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BUCKYBALLS: Amazing Rare-Earth Magnetic Desktoy
Buckyballs Rare Earth Magnetic Desktoy: Super-strong magnetic desktoy with hundreds of uses. Its a desktoy., Price: $34.99
Where results contain multi-variation listings, the item counts on the page are inclusive of all matching variations that are available.
Amazon.com: Bucky Balls - The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy: Toys ...
Bucky Balls are the must-have desktop toy for the curious and imaginative. Mash and mold 216 magnetic bucky balls into countless shapes and patterns. Design ...
What are the melting and boiling points for BUCKYBALLS?
Answer: Fullerene do not really melt as such, they will decompose into graphite as the heat raise, and then will behave like that form of carbon, with sublimation occuring at around 4000 K (liquid carbon can be done only under high pressure). Cooling it from that point will NOT restore them as Buckyballs.
Category: Chemistry
ThinkGeek :: BUCKYBALLS Magnetic Building Spheres
Buckyballs Magnetic Building Spheres Main Image; Exclusive Blue Sidekick set! Original Shapes. ... Also, the super Original Mega Pack with 648 Buckyballs!
Buckminsterfullerene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buckminsterfullerene (or buckyball) is a spherical fullerene molecule with the formula C 60. It is a cage-like fused-ring structure (truncated (T = 3) icosahedron ...
Girl survives after swallowing 37 magnets
The high-powered magnets, called Buckyballs, reportedly snapped together inside her, pinching Payton’s intestines and punching one hole in her stomach and three in her intestine, according to KPTV. Payton’s parents say she may have mistaken the small ...
Can someone send me link to BUCKYBALLS in action?
Can somonesend me a link of a video of Buckyballs. It would create a frictionless surface so is there any video of someone trying to stand up on Buckyballs or can you buy them anywhere?
Answer: I did research with C₆₀ for a couple of years. They never lived up to the hype that they would "create a frictionless surface" - for a number of reasons. First of all, the scale of the "roughness" of most surfaces in real life is much larger than 1 nm - the size of C₆₀ molecules. Consequently, using C₆₀ molecules as 'tiny ball bearings' doesn't work because they would be too small to provide lubrication. Secondly, C₆₀ is too chemically reactive anyway - it is easily oxidized and acquires additional (epoxide-like) oxygen atoms when exposed to air for some time.
You might find some animated video showing C₆₀ acting like a molecular scale lubricant, but it will be just that, an animation - not reality. C₆₀ can be purchased from several chemical supply companies, but is still not cheap (more than 10 years ago, when I'd left the field, it was ~ $100/g).
Category: Chemistry
What is a commonly found example of a substance that can be found as “BUCKYBALLS?"?
What is a commonly found example of a substance that can be found as “Buckyballs?"
Answer: Carbon
Category: Chemistry
Scientists Say Crater Is Result of a Killer Meteor
A buried geological formation off the northwest coast of Australia, long thought to be remnants of an old volcano, is actually a 125-mile-wide crater formed by a devastating meteor strike 251 million years ago, scientists asserted yesterday. It was that meteor, they went on, that caused the largest mass extinction in the Earths history. - Team led by Dr Luann Becker of University of California says that geological formation deep in ocean off northwest coast of Australia is 125-mile-wide crater that was formed by devastating meteor that struck Earth 251 million years ago, causing largest mass extinction in planets history; map; Becker says Bedout depression has jumbled and melted minerals in rocks that could only have formed in violent upheaval, not as result of volcano, as long believed; 90-95 percent of ocean species and at least half of backboned species on land died out quickly at end of Permian geological period and start of Triassic (M) - By KENNETH CHANG
What is your opinion on both Carbon Nanotubes and BUCKYBALLS?
Answer: I think the discovery of these will in due time lead to interesting applications in many fields.
Category: Chemistry
BUCKYBALLS Magnetic Building Toys at Brookstone—Buy now!
Buckyballs magnetic building toys are available in an array of colors. Collect them all and combine your Bucky Balls to build bigger and better sculptures.
ASU astrophysicist part of team that has discovered solid BUCKYBALLS in space
Sumner Starrfield, Regents’ Professor of Astrophysics in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, is part of an international team that has, for the first time, discovered Buckyballs in a solid form in space.
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
funny science news experiments memes - SPACE (bucky) BALLS!
Toys for the Father Whos Not Too Grown Up
AS a father of 19 years, I can say with some degree of authority that some Fathers Day gifts have been better than others. There was that year I was blindfolded and led to the garage to find a large box containing an unassembled lawn mower. It was a nice gift, but it made me feel that I should mow the lawn. So, as a celebration of the boy lying - By WARREN BUCKLEITNER
NASA Finds An Atmosphere Around Another Of Saturns Moons
NASA Detects Solid Buckyballs In Space Alex Knapp Forbes Staff First Human-Robot Handshake In Space Alex Knapp Forbes Staff NASA’s Cassini probe, which is currently on a mission to explore Saturn and her moons, has detected signs of a thin atm ...
BUCKYBALLS - A Nanotechnology Building Block, How To Make Them ...
Topics Covered: Background. History of Buckytubes and Buckyballs. Buckyballs. Making Buckyballs. Buckyball Applications. Background: Just as the key building block to ...
Trial to Begin in Intelligent Design Discrimination Lawsuit Against NASAs Jet Propulsion Lab
NASAs Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs … WASHINGTON, Feb. 22, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Astronomers using data from NASA … Full Story »NASAs Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs in Space
Solid BUCKYBALLS discovered in space
PASADENA: Solid Buckyballs have been discovered in space for the first time, stacked together like oranges in a crate. Formally named buckminsterfullerene, Buckyballs are named after their resemblance to the late architect Buckminster Fullers geodesic domes.
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
Astronomers using data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have, for the first time, discovered Buckyballs in a solid form in space. Prior to this discovery.
BUCKYBALLS: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down ...
Mar 11, 2009 ... http://www.getBuckyballs.com Surely by now you've heard of Buckyballs: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! It's been the top ...
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
Payton Bushnell, a 3-year old toddler from Portland, Oregon, is in full recovery after undergoing emergency surgery to remove 37 Rare Earth Buckyballs magnets.
3-Year-Old Eats 37 Magnets & Were Not Shocked
Her parents say had they known of the danger, they would never have had Buckyballs in the house. The nurses say theyd seen these magnets inside little kids before, but never so many, and they were worried if they would be able to help Payton. Yikes.
Solid BUCKYBALLS discovered in space | COSMOS magazine
PASADENA: Solid Buckyballs have been discovered in space for the first time, stacked together like oranges in a crate. Formally named buckminsterfullerene, Buckyballs are named after their resemblance to the late architect ...
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
Researchers maintain a dogged interest in Buckyballs, which are unobservable with the human eye, because of their use in nanotechnology and nano science. Ultima.
NASA - NASAs Spitzer Finds Solid BUCKYBALLS in Space
NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope has detected the solid form of Buckyballs in space for the first time. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech › Full image and ...
2 Physicists Share Nobel For Work on Carbon Flakes
A pair of Russian-born physicists working at the University of Manchester in England have won the Nobel Prize in Physics for investigating the remarkable properties of ultrathin carbon flakes known as graphene, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Tuesday. The physicists are Andre Geim, 51, and Konstantin Novoselov, 36. They will split the - By DENNIS OVERBYE
Tiny Is Beautiful: Translating Nano Into Practical
In the hip science of ultrasmall nanotechnology, fantastical future possibilities like rampaging nanorobots capture the most attention, but the first fruits of the field have been more mundane: tiny bits of mostly ordinary stuff that just sit there. Yet these bits -- nanoparticles -- gain wondrous new capabilities simply because they are so small. - First nanotechnologists may have been stained-glass makers, who developed technique of adding gold or silver to glass to make it appear yellow or red; nanometers and nanoparticles defined and current applications and nanotechnology research discussed; nanotechnology is founded on concept that changing materials size will change its inherent qualities and reactions; drawings; graph; photos (L) - By KENNETH CHANG
SPACE (bucky) BALLS! - Dropping the Science
funny science news experiments memes - SPACE (bucky) BALLS!
Fullerene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Silicon Buckyballs have been created around metal ions. .... steel process are beginning production as one of the first commercially-viable uses of Buckyballs.
BUCKYBALLS | Buckycubes | The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Cant ...
Buckyballs - The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Cant Put Down! Factory direct and ready to ship same day.
how long does it take for BUCKYBALLS to be shipped?
I ordered my Buckyballs on Wednesday at around 11:00pm and havent gotten another email telling me they started shipping it to me. When will I get the email, and how long is five business days?
Answer: The ONLY people who can answer this are the people you ordered from. You either need to be patient and wait for an e-mail, or you CALL them. We cannot help beyond that.
5 business days is any combination of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, unless any of those happen to be a holiday, such as Labor Day.
Saturdays and Sundays do <
Category: Packing & Preparation
Scientists get kick out of deep space buckyball discovery
The carbon spheres, known as Buckyballs, are formed from 60 carbon atoms linked together to form a hollow sphere, "like a soccer ball," NASA announced in a statement Wednesday. Astronomers spotted vast quantities of the tiny space balls ...
Chemical of the Week -- BUCKYBALLS
Buckyballs. The discovery of a new form of a pure element is a rather rare occurrence, especially for a common element. Therefore, reports of such ...
Richard E. Smalley, 62, Dies; Chemistry Nobel Winner
Richard E. Smalley, the Rice University chemistry professor who shared a Nobel Prize for discovering a new spherical form of carbon and championed the potential of nanotechnology to create a more sustainable economy, died Friday at 62 at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The cause was leukemia, a spokesman for Rice said. Dr. Smalley, a - By BARNABY J. FEDER
ThinkGeek :: BUCKYBALLS Magnetic Building Spheres
Buckyballs Magnetic Building Spheres - Super powerful rare earth magnets, spherical, and ready to make any shape you can imagine.
Is There a difference between the makeup of BUCKYBALLS and buckytubes?
Is there a difference in the makeup of Buckyballs and buckytubes?
Answer: Fullerenes: Buckyballs and Carbon tubes
Both members of the fullerene structural class, Buckyballs and carbon tubes are carbon based, lattice-like, potentially porous molecules. Buckyballs are spherical in shape while carbon tubes are cylindrical. The diameter of a carbon tube can be several nm but the length can be much greater, up to several mm, depending on its intended use.
Carbon tubes have many applications in materials science due to their strength and unique electrical properties. However, they have also found use in the field of biomedicine as carriers for vaccines, drugs and other molecules. A single wall carbon tube is a one-atom-thick sheet of graphite, resembling chicken wire, rolled seamlessly into a tube. There are also multi-walled and other types of tubes depending on the shape, diameter, density (hollow versus solid) and other properties.
Category: Chemistry
In what ways are BUCKYBALLS useful in industry?
a buckyball is a polyhedron with 60 carbon atoms.
i think it is used in the medical field but im not really sure. i couldnt find anything.
please help!
Category: Chemistry
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
Payton Bushnell, a 3-year old toddler from Portland, Oregon, is in full recovery after undergoing emergency surgery to remove 37 Rare Earth Buckyballs magnets from her intestines. The toddler's parents thought Payton ...
BUCKYBALLS - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy at Nextag - Price ...
Buckyballs - 75 results like the 216 Buckyballs - Powerful Rare Earth magnets, Buckyballs 216 Original Chrome Bucky Balls Magnets In Box Desk Toy Nickel, Buckyballs ...
Carbon Geodesic Domes Found in Deep Space
While investigating a binary star system located about 6,500 light-years from Earth, astronomers found tiny specs of matter which they say are made up of stacked Buckyballs. These are carbon nanospheres, structures that resemble architect Buckminster ...
How long does it usually take for BUCKYBALLS to arrive?
I ordered Buckyballs from Woot on Friday the 17th. Its now the 28th and they still havent arrived. The tracking thing said they would arrive on April 1! Is it normal for them to take this long to ship?
Answer: It said it would arrive on April 1. It's March 28.
Category: Basketball
What are some practical uses for Nanotubes and BUCKYBALLS?
Any uses for Nantubes and Buckyballs as well as other fullerenes appreciated.
I plan on presenting this information to a group of young (around 12 years of age) students, so no overly complex stuff, although high school and 1st year Uni chemistry theory is OK.
You will be credited for your information and thoughts
Answer: The cool thing about nanotubes is they can be used for just about anything. Much lighter than steel, and hundreds of times stronger... the applications are endless.
My favorite is the space elevator.
Category: Chemistry
Nanodots/neocube/BUCKYBALLS - how fun are they and are they worth the money?
I am 14 and is extremely interested in them. Are they worth the money, fun to play with and how last do they long? What colours should I buy? Thnak you :)
Answer: well you sound like you sure know what your talking about:) if u want a long lasting, and one that is worth it you should go with the neocube the colors are basically pointless and just add on extra money on neocubes website(theneocube.com) its a large amount of $$ it cost 25 dollars but if go to "cubognetic.com" you can the standard(original combo) for a whopping 13 dollars..... in other words i say go with the neocube
Category: Toys
BUCKYBALLS Magnetic Building Toys at Brookstone—Buy now!
Buckyballs magnetic building toys are available in an array of colors. Collect them all and combine your Bucky Balls to build bigger and better sculptures. Shop now!
BUCKYBALLS - Marbles: The Brain Store - A Smart Collection of ...
Each Buckyballs set contains 216 super powerful, rare earth magnets that can be shaped and reshaped into an endless array of sculptures, puzzles and patterns as you ...
BUCKYBALLS | Buckycubes | BUCKYBALLS Tricks | Free Priority Mail ...
Buckyballs - What are Buckyballs? Buckyballs are the amazing magnetic desk toy you cant put down! Featured in Rolling Stone, People, Maxim, Esquire Magazine, each ...
Earths Thermostat Went Awry, and the Air Grew Thin
Like a chaotic pendulum, earths climate swings, at uneven intervals, between warm and chilly ages lasting from thousands to millions of years. New research suggests that about 251 million years ago, one of those swings jolted the world so violently that oxygen became scarce, the planets thermostat went awry and nearly all life fell into oblivion - Dr Peter Ward, University of Washington paleontologist, leads study published in journal Science that suggests split-up of supercontinent Pangea around 251 million years ago caused chain reaction that reduced earths oxygen levels to 16 percent from 21 percent; holds that there is no evidence to support earlier theories saying oxygen drop was caused by killer meteor strike; claims that over 90 percent of all ocean life was killed in process (M) - By KENNETH CHANG
NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope Finds Solid BUCKYBALLS in Space
Pasadena, CA – Astronomers using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope have, for the first time, discovered Buckyballs in a solid form in space. Prior to this discovery, the microscopic carbon spheres had been found only in gas form in ...
How long does it take to ship BUCKYBALLS if you paid $18.75 to get it shipped faster?
My friend she got some Buckyballs and i thought they were cool so i decided to order some so for the shipping i paid $18.75 to get it shipped faster i just want to know how long it takes to ship
Category: Toys
FINDINGS; 16 Golden Atoms in Search of a Catchy Name
In tiny, tiny bits, gold makes exquisite geometry. Clusters of 20 gold atoms, for example, always come in the shape of a pyramid, perfect for a subatomic King Tut. Now scientists have found a new, unexpected configuration: a cage consisting of just 16 atoms, the smallest hollow piece of 24-karat gold possible. The cage structures were not - Dr Lai-Sheng Wang, Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory physicist, conducts study on gold and discovers 16-atom cage-like clusters; cluster is first hollow structure ever made out of metal atoms; research is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; structure is still unnamed; drawing (M) - By KENNETH CHANG
Where can I buy the BUCKYBALLS magnetic toy?
The Bucky balls toy is basically a bunch of magnets.
Answer: Go to http://www.getBuckyballs.com/ Good Luck!
Category: Toys
Fullerene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fullerene is any molecule composed entirely of carbon, in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube. Spherical fullerenes are also called Buckyballs, and they ...
3-year-old Swallows 37 Buckyball Magnets
PORTLAND, Ore. -- A sick three-year-old in Oregon shocked doctors when they took an x-ray of her. Thats because she had three dozen magnets in her stomach. "Im thinking that she kind of put two and two together and thought these looks like ...
Thin Carbon Is In: Graphene Steals Nanotubes Allure
First, it was Buckyballs, molecules of carbon in the shape of soccer balls. Then came carbon rolled up in nanotubes. Now, the latest craze in materials science is graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon that looks like molecular chicken wire. Graphene is the thinnest of all possible materials in the universe. It shares many of the properties - Andre Geim, University of Manchester, England, physics professor, leads research that develops way to make single-layer graphene using ordinary clear sticky tape used in offices and homes; graphene is thinnest of all known materials in universe and has many of same properties as nanotubes; Geim also developed method of identifying graphene that is one atom thick by its color; drawing; photo (M) - By KENNETH CHANG
Bucky Balls - The Third Millennium Online!
Spherical Buckyballs literally add a new dimension to the chemistry of such aromatic compounds. Buckministerfullerine has been named the Molecule of the Year.
Where can we Find Neo Cube or BUCKYBALLS India?
theyre a group of small magnetic balls (about 280 or something) connected to each other and can make different shapes and designs .
Answer: Ebay or other internet sources are probably your best options for that.
Category: Toys
3-year-old swallows 37 Buckyball magnets, survives
(CBS News) Buckyballs may be a fun desk toy for adults, but the tiny ball-shaped magnets can present a deadly risk to children. One 3-year-old girl who is now recovering in a Portland hospital learned the hard way. KPTV in Oregon reported the 3 ...
37 BUCKYBALLS Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler ...
DENVER — Fοr kids whο want tο pretend thеіr tongue, lip οr ears іѕ pierced, small magnets called Buckyballs hаνе become a well lονеd toy, bυt more аnd more kids аrе casually swallowing thеѕе power magnets, sending ...
BUCKYBALLS | Buckycubes | The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't ...
Buckyballs - The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! Factory direct and ready to ship same day.
Chemical of the Week -- BUCKYBALLS
Buckyballs The discovery of a new form of a pure element is a rather rare occurrence, especially for a common element.
Kristina Hoge, Jake Bronstein
Kristina Hoge and Jake Bronstein were married Saturday evening at Studio 450, an event space in New York. The Rev. Gloria Carlson, a minister of the United Church of Christ, officiated. The bride, 28, works in New York as the director of special events for the Lincoln Center Film Society. She graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music. She is
Tiny soccer ball space molecules could fill 10,000 Mount Everests
The carbon spheres, known as Buckyballs, are formed from 60 carbon atoms linked together to form a hollow sphere, "like a soccer ball," NASA announced. Astronomers spotted vast quantities of the tiny space balls circling a pair of stars 6,500 light-years from Earth.
Popular tiny magnets pose large health risks if swallowed
The magnets that Meredith received as a gift are a popular brand known as Buckyballs, which are 5 mm in diameter. The labels warn to keep them away from children, not to put them in the nose or mouth, and that swallowed magnets can cause serious ...
Amazon.com: Bucky Balls - The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy: Toys & Games
Bucky Balls are the must-have desktop toy for the curious and imaginative. Mash and mold 216 magnetic bucky balls into countless shapes and patterns. Design whatever ...
Bucky Balls - BustedTees
Imagine a Rubik's Cube that actually makes you smarter; an Erector Set that never stops erecting; a Hula Hoop you don't look ridiculous playing with; Silly Putty ...
Wich are better BUCKYBALLS or the neocube?
You can buy Buckyballs at a store but u can only buy a neocube online wich are better and stronger?
Answer: Neocube
Category: Polls & Surveys
Kroto, 1996 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry to lecture at CAU
Kroto won the Nobel Prize for his co-discovery of "buckminsterfullerines" or "Buckyballs," a new form carbon. The molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms arranged as a spheroid, in a pattern matching the stitching on soccer balls. The look reminded ...
The Basics; The Future, Now Available in Stores
One way to grasp all the fuss about nanotechnology -- the billions of dollars invested; the talk of potential breakthrough products in energy, computing and health care; the fears of novel hazards unleashed on an unsuspecting populace -- is to plunge into the underlying science. Another way is to forgo the intellectual heavy lifting and look at - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington has compiled list of 212 nanotechnology products that are available in stores; photo (S) - By BARNABY J. FEDER
What do BUCKYBALLS and Diamonds have in common?
I need to know what Buckyballs and diamonds have in common. can you please dumb it down a little bit aswell?
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
3-year-old Oregon girl who swallowed 37 tiny magnets recovering at Portland hospital
PORTLAND, Ore. — A 3-year-old Oregon girl who swallowed 37 tiny magnets is expected to make a full recovery. The Buckyballs were removed from the girls intestines Monday by doctors at Legacy Emmanuel Medical Center. Spokeswoman Maegan Vidal ...
If all the carbon atoms in a microgram of carbon were converted to Carbon-60 "Buckyballs" how many "Buckyballs" would you be able to obtain?
Answer: 8E14 (or 800 trillion, using the short scale).
Category: Chemistry
Where results contain multi-variation listings, the item counts on the page are inclusive of all matching variations that are available.
Parents Of The Year Award: A 3-year-old girl was recovering after doctors removed 37 Buckyballs magnets from her intestines. Child abuse. From: TwoLoaves - Source: web
Toddler eats 37 #Buckyballs magnets. http://t.co/RbY1gxm7 From: mix941kmxj - Source: web
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37 Buckyballs Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler, Payton Bushnell: Researchers maintain a dogged .. http://t.co/YQCRMPqH From: JAVIERCHIRINOS9 - Source: SocialOomph
#Hot #Trend Score! NASA spots soccer-ball shape Buckyballs in space http://t.co/EFnADy5v #TeamFollowBack Google Trend From: TrendSeeing4 - Source: dlvr.it
De-stress with the newest addition to the Buckyballs family: BuckyCubes! http://t.co/KsmRXyAb From: nyplshop - Source: HootSuite
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37 Buckyballs Magnets Swallowed by Surviving 3-Year Old Toddler … http://t.co/jzcoBPiC From: Elsy8342 - Source: twitterfeed