Leprechaun : Photo Gallery
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LEPRECHAUN - Costume Ideas | Halloween Costume Ideas
Find Leprechaun on Costume ideas ... Lucky Charms Leprechaun Costume - Adult Leprechaun Halloween Costumes. $78.99 at halloweencostumes.com
TEXAS MONTHLY; Texas Culture Roundup
Our quirky, discerning picks for the most interesting things to do around the state this week. AUSTIN Duly Noted At the heart of the Texas Music Roadtrip exhibition is the holy grail of electric guitars: Stevie Ray Vaughan’s No. 1 Stratocaster. The guitar — the one with the SRV sticker on it — has not been in the public eye since - By MICHAEL HOINSKI
LEPRECHAUN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in ...
LEPRECHAUN - Horror Film Wiki
Film PosterAdded by Danventure In 1983, an evil and violent Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) is sealed awa
Who is he? What is his origins? Is it true the fact that you can make a offer like a coin to him? What do you get in return if its true?
Where can I find him? Pleeeassseeee loll
Any other details are welcome! :-)
Thanks for good answers... but..
Answer: a Leprechaun (Modern Irish: leipreachán) is a type of male elf said to inhabit the island of Ireland. They are a class of "faerie folk" associated in Irish mythology and folklore, as with all faeries, with the Tuatha Dé Danann and other quasi-historical races said to have inhabited Ireland before the arrival of the Celts.
Leprechauns and other creatures of Irish mythology are often associated with "faerie forts" or "faerie rings" — often the sites of ancient (Celtic or pre-Celtic) earthworks or drumlins.
They usually take the form of old men who enjoy partaking in mischief. Their trade is that of a cobbler or shoemaker and they are often described as being seen working on a single shoe. They are said to be very rich, having many treasure crocks buried during war-time. [1] According to legend, if anyone keeps an eye fixed upon one, he cannot escape, but the moment the eye is withdrawn he vanishes.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Where can I find a LEPRECHAUN costume for my one year old?
I am looking for a Leprechaun costume/outfit for my one year old. I have googled everyhting i can think of, any suggestions?
Answer: shop ebay, you will save $$$
Category: St. Patrick's Day
Got any good chicken fried LEPRECHAUN recipes?
Ok I am having a St Pattys Day party and I really need some good recipes using Leprechaun. Grilled, BBQ, chicken fried, baked,etc. Last year I tried Leprechaun fingers but it kept yelling after the second finger cut off, but that doesnt matter this time because Im gonna get the butcher to do the dirty work. I might just go all out this year and make some yummy tender Leprechaun ribs.
What would you suggest?
Answer: boil him in a pot of gold and throw in some blue moon yellow stars and green clover marshmallows...mmmmmm.....
Category: Cooking & Recipes
LEPRECHAUNs Revenge: (Bad) luck o the Irish
Reason to watch: Theyre not little cute guys in green with pots o gold anymore. What its about: You gotta give it to Syfy. Its Saturday Original Movie titles really describe the content. When gory things start happening around a Massachusetts ...
What is the name of the LEPRECHAUN movie?
There this movie i saw a while back and it was about this evil Leprechaun that has a crush on this girl and every St.Patricks day he always trys to get her,and and on this one St.Patricks day he like gets out and kills her boyfriend and stuff and i cant remember the rest...any help?
Answer: Leprechaun
Category: Movies
No Female LEPRECHAUNs And Other Bizarre St. Patrick's Day Facts ...
Leprechauns may wear green on St. Patrick's Day, but there's good reason for them to be blue: Irish folklore suggests there aren't any females. An ancient book called "A History Of Irish Fairies" reveals that there are no ...
LEPRECHAUN - Monstropedia
In Irish mythology, a Leprechaun (Modern Irish: leipreachán) is a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland before the arrival of the Celts.
B-Sides: LEPRECHAUN Busts a Rhyme
Saturday is traditionally the day B-Sides is posted. This Saturday happens to be St. Patrick’s Day. A column showcasing b-movie music and a holiday celebrating all things Irish. You know what that means? Of course you know what that means.
To Catch a LEPRECHAUN | Everyday Celebrations | FamilyFun
Three clever traps for taking a stand against Leprechauns' St. Patrick's Day mischief.
Lionsgate and WWE Tag-Teaming to Reboot 'LEPRECHAUN' | Film ...
Once you've already taken a film franchise both to space and to the hood, there aren't really any other ways left that you can keep it going other than.
Homemade LEPRECHAUN trap warrants surprise for 7-year-old
DENVER - This St. Patricks Day, Elle Sanger woke up to a lucky surprise. Every year, the 7-year-old sets a Leprechaun trap the night before St. Patricks Day. This year was the first time she was successful. She set up a path of "gold" rocks to lure the ...
LEPRECHAUN helps call attention to pedestrian safety
There’s no pot of gold at the end of the crosswalk. But safety is a beautiful thing, and that’s what an oversized Leprechaun hoped to find on the other side of crosswalks Tuesday around the Las Vegas Valley. The green-clad figure straight fr ...
THEATER REVIEW | LUCKY GUY; When Boy Meets Girl Plays Second Fiddle
Thanks to two central performances that go a long way toward transcending the occasional placeholder melody and clunky double entendre (O.K., the more-than-occasional clunky double entendre), Lucky Guy is more fun than it ought to be. This sprightly Nashville-themed musical, which opened Thursday night at the Little Shubert Theater, boasts (in - By ERIC GRODE
Awfully Good: LEPRECHAUN 4: In Space
Leprechaun 4: IN SPACE knows exactly what its doing. If you watched the first three movies in the series and thought, "Man, this would be so much better if it was a remake of ALIENS with Warwick Davis instead of a Xenomorph," youre about to cream your jeans.
LEPRECHAUN (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leprechaun is a 1993 horror film directed by Mark Jones, starring Warwick Davis and Jennifer Aniston in her first film role. The film was shot in Saugus, California.
LEPRECHAUN: Definition from Answers.com
n. One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to those who catch them. [Irish Gaelic luprachán , alteration of Middle Irish luchrupán ...
TERRE HAUTE — It’s not easy to catch a Leprechaun, even if it’s the day before St. Patrick’s Day. Yet more than a dozen “Leprechaun traps” lined the wall just outside Susy Phillips’ kindergarten class Friday at Sugar Grove Elementary School ...
POSSESSED; Fitting, in Many Ways
A SURPRISING number of people harbor a secret fondness for their grandparents -- or at least for their grandparents things, that is. Whether it is Granddads old leather box for his collars or Grandmas battered alligator handbag, the attraction is usually the same: the object represents a time when men and women dressed and lived with greater - Ryan McNamara, who credits his grandparents free-spirited ways for his success as a performance artist, cherishes a pair of plain, tooled cowboy boots that were painted a bright emerald green by his grandfather. Photo (M) - By DAVID COLMAN
Theyre Calling Leapin’ LEPRECHAUN the Perfect iPad Game for St. Patricks Day
That story behind Leapin Leprechaun lite has inspired many to Tweet and post links of the brand new iPad app on many influence social media users accounts. As the brand new iPad game, Leapin Lepechaun lite, moves up the App store ranks, many Twitter and ...
LEPRECHAUN - New World Encyclopedia
The most famous, recognizable, and misrepresented symbol of Irish mythology is the Leprechaun. These mythical creatures have origins stretching back to before the ...
Erin Go Buy: Retailers Cash in On St. Patrick’s
Leprechaun costumes. Fries with green dipping sauce. Eire-inspired Margaritas mixed with Jameson whiskey. These are just some of the products retailers are selling this St. Patrick’s Day as part of a growing effort to cash in on the luck of the Irish.
Where are the best places to catch a LEPRECHAUN?
I live just north of Brisbane, Australia and I have been trying to catch a Leprechaun for years. I cant seems to find a pot of gold either. If you dont believe this is real then dont answer. But PLEASE PLEASE help I am in dire need of catching a Leprechaun!
Answer: I've never seen one myself in America but I've heard they are very common in Ireland. I remember reading a Sylvia Browne book and she said that she was over in Ireland visiting and was shocked to see lepechauns over there and she was like, "Whoa! I just saw a Leprechaun!" And the people over there just calmly explained, "Yeah.. so what? They're always over here." Like I said, I've never personally seen one but absolutely do believe they are around. Try Great Britain or Ireland.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Director: Mark Jones. . Actors: Warwick Davis: Leprechaun · Jennifer Aniston: Tory Reding · Ken Olandt: Nathan Murphy · Mark Holton: Ozzie · Robert Hy Gorman ...
The Legend of the LEPRECHAUNs in Ireland – Irish Myths & Folklore ...
You may end up being the luckiest person alive if you ever manage to catch a Leprechaun but there again it could bring more than enough trouble for what its ...
Directed by Mark Jones. With Warwick Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Ken Olandt, Mark Holton. An evil, sadistic Leprechaun goes on a killing rampage in search of his ...
There are many different possible origins for the Leprechaun in the Irish realm of faeries, sprites, and goblins, among the many others. As long as there have been ...
LEPRECHAUN: Information from Answers.com
Plot Friends star Jennifer Aniston made her film debut in this horror story about a psychotic, six-centuries-old Leprechaun on a murder spree throughout North Dakota ...
Annual LEPRECHAUN Races attract 600 kids in Bay City
BAY CITY — The Leprechaun Races for kids in Bay City on St.. Patrick’s Day weekend are always popular but this year they were even more so. The light-hearted races combined with great weather to see a large increase in participation.
hey do any of you know were i could get a Leprechaun figure the from the movie with davis war rick and a chucky figure
Answer: I am not sure of what that one looks like, but I know garden shops and some stores like Walmart, and places like that have planters and things like that...I would check out the garden sections of some places..They seem to have lots of kinds of Leprechaun figures, Maybe one will be close enough looking like the one you want.Good Luck!
Category: St. Patrick's Day
'LEPRECHAUN' Reboot in the Works | Screen Rant
Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, Lionsgate has announced it will be rebooting the 'Leprechaun' franchise, which previously featured fan-favorite Warwick Davis as the titular... uh, monster.
What is the name of the LEPRECHAUN that bothers Superman in the original series?
I know he wasnt any "normal" Leprechaun, so if you can include what kind of spirit or demon etc. he is that would be a great help.
Answer: Mr. Mxyzptlk 'Mix-Yez-pit-Lick' he's an Imp from the 5th Dimesion
he's appeared in most every version of Superman on TV at least once
-- Superboy had charcter actor Michale J Pollard in the role at least twice
-- Lois & Clark had Howie Mandel once in a Christmas Episode
-- The animated Series featured the Voice of Gilbert Gottfried -- for 3 episodes at least, if I recall
-- Smallville featured Trent Ford as Mikail Mxyzptlk in one episode as an Eastern European Exchange Student who could manipulate people by thought, who is later recruited for Lex's Research in 33.1
-- technically the pronunciation varies in just about every version -- seeing as it has no vowels -- save for Y which only counts half the time
Category: Comics & Animation
Whats On Today
10 P.M. (USA) COVERT AFFAIRS Season 2 returns from hiatus to find Annie (Piper Perabo, above) mired in loneliness while taking a break after a failed mission in Venice. But soon enough another assignment comes along, this one involving a chef linked to a separatist movement in the Basque region of Spain. 10 A.M. (Starz) EASY A (2010) Emma Stone - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
Will the new Robot LEPRECHAUN factory in Leitrim affect the Robot LEPRECHAUN factory down in Cork?
Well the one in cork is doing quite badly. We had to leave a few people go sense the
“Escaped Leprechaun incident”
Will the new factory in Leitrim destroy Corks chances of being the best at making “Robot Leprechauns”?
Cheers for the answers.
Answer: darn recession!
Category: Cork
LEPRECHAUN’s Revenge and Hitchcock with William Devane
On Saturday, March 17, actor William Devane co-stars with Billy Zane in the new original Syfy horror movie Leprechaun’s Revenge, about an Irish Louisiana town haunted by a deadly massacre at the hands of a homicidal Leprechaun. Although older fans ...
what is the brand of cherry cigarette that had either a 4 leaf clover or LEPRECHAUN on the pack?
i had one about ten years ago, it was a white pack, had a Leprechaun or clover on it. swore it said something about "lucky" but not sure. wasnt a cigar either. anyone remember? maybe have a pic of the pack?
i remember calling lucky strikes luckys but im not if that was it asi dont recall them making anything other than straights. i cannot find anything about them in my searches.
Answer: Lucky Strike cigarette packs have never used graphics like Leprechauns or clovers. They use the logo (linked below) exclusively. Furthermore, I don't think they've ever produced a flavored cigarette other than menthol.
Unfortunately that doesn't tell you what brand it was - just what it wasn't. :)
Category: Other - Food & Drink
LEPRECHAUN - Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion.
Very small sprites who sometimes live in farmhouses or wine cellars. They are known to aid humans and perform small labors for them. Sometimes they ask humans for ...
LEPRECHAUN (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leprechaun is a 1993 horror film directed by Mark Jones, starring Warwick Davis and Jennifer Aniston in her first film role. The film was shot in Saugus, ...
LEPRECHAUN Watch at irelandseye.com
The Leprechaun fairy watch webcam is in a hidden location in the field in Tipperary, Ireland. This is an enchanted area, well known for magical associations.
How to make my child think they caught a LEPRECHAUN?
My child has her Leprechaun trap set up, but she will be so sad if she doesnt catch one! How can she catch one?
Answer: Hire a midget in a green hat to roll your kid a doobie and tell them it's a "lucky charm".
Category: Grade-Schooler
The Family LEPRECHAUN: A True Story
My grandmothers grandfather was a newspaper man in Northern Ireland. He ran a printing business, he booked passages to New Zealand, he sold tea, and for a very long while, he was the postmaster of the town. On the pages of his newspaper, you ...
Is LEPRECHAUN Being Rebooted for WWE Wrestler Hornswoggle ...
This is pure speculation, but it's St. Patrick's Day weekend! Let's connect the dots: Lionsgate and WWE Studios are teaming up on a reboot of the 1993 pic Leprechaun, the creature comedy-horror which infamously featured a ...
Who remembers a TV movie of a LEPRECHAUN that tells a young man not study/work?
Who remembers a TV movie of a Leprechaun that tells a young man not study/work and at the end he becomes rich.
Answer: Amazing Stories (TV anthology series)
"Gather Ye Acorns"
IMDb review:
A hairy little troll (looks and sounds like a Leprechaun with the Irish accent) gives a young boy ("Jono") some bad advice....and advice you often hear in the movies: listen to your heart. No, that is bad advice because the heart is deceitful. Anyway, he tells the kid to forget about studying to be a doctor and that hard work is not a virtue. "There's doctors aplenty is this world," he says, What we could truly do with is a few more dreamers." ... We switch from 1932 to 1938, and now it's Mark Hamill of "Star Wars" fame playing Jono. He winds up spending all his hard-earned money on car. His dad is a little peeved, to say the least, and boots him out of the house. Years go by and our boys is now a white-bearded almost-homeless bum, a man who has barely survived to ready to kill himself by driving his car - if he can get gas money - over the Hoover Dam. The story has a happy ending ... An interesting story, nonetheless, with a guest appearance by an "unknown" at the time: Forest Whitaker! // Also in the cast are David Rappaport, Lois De Banzie, Mary Jo Deschanel and Royal Dano.
Category: Movies
LEPRECHAUN | Define LEPRECHAUN at Dictionary.com
noun Irish Folklore . 1. a dwarf or sprite. 2. a conventionalized literary representation of this figure as a little old man who will reveal the location of a hidden ...
Annoying Orange - The LEPRECHAUN Trap - YouTube
Catch that pesky Leprechaun...with the Leprechaun Trap! FREE version of my video game Kitchen Carnage: iTunes: http://bit.ly/AOKitchenCarnageLite Android: ht...
Police officer in LEPRECHAUN costume to roam Las Vegas streets, test drivers’ crosswalk safety
LAS VEGAS — Police officers in a Leprechaun costume will frolic Las Vegas streets to test whether drivers yield to pedestrians. UNLV Safe Community Partnership chief Erin Breen says police will hand out tickets Tuesday to motorists who fail to stop for ...
How to Build a LEPRECHAUN Trap
Learn how you can create your own Leprechaun traps. I can't guarantee you will catch one of these little creatures, but you will sure have fun trying!
THEATER REVIEW; Brother, Can You Spare a Dream?
Sometimes you have to squint to detect prophetic flickers of genius in the early works of great artists. In the case of Eugene ONeills Beyond the Horizon, at least as it has been revived at the Irish Repertory Theater, you have to squint hard enough to develop a new set of crows feet. This bleak drama from 1920, a tale of two brothers beaten - Ben Brantley reviews Irish Repertory Theater production of Eugene ONeill play Beyond the Horizon, directed by Ciaran OReilly and starring Lucas Hall and Rod Brogan. Photo (M) - By BEN BRANTLEY
LEPRECHAUN | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
Leprechauns official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
CELTICS 97, HEAT 81; Rondo Plays Through Pain as Celtics Hang On
BOSTON -- The elbow was dislocated, according to the medical report, a diagnosis that should have sent Rajon Rondo to a hospital and the Boston Celtics into an epic tailspin. Star point guards generally need two arms to carry a team, or at least to keep their passes and shots on target. Rondo had just one Saturday night, after another evening of - By HOWARD BECK
LEPRECHAUN Watch at irelandseye.com
Watch for Leprechauns and other Irish Fairies with our hidden camera.
LEPRECHAUN in Mobile, Alabama - YouTube
Mar 17, 2006 ... Leprechaun in Crichton. ... Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama. botmib. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. Loading... 5 videos. Sign in or sign up ...
LEPRECHAUN Gets Rebooted by WWE Entertainment and Lionsgate
Here’s something that no one could have ever saw coming. WWE Entertainment, normally focusing on heavy actioner films led by their WWE stars, is going by way of the horror route. With every popular horror movie from the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties ...
The temperature was hovering near 90 degrees on the afternoon of Memorial Day when James OKeefe III emerged from the woods and ambled over to my car. He was tall and thin, with pale skin and matted reddish hair. When his mug shot ran in the papers, some people told him he looked like Matthew Modine. Others said Lee Harvey Oswald. On the day I met - By ZEV CHAFETS
Who wants to join the LEPRECHAUN Vanquish Squad and What do you have to offer?
As im sure many of you are aware of by now, the Leprechauns continue to reproduce underground and show no signs of slowing down. Its time we fight back before they run the world. LVS is dedicated to eliminating each and every Leprechaun on the face of the earth, and we need as many hands as we can get. However, we cant just accept anyone, you need to have special attributes that make you stand out and valuable to this elite team.
Answer: I shall join you in the process of slaying such evil pests.
EDIT: I can look at one of them and make them explode
Category: Other - Entertainment
Leading Man, Miles Beyond The Boy Band
WHEN Justin Timberlake tried out for the role of Sean Parker in The Social Network, the director David Fincher had a particular line from Aaron Sorkins script in mind. Sean, the former Napster executive who schools Mark Zuckerberg in the ways of Silicon Valley, is a slick seducer: He was described in the screenplay as moving through the room - By JONAH WEINER
DANCE REVIEW; A Varied Dreamscape Thats Also a Farewell
In a famous letter from 1871 about the poet as visionary, the 17-year-old Arthur Rimbaud wrote of le dérèglement des sens: the derangement of the senses, which he argued should be long, immense and deliberate. In the performing arts of our time, there has been no better exemplification of this principle than the dance theater of Merce - Alastair Macaulay reviews concert of Merce Cunningham choreographed dance works performed by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Photo (M) - By ALASTAIR MACAULAY
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! A Brief History of LEPRECHAUNs
When you think of a Leprechaun, the first notion that comes to the modern mind might be the tiny green man on the Lucky Charms cereal box. Or perhaps the star of cult horror film Leprechaun in the Hood. But this mythical miniature man ...
How much does the average LEPRECHAUN cost?
I am in a bit of a kafuddle. I desperatly need to find out what the average Leprechaun costs. This is not a joke question, it is a life or death situation. Chears bye
Answer: A pot of gold weighing about 20kg. Good Luck digging!
But... i'm sure if you take one on a date under a rainbow i'm sure they'll take 5kg off the price ;]
Category: Friends
ON OLYMPICS; Rugby, the Royals and Unruly Behavior
Yeah, sure, everybody became upset last week when the police revealed they had smuggled a fake bomb into Olympic Park in a security test announced six months ahead of the London Games. But where is the outrage over an equally grave threat to these Olympics: invasion of the equestrian competition by drunken rugby players? And by that we mean one - Jere Longman On Olympics column describes scandal involving Zara Phillips, a British royal and 2012 Olympic equestrian hopeful, and her husband, rugby player Mike Tindall; Tindall has been hounded by tabloids after they photographed him during a raucous night of drinking with an unknown woman. Photo (M) - By JERÉ LONGMAN
How does one successfully stimulate the pupils of a LEPRECHAUN?
My long-lost uncle (who happens to have a predilection for gooseberries) was lying in one of the moons many craters one evening when he asked my humble self if I desired a nice refreshing Leprechaun puree blend to sip. I gave him a brief reply in Norwegian, and decided to entrance Leprechauns as a hobby from then on. Why, do you ask, bashful Yahoo-er?
It was the way his nostrils flexed which inspired me to do so.
Answer: I suggest you remove their eyes and bounce them like little balls.
Then put them back in his sockets and then you have stimulated the eyes.
It is difficult to put them in a socket though.
Good Luck
Category: Other - Ireland
LEPRECHAUN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other ...
REAL LEPRECHAUN Sighting in Mobile, Alabama! | Unreasonable Faith
Today is the day we remember when the world-wide skeptical community had their skeptical worldview decimated by the 100% REAL Leprechaun SIGHTING in Mobile, Alabama. It was seen by hundreds of people — even ...
Irish Fairies | LEPRECHAUN - Irelandseye.com - The Folklore ...
Irish fairies and creatures - Leprechaun ... The name Leprechaun may have derived from the Irish leath bhrogan (shoemaker), although its origins may lie in luacharma ...
A LEPRECHAUN has been following me for years, trying to kill me. What can I do to get rid of him?
He has been following me forever. He is constantly keeping me awake at night. If I look at him, he disappears, but he is always in the corner of my eye. Does anyone know how to get rid of a Leprechaun?
since no one is giving me a real answer, I should inform you that Im not joking. You may think this is funny but its causing me to be unable to sleep or function normally in life.
Answer: Yeah, kill yourself. Loonie.
Category: Other - Health
Is a magical LEPRECHAUN just as likely to exist as the Christian god?
Any argument that claims rejecting the magical Leprechaun is an act of faith, is exactly the same as any argument claiming that rejecting the Christian god is an act of faith, right?
Answer: Only if God creates the magical Leprechaun.
Traditional Catholics of Trent at
Category: Religion & Spirituality
New Leapin’ LEPRECHAUN iPad Game Makes St. Patricks Day Debut on iTunes
Anyone who’s ever wondered whether a captured Leprechaun really will fork over his gold will find the answer to that age-old question in a new iTunes game. Slated for release the week of St. Patrick’s Day, Leapin’ Leprechaun lets game players put a ...
The LEPRECHAUN « Sigmund, Carl and Alfred
We have spoken to your mother. We know everything. The Leprechaun. March 17, 2012. This image has been posted with express written permission. This cartoon was originally published at Town Hall. Like this: Like. Be the ...
LEPRECHAUN Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com ...
Get information, facts, and pictures about Leprechaun at Encyclopedia.com. Make research projects and school reports about Leprechaun easy with credible articles from ...
Faith and begorrah! LEPRECHAUN reboot set for 2013 - FLIXIST
It's St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, but the Irish festivities are kicking off a day early with the news that Lionsgate are rebooting the legendary Leprechaun series with a view to a 2013 release dat...
@patrickdodson looks like an invisible Leprechaun is standing on his chest. #beergiggles
From: MrScooter65 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @MollyMesnick: A Leprechaun broke into our house and peed in the toilet!!! ;) http://t.co/ru5OuEUn
From: KaitlynDingman - Source: Twitter for iPhone
These Leprechaun movies have me hella weak haha
From: _LAkidd - Source: Plume for Android
RT @PennyPibbets: Bringing out the drunk idiot Leprechaun in all of us, barfing up magical green wishes that smell like a sour dick #StPatricksDay
From: grl_come_undone - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @shortgirlprob: Let the Leprechaun jokes begin 🍀 #shortgirlproblems
From: LaraAshley3 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @fortunefunny: If I dont see a Leprechaun today Im gonna be pissed!
From: arslongavitabre - Source: web
St. Pattys Day 2009 in Dublin, Ireland the only other black person I saw that night....a black Leprechaun wi http://t.co/ntLm7y4U
From: JordayaH - Source: instagram
spending st patricks day watching Leprechaun 2: back 2 tha hood. True life: I have no friends
From: claireplates - Source: Mobile Web
Max dances like a Leprechaun...
From: Marrrlaa - Source: web
I thought it was just "Leprechaun In The Hood"
From: LOUDRINbum - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Are you a lucky Leprechaun? #Enter this March #Giveaway where you could win $70, $40 or $25 cash or GC! Ends 3/31 http://t.co/TOjNQ3UI
From: mykidscoolmomma - Source: Tweet Button
🍀@NiallOfficial I know that youre a Leprechaun. So, can you make my wish come true by following me? 🍀
From: syauqinanadia - Source: Twitter for iPhone
ready to see my Leprechaun @codi_bro 🍀😘
From: KatieGraceOwens - Source: TweetDeck
RT @nPhelendriqal: Can I start drinking yet? Or do I have to kiss a Leprechaun? I dont understand this holiday...
From: Harbingerr - Source: web
Cocktail feature this evening: The Dancing Leprechaun. Irish whiskey, Drambuie, Ginger Beer, and lemon. TASTY!
From: locallounge - Source: web