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Santorum says…
And though I just compared the ridiculous prospect of Santorum as president with scene from Idiocracy, I’m pretty sure the real scene wouldn’t be to far from it. Rick Santorum doesn’t believe in equal marriage rights, he wants to ban ...
Michael Olenick: Debunking the ‘Housing Has Bottomed’ Meme”
But GS staffers, when faced with public policy versus morality issues, are like the characters in the movie Idiocracy who find the only thing they have in common is that they all “like money.” Their analyst may be correct, or they may be ...
IDIOCRACY in the making : Latest Hot News
One Response to Pandering to the Idiocracy. Rich says: February 27, 2012 at 1:06 pm. This coming from a man who received his B.A. from The Pennsylvania State Un.
IDIOCRACY (2006) - Memorable quotes
Idiocracy Quotes on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... ... Pvt. Joe Bowers: [addressing Congress] ... And there was a time in this country, a long time ago, when ...
Song during the credits of IDIOCRACY?
I just saw Idiocracy for the first time a few days ago. Whats that first song they play during the credits at the end?
Answer: The song you seem to be looking for is called "The Yellow Rose Of Texas," as performed by Mitch Miller.
Category: Other - Music
Think Naughty, Think Small, Think Not
Ann Coulters use of the epithet faggot to slur the Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards last week took me back to the schoolyards of the 1970s, when Coulter and I were both young. There were plenty of words like faggot being thrown around back then. There was faggoty, for example. Retard. And spaz -- or total - Judith Warner Op-Ed article discusses Ann Coulters use of epithet faggot to slur Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards; criticizes Coulters comments as juvenile and idiotic; says there is something elitist, if not wrong, about condescending to imagined verbal limitations of ones audience (M) - Judith Warner is the author of Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety and a contributing columnist for TimesSelect. She is a guest Op-Ed columnist this month. Maureen Dowd is off today. - By JUDITH WARNER
IDIOCRACY: Information from
Plot Mike Judge wrote and directed this offbeat sci-fi comedy which gives a new meaning to the expression "people are getting dumber all the time." In 2005, Pvt. Joe ...
Is the prediction of the movie IDIOCRACY starting to come true?
Im starting to feel its coming true each and every day because of human ignorance.
Answer: I agree, Idiocracy was the most realistic vision of the future of any movie i have ever seen. The world is over-sexed, full of trash, human ignorance (as you put it correctly) and obsession with television and internet social contact.
Mike Judge is a genius...
Category: Movies
IDIOCRACY in the making
One Response to Pandering to the Idiocracy. Rich says: February 27, 2012 at 1:06 pm. This coming from a man who received his B.A. from The Pennsylvania State Un.
Herlander Refugee: IDIOCRACY
Because insanity, unlike intelligence, apparently has NO limits, there are people who quite literally would make the statement every sperm is sacred into law. In a world where living, breathing, walking, talking, weeping, ...
Netflix - Watch IDIOCRACY Online
Watch Idiocracy Streaming Instantly right to Your PC, Mac or TV with Netflix. Unlimited Movies & TV Shows. Only $7.99 a month. Free Trial.
Why do Christians endorse the movie IDIOCRACY?
Idiocracy is about an average man and average woman waking up from their time capsule after 500 years. And discovered how the world has changed.
Like a prophesy of sorts.
Answer: Well you see......It's not delivery, it's Digiorno. ;D
Category: Religion & Spirituality
How is the government represented in the movie IDIOCRACY?
Help please, importantly needed for my essay :) thank you!
Answer: as braindead trash, with a president who goes around shootin off guns and the best ideal to solve a crop crisis is to feed it gadorade instead of liquid found in toilet bowls that we call water
Category: Movies
Reviewing Mike Judge's IDIOCRACY. - Slate Magazine
Sep 29, 2006 ... Mike Judge could have gone the easy route. His last movie, Office Space, became a smash hit on DVD because the frat boy douchebags he ...
Housing Bubble Scheme to Destabilize Financial Markets?
Again I call BS on Washington and all the so called economist that echo this Idiocracy. Once people realize the problem was with the blundering Bush Administrations "Wartime Economy" and the FED creating an artificial economy then we can take ...
IDIOCRACY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Idiocracy is a 2006 American film, a satirical science fiction comedy, directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry Crews.
America the IDIOCRACY | assailedteacher
America the Idiocracy. I decided to put the movie Idiocracy on in the background as I grade some homework. You can watch the full movie at the bottom of this post. A man goes into the future to find a country full of stupid ...
IDIOCRACY - Trailer - YouTube
Mar 16, 2010 ... - Idiocracy - Trailer Idiocracy is a 2006 comedic film, directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph ...
IDIOCRACY | Moviefone - Movies | Movie Times | Tickets | Movies ...
Starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard ... Mike Judge wrote and directed this offbeat sci-fi comedy which gives a new meaning to the expression "people are ...
Expanding Upon Paul Krugmans "Pain without Gain" Article Focusing on Local Government Solutions
So, not only is this a rebuttal to Krugman`s concepts, but I also have to call BS on Washington and all the so called economist that echo this Idiocracy of running up huge debt. Yet, I give Krugman credit for focusing on the local aspects of ...
Is novel thought dead? Are we doomed to eventually reach an irreversible stupidity? I wish I understood the value of an education sooner, but is there any hope for an intelligent future among the worlds population? The further I progress on my academic journey, the more I fear that we are screaming towards an Idiocracy.
If what I said implied that I was arrogant, or placed myself on a higher level then anyone, then I apologize. When I stated that I wished I understood the value of an education sooner, it was because I feel like Im so far behind now. I wasnt trying to insinuate that I was more intelligent then anyone. I was more referring to people dat thinks iz cool to tipe lyke dis because it best reflects how they actually speak. Perhaps the internet is a haven for stupidity, using the example tony was kind enough to provide us with, but Durant said (not verbatim) that intellectuals today are more specialized, i.e. a nuclear physicist could know nothing about politics. As we become more and more specialized we lose the broad scope of thought that is necessary for change. Darwinism reigns supreme and the supply of people who can think on a level that has the potential to change society seems scarce. Which brings me back to my original question, is novel thought dead?
Answer: oh please, you are speaking as if you are wises guy on this planet. do you want a intellectual dictatorship where you will be the philosopher king or something?
Category: Philosophy
Not on Our Blog You Wont
AT 12:04 P.M. on April 25, a skirmish broke out on It began when the upstart Web site for women, whose slogan is Celebrity, sex, fashion. Without airbrushing, posted a photo of Angelina Jolie in a low-cut yellow dress. As part of a popular feature called Snap Judgment, readers offered biting comments on everything from Ms. Jolies - Article on, blog founded by Gawker Media as smart, feisty antidote to traditional womens magazines, blog has developed loyal following; photos (M) - By LAUREN LIPTON
Anyone else think that our society is starting to look like the movie IDIOCRACY?
It seems our society is on a downward spiral at an alarming rate. Intellect seems to be disappearing slowly and wisdom in the new generation doesnt seem to exist. Anyone care to chime in with their thoughts?
Lol all the signs are there.
Answer: yeah that what i thought when i saw the movie, i was like this :O the whole time.
do you remember the part when they show starbucks as a place for people to have sex:/
maybe that have a connection with how people are so obsessed with this place and its like a trend to go there.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
Does the job like in IDIOCRACY where he is in the military library actually exist?
Cause I would actually like a job like that as I love the history and books and the military. What is it called and could I do that upon joining?
I am not asking if its like sitting around doing nothing cause I dont want that I actually want the real job.
Answer: You do whatever your unit needs you for, regardless of your training.
If unit A needs a military library guy, but only has a signal specialist available, then the signal specialist gets put in that position.
If unit B down the road needs a signal specialist, but only has a military library guy, then the military library guy will be expected to do the signal specialist job.
Biggest lie recruiters tell you: You will do the job you signed up for.
Category: Military
Correction: In my last column, the names Clare Boothe Luce and Ted Sorensen were misspelled (shades of Idiocracy!). - Names of Clare Boothe Luce and Ted Sorensen were misspelled in Judith Warners March 7 article about 2008 presidential election
The Dumbest Guys In The Room
Some 15 years ago, these were two of the best-known laughs in America. One begins with an uhhhh that gives way to an airy, affected heh-heh-heh -- it could belong to a snob who has had one too many electroshock treatments -- while the other is more guttural, a throat-clearing hnhnhnhn that sometimes shifts to a higher register and back again, like - By KAREN OLSSON
THE BIG PROFILE By Dave Itzkoff When youve got a foundation-rattling voice like John Goodmans, the last thing you want is a role that robs you of it, right? Wrong. In The Artist, a tribute to the silent films of yesteryear, Goodman plays a Hollywood studio mogul while relying on his surprisingly expressive face. Id like it to be less - The One-Page Magazine profiles actor John Goodman, likens the Republican presidential nomination contest to late-night talk shows and offers advice from novelist Gary Shteyngart. (M) - By DAVE ITZKOFF, JACOB GOLDSTEIN, MATT BAI, ERIC SPITZNAGEL, TOM VANDERBILT, TYLER COWEN, EDITH ZIMMERMAN, GABY DUNN, MAUD NEWTON, LIZZIE SKURNICK, GARY SHTEYNGART, MARNIE HANEL, BEN GREENMAN, RICHARD RUSHFIELD and ADAM LEFT
WTF?! Megadeths Dave Mustaine Endorses Rick Santorum For President
Santorum, the Republican presidential candidate and avowed Christian crusader known for his 19th-century attitudes on personal freedom, staunch refusal of climate change and desire to bomb Iran, is a figure seemingly right out of Idiocracy. Yet ...
IDIOCRACY, Luke Wilson, DVD - Barnes & Noble
Beavis and Butt-head creator Mike Judges 1999 live-action feature film, Office Space, tanked at the box office but quickly built a following on video and DVD ...
IDIOCRACY in the making
How many of you have seen the movie Idiocracy? It wasn’t much of a hit. In fact, I think it was destined to be buried under mounds of other Hollywood rubbish. Be that as it may, I love this film; not so much because it’s such a great story, or that it ...
IDIOCRACY - Rotten Tomatoes
Review: Idiocracy delivers the hilarity and biting satire that could only come from Mike Judge.
Director: Mike Judge. . Actors: Luke Wilson: Joe Bauers · Maya Rudolph: Rita · Dax Shepard: Frito · Terry Crews: President Camacho · Anthony Citric Campos ...
IDIOCRACY [Full Movie] « Ode To Capitalism
Add to Digg · Add to FaceBook · Add to Google Bookmark · Add to Reddit · Add to StumbleUpon · Add to Technorati · Add to Twitter. A satirical science fiction comedy, starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and ... IDIOCRACY: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard ...
Most Helpful Customer Reviews: Idiocracy, meaning rule of the stupid, is a dystopian film from Director Mike Judge ( Office Space ) that cost about $30 million to ...
Idiocracy Id`i*oc"ra*cy\, n.; pl. Idiocrasies . [Idio- + Gr. ? a mixture, fr. ? to mix: cf. F. idiocrasie.] Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of ...
Pa. Court: Judge Uses Sharia Law to Free Muslim Assailant
Next, Judge Martin’s presence on the bench is a testimonial to our descent into an Idiocracy. Not only does he exhibit degraded reasoning capacity, but is it fitting for a judge to use terms such as “dufus” and “piss off” (which he also uttered ...
CONSUMED; This Jokes for You
Brawndo In Mike Judges movie Idiocracy, an average and unambitious guy played by Luke Wilson hibernates as part of a military experiment and wakes up 500 years later. The America he wakes up to has devolved radically: inarticulate citizens stare slack-jawed at the base entertainments of the Violence Channel, the president is a former wrestler - Rob Walker Consumed column on new brand of bottled water Brawndo, marketed by Pete Hottelet after its appearance in movie Idiocracy; notes Hottelet has started business devoted to bringing to life products from movies; drawing (M) - By ROB WALKER
Meet The Reviews Group of Seven
I drive a truck for a living and a motorcycle for relaxation. I do not tolerate Idiocracy (the actions of idiotic bureaucrats) — my new word. It makes me reach for my soapbox. As a Canadian citizen I have enjoyed certain rights and privileges ...
Actress Who Plays Palin Found Her Selection ‘Pretty Terrifying’
The prospect of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential nominee in 2008 was “pretty terrifying” to actress Julianne Moore, who plays Palin in HBO’s upcoming Game Change movie about the 2008 campaign, but not because she feared ... IDIOCRACY: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard ...
Synopsis: Meet Joe Bowers (Luke Wilson), the first subject for the armys top secret human hibernation experiment. When the trial run goes awry, this "average Joe ...
Yum Brands CEO Wants To Hug The World, Feed Them Pizza Hut, Taco Bell & KFC
Its great that he wants to feed everyone, but is fast-food really the way to do it? In a slice of what an Idiocracy level of life would actually be like, David Novak tells USA Today that hes got big dreams for his companys fried chicken, pizza and fast ...
Netflix - Watch IDIOCRACY Online
Watch Idiocracy Streaming Instantly right to Your PC, Mac or TV with Netflix. Unlimited Movies & TV Shows. Only $7.99 a month. Free Trial.
Sacked Bournemouth councillor lands top role in new regime (From Bournemouth Echo)
Well done.....maybe we are starting to see a little trickle of sense finding its way into Bournemouth Council. A long way to go yet....and it seems Poole Council maybe catching up with the Idiocracy. Good for you Nicola
Dunk that Sh!t: Rondo, Suggestions for the New Owner, and Lin-credible Nicknames
Examples: Infomercial, Motel, Guesstimate, Idiocracy. A pun is more of the horrible word substitution or double-meaning things I like, such as, “Yogi couldn’t bear it,” or “Look into the Baker’s ryes if you think he’s trying to cheat you.”
Juggling a Comedy Series About Juggling Lifes Tasks
LOS ANGELES CONSIDER the story of the woman who barely paused her thriving show-business career to have children and went back to work almost directly from the delivery room, still learning to juggle the needs of parenthood, her profession and a spouse with his own demanding vocation. Thats the premise NBC hopes is funny and relatable enough to - By DAVE ITZKOFF IDIOCRACY: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard ...
Selwyn Duke
Hey, classy guy. I suppose Jackson would prefer a president such as the character in Idiocracy (warning: profanity). Although, to be frank, a man who cant spell communism is far less threatening than one who worships it. Speaking of "Idiocracy," the real ...
Glass Slippers? Old Hat
We were laid out on the couch the other weekend, stopped in our tracks by an unforeseen afternoon broadcast of Maid in Manhattan, when an important moment of sociological revelation arose. Ralph Fienness character, the Senate candidate Christopher Marshall, and Jennifer Lopezs Marisa Ventura, a hotel maid mistaken by Marshall for a socialite, - Judith Warner Op-Ed column notes that she was watching film Maid in Manhattan with her two young daughters when important moment of sociological revelation arose: today, Cinderella would marry chimney sweep (M) - Judith Warner is the author of Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety and a contributing columnist for TimesSelect. She is a guest Op-Ed columnist this month. - By JUDITH WARNER
Are free love liberal hipsters a sign of the coming IDIOCRACY?
Your hipsters in SoHo and Wicker Park want free hand-outs so they can perpetuate their fratty lifestyle: sex, drugs, etc. without ever having to contribute anything to society themselves. What is America coming to when sex is the lowest common denominator? When "experienced" no longer means hard-working, educated, stable, having a family, etc. and instead simply means how much wild hipster sex youve had? And this is what they call "progressive"? Are we on the verge of an Idiocracy here?
Answer: Ever heard of Woodstock?
We have been through this stuff before. But i do agree. the chances of today's morons coming to their senses looks increasingly less likely.
Category: Politics
IDIOCRACY | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo! Movies
An average guy volunteers to be the subject of a hibernation experiment that goes awry. He wakes up 500 years in the future, discovering that hes the smartest guy on ...
IDIOCRACY - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies | Movie Trailers | Reviews ...
Idiocracy delivers the hilarity and biting satire that could only come from Mike Judge.
MOVIE REVIEW | EXTRACT; Working In the Salt Mines: The Bosss View
In the world of celebrity do-goodism, Angelina Jolie is hot to trot the globe for the United Nations. George Clooney raises dollars and sense on behalf of Darfur. And Mike Judge? Well, the funnyman behind the cartoon yukfests Beavis and Butt-Head and King of the Hill and the very funny cult movie Office Space appears to have joined the - By MANOHLA DARGIS
Variety Reviews - IDIOCRACY - Film Reviews - New U.S. Release ...
Luke Wilson, right, is the smartest guy Dax Shepard can find in a future populated by imbeciles in Mike Judges Idiocracy from Fox. Joe Bauers - Luke Wilson Rita ...
Does the movie IDIOCRACY seem like its becoming a reality?
In terms of the soundbytes and people not looking at ISSUES.
It goes for both sides, so, this question is not about which side is worse. So please dont answer cons this or dems that.
Why cant we just talk about issues and policies?
Thank you all for giving insightful answers. It refreshes my faith in humanity to know there are some quality people out there.
Answer: If YA is anything to base judgement from, I'd say you're right.
I had this same conversation with my wife the other day. Elections have become a "he said-she said" tit for tat snipefest that don't say anything of substance on either side. It's turned into a beauty contest. The news is no help, since they only cover each campaign's reaction to each other's gaffes and missteps. This keeps idiots like us stupid and in the dark as to the "why" and "how" of things, and makes finding truth that much more difficult. I used to think Obama might bring some transparency back to the white house, but I'm not so sure anymore.
Category: Elections
Definitions of IDIOCRACY - OneLook Dictionary Search
Quick definitions (Idiocracy) (n.) Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person; idiosyncrasy.
How many of you have seen the film IDIOCRACY?
Just wondering, because the more of the questions and answers I read around here ("What is the best way to fake a wrist injury" "Help my friend axidentally taked exstasy" etc.), the more I think of the movie
Answer: I have seen it. I liked it.
Category: Other - Arts & Humanities
Idiocracy. Id`i*oc"ra*cy\, n.; pl. Idiocrasies. [Idio- + Gr. ? a mixture, fr. ? to mix: cf. F. idiocrasie.] Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, ...
Is the movie IDIOCRACY proving more and more prophetic and accurate?
I mean, at first, I just found Idiocracy funny, but now its starting to become scarily accurate. It ranks up there with 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.
Answer: Now there's an excellent question.
In short, YES. Obviously.
The very fact that this superb, warm-hearted, excellently plotted, artful and (yes!) hilarious film hit so close to the mark in so many ways helps to account for why it was so aggressively repressed, shelved and, in effect, censored by the very corporate-totalitarian/ANTI-democratic authorities about whom the movie was so scathingly yet legitimately critical.
And why was the film repressed? The most accurate answer is that bullies, thieves, dishonest people in general DO NOT WISH TO BE TAKEN TO TASK OVER HOW INCREASINGLY AWFUL AND UNTENABLE (grunt-average, worse than grunt-average, undeserving of special privileges, incompetent) they are, in fact, becoming.
Therefore what these authorities desire (demand) is complete deniability. And movies that cause people to become AWARE OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING are the last things that the wealthy and powerful people who literally own and manipulate our world's mass-media and communications networks wish to encourage.
The extremely wealthy and powerful (artificially $heltered) individuals and families who have been enjoying a most dubious and distinctively modern form of CORPORATE SOCIALISM for so many generations NEVER, EVER want to be held accountable for...anything.
If one is not aware that throughout the 80s and 90s the "professions" that directly involve finance, banking and accounting were degraded into an astonishing state of DISHONESTY AND ILLEGITIMACY, then one ought to make oneself aware if it. Research it. Find out for yourself.
A simple, observable fact: Criminals (be they aware of their crimes or in complete denial) naturally and reasonably go out of their ways to do all that they can to NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Collapsing "ecomony"...corporate excess, incompetence, and outright corruption leading to a crude, widespread process of third-worldization...and, yes, absolutely true, an actual "dummying-down" inter-generational coalescent phenomenon involving a literal, gradual but steady NEGATIVE qualitative shift of the entire citizenry's mental/observational a result of both dysgenic factors as well as many attention-span-stunting desensitization factors that are directly related to the manner in which our pervasive wealth-oriented and wealth-directed media resources (under the laughably ILLEGITIMATE guise of "objectivity" and "market imperatives") are used to purposefully and forcefully PREVENT the citizenry from actually understanding (and therefore becoming capable "catching on to" and "doing anything about" (anything of any substantive importance.)
Can it become any more clear that a dummied-down citizenry (one that is uniformly incompetent, harried, distracted, desensitized, inarticulate and therefore totally incapable of effectively defending itself/its human rights) is PRECISELY the kind of citizenry that our most aggressive and morally nonexistent authorities have always desired, expected -- and are doing everything in their power to nurture? Of course this is the case.
The irony of it all is that those authorities themselves are not existing in a genetic vacuum. Though few of them are likely to appreciate it, they are dummying-down themselves as well as the rest of us.
One would have to be some combination of inaccurate, naive, not-very-swift and dishonest not to appreciate that this is surely the case. No, it's not a BIG "conspiracy" in any conventional sense of the term. But it is the cumulative result of countless minor conspiracies...acts of greed-based deception and dishonesty. Human nature? Sure. But that doesn't mean that we cannot do anything about it. It IS possible to create a greater degree of transparency/openness in order to prevent...corruption.
But ordinary people must get together and organize in order to demand improved forms of accountability. Too bad that incompetent people tend to be incapable of organization. Big surprise, that.
Anyway, as time marches on, these observations may become more and more obvious. One can hope.
More details: Any society that tacitly accepts the premise of "education for profit" at the university level (such as our Uhmerican society) will, over the course of some number of generations, become dummied-down. Think about it. EDUCATION FOR PROFIT = emperors and empresses wearing no clothing. Is that to oblique a reference? Do you not understand what it means? Can you "afford" an education? Well then, you must be SMART!
Go ahead and research the manner in which money/wealth is being used to coerce universities into lowering their standards. You're not going to hear about it on the evening news, but you can still find out. It seems that people who spend 100K$$ on a DEGREE think that they deserve better than Cs and Ds... Go figure!
In practical terms, what all this means is that our so-called "professional class" (those who possess enough wealth and leisure time to
Category: Movies
Is Pawn Stars just more evidence an IDIOCRACY is on the way?
The History channel is dropping one intelectually stimulating program after another in favor of these pathetic shows. Most of them waste time on the hosts small talk,only reveal basic facts you learn in grade school, and always find this one minor setback to overdramatize.
Of course we all know their programming is a response to viewer demand. This reveals some unpromising preferences on behalf of the viewers.
Answer: It's still one of my very favorite channels.
Category: Sociology
What to Watch This Week on IFC: Feb. 21 – 26
Burn off the last few weeks of winter with us. Tune in at 10:15 p.m. ET for Mike Judge’s “Idiocracy.” Yep, the guy who brought you Beavis & Butthead (twice!) turns his gimlet eye on the future a la Woody Allen’s “Sleeper.” In the film ...
IDIOCRACY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Idiocracy is a 2006 American film, a satirical science fiction comedy, directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry ...
IDIOCRACY in the making |
Remember how in Idiocracy the future was run by idiots and everyone was watching a show called Ow! My Balls!? This is that show. It's essentially a compilat.
Directed by Mike Judge. With Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, Terry Crews. Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by ...
From an article by Antal Fekete. Whither Gold Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/11/2012 23:03 -0500. Bond Monetization Quantitative Easing
Is this country gunna turn into like that movie IDIOCRACY? Which party is responsible?
I saw some people huddled around a Redbox vending machine and it reminded me of some scenes in Idiocracy.
Answer: It's got electrolytes!
Category: Politics
The missiles are flying”: Worst movie presidents of all time
I’m mad at myself for not thinking of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho from “Idiocracy,” who was your consensus No. 1 pick. Your No. 2 choice was President Lindberg from “The Fifth Element,” and No. 3 was the ...
How do you think the GDP would be affected if the economy was designed like the movie IDIOCRACY?
How do you think the GDP would be affected if the economy was designed like the movie Idiocracy?
Answer: I don't think it would sustain itself too long.
Category: Economics
Men at Work: Finding Humor In Missteps
EVEN as a boy the filmmaker and animator Mike Judge had a hard time suspending disbelief when it came to the economic lives of fictional characters. I remember just being annoyed when it seemed that everyone had endless cash and never had to work, while I always had lots of jobs, he recalled in a telephone interview. His sisters Nancy Drew - By DENNIS LIM
Idiocracy is being treated like a red-headed step-child. Fox is intentionally and inexplicably trying to kill it. This weekend it arrives without a movie trailer or ...
Brand New Beat: IDIOCRACY and evolution
I happened to stumble upon this movie named “Idiocracy” in facebook. One of my friend shared the youtube link quoting the importance of knowledge for our future generation even knowing that you won't innovate some ...
Do you find the film IDIOCRACY to be an actual portayal of America today?
I try and discuss interesting matters because theres no other forum as decent or crowded as this one, but the Americans, god, they just say one thing, and then fight back like a 2 year old, and then theyre MIA...EVERYTIME I interact with them it feels more like Idiocracy...
Answer: No pun intended, yes, you've hit the nail on the head. Especially if this film was also satirically mixed with another US American film, called Plesantville.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Is the world headed for a IDIOCRACY wherein freedom of thought and actions is only Folklore?
Isnt there denigration of women and their freedom of self?
Isnt there denigation of Gays and their freedom of self?
Isnt there a rise of the religious mob and religious based violence as honorable?
All of the above are happening or have already happened.
One or another is in the news every day.
Answer: Rapidly, indeed! Sad, scary, terrifying. We must fight it.
Category: Politics
Dangerous Minds | IDIOCRACY: Sarah Palin's popularity, Tea Party ...
Image by Versions Galore David Dunning, a research psychologist at Cornell University, and his colleagues, have found how “incompetent” people are inherently unable to determine if another person is incompetent or not, ...
@Bellutak ty for the youtube link to Idiocracy,didnt know it was on there and i havent seen it in years <3 (; thxxx From: jtmpourtjrs - Source: web
Idiocracy in the making From: Bush_Jamie - Source: twitterfeed
The lack of an educated workforce will ultimately destroy the country. #Idiocracy uneducated consumers create debt, not wealth #bailout From: hyperbolicTom - Source: Twitter for Android
『26世紀青年』(Idiocracy)見た。素敵な馬鹿映画でした。 From: itagaki - Source: Janetter
Video: Temptation of Wife 11.Jan.11 courtesy of GMA-7 @ #Idiocracy From: PinoysTV - Source: Pinoys.TV Tweeter
RT @Vidajky48: America the Idiocracy assailedteacher http:tcoXVmA6ZhP From: cifuentesitmira - Source: Mobile Web
America the Idiocracy | assailedteacher From: Vidajky48 - Source: twitterfeed
I liked a @YouTube video Idiocracy From: Owlgoesw00t - Source: Google
Idiocracy in the making: Remember how in Idiocracy the future was run by idiots and everyone was watching a show... From: montrealhill - Source: twitterfeed
Watching Idiocracy. #beforewalle From: cornskismo - Source: web
The answer is "Idiocracy"!
the,Idiocracy,is,on,and,of,in,movie,to,The,you,video,YouTube,full From: howbona_bot - Source: howbona_bot
26世紀青年/Idiocracyを観た。予想通りのアホ映画で面白かった。ただ一つ、この映画で感心したのは「見捨てない心」。 From: haratom - Source: web
;O Clark cant keep distancing herself from her Liberal past Idiocracy From: Joannyjoqr - Source: web
RT @izzynobre: Idiocracy é um filme sensacional From: jmarcoscl - Source: web
I keep on watching these Idiocracy videos From: medianewsonline - Source: