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Rutgers : Photo Gallery

99 in 99: #98 RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
99 in 99: #98 RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
Get Lost! And Have Fun! — VonThun Farms
Get Lost! And Have Fun! — VonThun Farms
Home Page of Professor Dario Pompili
Home Page of Professor Dario Pompili
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Logo - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page ...
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Logo - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page ...
Ira Gang's Home Page
Ira Gang's Home Page - SI On Campus - Road Trip: RUTGERS - Wednesday December 6 ... - SI On Campus - Road Trip: RUTGERS - Wednesday December 6 ...
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Logo - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page ...
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Logo - Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page ...
Temple Football Forever: Teams to root for today: UB, SMU, RUTGERS
Temple Football Forever: Teams to root for today: UB, SMU, RUTGERS
RUTGERS Financial Aid
RUTGERS Financial Aid
RUTGERS geological sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RUTGERS geological sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Game behind the Game - About RUTGERS
The Game behind the Game - About RUTGERS
Beyonce Has A College Course At RUTGERS? « Thebossybible
Beyonce Has A College Course At RUTGERS? « Thebossybible
RUTGERS University Scarlet Knights | Sports Grind Entertainment
RUTGERS University Scarlet Knights | Sports Grind Entertainment
Five Freshmen Recruits Prepare for RUTGERS Women's Team - NYTimes.
Five Freshmen Recruits Prepare for RUTGERS Women's Team - NYTimes.
RUTGERS University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RUTGERS University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Wiz of Odds: RUTGERS
The Wiz of Odds: RUTGERS
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
RUTGERSLogo RUTGERS to Hire New Coach
RUTGERSLogo RUTGERS to Hire New Coach
RUTGERS Conference Services Home Page
RUTGERS Conference Services Home Page
File:William of Orange RUTGERS.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:William of Orange RUTGERS.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
RUTGERS Scarlet Knights
RUTGERS University
RUTGERS University
Map: Click here to see detailed Garden Map of RUTGERS Gardens
Map: Click here to see detailed Garden Map of RUTGERS Gardens
File:RUTGERS Stadium.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:RUTGERS Stadium.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RUTGERS Theater Alumni
RUTGERS Theater Alumni
File:RUTGERS-Newark.JPG - Wikimedia Commons
File:RUTGERS-Newark.JPG - Wikimedia Commons
New Brunswick, NJ : Spring at RUTGERS University photo, picture, image ...
New Brunswick, NJ : Spring at RUTGERS University photo, picture, image ...
RUTGERS Stadium #16 | Just Stadium | The World Stadium Photo ...
RUTGERS Stadium #16 | Just Stadium | The World Stadium Photo ...
New RUTGERS stadium scoreboard with replay capability
New RUTGERS stadium scoreboard with replay capability
library on the college avenue campus of RUTGERS new brunswick
library on the college avenue campus of RUTGERS new brunswick
 ... in-depth discussion of the RUTGERS Crime Map visit Crime Mapping
... in-depth discussion of the RUTGERS Crime Map visit Crime Mapping
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Foggy Saturday, Pt. 1
Tara Betts ("Page Meets Stage")
Tara Betts ("Page Meets Stage")
Yellow Flames
Yellow Flames
African Burial Ground
African Burial Ground
RUTGERS Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial
RUTGERS Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial
Politi: RUTGERS' C. Vivian Stringer sits on a very high-paying hot seat
Politi: RUTGERS' C. Vivian Stringer sits on a very high-paying hot seat
RUTGERS women to play Gonzaga at Zags' home
RUTGERS women to play Gonzaga at Zags' home
Ex-RUTGERS student guilty in webcam suicide case
Ex-RUTGERS student guilty in webcam suicide case
RUTGERS trial: LGBT community offers muted reaction to verdict
RUTGERS trial: LGBT community offers muted reaction to verdict
Rowan Excluded Some SAT Scores in RUTGERS Merger Fact Sheet
Rowan Excluded Some SAT Scores in RUTGERS Merger Fact Sheet
Jury reveals verdict in RUTGERS trial (7:40)
Jury reveals verdict in RUTGERS trial (7:40)
RUTGERS spycam conviction kindles debate over merits and flaws of hate crime laws
RUTGERS spycam conviction kindles debate over merits and flaws of hate crime laws
Former RUTGERS star Heather Zurich hoping for some more March magic
Former RUTGERS star Heather Zurich hoping for some more March magic
RUTGERS vs Stetson (Mar 16, 2012)
RUTGERS vs Stetson (Mar 16, 2012)
Former RUTGERS student convicted in webcam case
Former RUTGERS student convicted in webcam case
RUTGERS women to play Gonzaga at Zags' home
RUTGERS women to play Gonzaga at Zags' home
RUTGERS student guilty in webcam case
RUTGERS student guilty in webcam case
RUTGERS students help Embrace Kids
RUTGERS students help Embrace Kids
RUTGERS' Ashnault to Wrestle for All-America Honors
RUTGERS' Ashnault to Wrestle for All-America Honors
Ex-RUTGERS student guilty in webcam suicide case
Ex-RUTGERS student guilty in webcam suicide case

Rutgers : Videos

Ex-RUTGERS Student Guilty of Invasion of Privacy, Bias Intimidation
Ex-RUTGERS Student Guilty of Invasion of Privacy, Bias Intimidation
Fmr. RUTGERS Student Guilty in Webcam Case
Fmr. RUTGERS Student Guilty in Webcam Case
RUTGERS Villanova
RUTGERS Villanova
RUTGERS State of Mind (Official Music Video)
RUTGERS State of Mind (Official Music Video)
Eric LeGrand Leads His RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Onto The Field
Eric LeGrand Leads His RUTGERS Scarlet Knights Onto The Field
Take a Ride on a RUTGERS Bus
Take a Ride on a RUTGERS Bus
RUTGERS Fat Sandwich Challenge
RUTGERS Fat Sandwich Challenge
Standard of Proof in Question at RUTGERS Suicide Trial
Standard of Proof in Question at RUTGERS Suicide Trial
Fair Enough? Syracuse Edges RUTGERS
Fair Enough? Syracuse Edges RUTGERS
2011 RUTGERS Football Equipment Delivery
2011 RUTGERS Football Equipment Delivery
RUTGERS Fest Fight 2011
RUTGERS Fest Fight 2011
RUTGERS-Camden Merger Protest
RUTGERS-Camden Merger Protest
Raw Video: RUTGERS Suspect Rejects Plea Deal
Raw Video: RUTGERS Suspect Rejects Plea Deal
Team BBQ at Coach Schianos House
Team BBQ at Coach Schianos House
RUTGERS Webcam Spying Trial Begins
RUTGERS Webcam Spying Trial Begins
RUTGERS Sanu Circus Catch
RUTGERS Sanu Circus Catch
College Hoops 2K8 RUTGERS Legacy | First Challenge vs #6 Florida
College Hoops 2K8 RUTGERS Legacy | First Challenge vs #6 Florida
To Catch a Journalist: RUTGERS Education Professor in Pay-for-Play
To Catch a Journalist: RUTGERS Education Professor in Pay-for-Play
RUTGERS newest commit, Don Bosco defensive lineman Darius Hamilton
RUTGERS newest commit, Don Bosco defensive lineman Darius Hamilton
Iowa St Cyclones vs RUTGERS Scarlet Knights: 2011 Pinstripe Bowl College Football Pick and Preview
Iowa St Cyclones vs RUTGERS Scarlet Knights: 2011 Pinstripe Bowl College Football Pick and Preview
Ray Rice: Coming Home
Ray Rice: Coming Home
RUTGERS Beatboxer Competes Internationally
RUTGERS Beatboxer Competes Internationally
RUTGERS Football 2011 Season Highlights
RUTGERS Football 2011 Season Highlights
RUTGERS AD Tim Pernetti addresses the media regarding head coach Greg Schianos departure
RUTGERS AD Tim Pernetti addresses the media regarding head coach Greg Schianos departure
Villanova vs. RUTGERS 3/1/12 Sax Player Rocks Out Hard
Villanova vs. RUTGERS 3/1/12 Sax Player Rocks Out Hard

Rutgers : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

RUTGERS trial: LGBT community offers muted reaction to verdict

Dharun Ravis conviction Friday might best be described as a limited victory for the nations gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community, say activists who fight on that communitys behalf. Many seemed to have held their breath, fearful ...

RUTGERS Scarlet Knights News, Scores, Schedule, Stats -

Comprehensive and up-to-date Rutgers Scarlet Knights news, scores, schedule, stats and roster

How would people rate the RUTGERS New Brunswick Marching Band?

This summer Im marching a drum corps, and Im looking to decide if I want to march with The Rutgers Marching Band. If anyone could post some feedback on their marching band I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Answer: it's ok
Category: Polls & Surveys

Home | RUTGERS–New Brunswick

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is dedicated to advanced learning, creating knowledge and contributing to the growing vitality of the state. This is your ...

Former RUTGERS student convicted in webcam case

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- A former Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommates love life has been convicted of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy in a case that exploded into the headlines when the ...

Can i be a RUTGERS cheerleader and a full time pharmacy student?

Im planning on attending Rutgers university of new Brunswick to become a pharmacist but I also want to be a cheerleader or on the dance team. Will I be able to do both?(meaning be a pharmacy student or cheerleader/dancer) I have heard that being a pharmacy student here, you basically have no social life.but, I want to enjoy my 6 years in college. And last question, is it really true that you have basically no social life being a pharm student?
Answer: Yes, you should be able to fit that in your schedule. If things get busy, you can adjust one item to fit each thing in. Good luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

RUTGERS women go across country to play Gonzaga at Zags home in NCAA tournament

SPOKANE, Wash. — It was bad enough that Rutgers drew Gonzaga as its first opponent in the NCAA women’s basketball tournament and had to travel across the country to play the game on Gonzaga’s home floor. It got even worse when coach C.

RUTGERS University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is the largest institution for higher education in New Jersey, United States. It was originally chartered as Queen's ...


What does Rutgers expect ones GPA to be right out of high school? What must ones GPA be to get accepted? I tried looking it up, but could not find info on GPA. Thanks
Answer: The GPA varies depending on which campus you wish to start at and whether or not you are getting in with a certain program. Additionally, Rutgers looks at applications on a holistic measure - meaning they don't look only at the GPA, but what other factors contribute to a GPA. For Rutgers New Brunswick I believe the GPA is around a 3.0 or 3.2. Newark and Camden are less but you can usually transfer to New Brunswick later. Again, however, it's very possible to get in with a lower GPA if you have a lot of activities that you are part of or if your school doesn't weight the GPA (Rutgers reweights the GPA for you). Good luck!
Category: Polls & Surveys

Do I need to purchase licensing to use the RUTGERS Logo on a product?

Hello, I want to start a small business with college gear. Im planning on starting with Rutgers university. Do I need to purchase licensing from Rutgers to do that? If so how much do you think that would cost? Do you think it might be smarter to use another companies licensing and give them a royalty? Thanks in advance for any answers. Also Can I adjust their image ex. use an outline of their mascot without the full color to bypass the licensing?
Category: Small Business

Defendant Dharun Ravi Won’t Testify in RUTGERS Dorm Spying Trial

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — Dharun Ravi sat largely expressionless for three weeks as friends testified in a courtroom here that he set up a webcam to spy on his roommate and another man as they had sex in his Rutgers dorm room in the days before the roommate, Tyler Clementi , committed suicide. On Monday, Mr. Ravi rose and told the judge that he - By KATE ZERNIKE

RUTGERS verdict message: Online actions have real consequences

Here’s how Rutgers University responded, in a statement, to the verdict: “This tragedy, which will forever affect the lives of the families involved, deeply touched the Rutgers community and the world. Freedom of expression, tolerance, the ...


r we allowed 2 email Rutgers 2 ask questions about admissions
Answer: I would call them. I have have tried email, but it takes weeks sometimes until you here from them. I have called lots of schools, and they're usually very nice. They won't mind, because its the admissions job to help future students. Good Luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

In RUTGERS Webcam Trial, Jury Asks Judge for Clarification

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — The jury in the trial of a former Rutgers University student accused of invading his roommate’s privacy by using a webcam to watch him in an intimate encounter began deliberations on Wednesday and asked the judge to define two crucial terms. Jurors asked Judge Glenn Berman of Superior Court in Middlesex County to - By NATE SCHWEBER

U.S. News - On the Net, reactions pour in on RUTGERS webcam trial ...

The verdict returned Friday against Dharun Ravi, a former Rutgers University student who spied on the sexual tryst of Tyler Clementi, a roommate who later committed suicide, made for fast and furious conversation on the ...

Former RUTGERS Student Convicted Of Webcam Privacy Crime

Former Rutgers student Dharun Ravi was convicted on Friday of committing a hate crime for secretly videotapping his former roommate.

RUTGERS student convicted on hate crimes, other charges -

In a verdict that gay rights groups said should serve as a warning to homophobic bullies, a jury Friday convicted a former Rutgers University student of ...

Guilty verdict in RUTGERS webcam spying case – This Just In - CNN ...

[Updated at 8:01 p.m. ET] A former Rutgers University student accused of spying on and intimidating his gay roommate by use of a hidden webcam was found guilty Friday of all counts -- including invasion of privacy and the ...

The Official Site of RUTGERS Football

The Official Site of Rutgers University Scarlet Knights. The home of Scarlet Knights Football. Watch & Listen to live games and press conferences. Follow the Scarlet ...

Will RUTGERS C. Vivian Stringer rely on youth or upperclassmen in NCAA Tournament?

Energized by the arrival of a heralded freshman class that was ranked third in the country by HoopGurlz, the Rutgers women’s basketball team stirred memories of their glory years as they sprinted to a 15-2 start and a No. 7 national ranking.

How hard is it to get into the undergraduate finance program at RUTGERS Business School New Brunswick?

Im a freshman right now at Rutgers University New Brunswick and I was wondering how hard it is to get into the finance program for the business school. Thanks alot.
Answer: Hey, the requirements as of this year is as follows: 33:010:272 Introduction to Financial Accounting 01:198:170 Computer Applications to Business 01:220:102 Introduction to Microeconomics 01:220:103 Introduction to Macroeconomics 01:640:135 Calculus I 01:960:285 Introductory Statistics for Business You are also required to have at LEAST 54 credits and a GPA of a minimum of 3.3. The higher your GPA the better the chances. Also, the minimum GPA fluctuates every year depending on the strength of other applicants. Make SURE you finish all the required classes above before the end of sophomore year, and dont forget to apply to the business school the middle of sophomore year. Good luck, study hard, and pass all the above classes with at least a C and you'll be ok. Also dont forget to get above the minimum GPA, which is posted every year. Finally, you have to complete a liberal arts minor before you go to the business school. You wont have time to finish it once youre in.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

How do i find a RUTGERS cheer leader costume for halloween?

any suggestions?? i want to be a Rutgers cheer leader for halloween. Any one have an idea how to get the outfit?
Answer: Here it is :)
Category: Halloween

RUTGERS Knights Football, Basketball, and Recruiting Front Page covers Rutgers Athletics on the Network.

Ex-RUTGERS student Dharun Ravi found guilty in webcam case

NEW BRUNSWICK, n.j. — A former Rutgers University student convicted Friday in the webcam spying episode that ended in his gay roommates suicide could be headed off to prison in a case experts say stands as a tragic lesson for young people ...

Uneasy feeling for those at RUTGERS with links to India in wake of verdict in bullying case

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - The trial and subsequent conviction of Dharun Ravi drew national attention for its implications for privacy and anti-gay bias on college campuses. But many in the Indian community watched intently for another reason: The ...

Web Search | RUTGERS Search

Search the entire Rutgers collection of sites and domains, including faculty and student pages.

CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey

A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to . Film THREE LOCATIONS Three Locations “New Jersey Jewish Film Festival,” featuring 24 films at three locations; the Leon and Toby Cooperman JCC (JCC MetroWest) in West Orange; AMC Loews

Going to Extreme Lengths to Purge Household Toxins

LAURA MacCLEERY was four months pregnant when she parked herself on the couch and started an inventory of the chemicals in her Alexandria, Va., town house. First, Ms. MacCleery, 40, a lawyer and women’s health advocate, collected 70 products in a pile: things like makeup, shampoo, detergents and sink cleaners. Then she typed the names of the - By MICHAEL TORTORELLO

RUTGERS Football - Scarlet Knights News, Scores, Videos - College ...

Rutgers Scarlet Knights football scores, news, schedule, players, stats, photos, rumors, and video highlights on

Dharun Ravi Guilty of Hate Crimes in RUTGERS Case

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — A former Rutgers University student was convicted on Friday on all 15 charges he had faced for using a webcam to spy on his roommate having sex with another man, a verdict poised to broaden the definition of hate crimes in an era when laws have not kept up with evolving technology. “It’s a watershed moment, - By KATE ZERNIKE

Chris Christie’s Sharp Tongue Re-emerges in Spat With RUTGERS Student

Among the targets of Gov. Chris Christie ’s sharp tongue have been Democrats; Newt Gingrich; Raymond W. Kelly, the New York City police commissioner; and people who did not believe state flags in New Jersey should be lowered for Whitney Houston. To that list, Mr. Christie has added another object of invective: Bill Brown, 34, a law student at - By JAMES BARRON

How does the RUTGERS application process work?

I want to apply to Rutgers undecided but i have no idea how to apply. Like my friend told me to go to my counselor and ask her how to do it and i sent in a request to talk to her but in over a week, she hasnt replied. How does the application process work? I have written my letter and i have my SAT score. What else do i need to apply and what else do i need to send them? I want to apply online
Answer: well.. you gotta do it as soon as you read what i am writing now.. today (oct 15th) is the priority date for signing in.. go to Rutgers admission page and look for apply now thingy..
Category: Polls & Surveys

What area is safe and bad near RUTGERS Newark? How safe is the public transit station to NYC at RN?

I am about to accept admission to Rutgers Newark. I want am debating whether I should live near campus (which if it is unsafe and ghetto i wont) or live in NYC and take public transit into Rutgers. I understand it is a commuter school, but I do not know how safe the campus is. I will be there at night with my girlfriend and I want to know how safe the public transit from Newark to NYC is. If it is as dangerous as living near Rutgers Newark I would probably just live near the campus.
Answer: pay no attention to any one on this/go monday night and drive area/do this afew nights in a row/the cops are hot in this area/dont try irvington at all/complete anarchy at night/try going up 21 for living in belville or nutley/or further up to clifton etc/bus service is available to north cities/even kearney is ok/check the kids around there/they will confirm this
Category: Commuting

WOMENS N.C.A.A. TOURNAMENT; Point Guard McKenith Is Leading St. John’s Somewhere

Nadirah McKenith is the starting point guard for the St. John’s women’s basketball team because she has to be labeled something. Although only 5 feet 7 inches, she cruises into the lane to block shots, seize rebounds or take charges, often adjusting her headband as she heads upcourt. McKenith helped St. John’s (22-9) finish second - By DAVE CALDWELL

RUTGERS Baseball Blanked at No. 14 Stetson, 3-0

DeLAND, Fla. (March 16, 2012) – Rutgers University baseball could not get the bats going against Stetson University ace Kurt Schluter, losing 3-0 in the series opener on Friday at Melching Field. Senior Ryan Fasano (Stony Point, N.Y.) suffered his second ...

RUTGERS students help Embrace Kids

A powerful bond has formed between Samantha Hod, a member of the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority at Rutgers University, and Daisy Payne, a 4-year-old girl, who was diagnosed with leukemia more than one year ago. The two met and have grown to nurture ...

RUTGERS Knights Football, Basketball, and Recruiting Front Page covers Rutgers Athletics on the Network.

Home | RUTGERS-Newark

Donna Lee Wong (deceased) ―Donna Lee Wong, CNUR, Co-developer, Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale , Class of 1970

RUTGERS Football Complete football, basketball, baseball and recruiting coverage and breaking news of the Rutgers Univerity Scarlet Knights.

New Leopard Frog Species Is Discovered in N.Y.C.

The croak gave it away. On a foray into the wilds of Staten Island in 2009, Jeremy A. Feinberg, a doctoral candidate in ecology and evolution at Rutgers University, heard something strange as he listened for the distinctive mating call of the southern leopard frog — usually a repetitive chuckle. But this was a single cluck. “I started - By LISA W. FODERARO

Ex-RUTGERS student convicted of hate crime, invasion of privacy in ...

By By GEOFF MULVIHILL, Associated Press NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- A former Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate's love life was convicted of all counts Friday in a case that ...

RUTGERS Athletics | Scarlet Knights -

Get the latest Rutgers Football, Basketball, Baseball and other University Athletics news and blogs. Find Scarlet Knights photos, videos, and join fan forum at

RUTGERS University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is the largest institution for higher education in New Jersey, United States. It was originally chartered as Queens ...

RUTGERS University Football -

Rutgers University Football coverage from The Star-Ledger and Get live game updates, scores, player stories and talk about the Scarlet Knights.

Can I transfer to RUTGERS business school new Brunswick after one yr in county college?

I am a freshman at county college and I want to transfer to Rutgers. Is it possible for me to transfer into the business school (new Brunswick) after finishing my freshman year? Or would I have to do one year at sas and then apply to the business school?
Answer: Probably not. While you can transfer to Rutgers with a minimum of 12 transferable units, you need to complete 6 required courses (see link below) before you can be admitted to their business school. I have no idea what "sas" is so I can't answer that part of your question. If you choose to take the required courses at some place other than Rutgers, makes sure the classes will be accepted by Rutgers first.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Jurors Say Digital Evidence Convinced Them of Dharun Ravi’s Guilt

Dharun Ravi was not accused of causing the death of Tyler Clementi , his Rutgers University roommate who jumped off a bridge after Mr. Ravi used a webcam to spy on him kissing a man in their dorm and then talked about it on Twitter. But for members of the jury, some of the most convincing evidence of Mr. Ravi’s guilt came from Mr. - By DAVID M. HALBFINGER and BETH KORMANIK

Lawyers in RUTGERS Dorm Spying Trial Make Final Presentations

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — In the days before he killed himself, Tyler Clementi did not act as though he was intimidated by the discovery that his roommate had used a webcam to watch him kissing another man, a lawyer for the roommate said Tuesday. And the roommate, Dharun Ravi , acted not out of malice, he argued, but in a way that might have been - By KATE ZERNIKE

How can I establish or start NROTC at RUTGERS University?

I just transferred into Rutgers like many people do from other universities or county colleges. I want to eventually be an officer in the Navy but sadly the opportunities here at Rutgers are very slim when it comes to the Navy. Rutgers is only affiliated with the Army and Air Force, not the Navy. .How can I, a normal student, push the school or the Armed Forces, to consider NROTC at Rutgers University? Has anyone attempted this at their school? What was the outcome?
Answer: Other students as well as the Navy are trying to re-establish Nrotc at Rutgers. Also at Columbia, Yale, Harvard and Brown which tossed Nrotc off campus in the late 60's/early 70's. The Navy has the BDCP, CEC and NUPOC for students at campuses without Nrotc Battalions: Good Luck!
Category: Military

RUTGERS Official Says Verdict Will Not Affect Admissions - NYTimes ...

Rutgers University officials said they did not expect admissions to be negatively affected by Dharun Ravi's conviction for hate crimes against his roommate.

Politi: RUTGERS C. Vivian Stringer sits on a very high-paying hot seat

The contract, when it was approved four years ago, could be summed up in seven simple words: If he gets it, she gets it. That is, if Greg Schiano got a bump in his base salary at Rutgers, so did C. Vivian Stringer. It was a reward for turning ...

Dharun Ravi Found Guilty In RUTGERS Webcam Spying Trial « CBS ...

In a split verdict, Dharun Ravi, a former Rutgers student accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate who later committed suicide, has been found guilty of invasion of privacy and bias intimidation.

RUTGERS Gymnastics Finishes Regular Season Placing Second at W&M

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (March 16, 2012) – In its final meet before the EAGL Championships, Rutgers University gymnastics ended the regular season with a second-place finish inside Kaplan Arena at the College of William & Mary on Friday. RU totaled a 192.600 ...

U.S. News - Former RUTGERS student convicted in webcam case

A former Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate's love life has been convicted of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy in a case that exploded into the headlines when the victim ...

The Official Site of RUTGERS Athletics

The Official Site of Rutgers University Scarlet Knights.

Welcome | RUTGERS, The State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is dedicated to advanced learning, creating knowledge and contributing to the growing vitality of the state. This is ...

Department of Philosophy | School of Arts and Sciences - RUTGERS ...

The School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Former RUTGERS star Heather Zurich hoping for some more March magic

When Heather Zurich and her Rutgers teammates reached the NCAA national title game five years ago, they built quite a reputation as giant killers. Their path to the Final Four included victories over top-seeded Duke and heavily favored LSU, ending only ...

How long it took for others to receive notification from RUTGERS saying they were accepted/declined?

I applied to Rutgers Camden in March and I was just wondering how long it took for other people to receive notification as to whether or not they have been accepted. I have not heard from them since they sent a letter saying they received my application. Just getting a little antsy and wanted to hear other peoples experiences. Thanks for the help!
Answer: I was just accepted to Rutgers Camden for Grad School. I applied in February and it took about 3-4 weeks to hear about my official acceptence. I mailed all of my supporting documents in one folder so they would not get seperated. They receive a lot of applications and supporting documents in the mail, so it could be a few weeks before you hear back. If you applied near the deadline, it could be a little longer. If you applied for Grad School, you can check your status by going here: Best of luck to you
Category: Spam & Bulk Mail

What exactly does RUTGERS University look for in acceptance from transfer students?

Im a third year college student looking to transfer to Rutgers University yet Im wondering what they look for before they make their decision. My GPA is 2.9 and yet there were 3-4 courses I didnt do well and I retook. To those that have transferred directly from a college to Rutgers University, what do they look for within your transcripts? Is is possible that they will accept someone one failed four courses yet retook them and did better?
Answer: Most of the time it is more difficult to transfer credits to Rutgers because they have a strict criteria. I knew a couple of transfers to Rutgers NB who did well in other colleges, but a lot of their classes were not accepted by Rutgers due to strict standards. Most of the transfers stayed another year to complete requirements. The possibility of being accepted also depends which campus you are applying for. Newark and Camden are easier to get in than New Brunswick campus. It is highly unlikely that Rutgers will allow a transcript with 4 failed into the school. And even if they did, it is rare that the courses will count towards your graduation credits.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Welcome | RUTGERS, The State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is dedicated to advanced learning, creating knowledge and contributing to the growing vitality of the state. This is your ...

RUTGERS' webcam spying case: Was the jury right to call it a hate ...

Dharun Ravi is found guilty, and faces 10 years in prison for tormenting gay roommate Tyler Clementi, who killed himself by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

The Official Site of RUTGERS Football

The Official Site of Rutgers University Scarlet Knights. The home of Scarlet Knights Football. Watch & Listen to live games and press conferences. Follow the ...

Who thinks RUTGERS should get a shot for the natl title if they are unbeaten at the end of the year?

I Like this Rutgers team. Ray Rice is a absolute beast who could (and maybe should) win the Heisman trophy. But more important to this team than Rices performance so far (we already expected this from rice) is quarterback Mike Teel. He is lighting it up this year. You turn on Sportscenter all you see is Teel to Underwood, who, by the way, is all-american wideout. That defense is solid too. TO ME, They are the most talented team on both sides of the ball besides LSU. Which leads me to my point. They can beat West Virginia (who is overrated to me; no defense) and Louisville (again no defense). If they are undefeated at the end of this season, DO THEY DESERVE A SHOT AT THE BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP? Chris not a Rutgers fan i was just asking this question because they seem to be playing really well.
Answer: If they're one of 2 undefeated teams, then yes they should play for the National Title. If they are one of a group of 3 or more undefeated teams (USC, LSU and Oklahoma all have a chance to win out) then Rutgers wouldn't fit in the National Title picture. The schedule they play just isn't up to par - even with WVU and Louisville - because as you said those teams are overrated.
Category: Football (American)

RUTGERS University Libraries

Rutgers University Libraries Main Page: Comprised of twenty-six libraries, centers, and reading rooms located on Rutgers campuses in New Brunswick/Piscataway, Camden ...

RUTGERS Cooperative Research and Extension of Morris County

Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension of Morris County

How much more work can i expect at RUTGERS vs a community college?

Just wondering since im about to transfer to Rutgers from Brookdale. How many more hours of work should i expect to have to do per/day in order to maintain my current 3.5 gpa if i keep the same marketing major.
Answer: A lot. No one can tell you for sure how many hours more you'll be working. It depends on your major, classes, study habits, intelligence, etc. But I'll tell you one thing that's for sure- Rutgers has a great business school, and it's a great school overall. Expect to do a lot of work, much more than a community college, especially for a marketing major. A's are hard to come by at RU, and you really do need to work for them. Having said that, Rutgers is a great school, and if you do well, you'll be rewarded. Good luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

RUTGERS University Press

Web site for Rutgers University Press - academic and trade publisher.

Lesson of RUTGERS case: Online actions carry consequences

The conviction of ex-Rutgers student Dharun Ravi sends a message to social media users that actions and words played out across the Web could lead to a prison sentence, legal and digital experts say. Ravi, convicted of invasion of privacy and other charges ...

The Official Site of RUTGERS Athletics

The Official Site of Rutgers University Scarlet Knights. ... Led by a career-best four goals from senior midfielder Ali Steinberg (Suffern, N.Y.), the Rutgers women ...

How hard is it to get into RUTGERS New Brunswick transferring from a NJ community college?

I heard its harder to get into Rutgers as a transfer. What factors do they look at the most and what criteria do you think I need? Thank you SO much!
Answer: I transferred to Rutgers College (the main campus in New Brunswick before they merged them) from Warren County Community College in 2003. At the time they had guaranteed that if you graduated from community college with a 3.2 or a 3.5 or something like that you automatically got accepted into one of the Rutgers schools (I had a 4.0). Play it safe and apply to multiple Rutgers schools, if you aren't graduating from the Community College you might have a harder time, but Rutgers didn't need my SAT scores or High School transcripts, just my WCCC transcripts. They also gave me a full tuition scholarship for being a member of Phi Theta Kappa, but I understand that these scholarships are limited.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Ex-RUTGERS student guilty in webcam suicide case

By GEOFF MULVIHILL Associated Press NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) - A former Rutgers University student convicted Friday in the webcam spying episode that ended in his gay roommates suicide could be headed off to prison in a case experts say stands as a tragic ...

Home | RUTGERS–New Brunswick

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is dedicated to advanced learning, creating knowledge and contributing to the growing vitality of the state. This is ...

RUTGERS Womens Basketball Scouting Report

Rutgers starters: Nikki Speed (G, 5-8, Sr., 2.1 ppg., 2.0 rpg.); Khadijah Rushdan (G, 5-9, R-Sr., 13.0 ppg., 5.8 rpg.); Erica Wheeler (G, 5-7, Jr., 8.0 ppg., 2.8 rpg.); April Sykes (G/F, 6-0, Sr., 13.0 ppg., 5.5 rpg.); Monique Oliver (F/C, 6-2 ...

Former <b>Rutgers</b> student convicted of bias intimidation in webcam spying case. (Philadelphia Inquirer): Rutgers student convicted of bias intimidation in webcam spying case. (Philadelphia Inquirer):
From: DailyTopStories - Source: DailySource

NYTimes: Jury Finds Spying in <b>Rutgers</b> Dorm Was a Hate Crime #privacy #pr Jury Finds Spying in Rutgers Dorm Was a Hate Crime #privacy #pr
From: IsCool - Source: iOS

What are appeals chances in <b>Rutgers</b> bias case? - CBS NewsWhat are appeals chances in Rutgers bias case? - CBS News
From: AniyaFongLOY - Source: web

RT @lecreative: RT @moiracathleen: Jury finds spying in <b>Rutgers</b> dorm room was a hate crime. Sometimes the judicial system works. @lecreative: RT @moiracathleen: Jury finds spying in Rutgers dorm room was a hate crime. Sometimes the judicial system works.
From: moiracathleen - Source: TweetDeck

@CivilizeThe85 Greg Shciano from <b>Rutgers</b> or OC is mike Sullivan he was the giants QB coach the last six years and I our DC is Bill Sheridan@CivilizeThe85 Greg Shciano from Rutgers or OC is mike Sullivan he was the giants QB coach the last six years and I our DC is Bill Sheridan
From: Dre_Irish_40s - Source: Mobile Web

<b>Rutgers</b> Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial – New York Times #headlines #newsRutgers Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial – New York Times #headlines #news
From: elopez6085 - Source: Google

NJ webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former <b>Rutgers</b> University student convicted in the webcam s... webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former Rutgers University student convicted in the webcam s...
From: AriyanRajz - Source: twitterfeed

NJ webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former <b>Rutgers</b> University student convicted in the webcam spying episode that en...NJ webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former Rutgers University student convicted in the webcam spying episode that en...
From: EricGavine - Source: twitterfeed

Robert Paisola News NJ webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former <b>Rutgers</b> Universi... World News ZoneRobert Paisola News NJ webcam case a lesson in unintended consequence: A former Rutgers Universi... World News Zone
From: UtahNewsZone - Source: twitterfeed

Im at <b>Rutgers</b> Disc Golf Course w/ @aupps at Rutgers Disc Golf Course w/ @aupps
From: Aroxx - Source: foursquare

Dharun Ravi Guilty of Hate Crime against Tyler Clementi. Ravi Guilty of Hate Crime against Tyler Clementi.
From: Gideon_de_beer - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

<b>Rutgers</b> student guilty of hate crime: A former <b>Rutgers</b> University student has been found guilty of intimidating ... student guilty of hate crime: A former Rutgers University student has been found guilty of intimidating ...
From: CrimeHoy - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Rutgers</b> hate crime verdict sends anti-bullying message: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dharun Ravis hate crimes convictio... hate crime verdict sends anti-bullying message: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dharun Ravis hate crimes convictio...
From: CrimeHoy - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Rutgers</b> Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial #ravi #<b>Rutgers</b> #<b>Rutgers</b>_trialRutgers Case Jurors Say Digital Evidence Was Crucial #ravi #Rutgers #Rutgers_trial
From: TodayHotNews1 - Source: Today Hot News - breaking news

RT @michaelowenhill: The great philosophers answer "why did the chicken cross the road?" @michaelowenhill: The great philosophers answer "why did the chicken cross the road?"
From: blleaf - Source: StumbleUpon iPhone

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