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What should you study in undergraduate to get a graduate degree in EPIDEMIOLOGY?
Right now Im enrolled in biomathematics for my bachelors degree; is this the right path to go on to my masters or doctorate in genetic Epidemiology? If not, what is?
Answer: Biology
Category: Higher Education (University +)
EPIDEMIOLOGY - definition of EPIDEMIOLOGY in the Medical ...
Epidemiology /ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gy/ (-de″me-ol´ah-je) the science concerned with the study of the factors determining and influencing the frequency and ...
The Bureau of Epidemiology is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for consultation at our main number (850) 245-4401.
what is the practical goal of Epidemiology? what are the surveillance methods they use in recognizing an infectious disease?
Answer: The goal of Epidemiology is to control or stop epidemics, by collecting data and conducting studies in order to make conclusions about how and why the epidemics occur.
An epidemic is the occurrence of more cases of disease than would normally be expected in a specific place or group of people over a given period of time. It is assumed that there is a "baseline", or normal rate at which a specific disease occurs in a population. Basically, an epidemic refers to when the rate at which the disease occurs exceeds this baseline rate.
A basic definition of Epidemiology would be "the study of disease in populations." There are different aspects of Epidemiology, each dealing with answering different questions about an epidemic, but they are all vital parts in reaching the common goal of stopping epidemics.
Keeping this goal in mind, the first aspect of Epidemiology would be to look at the general distribution of disease (descriptive Epidemiology)- dealing with basic questions like who and where the disease affects, and when it happens. Studying the distribution of the epidemic will usually reveal patterns and relations between certain factors.
These patterns are looked at closer using analytic Epidemiology. The analytic aspect of this science involves using epidemiological studies to find the cause of the disease. Studies are used to test hypotheses about how and why the disease occurs.
The final aspect of Epidemiology involves actually going out and physically solving the problem. Applied Epidemiology is when epidemiologists use what they have learned (in analytical/descriptive Epidemiology) to go out into the field to control or prevent the disease-accomplishing their original goal of stopping the epidemic.
Methods used in recognizing infectious diseases :
Category: Medicine
What are some colleges with good EPIDEMIOLOGY/microbiology programs?
Ive been doing some searching, but opinions/tips from people whove done the college thing would be immensely helpful. A school in or close to Utah would be preferable, but Ill take what I can get.
Answer: http://www.uwlax.edu/microbiology/html/why-study-micro.htm
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Bangladesh IEDCR: two more human infections with bird flu detected
Just a week after a 40-year-old male was confirmed positive for H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu); the Bangladeshi Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) confirmed Monday two additional cases according to Bangladesh news source ...
Epidemiology. Dengue fever (DF) is caused by any of four closely related viruses, or serotypes: dengue 1-4. Infection with one serotype does not protect ...
What is required to study EPIDEMIOLOGY?
Im torn between biostatistics and epiodemiology study in grad school.
Biostat might require more math. Thats what I assume.
I dont know much about bio and chemistry. How much bio&chem is required for studying Epidemiology compared to biostatistics?
Is it more math based?
I dont wanna take organic chemistry at all in college.
Do I need that much?
Answer: Epidemiology requires an understanding of biology, including medical topics, along with a masters level in applied statistics. If you do not want to take organic chemistry, then you will not be prepared to understand the medical topics required.
Biostatistics can include Epidemiology problems but also experimental design, say like in drug trials.
It is illogical that you would want to go into to biomath type of program yet do not want to understand the very basis of the process.
Category: Medicine
Department of EPIDEMIOLOGY - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of ...
January 3, 2012 — Autism Speaks Awards Grants to Epidemiology Department Faculty. December 22, 2011 — Science Names HIV Trial "Breakthrough of the ...
VITAL SIGNS; Mental Health: Psychosis Is Linked to Early Immigration
A new study has found that among immigrants, younger age at the time of migration predicts a higher incidence of psychotic disorders. The study, published last month in The American Journal of Psychiatry, was conducted from 1997 to 2005 in The Hague, Netherlands, where there are detailed records on almost everyone who has sought care for a possible - Study led by Wim Veling and published in The American Journal of Psychiatry finds that among immigrants, younger age at the time of emigration predicts higher incidence of psychotic disorders. (M)a - By NICHOLAS BAKALAR
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Define EPIDEMIOLOGY at Dictionary.com
noun the branch of medicine dealing with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations and with detection of the source and cause of epidemics of ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS; Russias Retrograde Stand on Drug Abuse
It is common knowledge that illicit drug use in the Russian Federation has reached critical proportions. It is also common knowledge that people who use drugs are among those most at-risk of infection with H.I.V. And it is common knowledge that since the beginning of the H.I.V./AIDS epidemic three decades ago simple tools such as Medication - By BERTRAND AUDOIN and CHRIS BEYRER
What Colleges offer EPIDEMIOLOGY Majors?
I really want to major in Epidemiology, what colleges offer this major? Also, what classes would be helpful to take in high school to prepare me for this major. Thanks! Please include a lot of detail.. and if you have experience in this please give your opinion...
thanks this is helpful but im pretty sure some colleges offer majors .. and would you say that Epidemiology is similar to biology? i didnt really like the bio class i took.... would an environmental science class be helpful?
Answer: I didn't even know you could major in Epidemiology. Lol. At my university, it's just a pre-requisite class for a different major in the health field. In high school, classes like Biology, Anatomy&Physiology and science classes will probably help you prepare for this major if it does exist.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Can someone explain the schooling of EPIDEMIOLOGY to me?
Im looking into Epidemiology as a college major, but I dont know anything about it at all. Is it a specialization? Is there a bachelors degree you need BEFORE you do Epidemiology? Or can you get a bachelors in Epidemiology?
Dermatology? Epidemiology is to do with diseases. Derm is skin and skin diseases. Im looking into infectious diseases Epidemiology.
Answer: Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine. It is considered a cornerstone methodology of public health research, and is highly regarded in evidence-based medicine for identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice.
In the work of communicable and non-communicable diseases, the work of epidemiologists range from outbreak investigation to study design, data collection and analysis including the development of statistical models to test hypotheses and the documentation of results for submission to peer-reviewed journals. Epidemiologists may draw on a number of other scientific disciplines such as biology in understanding disease processes and social science disciplines including sociology and philosophy in order to better understand proximate and distal risk factors.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Brown-Bag Lunches and Snacks for Work or School
And brown-bag lunches just may improve your child’s IQ. According to research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, a diet high in fat, sugar, and processed food starting at age 3 may lower IQ in later childhood ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Definition from Answers.com
Epidemiology n. The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.
VITAL SIGNS; Regimens: No Cancer Benefits Seen in Supplements
A new study testing B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids for cancer prevention has found no beneficial effect and -- at least for women -- some possibility of harm. In this placebo-controlled five-year study, published Monday in The Archives of Internal Medicine, French researchers divided 2,501 survivors of cardiovascular illness ages 45 to 80 into - Valentina A Andreeva study in The Archives of Internal Medicine finds that B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids do not have a beneficial effect in preventing cancer, and may actually increase the rate of cancer in women. (M)/ - By NICHOLAS BAKALAR
What is a good thesis statement for an essay of the disease EPIDEMIOLOGY ?
I am very confused about what should I write as a thesis statement for my essay. It is about the Epidemiology of a disease. I just need some idea about it. It shouldnt be only a fact, but I think Epidemiology is all about facts ?
Answer: Possible Environmental Causes of Childhood Leukemia.
The link gives info about leukaemic clusters.
Category: Biology
Taurine May Help Womens Hearts
"People with high cholesterol may have a reduced risk of coronary heart disease if they have a high level of taurine in their diet," says researcher Yu Chen, PhD, MPH, associate professor of Epidemiology at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.
which is the best book for learning basic EPIDEMIOLOGY for a total beginner?
I am an undergrad MBBS student, I find the standard books in Epidemiology to be too tough. Can any one suggest a book whicg explains the topic like a teacher explaining personally.
Answer: I recommend:
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics
Epidemiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
All the best
Category: Other - General Health Care
WWW EPIDEMIOLOGY Virtual Library - Department of EPIDEMIOLOGY ...
Includes listing and database of Epidemiology subjects.
EPIDEMIOLOGY - LWW Journals - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Epidemiology. Enter your ... Thought you might appreciate this item(s) I saw at Epidemiology. Send a copy ...
The Horse | The Role of EPIDEMIOLOGY in Equine Practice (AAEP 2011)
Dr. Noah Cohen considers Epidemiology the fundamental science for equine clinical research and practice....
EPIDEMIOLOGY and Biostatistics Research Seminar to be held
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, associate professor of general medical sciences and Epidemiology and biostatistics, will lead the next Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Seminar, titled “Population stratification ...
Asthma link to gestation length
The researchers, including experts from the University of Leicester and the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford, said: "Our results challenge widely held views that long-term health outcomes for moderate and late ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY (Community) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Epidemiology" is the sixth episode of the second season of the American comedy television series Community, and the 31st episode of the series overall. It aired in ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY definition of EPIDEMIOLOGY in the Free Online ...
Epidemiology, field of medicine concerned with the study of epidemics epidemic, outbreak of disease that affects a much greater number of people than is usual for the ...
What schools offer undergraduate programs in either EPIDEMIOLOGY or etiology in the world?
I am currently an environmental health major but I have a greater interest in Epidemiology and an even greater interest in etiology. Thanks. :)
Answer: Information is below.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Study seeks those affected by oil spill
"Ten thousand people have stepped forward to help find answers for their community and for the health concerns that linger after the oil spill," Dale Sandler, chief of the institutes Epidemiology Branch, said in a statement. "I encourage anyone ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY - definition of EPIDEMIOLOGY by the Free Online ...
ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gy (p-d m-l-j, -d m-) n. The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.
EPIDEMIOLOGY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and patterns of health-events, health-characteristics and their causes or influences in well-defined populations. It is ...
Interesting reads: February 26th – March 3rd, 2012 « Mr EPIDEMIOLOGY
I'm an Epidemiologist. Well, I'm learning how to be one – I'm currently doing my PhD. Contrary to popular belief, that doesn't mean I'm a skin doctor. Epidemiology is a broad field that encompasses methods and techniques ...
COPH News » Visiting Scholar in Department of EPIDEMIOLOGY and ...
Dr. Chen joined Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics at COPH as a visiting scholar for one year. Dr. Chen had 6 year's teaching experience in China and the main course courses he taught are Bayesian inference, ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY 2.0: Deadly Doses of Prison for Drug Users with HIV ...
Blaming sick people for system failures is an old problem in public health, particularly when patients are poor or morally suspect. New analysis, though, is turning the microscope around to examine the ways that power ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Dyslipidemia – Undertreated and underdiagnosed pandemic
The large numbers of adults with dyslipidemia in the seven major markets can be directly attributed to lifestyle choices, such as high caloric intake and limited physical activity. There is a clear disparity between the number of total prevalent cases and ...
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the ...
Department of EPIDEMIOLOGY
Admission information, graduate program course listings, registration information, seminars, faculty directory, and additional resources.
Whats Going Around- Flu continues rising
February is usually the peak month of flu season, but Springfield- Greene County Health Department Administrator of Community Health and Epidemiology Kendra Williams tells KSPR flu cases could still increase in March. "I would say we would see a ...
Gothic EPIDEMIOLOGY? or Gothic Historiography? « Contagions
The most influential gothic epidemiologist was Justin Hecker whose influential book Der schwarze Tod im vierzehten Jahrhunder (The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century) in 1832 began modern plague studies.
Aspirin may help women with high trans-fat diets
In the largest study of stroke in postmenopausal women to date, according to the researchers, Ka He, MD, ScD, associate professor of nutrition and Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Public Health ...
Surgical EPIDEMIOLOGY: a call for action – Amardeep Thind et al ...
Surgical Epidemiology: a call for action – Amardeep Thind et al. By GHHub Social Buttons by Linksku. A new article on Surgical Epidemiology: a call for action by Amardeep Thind et al in the current issue of the WHO bulleint.
What major do i need to study EPIDEMIOLOGY?
On collegeboard.com, i selected all of the US and picked my major as "Epidemiology," and it said 0 results.
Also, i put no preference for every other option, so its not that.
I assume what im trying to ask is too specific or is classified as a minor; therefore im asking you (Yahoo Answers community) what the general major would be.
Answer: Epidemiology is a graduate program, not an undergraduate major. The best way to find out what you should major in is to look up one of the graduate programs and see what they require. Here's one at the University of Washington.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Academic Departments | Mailman School of Public Health
Epidemiology. The cornerstone of public health, Epidemiology focuses on the distribution and causes of disease in human populations and on developing and testing ways ...
Flu Season Is Just Starting, But It Appears to Be Mild
The winter flu season has finally begun, federal health officials announced on Friday, making this the latest start to the season in 24 years -- and thus far it is one of the mildest. The unusually warm winter this year might play a role, said Dr. Joseph Bresee, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu viruses survive longer on - Federal health officials announce that the winter flu season has officially begun, making this the latest start to the season in 24 years, and thus, one of the mildest. (M) - By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
The Role of EPIDEMIOLOGY in Equine Practice (AAEP 2011)
"Anecdotal and clinical impressions are appealing but are unreliable sources of information because we often are insufficiently cognizant of the role that chance plays in clinical practice," began Noah Cohen, VMD, MPH, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, of Texas A&Ms ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY Survey and Research on the Safety Status for Primary ...
Purpose To investigate the safety status for primary and secondary school students and the management condition of the school safety; To reveal the relation between the safe knowledge, safe technical ability, dangerous ...
Osteoporosis Patients Advised to Delay Bone Density Retests
Bone loss and osteoporosis develop so slowly in most women whose bones test normal at age 65 that many can safely wait as long as 15 years before having a second bone density test, researchers report in a new study. The study, published in Thursdays issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, is part of a broad rethinking of how to diagnose and - Study by Dr Margaret Gourlay published in The New England Journal of Medicine finds that bone loss and osteoporosis develop so slowly in most women whose bones test normal at age 65 that many can safely wait as long as 15 years before having a second bone density test; study is part of a broad rethinking of how to diagnose and treat the potentially debilitating bone disease. (M) - By GINA KOLATA
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the ...
LETTER; Stresses of Middle Age
To the Editor: Re Get a Midlife (news analysis, Sunday Review, Jan. 8): As a 60-plus-year-old woman, I should be gratified to learn that I can cease obsessing over my thickening waistline and instead delight in my strengthened psychological resilience. But I am also a medical sociologist conducting a study financed by the National Institutes of
EPIDEMIOLOGY - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epidemiology is the study of factors which affect the health and illness of populations by communicable and non-communicable diseases. The study is the foundation and ...
Africa: Archbishop Highlights Importance of HIV Aids in Tackling Global Poverty
AIDS presents us with a cluster of issues that are not just a question of Epidemiology but are a prism through which a whole range of social issues come into sharp focus, he said. AIDS can be the key that opens the way to address many other issues such ...
Well Anahad OConnor posted at nytimes.com/well: It may be time to start paying more attention to those local air pollution alerts. Three studies published last week found that people exposed to higher levels of air pollution have greater risks of stroke, heart attack or cognitive deterioration. A study of 1,700 Boston stroke patients, published in - Anahad OConnor Well blog discusses group of studies finding increased health risks from elevated levels of air pollution; John Vucetich Scientists at Work blog details his study of wolves at Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior. Photo (M) - By ANAHAD OCONNOR and JOHN VUCETICH
Nutrition Stocks on the Upswing - Fuse Science and Herbalife Showing Impressive Growth
In late 2011, the British Daily Mail newspaper, in their report on two pieces of research, one published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggested that the vitamin and mineral supplements do next to nothing for ones health.
WesternUs Austin Lectureship Focuses on Childrens Vision
Deborah Klein Walker, EdD, is a Vice President, Senior Fellow and the Practice Leader for Public Health and Epidemiology in the Health Division of Abt Associates, Inc. She has more than 40 years of experience in developing and implementing ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY - PMEP Home - Cornell University
Epidemiologists attempt to determine what factors are associated with diseases ( risk factors), and what factors may protect people or animals against disease ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY - Medical Microbiology - NCBI Bookshelf
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Baron S, editor. Medical Microbiology. 4th edition.
Babies Born At 37-38 Weeks More Likely To Have Health Problems
According to a study conducted by researchers from the Universities of Oxford, Liverpool, Warwick, Leicester, and the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, babies born just a few weeks premature have worse health outcomes than babies born at full term.
INTRODUCTION Epidemiology is the study of diseases in populations of humans or other animals, specifically how, when and where they occur. Epidemiologists attempt to ...
what classes do you have to take for a career in EPIDEMIOLOGY?
i am a sophomore in high school and since i could remember ive always wanted to be a doctor. so i was wondering what college courses will i have to take for a career in Epidemiology? i know ill probably have to take bio-statistics but what else?
Answer: Epidemiology is the study of the presence and absence of disease. to be a doctor you not only need to get a mph in epdiemiology, but also get an MD if you want to practice medicine. there's dual programs like the one at Emory University's med school that will allow you to get the MD and degree of MPH in epdiemiology. in high school take college prep classes with a focus on science and pyschcology and english... the most advanced math will help, but only b/c pre med tracks require pre cal and or calculus.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
I need some advice on a career choice - I want to study either EPIDEMIOLOGY or pharmaceuticals in the USA?
I read somewhere that Epidemiology requires going to Medical school even if I want to do research. And pharmaceuticals obviously requires Pharmacy school. The problem is, I dont want to go to medical school... Is it possible to get a job in the research field without going to Medical school? Also, I am aware that Pharmaceuticals is a higher paying job than Epidemiology ... But I want to choose whatever I can finish faster.
Answer: What Tink said.
Epidemiology is really maths heavy, very little actual health and lots of stats. Pharmacy is the biochemistry of drugs, but also how they interact with the body.
If you want to go into research then decide exactly what kind of research you want to do. A lot of pharmaceutical research uses purely chemists, while Epidemiology would use just statisticians.
Category: Alternative Medicine
How long does it take to get a masters in EPIDEMIOLOGY?
How long does it take to just get a masters in Epidemiology... Ex: I already have my bachelors in, lets say, nursing or biology and I want to get my masters for Epidemiology, how long would it take? In edition, how long would it take to get a doctorate?
Answer: Generally the master's program will take about 2 years to complete. They usually have the option of getting a MS in Epidemiology or an MPH with a concentration in Epidemiology.
The doctorate program is usually a minimum of 4 years to a maximum of 7 years with possible extensions if needed. However, I know some students who have completed their doctorate in as little as 3 years.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
What should you do for undergrad if you want to go to EPIDEMIOLOGY?
I´m in high school and I´m almost to the point of applying to colleges and I am taking the PSAT and SAT this year...I have done research into the field of Epidemiology and want to go into that field. What i would want to ask from anyone in that field if they like their job, what you get to do and what I should do for undergrad and where I should go because then I can start planning what classes I need and what SAT scores and such I will need to be able to apply to college.
Answer: (not in the field) I would do Biology as your undergrad degree. The reason is you will need a lot of Biology classes for a career in medicine or medical research. Epidemiology for those who didn't Google it, deals with the Science of studying disease. Chemistry, is also useful but one or two classes rather than a degree is more what you will be required to do. Also, you will be required to take a lot of math, but you don't have to major in it, because they will make you take a lot of math for a Bio degree anyway.
I know you were looking for someone in industry can't give that to you, but your Guidance Councilor in high school can also put you in touch with various colleges and how to pay for it. Also, your councilor maybe able to find someone in industry as a mentor you.
If that doesn't work, contact the local university and talk with there department heads for Science and see if they have a high school outreach.
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Men Struggle for Rape Awareness
Keith Smith was 14 when he was raped by a driver who picked him up after a hockey team meeting. He had hitchhiked home, which is why, for decades, he continued to blame himself for the assault. When the driver barreled past Hartleys Pork Pies on the outskirts of Providence, R.I., where Mr. Smith had asked to be dropped off, and then past a - Rape is widely thought of as a crime against women, but in a recent national survey, 1.4 percent of men said that they had been raped at some point, and studies have shown that as many as one in six men experienced unwanted sexual contact as minors; the federal government recently expanded its definition of rape to include a wider range of sexual assaults, including those against men, which will now be included in national crime statistics on rape. Photos (M) - By RONI CARYN RABIN
Report Blames Safety Lapses for an Epidemic of Deaths at Wyoming Job Sites
DENVER -- C. J. Moss was on the final day of his weeklong shift working in Wyomings oil fields when he died. A burnt cable electrocuted Mr. Moss, 26, while he was cleaning part of a motor for a drilling rig, killing him instantly. In a state with fewer than 600,000 residents, accidental deaths like Mr. Mosss, which occurred in February 2007 and - Wyoming, with its growing oil, gas and mining industries, lacks a culture of safety and is one of the most dangerous places in the United States to work; report compiled by an epidemiologist hired by the state, finds that Wyomings work sites are not following proper safety procedures in the vast majority of cases even when someone was killed on the job. Photo (M) - By DAN FROSCH
EPIDEMIOLOGY - LWW Journals - Beginning with A
Home: Current Issue: Previous Issues: Published Ahead-of-Print: Collections: For Authors: Journal Info
EPIDEMIOLOGY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and patterns of health-events, health- characteristics and their causes or influences in well-defined populations.
Osteoporosis Patients Advised to Delay Bone Density Retests
Bone loss and osteoporosis develop so slowly in most women whose bones test normal at age 65 that many can safely wait as long as 15 years before having a second bone density test, researchers report in a new study. The study, published in Thursdays issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, is part of a broad rethinking of how to diagnose and - By GINA KOLATA
EPIDEMIOLOGY in North Carolina
Epidemiology is the branch of public health that works to understand the causes and effects of disease in communities. We look for ways to prevent or control those ...
Would the transition into EPIDEMIOLOGY be difficult for me in graduate school?
I have my degree in Health Information Management and I am a certified Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA). However, I have decided I would like to go into the Public Health field as I tend to enjoy research moreso than the management aspect of the health care industry. I have decided to go into Public Health with a concentration on Epidemiology in graduate school.
What I would like to know, would my background hinder me in anyway?
Answer: Education is never wasted. Had any Latin?
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Includes listing and database of Epidemiology subjects.
Timing of Preemie Birth May Be Key to Kids Health Later
The findings are the result of work conducted by researchers from the Universities of Leicester, Liverpool, Oxford, Warwick and the British National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, and were published online March 1 in the BMJ. To explore the health ...
how is Epidemiology beneficial to humans?
Epidemiology is the study of the spread of diseases and how to control it
Answer: That's a really narrow view of Epidemiology... it includes so many things. There is nutritional Epidemiology, genetic Epidemiology, environmental Epidemiology... the list goes on forever.
Category: Other - Health
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Hypertension – Rising with Increasing Obesity and Population Growth - new market research report
Datamonitor expects an increase in hypertension cases through to 2020 in the seven major markets as a result of population growth and rising obesity levels. Cardiovascular disorders have severe health implications and increase acute events such as ...
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