Earthquake san francisco : Photo Gallery
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Earthquake san francisco : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Magnitude-4.0 Quake Shakes San Francisco Bay Area
Some people in the San Francisco Bay area were awakened by an earthquake, though there have been no damage reports. A U.S. Geological Survey.
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale. At the same time in South Ameri?
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale. At the same time in South America, there was an earthquake with magnitude 4.1 that caused only minor damage. How many times more intense was the San Francisco earthquake than the South American one?
Be sure to provide examples in your answers and to add correct and relevant information.
Answer: The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale.
That is, the intensity of an earthquake is proportional to 10^R where R is the Richter scale magnitude of the earthquake.
Comparing the San Francisco earthquake with the South American one, the intensities were in the ratio:
10^8.3 / 10^4.1 = 10^(8.3-4.1) = 10^4.2 = 15849 = approx. 16000 to two significant figures.
Answer: the San Francisco earthquake was about 16000 times more intense than the South American one.
Category: Mathematics
Magnitude-4.0 quake shakes San Francisco Bay area | Daily Republic
The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a magnitude-3.5 quake struck at 5:33 a.m. about eight miles northeast of San Francisco in the city of El Cerrito. It was followed eight seconds later by a magnitude-4.0 temblor, said ...
Earthquake list for map of San Francisco
Earthquake list for map of San Francisco. Update time = Tue, 06 Mar 2012 12:00: 11 UTC. 118 earthquakes in list. Mag, Date y/m/d, Local Time h:m:s, Latitude ...
What is the likelihood that I will experience an earthquake in San Francisco?
I am from Oklahoma and am going on vacation in 3 weeks to San Francisco. I have always had an interes in earthquakes, and wonder what the chances are that I might actually experience one. Im not talking about a huge earthquake, just one that is noticable. We have small ones here in OK but I never feel them even when Im in the area, so I kind of want to see what they feel like.
Answer: Hopefully you will feel one! I am from Los Angeles and we get them here a bit also. Its like a rollercoaster , you are scared but it is all fun in the end. Good luck.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
Magnitude-4.0 quake shakes San Francisco Bay Area
SAN FRANCISCO — Some people in the San Francisco Bay area were awakened by an earthquake, though there have been no damage reports. A U.S. Geological Survey computer-generated report says the magnitude-4.0 quake struck at 5:33 a.m. Monday and ...
San Francisco and San Antonio Earthquakes 2011: Both Happen on ...
Two earthquakes, one in San Francisco, Calif. and one in San Antonio, Texas, have taken place on the same day on Thursday.
CRITICS NOTEBOOK; In Madrids Heart, Park Blooms Where a Freeway Once Blighted
MADRID -- Even on a chilly Thursday afternoon in December, the old men, engulfed in cigar smoke and reading newspapers, were sitting around chess tables under tall pines. Nearby, a young woman had strung her line between the trunks of two mulberry trees to practice tightrope walking. Behind her, hypnotized toddlers stared into a small oval fountain - Michael Kimmelman Critics Notebook on Madrid Rio, a park in the heart of Spains capital city that has transformed a once-blighted area; project sits atop a series of tunnels that were dug to bury an intrusive freeway, and along with the rejuvenation of a long-lost stretch of the Manzanares River, joins areas around the world where highways are being torn down and waterfronts reclaimed in an effort to create new public spaces. (M) - By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN
1906 San Francisco earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was a major earthquake that struck San Francisco, California, and the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on ...
Bay Area hit by two earthquakes - 3.5 and 4.0 - moments apart
four miles from Berkeley and 13 miles from San Francisco City Hall. There were several smaller temblors after the 4.0 jolt. In the past 10 days, there have been two earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby. Read more about ...
Earthquake jolts Southcentral Alaska
The Alaska shaker came on a day when other earthquakes rattled the American West. Two earthquakes struck on the Hayward Fault in the San Francisco Bay Area Monday, leaving millions rattled in the densely populated metropolis. Those earthquakes occurred in ...
Hetch Hethcy Reservoir required for Bay Area water needs
San Francisco and the 2.6 million Bay Area customers of the ... We have worked hard to address the constant threats of drought, climate change, and earthquakes to our water. Last Wednesday, 59 million gallons of water flowed down the Tuolumne River into ...
San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake 2012: Minor Tremor Shakes ...
1 hour ago ... A magnitude 4.0 earthquake shook the San Francisco Bay Area early Monday morning, according to information from the United States ...
Japanese Teens Who Survived Earthquake Visit San Francisco School ...
Japanese Teens Who Survived Earthquake Visit San Francisco School February 29, 2012 5:38 PM
San Francisco earthquake: second quake hits almost exactly 22 ...
Two earthquakes jolted the San Francisco Bay area, Thursday. The U.S. Geological Survey says a quake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.9 hit at 8:16 p.m ...
Life after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?
I have this project for english and I need to find out about life (for the San-franciscians) after the earthquake. I also need to find out about what happened to chinatown (which is in san francisco). Ex. my great-great aunt was in the earthquake and there was barely any food blah blah blah. Also, If you could tell me about after the Taiwan earthquake, that would be great to, thanx!
Answer: My great grandmother was pregnant with her first child during the earthquake. They were not in Chinatown, but in Hayes Valley. They evacuated to Golden Gate Park but ended up moving across the Bay to Berkeley for about a year. My grandfather went almost all his life thinking he was born in San Francisco and found out very late he was actually born in Berkeley.
I think there are lots of internet sources. But because the Chinese in San Francisco at that time were mostly male, and mostly not strong English speakers, I don't know if you will find much written about their experience.
I was in SF during the 1989 earthquake but I have no idea what the Taiwan earthquake was.
Category: San Francisco
timeline for the san francisco earthquake of 1906?
what are some things in history that happened after the san francisco earthquake of 1906 as a result of this earthquake? such as advances in technology and such? i need dates with them too.
Answer: This would be your best resource, from the Utah Geological Survey:
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
3.8 Earthquake Rattles San Francisco: SFist
Did you feel it? A small tremor shook San Francisco this afternoon at 2:57 p.m., right on the 105-year anniversary of the Great Quake of 1906. According to USGMC, the ...
San Francisco Earthquake: 4.2 Magnitude Quake Strikes Near ...
BERKELEY, Calif. — Another earthquake has jolted the San Francisco Bay area. The U.S. Geological Survey says a quake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.9 ...
Two quakes hit northeast of San Francisco
Back-to-back earthquakes, including a magnitude-4.0, hit Monday morning just northeast of San Francisco, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Updated and corrected at 1:08 p.m. ET: Two quakes hit within eight seconds of each other in the San Francisco ...
California-Nevada Fault Map for San Francisco
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
San Francisco Earthquake: Second Tremor Jolts Northern California
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -- Two small earthquakes hit the San Francisco area Thursday, jolting residents on the same day many Californians took part in an ...
1906 San Francisco earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was a major earthquake that struck San Francisco, California, and the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on Wednesday ...
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude?
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude of 7.9 on the MMS scale. At the same time there was an earthquake with magnitude 6.5 that caused less damage. How many times more intense was the San Francisco earthquake than the second one? Please show the work as well ! Thank you !
Category: Mathematics
Riding Off Into Civilizations Sunset
IT was the season of apocalypse. Whether your idea of the end is reconciliatory (a family reunion on a misty far shore in The Tree of Life) or punishing -- the collision of Earth with another planet in Melancholia; extinction in a metaphysical tornado in Take Shelter -- 2011 was the year of brooding cosmic consciousness in serious - Stephen Holden notes that many films of 2011 focus on apocalypse and economic uncertainty. Photos (M) - By STEPHEN HOLDEN
Who was the interim fire chief during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?
I am doing a research paper on the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, and I was wondering who the alternate fire chief was. I know that the original one, Dennis T. Sullivan, was killed during the initial quake, but nowhere does it say who filled in for him. Can you help me out?
Answer: The sheriff was appointed as interim fire chief. Here is a link. Scroll down to find him.
Category: History
Second Earthquake In A Day Strikes San Francisco | Fox News
SAN FRANCISCO – Another earthquake has jolted the San Francisco Bay area. The U.S. Geological Survey says a quake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.9 hit ...
News From the Advertising Industry
Accounts Arbys Restaurant Group, Atlanta, shifted its creative account to Crispin Porter & Bogusky, part of MDC Partners, from BBDO New York, part of the BBDO North America division of BBDO Worldwide, which is owned by the Omnicom Group. Spending was estimated at more than $110 million. Although the decision was made without a review, it came a - By STUART ELLIOTT
The Coming Crisis: 4.0 Magnitude EARTHQUAKE SAN FRANCISCO ...
LATEST WEBSITE NEWS: We now have a mailing address! For those who want to send your donation checks by mail, or who would like to write us a letter, send your mail to our post box address. ********** Are you an iOS ...
Editorial: San Francisco should weigh all Hetchy Hetchy options
After the 1906 earthquake, the city of San Francisco sought a dam in Yosemite National Park to meet water needs and voters approved bond issues in 1908. With sympathy for the earthquake-devastated city running high, Congress passed the Raker Act ...
What effects did the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and?
What effects did the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and the great chicago firehave on long range city planning?
i have to write a paper on this so as much info you have will be appreciated. thanks
Answer: Quit building on reclaimed land, quit building wooden buildings and keep cows out of the city.
Category: History
How long did it take to clean up after the 1906 san francisco earthquake?
I was just looking up natural disasters and was looking at one of the worlds most well known disaster of the 1906 earthquake that rock san francisco that claimed 3,000 lives.
I was just wondering how long did it take for the city too clean up and shape like it has today?
Answer: We know it as the "earthquake and fire," since it was the fire that destroyed the city, not the quake itself.
It was pretty much rebuilt by 1915, when the Pacific Exposition was held. Fun fact: the site of the Exposition was built on landfill from the rubble that was cleaned up; and that's the same area where the houses collapsed in the 1989 earthquake, when the landfill liquefacted.
Category: San Francisco
What if San Francisco earthquake of 1906 never happened?
I need couple sentences on this question from history.
If San Francisco earthquake never happened....
Answer: My grandparents would not have had to go live with a relative (grandmother's sister) in Oakland, and my father would not as a result have told my mother that if she ever saw this relative coming down their street, she was to either shoot her or call the police.
Seriously, what effect? SF would not have been mostly burned down and needed to be rebuilt. I suppose this led to greater interest in earthquakes and geology in the USA, and perhaps improved building codes in California.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
Do you think there will be another Huge earthquake in San Francisco this year?
Long ago I read about the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. The article said that scientists believed that a major earthquake is prone to happen every 100 years. This year is Its centennial, do u think its gonna happen?
Answer: I have noticed that earthquakes seem to occur after a wetter than normal rainy season. So, don't be surprised.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
Bay Area Wakes Up To Magnitude 4.0 East Bay Quake « CBS San ...
The quake was centered a mile north of El Cerrito, four miles north of Berkeley. Phone-in reports indicate that the quake was felt across much of the East Bay as well as the North Bay and San Francisco, according the the ...
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards.
Magnitude 4.0 earthquake shakes San Francisco | Flickr - Photo ...
The blurry image you see was NOT caused by the quake -- the quake struck a few minutes earlier (quake at 5:33am, this photo was shot at 5:41am) -- quake details ...
San Francisco earthquake shakes West Coast residents fearing new disasters
CENTRAL OREGON COAST -- San Francisco’s magnitude 4.0 earthquake early Money sent aftershocks of fear up and down the entire West Coast, say officials. Earthquakes and resulting Tsunami’s release a lot of fear, says Florence local Jonathan, who ...
If the LA earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale and the magnitude of the San Francisco earthq?
If the LA earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale and the magnitude of the San Francisco earthquake had a magnitude 35 times as intense as the LA earthquake, what is the magnitude of the San Francisco earthquake?
Answer: It's 6.5 + log(35) which equals 8.
Logarithm of 35 is about 1.5. It is the exponent of 10 which will yield 35. Or 10^1.5 = 35 (roughly)
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
2 small San Francisco earthquakes rattle residents
SAN FRANCISCO (KABC) -- Two small consecutive earthquakes shook San Francisco Bay area residents Monday morning but left no serious damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a magnitude-2.9 quake struck at 5:33 a.m. about eight miles ...
His Mission: Telling Stories To Grown-Ups
NICASIO, Calif. BEFORE you interview Hollywood bigwigs, especially stars and star directors, a SWAT team of publicists and assistants often descends to offer advice. Dont mention this, feel free to ask that, only eat the blue M&Ms. That kind of stuff. Brad Bird, you are told, will not tolerate a dumb question. But he likes it when people - Brad Bird, who makes his live-action-feature directorial debut with the film Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, is stepping away from animation that has made his career, saying he wants to be taken more seriously as a filmmaker. Photos (M)m - By BROOKS BARNES
With its 12 Corinthian columns, the Sunol Water Temple looks as if it should anchor an Italian piazza. Built in 1910 by the privately owned Spring Valley Water Company, this 60-foot-high pavilion marks the confluence of three East Bay water sources -- though only one is currently in use. At one time, more than half of San Franciscos water passed - - By LOUISE RAFKIN
Bay Area Wakes Up To Magnitude 4.0 East Bay Quake « CBS San ...
23 hours ago ... Phone-in reports indicate that the quake was felt across much of the East Bay as well as the North Bay and San Francisco, according the the ...
How was the San Francisco Earthquake delt with (1989)?
Im doing a project and I was wondering how was the San Francisco Earthquake of 1989 delt with and what were the steps taking buy the community to rebuilt it?
Answer: The Loma Prieta earthquake, also known as the Quake of '89 and the World Series Quake, was a major earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area of California on October 17, 1989 at 5:04 p.m. Caused by a slip along the San Andreas Fault, the earthquake lasted approximately 15 seconds and measured 6.9 on the moment magnitude scale (surface-wave magnitude 7.1).[1] The quake killed 67 people throughout northern California, injured 3,757 people and left more than 12,000 people homeless.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
THE BAY CITIZEN; Upset by Americas Cup Plan, Dolphin Club Will Take to the Water
Scott James is a columnist for The Bay Citizen. On an overcast, blustery morning at Aquatic Park cove along San Franciscos northern bay shoreline, the water temperature last week was a chilly 50.5 degrees. The air was only slightly warmer. As they have been doing since 1877, members of the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club plunged into the water. - Scott James is an Emmy-winning television journalist and novelist who lives in San Francisco; - By SCOTT JAMES
What is the name of the temple that survived the 1901 earthquake in San Francisco?
I was just back from vacation at San Francisco and Im really interested in the 1901 building that survived an 8.1 earthquake. Can anyone tell me what is the name of the temple. And how it survived?
Answer: The building is the Tin How Temple located in Chinatown. It is a steel frame building. Steel frame buildings hold up well in earthquakes. The Tin How Temple was built with fireproof steel frame, and that is how it survived the earthquake and the fires.
Category: San Francisco
THE TEXAS TRIBUNE | LOCAL INTELLIGENCE; Earthquake Refugee Cottages: The Presidio, San Francisco
After the 1906 earthquake, refugees lived in tents. But as winter rains approached, more than 5,000 cottages were built by union carpenters to house 15,000 of the 250,000 people who had been left homeless. Two green 10-foot-by-14-foot buildings tucked near the Main Post at the Presidio are survivors of what are now called earthquake shacks. LOUISE - - By LOUISE RAFKIN
San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake Tracker |
Recent seismic events in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area (USGS): ABC7 only lists seismic activity of 2.0 or higher. 2.1 March 5, 2012 3:37 p.m. -- 9 miles ...
San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake Tracker |
Recent seismic events in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area (USGS): ABC7 only lists seismic activity of 2.0 or higher. 2.6 March 2, 2012 7:22 p.m. -- 2 miles ...
California Earthquake Shakes San Francisco Bay Area
Less than six hours after a 5.8 earthquake in Virginia had east coast citizens in panic-mode and news outlets buzzing, a California earthquake measuring a magnitude ...
San Francisco Bay Area rattled as 2 quakes occur 8 seconds apart
SAN JOSE, Calif. — A one-two punch of earthquakes rattled nerves in the San Francisco Bay Area on Monday morning, and scientists say the 3.5 and 4.0 magnitude temblors under the city of El Cerrito were reminders of the danger in an area ...
Sunlink studies seismic effects on solar
which include San Francisco’s Sunset Reservoir and an installation at Alcatraz, are freestanding. Sunlink will use the data it gathered from the PEER center to improve modeling of earthquake’s effects on solar systems, and will also use it ...
Earthquake: 3.7 quake strikes near San Francisco Bay -
A shallow magnitude 3.7 earthquake was reported Thursday morning two miles from Crockett, Calif., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor ...
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards.
San Francisco earthquakes jolt city 22 years after the deadly Loma ...
Twenty-two years almost to the day after the terrifying Loma Prieta earthquake, two quakes jolted the San Francisco Bay area again, the first a magnitude 4 ...
Earthquake wakes up Bay Area early this morning
An earthquake woke up residents of the San Francisco area this morning around 5:33 local time. The earthquake measured at a 4.0 magnitude that hit the Bay Area did not cause any damage, though BART (Bay Area Railroad Tranist) temporarily stopped service ...
San Francisco Bay Area awakened by 4.0 quake - CBS News
23 hours ago ... No reports of serious damage, injury from 4.0 temblor following 2.9 earthquake.
Magnitude-4.0 Quake Shakes San Francisco Bay Area - ABC News
23 hours ago ... The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a magnitude-3.5 quake struck at 5:33 a.m. about eight miles northeast of San Francisco in the city of ...
Map for San Francisco - U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake ...
Map and detailed information about recent seismic activity from the U. S. Geological Survey.
Examples of San Francisco 1906 earthquake amateur photographers?
I am looking for examples (eg digital archival images) showing amateurs taking photographs in the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. Its claimed this was one of the first disasters to be documented heavily by amateur photographers ... I want to see some images of these people "at work". Also interested in images of the quake and fire taken specifically by amateurs.
Please note specific requirements. Im after images specifically of or by amateur photographers. Specific links would be appreciated. I have already conducted general searches myself, but Im hoping someone has some specific leads to help answer my question.
Answer: I have been collecting SF Earthquake negatives for about 10 years now. It was heavily documented by amateurs.
Enter "earthquake" "negative" and search closed auctions. You can usually find a few.
Category: Photography
san francisco earthquake | eBay
eBay: san francisco earthquake ... Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than U.S. dollars and are approximate conversions to U.S ...
San Francisco Bay Area awakened by 4.0 quake
(AP) SAN FRANCISCO - Two small, back-to-back earthquakes shook San Francisco Bay area residents awake Monday morning but appeared to leave no serious damage or injury. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a magnitude-2.9 quake struck at 5:33 ...
Is earthquake in san francisco that big of a problem for residents?
i might move there but im kinda of scared of the earthquake. should i be concerned about the natural disasters in san francisco?
Answer: To say people in San Francisco constantly worry about earthquakes is like saying people from Miami constantly worry about hurricanes, people from Dallas constantly worry about tornadoes, and people from Hawaii constantly worry about volcanic eruptions. San Franciscans generally don't spend their days preparing for The Big One. After all, the city has definitely learned a lot about what to do to keep everyone safe since the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the more recent 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Nonetheless, San Franciscans absolutely are aware that the threat is real, and do take steps to prepare. For example, most citizens have small Earthquakes kits with food, water, and important documents ready to go at a moment's notice.
To better answer your question, you should not be terribly concerned about an earthquake destroying the city or yourself. However, do not be ignorant of the fact that the city is in constant danger of a large quake. As long as your are prepared and know what to do in order to stay safe before, during, and after the shaking, you'll be fine.
P.S., San Francisco is without a doubt one of the finest cities in America, if not in the world. And it is definitely prepared to deal with a natural disaster such as an earthquake, so please don't allow that small risk to deter you from moving here.
Here's a few websites I found that might help you out:
Good luck!
Category: San Francisco
LEADING OFF; Winning One for Al Davis
There might not have been a more inevitable result than the Raiders winning their game over the Texans on Sunday. There simply was no other possible ending. Because wherever you think the sports worlds No. 1 curmudgeon landed in the afterlife after his death on Saturday, Al Davis was going to make eternity unbearable for whoever is in charge had - By LYNN ZINSER
What are the chances Sacramento, CA would receive an earthquake compared to San Francisco, CA chances of one?
If there was a huge earthquake in San Francisco, CA, would Sacramento, CA feel it?
Answer: Sacramento is about 80 miles further away from the San Andreas fault than San Francisco is. Any quake centered near San Francisco with a magnitude much over 5 would be felt in Sacramento, and a major earthquake would probably do some damage there.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
San Francisco earthquake: Second quake jolts Bay Area -
Two small earthquakes hit the San Francisco area Thursday, jolting residents on the same day many Californians took part in an annual earthquake ...
LETTERS; Amid the Ice Floes, Lessons for Business
To the Editor: Re Reinvention and Survival, Circa 1915 (Dec. 25), Nancy F. Koehn saw several business leadership lessons in the failed expedition of the polar explorer Ernest Shackleton. In describing Shackleton and his crew, the article said that whatever came before them on the ice, their leader would give his all to bring them home
San Francisco Bay Area Rattled by Two Back-to-Back Earthquakes
The San Francisco Bay Area was rattled Monday morning by two back-to-back earthquakes, but there have been no reports of any damage or injuries as a result of the quakes. According to the U.S. Geological Survey’s report, a magnitude-3.5 ...
A Bridge Built to Sway When the Earth Shakes
SAN FRANCISCO -- Venture deep inside the new skyway of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, and it becomes clear that the bridges engineers have planned for the long term. At intervals inside the elevated roadways box girders -- which have the closed-in feel of a submarine, if a submarine were made of concrete -- are anchor blocks, called - Eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge, being built to replace an obsolete truss bridge, features a host of cutting-edge design elements intended to allow the structure to absorb the shock of a powerful earthquake, given the proximity of two nearby faults capable of producing major damage. Photos, Diagrams, Maps (M)l - By HENRY FOUNTAIN
How accurate are local Earthquake predictions? Scientists versus psychics
I thought a car was about to crash through the wall right next to my bed, but no, it was that 4.0 Earthquake as I vacationed for two days near San Franciscos wharf. So I jumped up and dressed, grabbed my suitcase, and checked out of the hotel by 6:00 ...
ConsumerWatch: How ready Are You For A Big Quake? « CBS San ...
Over 60 percent of Californians are not prepared for a large-scale earthquake, according to the California Earthquake Preparedness Survey.
2nd earthquake - aftershock - rattles Bay Area
An earthquake and an aftershock, both on the Hayward Fault near Berkeley ... Both quakes were felt throughout the East Bay and San Francisco. In Oaklands ...
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Earthquake san francisco
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The Coming Crisis: 4.0 Magnitude Earthquake san francisco … From: Lovieiwt50 - Source: twitterfeed
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Survivor of 1906 earthquake could remember San Francisco in flames From: Tina_Harrison - Source: twitterfeed
RT @Quakeprediction: 60 HR EARTHQUAKE WARNING for the San Francisco Bay. 4.0 to 6.0 earthquake is likely in the next 60 hours; From: chaudalyn - Source: web
#US, San Francisco earthquake of 1906 ,Photography, #world-insurance-companies, view From: gustavosanra - Source: SocialOomph