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Rush Limbaugh Loses Sponsors After SANDRA FLUKE Remarks ...
UPDATED: Two more advertisers drop the under-fire host.
Who has worse morals: SANDRA FLUKE or a tijuana ho•ker?
At least if i paid the tj hkr, id get something in return. Sandra is just flat out stealing from me.
Category: Polls & Surveys
UConn Basketball, Then and Now
WANDA FLORA, the former coach of the University of Connecticut womens basketball team, would have relished a battle against a team like the University of Tennessee. Instead, she fought battles against the puddles that formed on the court where her team practiced and against an administration that was slow to put money behind its womens sports - Champion womens basketball program at University of Connecticut has come long way from its beginnings in 1974, when team won two games and lost eight; Title IX, landmark legislation that sought to equalize opportunities for men and women throughout education, was still in its infancy; three women coached team before Geno Auriemma took it over in 1985; photos of Auriemma and Wanda Flora, who coached team from 1975 to 1980 (M) - By AVI SALZMAN
O’Reilly: SANDRA FLUKE wants government to pay for her ‘social life’
Fox News’ host Bill O’Reilly decided to align himself with Rush Limbaugh in attacking Georgetown law student Sandra fluke Friday evening, claiming she wanted the school to provide money for her own personal life. “This sense of entitlement ...
Obama Phones His Support To SANDRA FLUKE, Law Student Limbaugh ...
Sandra fluke, who is also an activist, was about to appear on MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell Reports when she took a phone call from the White House.
NEWS ANALYSIS; Productive and Popular, but Facing a Challenge in Remaining So
ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo knows he is bound to come back to earth. After an unusually productive first year in office that made him one of the nations most popular governors, his challenge in 2012 is maintaining momentum. Referring to his sky-high popularity -- 68 percent of New York voters approved of his job performance in a recent - News analysis; New York Gov. Andrew M Cuomo is aware that his 68 percent approval rate among states voters will not last forever; Cuomo outlines a plan for 2012 in his State of the State address that is more pragmatic than visionary. Photo (M)d - By DANNY HAKIM
SANDRA FLUKE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sandra fluke (born 1981) is an American feminist activist and law student at Georgetown University, who testified before a panel of House Democratic Party members on ...
Who do you side with - SANDRA FLUKE, or Rush Limbaugh?
Sandra fluke is the woman that testified in Washington over the support of contraception.
Rush Limbaugh called her a "s l u t", a "prostitute", and demanded that she show everyone her sex videos.
Id like to see how the Cons defend Rush. Then again, many Cons share the same sick mindset as him, so then again it wouldnt be that hard for Cons to defend him.
Answer: If he can call that young woman a "slut," without knowing her or having met her, then I am perfectly justified in calling him a pedophile - there were reports that he was diddling young boys in Central America.
I have never sided with Limbaugh on anything of significance. Unlike him, I think about things before I start shooting my mouth off.
Category: Politics
Michelle Malkin » SANDRA FLUKE is not a “slut.” She's a femme ...
23 hours ago ... Appearing on NBC's “Today,” Sandra fluke said she was “stunned” and “ outraged” by Limbaugh's comments, which she deemed “an attempt to ...
SANDRA FLUKE: Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment ‘Outside the Bounds of Civil Discourse’
The Georgetown Law School student derided as a “slut” and a “prostitute” by conservative talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh told ABC News Friday that the talk show host’s comments were “hurtful” and an attempt to silence women who ...
Bill OReilly Attacks SANDRA FLUKE: You Want Me To Give You My Hard-Earned Money So You Can Have Sex? (VIDEO)
Bill OReilly waded head-on into the furor surrounding Sandra fluke, the law student called a "slut" by Rush Limbaugh for advocating for insurance coverage of contraception, on his Friday show, relentlessly attacking Fluke and echoing Limbaughs ...
SANDRA FLUKE is Owed an Apology -- and so is Sarah Palin
This story comes from the Yahoo! Contributor Network, where individuals publish their unique perspectives on some of the world’s most popular websites. Fluke had been dragged into her 15 minutes of fame when she gave testimony to an unofficial ...
SANDRA FLUKE, Georgetown student called a ‘slut’ by Rush ...
Sandra fluke, Georgetown student called a ‘slut’ by Rush Limbaugh on birth control stance speaks out Limbaughs fiery rhetoric came the same day the ...
What do you think of SANDRA FLUKE challenging the top 25 college football teams?
Do you think she can make it through ALL of them?
Thats about 2,500 guys, so we should have bought her enough condoms with perhaps a day or two to spare.
Category: Football (American)
SANDRA FLUKE on Limbaugh: I was stunned, then outraged | The Raw ...
Georgetown University law student Sandra fluke responded Thursday to being called a “slut” by conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh. “I guess my reaction is the reaction a lot of women have when they've been ...
Obama Backs Student in Furor With Limbaugh on Birth Control ...
On Friday, one day after Senate Democrats beat back a Republican challenge to the new policy, President Obama called Sandra fluke, the Georgetown student who had come under incendiary attack from Mr. Limbaugh, ...
Did you know SANDRA FLUKE supplements her income by selling crack to school children?
Its all true. I have it on tape and Im going to publish it soon.
Answer: She needs to sell crack to pay for her rubbers... It makes sense for a liberal...
Category: Politics
Rush Limbaugh Loses Sponsors After SANDRA FLUKE Remarks Enrage
Two bedding companies on Friday dropped their sponsorship of Rush Limbaughs radio program in reaction to the sexist comments the host has hurled at a college student and contraceptives coverage. Two more advertisers followed suit a few hours later.
Is SANDRA FLUKE a Fame-Hungry Activist? - SANDRA FLUKE - Fox Nation
20 hours ago ... Fluke came to Georgetown University interested in contraceptive coverage: She researched the Jesuit collegeâ ™s health plans for students ...
OLYMPICS: WOMENS HOCKEY; U.S. Team Has Load Of Talent In Wall
As the youngest member of the United States womens hockey team, 16-year-old Lyndsay Wall has experienced exhilarating moments while scaling the learning curve the past six months. She has also had her trying, even horrifying moments. Wall bleached her T-shirts, badly, the first time she did her own laundry. I didnt even know what cycle to put - Article profiles United States womens hockey team member Lyndsay Wall; photo (M) - By LIZ ROBBINS
SANDRA FLUKE Wanted to Speak Up for Women Before Congress - The ...
Georgetown Law student Sandra fluke was prepared to speak before Congress, but Rep. Darrell Issa wouldn’t have it.
SANDRA FLUKE Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut ...
President Obama on Friday placed a call to Sandra fluke, the Georgetown University law school student at the heart of the debate over the contraception law, thanking her for speaking out on the issue.
Do you think SANDRA FLUKE is a sad and misguided woman since she is spending 3000 a year on contraceptives?
Why are the Democratic party using such a disturbed young lady? They are obviously taking advantage of her.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Obama Backs Student in Furor With Limbaugh on Birth Control
On Friday, one day after Senate Democrats beat back a Republican challenge to the new policy, President Obama called Sandra fluke, the Georgetown student who had come under incendiary attack from Mr. Limbaugh, to thank her for publicly backing ...
19 hours ago ... The uproar is centered around Sandra fluke, a third-year Georgetown University law school student who was barred from testifying at a recent ...
Was SANDRA FLUKE on her back facing the ceiling in Capitol Hill while making her testimony?
Or did she actually refrain from her hourly pounding from random dudes long enough to address the Democrats with her undivided attention?
Mr. Wolf - Actually, I only do this to irritate you libtards. And it works like a charm. Nothing personal really. Its just entertaining to me.
Category: Politics
Georgetown Law Gets Behind SANDRA FLUKE
The Georgetown University Law Center is getting behind its student Sandra fluke, the 3L who testified before Congress on the need for access to birth control — and was subsequently called a “slut” by radio host Rush Limbaugh. The school ...
Michelle Malkin » SANDRA FLUKE is not a “slut.” She's a femme ...
Appearing on NBC's “Today,” Sandra fluke said she was “stunned” and “outraged” by Limbaugh's comments, which she deemed “an attempt to silence me, to silence all of us from speaking about the healthcare we need.” ...
Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE to offer support over Limbaugh ...
19 hours ago ... WH Says Obama called Fluke to "offer his support to her" after Rush Limbaugh called her a "slut" and "prostitute"; organizations call for ...
Rush Limbaugh, SANDRA FLUKE and Why is Contraception Part of Health Insurance Anyway?
From what’s being reported Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra fluke he owes the young lady an apology. Just on the basic issue of good manners if nothing else. However, that’s not the part of the larger story that interests me. I’m simply ...
Why doesnt SANDRA FLUKE try to make money the old fashion way she is obviously good at it? lol?
Isnt premarital sex a heath risk and shouldnt her premiums go up?
@Frogma: You got an odor.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
SANDRA FLUKE Responds To Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments
23 hours ago ... Sandra fluke, the Georgetown University law student Rush Limbaugh labeled as a slut and a prostitute for her beliefs about access to birth ...
Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE, Georgetown law student assailed by Rush ...
Wading further into an escalating contraception battle that has put Republicans on the defensive, President Obama on Friday called Sandra fluke, the ...
Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE, Georgetown law student assailed by ...
21 hours ago ... President Obama today called the Georgetown University law student assailed by Rush Limbaugh over her testimony at a hearing on ...
SANDRA FLUKE is Wrong in Contraceptive Debacle, Rush Limbaugh is ...
23 hours ago ... When Georgetown University Law student Sandra fluke spoke out against Georgetown's contraception policy before Congress, arguing that ...
How much education does SANDRA FLUKE have compared to rush limpaugh?
Ive got that at 6 years of college to 1 pathetic semester, is that right?
Answer: yup rush is an uneducated moron
Category: Politics
Should modern day heroes like SANDRA FLUKE have any legal recourse against Conservatives?
Other than lose the election, the GOP can call Fluke a slut all they want. It is her CHOICE to live the lifestyle SHE wants too. This attack on women is relentless and terrible. I am very happy the catholic priests and pope got served with Obamas important stand on womens birth control. Obama is getting further ahead in the polls over this kind of garbage.
Category: Politics
The Slow Struggle To Bring Back The Oyster
THE cold, gray bay washes over the tiny oyster seeds nestled in plastic mesh bags. These baby oysters, cultivated by hand on a sandbar north of Cape May, may hold the future for a New Jersey industry that once flourished but is now gasping for breath. A handful of aquaculturists -- or fish farmers -- are trying to grow a new generation of oysters - By SUSAN WARNER
Stunner. Georgetown “Coed” SANDRA FLUKE Is a 30 Year-Old ...
21 hours ago... is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women's rights activist. Sandra fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.
Rush Limbaugh, SANDRA FLUKE and Why is Contraception Part of ...
From what’s being reported Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra fluke he owes the young lady an apology. Just on the basic issue of good manners if nothing ...
SANDRA FLUKE: Obama was so kind
The call from President Obama came on Friday morning, and he wanted to know if Sandra fluke, a Georgetown law school student who had been called a “slut” and a “prostitute” by conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, was OK. As much as ...
SANDRA FLUKE Does Not Speak for Me | TheCollegeConservative
Tweet. I’m a proud Georgetown woman upset about another Georgetown woman who may have no pride at all. How else do you explain - Ms. Sandra fluke, a ...
When you think of SANDRA FLUKEs comments, what is the first thing you think?
When you think of Sandra fluke and her comments about contraceptives, what do you is the first thing you think?
I think that democrats have to stop asking what can the country do for me or we are DOOMED!
Answer: Another entitlement baby getting her 15 minutes of fame.
Category: Politics
Why dont people like SANDRA FLUKE just get free condoms at Planned Parenthood?
Fluke testified that without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman as much as $3,000 during law school".
Im willing as a tax payer to buy condoms for free distribution to the public, but why should I be forced to pay for other much more expensive forms of birth control for anyone that wants them?
BTW, Limbaugh calling her a "slut/prostitute " just showed what an uncouth idiot he is.
Answer: saying Limbaugh is "uncouth" is an understatement!
Category: Politics
Can we all chip in and buy SANDRA FLUKE a Battery Operated Boyfriend and be done with it?
@Mercuri: Well whatever he did he sure didnt ask me to pay for it.
I agree with you No chance without Jesus but that is between them and God. However what I am concerned with is that we are having to pay for it and in a way take part in those perversions.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
SANDRA FLUKE: Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment ‘Outside the ...
Sandra fluke: Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment ‘Outside the Bounds of Civil Discourse’
SANDRA FLUKE « politicalaficionado
What on earth gives this man the right to degrade a woman in such a way. I understand this country has the right of free speech under the first amendment ...
The Movie Midas; While Hollywood Studios Win Awards, Lions Gate, the Independent, Makes Money
On the Saturday before the Academy Awards, film executives jammed into a tent on a Santa Monica beach to trade accolades at the Independent Spirit Awards, an event devoted to honoring independent films. The open secret, of course, is that most independent film labels today are owned by major Hollywood studios: Focus Features, the producer and - Profile of Lions Gate Enterainment, largest surviving distribution and production company not owned by Hollywood studio; chief executive Jon Feltheimer and vice chairman Michael Burns have forged largest vertically integrated competitor to major studios, with production facility, television unit, foreign sales arm and 8,000-title library; run studio with cost disciple that sets it apart from major studios and other independents; seek out audidences other film companies do not often reach, grossing $302 million in nations theaters in 2004 without any award nominees; studios recent success has come as unwelcome surprise to many in Hollywood; revenue graph; photos (M) - By ROSS JOHNSON
SANDRA FLUKE on Limbaugh: I was stunned, then outraged | The Raw Story
Georgetown University law student Sandra fluke responded Thursday to being called a “slut” by conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh. “I guess my ...
President Calls SANDRA FLUKE, Tells Her That Her Parents Should Be ...
Sandra fluke, the young Georgetown Law student who has become the face of the pro-birth control mandate push, received quite a phone call before appearing on air with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell today: President Obama.
SANDRA FLUKE Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh Slut Comments
President Obama on Friday placed a call to Sandra fluke, the Georgetown University law school student at the heart of the debate over the contraception law, thanking her for speaking out on the issue. The call came a day after conservative talk ...
Bill O'Reilly Attacks SANDRA FLUKE: 'You Want Me To Give You My ...
Bill O'Reilly waded head-on into the furor surrounding Sandra fluke, the law student called a "slut" by Rush Limbaugh for advocating for insurance coverage of contraception, on his Friday show, relentlessly attacking Fluke ...
what position are you taking on SANDRA FLUKE?
i heard that any position with the girl on top has the least chance of pregnancy for the nice lady.
so maybe cowgirl position? or reverse cowgirl?
Category: Politics
How Georgetown Can (And Should) Stick Up For SANDRA FLUKE
Our Guest Blogger is Reid Setzer, an Intern at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and a student at Georgetown Law Earlier today, Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia issued a letter to members of the Georgetown community ...
The Rush Limbaugh-SANDRA FLUKE reader
So Ive been in the weeds and on the phone working on stories for next week, with only one eye on the fallout from Rush Limbaughs controversial comment about Georgeotwn law student Sandra Luke. Fortunately POLITICOs MJ Lee, Seung Min Kim and Tim Mak, and ...
THE HAGGLER; Hey, PayPal, Why Verify?
HAVING recently spent a lot of time on the phone booking an assortment of reservations, the Haggler has been pondering some travel-related mysteries. To wit: Why do so many companies ask you to listen carefully to their telephone recording because their menu options have changed? What was wrong with the old menu options? Why do they keep - E-mail: Keep it brief and family-friendly, and go easy on the caps-lock key. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. - By DAVID SEGAL
Limbaugh takes aim at SANDRA FLUKE
Two weeks ago, the House Oversight Committee, led by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), held a one-sided hearing on contraception access, featuring an opening panel of five conservative men -- and no one else. Democrats on the committee had ...
Does the SANDRA FLUKE non-issue show how desperate the Democrats are?
Rush Limbaugh called someone a whore. That is the best that you have? Normally the president wouldnt even bother getting involved with such a non issue, but I guess when your record is one failed policy after another you will take anything you can get to draw attention elsewhere.
Category: Government
Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE, Limbaugh kisses it off – CNN Political ...
(CNN) – President Barack Obama called Sandra fluke Friday to offer his support to the law student who has come under attack following her testimony to a ...
This list has been selected from books reviewed since the Holiday Books issue of December 2001. The books are alphabetized under genre headings; the complete reviews can be found at FICTION & POETRY ACCIDENTS IN THE HOME. By Tessa Hadley. (Holt, $23.) The link between reading and adultery, refined and elaborated since Flaubert, - List of books for summer reading selected from books reviewed since Holiday Books issue of December 2001; drawing (L)
SANDRA FLUKE Topics Page -
Collection of all coverage of Sandra fluke, including articles, videos, photos, and quotes.
Rush Limbaugh: Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE to express support
President Obama weighed in Friday on a controversy over radio provocateur Rush Limbaughs comments about law student Sandra fluke. Obama call Fluke to ...
If SANDRA FLUKE expects free birth control, should she also be provided with a paper bag for her head?
So the poor dude cant see what she looks like?
Category: Politics
SANDRA FLUKE: Rush Limbaugh wants "to silence women" - Political ...
Sandra fluke, the Georgetown University law student who was thrust into the national spotlight when radio host Rush Limbaugh a "slut" and a "prostitute ...
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
Supreme Court Allows Disabled Georgia Inmate to Proceed With Suit Against State
The Supreme Court, in its first federalism decision since John G. Roberts Jr. became chief justice, ruled Tuesday that Congress acted within its constitutional authority when it stripped states of immunity from some suits for damages by disabled prison inmates. The unanimous opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, overturned a 2004 ruling by - By LINDA GREENHOUSE
The Listings: May 20-May 26
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, showtimes and tickets:
Obama calls SANDRA FLUKE to express support after Limbaugh comments
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama weighed in Friday on a mounting controversy over radio provocateur Rush Limbaughs crude comments about Georgetown University law student Sandra fluke with a phone call expressing his support for Fluke.
SANDRA FLUKE Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh Slut ...
President Obama on Friday placed a call to Sandra fluke, the Georgetown University law school student at the heart of the debate over the contraception law ...
President Obama calls Georgetown student Fluke
President Obama called Georgetown Law student Sandra fluke on Friday to offer her words of encouragement amid a controversy involving Rush Limbaughs words toward her. Stay informed: Like us on Facebook for the latest from our politics team ...
President Obama Calls SANDRA FLUKE Shortly Before MSNBC ...
After several media appearances by Sandra fluke in the past 24 hours, President Obama called the Georgetown Law School student this afternoon, shortly before she appeared on MSNBC's “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” ...
SANDRA FLUKE: Obama was so kind - WREG
The call from President Obama came on Friday morning, and he wanted to know if Sandra fluke, a Georgetown law school student who had been called a “slut ...
What do you guys think about Bill Clinton offering an internship position to Georgetown student SANDRA FLUKE?
It should be a great opportunity for her to give a head; sorry, I meant get ahead... and Bill will cover the cost of her birth control.
Category: Politics
RT @thinkprogress: OReilly joins sexist attack on Sandra fluke, claims she wants govt to pay for her "social life." #standwithsandra
From: brodyrocks - Source: TweetDeck
@kiradavis422 Not that I wish to put you on the spot but after your brilliant last apology surely an apology to poor Sandra fluke is needed
From: UncleWaldoe - Source: web
GOP: Dems played games over Sandra fluke | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner via @dcexaminer
From: lisasdeang - Source: Tweet Button
you wouldnt know it by gops lame-ass responses yesterday RT @ByronYork GOP: Dems played games over Sandra fluke.
From: brooksbayne - Source: TweetDeck
Bill O’Reilly Attacks Sandra fluke: Claims She Wants Government To Pay For Her ‘Social Life’ via @thinkprogress
From: terip64 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @StopRush: Full summary, including audio, of Rush Limbaughs vitriol against Sandra fluke:
From: kristenmeth - Source: HootSuite
Rush Limbaugh, Sandra fluke and Why is Contraception Part of Health Insurance ... - Forbes #news
From: youareinformed - Source: SuiteBird
RT @TheThomason: BBC headline: Obama calls Sandra fluke to offer support.
FOX headline: Obama caught making phone call to slut.
From: bcevans - Source: web
#cdnpoli Sister Sages Musings: Five advertisers drop Rush Limbaugh after Sandra fluke slander: After ... #cdnprog
From: Prog_Blog - Source: twitterfeed
RT @thinkprogress: OReilly joins sexist attack on Sandra fluke, claims she wants govt to pay for her "social life." #standwithsandra
From: tiffanyjurgens - Source: TweetDeck
RT @Smalltalkwitht: Not only did O call #SandraFluke, Bill Clinton asked Obama for Sandra flukes phone number? #caring
From: nogirlemen - Source: TweetDeck
Limbaughs Sandra fluke comments costs show two sponsors. How far will this controversy go? via hollywoodreporter
From: steveramosmedia - Source: HootSuite
RT @MarkMessinger: @PollySigh1 Yes, and Limbaugh + sex worker or WH Intern is consensual, unlike abuse of Sandra fluke. #youresadlyconfused
From: MarkMessinger - Source: Gravity!
Interesting perspective, but misses point that cost of having just 1 unplanned pregnancy > years of birth control
From: TheOriginalMack - Source: Safari on iOS
Video: The Five’s Eric Bolling Says Georgetown Student Sandra fluke “Seems Like A Plant’”
From: PatDollard - Source: web