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Etch A Sketch Sales, Stock Surge — Thanks to Romney
Pushed to the bottom of the toy box by video games and other high-tech gadgets, Etch A Sketch is suddenly drawing lots of attention, thanks to a gaffe that has shaken up the race for the White House. Ohio Art, maker of the classic baby boomer ...
Mitt Romney's Etch-a-Sketch Disaster
I've been thinking about this all night: Eric Fehrnstrom's etch-a-sketch gaffe yesterday may go well beyond a momentary embarrassment and become a campaign-defining disaster, much as John Kerry's “I voted for it before I ...
Etch A Sketch May Actually Help Romney
So what does the Etch A Sketch firestorm really mean for the Romney campaign? The answer is bad news and good news depending on where you stand politically. For the record, here is the entire exchange that has the chattering class all a twitter.
Romney tries to clean up Etch A Sketch mess – CNN Political ...
Arbutus, Maryland (CNN) – Mitt Romney promised Wednesday that he would not change his positions if he wins the Republican presidential nomination, hours ...
‘Etch A Sketch’ Quip Shakes Romney Camp - Washington Wire - WSJ
Mitt Romneys top communication’s adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, suggested the candidate would, like using an Etch A Sketch, erase his primary positions for ...
Etch-A-Sketch-y: Romney Adviser Compares Campaign To ...
During a Wednesday morning appearance on CNN — asked about concern of alienating voters by veering too far right — Romney Communications Director Eric Fehrnstrom compared the campaign to an Etch A Sketch...
Romney says he'll run as conservative amid 'Etch A Sketch' gaffe
ARBUTUS, MD -- Mitt Romney said he plans to run on the same issues in the general election as he has in the primary in response to a top aide's comment likening Romney's pivot to the general election to an Etch A Sketch.
If Romney gets the GOP nomination, will the GOP core still vote for him after he etch-a-sketchs his positions?
When he goes back to
supporting contraceptives
supporting the individual mandate
supporting the pro-choice position
Category: Elections
Romney Advisor's 'Etch A Sketch' Comment Shakes Up The Web ...
Could a reference to the Etch A Sketch, a perennially popular children's toy, be the Romney campaign's "oops" moment?
Mitt Romney Platform 'Like An Etch A Sketch,' Top Spokesman Says
WASHINGTON -- It's hardly a secret that presidential candidates tack toward their base over the course of a primary and shift toward moderation once that primary is over. What's rare is when a campaign admits as much ...
Etch a Sketch Adds to List of Romney Campaign Gaffes
If Mitt Romney’s Etch a Sketch moment on Wednesday taught his campaign anything, it’s probably this: There is little room for missteps. Assuming Mitt Romney makes it through the Republican primary to face President Obama in the fall, he will ...
Romney Etch A Sketch: Is aide's comment a present for his foes ...
3 hours ago ... A Romney aide said that for the fall campaign, the candidate could hit the reset button, making the comparison to how the toy works. But the ...
Do you agree with Romneys top aide, that Mitt Romney is an "Etch-A-Sketch" candidate?
Romneys top aide said that Mitt Romney is pandering to the Right for the primaries, and will "wipe it all away" like an Etch-A-Sketch toy and go back to the Left in the General Election.
Is Mitt Romney an Etch-A-Sketch candidate?
Answer: Absolutely.
Mitt Romney lies like a rug. He lies arguably more than any modern candidate for major office.
He says health reform adds to the deficit, when in fact it cuts the deficit.
He says Obama doubled the deficit, when Obama has taken the deficit from $1.3T to $1.29T last year, on track to be $1.1T.
He said Obama cut Medicare benefits. That’s a lie.
He said the administration raised corporate tax rates. That’s a lie.
He said Obama has not signed any trade deal. That would be news to officials in South Korea, and Columbia, and Panama, with whom Obama signed trade deals.
He said Americans are the only people on earth who put their hands over their hearts during the national anthem. That’s not only a lie, but it’s absurd and why did he even say it?
If a man lies to you to get a job, he’ll lie to you on the job. No matter what your political stripes, Americans deserve better in a campaign this important. We can only choose our future when there are candidates in both parties who respect Americans enough to be honest with us. Romney seems unwilling to do so and untroubled by it. He seems to think he can get away with routine, casual dishonesty. What is radically inappropriate in that a man who may well take the office in ten months is choosing to get to that podium on a foundation of utterly unashamed, unprecedented deceit.
Category: Politics
Etch A Sketch takes center stage in GOP fight - Political Hotsheet ...
Santorum hammers Romney as "the Etch A Sketch candidate" after comment by Romney aide about the popular toy Read more by Brian Montopoli on CBS News ...
If Seamus were alive today, what would his Etch a Sketch of Mitt Romney look like?
Category: Politics
Romney clarifies Etch-A-Sketch remarks to reporters -
21 hours ago ... Though Fehrnstrom was specifically asked about Romney¿s political positions possibly changing, Romney portrayed the comments as about ...
Etch A Sketch maker’s stock soars on Romney aide’s comment
Stock values for Ohio Art Co. spiked Thursday after a Mitt Romney aide used the Etch A Sketch drawing toy as a metaphor for the Republican’s presidential campaign, Bloomberg Businessweek reports on its website. The toy maker’s stock more than doubled ...
Will Etch-a-Sketch Romney have to tap into his daddys inheritance just like in 2008?
Flip-Flop Romney spent $12.2 million in February, buy only raised $11.5 million. Obama raised $45 million in Feb.
Will Etch-a-Sketch Romney have to write himself a check from his daddys inheritance, just like he did in 2008?
Category: Politics
Etch A Sketch Maker Ohio Art Triples After Romney Aide’s Mention
Ohio Art Co. (OART) surged based on one trade after its Etch A Sketch drawing toy became a metaphor for Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. The thinly traded toymaker more than tripled to $12.50 on one transaction of 500 shares at ...
Santorum pounces on Romney aides "Etch A Sketch" comment
Mitt Romney Communications Director Eric Fehrnstrom was asked on CNN this morning if he was concerned that the primary challenge from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich "might force the governor to tack so far to the right" that Romney will ...
Mitt Romney, Etch A Sketch Comparison - Yahoo! News
Watch the video Mitt Romney, Etch A Sketch Comparison on Yahoo! News.
'Etch a Sketch' Remark a Rare Misstep for Romney Adviser ...
16 hours ago ... Eric Fehrnstrom has been a defiant defender when Mitt Romney has been accused of being a flip-flopper.
Etch A Sketch Becomes a Symbol of Second Chances
THE United States is the great land of second chances. Change your name. Change your location. Change your life. If you’re a politician, change your ideas, and in so doing, change your prospects. It’s a deep-rooted American tradition that the Mitt Romney campaign has now given a colorful symbol. It was widely reported that Wednesday on - By WILLIAM GRIMES
Are you excited the Romney campaing made the etch a sketch cool again?
I mean after hes the nominee he can shake himself and start over freh and distance himself from the tea party and far right republicans.
Then he can tell the truth abouthim not really touching obamacare, cons wont have any choice but to bow down to the bew mitt romney or give President Obama another landslide win.
He will introduce one of the new Mitt Romneys.
Category: Politics
Romney foes launch Etch-A-Sketch attack | Campaign 2012 ...
"People understand this wasn't really a gaffe," says John Brabender, Rick Santorum's chief strategist, referring to the now-infamous "Etch-A-Sketch" remark made by top Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom. "What this was was a peeling back of the ...
‘Etch A Sketch’: Romney Aide Suggests Campaign Reset After ...
Mitt Romney’s rivals have seized on comments made by his communications director Eric Fehrnstromon CNN this morning suggesting Romney’s rightward shift ...
Jeb Bush Endorses Romney; Aide Makes ‘Etch A Sketch’ Gaffe
WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney sought to use the coveted endorsement of Jeb Bush on Wednesday to amplify his call for Republicans to rally behind his candidacy and get on with the mission of ousting President Obama. As Mr. Romney savored a decisive victory in the Illinois primary on Tuesday over Rick Santorum, he learned that Mr. Bush — whose - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG
Rivals brand Romney ‘Etch A Sketch’ candidate after adviser ...
ARBUTUS, Md. — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tried Wednesday to shake accusations that he’s an inconsistent conservative after a top adviser ...
Santorum doesnt let up on Etch A Sketch attack
(CNN) – Rick Santorum showed no signs of dropping his Etch A Sketch assault on Mitt Romney Thursday, brandishing the childrens toy at an event in Texas and later saying his chief rival was winning states by spending huge amounts of campaign cash.
'Etch a Sketch' comment creates new doubts about Romney - The ...
7 hours ago ... As he moves closer to clinching the Republican nomination, frontrunner Mitt Romney is facing fresh doubts about his commitment to core party ...
Etch A Sketch Stock Soars! Thank You Mitt Romney
Check out America’s newest hot stock: Etch A Sketch. Shares of Ohio Art Co., which manufactures the renowned toy, have more than doubled to $9.65 in extremely thin trading in the over-the-counter market. The gains come a day after the decades ...
The Etch A Sketch Doctrine
Everybody is upset that Romney’s longtime aide Eric Fehrnstrom compared the primary season to an Etch A Sketch — you can shake it and start anew. But that gave me hope that Team Romney is thinking about a re-launch, which is what they need.
Will you vote for Romney on what he says during primary or general election - post etch-a-sketch?
HARVEY, La. - Seizing on a senior Romney advisers suggestion that Mitt Romney can hit a "reset" button in the general election and operate like an "Etch A Sketch," Rick Santorum today said the comment reflects Romneys willingness to compromise his principles and become "a completely new candidate" who can "draw a new picture" simply to get elected.
Romneys Etch A Sketch Primary Campaign
By David A. Graham
Category: Elections
Republicans: Has the "Etch - a - Sketch" comment hurt Romney?
His campaign was asked what his stances and policies would be in the general election and answered its like an Etch-a-Sketch, time to shake it up and start all over again.
Santorum said this is the reason why no one trusts him, that Romney "will say what he needs to say to win the election before him, and if he has to say something different because its a different election and a different group of voters, he will say that, too. Well, that should be comforting to all of you who are voting in this primary."
Answer: etchasketch, seamus, constant flip/flop, blatant lies about his positions, horribly negative ad campaign against his opponents.
He's toast in the general.
Had the Repubs had ran anybody smart and with a spine they might have had a chance.
Category: Politics
Romneys no "Etch A Sketch" - Mitt Romney -
Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom couldn’t have said it better – or worse. When asked by CNN Wednesday morning whether Mitt was being pushed so far to ...
Conservatives, should I include a Mitt Romney approved Etch and Sketch in your Easter Baskets?
Category: Politics
‘Etch A Sketch’ Remark a Rare Misstep for Romney Adviser
WASHINGTON — Eric Fehrnstrom is Mitt Romney ’s David Axelrod. He is the keeper of the candidate’s narrative, the guy who has been with Mr. Romney since before he was governor of Massachusetts and has stuck like glue through two grueling presidential campaigns. He has been the defiant defender of Mr. Romney when he has been accused - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
Ann Romney Addresses 'Etch A Sketch' Comments On Piers Morgan
4 hours ago ... Ann Romney has entered the firestorm created by her husband's top adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, who said that Mitt could be reset "like an Etch a ...
Romneys big day marred by Etch A Sketch remark -
NEW: Mitt Romney responds to Etch A Sketch comment by affirming his conservatism; Rivals jump on Romney aides remark that his campaign can reset like an ...
Romney Adviser's 'Etch-A-Sketch' Comment Draws Flak From Rivals ...
23 hours ago ... Despite Mitt Romney's big win in Illinois, his campaign is on the defensive Wednesday after one of his senior advisers told CNN: "I think you hit ...
Does Romney really view a presidential campaign as an "etch a sketch"?
What kind of a spineless douche is this guy? Does this guy have any integrity whatsoever?
Answer: Romney wishes he could etch a sketch all his previous opinions and political statements, that have obliterated any integrity he had, and are going to continue to do so, right up to the point when Obama eats him alive and when he loses in November!!!
Category: Politics
2 Political Junkies: Romney Camps' Etch A Sketch Flip-Flop
When his campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom was asked this morning on CNN how the GOP frontrunner would make the pivot to the general election, Fehrnstrom compared Romney's primary campaign to an Etch A Sketch ...
Is Mitt Romney vs Obama the same as an etch-a-sketch vs iPad 3?
Category: Politics
Romney Etch A Sketch: Is aides comment a present for his foes? (+video)
Has Mitt Romney’s campaign inadvertently provided opponents the perfect phrase with which to attack the former Massachusetts governor? That’s the question in the wake of the “Etch A Sketch” comment by senior Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom ...
Did the "Etch a Sketch" comment ruin Romneys campaign?
Think of all of the hilarious skits and jokes that can be made about Mitt Romney after his aide made the foolish comment that they "could shake up his campaign and start over" like an Etch a Sketch toy. Even if Romney wins the GOP nomination, Obamas staff can say things like "Romney, if you win the presidency, will you do all your budgeting on an Etch a Sketch?", or "Did you bring enough notes on your Etch a Sketch?". Or Saturday Night Live can do a skit with Obama using teleprompter notes versus Romney using Etch a Sketch notes. The jokes will never end. Im sure that Ohio Art, the company that makes "Etch a Sketch" toys are happy that their toys will probably sell like hot cakes now, but it will be too much fun for any of Romneys opponents to constantly flag him as the "Etch a Sketch" candidate. That comment doomed Romney sort of like the image of the helicopters crashing in the desert doomed Carters 1980 campaign. What do other people think?
Category: Elections
Mitt Romneys Etch A Sketch Problem - Scott Galupo (
A senior aides "Etch A Sketch" gaffe will inflame the Romney campaign’s Achilles heel.
Romney Advisers Etch A Sketch Comment Draws Fire -
There is, perhaps, no more enduring critique of Mitt Romney than the one about him having shaky principles that shift with the political winds. So it may ...
Romney comments on aides Etch A Sketch remark
Mitt Romney this afternoon sought to tamp down the furor over a top aides comment likening him to an Etch A Sketch, the childs toy whose slate can be wiped clean. A ...
Etch A Sketch Gaffe Fodder For Romneys Opponents : NPR
Mitt Romneys senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom sparked mockery and attacks from Romneys rivals with a comment made in an interview Wednesday morning ...
Romney camp now tries to laugh off Etch-A-Sketch gaffe
The Romney campaign may be learning that sometimes, the best weapon against an unshakably bad story like "Etch-A-Sketch"-gate is to laugh it off. First, a refresher. Eric Fehrnstrom, one of Mitt Romneys top aides, torpedoed what should have ...
Etch-A-Sketch: Can Mitt Romney shake off his aides Mr. Potato ...
Is Mitt Romney an Etch-A-Sketch candidate, one whose positions can be erased with a shake, ready for a new and different drawing? “Well, I think you hit ...
Mitt Romney the "Etch-A-Sketch" Candidate?
How pathetic is it that Romneys own spokesperson....his chief communications officer.....knows what a flip flopper Romney is, and says that Romney will be like an Etch A Sketch and just change positions in the fall?
Category: Politics
Should Romney use one of these to shake his Etch a Sketch body to save time?
Maybe Newt will join him for the therapy.
I dont like Mitt, but I dont want to hate anybody, so I laugh at him. Its the best way.
Category: Politics
Romney faces Etch A Sketch fallout
Washington (CNN)-- Mitt Romney headed to the nations capital Thursday to raise money for his front-running Republican presidential campaign, buoyed by recent primary wins and a key endorsement but also facing fallout from a top advisers gaffe.
Romney faces 'Etch A Sketch' - CNN
5 hours ago ... Mitt Romney faces more fallout from an aide's "Etch A Sketch" gaffe that gave campaign rivals new ammunition in the GOP presidential race.
Is Romneys campaign spokesman Fehrnstrom right? Is Romney like an Etch a Sketch when it comes to his views?
You KNOW where Ron Paul stands on his views. Look at his voting record. Ron Paul has NEVER voted for an unballanced budget. Ron Paul has NEVER voted to increase the debt ceiling either.
You can figure out where Santorum stands too. Just look at his voting record. He voted to increase the debt ceiling five times. Santorum also told a man to vote for Ron Paul if he wanted a small government candidate.
Answer: 99 % of politicians are that way. Sucks.
Category: Politics
Romney clarifies Etch-A-Sketch remarks to reporters -
Also; Romney campaign failing to shake off Etch-A-Sketch label; Obama gains in purple states as GOP primary pushes on; Rick Santorum makes the most of ...
'Etch A Sketch' Latest Gaffe From Romney Campaign - ABC News
1 day ago ... Here's a look at some of the gaffes that have come back to bite Romney during his long slog toward the GOP nomination.
Mitt "Etch-a-Sketch" Romney insists he won't shift policies for the fall ...
This afternoon in Arbutus, Md., just outside Baltimore, a Santorum aide, Alice Stewart, stood outside a Romney event at a VFW hall handing out Etch a Sketches, and warning that Eric's metaphor shows that Romney's ...
‘Etch a Sketch’ Remark a Rare Misstep for Romney Adviser ...
WASHINGTON — Eric Fehrnstrom is Mitt Romney’s David Axelrod. He is the keeper of the candidate’s narrative, the guy who has been with Mr. Romney ...
Romney Aides Etch-A-Sketch Gaffe Wont Be Easily Erased
Etch a Sketch. Those three little words may become more of a bane to Mitt Romneys campaign than, say, Bain Capital. As Eric Fehrnstrom, the long-time aide and advisor to Romney has learned to his chagrin, those three small words can make a very ...
If we shake the Mitt Romney Etch-a-Sketch will he disappear?
Category: Politics
For Mitt Romney, Etch-A-Sketch gaffe competes with Jeb Bush ...
2012 CAMPAIGN: ANALYSIS For Mitt Romney, Etch-A-Sketch gaffe competes with Jeb Bush endorsement
How Does An Etch A Sketch Work, Anyway?
Mitt Romney’s press aide, Eric Fehrnstrom, has made headlines for his now-infamous television gaffe in which he said that: “I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch.
What does it mean when Romneys top adviser says his campaign is like an etch-a-sketch?
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romneys top political adviser compared Romneys strategy to an Etch-A-Sketch, portraying the candidate as a flip-flopper who will erase and redraw his position to meet the latest political poll.
This came from his OWN TOP POLITICAL ADVISER, Eric Fehrnstrom!
Question: What does this statement say about Mitt Romney?
Is Romney just some out of touch with the working class rich guy who brags about his wealth and thinks he can win simply by changing his position to whatever the polls say his position should be? Is this the kind of President the GOP wants?
@ hurtsx2:
Wait a minute, "we" twist things to suit our needs? Really?
What about all the "57 states", socialist, marxist, Rev. Wright, Bill Ailes, Muslim, Keynan, Birther, Communist, Anti-Christ, American Hating, gutting the military, energy hating, jobs hating, Deficit running, Jew hating, Jew Loving talk I read every single day from the right wing?
Really, you are attacking the left because of the etch-a-sketch remark? We didnt even say it, his own adviser said it. Furthermore, the left isnt even the biggest attacker on this statement, Santorum and Gingrich are having a field day attacking Romney on that comment.
And you blame the left? Really?
Category: Politics
Etch A Sketch dogs Romney
ARBUTUS, Md. — On a day when "the Etch A Sketch gaffe" dominated the discussion on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney reasserted that he is a "conservative Republican" and said his stance on the issues would not swerve toward the center in a ...
DNC rushes Etch a Sketch ad mocking Romney | Planet Washington blog
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Romney attempts damage control after Etch-a-Sketch remark
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RT @WSJ: Etch A Sketch is America’s new hot stock. Shares in the toys manufacturer more than double after gaffe.
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#EtchASketch maker #OhioArt stock rockets up 141% after #Romney aides gaffe
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#mittromney Romney Aides Etch-A-Sketch Gaffe Wont Be Easily Erased - NPR News #romney2012
From: RomneyWatch - Source: