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Movie Review: 'FRIENDS WITH KIDS' « CBS Philly
The double-meaning title makes it sound like a movie about a childless person whose friends have children. But it's actually a movie about friends who decide to have a child.
Review: FRIENDS WITH KIDS | accessAtlanta
Jennifer Westfeldt seems interested in exploring the complications that come with pondering parenthood with a mix of candor and heart in "Friends with kids.
Jennifer Westfeldt, FRIENDS WITH KIDS Star And Director, On ...
Jennifer Westfeldt, Friends with kids Star And Director, On Creating A Drom-Com
Friends, Kids And Beating The System
The new comedy Friends with kids explores how babies change the relationships of everyone around them. Its written and directed by Jennifer Westfeldt — who may be best-known for the 2001 indie hit Kissing Jessica Stein, about a single ...
Lenny Cooke, From Star-to-Be to One Who Never Was
STONY CREEK, Va. — On an otherwise lazy Sunday, dinner took hours to prepare, filling the small one-story house on a remote and wooded street with the aromatic smell of chicken, ribs and all the trimmings. The extended family would soon be arriving, in full, hungry force. Standing tall but cramped in the narrow kitchen at 6 feet 6 inches and - By HARVEY ARATON
FRIENDS WITH KIDS Party: Kristen Wiig, Ed Burns, Courtney Love ...
The cast of the upcoming comedy "Friends with kids," which explores the complicated journey of two best friends who decide to procreate and maintain their ...
Megan Fox wouldnt have kids with friends
(CBS) Megan Fox has been busy promoting her new film, "Friends with kids," which centers around two friends (Adam Scott, Jennifer Westfeldt) who decide to conceive and raise a child together while maintaining a plutonic relationship. Fox, who ...
Big Screen podcast: The Friends With SXSW Kids Edition
On this weeks Big Screen podcast, Stephen Becker look at the new relationship comedy Friends with kids. We preview the SXSW Film Festival and tell you which movies have us jazzed to make the trip down 35, including a bevy of new music docs. And Stephen ...
Kids are hazardous to your marriage
Ads for the new movie “Friends with kids,” in theaters today, feature the tag line, “Love. Happiness. Kids. Pick two.” The theme of sleep-deprived new parents snapping at each other has some real life foundation. More than 25 separate studies in ...
Movie review: FRIENDS WITH KIDS -
Movie review: Friends with kids Jennifer Westfeldts film about two friends who decide to have a child but skip marriage has some great moments but ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS Trailer: Jennifer Westfeldt is Having a Baby ...
From the files of "did you expect anything less?" comes the charming new trailer for "Friends with kids," a comedy that teams about half the cast of "Bridesmaids ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friends with kids is an independent American ensemble comedy that is written, produced, directed by and also starring Jennifer Westfeldt. Her partner Jon Hamm also ...
What is the best way to handle your kids friends that seem to have no rules or boundaries ?
My son is 13 and he has some friends that are nice but their parents do not give them rules or boundaries. One friend was allowed to get a tattoo and he is only 13yrs old. I like the kids but find it hard to set th rules and boundaries with my son because of some of his friends.
Answer: dont let them over and dont let your son hang out with them
Category: Adolescent
What are some things that your kids friends are allowed to do that you dont allow your own child to do?
My son is only 13 months so I guess he doesnt really have friends but we do have play dates with kids his age. Some of the other kids are allowed to drink chocolate milk, eat cookies for breakfast, watch TV all day long, and climb on furniture. I dont allow my son to do any of those things.
Answer: I'm sitting here thinking about it, and I just don't feel like putting down other mothers. Have fun.
Category: Parenting
Two best friends decide to have a child together while keeping their relationship platonic, so they can avoid the toll kids can take on romantic relationships.
Cast and potential audience grow, but plot predictable in Westfeldts FRIENDS WITH KIDS
When an idiosyncratic talent seeks a wider audience for her work, theres a danger in trading the offbeat for something more on-the-nose. This is what has happened in"Friends with kids,"a smooth but frustrating third feature with an extremely ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS movie review -- FRIENDS WITH KIDS showtimes - The ...
14 hours ago ... Friends with kids Jennifer Westfeldt wrote, directed, and stars in this comedy about two New Yorkers who have a baby together but claim not to ...
SQUARE FEET | THE 30-MINUTE INTERVIEW; The 30-Minute Interview: Bruno Ricciotti
Mr. Ricciotti, 39, is the chief executive and a principal of Bond New York, an independent residential real estate brokerage. The company is involved in both rentals and sales, and represents new developments like the Ellison condominium in Harlem. Mr. Ricciotti, a former broker at Citi Habitats, started Bond in 2000 with Noah Freedman, a childhood - By VIVIAN MARINO
Marshall Fine: Review: FRIENDS WITH KIDS
1 day ago ... Friends with kids is never as funny as I wanted it to be -- but I'm starting to think that few films can be. It's a smart romantic comedy that should ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS Trailer: Jennifer Westfeldt, Adam Scott, Jon ...
Friends with kids Trailer: Jennifer Westfeldt, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm Star In Romantic Comedy (VIDEO)
Adam Scott Talks FRIENDS WITH KIDS and the Scene that Made Him Feel Like a Horrible Person for Seven Minutes
Adam Scott’s initial reaction when he read the script for Friends with kids, the dark comedy by Jennifer Westfeldt: “Oh, shit, sorry guys.” Scott, who has been friends with Westfeldt and her longtime partner Mad Men star Jon Hamm for 15 years ...
Movie review: True Friends until the end
Kids! They can be the best part of marriage, or the worst. It all depends on who’s more childish: the parents or the offspring. We get a mix of both in the indie dramedy “Friends with kids,” which, true to its title, takes a cursory look at how six ...
College Hunt Starts Earlier at New N.Y.C. Private Schools
At Avenues , a for-profit school scheduled to open this fall in Chelsea, college counseling will begin with students in ninth grade. Similarly, Léman Manhattan , a for-profit school downtown, starts the formal college search process with its freshmen; in addition, seventh- and eighth-grade students can visit campuses on a three-day trip in - By JENNY ANDERSON
FRIENDS WITH KIDS Official Website
Two best friends decide to have a child together while keeping their relationship platonic, so they can avoid the toll kids can take on romantic relationships.
FRIENDS WITH KIDS | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo! Movies
Get the complete cast, production details, reviews and trailer of Friends with kids on Yahoo! Movies. A close-knit circle of friends are at that moment in life when ...
REVIEW – FRIENDS WITH KIDS | Very Aware | Movie and TV news ...
Friends with kids Written and Directed by: Jennifer Westfeldt Starring: Jennifer Westfeldt, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph, Chris O’Dowd, Kristen Wiig
Review: 'FRIENDS WITH KIDS' Is No 'Bridesmaids' « CBS Detroit
Blogger Vicki Briganti attends an advanced screening for the movie Friends with kids, which opens on March 9th. Should you go see it this weekend?
Im having Two of my mums friends kids round and i need things to do to keep them entertained?
One is A girl and she is 11 and one is a boy and he is 6 we will me with my older sister but she has her boyfriend round so she will just ignore us so she is no help. Thanks for your help :) x
Category: Friends
In Queens, Handball Turns to Steamball in the Cold
A steady ribbon of steam rose from a stainless steel pot at a park in Queens, a small flame licking at its underside. Every so often, Washington Giovanni Cardenas lifted the lid to pluck a round morsel from the roiling water. Timing was important: undercooked, the objects would be flat; overcooked, the casing could melt. Two minutes was the magic - By SARAH MASLIN NIR
Romney and Santorum Vie for Blue-Collar Vote
ZANESVILLE, Ohio — If Mitt Romney defeats Rick Santorum in the bellwether primary here on Tuesday, it will be in no small part because he managed to win over one of the most hotly contested and elusive segments of the electorate: white working-class voters. At a metal works in Canton and a welding factory in Youngstown, in mailboxes and on - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
Buying gifts for friends kids that I hardly know?
Had this friend forever, I am the Godmother to her daughter, now 14. I buy her gifts for birthday and Christmas with hardly a thank you and I also buy for her younger sister with about the same results. My friend does buy for my kid as well but we have drifted apart, I still love her as a friend. How do I let her down easy and suggest we stop this crap of buying for each others kids??
Answer: just casually bring it up in a conversation i guess.
Category: Friends
’S HERTOGENBOSCH JOURNAL; A Dutch Church’s Angel Is in Demand
’S HERTOGENBOSCH, the Netherlands — High on the cathedral in this trim Dutch town, amid a phalanx of stone statues of local noblemen, crusaders, saints and angels, one figure stands out. Smiling faintly, with lowered eyelids, one of the angels wears jeans, has a laptop bag slung over one shoulder and is chatting on a cellphone. The - By JOHN TAGLIABUE
FRIENDS WITH KIDS’ is both a new comedy and an unavoidable reality
Their ranks are legion. You could say they’re multiplying. They’re ready to judge your lifestyle and tell you just how much you’re missing out. They are Friends with kids. And now they even have their own movie, opening Friday. “Everyone ...
Do your parents always compare you with their friends kids?
Salaam! And Happy Ramadan!
I dont know about other cultures, but I know for a FACT that this is always the case for Desis. Everytime my family goes out to another Aunty and Uncles house or ppl come over, my mom starts to say how great and wonderful and smart their kids are and makes me feel small.
I just keep biting my lip so what Im actually thinking doesnt come out of my mouth.
What do you do in these cases, fellow Desis and ppl of other cultures?
Answer: Never, and i would not do that to my children, it will put down their confidence and believing in themselves, and lose the trust of his parents believing in his individuality
Category: Ramadan
What are some good things to do with brothers, sister, and my friends kids?
I am always on the computer and I really dont hang out with my family.
I want to hang out with my brothers and sister on the weekends. But my friend brings his little boy and little girl over every weekend what are some fun things to do at home on the weekends.Because we cant really do anything daring the week because they have school
Answer: You could always spend time with them like you did this weekend, family bonding is always critical. Board games, card games, spin the bottle ( just kidding ), hide and seek, etc... whatever let's you all spend time together. Keep your friend away ( LOL ). Just make anytime you have with them, quality time. Your a smart Re Re, I know you'll figure it out.
Category: Friends
i was at the beach with my brothers and my dads friends kids?
so we were talking about how hot it was and he was like yeah its hot cause someone is here. whats the first thing that pops to mind? im i being stupid?
Answer: o_o
Category: Friends
What is this bumb on my friends kids stomach?
My friend has a little two year old girl. Shes quite healthy, and very active and happy. But she recently came over with some little bump on her tummy. She looks like she has a bit of a bloat in her gut, and theres a bump on the left side of her belly button. The doctors looked at it several times with an ultrasound, but they cant actualyl see anything.
The child will randomly grab it and say that it hurts and she feels sick.
Answer: Truthfully, it sounds like a hernia. Kids often get them around the height of their belly buttons. I am shocked the doctor wouldn't be able to determine this though. Has she had trouble going potty? Ask her mom and maybe start incorporating more fruits or fruit juices in her diet. It will take time for it to heal if it is a hernia, but she shouldn't strain when going. I would get a second opinion though. I find it odd the doc didn't know what it was, and if the child feels sick, it needs to be looked at again.
My friend's newborn has a massive hernia right next to his belly button. The doc said it will fix itself by the time he's two years old. The doc just said to make sure he doesn't strain when going.
Category: Toddler & Preschooler
Years of research point to strain kids put on relationships
Sleep-deprived new parents snapping at each other isnt exactly new comedy fodder, but theres a twist on the relationship-havoc that babies cause in the new movie Friends with kids that makes it clear you dont have to be married for a child to ...
The comedy Friends with kids explores the question of whether two friends can have a baby, raise it, and stay friends. The movie follows BFFs Jason and Julie (Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt, who also wrote and directed ...
When my kids friends come over to swim in our pool should I be outside monitoring?
We just moved into a house with a inground pool. Now that the weather is getting hot, my children friends want to go swimming. I never allow my kids to go swimming without a partner, but i am not neccesarily out the monitoring. I may check in on them, but they both know how to swim and they got each other to look after. Now with other kids in neighborhood how can trust that they know how to swim and should i be out there watching them like a life guard? I thought about having the kids parents sign permission slips letting them know that they are responsible for their children. I know that wont change my liabilty if something bad happens, but at least the liabilty wouldnt be mine alone.
Answer: You should make an agreement with the parents. You furnish the pool, they furnish the supervision. You can be tied to the pool all day, every day otherwise. Don't become the neighborhood babysitter. If they want their kids to swim in your pool they can jolly well come and watch them, or swim with them. It is generous enough for you to share your pool. You shouldn't have to donate all your time as well. Sounds kind of selfish, but you see the point.
Category: Swimming & Diving
MacGuffin Film Review - FRIENDS WITH KIDS | The MacGuffin
Adelaide Blair reviews the comedy Friends with kids, from writer/director/star Jennifer Westfeldt and co-starring Adam Scott.
Adam Scott Talks ‘FRIENDS WITH KIDS’, ‘Party Down’ Movie
Best known for his scene stealing turns on TV’s Parks and Recreation and the dearly departed Party Down, Adam Scott proves in Friends with kids that he ...
3 big movies -- John Carter, FRIENDS WITH KIDS, Silent House -- set for release this weekend
John Carter, Disneys sci-fi flick, will compete with young-adult movie Friends with kids and innovative horror flick Silent House on the big screen across America this weekend. Three big movies will hit theater this weekend: “John Carter ...
What do I need to take my friends kids across the border to U.S from Canada?
I am travelling to the U.S with my family and my kids have a couple friends that want to tag along. One os over 18 and one is under. What do each of the friends need to cross the border?
Answer: passports and in the case of the minor, a consent letter from both of the parents I believe.
Category: Other - Canada
SWIMMING; Coach for Two Countries Gives Swimming His Undivided Attention
GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA — The Olympic speech is nearly ready — not the victory speech Denis Cotterell plans to give after the big race in London, but the pep talk he plans to give to Sun Yang before the big race in London. Cotterell hopes to deliver it in Mandarin, a language that he is struggling to learn at age 62 but which is ever more - By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY
In Theaters: Take Some 'FRIENDS WITH KIDS' To See 'John Carter' Or ...
Yes, this weekend the questionable Civil War/Sci-Fi "John Carter" muscles its way into theaters, as well as Elizabeth Olsen spooky movie "Silent House," and funny attractive people with problems rom-com "Friends with kids." ...
Friends, Kids And Beating The System : NPR
The new comedy Friends with kids explores how babies change the relationships of everyone around them. Its written and directed by Jennifer Westfeldt ...
Children’s Events
‘A DAY OF REFLECTION’ When Robert Fish’s young boys saw televised images of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan last year, they immediately felt sorry for the children of Tohoku, the devastated region. His son Avi, then 6, said, “They must really want a teddy bear.” On Sunday, Japan Society, where Mr. Fish is director - By LAUREL GRAEBER
Should I take care of my friends kids for 3 days?
Our friend has 4 kids aged 5-9. 2 boys and 2 girls. we have a 7 year old girl. The 2 girls have spent the night once and we have done activities with this family several times.
Answer: Only if you do not make it a habit. And you have them sign something saying you can take them for emergency medical treatment should they need it. If they will not be available. Otherwise you could end up with a kid with a broken arm and the hospital waiting on his parents to travel back to approve treatment or worse.
And only if you can afford the added food, water, lights, etc. And can emotionally and physically handle the extra mess and noise and responsibility without taking away from your family.
Category: Friends
MOVIE REVIEW; ‘FRIENDS WITH KIDS,’ RomCom With Kristen Wiig and Jon Hamm
Like the girly sitcoms currently speckling the television schedule, “Friends with kids” comes fully equipped with jokes about vaginal elasticity (in this case lack thereof) and other formerly unmentionable female concerns. As limiting in their way as the football-watching, belly-scratching preoccupations of the sitcom man of yore, these - By JEANNETTE CATSOULIS
FRIENDS WITH KIDS has laughs of an all-night crying jag | Reuters
(L-R) Actor Jon Hamm, actress Megan Fox, director and actress Jennifer Westfeldt, and actor Adam Scott arrive on the red carpet for the film Friends With ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS - Rotten Tomatoes
Review: Friends with kids is a daring and poignant ensemble comedy about a close-knit circle of friends at that moment in life when children arrive and...
Marshall Fine: Review: FRIENDS WITH KIDS
Friends with kids is never as funny as I wanted it to be -- but I'm starting to think that few films can be. It's a smart romantic comedy that should amuse both halves of the couples who see it on date night.
ET Movie Interview: 'FRIENDS WITH KIDS' -
ET Movie Interview: 'Friends with kids' | News 14 Carolina is dedicated to providing local news and information that's important to you in the Triangle, Sandhills, Charlotte and Greensboro.
Friends With Benefits From Its Complications
The premise of Friends with kids is the stuff of high-concept romantic comedies: Writer-director Jennifer Westfeldt plays Julie, whos at the age when her odds of childbearing lessen each year, and theres no mate in sight. So her best friend, Jason ...
how much should i spend on friends kids this christmas?
Every christmas we give to friends kids, However this christmas things are a little with tight money wise because we are expecting out 1st baby within the next 3 weeks. I dont want to seem like a Scrooge on christmas but i also dont want to struggle with a new born considering we are on one wadge now im not working. I was thinking 25 per kid... Is this ok?
Answer: how about necklaces for the girls? for the boys i don't know and $25 seems ok to spend on each kid.
Category: Christmas
How can I adopt my friends kids?
Me and my best friend are both in the navy and married. His marriage is ending and his wife cant support herself even with his help. Is it possible that I can get full custody of his kids or guardian so he can have them and take care of there needs better than she can on her own. She isnt very responsible either or a healthy stable mother. What are things I can do?
Answer: No you can't. As long as she has the children you certainly have no say in the matter.
This is an old story--nothing new here.
Category: Adoption
Santorum and Romney Court Voters in Ohio and Super Tuesday States
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Republicans cast their votes in 10 states on Tuesday to help decide how to award the biggest batch of delegates so far in the party’s presidential nominating contest, with Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum engaged in a particularly competitive fight in Ohio. If Mr. Romney defeats Mr. Santorum in the bellwether primary here, it - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
FRIENDS WITH KIDS, and lots of laughs
Julie and Jason are a couple contemplating "cheating." OK, they arent really a couple. Theyre New York neighbors, best friends since college. So the cheating isnt what you think either. Julie (Jennifer Westfeldt) and Jason (Adam Scott) are ...
Kristen Wiig Parties After FRIENDS WITH KIDS Screening - UsMagazine ...
Kristen Wiig covered up at the Cinema Society party for Friends with kids, sponsored by Grey Goose Cherry Noir, at Boom Boom Room of the Standard Hotel in NYC. -- Lady Gaga having dinner with her mother after ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS movie review by Chicago Tribunes Michael ...
Friends with kids movie review by Chicago Tribunes Michael Phillips. Best friends Adam Scott and writer-director Jennifer Westfeldt decide to have a child ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friends with kids is an independent American ensemble comedy that is written, produced, directed by and also starring Jennifer Westfeldt. Her partner Jon ...
David Edelstein on ‘FRIENDS WITH KIDS,’ ‘Kid With a Bike ...
Friends with kids is the best breeder movie in years.
My friends kids have chickenpox. Can I pass that on to my wife?
I travel in the car to work every day with my friend. He has had chickenpox already, and I have too, but my wife.....
Can it be passed on to her through us?
Answer: 'yes if your wife haven't got chicken pox before, but if she have it during her childhood her body system can aLready recognize the VZvirus caused by chicken pox and she wiLL be immune to this. in some cases they can still deveLop this contagious disease if she have weak immune system.
Category: STDs
Director: Jennifer Westfeldt. . Actors: Adam Scott: Jason Fryman · Jennifer Westfeldt: Julie Keller · Jon Hamm: Ben · Kristen Wiig: Missy · Maya Rudolph: Leslie ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS Official Website
Two best friends decide to have a child together while keeping their relationship platonic, so they can avoid the toll kids can take on romantic relationships.
Jon Hamm talks comedy, Jennifer Westfeldt and “FRIENDS WITH KIDS”
Screw “Mad Men,” Jon Hamm has been killing it recently in the comedy department. There’s a reason the man has earned two Emmy nominations for his guest spots on “30 Rock,” been called back repeatedly to take part in “Saturday Night ...
FRIENDS WITH KIDS :: Movies :: Reviews :: Paste
Jason (Adam Scott) and Julie (writer-director Jennifer Westfeldt) are friends. Best friends. But just friends. And definitely not friends with benefits, as ...
Y do my friends always judge my kids?
I keep having issues with people judging my kids. I know they are not perfect and I correct them when I see a problem. But what I keep seeing is that my friends kids do the same exact things, but the friends never accept it, but will always be quick to point out my childrens downfalls. THis has happened over and over and with many different people. I see what there children do. I cant tell them because they get defensive and try to find more fault with mine! What gives and how do I handle it?
Answer: You should do the same to their kids, you are not different from them, both humans and both have the rights to do whatever you want.
Category: Friends
'FRIENDS WITH KIDS': A comedy that makes marriage post-kids look ...
8 hours ago ... The movie is hilarious for viewers who have already survived the harrowing first years of parenthood. For those married folk who haven't had ...
How difficult is it to become a Foster Parent in CA for friends kids?
We are considering trying to get the OK to foster kids of a family we have known for years who have had them taken away. Not worried about the extra stress on our home as our kids are extremely loving and social. Our kids also know these kids and have played with them in the past. Just wanted to know if anyone has ever done this for a friend before and if they have any secrets as to how to get on the good side of the CPS system (I know this may be very difficult). Thank you for any advice you may have.
Answer: hard!@
Category: Law & Ethics
FRIENDS WITH KIDS is raunchy but fun
"Friends with kids," the directorial debut of Jennifer Westfeldt (who wrote and starred in "Kissing Jessica Stein" and "Ira & Abby") is a delightful romantic comedy crafted by someone who understands the recipe and yet still can make it her own.
Tips for keeping kids safe on Facebook
“You can access networks pervasively, you can go to any library and get online, you can borrow your friends devices, so it’s not about confiscating devices it’s about training behavior," she advised. Inman is not suggesting young kids get ...
Blasting Super Bass on the drive to see Friends with kids. When did I become a middle aged soccer mom?!
From: tauntie_nikki - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Friends with kids 😄
From: mollieeee_6 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
OMG!:O the fact that my aunty used to be really close friends with gary barlow+jason orange when they were kids! Wish she still knew them!:o
From: VidaSwag_VsUp - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @CodyGee09: I wanna see Friends with kids.
From: youjuscallmeNAE - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Going to see Friends with kids tonight! Took two naps in hopes to stay awake.
From: NicoleCulver - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @TIME: Q&A: Adam Scott, star of Friends with kids, discusses his long road to success | (via @TIMECulture)
From: osusanto - Source: HootSuite
Im watching Friends with kids (405 others checked-in) @GetGlue #FriendsWithKids
From: mariafileto - Source:
Im watching Friends with kids (404 others checked-in) @GetGlue #FriendsWithKids
From: jeffywinger - Source:
Love my Jayhawks but treating my symptoms for movie withdrawal comes first. Rock Chalk #kubball Its time for Friends with kids
From: mkqi - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Theres a bridesmaids follow up @StefanieeH called "Friends with kids" we must c this in theaters
From: xo_jwintz - Source: Echofon
I wanna see Friends with kids.
From: CodyGee09 - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
I think I want to go see Friends with kids.
From: kurrasieg - Source: web
Friends with kids: What Age Can You Take Kids to the Movies?
From: Martin_Gibson2 - Source: twitterfeed
'Friends with kids': a funny, sweet and salty romantic comedy
From: MayaRudolphIbix - Source: web
#@ErinBurnett something wrong with me having seen both if them talk 2 my kids bout everything.dont want my friends 2
From: 444wizard - Source: Twitter for Android