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SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL deepens; 11 put on leave
(AP) CARTAGENA, Colombia - An embarrassing scandal involving prostitutes and Secret Service agents deepened Saturday as 11 agents were placed on leave, and the agency designed to protect President Barack Obama had to offer regret for the mess ...
Secret Service Caught in Prostitution Scandal - Yahoo!
Watch the video Secret Service Caught in Prostitution Scandal on Yahoo!.
Secret Service supervisor in prostitute scandal - CBS News
9 hours ago ... Source tells CBS News Secret Service logistics team removed from Cartagena, site of Colombia summit; President's security not compromised.
RIFF; Indulging in a Fantasy of a Bygone Era That Were Actually Thankful Is Gone
Behold the lord and master, forever springing up from behind his newspaper, spurred to action by news of some fresh calamity befallen his trusty valet. Or his cook. Or the girl who dusts the grates. Or the farmer down the road. For a man of equanimity, Robert Crawley, the Earl of Grantham and lord of Downton Abbey, is surprisingly prone to fits of - Carina Chocano Riff essay questions whether the hit television series Downton Abbey is perfectly attuned to modern time or totally out of step. Drawing (M) - By CARINA CHOCANO
Military ensnared in Colombia SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL
CARTAGENA, Colombia — Five U.S. military members have been ordered confined to quarters over possible involvement in inappropriate conduct at the same hotel here as the 11 Secret Service personnel sent home in an unfolding scandal involving local ...
The rapidly unfolding prostitution scandal involving as many as a dozen Secret Service agents has upstaged President Obama's trip to Columbia, where he is discussing trade and the economy with 32 other heads of state, the ...
What would James Bond of the secret service have scandalously revealed in his government expenses?
With all the scandal of top MPs taking extravegant rules of the expenses system. I wonder what james Bond would have on it.
Answer: he'd pave the way into new research on a cure for hybrid crab lice and this new drug would cover all his expenses.
These crab lice could be fitted with Nano machines to Monitor privates in the field
I'm a spy so i know
Category: Government
Secret Service Colombia scandal: Agents working too hard, or not hard enough?
As many as 12 US Secret Service agents preparing for President Obama’s trip to Cartagena, Colombia, apparently fell short of the service’s motto – “Worthy of Trust and Confidence” – and were sent back to the US, according to ...
11 Secret Service agents investigated in alleged prostitution scandal, lawmaker says
CARTAGENA, Colombia -- A U.S. lawmaker says a "significant number" of Secret Service agents involved in an alleged prostitution scandal at an international summit brought women back to their hotel rooms before President Barack Obama arrived in ...
Party Ousts Chinese Regional Chief, Halting His Rise
BEIJING -- Bo Xilai, the brash Communist Party chief of Chinas sprawling Chongqing municipality, has been removed from his post, an unmistakable sign that recent scandals in that city have put an end to his political ambitions and complicated the national leadership transition that will take place this autumn. The news, announced Thursday morning - Jonathan Ansfield, Mia Li and Li Bibo contributed research. - By ANDREW JACOBS
ARCHITECTURE; Restore a Gateway To Dignity
Its time to address the calamity that is Penn Station. Nearly a half-century has passed since the destruction of the great 1910 station designed by Charles Follen McKim of McKim, Mead & White, a monumental act of vandalism, as an editorial in The New York Times called the demolition in 1963. A vast steel, travertine and granite railway palace - Michael Kimmelman suggests ways to fix problems with New York Citys Penn Station; says the only true remedy, along with implementation of the so-called Moynihan plan to transform the present James A Farley Post Office into a new train hub, is to move Madison Square Garden; demolition of the Jacob K Javits Convention Center could be an opportunity to relocate MSG and create a new light-filled Penn station. Photos, Map (L) - By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN
Secret Service agents sent home from Organization of American States summit for misconduct
CARTAGENA - The Secret Service was embroiled in a new row Saturday after it was revealed that about 12 agents protecting U.S. President Barack Obama in Colombia were sent home amid rumours of a sex scandal. Just hours after Obama arrived late Friday in ...
Military personnel caught up in SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL
CARTAGENA, Colombia -- Five members of the U.S. military may have taken part with Secret Service agents in misconduct involving prostitutes at a hotel in Cartagena,and have been confined to their quarters for violating curfew. The service ...
Military personnel caught up in SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL -
Five members of the U.S. military may have taken part with Secret Service agents in misconduct involving prostitutes at a hotel in Cartagena, Colombia, and have been confined to their quarters for violating curfew.
Secret Service Agents Relieved Of Duty Following Alleged Misconduct
Members of the presidents Secret Service detail are in what looks to be some pretty hot water in what some are calling the biggest scandal in Secret Service history ...
Secret Service Caught in Prostitution Scandal | Video - ABC News
Agents have been relieved of duty after the scandal in Columbia came to light.
The Plot Thickens On Secret Service Prostitute Scandal: Five Military ...
The Summit of the Americas began for the United States with a bizarre and embarrassing story about Secret Service agents and their struggle with overpaying prostitutes. There are several versions of the story, Fox News' ...
Should the illegal activities and scandals that Hillary was a part of be....?
Should the illegal, unethical and downright unethical and un-American things that Hillary has done be more publicized in the Media.... Or should we continue to pretend we dont know about her stealing whitehouse furniture, selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom, belittling and abusing staffers, soldiers, secret service, etc.....
Why is this person being given the time of day by Americans???? How soon we forget....
Elway... I persieve you to be a rational person who is utterly missguided....The truth "if you will look into it" may hurt a bit...I am certainly not a REPULICAN.... But I a US Citizen who has taken the time to look into the details and can honestly say this woman is dangerous and has NO Patriotism or compassion I think her to be a socieopath.... If youll do some research youll see what I mean...
Good Luck to you.
Answer: The Democrats don't want to say anything, but once she gets the Democratic nomination watch the facts hit the fan.
Category: Elections
Allegations of Prostitution Misconduct in Colombia: Biggest ...
President Obama arrived in Colombia for the Summit of the Americas yesterday, but the Secret Service agents sent in advance of his arrival were M.I.A. Thats because ...
Secret Service dismissals "biggest scandal" for agency - CBS News
Author says Secret Service director should be fired, calls dismissal of 12 members a sign of agencys "corner-cutting" culture
Bo Xilai Scandal and the Mysterious Neil Heywood
BEIJING — At St. Mary’s Church in London’s Thames-side Battersea district, mourners who gathered for Neil Heywood’s memorial service a few days before Christmas were perplexed by the instructions laid down beforehand by one of Mr. Heywood’s classmates from Britain’s elite Harrow boarding school. He asked them not - By SHARON LaFRANIERE and JOHN F. BURNS
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL in Colombia widens to include 5 service members
Cartagena, COLOMBIA - The scandal regarding as many a 12 Sercret Service agents being sent home because one allegedly tried to bring a prostitute into his hotel room, which resulted in a confrontation, has now widened to include five U.S ...
Secret Service Colombia scandal: Agents working too hard, or not ...
As many as 12 US Secret Service agents preparing for President Obama’s trip to Cartagena, Colombia, apparently fell short of the service’s motto ...
Secret Service agents busted because they refused to pay hooker: source
The dozen Secret Service agents sent home after a prostitution scandal in Colombia were busted after at least one of them refused to pay a hooker, sources said. The scandal — a black eye for the United States’ reputation abroad — was ...
Mayoral Hopefuls All Make Time for Teachers Union Leader
Michael Mulgrew, the president of the New York teachers union, has not been the most popular figure at City Hall under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. They have been at odds over almost everything, like Mr. Bloombergs push to close underperforming schools and his insistence on putting charter schools in district school buildings. But Mr. Mulgrew can - United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew is receiving a lot of attention from New York Citys prospective mayoral candidates; at a time when education is a major issue for the city, and in a race with only Democratic contenders thus far, the unions membership could have a disproportionate influence in 2013s potentially decisive primary. Photo (M) - By FERNANDA SANTOS and DAVID W. CHEN
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL in Colombia rocks Obama trip -
CARTAGENA, Colombia — Up to a dozen Secret Service agents in Colombia for President Barack Obama’s trip there have been relieved of their duties amid allegations ...
Five military members accused of misconduct in SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL
Five members of the U.S. military were allegedly involved in the prostitution scandal in Colombia that saw 12 Secret Service members relieved of duty. The United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) said that it would punish the military members ...
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL in Colombia widens to include 5 service ...
8 hours ago ... DEVELOPING . Cartagena, COLOMBIA - The scandal regarding as many a 12 Sercret Service agents being sent home because one allegedly ...
judging from his silence, does this mean Obama doesnt think the SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL is as serious as police?
conduct in the Trayvon Martin shooting?
Why isnt the President commenting?
Category: Politics
Why do conservatives act like President Obama is mixed up in the Colombian prostitution scandal?
President Obamas fleet of Secret Service are with him at ALL times! Id be a little suspicious if the entire detail was sent home, but were only talking about a SINGLE bad Apple here folks.
Stop with the racist hate!
Obama 2008-2016 (hopefully longer after flexibility is granted)
Category: Politics
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL: Prostitutes In Colombia
Secret service scandal U.S. Representative Peter King, a United States lawmaker who was briefed on the on-going investigation, told The Associated Press that nearly all of the twelve Secret Service agents involved in the ...
Former Secret Service agent weighs in on scandal
The 12 Secret Service agents connected to the sex scandal have all been sent home from Columbia and relieved of their duty for now, amid allegatoins of misconduct involving partying and prostitutes. ”All 12 agents involved in this situation ...
Does anyone know of any instances of corruption in other law enforcement agencies?
For example, there have been stories of corrupt cops, FBI, even CIA agents what Id like to know is are there any known ones involving US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service, ATF, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), etc. With all the police scandals throughout history, I really havent heard of anything involving the ones mentioned above. Any feedback is appreciated.
Answer: Google corrupt cop and watch google load more than 10 million pages. Be careful though your computer may crash.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police
Does this scandal have legs?
A Secret Service Agent, responsible for protecting President Obama, was fired today under questionable reasons, according to top aides. The Agent was reportedly tired of overhearing personal gripes by the Obama Family about certain demograhics in the United States. The Agent, who has not been identified as of today, brought his concerns staright to the President Obama, who later had him removed from his current assignment. More to come as story unfolds.
Answer: Thats pretty funny that he got pissed because they're so racist. But it sucks he lost his job for voicing his complaints.
Category: Politics
US Secret Service sex scandal eclipses LatAm summit
A sex scandal involving Secret Service agents on US President Barack Obamas trip to Colombia widened Saturday when American soldiers on the visit were also linked to the use of prostitutes. Eleven members of the service, known for their robust handling of ...
Secret Service agents relieved of duty in Colombia amid alleged ...
Calling it "clearly the biggest scandal in Secret Service history," Kessler said 12 agents are accused of involvement in the incident "in one degree or another ...
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL - details behind prostitution probe
At least one member of President Obamas Secret Service team is involved in a prostitute scandal while staying in Columbia. A dozen or so agents who worked and set up Obamas visit to the Summit of the Americas has been sent back home while investigations ...
Secret Service Agents in Scandal Placed on Leave
CARTAGENA, Colombia—The Secret Service put 11 agents on administrative leave Saturday amid allegations they brought prostitutes back to their hotel rooms while preparing for a visit by President Barack Obama, a widening scandal that may also ...
anybody know what travelgate was or rose law firm biling scandal?
or korea gate? any one know who Vince Foster, The Mc Doogals?any body know about flying pots pans in the white house or flying objects in the presidential limo hitting Secret Service agents.
Answer: tell us again about how the Clinton's Murdered people !
Category: Government
With the current SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL. Is there any government department that is not corrupt?
Category: Politics
Secret Service Agents Dismissed in Colombia, Scandal Erupts Over ...
A scandal has erupted involving the Secret Service, as a dozen agents were dismissed this week due to their alleged involvement with prostitutes.
Obama Secret Service Punished For Latina Love Scandal
Nearly a dozen secret service agents were put on leave for misconduct during a visit to pop star Shakira’s home town of Colombia for apparently taking advantage of a great exchange rate…and buying some time with Colombian call girls with it.
Secret Service dismissals "biggest scandal" for agency - CBS News
13 hours ago ... Author says Secret Service director should be fired, calls dismissal of 12 members a sign of agency's "corner-cutting" culture.
Secret service sex scandal: Prostitution is big business in Colombia ...
6 hours ago ... Cartagena, Colombia is a gorgeous seaside city known for tropical breezes, beautiful beaches — and a thriving sex tourism industry.
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL Mars Obamas Trip To Columbia
(NewsCore) - President Barack Obama began talks with South American leaders Saturday with a prostitution scandal involving his security detail threatening to mar his trip to Colombia for the Summit of the Americas. The presidents trip was off ...
12 Obama Secret Service Agents Relived of Duty in Prostitution ...
CARTAGENA, Colombia (AP) — A dozen Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to provide security for President Barack Obama at an international summit have ...
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL involving prostitutes leads to agents being ...
4 hours ago ... The Secret Service sent home about a dozen Secret Service agents for misconduct that occurred at their hotel before President Obama's arrival ...
Secret Service agents punished in hooker scandal -
A lurid scandal has struck the US Secret Service, after a dozen agents responsible for protecting President Obama were sent home from Colombia amid reports of ...
US Secret Service agents recalled from Colombia over sex scandal ...
Some Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to help protect Barack Obama at a regional summit have been sent home amid accusations of a sex scandal.
Nixon and the J.F.K. assasination?
On the day of J.F.K.s assasination, the Secret Service agents that were "shielding" him from behind were ordered to back off and leave him vulnerable just before the shooting. The agent threw his hands up 3 times in protest but was told to back off away from the car even though there are handrails on the trunk that the agent uses to sit on and "shield" the president. Later, a reporter heard gunshots coming from a distance and ran towards some bushes. When he got there, he saw a agent come up from behind and was told to leave the area. This was a separate location outside of the Harveys location. This agent that came out was the same person that was caught up in the Watergate scandal for breaking into the hotel room. He was Nixons friend before and after the assasination. Nixon was one of the most curropt polititions in history. Could he have had anything to do with J.F.K.? I saw this on the History channel and saw the footage of the agent throwing his hands in the air???
makes for some real melodrama..Bush should feel lucky in that Nixon swore Kennedy had their election rigged..
Bush should be happy Al Gore isn't as vindictive..
This is innuendo and needs to be sorted out..Haldeman and Erlichman would be more candid about this..
They have nothing to you would think.
I just don't think with all of the searching I just did..that I found anything but a site that advances Urban Legends
there is truth to the fact that J Edgar Hoover(FBI Dir) was in Dallas too..and was at a Party at Clint Murtchison's(founder of the Dallas Cowboys) home with
Gov. Connelly(shot in car w/ JFK) who had ties to LBJ and owned hotels and interest in Saigon.. that the Viet Nam War..was after JFK's death..escalated and protected..JFK wanted the USA out of there..
all of those individuals were known to dislike both
Kennedys. maybe Nixon was there too.
Category: Other - News & Events
Military ensnared in Colombia SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL - Carrie ...
6 hours ago ... CARTAGENA, Colombia — Five U.S. military members have been ordered confined to quarters over possible involvement in inappropriate ...
Secret Service Agents Pulled From Summit For Alleged Misconduct ...
"Calling it clearly the biggest scandal in Secret Service history, Kessler said the 12 agents are accused of involvement in the incident in one degree or ...
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Is the 'Biggest In Its History ...
Here Are The Wild Details From The Secret Service's Prostitution Scandal ... The U.S. Secret Service is in the midst of what one reporter calls the "biggest scandal" in its history. It's a scandal of alleged misconduct and ...
Britain Asks China to Investigate a Death Drawn Into a Scandal
BEIJING -- Britain has asked China to open an inquiry into the death in November of a British citizen linked to the family of Bo Xilai, the Chinese Politburo member whose dismissal this month as Communist Party secretary of Chongqing was widely said to reveal a deep split among the nations leaders. Britains request was lodged early this year but - By MICHAEL WINES and SHARON LaFRANIERE; Reporting was contributed by Jonathan Ansfield from Beijing, John F. Burns and Julia Werdigier from London, and Ravi Somaiya from Stockholm. Mia Li contributed research.
Should Hillary be able to claim experience during Bills presidency without accepting blame for its scandals?
You are probably too young to remember:
the ransacking of Vince Fosters office
her involvement in the various bimbo cover-ups
the stealing of the whitehouse furniture
illegal campagn contributions from the communist chinese
Bills pardoning of criminals who were their supporters without the aproval of the Justice Department
Her statement that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was part of "a vast right wing conspiracy"
Insider trading with Tyson
her health care reform failure
reports from secret service agents and many others of
her rude demeaning attitude
and many other sleazy dealings in the Clinton white house.
A lot of us would really like to know exactly what was on those papers that Sandy Burger stuffed under his clothes and stole from the national archive.
Personally I cant escape the feeling that she stayed with her adulterous husband purely out of politcal expediancy. And Im not just talking about Lewinsky but all the other bimbos back as far as Bills time in Arkansas.
It almost makes me vomit to see Bill Clinton running around the country campaigning after being impeached and dis-barred from the supreme court and his own state
Answer: She claims the positives, but not the many, many negatives. I can not forgive Bill on National Tv lying to the American people. He did it with such a staight face and did not become honest until he had too. I fully believe Mrs. Clinton was a party to all the lies, Whitewater included. His level of involvement, makes me cringe to think that americans will give him another 4 years in the white House because he seems to be the one running for President.
Category: Elections
Tip for London Police Officers: Booze and Secrets Dont Mix
LONDON -- Do not indulge in late-night carousing with journalists. Do not flirt with them, either. And above all, advised a report released here on Wednesday, if you are a police officer, do not let a member of the news media ply you with alcohol in an effort to get you to drop your defenses and start saying things you should keep to - British report, result of investigation into the relationship between the news media and Metropolitan Police Service, advises London police officers to avoid letting journalists ply them with alcohol in effort to get them to spill the beans; study was commissioned in response to phone-hacking scandal that led to the closing of disgraced tabloid The News of the World. (M) - By SARAH LYALL
Is it obvious that even the Secret Service does not take Obama seriously?
HUGE Obama scandal-
They know they are working for a clown.
Isnt it funny that when a huge scandal hits this administration Obama has "nothing to do with it!" LMFAO @ Liberals!
Category: Politics
Barack Obama’s Secret Service agents in ‘prostitutes scandal ...
SECRET Service agents protecting President Barack Obama in Colombia have been sent home in disgrace amid allegations they had been using hookers.
Secret Service Agents Recalled in Prostitution Scandal - 12 sent ...
(Newser) – Up to a dozen US Secret Service agents have been sent home from Colombia, where they were supposed to be providing security for President ...
SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL in Colombia widens to include 5 service ...
Cartagena, COLOMBIA - The scandal regarding as many a 12 Sercret Service agents being sent home because one allegedly tried to bring a prostitute into his hotel room, which resulted in a confrontation, has now widened ...
In a First, a Trial Tests Whether a Church Supervisor Is Liable for Abuse by Priests
The landmark trial of a senior official of the Philadelphia Archdiocese who is accused of shielding priests who sexually abused children and reassigning them to unwary parishes began on Monday with prosecutors charging that the official paid lip service to child protection and protected the church at all costs. The defendant, Msgr. William J. - Proceedings begin in landmark trial of Msgr William J Lynn, the first Roman Catholic supervisor to be tried on felony charges of endangering children and conspiracy for protecting priests suspected of sexual abuse; lawyers for Lynn argue in opening statement that the monsignor had acted responsibly and reported allegations to higher officials. Photos (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM and JON HURDLE; Erik Eckholm reported from New York, and Jon Hurdle from Philadelphia.
Secret Service prostitute scandal: 12 of Obamas agents sent home ...
Secret Service prostitute scandal: 12 of Obamas agents sent home from Colombia amid allegations at least one was found with hooker The bawdy bodyguards ...
Secret Service Colombia scandal: Agents working too hard, or not ...
12 hours ago ... Twelve US Secret Service agents were sent back to the US from Cartagena, Colombia, after allegedly drinking heavily and consorting with ...
When the entertainment industry honors Bill Clinton, will they honor him for womens rights?
Its a bit of a confusing message, Bill Clinton being honored for his humanitarian efforts, considering his effect on womens rights. Prior to his presidency, Bill Clinton had numerous affairs throughout his marriage to Hillary, who was always aware of his infidelity. Nothing changed, when he became President; secret service agents said Clinton would have secret hotel rendezvouss with hookers, celebrities and the traditional affairs. Who knows how many there were that we dont know about.
We do, however, know of dozens and dozens of women who slept with Bill, who is an honorary member of the NBA. Liberals who do not believe the propaganda that Monica was the only one, will say, "its their business" which translates to- he is a democrat so its OK.
What the liberal media will never inform the public, is how the Clintons completely reduced N.O.W. and extreme women rights advocates to become impotent and totally discredited.
The Clintons called on N.O.W. to side with the predator in the Paula Jones, Monica and with the other dozens who dared to come forward. It was not easy for the women to come forward, Hillary, herself, hired thugs and bullys to jump from bushes to intimidate women not to tell the truth about the predator in the WH.
If Clinton were a republican, he would have been portrayed as 10X worse than Nixon, the Clintons scandals, abuses of power and crimes were far bigger and worse than Nixons but the media stonewalled for the Clintons.
If Clinton were a republican, N.O.W. would have sided with the victims and the hundreds of other women who have been with Bill, would have surfaced, Bill Clinton making Tiger Woods look like a schoolboy among men.
Sen Packwood was tarred and feathered for doing what Bill Clinton did but the media and entertainment industry want to worship his humanitarian contributions while ignoring without acknowledging the Clintons (both of them) completely reduced N.O.W. and women rights, into powerless and irrelevant action-less group.
We dont hear N.O.W. screaming about womens rights in Muslim culture, it does not benefit the democratic party to stand up to women who are executed, tortured, maimed and forced to live without equal rights. The Clintons are the reason N.O.W. lost its power and credibility, as a result, the Clintons are indirectly responsible for the lack of opposition to the crimes against women, suffering in Sharia law.
Is it right for the entertainment industry to worship the human rights record of Bill Clinton?
ya da whatever- you are a feminist and a supporter of Bill Clintons philandering, interesting! I guarantee you would judge Clinton very harshly if he were not on Team Socialism.
You do not really stand for womens rights when you measure your concern for womens rights, based on the effect to the democratic party. You were unable to make any debate other than name call, make speculative judgements without objectivity.
I guess what you are saying is its OK for women to be harassed and abused if the predator is a socialist. Well, you have a long list of heroes who have abused women while wrapping themselves in the socialist flag- DSK, Assange, Edwards, Clinton and all the Kennedys.
Answer: As the President of NOW said, it makes NO DIFFERENCE even if he were guilty of serial rape. He advanced the polices written by early 20th Century fascists and that's ALL that matters to the left.
Category: Politics
What would the Secret Service do if Michelle attacked Barak with a golf club?
Now that the story is breaking that Obama was cheating on Michelle with a 35 year old staffer, do you think the Secret Service would do anything if she attacked him, like Tiger was attacked
Wouldnt it be something if Obama jumped into the presidential limo, and crashed while trying to get away ?
Answer: I hope they tape it. FILM AT ELEVEN.
Category: Politics
Does Obama imagine that his son would look like any of the Secret Services agents in the Columbian sex scandal?
Category: Politics
Bloomberg Critics Push To Get 911 System Report
Mayor Michael R. Bloombergs administration came under attack on Tuesday for keeping secret what is said to be a sharply critical report on New York Citys much-delayed, wildly over-budget 911 emergency dispatch system, as elected officials accused it of trying to portray a technological debacle in the rosiest possible terms. The Manhattan borough - New York City Mayor Michael R Bloomberg is criticized for keeping secret what is said to be a sharply critical report of citys much-delayed and over-budget 911 emergency dispatch system; Bloomberg insists that report will be released when it is complete; 911 system has become an issue in a dispute between the Bloomberg administration and firefighters, who claim that the city has understated 911 response times to justify cutbacks. Photo (M) - By DAVID M. HALBFINGER and KATE TAYLOR
Carney Declines Comment on SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL | The Blog on ...
Welcome to White House Dossier! Please feel free to subscribe by entering your email address here. You'll receive the free weekly OBAMAGRAM newsletter and updates on breaking White House news. And no spam.
The crew of Air Force One and the Secret Service should be a good source of info about Presidents, right?
They also can share some insights into the character of the First Ladies. Heres what some of them have to say:
Air Force #1 & its passengers..a must read, folks!
For those who dont know... Capt. Denny Keast
flies for UAL and flew many SAMs (Special Air
Missions) for the White House.
I flew 4 Presidential support missions in the
C-141 out of Dover AFB, DE.. Two for President
Johnson and two for President Nixon.
Johnson was a first class jerk and on the two
occasions I flew for him, if the Secret Service and
their Liaison in the Pentagon hadnt intervened, we
would have had to stay on the airplane for hours
while he (Johnson) was off somewhere. Ni xon never
required that and the four (4) stops we made with
him he was cordial to the Secret Service and to me
and my crew.
We had a neighbor when I lived in DC who was
part of the secret service presidential detail for
many years. His stories of Kennedy and Johnson were
the same as those I heard from the guys who flew the
presidents plane
Yes, Kennedy did have Marilyn Monroe flown in
for secret dates, and LBJ was a typical Texas
good ole boy womanizer. Nixon, Bush 41, and
Carter never cheated on their wives. Clinton
cheated, but couldnt match Kennedy or LBJ in style
or variety.
The information below is accurate: The elder
Bush and current president Bush make it a point to
thank and take care of the air crews who fly them
around. When the president flies, there are several
planes that also go, one carries the armored limo,
another the security detail, plus usually a press
Both Bushes made it a point to stay home on
holidays, so the Air Force and security people could
have a day with their families.
Hillary Clinton was arrogant and orally
abusive to her security detail. She forbade her
daughter, Chelsea, from exchanging pleasantries with
them. Sometimes Chelsea, miffed at her mothers
obvious conceit and mean spiritedness, ignored her
demands and exchanged pleasantries regardless, but
never in her mothers presence. Chelsea really was
a nice, kindhearted, and lovely young lady. The
consensus opinion was that Chelsea loved her Mom but
did not like her. Hillary Clinton was continuously
rude and abrasive to those who were charged to
protect her life. Her security detail dutifully did
their job, as professionals should, but they all
loathed her and wanted to be on a different detail.
Hillary Clinton was despised by the Secret
Service as a whole. Former President Bill Clinton
was much more ami able than his wife. Often the
Secret Service would cringe at the verbal attacks
Hillary would use against her husband. They were
embarrassed for his sake by the manner and frequency
in which she verbally insulted him, sometimes in the
presence of the Secret Service, and sometimes behind
closed doors. Even behind closed doors Hillary
Clinton would scream and holler so loudly that
everyone could hear what she was saying Many felt
sorry for President Clinton and most wondered why he
tolerated it instead of just divorcing his attack
dog wife. It was crystal clear that the Clintons
neither liked nor respected each other and this was
true long before the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Theirs was genuinely a marriage of convenience.
Chelsea was much closer to her father than her
mother, even after the Lewinsky scandal, which hurt
her gravely. Bill Clinton did in fact have
charisma, and occasionally would smile at or shake
hands with his security detail. Still, he always
displayed an obvious air of superiority towards
His security detail uniformly believed him to
be disingenuous, false, and that he did nothing
without a motive that in some way would enhance his
image and political career. He was polite, but not
kind. They did not particularly like him and nobody
trusted him.
Al Gore was the male version of Hillary
Clinton. They were friendlier toward each other
than either of them were towards former President
Clinton. They were not intimate, so please dont
read that in. They were very close in a political
way Tipper Gore was generally nice and pleasant.
She initially liked Hillary but soon after the
election she had her pegged and no longer liked
her or associated with her except for events that
were politically obligatory.
Al Gore was far more left wing than Bill
Clinton. Al Gore resented Bill Clinton and thought
he w as too centrist. He despised all Republicans.
His hatred was bitter and this was long before he
announced for the Presidency. This hatred was
something that he and Hillary had in common. They
often said as much, even in the presence of their
security detail. Neither of them trusted Bill
Clinton and, the Secret Service opined, neither of
them even liked him. Bill Clinton did have some
good qualities, whereas Al Gore and Hillary had
none, in the view of their security details.
Al Gore, like Hillary, was very rude and
arrogant toward his security detail He was
extremely unappreciative and would not hesitate to
scold them in the presence of their peers for minor
details over which they had no control. Al Gore
also looked down on them, as they finally observed
and learned with certainty on one occasion. Al got
angry at his offspring and pointed at his security
detail and said, Do you want to grow up and be like
them? Word of this insult by the former
Vice-President quickly spread and he became as
disliked by the Secret Service as Hillary. Most of
them prayed Al Gore would not be elected President,
and they really did have private celebrations in a
few of their homes after President Bush won. This
was not necessarily to celebrate President Bushs
election, but to celebrate Al Gores defeat.
Everyone in the Secret Service wants to be on
First Lady Laura Bushs detail. Without exception,
they concede that she is perhaps the nicest and most
kind person they have ever had the privilege of
serving. Where Hillary patently refused to allow
her picture to be taken with her security detail,
Laura Bush doesnt even have to be asked, she
offers. She doesnt just shake their hand and say,
Thank you. Very often, she will give members of
her detail a kindhearted hug to express her
appreciation. There is nothing false about her.
This is her ge nuine nature. Her security detail
considers her to be a breath of fresh air. They
joke that comparing Laura Bush with Hillary Clinton
is like comparing Mother Teresa with the Wicked
Witch of the North.
Likewise, the Secret Service considers
President Bush to be a gem of a man to work for. He
always treats them with genuine respect and he
always trusts and listens to their expert advice.
They really like the Crawford, Texas detail. Every
time the president goes to Crawford he has a Bar-B-Q
for his security detail and he helps serve their
meals. He sits with them, eats with them, and talks
with them.. He knows each of them by their first
name, and calls them by their first name as a show
of affection. He always asks about their family,
the names of which he always remembers. They believe
that he is deeply and genuinely appreciative of
their service. They could not like, love, or
respect anyone more than President B ush. Most of
them did not know they would feel this way, until
they had an opportunity to work for him and learn
that his manner was genuine and consistent. It has
never changed since he began his Presidency. He
always treats them with the utmost respect,
kindness, and compassion.
Please pass this on. It is important for
Americans to have a true inside understanding of
their President.. And also the woman who is currently
a candidate for president..
Answer: As for courtesy where the rich are concerned, I must agree with the person above me, Westhill. The rich teach their children to be very very courteous, by and large. I have noticed this all my life.
Otherwise I just want to say thank-you harryd for this info. I'm very impressed.
But what is the UAL flown by Capt Keast?
Also can I get this info by googling or is it from a book. It would be nice if you could give us the source.
Thanks again. Very interesting. I'm always impressed to star your questions.
I Cr 13;8a
Category: Politics
Why do Neo Cons and Cons ask Liberals to leave USA?
We are "unamerican" because we see something is wrong in following category and speak out against it :
lets start with the problems
Iraq War Total Failure
Harrassment of Freedom of Speech by Secret Service in war protest
Loss of Freedom due to the patriotic act
Hurricane Katrina recovery total failure
President Bush- approval rate down the drain
Karl Rove-under indictment
Gonzalez- under indictment
Rumsfeld- under indictment
Cheney- under indicment
Vice Presisent is making millions in war profit with halliburton
Pat Tillmans death wrongly portrayed and hidden from the family
Walter Reed Scandal
Scooter Libby found guilty of perjury
libby destroying an agents cover
1st poster- AHHAHA LMAO! its really funny isnt it? everything i said is total true, thats why its so funny, that people like you are getting screwed everyday by the government
Answer: That's the biggest fist they got in their glove.
Can't beat 'em...tell 'em to leave the country.
Category: Politics
U.S. Secret Service agents sent home over sex scandal ...
PanARMENIAN.Net - In a rare move, some Secret Service agents sent to Colombia to help protect U.S. President Barack Obama at a regional summit have been sent home ...
Secret Service Agents in Scandal Placed on Leave -
3 hours ago ... The Secret Service put 11 agents on administrative leave amid allegations they brought prostitutes back to their hotel rooms while preparing for ...
RIFF; Indulging in a Fantasy of a Bygone Era That Were Actually Thankful Is Gone
Behold the lord and master, forever springing up from behind his newspaper, spurred to action by news of some fresh calamity befallen his trusty valet. Or his cook. Or the girl who dusts the grates. Or the farmer down the road. For a man of equanimity, Robert Crawley, the Earl of Grantham and lord of Downton Abbey, is surprisingly prone to fits of - Carina Chocano Riff essay questions whether the hit television series Downton Abbey is perfectly attuned to modern time or totally out of step. Drawing (M) - By CARINA CHOCANO
Secret Service dismissals "biggest scandal" for agency - CBS News
From: paulnippon - Source: Tweet Button
Secret Service, miltary disciplined after prostitute scandal; dispute over payment
From: Daily_Top_News - Source:
5 U.S. Service Members Accused Of Misconduct At Same Hotel As Secret Service via @huffingtonpost
From: dutchkohler - Source: The Huffington Post
Military Personnel Caught Up in Secret service scandal via @abc
From: Greencastlehill - Source: Tweet Button
US secret service agents in sex scandal
From: 9NewsOnline - Source: twitterfeed
RT @BorowitzReport: Romney reacts to Secret service scandal: "When Im President, no one in the White House will have sex."
From: rayofsun814 - Source: web
RT @AlfredSpellman: 5 US military members now ensnared in Colombia hooker scandal that resulted in 12 Secret Service agents being sent home
From: rakonturmiami - Source: Buffer
Military Ensnared in Colombia Secret service scandal | Vision to America:
From: RevHomer - Source: Tweet Button
RT @AP: Secret Service puts 11 agents on administrative leave for misconduct in Colombia as prostitution scandal widens: -RJJ
From: _Alibama - Source: SocialFlow
Evidence of Prostitution Seen in Secret service scandal - ABC News
From: mynewszzz - Source: twitterfeed
RT @JONWEXFORD: Whats an embarrassment to the US? Secret Service or Obama?
From: pistolpatty75 - Source: web
5 US military members now ensnared in Colombia hooker scandal that resulted in 12 Secret Service agents being sent home
From: AlfredSpellman - Source: Buffer
US Secret Service staff put on leave as Colombia scandal widens - Globe and Mail: Globe and MailUS Secret Service staff put on leave ...
From: GoogleNewsRss - Source: twitterfeed
U.S. Secret Service staff put on leave as Colombia scandal widens
From: venezuela_star - Source: Venezuela Star
Evidence of Prostitution Seen in Secret Service Case
From: RosemaryJacobs3 - Source: twitterfeed