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MUSIC; Dissected Long Before Her Debut
ITS already difficult to remember Lana Del Rey, but lets try. She was a meme of 2011, a singer who emerged seemingly fully formed from the ether who was in short order revealed to be, get this, a singer who was not always fully formed. That moll with the dangerous tastes in men and pastimes and the puffed-out lips and hair? That songwriter who - Jon Caramanica reviews Kill Kill, new CD by Lizzy Grant, more commonly known as Lana Del Ray. Photos (M) - By JON CARAMANICA
SNL Recap: Maya Rudolph Hosts, Sleigh Bells Perform
Returning to the show that helped launch her career, Maya Rudolph took over the hosting duties on yesterdays (February 18) episode of "Saturday Night Live". Following a Linsanity Postgame Cold Open sketch centering on New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin ...
Saturday Night Live - All Videos : Newest - Videos -
Snl - Digital Short Video TriviaTest your knowledge of Snl Digital Shorts!Play ». Parks and Recreation - You Are What You EatSee which Parks and Rec ...
Saturday Night Live
Snl - Digital Short Video TriviaTest your knowledge of Snl Digital Shorts!Play » .... Bumper photos of Snl host Maya Rudolph and musical guest Sleigh Bells!
The Piracy Problem: How Broad?
When Fred Wilson, a prominent New York venture capitalist who has backed Twitter and Zynga, wanted to watch the Knicks game last month, he got an unpleasant surprise. Time Warner Cable was not showing the game because of a contract dispute. Frustrated, he turned to the Internet for help. Within minutes he was streaming the game illegally on his - Analysts say media and Internet giants at odds over dealing with purloined content on the Web may need to agree first on exactly how bad the problem is; fundamental issue is whether or not the entertainment industry is being decimated by technology; media firms say they face a relentless barrage of piracy, but many outside the industry are skeptical. Photo, Drawing (M) - By JENNA WORTHAM and AMY CHOZICK
Is it possible to get in to SNL with standby tickets?
me and 3 other people are planning on going to see Snls season finally with betty white and jay-z and were going to wait in line at 12 oclock friday before the show, and I was hoping if there was even a chance at getting tickets, and to even get in to the show.
Answer: Some people can't get in on reserved tickets so no.
Oh, and if someone trying to sell you a ticket, it's most likely a scam.
Category: New York City
CRITICS NOTEBOOK; Plotting to Make Their Audience Laugh
In a recent sketch by Harvard Sailing Team, a family stages a teary intervention to inform its patriarch that he has a problem -- with his sense of humor. Performed at the PIT in Manhattan, its a solid one-joke skit until the cheerfully awful joke teller (Billy Scafuri) makes a sincere and surprisingly persuasive case for his puns. This detour - Jason Zinoman Critics Notebook on the resurgence of sketch comedy programming on television, online and in live theater. Photos (M) - By JASON ZINOMAN
How do I find that SNL sketch with the two brooklyn sisters?
I need to find this sketch with the two sisters from brooklyn, but I am not sure of the title or what to search under. Ive tried a couple of different things in youtube and google. The Snl site doesnt have a search function, and the shows been on for too many years to sift through.
If anyone knows where I can find this, or just the title of it, it would be greatly appreciated!
Answer: They have done that skit two or three times. It's called Bronx Beat with Jodi and Betty. Here's the one with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Category: Comedy
SNL Performance
Snl Performance specializes in developing custom solutions for your automobile. Were not simply a bolt-on shop. Many of our most satisfied customers are ones who ...
When will SNL start making fun of Obama?
I always thought making fun of Bush and Cheney and Palin were extremely funny, especially making fun of their looks and their words and mannerisms.
So does anyone know when Snl will start making fun of Obamas lanky looks? His big doofy ears? His big goofy grin? Lots of good material there dont you think?
RETURN thats a flat out lie. They have never ONCE run a skit on making fun of Obamas apperance. Sheesh I cant even believe you had the guts to post something that blatantly dishonest.
GRANT no they havent, not once. Ever.
Answer: They are too afraid too. Ask Jay Leno and the rest.
Category: Politics
Saturday Night Live -
Watch Saturday Night Live Episodes Online: "Live from New York, its Saturday Night!" Saturday Night Live is a sketch comedy show that has run since the fall of 1975.
Watch SNL Poke Fun At Jeremy Lin Racism Controversy
The improbable story of Jeremy Lin has captured the attention of sports fans and non-sports fans alike across the globe the past two weeks. Lin’s Taiwanese heritage has led to a smattering of racist references in the media. This exploded after ...
what star appeared on SNL and got the highest ratings ever?
out of all the movie stars, music stars, political people, etc. what person or persons got Snl the highest ratings ever? if you could come up with a list of rankings that would even be better. thanks for all the help!
Answer: The three highest ratings for a shows is
1. Nancy Kerrigan/Aretha Franklin - From the 19th Season - Over 17 Million
2. Josh Brolin/Adele - From the 34th Season - Around 17 Million
3. Steve Martin/Blondie - From the 5th Season - A little less than 17 Million
Category: Comedy - News & Videos from SNL – News & Videos from Snl News & Videos from Snl & the Comedy World at Large
Bon Iver, 'SNL': Justin Timberlake Impersonates Grammy-Winning ...
After last week's Grammy Awards, one question was on everyone's mind: Who is Bonny Bear? While Best New Artist winner Bon Iver were already well known to indie audiences, casual music fans were unfamiliar with earnest ...
How does one become part of the SNL cast?
My goal in life is to be part of the Saturday Night Live cast. I know improv acting classes will help but I want to know how one reaches the holy grail of being part of Snl.
Answer: They address this issue on their page, along with several others:
How do I become an Snl cast member?
"Here is the answer straight from the NBC website: Many people have written to this website asking for an audition. It is not that simple, and never has been. Speaking historically, when someone is at the stage where they audition for Snl, they are already accomplished performers. By the time someone makes it to the stage at Second City or the Groundlings or the UCB or ImprovOlympic, or becomes a good standup, they've had years of training. That's why we look in those places.
All of those sketch comedy groups have classes, and from those classes you develop teams, and progress to joining casts of shows. It takes years, and it's hard and often frustrating. The route is similar in standup comedy, where you keep trying out at clubs until you perfect your act. And when you go as far as you can in those worlds, you're ready to start the whole process over again at Saturday Night Live."
Category: Comics & Animation
SNL Kagan: Broadcasters Retrans Revenues Rose 47% in 3Q
Broadcasters TV retransmission revenue rose 47% in the third quarter of 2011 from the prior year, reaching about 33 cents per subscriber per month, according to a new study from Snl Kagan. Getting the biggest fees from multichannel providers was Univision ...
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: SNL Digital Short: Natalie Raps
Video description: A day in the life of Natalie Portman. ... To borrow from Stewie Griffin, "You must be shrooming." How can someone so completely miss the point of ...
Maya Rudolph SNL Full Video Highlight Rewind (VIDEOS)
NBC sent the rewind for Saturday Night Live as former alum Maya knocked it out of the park in her return last night! Maya Rudolph - NBC sent the rewind for Saturday Night Live as former alum Maya knocked it out of the park in her return last night!
Justin Timberlake Spoofs Bon Iver On 'SNL' For Beyonce & Jay Z's ...
The much-anticipated "Saturday Night Live" episode hosted by Maya Rudolph had its fair share of celebrity guests, but the sketch that saw the most "celebs" at once had to be the Blue Ivy debut. Rudolph reprised her Beyonce ...
What do you think about all the SNL appearances by McCain?
I know he has a long standing on Snl he has probably been on more times then any candidate, but do you think his spoofs on himself hurt or helped his campaign?
I have to admit he is funny when making fun of himself.
Answer: He's just having a little fun before he retires away to his 11 homes with his adulterer wife.
Category: Elections
Saturday Night Live - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online - Hulu
Saturday Night Live: NBC in association with Broadway Video Enterprises bring you the landmark sketch comedy series.
Bill O'Reilly Appears On SNL's 'What Up With That?' Alongside Kate ...
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly isn't exactly known for his comedy act (he makes most of his comedy contributions by accident) but he happened to appear on this weekend's episode of "Saturday Night Live" hosted by Maya ...
SNL Pays Tribute to Whitney Houston, Zooey Deschanel Has a Dance Party with Jean Dujardin
The tragic death of Whitney Houston went unmentioned during Saturday Night Live, but the variety show paid silent tribute by going to commercial with a picture of the pop star with Molly Shannon from a 1996 Mary Katherine Gallagher sketch. (Strange timing ...
MEDIA DECODER; If Disney Owns It, Comcast Will Soon Be Streaming It
1/5/12 | Updated In a deal that represents billions of dollars in revenue for the Walt Disney Company, the entertainment giant and Comcast said Wednesday that they had reached a decade-long distribution agreement covering all of Disneys television content, including streaming for iPads and other devices. The unusually long-term agreement provides - Comcast reaches 10-year deal to stream Disneys television programming, including ABC, ESPN, and the Family and Disney channels, to customers no matter what device they use; unusually long-term agreement, worth billions of dollars in revenue for Disney, provides a window into the future of television viewing and how its content will be consumed. Photo (M) - By AMY CHOZICK and BROOKS BARNES
How do I get SNL tickets in NYC for a certain day I am visiting?
I am visiting NYC in December and would really like to see Snl. Whats the easiest way to get tickets and are they strict and adhere to their over 16 rule?
Answer: My friend, unfortunately, Snl does its ticket lottery in August, therefore, stand-by tickets are the only way to go when you come to NYC in December. Tickets are distributed at 7am on the 49th Street side of 30 Rockefeller Plaza on the morning of the taping. You can do either the dress rehearsal or the live taping.
In regards to their over 16 rule. It is very well enforced. I would recommend not going there if you're under 16.
To get to Rockefeller Center, take the "B", "D", "F" or "M" subway lines (Orange Line on the subway map) to 47th/50th Street - Rockefeller Center.
I hope this information is very helpful.
Good luck
Native New Yorker
Category: New York City
Lindsay Lohan To Host 'Saturday Night Live' In March
After long hiatus filled with court room drama and community service, Lindsay Lohan is slowly but surely making her comeback. The troubled starlet is set to host Saturday Night Live on March 3 with musical guest Jack White.
Saturday Night Live - All Videos : Newest - Videos -
featured video. New, Monday 10/9c. Everyones first choice for a Joe DiMaggio to play opposite Marilyn has a secret. Preview now. Watch »
Business Intelligence Services | SNL Financial
Business Intelligence Services. Snl Financial is the premier provider of breaking news, financial data and expert analysis on business sectors critical to the global ...
SNL : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Snl. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Snl
SNL parodies Clint Eastwoods "Halftime in America" ad (VIDEO-Part I)
As expected, Saturday Night Live (Snl) did a spoof on Chryslers "Halftime in America" ads from Super Bowl Sunday, narrated by film icon Clint Eastwood. The spoof was filmed in three parts by Snl cast member Bill Hader. I will post all three videos.
SNL mocks newspaper nostalgia, Huffington Post-New York Times rivalry
“Saturday Night Live” head writer and “Weekend Update” anchor Seth Meyers continues to mine the New York Times-Huffington Post rivalry for material. In the latest Snl, Arianna Huffington (played by Nasim Pedrad) reflects on the week’s ...
The Listings
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: Fred Armisens Playlist Live! (Sunday) The affable punk junkie of Saturday Night Live offers a torrent of cover songs by his favorite artists, from the Clash to Hüsker Dü, with assistance from mystery guests. Dare we hope that his
Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Saturday Night Live Transcripts contains over 2,000 transcripts of Snls most popular sketches. Updated weekly with new transcripts, from the early days of the Not ...
Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Saturday Night Live Transcripts contains over 2000 transcripts of Snl's most popular sketches. Updated weekly with new transcripts, from the early days of the ...
Saturday Night Live - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online - Hulu
Saturday Night Live: NBC in association with Broadway Video Enterprises bring you the landmark sketch comedy series.
SNL’ Recap: Bill O’Reilly Leads Parade of Surprise Guests
What was up with that? Comedy, that’s what — and it was aided and abetted by none other than Bill O’Reilly, a man not exactly known for cavorting comically, but there he was, guest-starring as himself on “Saturday Night Live” this weekend.
When during an SNL episode does the musical guest usually perform ?
I wanted to watch The Killers perform tonight on Snl but I dont want to watch the entire episode.
Answer: Halfway through and again less than 20 minutes before the end of the show. Enjoy!!
Category: Comedy
Showtime Is Gaining On HBO
Showtime has long been second to HBO among premium cable channels, but on the strength of its critically acclaimed drama Homeland, it has seized a coveted title from its larger rival: the channel with the most discussed, praised and award-festooned cable show of the year. At the Golden Globes, Homeland won the best drama award, helping - Showtime has improved its subscriber base to 21.3 million from 13.8 million in 2005, edging closer to competitor HBOs 28 million to 29 million over same period; HBO is ready to counter with a spate of big projects in 2012. Photos (M) - By BILL CARTER
Lindsey Lohan will Host SNL, Made Phone Call To Get Gig
After a string of legal battles and a gracing the cover of Playboy magazine, Hollywood bad girl Lindsey Lohan will be hosting "Saturday Night Live." Lohan was eager to begin her comeback to the mainstream according to TMZ, so she reached out to ...
Sandia National Laboratories: Securing a peaceful and free world ...
Sandia is a multiprogram engineering and science laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the US Department of Energy's ...
Saturday Night Live - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saturday Night Live (abbreviated as Snl) is an American late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels and developed by ...
SNL Skewers Racist Attitudes Towards Jeremy Lin
Last night, Saturday Night Live opened with a sketch that took aim at the mania surrounding New York Knicks star point guard Jeremy Lin, and the spate of racist cracks and comments that have been made at his expense. It starts innocently enough, with the ...
Saturday Night Live (TV Series 1975– ) - IMDb
Don Pardo: Himself - Announcer · Lenny Pickett: Himself - Bandleader · Darrell Hammond: Various
Saturday Night Live - TV Network for Primetime, Daytime and Late ...
featured video. New, Monday 10/9c. Everyones first choice for a Joe DiMaggio to play opposite Marilyn has a secret. Preview now. Watch »
Where can I find the SNL skit with Justin Timberlake as a Pyromaniac?
I really liked this skit, but couldnt find it on You Tube or the Snl website. Justin Timberlake plays Bobby, a pyromaniac, who tags along on his older sisters date. He sets a bunch of stuff on fire.
Answer: comedy central runs 1 hour versions of Snl episodes so you can keep an eye out for it there. Snl/nbc keeps a real tight control on their copy righted material thats why there is no Snl or Olympics clips on youtube or anywhere else. if you can't catch a rerun on tv you'll have to rent/buy that seasons dvd. Snl puts all the seasons out on dvd. check your local public library...they may have a copy in their catalog you can check out for free.
Category: Comedy
Olbermann In a Clash At New Job
The broadcaster Keith Olbermann is famous for estranging himself from his bosses, be it at ESPN, Fox or MSNBC. At his new home, Al Gores Current TV, he has done it in record time. Mr. Olbermann, who was hired last year to be the top star of the upstart liberal news source, had been on the job scarcely three months when trouble started. He declined - Broadcaster Keith Olbermann, known for his defiance, has estranged himself from his bosses at Current TV in scarcely three months; he declined channels requests to host special hours of election coverage, apparently out of frustration about technical difficulties; Current declines to comment about Olbermanns status. Photo (M) - By BRIAN STELTER
Saturday Night Live (TV Series 1975– ) - IMDb
Created by Lorne Michaels. Directed by Mike de Seve, Christopher Guest. With Don Pardo, Lenny Pickett, Darrell Hammond, Seth Meyers. The classic late night ...
What was that song on SNL during the swim meet pep talk skit?
In that skit near the start of the September 13th, 2008 broadcast of Snl, what was that song Wil Fortes character played to pump the swim team up?
Answer: "Fancy Pants" by Al Hirt
Category: Comedy
Saturday Night Live - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saturday Night Live (abbreviated as Snl) is an American late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels and developed by Dick Ebersol.
How come if you are waiting in the standby line for SNL tickets, all the cast members come out and sign items?
Snl standby line?
Is it a fan area where it is tradition to sign items? OR Do the cast members just sign things to be kind on their way home from work?
Answer: Not to be rude but does it really matter why they do it as it's a pretty darn cool thing for them to do!
Category: Orlando
Sleigh Bells On SNL: Band Plays 'Comeback Kid' And 'End Of The ...
Sleigh Bells made their network TV debut on a Snl Saturday night, performing alongside host Maya Rudolph. The synthy rock outfit played two new songs off their forthcoming album, Reign of Terror -- "Comeback Kid" (which ...
What SNL character should I dress up as?
I want a character people will recognize. Female. Preferably attractive; I know theres not a lot of attractive characters on Snl because that wouldnt be as funny, but my definition of attractive is very loose, basically anything skanky.
Please post a video with your answer.
Answer: Mary Katherine Gallagher. All you need is a catholic school girl outfit, knee high socks, and glasses. Downside is you'll have to destroy things with clutziness.
Category: Comedy
MSG and Time Warner Continue to Face Off
Since New Years Day, many local sports fans have lived with a disturbing reality: they cannot watch the Knicks, the Rangers, the Devils and the Islanders play on the MSG and MSG Plus networks. And fans in the Buffalo market cannot tune in to the wildly popular Sabres on MSG. The blackout is a result of a dispute that led to the disappearance of - Blackout continues for New York sports fans as dispute between Time Warner Cable and MSG remains unresolved. (M)2 - By RICHARD SANDOMIR
SNL Recap: Maya Rudolph Hosts, Sleigh Bells Performs | Celebrity ...
Recap of Maya Rudolph hosting the February 18, 2012 episode of "Saturday Night Live" with Sleigh Bells as musical guest.
Shanell Woodgett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shanell Woodgett, known simply as Shanell or Snl is an American pop artist and songwriter. She is signed to Young Money Entertainment, an imprint of Birdmans ...
Business Intelligence Services | SNL Financial
Business intelligence services for the Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Real Estate, Energy and Media & Communications sectors.
Justin Timberlake Spoofs Bon Iver On SNL For Beyonce & Jay Zs Baby Debut (VIDEO)
The much-anticipated "Saturday Night Live" episode hosted by Maya Rudolph had its fair share of celebrity guests, but the sketch that saw the most "celebs" at once had to be the Blue Ivy debut. Rudolph reprised her Beyonce impression and Jay ...
Jeremy Lin SNL Video: Watch SNLs Spoof on Lin, ESPN Headline and Jason Whitlock
NBCs "Saturday Night Live" opened this weekends show with a skit on New York Knicks breakout star Jeremy Lin, where the actors were seen making Asian stereotypes, coming up with puns using the star guards last name, and talking about the recent mishaps ...
Saturday Night Live opens with Jeremy Lin sketch, spouts puns and racial stereotypes
I didnt see it and dont care to Saturday Night Live crossed into sports once again, talking "Linsanity" with this weeks cold open. Weeks after its controversial sketch about Jesus visiting Tim Tebow in the Broncos locker room, the long ...
SNLs Zooey Deschanel Hosted Episode Features Brief Tribute to Whitney Houston, Lots of Clint Eastwood (Video)
Saturday Night Live did not have much time to prepare a tribute for Whitney Houston, whose death was announced hours before the show went on the air. Snl acknowledged the loss by running a picture of Houston and former Snl cast member Molly Shannon.
Welcome to The SNL Archives
(c) 2002-2011 JCN Questions about video downloads, tapes, DVDs, etc. will not be answered. Any other inquiries can be sent to the webmaster.
The Listings
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: Fred Armisens Playlist Live! (Sunday) Mr. Armisen, the affable punk junkie of Saturday Night Live, offers a torrent of cover songs by his favorite artists, from the Clash to Hüsker Dü, with assistance from mystery guests. Dare we
How can i get tickets to watch SNL?
I live in jersey but i want to watch the Snl episode with betty white on may 8.
Answer: You have to enter for the draft in August and they will email you what date you got or you can go get stand-by tickets. To get stand-by tickets you need to be at the NBC studio early Saturday morning.
Category: Comedy
'SNL' Mocks Jeremy Lin Controversy, Gives Obama a Cosby ...
There may have been as many real-life celebrities on Saturday Night Live this week as there were parodies of them. Former cast member Maya Rudolph hosted, and was joined by guest stars Justin Timberlake, Snl alumn ...
The Cosby Obama Show On 'SNL' Featuring Joe Jamal-Biden ...
As the only "Snl" cast member to have ever played Michelle Obama, we just knew Maya Rudolph would be spoofing the First Lady when she hosted the show this weekend - but we definitely didn't see this coming. Both the ...
SNL | Find the Latest News and Tips on SNL, Love, Sex & Culture
Justin Timberlake 1 The Gift That Keeps On Giving: JTs Junk in a Box; News 2 McCain/Letterman, Biden/Leno, Snl/Crazy Lady? All Here! Justin Timberlake 3 Justin ...
SNL | - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Celebrity ...
Daniel Radcliffe is coming to the defense of the singer he introduced on "Saturday Night Live" this weekend ... sorta. Radcliffe was at the Bafta nominations ... when ...
Lindsay Lohan To Host SNL
LOS ANGELES (CNN) -- Lindsay Lohans career, interrupted by frequent trips to court, jail and rehab, may be entering a brighter phase as the actress hosts "Saturday Night Live" and her probation restrictions end next month. "Snl! I love @NBC ...
How long does it take for live television programs like SNL to reach my screen?
I was curious how long it takes for live programs (ones without intentional 7 second delays etc) to be broadcast onto my tv screen. I have fios television service (its like digital cable I guess). I know live tv is not really live because it has to be run through satelites and stuff. I live in the Philadelphia region and was curious if local news shows up more live on my tv than other programs like Snl. If you had any answers to this question that would be great. Thanks!
Answer: Encoding delays for digital TV are about 1.5 seconds for each encode / decode cycle and about 2 to 4 seconds for each satellite "hop" (uplink / downlink) cycle.
So, the video must be encoded at the studio, uplinked to a satellite, downlinked at the TV station, encoded for transmission and transmitted. That all adds up to about 3 to 4 seconds of delay.
Live has nothing to do with the route the signal takes to your TV. It has to do with if the show is playing back from a recording or not. By your definition, even the old analog signals were never "live" because they had transmission delays, too. The delays just weren't as noticeable.
Category: TVs
The Listings
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: Fred Armisens Playlist Live! (Sunday) Mr. Armisen, the affable punk junkie of Saturday Night Live, offers a torrent of cover songs by his favorite artists, from the Clash to Hüsker Dü, with assistance from mystery guests. Dare we
Need Experienced Advice, What are the chances of getting in to an SNL taping with standby tickets?
I want to go the Bryan Cranston/Kanye West taping of Snl and am willing to arrive at 3AM to stand in line for the 7AM tickets.
I need advice from people who have done this before, please dont answer with google links, I can get that myself.
, if I am the first in line for it, what are the chances of getting in to the live taping or dress rehearsal?
Answer: You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice before getting in.
I am sorry to say but a ticket to Snl means diddley squat.
You not having any to begin with just pushes you further on the back burner.
Best wishes and dress correct to get in and for October 2nd's weather.
Category: New York City
Where can I find the script for this SNL skit?
Me and my friends are auditioning for our school revue/talent show, and we decided to do the skit from Snl called "Traffic School". Where could I find the script for it? Or if you guys could put the script in the answer that would be great too! Thanks!
Answer: You should ask a teacher at your school, maybe one of the drama teachers?
Category: Comedy
RT @sbellelauren: very progressive of everyone to complain about the music on Snl instead of the comedy for once 2 points to griffyndor
From: KateMackerel - Source: TweetDeck
whats up with abby elliotts fraggle rock hair in the beginning credits of Snl?
From: kumquatsrorange - Source: web
I take back my Beiber comment, I heard Lindsey Lohan is hosting #Snl, this is horrible.
From: SarveshChikani - Source: Twitter for Mac
Anybody see Snl last nite?? Think ima watch that....
From: sweetmeat420 - Source: Plume for Android
@LoveLNE Snl was great last night
From: Drewski2Steel - Source: Plume for Android
“@HuffingtonPost: Amy Poehler takes on the birth control debate on Snl” #hilarious
From: AvaFlavvva - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @MiloungeMedia: "@ese_young: TEAM #Snl @MiloungeMedia "@LiquorMusic_VIP @IRGM_Army @HypeCityCrew @gidixclusive @GidigrooveMarch 17th @QloungeNg"
From: GidiXclusive - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @TaraAriano: I dont care how you hook it up, but Im going to need you to get Jason Sudeikis to dance in an Adidas tracksuit at my funeral. #Snl
From: May3321 - Source: Echofon
RT @usweekly: #ICYMI @JTimberlake parodied @BonIver last night on Snl: What did you think of the skit?
From: yennabenna - Source: web
RT @Snlquotesinabox: RETWEET IF YOU THINK THE BEST Snl EPISODES ARE WHEN PREVIOUS CAST MEMBERS COME BACK. #mayaSnl #amySnl #jimmySnl #tinaSnl #mollySnl #willSnl
From: CaptainKirk77 - Source: web
RT @MiloungeMedia: "@herdeytutu: TEAM #Snl @MiloungeMedia "@LiquorMusic_VIP @IRGM_Army @HypeCityCrew @gidixclusive @GidigrooveMarch 17th @QloungeNg hehehe
From: GidiXclusive - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @VibeMagazine: Nicki Minaj, Prince, Taylor Swift and More Visit Jay-Z, Beyonce & Blue Ivy Carter on Snl (Spoof!)
From: _LaGlamour - Source: web
Photo: -saturdaynightlive: I knew there was something off about Snl Weekend Update. It all makes sense now.
From: judec92 - Source: Tumblr
Last nights Snls musical guest <
From: CreepyClam - Source: Twitter for Android
hilarious "@VibeMagazine Nicki Minaj, Prince, Taylor Swift and More Visit Jay-Z, Beyonce & Blue Ivy Carter on Snl"
From: JulianMcBride - Source: web