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The ACT® | ACTs Curriculum-Based Educational and Career Planning ...
The Act is Acts curriculum-based educational and career planning tool that assesses the mastery of state and college readiness standards.
ACT: Definition, Synonyms from
Act n. The process of doing or performing something: the Act of thinking. Something done or performed; a deed: a charitable Act
ACT, Inc. : A Student Site for ACT Test Takers
The Act college entrance exam. Free prActice tests. Act test dates, Act registration, Act scores, college and career planning, college financial aid estimator ...
ACT, Inc. : A Student Site for ACT Test Takers
The Act college entrance exam. Free prActice tests. Act test dates, Act registration, Act scores, college and career planning, college financial aid estimator and ...
Why the Jobs ACT Has Wall Street Sweating
Nearly a decade ago, Eliot Spitzer, then the New York attorney general, had to force major Wall Street firms to build a Chinese wall between research and investment banking. Now, the same banks are fretting over a breach in that wall. Lawyers and bankers ...
How do I ACT more like my normal self in front of others?
When Im in front of friends,teachers, and any other person, I Act silly and loud. I feel obnoxious but I cant stop it. It just happens. When Im alone, I Act quiet and happy. I listen to soft lovesongs from the early 20th century but when Im around other people, I pretend to like rap and pop when I really dont. Why is this and how do I Act like my normal self in front of others.
Answer: its probably because you dont have a strong understanding of what kind of person you are
try meditating and camling yourself and control what you do around others
Category: Friends
Cantor's JOBS ACT Drives Wedge Between Obama, Labor
A new small-business law spearheaded by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is harming relations between the White House and its labor allies. Several weeks after the legislation was enActed, unions are continuing to air ...
LETTERS; Unneeded Medical Tests and the Health Care Picture
To the Editor: Re “ Do You Need That Test? ” (editorial, April 9): A key component of health care reform is to educate the public and medical professionals about the critical importance of evidence-based medicine to achieve quality health care that is also cost-effective and to underscore the value of working together as partners to
Can a creditor still ACT if they failed to answer a demand for proof in 30 days?
I sent these people a letter back in October, and they just now sent a reply. It has been well over the 30 days that FTC Act 308 and 310 allow for the validation of the debt. Can they still Act on even after failing to comply to the request? I am planning to take legal Action if they try.
Answer: They can still try to collect the debt, but their failure to respond in a timely manner can mean that you could get the item stricken from your credit report.
Category: Law & Ethics
What ACTs can be compared to the Patriot ACT and how has the Patriot ACT detered terrorism?
What powers authorized by a U.S President can be compared to the current U.S. Patriot Act? Some come to mind like FISA but what else? Also, what plots have been foiled after the Patriot Act has gone into effect?
This is for my Current Events class, and I thank you in advance for all help!
Answer: None
Category: Current Events
ACT | Define ACT at
noun 1. anything done, being done, or to be done; deed; performance: a heroic Act. 2. the process of doing: caught in the Act. 3. a formal decision , law, or the like ...
Electronically Transmitted Source Code Not Stolen Goods Under the National Stolen Property ACT
In an opinion that indicates the need to revise U.S. federal intellectual property theft statutes, the Second Circuit reversed a jurys theft convictions under the National Stolen Property Act and the Economic Espionage Act (U.S. v. Aleynikov). Proprietary ...
The FOCUS ACT and Federal Law Enforcement
An article by Jon Adler at “Police: The Law Enforcement Magazine,” (Last viewed Apr. 11, 2012), written on behalf of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers.
Opponents: Repeal of Equal Pay ACT makes workplace discrimination easier
Wisconsin law makes employment discrimination illegal, but a recent move by the Legislature removes one route to recourse in wage disputes. Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill April 5 to repeal the Equal Pay Act. Act 20, which went into effect in ...
What ACT of civil disobedience could I write a paper about participating in?
I have to know the law I am protesting against.
How I am passively resisting and what my methods are.
Whether or not I am alone in the Act or with an organization.
What could be or are the positive and negative consequences of my Action.
How do others view the Act I am committing.
What are my motives for committing the Act.
What was achieved by the Act.
What was the experience like.
I really just need a jump start on this paper.
I have no ideas what to write about,
or know anything about the laws really.
Answer: The healthcare bill is a popular topic, You can say how you would not let the government force you to buy something you dont wanna buy and how if you dont you have to pay up to a 25,000 dollar fine and/or go to jail.
Category: Civic Participation
College Studies in Greece | American College of Thessaloniki
A non-for-profit, US accredited college that is recognized by the Greek Ministry of Education and offers undergraduate & postgraduate studies. Scholarships Available.
What is the ACT that allows police to arrest political protesters?
I heard there was recently a new law passed under Homeland Security that can basically target any US citizen who expresses disdain for the current Administration. Protesters and the like are labeled as terrorists and apprehended as such. I havent heard anything on the news about this, but it sounds pretty serious. With the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act passed under the guise of "protecting freedom" its really no surprise to me that something like this would happen, but Id like to verify. If true, we are certainly moving into dangerous waters...
Answer: Wow. How little people know about their own government.
H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007:
Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act Raises Fears of New Government Crackdown on Dissent
Barely any media coverage of this at all. In this bill: “Homegrown terrorism” is vaguely defined as "the planned use, threatened use, of force or violence by a group to intimidate or coerce the government of the United States."
So some worry that a simple Act of civil disobedience, such as blocking the door of a recruitment center in protest, could be considered terrorism.
Category: Law & Ethics
ACT Test Prep
Act test prep resources. Prepare for the Act test online, or with the only book that includes three retired Act tests. We have a free test preparation booklet, ...
Helping People Achieve Education and Workplace Success | ACT
Known for the Act test, a college entrance exam, Act is a nonprofit organization offering educational and workplace measurement and research services.
How are you supposed to ACT around a boyfriend?
Ive had many boyfriends but, they all end. So, it just feels like I dont know how to Act around them. I know there is no specific way to Act but, how are you supposed to Act?
Like, stuff to talk about, not to have those weird silent moments..Please dont say sports!
I know you not supposed to "Act" Act in a movie....
Answer: Around a boyfriend your not supposed to Act. Your supposed to be yourself, the point of having a boyfriend being different than a guy-friend is that you are comfortable around him.
You talk about anything and everything that comes to your mind. I don't mean to sound very not helpful, but we can't tell you how to Act. Around someone as important as a boyfriend, you just talk about anything that comes to mind. What do you talk with with your friends? Inside jokes, gossip, movies, who got with who, etc...
I Act who I really am: around friends I am loud, I can't whisper for my life, and experienced (guy-wise). Around my boyfriend I am shy, I always whisper, and I am clumsy and have no idea what I'm doing. I take risks and try new things. This is why I am experienced when I'm around my friends, but around my boyfriend I'm just as innocent and unknowing as anyone else. I still get really nervous when I know my boyfriend is going to kiss me -- I don't want to mess up! Around friends it's like "been there, done that" and I'm not afraid to talk about kissing guys.
It'll come naturally =] If there's an awkward silence say "so..." awkwardly then crack up and voila, you guys have an inside joke and a new thing to talk about. I'm not you, therefore I can not tell you what to do, but just relax.
Category: Adolescent
Home | ACT
A professional, resident theatre company that produces a season of contemporary plays, special events, and solo performances from its spectacular four-venue facility ...
Pete Hoekstra On Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay ACT: 'That Thing Is A ...
WASHINGTON -- Former Republican congressman Pete Hoekstra, who is now running to unseat Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), weighed in on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on Thursday, saying the law was a "nuisance" ...
ACT (test) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Act is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in the United States produced by Act, Inc. It was first administered in November ...
YANKEES 5, ANGELS 0; It’s All Yankees in Their Home Opener
There were no rings to distribute and no flag to be raised, but opening day at the Stadium could not have gone better for the Yankees . Beginning with Jorge Posada’s ceremonial first pitch and ending with a strikeout by reliever Dave Robertson, it was a day to soothe pinstriped hearts after last season’s bitter postseason elimination. - By DAVID WALDSTEIN
May Dreams Gardens: ACT your month!
All in all, April, behaving normally, had a tough Act to follow. It's like that younger sibling who is always being asked why can't they be better like their older sibling who seemed to be taller, prettier, more talented. Ah, well, it ...
when you get your scores back is the composite score what you made overall?
Answer: The composite score is the average of all of your other scores, so yes it is what you made overall.
Category: Standards & Testing
ACT Registration : Test Dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and ...
Registration information and Act test dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada
ACT - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of Act. 1. a: the doing of a thing : deed b: something done voluntarily . 2: a state of real existence rather than possibility . 3: the formal product of a ...
Taiwan: A Familys Forced Eviction Casts Shadow on Urban Renewal ACT
Swahili · Taiwan: Kufukuzwa kwenye nyumba kwa nguvu kwa familia kwaitia dosari Sheria ya Ufufuaji Miji (However) Majority decision may result in tyranny that sacrifices the minoritys interest… Currently Article 22, clause 1 of the Urban ...
Helping People Achieve Education and Workplace Success | ACT
Known for the Act test, a college entrance exam, Act is a nonprofit organization offering educational and workplace measurement and research services.
Can anyone state the difference between a criminal ACT and a terrorist ACT?
Is it a terrorist Act only when certain groups/nationalities do it or can non-arabs be terrorists? Can criminal Acts by Americans,Europeans or Israelis be considered terrorist Acts?
Please dont copy/paste out of a dictionary or any other source,use your own words. I know there are some users here that can only copy/paste without crediting the source,they can skip the question. Feel free to give examples with your answer though.
Answer: Anyone can be a terrorist. A terrorist Act is when the Act is done to provoke fear and uncertainty (9/11, London bombs in the UK) normally with a reason behind it. Religion, against the government etc. An animal rights Activist placing a bomb at a venue where products are tested on animals to promote fear into the employees and the company would also be a terrorist. People could of course be the process, but in the terrorist minds, this would just be part of causing fear.
A simple crime is just something against the law. A bomb may be placed to kill a certain person, or a group of people - this would be a crime, not a terrorist Act, for the bomb wasnt placed for the reason of causing chaos in peoples minds, but to kill someone for reasons other than to create fear.
Category: Israel
ACT Registration : Test Dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada
Registration information and Act test dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada. ... Test Date, Registration Deadline, (Late Fee Required). September 10 ...
I took the Act last April and did good on the reading portion but not so great on the math. I recently took it again. Can you combine scores of different tests to get a better composite score for colleges to look at?
Answer: It matter which college you go to. Some schools will take your highest scores from each section, and use those for a "super score". You still have to send them all your scores, so they see them, but they only consider the highest ones. That's not all colleges though, some just look at your highest composite score. You could probably find out whether or not the colleges you want to go to do that by looking at their websites, but if you can't find anything, I would just send all your scores and hope they do.
Category: Standards & Testing
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Why North Korea’s Rocket Mattered
MEDFORD, Mass. SPECTACULAR failure though it was, North Korea ’s latest rocket launching calls for punitive measures from America and its allies. Bad engineering is no reason for complacency; the benchmark for American policy must be North Korea’s intent. And for decades, that government has been determined to develop nuclear-tipped - By SUNG-YOON LEE
How to ACT as though I have severe anxiety?
I need to Act as though I have severe anxiety. Im at college studying drama and performing arts and its crucial for this new role. Im Acting the part of a troubled middle age man who suffers with anxiety and Bipolar disorder. Any tips?
Answer: I have a anxiety disorder so if I was you I would be really happy and jolly then sudden outburst with anger at someone or something when something happens, when you are anxious you feel like you are excited about something, remember a time like this then remember the feeling 100x more powerful, it's horrible but if your Acting. You have to shake a lot, be clumsy, talk shakily, move around a lot and try to always sit down. Hope this helps you!
Category: Mental Health
Trial Starts in Plot Against Danish Paper Over Cartoons of Prophet
STOCKHOLM — Four men went on trial in Denmark on Friday on charges of plotting a shooting spree in late 2010 at a Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, with prosecutors suggesting they intended to focus on the defendants’ links to Pakistan. The publication of the cartoons by the paper, Jyllands-Posten , in - By CHRISTINE ANDERSON
What is the difference in ACT one or ACT two in a school play?
So Im in a play at school and i need to know what the difference between Act one or Act two. Please dont post answers like, oh if you dont even know what the difference is then why are you in it? It is very new to me and i need to know the difference between Act one or Act two. Thanks!
Answer: Act one is the first half, before the intermission. Act two is the second half, after the intermission.
Category: Theater & Acting
ACT Registration
Online registration is the fastest method. You will know immediately if your preferred test center has space for you to test and can print your admission ticket.
Employers Don’t Have to Post Union Notices, Judge Rules
A federal judge in South Carolina ruled on Friday that the National Labor Relations Board did not have the authority to order most private employers to post notices telling workers about their right to unionize under federal law. The judge, David C. Norton of United States District Court in Charleston, rejected the labor board’s argument that - By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
How were the Intolerable ACTs different from the earlier Stamp ACT and the Townshend ACTs?
How were the Intolerable Acts different from the earlier Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts?
What responses did these Actions provoke from the colonists and why?
What responses did these Actions provoke from the colonists and why?
1-For each Act, what was the purpose
2-Economic Protest
3-Political Responses
please give me ALL the details you have. i really do not know the information to the following 3 listed. i really need those answers
Answer: You should try to look this stuff up on other sites, you my find little bits of information but it will help in the long run
Category: Government
ACT Announces Approval of Bascom Palmer Eye Institute as Additional Site for Stem Cell Clinical Trial for dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. (“Act”; OTCBB: ActC), a leader in the field of regenerative medicine, announced today that the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, Fla., has received institutional review board (IRB) approval as a site for ...
Sage ACT! - CRM, ContACT and Customer Relationship ...
Sage Act! CRM Software is customer relationship management for small and mid-sized businesses looking to upgrade their contAct management software ...
Mike Muhney, Co-inventor of ACT! And Founder of VIPOrbit ...
We've come a long way, baby! And times, they are a changing. With today's technologies, there are so many ways to build relationships. The key, however,
Mitt Romney Wont Repeal The Lilly Ledbetter ACT, Campaign Confirms
WASHINGTON -- As president, Mitt Romney would not repeal the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which provides women with more legal channels through which to pursue equal pay for equal work, his campaign confirmed on Wednesday. "Women account for more than ...
RTE ACT: Poor students face uncertain fate
BHOPAL: The fate of the children admitted under the Right to Education Act (RTE) in minority institutions hangs in balance after the Supreme Court ruling on Thursday, going by the mood of the schools management. Already, the convent schools are ...
ACT? ? ??????????¿??????????????
My friend wants to go to mcc pen valley or johnson county community college. He doesnt know if he needs to take the Act or not? Hes never took it before. I figured he needs to do that. Help?
Answer: 1. Gtfo.
2. Bad grammar (your title).
3. Wrong section.
4. Only he knows. He should stfu and go.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
What are some good ACTing scripts that I can ACT to and improve my ACTing skills?
I love to Act so I try to look for some scripts online to Act to. I like ones with romance and a love story or with dramatic scenes and love. Can anybody send me links or stuff to just the scripts and not a site where I have to find one on my own?
Answer: west side story. you have accents, forbidden love, emotion, death- it's perfect. i got so into it once i started crying because the charActer was:)
Category: Theater & Acting
ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
Printer-friendly version Send by email ACCEPTANCE & COMMITMENT THERAPY (Act) Developed within a coherent theoretical and philosophical framework, Acceptance and ...
FAST ACT to Modernize Approval Process -- Cardium and BioSante Poised to Benefit
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -03/19/12)- Biotechnology stocks continue to be some of the strongest performers in the markets as favorable legislation out of Washington boosts the sectors reach. The iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (IBB) is ...
ACT College president defends late aid payments
The president of Act College, a for-profit higher education provider shut down last week for alleged federal aid violations, says the institution never intentionally withheld aid dollars from students. The Northern Virginia college closed its ...
Sage ACT! - CRM, ContACT and Customer Relationship Management Software
Sage Act! CRM Software is customer relationship management for small and mid-sized businesses looking to upgrade their contAct management software solution.
Conservatives need to ACT like it – Bearing Drift: Virginia's ...
Sir Edmund Burke is often cited as the founder of modern conservatism. In fAct, Russell Kirk starts his profound work “The Conservative Mind” by profiling Burke. So what does Burke say about who should govern, how they ...
Yes, Virginia, This Is Obama’s JOBS ACT
A number of people, many of them enthusiastic supporters of President Obama, wrote in to complain about my last piece about the JOBS Act. The gist of many of these letters was that the new deregulatory law could in no way be described as "Obama ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Ducking the Medicare Crisis
NESTLED within the many commendable aspects of President Obama’s health care plan — including the individual mandate — sits a problem that has gone virtually unnoticed by commentators obsessed with the Supreme Court’s review of the law: how to pay for it. About 65 percent of the cost of the Obama health care law is supposed - By STEVEN RATTNER
ACT - American Canadian Tour
OFFICIAL POINT STANDINGS after Fall Foliage 200 Airborne Speedway 10/8/11 DRIVERS STANDINGS 1. Brian Hoar 1101 2. Wayne Helliwell 966 3. Austin Theriault 904
In Balancing ACT, Turkey Hosts Iranian Nuclear Talks
Irans suspect nuclear program will again be in the spotlight this weekend when negotiators from Iran and six international powers meet in Istanbul. Iran was reluctant to have Turkey host the meeting, reflecting Irans growing unhappiness with ...
Use of Painkiller Toradol Before Games Raises Concerns
When Mets pitcher R. A. Dickey partly tore the plantar fascia in his right foot last May, he turned to a treatment that in recent years has become a go-to elixir for professional baseball and football players: Toradol, an injectable anti-inflammatory drug. “It certainly helped, especially in the first months after the injury,” said - By KEN BELSON and MARY PILON
ACT - definition of ACT by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Act 1 (s-t) A trademark for a standardized college entrance examination. Act 2. abbr. Australian Capital Territory. Act (kt) n. 1. The process of doing or performing ...
Free SAT and ACT Score Generators Take the Guesswork Out of Test Prep
Test Prep Authority, a free, online SAT and Act resource center, had just added free SAT and Act score generators to their site. These generators draw scores from a database of every major college and university in the US, letting students know what scores ...
ONE | ONE ACT a Week: Think critically about our 'bold global plan'
Action: 38. Time: 25 minutes. Level of difficulty: Moderate. In our new petition to fight global hunger, we ask our ONE members to urge the G8 to “implement a bold global plan to ensure 50 million people escape poverty ...
Why Obamas JOBS ACT Couldnt Suck Worse
Boy, do I feel like an idiot. Ive been out there on radio and TV in the last few months saying that I thought there was a chance Barack Obama was listening to the popular anger against Wall Street that drove the Occupy movement, that decisions ...
ACT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Act may refer to: Australian Capital Territory, the capital territory of the Commonwealth of Australia Act (test), a college placement exam in the United States In ...
The ACT® | ACT's Curriculum-Based Educational and Career ...
The Act is Act's curriculum-based educational and career planning tool that assesses the mastery of state and college readiness standards.
ACT (test) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Act 1] is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in the United States produced by Act, Inc. It was first administered in ...
LETTERS; Should We End Life Tenure for Justices?
To the Editor: Re “ Bring the Justices Back to Earth ,” by Paul D. Carrington (Op-Ed, April 10), proposing new appointments to the Supreme Court every two years: The framers were well aware of the arguments for and against life tenure for judges because state prActices offered a variety of approaches to structuring judicial power. They
How to get the confidence to ACT in front of others well?
I want to Act. its just what I want to do. But how do I build confidence completely and be comfortable Acting in front of others? I just want to be able to Act with ease, and I want it to come out naturally. Having confidence, charActer, and eye contAct are very important things. How do I build these three things so I can pursue my dream of Acting?
Answer: With everything there is a start. Usually when you start off, you start off small. Come up with a script. Possibly write your own. You will build confidence from discovering you can write. Then, try talking in front of a pet. Whether they pay attention or not it helps. I did talk to my dog once, (on advice from a friend) and even though it was weird it did work. After the pet, move up to family. Try a sibling. Sometimes parents might not be brutally honest. A sibling usually will unless they don't mind if you look like an @$$. After family try a friend, then try aa classmate or a speach class/public speaking assignments. Pick something at school where you can thrust yourself in the public eye. Maybe run for a school office. (Class President) You will definitely have to speak to classmates. At that point you should be ready to try Acting in other venues.
Category: Theater & Acting
Morning Smoke: STOCK ACT Presents Challenge in New Disclosure ...
MORNING SMOKE Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the freshest investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS; Toward a World Without Nukes
The two of us have joined a number of our colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic in discussing a threatening development: the accelerating spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear know-how and nuclear material. We now face a very real possibility that the deadliest weapons and materials ever invented could fall in to dangerous hands. We believe - By HELMUT SCHMIDT and SAM NUNN
Kennicott: D.C. Height ACT changes must be made responsibly
I’m of mixed minds about news that the political leadership of Washington, D.C. is working with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Ca.) to consider changes to the 1910 Height of Buildings Act. Possible changes to the long-standing restriction on how tall ...
What differentiates the ACT of simply grouping people from the ACT of stereotyping? How can stereotyping?
What differentiates the Act of simply grouping people from the Act of stereotyping? How can stereotyping effect group relations? Give an example of a stereotype you find in your everyday life. Comment on the experiences of your classmates—are they the same or different from yours, and how?
Answer: Grouping implies more of an objective reason for assembling people together. You might place people in a group according to age or race. Those are easily discernable charActeristics that can be used to draw group lines. Stereotyping usually involves placing people in a group according to charActeristics that they might not possess. More often, stereotyping assigns charActeristics to groups according to common assumptions about the groups such as black people like watermelon and fried chicken or Mexicans are sneaky and lazy. Stereotyping can have a great impAct on group relations if people judge those in other groups based on stereotypes instead of basing their judgements on the reality they experience with a particular person. For example, let's say that I'm a white kid who likes to play baseball but I don't want to play with my neighbor who also likes to play baseball because he is black and I've heard that black kids don't like white kids and they are all in gangs and kill people. Let's say the black kid next door doesn't want to be my friend because he has heard that all white kids don't like black kids and they burn crosses and hang the black kids if they can catch them. That's stereotyping. Grouping and stereotyping can both be legitimate in some instances. Stereotyping more often is not accurate.
Category: Homework Help
Fed prepared to ACT only if economy weakens
Washington US Federal Reserve officials, out on a speaking spree on Thursday, suggested the economy would have to deteriorate for the central bank to consider additional monetary stimulus. Policymakers did hint at the possibility of further Action.
WEALTH MATTERS; Requests for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released preliminary plans this week to require banks to improve their mortgage servicing and become more open and accountable in their dealings with consumers. The bureau’s preliminary plans cover areas as varied as disclosing interest rates and helping delinquent borrowers. But I was most interested - By PAUL SULLIVAN
ACT / Performance Clutch Kits, Clutches and Flywheels
Welcome to Advanced Clutch Technology | Advanced Clutch Technology® ~ There are no shortcuts to excellence. For unmatched quality, feel and durability insist on Act!
Oh my bad we ate it all, cause he never lets me eat by myself.. He Act like hes carrying this baby with me.. Lol
From: Triceylovehim - Source: TweetCaster for iOS
RT @richwriter: We never really grow up, we only learn how to Act in public.
From: Saranghaejj08 - Source: web
Act is gonna kick my ass tomorrow
From: M_Sykes22 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
why is everyone taking the Act tomorrow ?
From: valeriariivera - Source: web
Not excited at all for the Act in the morning. Im to smart for this test they should just give me a 28 and not even have me take it
From: Noobzinthebakry - Source: Twitter for iPhone
When Football Season come , aint no tellin how i would Act . (;
From: _FlockaveliSwag - Source: txt
Ha! I remember taking the Act.
From: ZacKnapp - Source: Twitter for Android
@chrisdaslut if they Act up lmk lol
From: Sincerely_Saul - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @D_LaShea_12: When I need you most you Act like a jackass.
#stopbeingimmature and just tell me the fucking truth!
From: m_warren02 - Source: txt
RT @DJayDtrain75: Must suck to take the Act tomorrow
From: CadiieGracee - Source: TweetCaster for Android
RT @CierraLynnise: Think like a nigga, Act like a nigga
From: BoSS_QuEEn_TQ - Source: TweetCaster for Android
Mono Lake--Shampooing Made Easy--Thoughtless Act of Our Dog and the.
From: hyxavypyravev - Source: web
Some of yall dudes Act corny as fuck on twitter to get a girls attention
From: JRodney23 - Source: Echofon
I dont think dis boy ever gone Act his damn age
From: lilMs_Hollywood - Source: Twitter for Android
Taking one pencil to the Act #yolo
From: Jose_oj - Source: Twitter for iPhone