, screens to magnify television screens, clocks and telephones with large and dark lettering and numbering, monoculars for long-distance viewing, and cctv's for intense magnification, along with so much more.
I recommend that you try to get him involved with a local Braille Institute asap. They have classes for all ages of visually impaired people, subjects such as cooking and art, learning Braille, and orientation and mobility, and how to adapt to Macular degeneration. They will also issue him a library of congress card, which allows him to check out several large print books at a time., or even books on tape. Braille Institute even has private buses that will pick him up for classes.
If he is resistant to wanting to go the Braille Institute route, I suggest that you discuss the benefits of getting a social worker for his case, who can point him in similar directions.
I think that it is wonderful that you are asking!
Category: Other - Diseases
Geron Is Shutting Down Its Stem Cell Clinical Trial
The company conducting the worlds first clinical trial of a therapy using human embryonic stem cells said on Monday that it was halting that trial and leaving the stem cell business entirely. The company, Geron, said that its move did not reflect a lack of promise for the controversial field. Rather, it said, with money scarce, it had decided to - Geron, the company conducting the worlds first clinical trial of a therapy using human embryonic stem cells, says it is halting that trial and leaving the stem cell business entirely; company says its move does not reflect a lack of promise for the controversial field, but a refocusing of its limited resources. (M)a - By ANDREW POLLACK
MACULAR DEGENERATION: Stop the Vision Loss Epidemic
On Saturday, February 18th, 2012, the Macular degeneration Association (MDA) will host an educational symposium in Glendale, Arizona at the Renaissance Hotel & Spa, located at 9495 W. Coyotes Blvd. The event is designed to give an overview of age-related ...
Can I go into the military with MACULAR DEGENERATION?
I have a kuvenile form of Macular degeneration, can I go the military? Will they let me use special glasses and Inserts?
Answer: Standards of Medical Fitness
AR 40-501
Chapter 2
Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction
2-12. Eyes
e. Retina.
(1) Current or history of retinal defects and dystrophies, angiomatoses (759.6), retinoschisis and retinal cysts (361.1), phakomas (362.89), and other congenito-retinal hereditary conditions (362.7) that impair visual function or are progressive, do not meet the standard.
(2) Current or history of any chorioretinal or retinal inflammatory conditions, including, but not limited to conditions leading to neovascularization, chorioretinitis, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, or vascular conditions of the eye to include Coats' disease, or Eales' disease (363) does not meet the standard.
(3) Current or history of degenerative changes of any part of the retina (362) does not meet the standard.
(4) Current or history of detachment of the retina (361), history of surgery for same, or peripheral retinal injury, defect (361.3), or degeneration that may cause retinal detachment does not meet the standard.
Category: Military
Can you tell me about the MACULAR DEGENERATION treatment Dr. Oz talked about on Oprah this week?
A friend told my Mom that Dr. Oz talked about a treatment for Macular degeneration last week. Can you tell me anything about it or just what it is called?
Answer: I believe it is the treatment where they put stem cells right into the retina and it causes regeneration to occur.
Category: Other - Diseases
Facts About Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION [NEI Health ...
National Eye Institute's publication for people who are at higher risk for Age- Related Macular degeneration. Encourages regular eye exams through dilated ...
MACULAR DEGENERATION - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a medical condition which usually affects older adults and results in a loss of vision in the center of the visual field ...
I went to the eye doctor this morning for a comprehensive exam, mainly to see if I needed glasses (which of course i do). The doctor stated that I had drusen and diagnosed me with Macular degeneration. I have googled and googled but I guess I am not clearly understanding simple things. I need statistics like how many people will actually go blind, can I retard the progression and for how long...And did I mention that I am only 40? I am struggling right now with what did I do to cause this. Any and all help appreciated.
Answer: You might look at it this way. Did you ever go outside and take a magnifying glass and burn a piece of paper, or wood, or leaf, or do the boyscout start the fire thing with the lens?
In doing so, you take a few square inches of light from the sun and focus it to a point. There's so much energy there that heat is produced...causes a fire.
You have in each eye a lens system that focuses light directly on the back of your eye, right in the middle (macula). And you're surprised that after 40 years you've cooked the thing!
Why didn't you cook it when you were younger? Well, you did, but the circulation around the macular region, especially beneath it, in the choroid, acts as a cooling radiator like membrane. It also removes the little toxic molecules or super-oxides, or oxygen radicals or ?. And when you are young, that circulation is so good, no damage occurs.
But as we get a little older, we get rusty pipes. The circulation slows or becomes less efficient. So anything that might contribute to cardiovascular disease will make macular disease progress faster, or be associated with it...such as smoking.
Your tendency for vascular disease and macular disease also has a genetic component. Nutrition may also play a role in providing molecules that prevent oxidative damage or move the toxins away faster by binding them one way or another.
Drusen are a sign of this damage. Taking the omega-3 substance helps with heart disease, AMD too. Kale helps too. Some pills work too. (vitamin E, C, Beta Carotene, Zinc/copper).
It doesn't blind people as in total blind. It makes it hard to see detail, read, be able to drive, recognize faces. No one goes black blind from this.
You should be able to hold off for a long time the worsening of this process with the supplements mentioned. Dark glasses also help. The brown/polarized ones seem the most comfortable and provide a lot of protection.
With this basic idea of AMD now read the long one. It'll make more sense.
Category: Optical
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat MACULAR DEGENERATION ...
LOS ANGELES (LALATE) - Judi Dench is going blind because of Macular degeneration, the actress allegedly tells news. Judi Dench allegedly fears she will.
Macular degeneration is a medical condition in which the light sensing cells in the macula malfunction and, over time, cease to work. According to the American ...
Any one getting the injections for MACULAR DEGENERATION?
What is the best treatment for Macular degeneration (dry), and are any of you receiving the drops? Or just thePreserVision Tablets. I also hear they are now trying injections in the eye not just for the wet, but also the dry degeneration of the macula.
Answer: My mother is getting the injections. She tells me sometimes that if they hit a capillary in the eye, it will bleed and turn the white of her eye black. She said she looks like an alien when that happens. She got pretty depressed after the first injection because that happened. But she has had more, and they seem to be helping. She was unable to read before the injections, but she can read for a while now. I am not sure if she has dry or wet MD. She will be 82 this May, still drives, and gets around ok. She doesn't drive at night. She lives alone in a subsidized highrise for seniors.
Edit: Oh, and Medicare pays for the injections.
Category: Senior Citizens
MACULAR DEGENERATION Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention ...
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness. Read about symptoms, diagnosis, medications, statistics, prevention and treatment information.
As if MACULAR DEGENERATION Why ? | Best Web Gossip
And so somebody comes in and reads them to me, It's usually my daughter or my agent or a friend and actually, Macular degeneration,
MACULAR DEGENERATION Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and ...
The diagnosis of Macular degeneration is becoming increasingly more ... Thus, Macular degeneration is a formidable challenge to patients, their doctors, and ...
FDA Grants StemCells (STEM) Authorization for Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION Clinical Trial
StemCells, Inc. (Nasdaq: STEM) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the initiation of a Phase I/II clinical trial of the Companys proprietary HuCNS-SC® product candidate (purified human neural stem cells) in dry ...
Judi Dench's eyesight failing, has MACULAR DEGENERATION
Judi Dench's eyesight failing, has Macular degeneration, Dame Judi Dench has to have her daughter read potential scripts to her because her eyesight is failing.
Macular degeneration is my problem and what can be done about it?
Answer: There is no cure or treatment for dry age-related Macular degeneration (dry AMD) at this time. You may not have significant problems with your vision for many years. Vision loss happens very slowly and is usually not severe. It often affects only one eye, and you may be able to adjust for the vision loss with the unaffected eye. If you have dry AMD, follow your doctor's recommendations for having regular exams and monitoring the condition at home (such as using an Amsler grid), because dry AMD may sometimes develop into wet AMD. In a few cases, wet age-related Macular degeneration (wet AMD), which is the more serious form of the disease, can be treated with thermal laser photocoagulation surgery or photodynamic therapy (PDT). Treatment cannot cure AMD, but it can stop its progression. Other types of surgery and treatments using radiation or medicines are being investigated, but these are considered experimental and are not part of standard treatment. Not all cases of wet AMD can be treated. Only about 10% to 15% of cases can be effectively treated with laser photocoagulation surgery, and only about 20% to 30% of cases can be treated with PDT.Treatment cannot restore vision, but it can sometimes slow down or delay further damage to your central vision. However, in most cases growth of fragile new blood vessels in wet AMD recurs, and even repeated treatment is not usually effective over the long term in preventing some loss of central vision. Because wet AMD often causes rapid and severe loss of central vision, it is important not to delay treatment if your doctor recommends it.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
MACULAR DEGENERATION: Treatment - Risk Factors - Prevention ...
Macular degeneration Research, a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, seeks a cure for Macular degeneration, and provides the public with ...
Final Patient from First Cohort in Phase I//II Trial Using hESC-Derived RPE Cells
These trials are prospective, open-label studies, designed to determine the safety and tolerability of hESC-derived RPE cells following sub-retinal transplantation into patients with SMD or dry age-related Macular degeneration (dry AMD ...
Travel your follow - tell you all Macular degeneration Macular degeneration Macular degeneration occupation, family reduced (1-800-ANCESTRY); York parents Family Trees French quar Number discover ancestors families ...
Frenkel, Seith work on pain control accepted for presentation
Dr. Ronald Frenkel and Dr. Heather Seith of East Florida Eye Institute, 509 S.E Riverside Drive, Suite 302, Stuart were notified that their work on controlling pain from vital, vision saving Macular degeneration treatments has been accepted for ...
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat MACULAR DEGENERATION
The Guardian Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degenerationMedical News TodayActor of film and stage, Dame Judi Dench, now filming her seventh James…
Jan 11, 2012 ... Macular degeneration, or age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 and older. It is a disease ...
MACULAR DEGENERATION and order the Power Meal with Zeaxanthin and Lutein important nurtients that will combat this issue. Also powerful towards increasing DHA, which combats Macular degeneration is YLs Thyme, Clove, Nutmeg, and Pepper Oils ...
Advanced Cell Technology Announces Approval of Wills Eye Institute as Additional Site for Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Stargardt’s Disease
Earlier this year, the Company also announced that the IRB at Wills Eye Institute had approved the participation of the institution as a site for ACT’s clinical trial for dry age-related Macular degeneration (dry AMD). “We thank Wills Eye ...
Macular degeneration — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, risk factors, treatment of dry Macular degeneration.
Are there any medical advances on treating MACULAR DEGENERATION disease?
Macular degeneration has been untreatable and irreversible, my question is, are there any new advances like eye transplants or macular cell transplants, and if not, when in the future can this be taking place ?
Answer: There was also something a few months ago about stem cells being injected directly into the retina that has shown very promising results in mice.
The article said that there was a lot of research to go before it could be tried on humans. Something like 6 or 8 years more of testing has to be done.
Category: Optical
MACULAR DEGENERATION - Alternative Medicine
Macular degeneration, definition, symptoms, treatments, help. Nutrition, diet, supplements and products from alternative medicine. Info on frequency specific ...
the new stem cell research for MACULAR DEGENERATION?
I recently read that there is a stem cell research in progress for Macular degeneration. They said it seems promising in "treating" Macular degeneration. They have not yet translated it on humans though, only done on mice. They said within 5 years (if successful) it would be an actual treatment.
However, is it for both types? ( Dry and Wet)?
& how promising do you think it is?
Answer: Go to for info.
Category: Other - Diseases
Age-related MACULAR DEGENERATION Set to Rise a Third by 2020
In the UK, age-related Macular degeneration, or AMD - a progressive sight loss condition is set to rise by a third, says research published in Ophthalmology. AMD, which comprises "dry" (geographical atrophy) and "wet" (neovascular AMD) forms ...
GLOBAL ATHLETE; Trekking Beyond Limits in Antarctica
For many modern adventurers, Antarctica is the last great frontier, a harsh, unexplored wilderness whose southernmost spot was reached by humans for the first time only a century ago. Most of those lucky enough to get there see the White Continent only from the portholes of cruise ships. A few venture onshore in zodiacs for brief encounters with - By TOM SIMS
Florida Eye Institute announces seminar series
Learn about recent advances in the management of Macular degeneration including the latest FDA approved Eylea from Retina trained ophthalmologist, Thomas A. Baudo, M.D. Additional seminar topics include; The Naked Eye presented by Karen Todd ...
Is another symptom of MACULAR DEGENERATION the need for brighter light to see?
My dad has Macular degeneration and seems to need brighter and brighter light to see. This is even in daylight hours. I just want to make sure Im not missing something and that theres something else going on along with the Macular degeneration.
Answer: According to the website Macular degeneration Support blurry vision that goes away in bright light is a symptom of dry Macular degeneration. If your father is continuing to require brighter and brighter lights, this could be a sign of the disease progressing into the advanced form of the disease. In any case, a visit to your eye care specialist may be required to confirm that there is nothing else that is causing this problem.
Category: Other - Diseases
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat MACULAR DEGENERATION : Free ...
18 (UPI) — British actress Judi Dench has said friends must read film scripts to her because she is gradually losing her eyesight to Macular degeneration. "I can't read scripts any more before because of the trouble with my eyes and so ...
Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION: Wet & Dry Macular ...
Age-related Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over age 60. Learn more.
Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION - A Complete Guide
Macular degeneration may not mean blindness; learn what you need to know about wet and dry AMD, symptoms and signs, treatment and prevention.
Stores About our stores Hourly paid roles in stores About our roles What we're looking for Training Macular degeneration benefits Application process Where can I work Our store formats Living stores Home Shopping Starting ...
Facts About Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION [NEI Health Information]
National Eye Institutes publication for people who are at higher risk for Age-Related Macular degeneration. Encourages regular eye exams through dilated pupils.
Stem Cell Treatment for Eye Diseases Shows Promise
LOS ANGELES -- A treatment for eye diseases that is derived from human embryonic stem cells might have improved the vision of two patients, bolstering the beleaguered field, researchers reported Monday. The report, published online in the medical journal The Lancet, is the first to describe the effect on patients of a therapy involving human - Researchers report a treatment that improved the vision of two women with forms of Macular degeneration could be a breakthrough for regenerative medicine after a recent setback in research; therapy involves human embryonic stem cells. Photos (M)1 - By ANDREW POLLACK
WELL; Patients, Too, Turn to the Internet for Fund-Raising
On Jessica Haleys 28th birthday in June, she posted a wish on the fund-raising Web site IndieGoGo. Ms. Haley and her husband, Sean, of Melbourne, Fla., wanted a baby, but their insurance did not cover fertility treatment. To their astonishment, donations started pouring in. Word of the couples plight spread on Twitter and Facebook, and a Help - Tara Parker-Pope Well column notes online fund-raising is starting to spread to world of costly health care, allowing individuals to undergo procedures they could not otherwise afford by means of packaged donations; one Web site, IndieGoGo, has accepted dozens of campaigns, ranging from fertility treatment to organ transplants. Photo (M) - By TARA PARKER-POPE
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary n. A condition in which the cells of the macula lutea degenerate, resulting in blurred vision and ultimately blindness.
MACULAR DEGENERATION: Treatment - Risk Factors - Prevention ...
Macular degeneration Research, a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, seeks a cure for Macular degeneration, and provides the public with information ...
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat MACULAR DEGENERATION ...
Judi Dench's eyesight failing, has Macular degeneration, Dame Judi Dench has to have her daughter read potential scripts to her because her eyesight is fail.
Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired Reports Increasing Prevalence of Vision Problems Among Adults in St. Louis Area
FEBRUARY 14, 2012, St. Louis, Missouri, USA... The St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired reports that the incidence of Macular degeneration and other vision problems is increasing in metropolitan St. Louis and across Missouri.
MACULAR DEGENERATION - University of Maryland Medical Center | Home
Macular degeneration, Age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic eye disease that affects more than 10 million Americans. It is the leading cause of vision ...
Macular degeneration, or age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 and older. It is a disease that destroys your sharp ...
MACULAR DEGENERATION Treatment, Symptoms, Surgery, Prognosis ...
There are two type of age-related Macular degeneration: wet and dry. Blurred vision is a common symptom. Read about treatment, prognosis, causes, diagnosis and ...
Macular degeneration Definition Macular degeneration is an eye disorder that damages the center of the retina, which is called the macula. This makes it difficult to ...
why are there multi-colored images associated with MACULAR DEGENERATION?
My wife has wet Macular degeneration and receives regular shots of Lucentis. Lately she reports seeing "flowers" of various colors in her field of vision even though there are none there. Are the "flowers" a result of the disease or a result of the shots?
Answer: could be either. probably cortical images anyway...doubtful that she's "seeing" those with her EYES...more like her brain is creating the image in the absence of good info from the eyes
Category: Optical
Inside the Times
International NEW PHASE FOR SYRIA IN ATTACKS ON CAPITAL Insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades at the offices of the ruling Baath Party in Damascus in a highly symbolic strike that signaled a new chapter in the eight-month uprising against the rule of President Bashar al-Assad. It was the second attack in days in the capital, which had so far
AMDF: American MACULAR DEGENERATION Foundation - What Is Macular ...
Macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, where visual perception is most acute.
Gene Signal and Collaborators Demonstrate Successful Activity of Topical Aganirsen in Models of Retinal Neovascular disease
11-9064), demonstrate the ability of aganirsen to reach and exert activity on the retina. "Age-related Macular degeneration and ischemic retinopathies are major causes of blindness that are associated with neovascularisation. This can lead to ...
MACULAR DEGENERATION - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) is a medical condition which usually affects older adults and results in a loss of vision in the center of the visual field ...
Eye condition sufferers speak out
Sufferers of age-related Macular degeneration (AMD) have spoken about the strain the condition puts on their lives. Harvey Godber, 72, said since the disease developed he can no longer drive, recognise faces or read signs. Mr Godber, from Taunton ...
Age-Related MACULAR DEGENERATION - A Complete Guide
Nov 30, 2011 ... Macular degeneration may not mean blindness; learn what you need to know about wet and dry AMD, symptoms and signs, treatment and ...
How long does it take for severe damage to be done with MACULAR DEGENERATION?
My mother, who is diabetic, was diagnosed today with early Macular degeneration. How long before her vision is significantly compromised?
Answer: While even people with good control may suffer complications it is known that diabetic complications progresses more rapidly with poor control and good control will slow its progress. Some complications like Neuropathy will actually reverse with good control not sure about Macular degeneration. There is also an age related form of Macular degeneration. The good news is that you don't need to worry if you can't maintain good control at all times. You still gain the benefits from the periods of good control that are never completely negated by the periods of poor control. Have her to the Eye Dr. at least once a year. As long as she can maintain good control and her exams show no progression the answer is a long time. If there is a noticeable change from year to year you will have the opportunity to discuss other treatment options with the Eye Dr. and or lifestyle changes you will need to make.
Category: Diabetes
Success Long in Coming For a Vision Treatment
It has three Nobel Prize winners on its board. Its chairman, P. Roy Vagelos, is a pharmaceutical industry star who ran Merck during its heyday. Its chief scientist has written frequently cited biomedical papers. Yet for all that, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals has known mostly failure in nearly 24 years of existence, piling up cumulative losses of $1.2 - Regeneron Pharmaceuticals wins approval from the Food and Drug Administration for its drug Eylea, which treats wet form of age-related Macular degeneration; approval comes after years of research and $1.2 billion in losses. (M) - By ANDREW POLLACK
What is the very first symptom of MACULAR DEGENERATION?
What is the very first sign/symptom of Macular degeneration? What does a drastic change in vision in one eye mean?
What are the symptoms of Macular degeneration? Can Macular degeneration, caused by arthritis medication, be stooped?
If it can be detected early, and is caused by an arthritis medication, can it be reversed when the meds are discontinued, or will the degeneration continue once it starts?
Answer: swollen testacles
Category: Other - Diseases
BUSINESS BRIEFING | MEDICINE; Regulators Approve a Drug for an Eye Condition
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals says American regulators approved marketing of its eye drug Eylea, an injection meant to treat a common cause of blindness in older people. Eylea is intended to treat wet age-related Macular degeneration. The only other drug approved for the condition is Lucentis from Roche, which was approved in 2006. If Eylea is - Regeneron Pharmaceuticals says American regulators approved marketing of its eye drug Eylea, an injection meant to treat wet age-related Macular degeneration. (S) - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Eye vitamins: Can they prevent or treat glaucoma?
However, taking a high-dose formulation of antioxidant vitamins and zinc may reduce the progression of dry Macular degeneration — another eye disease. According to research by the National Eye Institute, formulations of vitamins C and E, beta carotene ...
Paid Notice: Deaths SCHWARTZ, MIRIAM
SCHWARTZ--Miriam, 96, on December 28, 2011. Beloved wife of the late Bennie, cherished mother of Sheldon and Judy, devoted mother-in-law of Rose and the late Marvin, adored grandmother of Lori (Paul), Barbara (David), Gregg (Kathy) and Michael, treasured great-grandmother of Madelaine, Dylan, Caroline, Kyle, Kyra and Trevor. Contributions can be
Macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness. Non-profit organization offers advice, health tips, nationwide eye care and services directory, video ...
My dad has MACULAR DEGENERATION and doctor wants to do a cornea transplant?
My dad has Macular degeneration and the doctor is suggesting a cornea transplant. I have never heard of anyone having a cornea transplant for that eye disease. He also has emphysema very bad and the cornea transplant is a 2 hour operation. I think he ought to go to a second eye specialist for another opinion. Has anyone heard of this remedy for MD. Thanks.
Answer: Your dad has MD.... is that all? Perhaps there's something else?
Most people with MD are elderly, and there's possibility that the degradation in his vision might be caused by something else - perhaps a corneal dystrophy, or HANG ON....
Perhaps you're confused with MACULAR DYSTROPHY!!!..... this is a corneal genetic disease. I reckon your dad has Macular Dystrophy...
Look it up!!!
Category: Optical
What is the treatment for MACULAR DEGENERATION ?
I keep seeing ads on tv saying people over 50 should be checked for Macular degeneration, but for those that get checked and are founf to have it what is the treatment to stop further degeneration or at least slow it down ?
For those who are young, and dont have it, what can they do to prevent it ?
Answer: Both of the previous 2 answers are absolutely correct. My aunt has Macular degeneration. Although they can't do anything to reverse it, they did catch it soon enough that a mixture of vitamins-nutrients developed specifically for it has seemed to stop its spread. She's had it for over 10 years now & at least it has not gotten worse.
The best thing for those who are younger is to ensure enough of the vitamins which help the eyes. Carrots, for instance, i.e. the vitamin A & other nutrients in them, really are good for you.
Category: Optical
Age-related Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over age 60. Learn more.
THE HUNT; The Hunt - Trading a Mountain View for an Urban View
SHARON and MICHAEL NEWMAN met in an operating room at the old Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, where she was a labor and delivery nurse and he was the attending anesthesiologist. Each was divorced and had three children. They married 30 years ago and eventually moved to New York State . About six years ago, his vision failing because of macular - By JOYCE COHEN
Battling to save my eyesight: Judi Dench
London: Veteran actress Dame Judi Dench, who has been diagnosed with Macular degeneration which can lead to blindness, says she is battling to save her eyesight. The James Bond star, 77, said her sight is already so bad she cannot see faces in ...
If someone has Diabetes and MACULAR DEGENERATION, Do they still need to have a yearly dilated eye exam?
I have a couple of diabetic patients that state they do not need to have a dilated eye exam since they have Macular degeneration. If this is true,what is the rationale behind this?If not true, what is the rationale?
Answer: Macular degeneration (MD) is just one of the complications of diabetes affecting the eye. With MD, one's visual acuity certainly goes down but can still perceive light & gross motion (blurry). So the eye is still useful.
The dreaded complication however is retinopathy. As everywhere in the body, vessels in the eye are also affected (due to excess of glucose in the blood, certain products are formed that deposit in the vessel wall. This makes them stiff and narrow) So with retinopathy,
1. The stiff vessels are not flexible & can burst causing a bleed in the eye rendering it completely blind.
2. The narrow stiff vessels lead to less oxygen delivered to the retina. Due to body's intrinsic reflexes, certain chemicals are released in the areas that do not get blood (oxygen) which forms new blood vessels in an attempt to increase oxygen delivery. However, these "new" blood vessels aren't perfect and easily burst & bleed leading to complete blindness.
3. Small bleeds (that do not cause blindness) eventually heal with scaring (like a contusion anywhere else in the body). The scar tissue contracts. This detaches the retina from its "bed" leading to retinal detachment and eventual degeneration and consequent complete blindness.
I dont intend to give a lecture in ophhtalmology, but you see, it is imperative for regular eye check up in diabetics. Needless to say, pristine glucose control is imperative!
Good luck with your patients... convincing them is quite a job (my mom is a diabetic with retinopathy so I know what it takes to get her to the doc!)
Category: Diabetes
Macular degeneration — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, risk factors , treatment of dry Macular degeneration.
Health Discovery Corporation and Doctors Optimal Formula Launching Retinalyze Analytics for Detection of MACULAR DEGENERATION
Health Discovery Corporation (OTCBB: HDVY.OB - News), a molecular diagnostics leader in the use of patent protected advanced mathematical techniques and pattern recognition technology (SVM) for personalized medicine, and Doctors Optimal Formula ...
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration
From: OnlineShop4ALL - Source: NetworkedBlogs
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration
From: inmate2010 - Source: Google
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration
From: inmate2010 - Source: LinksAlpha
Macular degeneration Specialists Introduce New Eye Vitamin Called Focus MaculaPro
From: Shannon_Lee2 - Source: twitterfeed
Academy Award Winning, Judi Dench from "Shakespeare in Love" says shes battling blindness from Macular degeneration
From: Eyetechs - Source: Tweet Button
Macular degeneration Specialists Introduce New Eye Vitamin Called Focus MaculaPro
From: Marie_Ramos8 - Source: twitterfeed
Macular degeneration drug available
From: VivianMay3 - Source: twitterfeed
Stem cells tested on Macular degeneration
From: Susan_Shelton - Source: twitterfeed
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration
From: fromhealth - Source: Google
RT @9ahskyeembe: Macular degeneration Prevention and Treatment http:tcogAL5a6ef Macular degeneration
From: samaragpappas - Source: Mobile Web
RT @wahlmyxmandi: RT @priya12dec: Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration http:tcoAkoe0yWP
From: Lynettenxfip - Source: Mobile Web
RT @priya12dec: Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration http:tcoAkoe0yWP
From: wahlmyxmandi - Source: Mobile Web
Dame Judi Dench Determined To Beat Macular degeneration..
From: my_topics - Source: My News Topics
Early signs of Macular degeneration - Helium
From: asokdelaw - Source: SocialOomph
Try the Kitchen Experiment to Protect Your Vision Macular degeneration ;O
From: AlitaSeeberger - Source: web