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Sarah Palin only gets 7% in the CPAC STRAW POLL. How will she blame the elite liberal media for that failure?
Answer: She will blame the Democrats.*
Category: Politics
CPAC 2012: The First Big Presidential Straw Poll of the Cycle ...
The Conservative Political Action Conference is traditionally one of the years biggest gatherings of Republicans. It also boasts the first presidential ...
First Read - The CPAC STRAW POLL
The Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, kicks off tomorrow in Washington. First Reads obtained a copy of the final version of the straw poll.
Romney Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll | Fox News
8 hours ago ... Mitt Romney won the presidential straw poll Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, an unofficial endorsement from party ...
CPAC 2012 ends with Straw Poll and Sarah Palin
CPAC 2012 ended this evening following its annual straw poll and this year′s keynote speaker, Sarah Palin. Mitt Romney won the straw poll with 38% to Rick Santorum′s 31%, with Newt Gingrich at 15% and Ron Paul at 12%. The Washington Times also ...
Romney Wins CPAC STRAW POLL - American Spectator
Romney Wins Cpac straw poll. By John Tabin on 2.11.12 @ 5:01PM. The results for the Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll: 38% - Mitt Romney. 31% - Rick Santorum. 15% - Newt Gingrich. 12% - Ron Paul. Jim may be ...
Romney wins The Washington Times/CPAC STRAW POLL ...
8 hours ago ... Mitt Romney won The Washington Times/CPAC Presidential Straw Poll on Saturday, and also nipped Rick Santorum as the top choice of ...
CPAC STRAW POLL 2011: Ron Paul Wins For Second Consecutive Year
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) came out on top in the much-anticipated 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, according to Fox News. Ron Raul ...
GOP race could be reshaped by CPAC, Maine contests
Romney was also campaigning in Maine Friday and Saturday. A win for Romney there and in the Cpac straw poll would cement him again in the lead of the GOP field. But a loss to Paul in Maine and Santorum at CPAC would again sound the alarm that ...
Mitt Romney wins support of Maine caucus-goers - The Washington ...
7 hours ago ... The former Massachusetts governor also has won a presidential straw poll of activists attending the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Does Ron Paul CPAC STRAW POLL victory mean Conservatives are frustrated with the GOP?
Or does it mean Libertarians are increasing.
My vote is Conservatives are just fed up with the corruption.... In all of Washington including their own party. The Spendulus Bill pork/earmark breakdown was 60% Dems and 40% GOP.
What say you?
Answer: In my opinion it says the Libertarians are increasing by number, people are fed up with the corruption in both parties which has given Washington D.C. the nick name district of corruption
Category: Politics
LOL! Radio guy (Alex Jones) said that Ron Paul won the CPAC STRAW POLL. What else is Jones lying about?
There is no way Ron Paul is going to win ANY poll; the guy is unelectable.
Alex "Kook" Jones tells these lies, and expects people to believe them.
Answer: Well, Jones has predicted many things in the past, and I respect him for that.
Oh, and Ron Paul did win the straw poll.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Romney wins prized straw poll at conservative gathering – CNN ...
Washington (CNN) -- GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney won the close-watched Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll on Saturday. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, took 38% of ...
Straw Poll Results
Key Points About Straw Poll •Ballots collected from Thursday morning •Ballots collected from Thursday morning through Friday afternoon •Only registrants could ...
How come when Romney wins the CPAC STRAW POLL...?
How come when Mitt Romney(the GOPs hopeful) wins the Cpac straw poll, its a good sign of things to come and proof he has what it takes to win over the party. But when Ron Paul(the GOPS annoyance) wins it, CPAC is all the sudden irrelevant and doesnt mean a thing anymore?
Fox actually went on to say that CPAC is just full of libertarians now, which I found amusing as everyone at CPAC with the exception of a few notable figures were complete Neo-conservative GOP puppets, including no less then war mongering Mr Dick Cheney himself, who received a standing ovation.
They make it so convenient for themselves. Yet cant figure out why no one wants to be a part of their party and why they cant seem to attract the youth.
Answer: Ron Paul is not electable. Any good ideas he may have does not change that.
Libertarianism also is not a good governing philosophy. It may work for an individual, but it is too incoherent to govern others.
Category: Politics
Palin 4th in CPAC STRAW POLL. Would she have done better if she showed up?
The field was pretty spread out, with Romney the leader taking only 20%, and Ron Paul doing surprisingly well. Are the priests of the right still searching for the reincarnation of Reagan?
Answer: She would have for sure, and yes another reagan would be just what the doctor ordered.
Your fortunate this doesn't get deleted, since you loosened up the term priest, quite sensitive people on here and those that monitor it.
Category: Politics
CPAC 2012: Candidates and Other Speakers Take Aim at Obama
In the absence of big primary contests or major debates this weekend, GOP members still have a place to go: CPAC 2012 is getting underway in Washington. The annual three-day conservative conference includes a straw poll, speeches from ...
Will Ron Paul win the CPAC STRAW POLL again, next year ?
Answer: Probably, Ron Paul definitely has the support, and the finances to easily win the oval office.
If you actually watched any of the Republican debates during the primaries last election Ron Paul won MANY of them.
Ron Paul has a lot of supporters, and he's even received the MOST donations from the military than any other Republican last presidential election (And the total funds Ron Paul placed 3rd among the Republicans SLIGHTLY trailing John McCain). The main reason why Ron Paul doesn't have a chance is because the media demonizes him and shuns him, hell the Republicans didn't even allow him into several primaries last presidential election.
It's just more proof our system is full of elites and will push out and demonize the good honest men and women that want our country back, and want to restrengthen our civil liberties.
Category: Politics
Bocas Hasner wins Conservative PAC straw poll in Floridas GOP U ...
... skirmish Friday in his fight for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination, outpacing three rivals in a straw poll conducted at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Mitt Romney wins CPAC STRAW POLL - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
7 hours ago ... Romney narrowly edges Rick Santorum in straw poll at Conservative Political Action Conference Read more by Leigh Ann Caldwell on CBS ...
Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll At CPAC -- Again | Fox News
For the second year in a row, Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, earning 30 percent of the ...
What significance does the CPAC STRAW POLL actually hold in the electoral process?
It was just realeased in the news that Ron Paul has won this event by a landslide, and headlines say hell be the GOPs choice for president in 2012, however I cant find any information saying that the Straw Poll is actually how nominees are selected and the articles seem to just be making up sensationalist titles.
So what exactly is the Cpac straw poll? What does it signify, how does it work, and what is its impact on the American political system?
Answer: It's irrelevant. It only polls self-identified conservatives - those wonderful folks who still think GW Bush did a fine job.
On the other hand, it's bad news for Romney, who has won several of these straw polls in the past.
BTW, a "straw poll" means an opinion poll that has no nominating or elective powers.
Category: Elections
Is there any significance to the CPAC STRAW POLL?
Ron Paul won with Mitt Romney second and Sarah Palin third.
Answer: Not really. Hasn't Paul won it the last 3 years and where has it gotten him?
Category: Politics
Divisions On the Right Over Gays In Its Ranks
A bitter dispute over whether a gay conservative group should co-sponsor the conservative movements largest gathering of the year has led some prominent supporters to withdraw from the event next month. Riding the winds of success in Novembers midterm elections, this years Conservative Political Action Conference, which is set to begin Feb. 10 - By ERIK ECKHOLM
Is it true Ron Paul won the CPAC STRAW POLL for the 2012 candidacy?
I think this is somewhat significant because Romney won it the last two years, this year he was leaps and bounds behind
Category: Politics
First Thoughts: What a difference four years can make
Tomorrow, we’ll get the Cpac straw poll results (at 4:15 pm ET) and the concluding speech by Sarah Palin (at 4:30 pm). *** But the more things change, the more they stay the same: While things have changed for Romney from four years ago ...
Mitt Romney | CPAC | Straw Poll | The Daily Caller
Romney wins Cpac straw poll | Straw poll also indicated CPAC attendees prefer Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
what do yall think about ron paul winning the CPAC STRAW POLL?
...and didnt he come in 2nd or 3rd last year?
Answer: Ron Paul is the only one who seems to be serious about taking action that will help Americans. Less Government, Individual Liberty, and Free Market Economy!
Category: Politics
At CPAC, a straw poll for favorites lands on the congressman from Texas.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged
No one knows what history will make of the present -- least of all journalists, who can at best write historys sloppy first draft. But if I were to place an incautious bet on which political event will prove the most significant of February 2010, I wouldnt choose the kabuki health care summit that generated all the ink and 24/7 cable chatter in - Maureen Dowd is off today. The public editors column will return next week. - By FRANK RICH
At CPAC, Defeating Obama Trumps Fight for Nomination
WASHINGTON — As some Republican leaders wring their hands at the prospect of a drawn-out nominating contest, many of the 10,000 people attending the Conservative Political Action Conference , which ended here Saturday with a rousing speech by Sarah Palin , did not seem too concerned. As they met and talked over three days, they seemed far - By ERIK ECKHOLM
Poll: Who will win the CPAC STRAW POLL? (vote here)?
Answer: Ron paul.^
Category: Politics
CPAC 2012: No Ronald Reagan In The Room
Once CPAC was a launching pad for presidents ... Pat Buchanan -- also used it as a launching pad for their candidacies. The events annual straw poll, dominated by Reagan in the early years, became a coveted, if all too easily manipulated ...
Breaking: Romney wins CPAC STRAW POLL « Hot Air
Mitt Romney won The Washington Times/CPAC Presidential Straw Poll on Saturday, and also nipped Rick Santorum as the top choice of conservatives nationwide, according to a new version of the poll conducted for the first ...
Romney Tries to Woo Conservatives at CPAC
WASHINGTON — For more than an hour Thursday afternoon, Mitt Romney huddled with a small gathering of leaders in the conservative movement, potential emissaries to those who have so far proved most wary of embracing him as the Republican Party’s nominee. About three dozen evangelical organizers, conservative writers and Tea Party - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and ERIK ECKHOLM
CPAC 2012
Mitt Romney won the Cpac straw poll, sponsored by the Washington Times and conducted by pollster Tony Fabrizio, who announced the results Saturday ...
Boos as Ron Paul wins CPAC STRAW POLL - Jonathan Martin and ...
Rep. Ron Paul was the top vote-getter in this years CPACs straw poll. AP Photo
Even At CPAC Conservatives Seem Despondent About 2012 Choices
Before the event even began, Cardenas was hyping up this year’s conference to reporters, promising that this year’s Cpac straw poll will be the real deal, a true barometer of conservative sentiment toward their candidates. He may be right. But it seems ...
Ron Paul wins the CPAC STRAW POLL again. Who should he choose as his vice presidential running mate?
I say Michele Bachman. Shell get a lot of liberal votes because shes a woman. And she a beautiful intelligent person who actually upholds the constitution after she swears to. Which isnt something that is done often these days.
Answer: Actually Ron Paul Should Be The Vice President GOP Nominee
Ron Paul Is A Intelligent , Experienced and Knowledgeable Politician
The Same As Joe Biden Gave More Depth To Barack Obama's Candidacy
Ron Paul As VP Would Be A Big Boost To The GOP Ticket In 2012
Category: Elections
CPAC STRAW POLL Changes Hurt Ron Pauls Hat-Trick Chances
WASHINGTON -- The organizers of a major conservative conference here over the next three days are trying to widen participation in a straw poll, a not-too-subtle attempt to give a Republican presidential candidate other than Rep. Ron Paul (R ...
CPAC STRAW POLL, guess who won the bronze?
Paul, Romney take straw poll
Ron Paul won the Cpac straw poll today, ending Mitt Romneys streak and serving notice that about a third of the attendees at the gathering -- and a good chunk of those driving the conservative revival -- stand pretty well outside the Republican Party mainstream.
Still, Romney scored second at 22%, the only other candidate in double digits, and the results are a reminder of his pre-eminence as the establishment GOP and conservative frontrunner.
What there wasnt: A groundswell for Palin, who didnt show. She came in third at 7%, in a pack with Tim Pawlenty, Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Huckabee, in that order.
Answer: with that group, Obama must sleep well at night if he ever thinks about 2012
Category: Politics
Romney touts conservative bona fides at CPAC
The results of a Cpac straw poll of the presidential candidates are scheduled to be released Saturday. Santorums mid-week victories in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota renewed doubts about Romneys status as the Republican front-runner for the nomination.
Republican Candidate Romney Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won a straw poll sponsored by the Conservative Political Action Conference and the Washington Times. Front-runner Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, was the choice of 38 ...
Democrats, what is your opinion on Ron Paul winning the CPAC STRAW POLL?
A person that is actually anti-war, predicted the financial collapse over a decade before it happened and is a social liberal, of course Republicans arent happy about it, but I was wondering your opinion.
Answer: I don't agree with Paul on a lot of things. But I respect him because he's at least consistent. You can at least tell that he sticks by his principles rather than just follow the polls and say whatever he thinks will get him the most votes. If he ever managed to get nominated I might vote for him just for that.
The GOP is all about an agenda. It doesn't matter which Republican you vote for, it's the agenda you're voting for. That's why GW Bush was such a good candidate for them, a man with no actual political thinking of his own, who would just read what they put in front of him. They couldn't trust McCain in 2000 so they destroyed his candidacy with a vicious smear campaign. In the 2008 election, every 'serious' candidate had all the same opinions on all the same issues, so it didn't matter which one of them got nominated, their actual agendas would have been a continuation of Bush's agenda. And it wasn't his agenda either. 8^)
Paul is not really a Republican, or even a conserative. He's a libertarian. There's no way the GOP would let him get close to their nomination. They trot him out between elections to borrow his classy, honest, principled image. Conversely, you'll never see a real liberal do well in the Democratic Party.
Category: Politics
CPAC kicks off with Marco Rubio
Last year, Ron Paul’s Students for Liberty group encouraged members to attend and vote in the conference’s straw poll. In prior years, the Romney campaign invested considerable effort in CPAC and was rewarded with three straight straw poll wins from ...
CPAC: Conservatives gather at major center of gravity
John McCain of Arizona, went on to win CPACs much-watched presidential straw poll, the second of this three straight victories at the annual gathering of conservative leaders. Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker Fast forward back to ...
Conservative Political Action Conference - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is an annual political conference attended by conservative activists and elected officials from across the United ...
CPAC: Mitt Romney wins straw poll of conservative activists - latimes ...
7 hours ago ... Mitt Romney won a presidential preference straw poll of party activists at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, giving him a ...
Republican Establishment Excludes Ron Paul From 2012 CPAC Event
Despite winning the event’s annual straw poll for the last two years running, Ron Paul has seemingly been excluded from this year’s CPAC conference, with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich announced as keynote speakers but Paul appearing nowhere on the roster.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; The G.O.P.s Post-Tucson Traumatic Stress Disorder
SIX weeks after that horrific day in Tucson, America has half-forgotten its violent debate over the power of violent speech to incite violence. Its Gabrielle Giffordss own power of speech that rightly concerns us now. But all those arguments over political language did leave a discernible legacy. In the aftermath of President Obamas Tucson - By FRANK RICH
CPAC STRAW POLL 2010: HuffPosts Poll Of The Top 11 GOP ...
A highlight of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference is its straw poll of potential 2012 GOP presidential contenders. Though its an ...
Romney wins CPAC STRAW POLL, barely edges Santorum nationally ...
7 hours ago ... Mitt Romney won the CPAC presidential straw poll with 38 percent of the vote, finishing with a single-digit lead over runner-up Rick Santorum, ...
The Fix - Ron Paul wins CPAC STRAW POLL - The Washington Post ...
Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2010 Cpac straw poll tonight, a victory that will further energize his already enthusiastic supporters but will have little effect on the ...
CPAC Seeks To Block Another Ron Paul Victory
CPAC, the annual gathering of Beltway cons and neocons, has freaked out the last two years as Ron won its presidential straw polls overwhelmingly, thanks to all the young people he was able to attract. The org was especially outraged as the Ron ...
Who was the Winner and Loser during the CPAC STRAW POLL?
Answer: Ron Paul..Same as last year, but that's only from the youth...We all know how far he got from there.
Nice guy, but unelectable.
Category: Politics
Straw polls for the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 ...
2 February 10–12, 2011, Washington, D.C. – Cpac straw poll; 3 February 27, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona – Tea Party Straw Polls; 4 March 6, 2011, Seaside, Oregon – Dorchester ...
Romney edges Santorum in CPAC STRAW POLL
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney has won The Washington Times/CPAC Presidential Straw Poll of conservative activists. The former Massachusetts governor is favored as the Republican presidential nominee by 38% of the 3,408 respondents. Rivals Rick Santorum ...
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Romney Wins CPAC STRAW POLL…
(Washington Times) — Mitt Romney won The Washington Times/CPAC Presidential Straw Poll on Saturday, and also nipped Rick Santorum as the top choice of conservatives nationwide, according to a new version of the poll ...
Paul AWOL: Two-time CPAC STRAW POLL winner elsewhere
Rep. Ron Paul (R.-Texas) speaking Feb. 4 to a Minnesota crowd. When the American Conservative Union released the agenda Jan. 29 for this weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, people were surprised that the winner of the ...
Mitt Romney Wins CPAC STRAW POLL | Mediaite
For the past three years, the Cpac straw poll has been purely theoretical, with a presidential election actually far out of sight. Those three were won by Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul. This year, to break the ...
Romney wins CPAC STRAW POLL | The Raw Story
Governor Romney received 38% of the vote in the straw poll, followed by Santorum at 31%. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich received 15% of the vote, with Texas Representative Ron Paul coming in last with 12%.
CPAC STRAW POLL Results, 2011: Ron Paul Wins - HUMAN EVENTS
The results of the Cpac straw poll of presidential candidates are in, and the winner is Ron Paul, with 30% of the vote. Read the article for more information.
Rep. Ron Paul wins CPAC STRAW POLL – CNN Political Ticker - CNN ...
Washington (CNN) - The results of the Washington Times Cpac straw poll of presidential candidates are in, and the winner is Texas Rep. Ron Paul, with 30 ...
CPAC STRAW POLL Results 2012: Mitt Romney Wins Conservative Vote
8 hours ago ... Mitt Romney won this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll.
Paul AWOL: Two-time CPAC STRAW POLL winner elsewhere - HUMAN EVENTS
When the American Conservative Union released the agenda Jan. 29 for this weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, people were sur
Daily Kos: Mitt Romney wins meaningless CPAC STRAW POLL
(Larry Downing/Reuters). Suckers! Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is the winner of the Conservative Political Action Conference Straw Poll, The Washington Times reports. The poll provides an indication of where the ...
Ron Paul Wins CPAC STRAW POLL; Mitt Romney Comes in Second
For the second successive year, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas won the presidential straw poll conducted at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, capturing ...
Isnt it strange that the CPAC crowd would boo Ron Paul after he won a CPAC presidential straw poll?
Obviously straw polls are useless for predicting the future...
But doesnt it seem like these people booing at Ron Pauls name being called are the same people that booed Ron Paul in early 2007 when he warned them the economy was about to be in very bad shape?? (McCain said "the fundamentals were strong" and everyone cheered.....oops)
The same people that put Bush in office?? The same people who watched the "conservative" Bush expand the govt. like never before??
"This year, Ron Paul breaks Mitt Romney’s winning streak. Clearly Romney realized he was not getting a good return on his investment of organizing voters to vote — a regular phenomenon among potential candidates.
2,395 CPAC registrants voted in the CPAC poll. It’s the largest number of votes in Cpac straw polling history, but but less than 25% of the total turnout at CPAC.
48% of the votes cast were from students. 32% were from paying non-student individuals.
31% voted for Ron Paul. The crowd booed when it was announced."
Answer: Jus goes to show you that the Republicans still have a few roaches to clean out of their cupboards before they can call themselves true Conservatives . Ron Paul makes sense booing him does not.
Category: Politics
RT @mwmiller77: @AnnCoulter I think your speech gave Romney the straw poll win at CPAC. Thx for your voice of reason! From: sewinthyme - Source: web
RT @mwmiller77: @AnnCoulter I think your speech gave Romney the straw poll win at CPAC. Thx for your voice of reason! From: imstevewilliams - Source: web
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: sarahsside - Source: Twitter for iPhone
But, but, RON PAUL!!1! RT @mwmiller77: @AnnCoulter I think your speech gave Romney the straw poll win at CPAC. Thx for your voice of reason! From: erickbrockway - Source: TweetDeck
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: senatorshoshana - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @mwmiller77: @AnnCoulter I think your speech gave Romney the straw poll win at CPAC. Thx for your voice of reason! From: AnnCoulter - Source: web
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: ggdmhp23 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: Viasmom - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Whitney Houston died. Nobody cares RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll From: Joseph_Phoenix - Source: TweetDeck
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: lilmsunshne - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: RSPW_DEP - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Romney Wins Straw Poll at Less Circus-y CPAC From: AliciaGraham7 - Source: twitterfeed
This Years Cpac straw poll Wont Be Stacked By Ron Paul Supporters ... From: Katherina_Rowe - Source: twitterfeed
RT @jaredlyon1985: @AnnCoulter Its funny how silent the media is when Romney wins Maine and Cpac straw poll. From: AnnCoulter - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Romneys Cpac straw poll proves that true conservatives are backing the logical choice to defeat Obama. From: johndwarren - Source: web