Benjamin netanyahu - Benjamin Netanyahu -

Benjamin netanyahu : Videos

PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012 (COMPLETE)
PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012 (COMPLETE)
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Israel must be master of its fate
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Israel must be master of its fate
Israel saber-rattles at Iran hoping for tougher sanctions
Israel saber-rattles at Iran hoping for tougher sanctions
Netanyahu: Israel to make its own decisions
Netanyahu: Israel to make its own decisions
Binyamin Netanyahu
Binyamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Speech at the Joint Session of Congress - May 24, 2011
Prime Minister of Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Speech at the Joint Session of Congress - May 24, 2011
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Prime Minister of Israel agrees with Ron Paul
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Prime Minister of Israel agrees with Ron Paul
Netanyahu: In Israel, Our Hope for Peace Never Wanes
Netanyahu: In Israel, Our Hope for Peace Never Wanes
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU wins Likud primary and beats Moshe Feiglin: Israeli PM may want early elections
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU wins Likud primary and beats Moshe Feiglin: Israeli PM may want early elections
PM Netanyahu & PMs wife Sarah, visited Ground Zero
PM Netanyahu & PMs wife Sarah, visited Ground Zero
Israel PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Wishes Christians Around the World A "Merry Christmas"
Israel PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Wishes Christians Around the World A "Merry Christmas"
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Interview (9.23.11)
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Interview (9.23.11)
(1/3) Huckabee - BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Interview (7.23.11)
(1/3) Huckabee - BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Interview (7.23.11)
Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect Dramatic Changes From 1967
Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect Dramatic Changes From 1967
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Most Dangerous Man in the World - YouTube
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Most Dangerous Man in the World - YouTube
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU rebukes Obama over 1967 plan
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU rebukes Obama over 1967 plan
A World View Interview with BENJAMIN NETANYAHU
A World View Interview with BENJAMIN NETANYAHU
Israeli Diplomats Targeted in India, Georgia
Israeli Diplomats Targeted in India, Georgia
Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Breaks it Down
Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Breaks it Down
Netanyahus U.N. Address (9.23.11)
Netanyahus U.N. Address (9.23.11)
Prime Minister of Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Speech at the Joint ...
Prime Minister of Israel BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Speech at the Joint ...
Netanyahu responds to flotilla raid
Netanyahu responds to flotilla raid
Netanyahu: In Israel, Our Hope for Peace Never Wanes
Netanyahu: In Israel, Our Hope for Peace Never Wanes
Netanyahu: I didnt come to make excuses
Netanyahu: I didnt come to make excuses
Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect Dramatic Changes From 1967
Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect Dramatic Changes From 1967
Warm reception for Netanyahu on Hill
Warm reception for Netanyahu on Hill
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Prime Minister of Israel
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, Prime Minister of Israel
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Israel willing to make painful compromi
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Israel willing to make painful compromi
Netanyahu responds to statehood request
Netanyahu responds to statehood request
Exclusive: BENJAMIN NETANYAHU on Hannity
Exclusive: BENJAMIN NETANYAHU on Hannity
Full Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu UN address to General ...
Full Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu UN address to General ...
Netanyahu habla al congreso de EEUU 02
Netanyahu habla al congreso de EEUU 02
Netanyahu: Israel is ready to compromise
Netanyahu: Israel is ready to compromise
Netanyahu on Japan and nuclear power
Netanyahu on Japan and nuclear power
Obama to Meet with Israeli PM
Obama to Meet with Israeli PM
Netanyahu says theres no rift with Obama
Netanyahu says theres no rift with Obama
Netanyahu discusses Mubaraks fall
Netanyahu discusses Mubaraks fall
Netanyahu: Mideast winds of change
Netanyahu: Mideast winds of change
PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012 (COMPLETE)
PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012 (COMPLETE)
Netanyahu, Israel PM wishes Sen. Kirk a speedy recovery
Netanyahu, Israel PM wishes Sen. Kirk a speedy recovery
Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC 2012 (3.5.12)
Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC 2012 (3.5.12)
Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, "Israel must have the ability to defend itself, by itself."
Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, "Israel must have the ability to defend itself, by itself."
President Peres: FaceBook and the Revolutions in the MidEast
President Peres: FaceBook and the Revolutions in the MidEast
US officials implore Obama to resist pressure for war with Iran
US officials implore Obama to resist pressure for war with Iran
PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012
PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran - March 5, 2012

Benjamin netanyahu : Photo Gallery

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU AIPAC Speech Transcript 3-5-12 | Maggie's Notebook
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU AIPAC Speech Transcript 3-5-12 | Maggie's Notebook
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU פוליטיקאי בסקר שנערך - דעת הקהל מקוון
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU פוליטיקאי בסקר שנערך - דעת הקהל מקוון
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military ...
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military ...
File:BENJAMIN NETANYAHU portrait.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
File:BENJAMIN NETANYAHU portrait.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Refused a Return to 1967 Borders - Benjamin ...
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Refused a Return to 1967 Borders - Benjamin ...
Benjamin-Netanyahu | Foreign Policy Blogs
Benjamin-Netanyahu | Foreign Policy Blogs
After US dustup, Israel Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU faces ...
After US dustup, Israel Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU faces ...
Netanyahu endorses Palestinian state
Netanyahu endorses Palestinian state
Baltimore Independent Media Center: Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. ...
Baltimore Independent Media Center: Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. ...
File:Portrait of BENJAMIN NETANYAHU.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
File:Portrait of BENJAMIN NETANYAHU.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU supports creation of demilitarised Palestinian ...
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU supports creation of demilitarised Palestinian ...
on guard
on guard
Secretary Clinton Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Secretary Clinton Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Secretary Clinton Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Secretary Clinton Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Hateful Academic Lets Rip at Bibi
Hateful Academic Lets Rip at Bibi
America & Israel
America & Israel
save Israel & America
save Israel & America
no nukes for Iran
no nukes for Iran
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest as Netanyahu met with Obama
El Al 767-27E/ER
El Al 767-27E/ER
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin
Netanyahu proclaims unity with Congress
Netanyahu proclaims unity with Congress
Bibi Netanyahu's Bible Story
Bibi Netanyahu's Bible Story
Netanyahu: Time to start calling 'a duck a duck' (1:39)
Netanyahu: Time to start calling 'a duck a duck' (1:39)
Oil Declines as EU Attempts Iran Negotiations, European Economy Contracts
Oil Declines as EU Attempts Iran Negotiations, European Economy Contracts
ISRAEL DAYBOOK: Netanyahu at U.S. Congress; Ampal-American Bonds
ISRAEL DAYBOOK: Netanyahu at U.S. Congress; Ampal-American Bonds
Israel defends right to unilaterally attack
Israel defends right to unilaterally attack
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and Lindsey Graham Sound Very Similar!
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and Lindsey Graham Sound Very Similar!
Israelis perceive few bluffs in Netanyahu Iran speech
Israelis perceive few bluffs in Netanyahu Iran speech
Israel's Netanyahu cranks up Iran rhetoric
Israel's Netanyahu cranks up Iran rhetoric
Netanyahu: Israel has right to defend itself
Netanyahu: Israel has right to defend itself
Obama plays up diplomatic solution to Iranian crisis; Netanyahu says Israel is ...
Obama plays up diplomatic solution to Iranian crisis; Netanyahu says Israel is ...
Netanyahu says Iran's nuclear program must be stopped
Netanyahu says Iran's nuclear program must be stopped
Obama, Netanyahu talk unity, underline differences
Obama, Netanyahu talk unity, underline differences
GOP hopefuls clash with Obama on Iranian response
GOP hopefuls clash with Obama on Iranian response
Obama, Netanyahu talk unity, sovereignty, and Iran
Obama, Netanyahu talk unity, sovereignty, and Iran

Benjamin netanyahu : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: the New Caligula - The Daily Beast

Benjamin netanyahu’s stance is both delusional and detrimental to the wider cause of Israel.

Israels left slams Netanyahu on comparison with Holocaust

JERUSALEM, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Israeli left-wing politicians lashed at Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu on Tuesday for comparing the current situation with Iran to that of the Jews during the Holocaust in a speech in Washington. Netanyahu addressed the ...

Binyamin Netanyahus supporters site, facts & information about ...

99% of the ballots in: A clear majority for the right wing 99% of the ballots in: A clear majority for the right wing under the Netanyahus leadership.

ANALYSIS: Netanyahu talks tough on Iran, but does he mean it?

Jerusalem/Washington - Reportedly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu told President Barack Obama that Israel has not yet decided whether to attack Iran in an attempt to stymie its alleged nuclear weapons programme. Reporting on a White House ...

israeli politics BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and what not?

okay so israel has the priminister, and president. i know australia has priminister and the queen is the head of the other part. USA has president. so whats up with israel. Benjamin netanyahu and that tzipi livni person. and shimon peres. who does what?
Answer: Beni orders the US Congress what to do Livi is the enforcer
Category: Politics

How should President Obama have responsed after BENJAMIN NETANYAHUs brother called him an "Anti-Semite"?

I know that the story of Netanyahus brother callin President Obama an "anti-Semite" made the headlines in the US, but I never heard a response from the Obama Administration. How should President Obama have responsed after Benjamin netanyahus brother called him an "Anti-Semite"?
Answer: Bla bla bla. So sick of 'Anti-Semitic' politics. These days you can't even look at a Jew in the wrong way with out being accused of being an Anti-Semitic, Jew hating Holocaust supporting Nazi.
Category: Politics

Obama to BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: We've Got Israel's Back

President Obama says 'the United States will always have Israel's back.' Obama spoke at the White House alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu amid heightened tensions over Iran's disputed nuclear ...

Who is going to be the real Israeli leader? Ehud Barak or BENJAMIN NETANYAHU?

Ehud Barak plan to make Benjamin netanyahu government short lived.
Answer: Olmert should never have let Barak back into the government. If Bibi does, it will be a big mistake. Camel Jockey: That hate mail you sent me wishing that I was dead, doesn't exactly represent a keen mind.
Category: Israel

Binyamin Netanyahu's supporters site, facts & information about ...

Presenting Binyamin Netanyahu's political beliefs, his opinions toward the Palestinian people, defenses to accusations of corruption, and endorsing his potential ...

Obama Says Military Option on Iran Not a ‘Bluff’

WASHINGTON — President Obama , speaking days before a crucial meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu of Israel , stiffened his pledge to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons , even as he warned Israel of the negative consequences of a pre-emptive military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Seeking to reassure a close - By MARK LANDLER

Obama, Netanyahu give no sign of narrowing gap on Iran

Washington, Mar 6 ( -- President Barack Obama appealed to Benjamin netanyahu on Monday to give sanctions time to curb Irans nuclear ambitions, but the Israeli prime minister offered no sign of backing away from possible military ...

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (born October 21, 1949) is the current Prime Minister of Israel. He serves also as the Chairman of the Likud Party, as a Knesset member, as ...

Netanyahu proclaims unity with Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu proclaimed a “remarkable display of solidarity” with Congress on Tuesday as he met with top lawmakers, who underscored the United States’ commitment to ensuring Israel’s security. “I think that as we face ...

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: President Obama deserves badge of honor ...

NEW YORK—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu praised President Barack Obama’s efforts to dissuade Palestinian leaders from pushing for a United Nations vote ...

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (Hebrew: About this sound בִּנְיָמִין "בִּיבִּי" נְתַנְיָהוּ (help·info); born October 21, 1949) is the current Prime Minister of Israel .

Adrienne's Corner: BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: A leader and a man...

Benjamin netanyahu AIPAC Speech Transcript 3-5-12. Thank you for the warm reception. It could be heard as far away as Jerusalem – the eternal and united capital of Israel. More than two thirds of the Congress is in ...

Corrections: March 3

FRONT PAGE A picture caption on Thursday with the continuation of an article about the potential for higher gasoline prices gave an incorrect description from The Associated Press for the American warship shown. It is a cruiser, not a destroyer. INTERNATIONAL A picture caption on Friday with an article about a White House meeting set for Monday in

NEWS ANALYSIS; On Iran, 2 Central Questions Divide U.S. and Israel

WASHINGTON — Despite the upbeat characterizations of their talks at the White House on Monday, President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu of Israel remain divided on two central questions about Iran’s nuclear program : If Iran decided to race for a nuclear weapon, would the West detect it in time to stop it? And even if it - By DAVID E. SANGER


Click to enlarge pad Biography Benjamin netanyahu Benjamin netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv and grew up in Jerusalem. He spent his high school ...

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Benjamin netanyahu (b. 1949) Prime Minister of Israel 1996-1999 Foreign Minister of Israel Nov 2002-Feb 2003 Prime Minister of Israel 2009-

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage

Benjamin netanyahu - soldier, diplomat and the ninth Prime Minister of the State of Israel - was born in Tel Aviv on October 21, 1949 and grew up in Jerusalem.

Does Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU of Israel really want peace in his lifetime?

Mr. Obama called for Israels borders to be the starting point for negotiations to create a Palestinian state. They would have to be adjusted through land swaps to account for Israeli expansionist settlements in the West Bank. Netanyahu then listed a series of non negotiable conditions that have kept the two sides at an impasse for years.
Answer: Obama wants Israel destroyed. No way can Israel give the Golan Heights to the terrorists to rain bombs down on them.
Category: Politics

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU metaphors: Time to start calling ‘a duck a duck’

“Ladies and gentleman, if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then what is it? ... That’s right, it’s a duck! But this duck is a nuclear duck. It’s time the world started calling a duck a duck.”

Binyamin Netanyahu - YouTube

Nov 9, 2006 ... (HBO) Bill Maher interview with Binyamin Netanyahu.

President Obama Meets With BENJAMIN NETANYAHU ...

Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel Oval Office. 10:53 A.M. EST. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I want to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu and the entire Israeli delegation back to the White ...

Pundit Press: BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: I will never let my people ...

After meeting with President Obama earlier in the day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu delivered a rousing speech to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) on Monday night. "My friends, Israel has ...

Where can i find a specific photo of BENJAMIN NETANYAHU?

Does anyone know where I can find a specific photo of Benjamin netanyahu? I believe it was in Time or Newsweek in the mid to late 90s... he was sitting on the beach playing in the sand with his kids, surrounded by security.
Answer: Google images.
Category: Other - Politics & Government

News from Israel, Ynetnews - Netanyahu

Benjamin netanyahu is the current prime minister and head of the Likud party. He was the first to ever be voted prime minister via direct elections in 1996, and later ...

What Do You Make Of The Fact That Barack Leaves America & BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Moves In?

I love Barack but I`m getting confused. Why do the American people love Benjamin netanyahu so much ? This wasn`t orchestrated ?
Answer: Here's another side to it. My family (before I was born) immigrated (legally) to the US from Jordan to escape Muslim majority in the middle east. During that time my parents didn't have it easy as Christian Arabs living in a Muslim world. I have known a few and I know when it comes to that religion they become programmed to defend it, to the death as does other religions (I know ppl will argue the Jews do that in Israel). Anyway when I hear of Muslim sympathizers and hear how we are supporting extremist Muslim Brotherhood and then hear how Obama wants to push Israel back then I get confused. B/c I know that will only create more violence b/c it's not like Israel has a whole lot of support from other Middle Eastern nations. Yes one of my reasons is religion it's a BIG part of me and it will influence my vote -- FOR YOU or any other American, I know it DOESN'T have to be that way. But as a Christian I believe in the bible, I'm not going to sit here and argue who the land belongs to b/c it's not needed. But maybe you can understand why some ppl (Christian and Jews) support Israel. That's just one other reasons why I am against Obama or why I support Israel. It's not about loving Benjamin netanyahu so much. It more about what it all stands for and what you believe in.
Category: Politics

News from Israel, Ynetnews - Netanyahu

Benjamin netanyahu is the current prime minister and head of the Likud party. He was the first to ever be voted prime minister via direct elections in 1996, and ...

Obama Urges Netanyahu to Use Diplomacy, Not Arms, to Check Iran

WASHINGTON — With Israel warning of a possible military strike on Iran ’s nuclear facilities, President Obama urged Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu at the White House on Monday to give diplomacy and economic sanctions a chance to work before resorting to military action. The meeting, held in a charged atmosphere of election-year - By MARK LANDLER


Benjamin netanyahu (born October 21, 1949) is the conservative Prime Minister of Israel, who in 1997 negotiated a partial withdrawal by Israeli settlers from Hebron ...

Christians, Does BENJAMIN NETANYAHU impress you as an incredibly strong leader with amazing fortitude?

His country is against the ropes. The MSM blames Israel for everything when clearly true history proves the Palestinians have no right to their land. Islam is trying again for another holocaust. Mr. Netanyahu is clearly a better and stronger leader than Obama. Israel is blessed by Almighty God to have such a courageous leader. In these last days God will protect Israel from annhilation. @Rabbi Ehrlichmann, You couldnt be more wrong about this amazing man.
Answer: Yes he does! I wish he could be our president!!!
Category: Religion & Spirituality


Feb 20, 2009 ... The BBC News website examines the career of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Do you believe Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU is right with his statement to the world?

Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu in first statement after raid: it is our right and obligation to prevent arms from reaching Gaza. This was not a "Love Boat" it was a hate boat.
Answer: I absolutely agree with him. They have the right to defend themselves.
Category: Politics


(b. Tel-Aviv , 21 Oct. 1949) Israeli; Prime Minister 1996 – 99 Netanyahu attended an American high school from the age of 14. He returned to Israel in 1967 for ...

Iran Agrees to Limited Inspection of Secret Military Site

BRUSSELS — The global powers dealing with Iran ’s  disputed nuclear program said Tuesday  that they had accepted its offer to resume negotiations that broke off in  stalemate more than a year ago — a  move that could help relieve increased pressure from Israel to use military  force against Tehran. - By JAMES KANTER and NICHOLAS KULISH

If you could meet BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and the Shalit family today, what would you like to say to them?

If you could meet Benjamin netanyahu and the Shalit family today, what would you like to say to them about Gilad Shalits situation?
Answer: That would be one awkward situation. I mean, I know Bibi (as he is known) could do more for Gilad; however, you have to think of the cost. He could be released today: All Israel will have to do is release a three digit number of prisoners. I don't care if you are Israel's toughest critic: In that number there ARE people who deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away. Thank G-d I never have to tell the Shalit family my views. It is a tragedy what is happening to Shalit, but I don't think he can ever forgive himself if he is responsible for the release of one undeniable terrorist. Its too bad Israel is used to trading a lot for a little (,3229324).
Category: Current Events

Obama, Israels Netanyahu show unity on Iran despite differences

President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu on Monday sought to offer a united front against Irans growing nuclear program but appeared to differ on whether a diplomatic solution remains possible or if military action is ...

Why did the former Israeli Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU call the JEWS a RACE?

Benjamin netanyahu, former Israels prime minister, frankly regards Jews as members of a racial group. Years ago when speaking to a thousand Jews in southern California, he said: "If Israel had not come into existence after World War II than I am certain the Jewish race wouldnt have survived." Was he wrong? I find that hard to believe being an Israeli Prime Minister.
Answer: In my opinion, he was wrong, because Judaism is not a "race," it is a religion. One can change his religion, but not his race. I can see where he's coming from, but have to question his use of the term.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

Israel’s Backers in Aipac Press Obama to Harden Iran Policy

WASHINGTON — On the eve of a crucial visit to the White House by Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu of Israel , that country’s most powerful American advocates are mounting an extraordinary public campaign to pressure President Obama into hardening American policy toward Iran over its nuclear program . From the corridors of Congress to a - By MARK LANDLER

What do you think about BENJAMIN NETANYAHU?

Hey, We all know that there was a world - wide interview with Israeli PM Mr Benjamin netanyahu. My opinion that he is a great politician and knows how to speak and to be diplomatic. One of few that really knows how to improve the only democracy in the middle east. Tell us what do You think about it.
Answer: He has the experience and has seen it and done it all as far as politics go.He's a good man and clever thinker who is sincere in his beliefs
Category: Polls & Surveys

Bibi Netanyahus Bible Story

Yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu gave President Obama a copy of the book of Esther, which will be read in synagogues this week in observance of Purim. Esther tells the story of a Persian government that tries and fails to wipe out all ...

STOCKS & BONDS; Wall Street Closes Lower

Stocks ended the day lower on Friday, but the Standard & Poor’s and Nasdaq indexes still closed with weekly gains for the eighth week out of the last nine. Energy shares were the big losers in the decline, falling alongside crude oil prices, though other cyclical groups, including industrials and financials, also fell. The Standard & - By REUTERS

Netanyahu: Israel cannot wait long on Iran

WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Sanctions and diplomacy have not stopped Irans nuclear push, and Israel cannot wait much longer for these efforts to succeed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu said. "I appreciate President Obamas recent efforts to ...


Benjamin netanyahu Benjamin netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv and grew up in Jerusalem. He spent his high school years in the US, where his father, historian ...

The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth: BENJAMIN NETANYAHU ...

Benjamin netanyahu - ISRAEL MUST BE THE MASTER OF ITS OWN FATE. While Barack Obama expresses a great deal of weakness in relation to Israel and especially in taking a strong stand against Iran and the ...


Vice Prime Minister Yaalons speech to the members of the evangelist community, Philadelphia, USA . Vice Prime Minister Yaalons address to the members of the ...

Do Conservatives view BENJAMIN NETANYAHU as the President of the United States?

They sure do seem to like to salute him and obey his every command. Cons were foaming at the mouth with jubilance when Netanyahu made his US visit.
Answer: Certainly seems that way. It's creepy as f**k! Even by their standards.
Category: Politics

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU - News - The Jerusalem Post

Follow Benjamin netanyahu at for real time news, photos and videos


Biographical information from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Israelis perceive few bluffs in Netanyahu Iran speech

Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahus uncompromising speech to a pro-Israel lobby in Washington has persuaded the public back home that war with Iran is increasingly possible. Netanyahu evoked the horrors of the Holocaust, quoting a 1944 letter where the ...

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Is Churchill Again | Israellycool

I've written a few times about Netanyahu alluding to the words of Churchill in his speeches.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU (@netanyahu) on Twitter

Sign up for Twitter to follow Benjamin netanyahu (@netanyahu). Updates from the Likud Office of Benjamin netanyahu.

Obama Tells Aipac He Won’t Tolerate a Nuclear Iran

WASHINGTON — As Republicans on the campaign trail ramped up their support for Israel in a possible military strike on Iran , President Obama used a speech before a pro-Israel lobbying group on Sunday to warn against the “loose talk of war” that could serve to speed Iran toward a nuclear weapon. In a forceful address to the group , - By HELENE COOPER

Netanyahus U.N. Speech | The Weekly Standard

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Benjamin netanyahu, Israel and Palestinians from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.

Obama iyo BENJAMIN NETANYAHU oo ku kulmay aqalka cad ee ...

Raisul wasaare Benjamin netanyahu ayaa waxaa uu dhiniciisa sheegay in Israel ay awood buuxda u leedahay inay isdifaacdo hadii ay uga timaado dhinaca xukuumada Iraan talaabo Militeri. Dowladaha ree galbeedka ayaa ...

How will BENJAMIN NETANYAHU becoming leader of Israel effect the situation with Irans nuclear threat?

How will Benjamin netanyahu becoming leader change things? What will he do about this problem?
Answer: Netanyahu knows they're going it alone, and that the Iranian threat is worse than anyone thought. I think there will be an all out war in the region. Israel is going to nuke Iran before Iran gets nukes.
Category: Politics

Netanyahu Seeks Help on Iran From Congress After Obama Meeting

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu takes his campaign for stopping Irans nuclear program to Congress today after telling President Barack Obama his country must be free to decide whether to take military action.

EDITORIAL; Iran, Israel and the United States

President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu of Israel share responsibility for the strains in their relationship. But there should be no doubt about Mr. Obama’s commitment to Israel’s security. When he warns that an Israeli attack on Iran could backfire, and that “there is still a window” for diplomacy, he is

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU wows Congress - Jonathan Allen -

In a muscular and well-received address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu made the case for why his nation should not ...

How can I get Israeli prime minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU tried for war crimes?

I saw an article on al jazeer about ghanas president being charged by the international community for crimes against humanity how can I get Benjamin zionyahu tried as well for his destruction of palestineand social apartheid millions of people ./ as well as for the ethnic cleansing programs his government administered
Answer: Keep in mind that in order to push the World Court to consider your idea you would also need to include Mahmoud Abbas in the complaint. This OK with you?
Category: Politics

As Netanyahu pushes for war, Israel starts to balk

JERUSALEM – To Americans, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must look like some invading giant. Backed by an army of AIPAC lobbyists and Republican presidential candidates, he came to Washington this week and put President Barack Obama ...

Video: PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Addresses AIPAC on Iran – March ...

Video: PM Benjamin netanyahu Addresses AIPAC on Iran – March 5, 2012. March, 6, 2012 — nicedeb. Just hours after meeting with Obama on Monday, Prime Minister Netanyahu began his speech at AIPAC, referring to ...

Republican Policies for Iran Differ Little From Obama’s

WASHINGTON — To rein in Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, Mitt Romney says he would conduct naval exercises in the Persian Gulf to remind Iran of American military might. He would try to ratchet up Security Council sanctions on Iran, targeting its Revolutionary Guards, and the country’s central bank and other financial institutions. And - By HELENE COOPER

Should BENJAMIN NETANYAHU be considered the leader of the free world?

Cause he is the only one serious about fighting Islamofacists it seems. America owes Israel big time. If it wasnt for Israel, America would be in even more trouble. Netanyahu is our greatest ally in the Middle East and possibly the world. Their is no relation like the US/Israel Relationship. comparing Benjamin netanyahu to Hitler is not only wrong but shows how ignorant one person is. In Germany you would be arrested for saying that. Honestly we should have those laws in the USA as well.
Answer: I don't know about leader of the free world, but he does have characteristics similar to Churchill prior to the onset of WW2. While Neville Chamberlin and the pacifist wimps on the left were trying to appease Adolf Hitler, Churchill was warning about the threat just over the horizon. That is very similar to what Netanyahu is doing regarding the mooselimb threat. Sadly, it looks like the left wing peaceniks will ignore the threat until it is too late yet again. And then the snivelers will be the first ones complaining that 'no one connected the dots'. I will agree with your underlying premise that stinkbomba is not the leader of the free world. He hates individual liberty and freedom to take advantage of the 'opportunities' that liberty gives to any individual taking advantage of it. We need to get a real leader in 2012 or it may very well be too late.
Category: Politics

Netanyahu to Close US Trip With Clinton, Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu is scheduled to meet Tuesday with U.S. lawmakers and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as he closes a visit to Washington dominated by discussion of how to respond to Irans controversial nuclear program.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU News - The New York Times

News about Benjamin netanyahu. Commentary and archival information about Benjamin netanyahu from The New York Times.


Benjamin (Binyamin) Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv on October 21, 1949, to Tsilah and Benzion, a renowned historian. His older brother, Yonatan (Yoni), was killed in ...

Israels Netanyahu, in a risky strategy, presses U.S. on Iran

According to one aide, Clinton asked after the meeting: Just who is the superpower? The Israeli leader at the time was — and again is — Benjamin netanyahu. At home, Netanyahu is seen as politically cautious, risk-averse and "squeezable" when ...

Why did Israeli PM BENJAMIN NETANYAHU personally thank Obama for killing Bin Laden?

His exacts words during his speech before Congress today: "...and thank you President Obama...for killing Bin Laden" Does that now mean that Benjamin netanyahu is now officially a left-wing communist sympathizer (and even possibly Muslim) for thanking Obama and refusing to thank Bush?
Answer: Because there is one less militant Islamic terrorist trying to destroy Israel
Category: Politics

Netanyahu’s gift to Obama: tale of ancient Persian plot against the Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu handed President Barack Obama a gift on Monday that spoke volumes about Israel’s tensions with Iran – an ancient Hebrew tome about a Persian plot to annihilate Jews. It’s called the Scroll of Esther ...

Obama focuses on unity, Netanyahu on sovereignty

“Both the prime minister and I prefer to solve this diplomatically,” Obama said as he and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu began several hours of White House consultations. The U.S. will consider all options in confronting what it ...

DTN Iran: Analysis: From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> faces sig... Iran: Analysis: From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu faces sig...
From: DTNIran - Source: twitterfeed

Analysis: From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> faces significant p... From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu faces significant p...
From: 2012rumors - Source: twitterfeed

Analysis: From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> faces significant p... From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu faces significant p...
From: nand_krish007 - Source: twitterfeed

RT @bonusr: <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> goes to Congress saying patience with Iran wears thin http:tcohXYEANr4RT @bonusr: Benjamin netanyahu goes to Congress saying patience with Iran wears thin http:tcohXYEANr4
From: carricosszstarr - Source: Mobile Web

RT @LaCoteJournal: Netanyahu dit quIsraël refuse une menace «danéantissement»: Le Premier ministre israélien <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b>  htt...RT @LaCoteJournal: Netanyahu dit quIsraël refuse une menace «danéantissement»: Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin netanyahu htt...
From: Catharinegeuld - Source: Mobile Web

RT @CIJAinfo: #VIDEO: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> Addresses #AIPAC2012 #IsraelRT @CIJAinfo: #VIDEO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu Addresses #AIPAC2012 #Israel
From: NUcampaign - Source: HootSuite

Benjamin #Netanyahu: #Israel cant wait long on Iran - Jennifer Epstein - via @POLITICOBenjamin #Netanyahu: #Israel cant wait long on Iran - Jennifer Epstein - via @POLITICO
From: Corn_Silk - Source: Tweet Button

Netanyahu dit quIsraël refuse une menace «danéantissement»: Le Premier ministre israélien <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b>, ... dit quIsraël refuse une menace «danéantissement»: Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin netanyahu, ...
From: LaCoteJournal - Source: twitterfeed

1º Ministro <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b>: "Israel sente-se no direito de matar milhões de Iranianos"º Ministro Benjamin netanyahu: "Israel sente-se no direito de matar milhões de Iranianos"
From: xatoo - Source: web

From Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> faces significant pressure at... Israel, urgings of caution on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu faces significant pressure at...
From: _ArabNews - Source: twitterfeed

<b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin netanyahu goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin
From: bonus_r - Source: Google

<b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin netanyahu goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin
From: ridinsbonus - Source: Google

From: RVictorRodrigue - Source: web

From Israel, Urgings Of Caution On Iran: Israeli Prime Minister <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> faces significa... #energy #riskFrom Israel, Urgings Of Caution On Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu faces significa... #energy #risk
From: Energy_Risk - Source: twitterfeed

Congressional News: <b>Benjamin netanyahu</b> goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin: ... #momsvotemattersCongressional News: Benjamin netanyahu goes to Congress, saying patience with Iran wears thin: ... #momsvotematters
From: momsvotematters - Source: twitterfeed

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