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OBrien: Ravis dorm mates who did not object to webcam spying should search their hearts
NEW BRUNSWICK — Twelve Middlesex County jurors are now deciding whether Dharun ravi is guilty of invasion of privacy, and if, when they look into his heart, they see hate. The kind of malice that accompanies a hate crime. Ravi is the only one ...
DHARUN RAVI, indian student in US does crime and found guilty and will go to jail 10 years. How come?
Dharun ravi, an indian student at US university forced another student to commit suicide by blackmailing him saying "i have exposed you to the world by showing proof you are gay. you being gay will never be secret anymore and everyone knows it now" . He is found guilty of causing suicide and will get 8 to 10 year jail and after jail sentence he will return to India and never again be allowed to enter US. The university expelled him too. Dharun ravi, gay hater connected to suicide.
Category: Cricket
BREAKING: DHARUN RAVI Guilty Of Hate Crime | Care2 Causes
Former Rutgers University student Dharun ravi has been found guilty of a hate crime, witness tampering and other charges.
DHARUN RAVI « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site – News ...
Dharun ravi has been charged with a number of counts of invasion of privacy and bias ... Continue reading “BREAKING: Verdict in the Dharun ravi Case” ...
Ravi awaits verdict on 15 counts as jury deliberations enter second day
NEW BRUNSWICK — Jury deliberations entered the second day Thursday in Superior Court, New Brunswick where Dharun ravi awaits verdicts on 15 counts he faces, three of which carry the presumption of jail time. The jury, which began deliberating ...
DHARUN RAVI Guilty Of Invasion Of Privacy In Webcam Spy Trial
A jury found Dharun ravi guilty of invasion of privacy for spying on his Rutgers University roommate Tyler Clementi and other charges. The jury deliberated ...
Tyler Clementi Case: DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty of Hate Crimes ...
More than a year after the tragic suicide of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, Dharun ravi was found guilty of invasion of privacy, among other charges.
DHARUN RAVIs dorm room spying case goes to jury
In closing arguments Tuesday in the trial of a Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommates intimate encounter with another man, his lawyer asserted that his client was just a kid, not a criminal, while the ...
New Light on Days Before Students Suicide
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- After discovering that his roommate had set up a webcam in their room and watched him kissing a man, Tyler Clementi sent an e-mail to the resident assistant in the dormitory that said, I feel my privacy has been violated, and I am extremely uncomfortable sharing a room with someone who would act in this wildly inappropriate - Raahi Grover, a resident assistant at Rutgers University, testifies at the trial of Dharun ravi, charged with invasion of privacy and bias intimidation after he used a Web-cam to spy on the same-sex activities of dorm roommate Tyler Clementi, who later committed suicide; Grover testifies that immediately following the spying incident, Clementi filed an online complaint and asked for a new room assignment. Photo (M) - By KATE ZERNIKE
Character Witnesses Called for Ravi in Rutgers Case
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — Several acquaintances of a former Rutgers University student who is accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate having a sexual encounter with another man testified on Friday that they had never heard the defendant say anything disparaging about gay people. Lawyers for the former student, Dharun ravi , began their - By NATE SCHWEBER
DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty in Rutgers Trial - Yahoo! News
A New Jersey jury today found former Rutgers student Dharun ravi guilty on all counts for using a webcam to spy on his roommate, Tyler Clementi, having a gay sexual ...
DHARUN RAVI Webcam Case: No Verdict In Day Two Of Jury ...
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — A jury has gone home without a verdict after the second day of deliberations in the trial of a former Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate, who killed ...
Suicide of Tyler Clementi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His roommate, Dharun ravi, and a fellow hallmate, Molly Wei, used iChat between a webcam on Ravi's computer and a computer in Wei's dorm room to view, ...
In Tyler Clementi Trial, Looking at DHARUN RAVI’s Intentions ...
The trial of Dharun ravi promises to turn less on what happened between him and Tyler Clementi in September 2010 — there is general agreement about most ...
The defense rested in the Rutgers spying case Monday without suspect Dharun Ravi taking the stand. Lawyer Steven Altman said his 20-year-old client would ...
In the Tyler Clementi case, do you think DHARUN RAVI will be convicted of the bias intimidation charge?
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Collection of all USATODAY.com coverage of Dharun ravi, including articles, videos, photos, and quotes.
What was DHARUN RAVI and Molly Wei thinking?
Why there is such people like them?
It so clear that its against human decency to invade a privacy of a person.
Answer: People with no human deceny do not think.
Category: History
Rutgers verdict: DHARUN RAVI guilty of hate crimes, other charges
A jury in New Jersey on Friday convicted Dharun ravi, a former Rutgers student, of hate crimes, invasion of privacy and other charges related to his spying on his gay college roommate, Tyler Clementi, who later committed suicide. Ravi, 20, sat ...
Bret Easton Ellis Calls DHARUN RAVI Trial a Witch Hunt | News ...
Less Than Zero author Bret Easton Ellis calls the case against Dharun ravi, currently awaiting verdict in his trial for multiple counts in the death of ...
Split verdict in DHARUN RAVI webcam spying trial
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (WABC) -- The jury split its verdict against a former Rutgers University student accused of hate crimes for using a webcam to spy on his roommates tryst with another man days before the roommate committed suicide. Twenty-year-old ...
DHARUN RAVI doesnt deserve jail for spying on Tyler Clementi
Dharun ravi should not go to jail. And thats what this college kid is facing right now, thanks to the jurys verdict: guilty on counts of bias intimidation, invasion of privacy and tampering with witnesses and evidence. What he did was creepy ...
Rutgers spy cam case: DHARUN RAVI defense rests - CSMonitor.com
Dharun ravi faces 15 charges, but the most serious is bias intimidation. Prosecutors in the Rutgers spy cam case must convince the jury that Dahrun Ravi ...
How many of you think DHARUN RAVI will be laughing when the verdict is returned?
Or di you think there will be a guilty verdict on at least some of the many charges?
Answer: I cannot think of any reason or excuse,to actually care at all.
Category: Current Events
In Video, Jury Hears Student Admit Posting On Roommate
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- For more than a week, jurors in the trial of a former Rutgers University student heard witnesses discuss a brief webcam feed in which he watched, from another room, while his roommate had a sexual encounter with another man. On Wednesday, they finally got to watch a video, but it was of the defendant, Dharun ravi, 20, when he - Jurors in the trial of former Rutgers University student Dharun ravi watch a video of the defendant in which he admits to police that he posted a Web feed of roommate Tyler Clementi in an intimate encounter with another man; Clementi subsequently committed suicide and Ravi faces charges including bias intimidation, invasion of privacy and destruction of evidence. Photos (M) - By NATE SCHWEBER
Jury Reaches Verdict In Rutgers Webcam Spying Trial « CBS New ...
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) –Dharun ravi, a former Rutgers student accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate who later committed suicide, has been found guilty of invasion of privacy and bias ...
Jury in DHARUN RAVI trial continues to deliberate for 2nd day | NJ.com
1 day ago ... More than 10 television cameras and dozens of reporters are in the hallway outside the courtroom.
DHARUN RAVI will not testify as defense rests in Rutgers webcam ...
NEW BRUNSWICK — The defense has rested in the trial of Dharun ravi, a former Rutgers student charged with spying on his roommate, after calling nine ...
Why persians aka Iranians hiding the fact that DHARUN RAVI is persian not indian?
It is not about names. He is Persian every one knows that!
Answer: I know Dharun personally, he's indian. The name is Indian anyway, but even if it wasn't HE is Indian.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Spiritually speaking, has DHARUN RAVI lost weight?
He looks a little haggard in his court photo.
Also like hes a cornered animal.
Notice how his eyes bulge out (which makes his forehead look smaller) and he has his thumb to his mouth? Yeah, I thought you did.
Answer: Having blood on your hands will make a normal person lose weight.
But Dharun is a narcissist, isn't he?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
WyBlog -- DHARUN RAVI found guilty of Thoughtcrime, railroaded to ...
Former Rutgers University student Dharun ravi was found guilty today on most counts in connection with using a webcam to spy on his roommate's liaison with another man, in a high profile case that sparked awareness of ...
DHARUN RAVI Guilty Of Invasion Of Privacy
A jury found Dharun ravi guilty of invasion of privacy for spying on his Rutgers University roommate Tyler Clementi and other charges. The jury deliberated for 12 hours for more than two days and also convicted him of tampering with physical ...
What do you all think about the DHARUN RAVI case?
In my opinion I dont think it was a hate crime if the victim had been with a female it wouldve got the same views, not as much hype. The big thing was an invasion of privacy. The fact that the victim was with a male made things more sensitive because he of course may not have been open about that and to have his intimacy unknowingly recorded must have been horrible. To go to that school where he was unwillingly exposed to everyone must have been really hard.
Answer: I am totally gutted.
Category: Current Events
Why should DHARUN RAVI and Molly Wei be punished for their just actions against Tyler Clementi?
Dharun and Molly tried to embarrass the homosexual spirit of Satan away from Tyler by taping the intercourse on a video camera. Their intention was never to kill Tyler, but only to help him fight his homosexuality. While this may be "against the law", we are to follow Christ before we follow worldly laws; Dharun and Molly deserve to be commended for their work to save the soul of another person, and should not be condemned.
Answer: Helping others; your doing it wrong.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
There are no winners in DHARUN RAVI case: Gay activist - Rediff ...
Dharun ravi, 18, had been arrested for alleged spying on Clementis tryst with an older gay man and had also been charged with a hate crime. Ravis friend ...
Can a persian american tell me why DHARUN RAVI acted like this?
Tyler Clementi Rutgers Suicide: Dharun ravi And Molly Wei Accused – 2 Rutgers students have been accused of taping a dorm roommate, 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, having a sexual experience with another male, and streaming it live for the whole internet to watch. Once the young man had realized what had just happened, he left a short goodbye note via his Facebook page, and then jumped off the George Washington Bridge to his death.
Answer: This is not an issue of anyone's race, nationality, religion or even sexual orientation - it's a matter of invasion of privacy. I could see the possibility of anyone being surreptitiously taped/broadcasted during a sex act (alone or with a hetero or homosexual partner) and being so embarrassed and humiliated that they might commit suicide. Since Ravi/Wei revealed that they felt no compunction to afford the consideration of privacy to Clementi that no consideration should be afforded them. I would suggest that they be offered the plea bargain (as an alternative to confinement) that for the next 5 years of a probationary sentence that they agree to submit to 24/7 videotaping and broadcasting of their EVERY action. Let's see how they'd like that. Of course if they'd RATHER have confinement - fine, they'll see what it's like to be on the receiving end of sociopathic behaviors.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Defendant DHARUN RAVI Won’t Testify in Rutgers Dorm Spying Trial
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — Dharun ravi sat largely expressionless for three weeks as friends testified in a courtroom here that he set up a webcam to spy on his roommate and another man as they had sex in his Rutgers dorm room in the days before the roommate, Tyler Clementi , committed suicide. On Monday, Mr. Ravi rose and told the judge that he - By KATE ZERNIKE
Should DHARUN RAVI get in trouble for filming his gay roomate and uploading it to the internet?
Isnt that a form of harassment? But will Dharun ravi get away with it because American despises Gay people?
Answer: He should spend decades in prison being Tyrone's main squeeze
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Why this persian student DHARUN RAVIzadeh bashed Tyler Clementi?
You know that Dharun ravi aka Dharun ravizadeh is persian and his parents are from Iran. Yes he is Iranian American and he bullied a lot of students at school because of his racist persian heritage. Yes persian are racist especially towards vulnerable people. Also persians hang homosexuals because of their history and heritage. Just watch 300 and see how persian aka Iranians are evil and hate homosexuals since thousands of years.
Answer: I saw a lot of Iranians bashing all races. They are racist and thier heritage tell them to be racist. If you watch 300 you will see that Iranian are racist since the thousands of years. Every Iranian households have their own collection of homosexuals hanging. Yes persians like to hang young homosexuals.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Deliberations in DHARUN RAVI spycam case enter second day ...
It will be up to the jury to decide whether Dharun ravi is guilty of the 15 counts with which he is charged, the most serious charge being bias intimidation.
Veiled Witness In Rutgers Case Tells of Webcam
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- As he and his new boyfriend lay naked on a bed in a nondescript dormitory room at Rutgers University, the man sensed he was being spied on. I just happened to glance over, the man, now a nervous and heavily shielded star witness, told a courtroom here on Friday. It just caught my eye that there was, you know, a camera - Unidentified man who was with Tyler Clementi in his dorm room on two occasions before Clementis suicide gives much-anticipated testimony in the trial of Dharun ravi; testifies that he noticed Ravis computer camera while lying naked in bed with Clementi, and that on the second visit, he heard derisive jokes from a group that had gathered outside the room; man also testifies that he and Clementi had exchanged affectionate text messages until the day of his death, and that he had no reason to anticipate Clementis suicide. Photo (M) - By KATE ZERNIKE
DHARUN RAVI Twitter | The Smoking Gun
Rutgers Suspect Tweeted On Taping Scheme. Student wrote of watching roommate on webcam. 1 of 3; ››. Dharun ravi Twitter. Back to Article ...
Rutgers Student DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty of Hate Crimes — The ...
According to the New York Times this morning, Dharun ravi, the Rutgers University student who secretly videotaped his college roommate kissing another man, and then distributed it to other students via social media. According to NYT.com: ...
DHARUN RAVI waits for the judge to explain - Media (2 of 4 ...
Dharun ravi waits for the judge to explain the law to the jury before they begin their deliberations during his trial at the Middlesex County Courthouse in ...
Defendant Guilty in Rutgers Case
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — A jury on Friday convicted a former Rutgers University student, Dharun ravi , of hate crimes for using a webcam to spy on his roommate kissing another man in their dorm room. The jury also found Mr. Ravi guilty of tampering with evidence and witnesses for trying to change Twitter and text messages in which he had - By KATE ZERNIKE
DHARUN RAVI found guilty in Rutgers webcam spying trial
NEW BRUNSWICK — Former Rutgers University student Dharun ravi was found guilty today of a hate crime, evidence tampering and invasion of privacy, for secretly using a webcam to spy on his roommate’s liaison with another man in their dorm room.
Is It Fair to Punish DHARUN RAVI Because Tyler Clementi Died ...
Dharun ravi may be a jerk, but he shouldn’t go to prison for it.
Can we exchange American hikers in Iran with persian student DHARUN RAVI?
Dharun ravi is from a prominent persian family in California with links to Iran.
I was so upset when I heard this story. Those persian students should be ashamed of themselves and I hope they remember this for the rest of their life. Their whole lives are practically ruined and they helped a young person take his own life. How could people do that to another person? Roommates are supposed to look out for each other..Why cant we ship them back to Iran in an exchange?
Answer: He isn't Persian. He's Indian. I think he and his family should be ashamed of not even saying a word of apology or condolence to tyler's family. But some people have no compassion or respect for their fellow beings.
Category: Immigration
DHARUN RAVI is just a kid: Defence lawyer
New York, March 14 (IANS) The lawyer for an Indian American student accused of spying on his gay roommate has argued that his client was not a criminal and did what he did because he was a kid. Asking the Middlesex County Superior Court, New Jersey, jury ...
Student Saw Twitter Posts By Roommate About Spying
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- As Dharun ravi posted Twitter feeds about using a webcam to see his Rutgers University roommate in a sexual encounter with another man, one of those reading intently was the roommate himself, Tyler Clementi, an investigator testified on Tuesday. In the two days before he jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge, - Prosecutors use computer trails to show that Dharun ravi was bothered by the sexual orientation of his Rutgers University roommate Tyler Clementi, who committed suicide after footage of his romantic encounter with another man was streamed on the Internet; Ravi faces charges that include bias intimidation, invasion of privacy and destruction of evidence. (M) - By NATE SCHWEBER
Day Before Rutgers Roommates Suicide, Defendant Wrote: Keep the Gays Away
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- A former Rutgers University student sent a message to a friend about wanting to keep the gays away and urged her to watch a feed from a webcam that he had trained on a bed where he expected his roommate to have a tryst with another man, according to text messages shown in court on Monday. Do it, the former student, - Michelle Huang testifies at trial of Dharun ravi that Ravi encouraged her to watch feed from webcam he had trained on a bed where he expected his Rutgers University roommate Tyler Clementi to have a tryst with another man; Ravi, charged with invasion of privacy and bias intimidation, used webcam one day before Clementi jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge. Photo (M) - By NATE SCHWEBER
DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty of Major Counts in Tyler Clementi Case: VIDEO
After 12 hours of deliberation, the jury in the Dharun ravi case today returned a verdict, and Ravi has been found guilty on a number of major counts including bias intimidation and invasion of privacy that could land him in prison for 10 years. Watch a ...
Ex-Rutgers Student DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty of Privacy Invasion ...
A jury reached a verdict Friday in the trial of former Rutgers University student Dharun ravi, who was accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate's intimate encounter with another man. The case attracted national ...
Rutgers Trial: DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty in Tyler Clementi Spying ...
A New Jersey jury today found former Rutgers student Dharun ravi guilty on all counts for using a webcam to spy on his roommate, Tyler Clementi, having a gay sexual ...
Why the Persian American community didnt condemn DHARUN RAVIs actions?
Dharun ravi is a persian student aka Iranian student and he received the 2010 persian student scholarship.
Answer: Yawn, because the Persian communitiy is such a powerful political force in America......... I don't think I've ever met someone who identified as Persian in the U.S. Quit obsessing.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Mar 5, 2012 ... Dharun ravi news. See the latest headlines on Dharun ravi from AOL News. Videos, photos & Dharun ravi pictures on all of the latest news from ...
Former Rutgers student DHARUN RAVI convicted in webcam spying case
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) - A former Rutgers University student accused of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommates love life has been convicted of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy in a case that exploded into the headlines when the victim of ...
What do you think of verdict of DHARUN RAVI?
What do you think of verdict of Dharun ravi?I think he deserve that but someone online was just making comment about him as he might have to face some Rape kind of incident in jail.I think I dont wish it for anyone.Will they put him in same cell with others?
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Bias charge is considered for persian student DHARUN RAVI in Rutgers hidden camera case?
Answer: What he did was wrong. He had no consideration in ruining another life and putting them through an emotional hell for a good kick.
Gay or not, dharun invaded his privacy. Even know being gay is a social taboo, dharun, is not being charged with any Additional charges.
I personally hope he gets raped in prison..
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Lawyers in Rutgers Dorm Spying Trial Make Final Presentations
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — In the days before he killed himself, Tyler Clementi did not act as though he was intimidated by the discovery that his roommate had used a webcam to watch him kissing another man, a lawyer for the roommate said Tuesday. And the roommate, Dharun ravi , acted not out of malice, he argued, but in a way that might have been - By KATE ZERNIKE
DHARUN RAVI - The New York Times
News about Dharun ravi. Commentary and archival information about Dharun Ravi from The New York Times.
Are DHARUN RAVI and Molly Wei still enrolled at Rutgers?
I"ve read about the charges but cant see anywhere if they are still Rutgers students or not, thanks
Answer: They are currently suspended.
Category: Current Events
Closing arguments in DHARUN RAVI Rutgers webcam trial
2-year-old picks NYC moms $1M ticket. A New York City toddler with the right touch has made her family $1 million …
DHARUN RAVI Found Guilty of Invasion of Privacy, Hate Crimes in Tyler Clementi Case
More than a year after the tragic suicide of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, a New Brunswick, N.J., jury has found his roommate Dharun ravi guilty of invasion of privacy and four charges of bias intimidation. He also faces possible deportation ...
DHARUN RAVI won’t testify in his defense in Rutgers spy case ...
The defense rested in the Rutgers spying case Monday without suspect Dharun ravi taking the stand. Lawyer Steven Altman said his 20-year-old client would ...
DHARUN RAVI Verdict: Guilty of bias and invasion of privacy in Rutgers spycam trial
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - A jury has found the former Rutgers student accused of spying on his roommate guilty of some bias intimidation charges, as well as charges of invasion of privacy and tampering with evidence. NJ.com has published a full list of the ...
Suicide of Tyler Clementi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tyler Clementi was an eighteen-year-old student at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, who jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge on ...
DHARUN RAVIs Attorney: Was His Reaction Criminal? Thats What ...
Closing Arguments End In Rutgers Spycam Trial; Jury To Decide Dharun ravi’s Fate March 13, 2012 7:00 PM
Bret Easton Ellis Blasts DHARUN RAVI Witch Hunt, Blames Parents
He just entered the "old dinosaur that needs to go away" territory. Bullying is horrible, ruins lives. Yeah, ultimately its the kids who commit suicide who are ultimately to blame, but that doesnt mean the bullies are blameless. In that regard, Rhavi isn ...
Closing argument in Rutgers webcam spy trial paints Ravis acts as stupid, not criminal
NEW BRUNSWICK — Steve Altman, defense attorney for Dharun ravi, told the jury in his closing argument that his client’s acts of using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate’s encounter with another man in their Rutgers dorm was stupid and ...
DHARUN RAVI Trial Going to Jury -- Daily Intel
Tyler Clementis roommate faces charges of privacy invasion, bias intimidation, witness tampering, and hindering arrest for the spying that preceded the Rutgers ...
In Rutgers Webcam Trial, Jury Asks Judge for Clarification
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — The jury in the trial of a former Rutgers University student accused of invading his roommate’s privacy by using a webcam to watch him in an intimate encounter began deliberations on Wednesday and asked the judge to define two crucial terms. Jurors asked Judge Glenn Berman of Superior Court in Middlesex County to - By NATE SCHWEBER
DHARUN RAVI Guilty Of Invasion Of Privacy In Webcam Spy Trial
A jury found Dharun ravi guilty of invasion of privacy for spying on his Rutgers University roommate Tyler Clementi and other charges. The jury deliberated for 12 hours for more than two days and also convicted him of ...
Student Convicted in Webcam-Spying Trial, Dharun ravi, formerly at Rutgers caused roommates suicide: http://t.co/2MRVx0v2
From: MosesHawk - Source: TweetDeck
Dharun ravi Guilty of Hate Crimes in Rutgers Webcam Case: http://t.co/VCnsfx6P
From: LKatherineJones - Source: Tweet Button
Dharun ravi found guilty of invasion of privacy and hate crime and is facing up to ten years in prison. Consider this a warning, bullies.
From: TheOneRitz - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Dharun ravi Verdict: Guilty of bias, invading privacy, in Rutgers-Clementi ... - CBS News
From: WalterShaXID - Source: web
At LezGetReal: The Anti-Violence Project On The Conviction Of Dharun ravi http://t.co/dBgkamLQ
From: theragingqueen - Source: twitterfeed
The Anti-Violence Project On The Conviction Of Dharun ravi: This morning Dharun ravi was found gu... http://t.co/tY84Vppo #lgtb #lesbian
From: leswolves - Source: twitterfeed
Dharun ravi Verdict: Guilty of bias, invading privacy, in Rutgers-Clementi ... - CBS News
From: MacyDixonXJJ - Source: web
YES. “@CNN: Dharun ravi found guilty in Rutgers bullying case - could face up to 10 years in jail and deportation: http://t.co/zBxwluFN”
From: deeblain - Source: Twitter for iPhone
The Anti-Violence Project On The Conviction Of Dharun ravi http://t.co/MJDdfkoc
From: lezgetreal - Source: NetworkedBlogs
Dharun ravi Found Guilty Of Invasion Of Privacy http://t.co/1j9ERsBc via @huffingtonpost
From: straighttalkpod - Source: The Huffington Post
If you havent already, nows the time to read Ian Parkers incredible piece on Tyler Clementi and Dharun ravi: http://t.co/3Ut7xvzp
From: LisaMcIntire - Source: TweetDeck
NJ Gay Rights Groups React To Dharun ravi Verdict In Rutgers Spycam Trial http://t.co/cucqE2Gz
From: nj1015 - Source: twitterfeed
#070368 Dharun ravi was found guilty of all 15 counts today. He was acquitted for 11 out of 35 charges. Final sentence tbd.
From: whatupitsjen - Source: web
BBC News - Dharun ravi guilty of Rutgers webcam hate crime http://t.co/R5ciwyv0
From: intrepidblue - Source: bitly
in two minds about punishing Ravi so severely http://t.co/XzSHp3hY yes, of course hes guilty and should used as an example. But 10 years?
From: ajkeen - Source: TweetDeck