Aurora borealis : Photo Gallery
Aurora borealis : Videos
Aurora borealis : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
The Aurora Page - Geological Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech
Information, links and images about the Aurora borealis or Northern Lights.
Northern Lights - AURORA BOREALIS - Fairbanks Alaska Visitor ...
Northern Lights, also known as Aurora borealis, can be seen most of the year in Fairbanks, Alaska
Solar storm forecast to hit Earth soon. Will AURORA BOREALIS follow?
A long-duration, strong solar flare like the one Sunday evening has implications for disrupting electrical and communications systems on Earth, but with this one largely missing the planet, issues should be minimal. A solar flare in 1989 caused a storm so ...
What is the best place to view AURORA BOREALIS from?
So basically, I have the opportunity to pick anywhere in the world that I want to go to. I havent made a final decisin, but seeing Aurora borealis is high on my list. Where is the best place in the world to view it from, outside of the USA?
Answer: You can generally see the Aurora borealis anywhere in the far north such as Alaska. But if you want to go out of America, then try Norway where you can do Aurora borealis tours. Have a look on the internet for the best time of year and best viewing points.
Category: Other - Destinations
An Extraordinary AURORA BOREALIS -
There’s not much to say here. Just click and watch. This is the Aurora borealis generated by a recent burst in solar storminess and recorded over Tromso ...
A film review on Friday about Happy Feet Two misidentified the light display in the sky that transfixes the movies animated penguins in Antarctica. It is the aurora australis, not its northern counterpoint, the Aurora borealis.
MEMO FROM MOSCOW; A Dilemma for Russian Leaders: To Suppress Protests or Not
MOSCOW -- Three weeks ago, when this city was bracing for the first in a series of large antigovernment protests, some commentators seemed to dip into the well of Russian history, when czars and crowds collided in a blur of sabers, poleaxes, cavalry charges and masses of commoners holding icons over their heads. In the old stories, crowds are a - Moscow Memo; sight of large crowds of Russians protesting the December elections has been jarring for government officials; changes in the dynamic and demonstrators demanding political change has a surprised Kremlin hurtling toward a new year that could be filled with something as old as confrontation or as new as dialogue. Photos (M) - By ELLEN BARRY
Aurora Forecast | Geophysical Institute
Forecast: Auroral activity will be moderate. Weather permitting, moderate displays will be visible overhead from Barrow to as far south as Talkeetna and visible ...
Fireflies, Following Their Leader, Become a Tourist Beacon
ELKMONT, Tenn. -- Lynn Faust remembers the old days of firefly season here. You would hike into the woods at night, with nobody else around, waiting for one of natures strangest and most beautiful rituals. Then the fireflies would emerge, thousands and thousands of them, and under the moonlight they would all flash in unison. On. Off. On. Off. - By ROBBIE BROWN
How do southern lights, northern lights, southern aurora aand AURORA BOREALIS work in the sky?
How do southern lights, northern lights, southern aurora aand Aurora borealis work? What is it that makes them look so amazing?
Answer: There are only two. the northern lights are the Aurora borealis, the southern lights are the Aurora Austral is. WHen charged high energy particles- mostly from the sun- hit the earths magnetosphere , the follow the fields lines toward the poles A lot of energy is dissipated as the follow the lines towards the ground and lose their high energy.
Photos of the lights taken from space show them clearly as curtains of light well confined to the magnetic poles.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Five Poets Seasoned By Life
One of the great pleasures of poetry is catching a good poet in midcareer. Reading a savvy verse veteran is like watching Sandy Koufax paint a 1-0 shutout in his prime -- some pure high heat here, a paralyzing curve there, then a little deliberate deception way down in the dirt. Any one of the following books by midcareer poets would be a bracing - By DANA JENNINGS
thesecrettablet - Does anyone know how often AURORA BOREALIS occurs?
by siggimus Question by Nichole B: Does anyone know how often Aurora borealis occurs? I know that it's caused by solar flares and whatnot but how often? Does it come regularly, like, can they predict it or is it just random?
Enter above for Aurora borealis or Click below to visit the infamous recording studio of Ron Vento:
method_acting: AURORA BOREALIS.
Apparently due to a solar flare, we might be able to see an Aurora borealis tonight and tomorrow night after midnight looking towards the North. I heard only in NC but who knows? It's be so lovely if I seen it tonight!!
Eyes on the sky: Tips for photographing the AURORA BOREALIS
FAIRBANKS - When the northern lights come out, so do the cameras of many of our readers. Our inbox gets lots of great aurora photos, and we like to share many of them with you, both on this page and on our website. But getting a good aurora photo can be a ...
AURORA BOREALIS - Northern Lights
Learn about the Aurora borealis, the beautiful light displays that appear in northern latitudes from time to time.
Welcome to Aurora borealis recordings. New Sylvester Anfang II, LAcephale, Heavy Winged and Burial Hex/Zola Jesus releases out soon!
In what layer of the atmosphere does the Aurora borealis (Northern Lights) occur in?
Answer: Hi. From the web. "The aurora occurs between 35 mi and 600 mi (56 km–970 km) above the earth." Any height above 100 Km is considered space.
Category: Astronomy & Space
What can I prove about the AURORA BOREALIS?
Im doing a research project on the Aurora borealis, and I need to construct a thesis, an iMovie, and a 5 page paper. In order to accomplish these tasks, I need something to prove about the Aurora borealis that is not disputable. Any experts or scientists out there that can help? Is there anything to prove about the Aurora borealis?
Thank you.
Answer: The earth has a magnetic field. At some places, this magnetic field is able to excite electrons alot, causing them to move alot. During Aurora borealis, the electrons strike the atoms (the atoms of gases in the sky), the atoms become excited. When these atoms return to their normal, non-excited state, they release energy in the form of light, or luminescence.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
What does the AURORA BOREALIS look like from above?
Living in Alaska, we see the Aurora borealis several times every winter, but Ive always wondered what it looks like from above - or even from space? Anyone know?
Answer: Scroll down to the third photo...
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
The Aurora Page
Jan 22, 2012 ... This is the Aurora Page from Michigan Tech featuring Aurora images and links to other Aurora Resources.
Nasa rocketeers probe AURORA BOREALIS solar interference
A NASA-funded team has shot a sensor package, dubbed the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén resonator (MICA), into the heart of a form of Aurora borealis to seek clues that could minimize electronic interference from solar storms. The team ...
Aurora FAQ - Aeronomy and Auroral Physics at the GI
Explanations of auroral phenomena. Where can you see aurora? When can you see aurora? What makes the color of the aurora? Do auroras occur on other planets?
WATCH: AURORA BOREALIS lights up the Norwegian skies? - New York ...
Norwegians feasted their eyes on an especially luminous Aurora borealis this week, courtesy of an unusually large solar burst. The phenomenon -- also known ...
Northern Lights - AURORA BOREALIS
Northern Lights, also known as Aurora borealis, can be seen most of the year in Fairbanks, Alaska.
How can i paint the AURORA BOREALIS with watercolor paint.?
Im doing a painting for my art class and I want to know how I can paint the Aurora borealis with watercolor paint because ive tried to do it before but it doesnt look good.
Please send links if possible.
Category: Painting
thesecrettablet - VIDEO: NASA Releases Spectacular View Of Aurora
VIDEO: NASA Releases Spectacular View Of Aurora borealis From Space by Eyder Peralta Using a new time-lapse technique, NASA was able to capture a spectacular view of how astronauts aboard the International Space ...
Northern lights (AURORA BOREALIS) in beautiful Northern Norway ...
Jan 27, 2012 ... Watch nature's own theatre unfold above you as the most spectacular light show takes centre stage: The northern lights with you in the front ...
Galaxy Video: Meteors, AURORA BOREALIS And Milky Way Shimmer In Time-Lapse Extravaganza (VIDEO)
Unless theres a meteor shower, we dont usually notice things moving up in space. Sped up and enhanced, however, the night sky becomes a bustling world—the clouds, the Milky Way and everything in between can be seen shifting and changing in ...
Erik's Brain » Blog Archive » AURORA BOREALIS, Also known as The ...
Celebrate absolutely no difference no matter whether you call this extraordinary gentle show your Aurora borealis or the Northern Equipment and lighting — your demonstrate remains to be the very same! A new wispy ...
Aurora FAQ
Explanations of auroral phenomena. Where can you see aurora? When can you see aurora? What makes the color of the aurora? Do auroras occur on other ...
A Flop in New York, but a Hit Everywhere Else Off Broadway
It closed a month after it opened Off Broadway. Entertainment Weekly selected it as one of the worst shows of 2006. Most New Yorkers dont even remember it. Yet John Carianis Almost, Maine, an earnest 19-character play about the romantic happenings one cold night in northern Maine, has since been produced around the world, including in - By CARA JOY DAVID
Northern Lights: seeing the lights fantastic
The scientific term for the lights is the Aurora borealis (named after the Roman goddess of the dawn). A similar spectacle in the southern hemisphere is known as the aurora australis. Where can you see them? The Aurora borealis occurs in an oval doughnut ...
Aurora (astronomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In northern latitudes, the effect is known as the Aurora borealis (or the northern lights), named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for ...
MOVIE REVIEW | HAPPY FEET TWO; A Search for Self-Discovery, Two Left Feet and All
All dancing, all singing, all wisecracking, the animated penguins from down under (way under) return in Happy Feet Two, an amiable sequel with not much on its mind other than funny and creaky jokes, and waves of understated beauty. Lighter in mood, softer in political outlook and less narratively ambitious than the first Happy Feet (2006), - Manohla Dargis reviews animated film Happy Feet Two, directed by George Miller and starring the voice of Elijah Wood. Photo (M) - By MANOHLA DARGIS
Solar Flare Big Enough To Cause Catastrophe On Earth Called Surprisingly Likely
An Aurora borealis may be beautiful, but can there be too much of a good thing? A new study published in the journal Space Weather analyzed the frequency of the solar storms that cause auroras and found that theres a one in eight chance that by ...
AURORA BOREALIS 2011: The Best Footage Of Northern Lights In ...
Aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is a natural occurring phenomenon that lights up the sky in northern latitudes polar region. The ...
AURORA BOREALIS May Be Visible Over NJ Tonight [VIDEO] | 94.3 The ...
Normally you'd have to travel to the Arctic Circle to see the Northern Lights, but that may not be true tonight. According to meteorologists, a powerful.
Solar flare may make auroras visible in Washington tonight
With a little luck, Western Washingtonians could get a good view of the Aurora borealis tonight and Thursday night. A big solar flare and possibly clear skies over Western Washington could give residents an eyeful of northern lights after ...
Where can I see the AURORA BOREALIS in January, within driving distance from Oakville Ontario?
I am willing to drive up to 12 hours +/- each way to go and see the northern lights, can anyone reccomend any areas where I could see the Aurora borealis in all its glory?
Answer: One good place to drive to is Caledon Ontario, which is about 50km from Oakville.
Check out the source link I posted below.
Although the photos taken from that location appear to be close to the horizon, to see the Aurora borealis higher in the sky, you should drive northwest through Ontario towards Winnepeg Manitoba, or drive northward towards Hudson Bay.
1) The closer you are to the earth's magnetic poles, the more spectaculor the show of lights will be. The north magnetic pole is near Ellesmere Island in northern Canada (north of the Hudson Bay and west of Greenland).
2) Choose an area that is far away from city light pollution. Large lake areas have little obstructions around such as trees to block your view.
3) Choose a time when the moon is not visible, such as during a new moon or after the moon has set below the horizon.
Category: Toronto
What are the chances of seeing the AURORA BOREALIS?
We were thinking of going to the Northern tip of Norway sometime between October 2010 and Feb 2011.
We heard this is the best time of year to go.
But we have also heard that Sunspot Cycle is very low right now.
Can anyone offer any advice as to when we should go to have the best chances of seeing the Aurora borealis?
Answer: I don't live in the North of Norway, but depending on how long you're going to stay, I'm pretty sure you will see it. The worst problem would be the weater. You won't see much if it's clouded, so a crisp cold night is the best.
I've seen it a couple of times here in the south. Really nice. :)
Category: Other - Europe
Differences between the AURORA BOREALIS and the aurora australis?
I am supposed to do a 250 word essay on the differences between the Aurora borealis and the aurora astraulis, but Ive been looking up information on them and it seems to be that the only difference between the two is that ones in the north and ones in the south... If you know any information on this subject your answers would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: Indeed, north and south are the ONLY difference.
I have to wonder if your teacher has any clue what the difference is there is no point in going beyond a single sentence in describing the difference.
Or perhaps your teacher discussed other matters regarding aurora that they expect you to include in this essay?
Category: Astronomy & Space
How can I create an AURORA BOREALIS in the sky for my party?
I am planning a huge beach party for New Years and I want more that the boring old fireworks at midnight. I want an Aurora borealis up there.
Answer: There's a much easier, cheaper, and enjoyable way to get the desired effect. Back in the olden days of the 60's and 70's we would take purple microdot or mescaline (orange, purple, or chocalate). The best part is the Aurora borealis lasted all night and even into the daytime. Of course, this was before "just say no".
On the other hand a trip to a planetarium can be fun, too!
Category: Other - Entertainment
New Orleans, AURORA BOREALIS as seen from International Space Station
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station continue to send amazing images back to Earth. Members of the present mission, labeled Expedition 30, photographed the lights of cities, towns, rural areas and even the oil and gas platforms ...
AURORA BOREALIS Get Spectacular Boost From Solar Storm (Video)
Earlier this week, the largest solar flares since 2005 exploded off the sun. The large solar storm has created spectacular Aurora borealis, or northern lights, over ...
noun Meteorology . the aurora of the Northern Hemisphere. Northern Lights Images Nothern Lights Image Gallery 2012. Amazing Auroras of ...
Stunning auroras sparked by solar flare
"Glowing green and red, shimmering hypnotically across the night sky, the Aurora borealis is a wonder to behold," says NASA Sciences Tony Phillips. A spectacular show of auroras could be visible over the next couple of days as far south as ...
Norðurljós - AURORA BOREALIS | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Norðurljós - Aurora borealis. ... 4 views 1 comment 1 favorite 0 galleries. This photo belongs to. K.Söebeck's photostream (927). Newest photo →; Norðurljós - Aurora borealis. This photo also appears in. Mars 2012 (Set) ...
Flying through a geomagnetic storm
The videos capture the full range of aurora colors—red, green, and many shades of purple. These hues correspond to different quantum transitions in excited atoms of oxygen and nitrogen. The precise color at any altitude depends on the ...
AURORA BOREALIS mesmerizes hardy watchers
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The Aurora borealis streaking across Alaska skies this week captivated sky watchers who camped out in sub-zero temperatures to photograph the ...
Northern Lights thrill Montanans
The Aurora borealis - better known as the Northern Lights - made an appearance in some parts of Montana on Tuesday night. Vikki Higginbotham shared this picture that was taken about 20 miles north of Great Falls toward Fort Benton (scroll down ...
When was the last time the AURORA BOREALIS was seen at the equator?
I have been looking up information about the Aurora borealis and I have heard that they can be seen every 200 years at the equator. When was the last time this has happened? Will it happen again soon? Thanks!
Answer: This could only be possible during a magnetic pole shift. I believe the best scientific estimates of when that happened was in the neighborhood of 730,000 years ago.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
David Simons Dies at 87; Flew High on Eve of Space Age
David G. Simons, whose ascent more than 19 miles above the Earth in an aluminum capsule suspended from a helium balloon set an altitude record in 1957 and helped put the United States on the road to manned space flight, died April 5 at his home in Covington, Ga. He was 87. The cause was heart failure, his sister, Elizabeth Mason, said. Dr. Simons, - By WILLIAM GRIMES
Does anyone know where I can download footage of the Aurora borealis for a short film sequence I am making.
I need to be able to download the files and youtube does not let me do that.
Edit ,If you use FIREFOX browser you can use Ook? Video Ook! enables you to download embedded videos from several systems (such as YouTube, Google Video, Pornotube, Metacafe and many more).
Category: Other - Internet
AURORA BOREALIS: Frommers Guide from
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( bôr ē-ăl ĭs, bōr - ) n. , pl. , aurora bo·re·al·is·es ( -ĭ-sĭz ), or aurorae borealis . An aurora that ...
Code World
C By Tom McCarthy 310 pp. Alfred A. Knopf. $25.95 There are many stories Tom McCarthy chooses not to tell in C, his tour de force new novel encompassing the short life of one Serge Carrefax, born at the turn of the 20th century on a rural English estate. Serges father, a manic tinkerer with early wireless technology, runs a school for the deaf - Jennifer Egans new book, A Visit From the Goon Squad, was published in June. - By JENNIFER EGAN
I have to do a scale drawing of the earths atmosphere. The scale is 1 mm=3 km. I want to put a picture of the Aurora borealis on here. How big should it be and where should it go to? Should i start at the Karman line (100 km) and go up? Where should i go up to? I really need to know at what height above the earths surface a typical Aurora borealis begins and also at what height above the earths surface a typical one ends? Where should I start drawing it and where should I end it? If you can give me numbers in km, thatll be great, but other units are alright also. I am asking because Ive found very different numbers, such as 97 km-1000 km and 90 km -130 km. Also where should meteors go? For meteors Ive found 80 km-110 km, 80 km-120km, and 65 km-135km. The last one is height of ablation. Which one is correct?
Answer: Hi. From the web. ""The aurora currents flow down into the ionosphere on one side of the pole and out on the other. In between, some of the current connects directly through the ionospheric E layer (125 km); the rest ("region 2") detours, leaving again through field lines closer to the equator and closing through the "partial ring current" carried by magnetically trapped plasma."" This would indicate a height of 125 plus or minus.
Meteors are not generally understood well. Most people think the glow is caused by air friction, but it starts as a diesel effect. The air in front gets pressurized to the point where the air itself glows and gets ionized. The material of the meteor ablates away until it slows or burns up or explodes. Hard to put a definate height on the limits. Hope this helps.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
What are there different colors of the AURORA BOREALIS?
In different parts of Alaska, in winter, the Northern Lights, or Aurora borealis are different colors. Does anyone know the colors and why?
Answer: Blue, Purple, and Pink are the three main colors, although green turns up often too.
Category: Trivia
Aurora Forecast | Geophysical Institute
Short term (1hr) Aurora Forecast March 02, 2012 23:15 GMT (March 02, 2012 14:15 AST) Low:
AURORA BOREALIS (Northen Lights), 9th and 10th March - The Student ...
Aurora borealis (Northen Lights), 9th and 10th March” discussion on The Student Room's News and Current Affairs forum.
Icelandic Volcano Fimmvörðuháls Erupts During AURORA BOREALIS
A photographer from Britain, James Appleton, has captured breath-taking pictures from Iceland, reports The Huffington Post. He captured both magma and northern lights in one shot. He stood just a few yards from an erupting volcano in order to ...
HowStuffWorks "How does the AURORA BOREALIS (the Northern Lights ...
How does the Aurora borealis (the Northern Lights) work? What causes it? Why can you only see it in the North? Are the myths about it producing sound true?
Big Solar Flare May Bring Major Aurora
A major solar flare that occurred Tuesday at 7:28 p.m. EST may yield a substantial Aurora borealis (northern lights) over the next couple of nights. Scientists predict another solar flare early in the morning on March 8. It could be the strongest coronal ...
Calif. Delays Applying for No Child Left Behind Waiver ... AURORA BOREALIS in the Bay Area?
California wont get relief from academic sanctions in the federal No Child Left Behind Act -- at least not yet. The state Board of Education is delaying its waiver application. Aurora borealis in the Bay Area? Bay Area residents might be able to see the ...
Wednesday (and Thursday) Night Lights: Major AURORA BOREALIS ...
Tonight's full moon may interfere with the show, but it's quite possible that folks as far south as the lower Great Lakes region will be able to see the Aurora borealis in action. The following is a video of the flare captured by the ...
Aurora, AURORA BOREALIS, Northern Lights
Personal photography site of Dick Hutchinson. Exposures and film, equipment, processing, technical data, and photos.
Aurora (astronomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its southern counterpart, the aurora australis (or the southern lights), has almost identical features to the Aurora borealis and changes simultaneously with changes in the ...
EDITORIAL; View of the Sun
There has always been something miraculous about transmissions from space -- those thin datastreams trickling toward Earth from research spacecraft. Over the years, the transmissions have grown more and more robust, richer in information, giving us dazzling and detailed panoramas of Saturns moons and rings and the surface of Mars. But there has - Editorial marvels over extraordinary video and still images relayed to Earth from Solar Dynamics Observatory, in orbit above Sun since March; says that images allow humans to see intensely disturbing beauty of sun as never before, transforming most constant object of human life into seething alien force
LETTERS; Ash Reveries: In Search of Lost Time
To the Editor: Re Escape From the Jet Age, by Seth Stevenson (Op-Ed, April 20), about appreciating the joys of slow travel during the ash clouds disruption of air traffic: While I am envious of Mr. Stevensons journeys by surface transportation, I do have one memorable experience of trans-Atlantic flight. In 2005, I was flying from San
How do southern lights / southern aurora and northern lights / AURORA BOREALIS work?
I need a diagram of how southern lights / southern aurora and northern lights / Aurora borealis work.
can anyone please explain how they work with a diagram or a link to one.
Thank you.
Answer: I can explain. See, when the exosphere has an Aurora borealis, it has different particles together and they create vibrant colors and effects. Plus, it also comes with a crackling sound that you can hear quite well. It lasts about two to three hours or so.
Category: Astronomy & Space
The Aurora - YouTube
Apr 15, 2011 ... Press/licensing/projects contact: Terje Sørgjerd I spent a week capturing one of the biggest Aurora borealis shows ...
Will I be able to see the AURORA BOREALIS in the Laplands in December?
Im planning to go to Finland in mid-December and am curious about the possibility of encountering the Aurora borealis. Do you think I might? What are the chances and can anyone offer a link to visit to see the Aurorae forecasts?
Answer: Well, seeing northern lights is never guaranteed, although you have chosen a good timing for your trip so you might see them. You only need to be in a dark place where the city lights do not disturb the view, plus have some luck! I'm afraid there are no aurora forecast services available because this phenomenon is not predictable at all.
Category: Other - Europe
Possible Northern Lights In Oregon and the Coast Next Two Nights
(Portland, Oregon) – According to OMSI, theres a slight chance that Oregon residents – including the Oregon coast – could catch sight of the Aurora borealis tonight and Thursday night (above: faint northern lights seen this fall in the Oregon coast range)
RT @KarlNiklas: Look out for the Aurora borealis tonight. #northernlights From: TonbridgeDaily - Source: Safari on iOS
RT @Aurora_Alerts: In 40 minutes the Aurora borealis should be Very Active. 4.67 Kp From: Infidel007 - Source: web
If I go somewhere really dark, how likely is it Ill see the Aurora borealis in the midlands tonight? From: jedatron - Source: web
RT @littleturncoat: The Aurora borealis may be visible in Scotland tonight and tomorrow... #astronomy From: sandbags - Source: web
i hope we can see the Aurora borealis tonight ✨💚 From: sarahdatooo - Source: Echofon
In 40 minutes the Aurora borealis should be Very Active. 4.67 Kp From: Aurora_Alerts - Source: web
Theres a good chance to see some Aurora Borealis activity in the UK tonight, get those DSLRs ready :) #aurora #northernlights #solarflare From: SparkyDaveUK - Source: web
RT @KBOI_J: The Aurora borealis...or Gremlins having their way with our weather computers this morning. From: KBOITV - Source: web
The Aurora borealis...or Gremlins having their way with our weather computers this morning. From: KBOI_J - Source: web
Aurora borealis this evening. #Northernlights From: Russfoster87 - Source: web
RT @hostelworld: RT @skyscanner: Most powerful solar storm in 5 years due to hit Earth tonight. Here’s 6 places to see Aurora borealis From: Ltlbrn1 - Source: HootSuite
@Andy_Downunda damnit I wish I could get an antarctic flight - the Aurora borealis is going to be insanely good :/ #auspol From: Tadlette - Source: web
Aurora borealis: ... From: gugojyn - Source: twitterfeed
RT @bbcweather: The solar storm may increase the chances of seeing the Aurora borealis, but will it be too cloudy? Forecasts every half hour on BBC News From: MarkAshberry - Source: TweetDeck
Before Jesus comes back, I really want to see the Northern Lighst/Aurora borealis..the solar storm has them popping up all over!
#HisWonder From: TheCamilleSnow - Source: web