Walking dead finale : Videos
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Walking dead finale : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
The WALKING DEAD FINALE Recap: The Rick We Know and Love is Dead
For fans who’ve been wingeing all season about the lack of blood, guts, and groaning walkers, the finale delivered a larger order than any of use could have anticipated. The first scene takes us back to Atlanta, where the helicopter Rick saw in Season ...
ADVERTISING; Marketers Work Around the Gore To Reach a Zombie Shows Audience
BING, the two-year-old Microsoft search engine, has paid for product placements in movies including Source Code and television shows including The Vampire Diaries and Hawaii Five-0. But when the search engine pursued a placement in The Walking Dead, the AMC drama whose second season premiere will be shown on Sunday night, the - Andrew Adam Newman Advertising column on marketing campaign for Microsofts Bing search engine; they are working on a tie-in with television program The Walking Dead. Photo (M) - By ANDREW ADAM NEWMAN
Season finale review: The Walking Dead - Behind the Dying Fire
A review of "The Walking Dead" season finale coming up just as soon as I make a bad joke about Asian drivers... Theres a moment midway through "Behind the Dying Fire" where were no longer watching any of our regular characters. Herschels farm has been ...
'Walking Dead': showrunner Glenn Mazzara talks finale | Inside TV ...
3 days ago ... In a conference call with reporters, The Walking Dead showrunner Glen Mazzara took questions about Sunday's second-season finale, recent ...
What did Dr. Jansen whisper to Rick Grimes on Walking Dead season 1 finale?
While were at it, why arent the survivors ever afraid of getting zombie blood on them?
I cannot believe that anyone that knows even the simplest thing about disease prevention would not want to keep an infected persons blood off them. To assume its okay because no one has proved it yet is beyond stupid.
Category: Drama
WALKING DEAD FINALE Teased Out By Producer
The Walking Dead may be one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons to ever grace our televisions. It took the usual campy subject of zombies and made it into something with more bite. With the finale airing tonight, fans are wondering what’s going happen ...
ARTSBEAT; David Morrissey to Join The Walking Dead
One of the nations most sought-after political positions has been filled well in advance of Election Day: AMC announced on Friday that the British actor David Morrissey will play the role of the Governor on its hit apocalypse-by-zombie drama The Walking Dead. Mr. Morrissey, whose British television credits include the original BBC mini-series - British actor David Morrissey will play the role of the Governor in season 3 of the AMC channels hit television drama series The Walking Dead. (M)ù - By DAVE ITZKOFF
THEATER REVIEW | TITUS ANDRONICUS; I Wouldnt Touch That Pie, if I Were You
The torture-porn movie business has an ancient and revered progenitor in the immortal Shakespeare himself. His early tragedy Titus Andronicus is a careering pileup of gothic horrors in which great ingenuity is shown in the matter of violent murder. Heads and hands are lopped off at regular intervals; the body count practically defies - Charles Isherwood reviews Public Lab production of Shakespeare play Titus Andronicus, directed by Michael Sexton and starring Jennifer Ikeda and Jay O Sanders at the Public Theater. Photos (M) - By CHARLES ISHERWOOD
'Walking Dead' Season Finale: A Zombie Drama Loses Its ...
2 days ago ... It's better not see how TV shows or sausages are made. Even if you can stomach "The Walking Dead"
MOVIE REVIEW; Last Days Here
Unexpectedly flouting its doomy title, Last Days Here invests the standard, washed-up rock-star tale with surprising sweetness. Observing the drug-fueled descent and attempted resuscitation of Bobby Liebling, the self-destructive frontman of the 1970s metal band Pentagram, Don Argott and Demian Fentons unfussy documentary hopes for redemption - Jeannette Catsoulis reviews documentary film Last Days Here, directed by Don Argott and Demian Fenton. Photo (M)/ - By JEANNETTE CATSOULIS
what is the song that plays at the end of the Walking Dead season 1 finale?
I think its episode 6, aired tonight (Dec. 5. 2010). Sounded like Bob Dylan.
Answer: Yup, it's "Tomorrow is a Long Time" by Bob Dylan
Category: Drama
The Walking Dead Season 2 finale: Who will survive the zombie farm invasion?
The World News (WN) Network, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to user privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for wn.com, as well as e-mail newsletters.
WALKING DEAD FINALE Teased Out By Producer | WebProNews
17 hours ago ... The Walking dead finale airs tonight at 9 p.m. on AMC. ... Give me Walking Dead and Breaking Bad any day over some movie I have seen a ...
Walking Dead: showrunner Glenn Mazzara talks finale | Inside TV ...
In a conference call with reporters, The Walking Dead showrunner Glen Mazzara took questions about Sunday’s second-season finale, recent character deaths ...
'The Walking Dead' Season 2 finale: 'Beside the Dying Fire ...
In a finale not short on “holy crap” moments, a lot happened to advance the story of our merry (okay, maybe not so merry) band of zombie-apocalypse survivors.
WALKING DEAD FINALE Teased Out By Producer | WebProNews
The Walking Dead may be one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons to ever grace our televisions. It took the usual campy subject of zombies and made it into something with more bite. With the finale airing tonight, fans ...
Season 2 finale of The Walking Dead tonight - National The ...
Tonight the second season of The Walking Dead comes to a close, with extra zombie mayhem and drama in the season finale, "Beside the Dying Fire." What will happen to ...
Watch Walking Dead season finale online?
Did you watch Walking Dead season finale? what can you say? where can i watch it?
Answer: im currently watcthing!! you can watch it on AMC
Category: Drama
Can ‘The Killing’ Make a Comeback?
In an ideal world — or, at least, in Veena Sud’s ideal world — we would be talking about her history as a Hemingway-loving women’s-studies major at Columbia, or the time she took a master class with Spike Lee at N.Y.U. film school, or her years as a gloomy loner growing up in Cincinnati, reading “Helter Skelter” - By ADAM STERNBERGH
Walking Dead Season 2 Finale Spoilers: Michonne Rescues Andrea ...
Michonne rescues Andrea,more people die & more in this new set of Walking Dead season 2 finale spoilers. Spoiler TV recently dropped this,new,leaked,set of ...
What did you think of the The Walking Dead season finale?
I liked the Bob Dylan song at the end.
Answer: I feel a bit let down.
Every show ends it's season with a cliffhanger, so I expected this show would do the same... but this finale accomplished nothing. It taught us absolutely nothing about the disease. It gave us absolutely no new information, except the basic gist of how the disease affects the brain... which we essentially already knew. I figured we'd at least be told something about how the disease came to be in the first place. Or, learned what the Dr. figured out with the test subject we were shown earlier in the season, the one that contaminated the room and was burned up. Learn something about where Meryl is and what he is doing. Anything. Buuut, nope. We were given no new knowledge. Like I said, I understand the whole "cliffhanger" thing... but that was an almost entirely pointless episode.
That being said, I am totally sucked into the show. I'll be back next season, just like every other poor bastard who got sucked into the story.
And the Bob Dylan song WAS nice.
edit: (((((Sexican)))))
I hope you enjoy it!
Category: Polls & Surveys
where can i watch the walking dead season 2 finale free?
i have google searched almost everything possible and have not found a site where i can watch the season finale of the walking dead (season 2)
help please!!!!
Category: Reality Television
ARTSBEAT; Mad Men Is Set To Return on March 25
Jon Hamm has been a bad boy, and not just in his scenes in Bridesmaids. A few days ago Mr. Hamm let it slip in a podcast interview that the long-awaited season premiere of Mad Men, the AMC period drama on which he plays the advertising executive Don Draper, would be shown on March 25. Though a few days of radio silence from the network - AMC confirms that season 5 of acclaimed drama series Mad Men will begin on March 25, 2012 with a two-hour episode. Photo (M) - By DAVE ITZKOFF
WALKING DEAD FINALE Teased Out By Producer | WebProNews
Walking dead finale Teased Out By Producer "Were on a good killing spree right now"
The WALKING DEAD FINALE Recap: The Best Episode Since The Pilot?
Note: Do not read on if you have not watched the Season 2 finale of AMCs "The Walking Dead," entitled "Beside the Dying Fire." The first two acts of "The Walking Dead" Season 2 finale were full of excitement, honest to God suspense and characters who came ...
WALKING DEAD FINALE Hits Series High - Live Feed
AMCs The Walking Dead hit a series high for its final first season episode Sunday night. Six million viewers tuned in for the shows sixth episode, including four ...
The ‘Walking Dead’ finale: Ridin’ in cars, shootin’ at zombies and getting a glimpse of Michonne
The season finale of “Walking Dead” combined elements from a George Romero film, a summer action flick and “Gone With the Wind.” There were car chases, zombies, tons of zombie killings and a beloved Georgia barn going up in flames.
WALKING DEAD FINALE: Producer Says Killing Spree Will Continue Tonight
The Walking dead finale airs tonight on AMC and according to producer Glen Mazzara anyone could die tonight. The Walking Dead has seen some key ...
What do you think will happen in The WALKING DEAD FINALE?
Do you think anyone will die? The previews shows Carol against a wall screaming so what do you think will happen?
Answer: I'm still wondering how Randall and Shane both came down with the zombie bug if they weren't bitten. Could it have something to do with the fact that the barn where they kept Randall is the same barn they kept the walkers.
Randall really bloodied his wrists trying to free himself. Could he have infected himself with zombie virus left over from the walkers that were kept there. But then, how'd Shane get it.
If you can catch zombie virus by other means than a direct bite that is going to change things dramatically.
I never thought they'd get rid of Shane. He was a prick, but such a central character.
I think they are going to be forced, or decide to go back on the road again. This whole season was about the farm. They need to get the show back on the road, introduce some more survivors, and have some totally gruesome zombie attack scenes. There MUST be other survivors' enclaves, mustn't there?
Category: Other - Television
AMCs The Walking Dead is season finale is tonight, how many of you will be watching?
@ Asthma
1. The girl was bitten on the neck, and was put in the barn.
2. They are all already infected. It only takes a mortal wound to to turn after death.
By the way they are running previous episodes right now before the finale.
Category: Politics
Shane Nyman column: AMCs The Walking Dead picks up pace before finale
“Walking Dead” fans: Doesn’t November seem like forever ago? It was then, just before the series took a mid-season break, that we thought our beloved zombie apocalypse drama had turned into a snoozer of a soap opera. Well, a soap opera ...
Whose all waiting for the WALKING DEAD FINALE?
Answer: awww yeah
Category: Polls & Surveys
Is there anyway to watch the walking dead season 2 finale online from live from america?
please help, the final episode of the walking dead is shown on Sunday in america and id really like to see it. im from the UK.
Category: Drama
WALKING DEAD FINALE: Producer Says Killing Spree Will Continue ...
The Walking dead finale airs tonight on AMC and according to producer Glen Mazzara anyone could die tonight. The Walking Dead has seen some key.
TELEVISION; The Top Man At Mad Men Isnt Mad Anymore
LOS ANGELES THERE is an almost Sisyphean sensation that comes from navigating the network of hallways, elevators and escalators at the Los Angeles Center Studios here that lead at last to the dimly lighted office of Matthew Weiner and asking him, point blank, what he plans for the new season of Mad Men. It is a futile feeling because, as any - Don Draper and his colleagues return to AMC for a long-delayed fifth season of Mad Men, but series creator Matthew Weiner will reveal nothing about where the action will take it; Weiner struck a deal with the network to keep him with the show through a seventh season, after tense negotiation that threatened the future of the series. Photos (M)/ - By DAVE ITZKOFF
The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale Preview (VIDEO) | eCanadaNow
If you are a fan of the Walking Dead then, tonight is the night you’ve been waiting for. Tune in tonight on AMC at 9pm for the season 2 finale. Dale is ...
Maureen Ryan: 'The Walking Dead' Finale Recap: The Best Episode ...
Unless the finale was really satisfying, I was ready to write "The Walking Dead" off. The finale did a good job of reeling me back in, but we're not out of the woods yet, so to speak.
Walking Dead - Beside The Dying Fire - Season 2 Finale Spoilers ...
You want spoilers for tonight’s The Walking Dead season finale? That’s going to be a tall order, amigos, because AMC has carried out an almost complete blackout ...
The Walking Dead – AMC
How to keep yourself occupied until The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale, Beside the Dying Fire, airs this Sunday night at 9/8c on AMC.
What was the Bob Dylan song at the end of The WALKING DEAD FINALE?
Answer: "Tommorow Is A Long Time" I was wondering too :P
Category: Lyrics
Does anyone know what the Scientist from the CDC wispered to Rick on The Walking Dead Season Finale?
I have my theory, but I want to know what you guys think.
Answer: Because he gave everyone blood test, my guess is either A) Rick's wife is pregnant or B) the blonde chick whose sister died is infected (I mean she was throwing up like dude from the RV).
Category: Drama
Will someone on the East Coast please upload Walking Dead Season Finale tonight?
Seriously, please, upload it somewhere and post the link. THanks
Category: Drama
TELEVISION; Matthew Weiner Is Silent on ‘Mad Men’ Season Premiere
LOS ANGELES THERE is an almost Sisyphean sensation that comes from navigating the network of hallways, elevators and escalators at the Los Angeles Center Studios here that lead at last to the dimly lighted office of Matthew Weiner and asking him, point blank, what he plans for the new season of “Mad Men.” It is a futile feeling because, - By DAVE ITZKOFF
How many people do you think will watch the Walking dead season finale?
And when will 3rd season be aired?!
Category: Drama
Walking Dead Season Finale: A Zombie Drama Loses Its Innocence ...
(Spoiler alert: The following discusses things that have already happened on "Walking Dead.") Its hard to say a show about a zombie apocalypse had much innocence to ...
WALKING DEAD FINALE: Who would you kill? | PopWatch | EW.com
Are you still decompressing from last night’s Walking Dead midseason finale? Have your breathing patterns returned to normal? Have the lambs stopped ...
WALKING DEAD FINALE: Producer Says Killing Spree Will Continue ...
14 hours ago ... The Walking dead finale airs tonight on AMC and according to producer Glen Mazzara anyone could die tonight. The Walking Dead has seen ...
'The Walking Dead' Season 2 Finale Review | Screen Rant
After the events of the last two episodes, the group is faced with an even bigger problem as a horde of walkers makes way to Hershel's farm. Who survives, who falls and what is in store for the survivors come season 3?
What was the first word for the WALKING DEAD FINALE?
Category: Reality Television
Top 5 Predictions For AMCs The WALKING DEAD FINALE
On Sunday March 17, 2012 AMC Television will show the Season Finale of The Walking Dead. Fans have been stunned by the last two episodes in which two favorite main characters from the Grimes Gang have been killed. While the loss of a single main ...
What were the things in the WALKING DEAD FINALE?
When Andrea got saved, there was a guy and then behind him there were two guys without arms and they were chained together by their necks. What were they? Trained walkers???
Category: Reality Television
AMC Confirms ‘Walking Dead’ Michonne Casting
(Spoiler – this story contains minor plot details from Sunday’s “The Walking Dead” season finale.) Actress Danai Gurira, who appeared in HBO’s “Treme,” has been cast as the Michonne, the fan favorite role from the graphic novels.
The Walking Dead
There was a sense after last weeks Walking Dead that the season finale could feasibly change anything. The last two weeks had brought two game-changing fatalities to the shows main cast, and with a horde of zombies bearing down on Hershels ...
'The Walking Dead' Season 2 Finale Drinking Game And Signature ...
2 days ago ... Season 2 of "The Walking Dead" is coming to an end (finale airs Sun., Mar. 18, 9 p.m. ET on AMC), but we can't say goodbye to the zombie ...
The Walking Dead: Beside the Dying Fire
The season finale opens with a scene from the season premiere ... Also, share your favorite moments of the episode and your guesses as to what will happen when The Walking Dead returns in the fall. Scoop about Michonne will be much appreciated, just ...
The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale Drinking Game And Signature Cocktail (VIDEO)
Season 2 of "The Walking Dead" is coming to an end (finale airs Sun., Mar. 18, 9 p.m. ET on AMC), but we cant say goodbye to the zombie drama without a couple of stiff drinks. In order to properly toast those apocalypse survivors weve said ...
The Walking Dead Who Will Be Zombie Bait? In The Season Two ...
Tonight is the finale that all of The Walking Dead fans have been waiting for and The Walking Dead boss Glen Mazzara promises that there will be a lot more bloodshed.
'Walking Dead' writer Robert Kirkman talks about tonight's game ...
You know those episodes of the Walking Dead in which people don't get eaten, zombies don't get blasted with guns, and major plot points destined to impact the show in drastic, game-changing ways don't get introduced? Well, tonight's second season finale of the AMC was not one of those.
On the season finale of The Walking Dead, the honeymoon's over
Holy crap, tonight's season finale of The Walking Dead,"Beside the Dying Fire," was an absolute demolition derby, and — as the show embarks on a new chaotic chapter — some your favorite (?) survivors may have been put ...
The Walking Dead | Facebook
Walking Dead Executive Producer,Glen Mazzara, will be live tweeting the West coast showing of tonight's finale, starting at 9PT. Follow along for special ...
"The Walking Dead" season finale will be "complete and utter chaos ...
(CBS News) You thought last nights episode of "The Walking Dead" was a shocker - just wait until next weeks season two finale. "The finale is probably ...
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (Showtime) THE COMPANY MEN (2010) Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones (above left, with Mr. Affleck) and Chris Cooper portray mid- to high-level employees at a fictional Boston company confronting sudden corporate downsizing -- the better to justify the chief executives $22 million salary on the eve of a probable merger. Some of the details are - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
'The Walking Dead' season finale: Attack the farm | PopWatch | EW ...
UPDATE: Walking Dead season finale full recap is live! After a shaky batch of episodes that stranded the band of survivors on the world's most manic-depressive farm, The Walking Dead has been on a roll the last couple ...
Spring finale watch: The Walking Dead Season 2 ends Beside The Dying Fire
*** The Walking Dead airs on AMC and can be found on channels 16 for Insight Communications Customers and channel 54 for Time Warner Customers . For HD channel versions, check your local cable or satellite provider for more information. *** Sunday’s ...
Q&A with The Walking Deads Showrunner Glen Mazzara
In anticipation of tonights season finale of AMCs "The Walking Dead" Dread Central recently had the opportunity to take part in a conference call with showrunner Glen Mazzara who chatted about what you can expect from tonights episode ...
The Walking Dead Season 2 finale: Beside the Dying Fire everything changes
***It should go without saying, but if you havent yet watched Sundays (March 18) season finale, then you risk having it utterly spoiled by reading past this point.*** It turns out that "Beside the Dying Fire" is where everything changed -- at ...
Help me watch the walking dead season 2 finale online free?
i need the walking dead season 2 finale.. can you help me watch it online??? thanks!
Answer: watch it on youtube!
Category: Video & Online Games
The Walking Dead – AMC
2 days ago ... Missed the season finale? Catch up on the highlights: The barn is under siege Highlights Episode 213 The Walking Dead: Beside The Dying ...
Walking Dead Showrunner Glen Mazzara on Sundays Season 2 Finale ...
Wondering what happens to our favorite zombie apocalypse survivors in Sunday nights season 2 finale of The Walking Dead? I just joined a group of other journos in ...
^^***Wait is over to grab Walking Dead Season 2 Finale!!Take a ...
2 days ago ... Time to Watch Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 13 on Sunday night** A lot of big and somewhat tragic things happened! The fact that they ...
ARTS & LEISURE; Its Never Really Dead In Zombieland
LOS ANGELES THE production offices of The Walking Dead do not resemble the burned-out remnants of civilization struggling to survive an undead holocaust, but they dont exactly feel like the headquarters of one of the most popular shows on cable television either. Tucked away in a spacious but spartan Kodak building in Hollywood, the workplace - AMC series The Walking Dead enters its second season, buoyed by its initial success but burdened by high expectations of its fan base; producers must also contend with loss of Frank Darabont, who developed show from popular comic book series, but stepped down weeks after season two started shooting. Photos (M) - By DAVE ITZKOFF
The WALKING DEAD FINALE sneak peek: Beside the Dying Fire ...
You know youre in for some serious chills when a sneak peek clip is preceded with a voiceover like: "Due to the intense nature of the season finale this ...
The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale Drinking Game And Signature ...
Season 2 of "The Walking Dead" is coming to an end (finale airs Sun., Mar. 18, 9 p.m. ET on AMC), but we cant say goodbye to the zombie drama without a ...
heres to the kids who are watching The Walking dead finale.
From: necype9 - Source: web
I thought The Walking Dead was good...the season finale ratcheted that up about 100 notches. Holy cow!
From: recruitchicago - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @Chocolate87Bear: Dear The Walking Dead,
You have had me on my seat for two seasons. Tonites finale was awesome! cant wait for next season! #TheWalkingDead
From: UsherPassion - Source: Twitter for iPhone
only 2 people died on the Walking Dead Season 2 Finale Lame
From: ScfyGirl - Source: web
Yay for the haunted toilut that flushes itself randomly, lol xD Also: Walking Dead season finale tonight OMAGAH.
From: Darkside915 - Source: TweetCaster for Android
The walking dead Season Finale today :( gotta wait till fall now
From: pennies4stocks - Source: web
digame como carajo sobrellevar un crisis por enterarme que hoy fue el season finale de The Walking Dead y saldrá nueva temporada hasta otoño
From: Parra_JC - Source: Twitter for Mac
RT @ChrisWebby: Bout to catch that Walking dead finale... Fucking pumped
From: WarriorBeats - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @Jfleezy32: Walking dead season finale #speechless #boner #season3 #يوم_المراة_العالمي
From: WolverineBeat69 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@ryan_sw1n @PapaCock_ Walking dead finale was epic. Rick commands your respect
From: nickprice_24 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
E! Watchw/Kristin: The Walking dead finale: Who Survived the Bloodbath?: Spoiler Alert: Obviously, an article ab... http://t.co/MmXkVj7s
From: CCRNetworks - Source: twitterfeed
The Walking dead finale: Who Survived the Bloodbath?: Spoiler Alert: Obviously, an article about The Walking Dea... http://t.co/CPL3e2yn
From: EmersonGossip - Source: twitterfeed
E! Online says The Walking dead finale: Who Survived the Bloodbath?: Spoiler Alert: Obviously, an article ab... http://t.co/qMiQyiIq #tv
From: AlienEnchanter - Source: twitterfeed
Disappointing season finale of The Walking Dead.
From: MikeCase - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
The Stir: Walking dead finale Recap: Goodbye Hershels Farm, Hello Prison: Post by Linda Sharps(Spoilers ahead... http://t.co/SAyNCLsJ
From: CCRNetworks - Source: twitterfeed