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Where can I find a long DOPPLER RADAR loop of the US ?
Usually the weather animations are really short, lasting only a few seconds before starting over. Can someone tell me where long Doppler radar movies are available? Id like to see how the rain clouds generally move over my area.
Answer: is also a good site because it infuses google maps with real time radar and satellite imagery, but it takes some time to load.
Category: Weather
How do DOPPLER RADARs work?
How do Doppler radars work? Describe the properties of electromagnetic waves and interactions that make Doppler radar possible.
Answer: When the radar bounces off of something moving toward the radar, the returning signal has a slightly higher frequency. If the object is moving away, the return has a slightly lower frequency. The radar compares the frequency of the outgoing and returning signal and can compute the approach or retreat speed of the object.
Category: Physics
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | Apacuy
They could see heavy rain on Doppler radar but had no way of telling just how fast the water falling from darkened skies was flooding streets, streams, highway underpasses and a giant sinkhole that opened on the city's east ...
Severe Weather Weekend - UPDATED 5:35 PM SATURDAY
Where Can You Buy A Mini Version Of DOPPLER RADAR For Home?
Trying to locate a source of where I can buy my own doppler radar.I get tired of depending on the weather channel or local forcast.They are never correct since we live out of town and in the mountains.Is there such a thing as a home doppler?
Answer: that would be very expensive, even if you could.
just use the internet.
Category: Weather
Feb. weather helped airlines arrive more on-time
NEW YORK -- Mild winter weather helped U.S. airlines greatly improve their on-time rates in February, the government said Thursday, and the rate of lost or damaged bags reached a 24-year low. The nations largest airlines operated 86.2 percent ...
As Weather Becomes Big Story, TV Forecasters Play the Hero
ATLANTA -- One evening in April, Tina Eller had the television on. Glenn Burns, the steely chief meteorologist for WSB-TV, said a tornado was three minutes away from slamming into her community. Mr. Burnss instructions were simple: Take cover. Ms. Eller, 51, rushed to a closet with her mother, two sisters and four dogs. All of the sudden you - Broadcast meteorologists have emerged as unlikely heroes as nation moves through year of remarkable floods, drought and its deadliest tornado season in half century; weather is increasingly becoming bigger part of national conversation; as scientists explore implications of climate change and severe weathers effects, weather forecasters are going beyond simply telling people whether to carry an umbrella; photos (M) - By KIM SEVERSON
Where can I find a good freeware DOPPLER RADAR program for Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro?
Basically just looking for a moving, up-to-date, free Doppler radar program for Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional.
get on this page
You wanted the program!
Hope I could help.
Category: Software
Does a Doppler Weather Radar measure radial velocity AND reflectivity?
I know a Doppler radar measures radial velocity, and a conventional radar measures reflectivity.. But..does a Doppler radar also measure reflectivity? Might be a stupid question but idk.
Thanks, Todd.
Answer: Yes, it does.
EDIT: No problem. Here is an example of the Doppler base reflectivity:
Category: Weather
National Weather Service DOPPLER RADARs
Jan 25, 2005... Radar Image. National Doppler radar Skip to side navbar ... To view a local radar, select area of interest and click on the image below.
What is the name of some DOPPLER RADAR Systems?
i just want to know some of the names from Doppler radar system from TV Stations.
Answer: Live Mega Doppler 7000 HD
SuperCell 9000
PinPoint Doppler radar
Digital Doppler X3
Viper 8000
Snowtracker X90
Superdoppler 7000 Stormtracker Plus
Weather Lab
First Alert Digital Forecaster 2x Radar
Category: Weather
The Facts (and Fiction) of Tornadoes
Q: How bad has this years tornado season been, relative to other years? A: Extraordinarily bad, even by historical standards. The death toll, now at more than 480, is the highest since 1953, when an outbreak of twisters across the Midwest and the Northeast claimed 519 lives. The high death toll this year is all the more remarkable considering that - By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLF, JOHN SCHWARTZ, JUSTIN GILLIS, HENRY FOUNTAIN, KENNETH CHANG, DENISE GRADY, and ERICA GOODE
US: Doppler radar Weather in Motion® How to read this map Severe Weather Outlook Free Content National Forecast Free Content ... - Map Room - Satellite Map, Weather Map, DOPPLER RADAR ...
Outdoor Activities (Ski, Lawn & Garden, Golf) Health & Safety (Cold & Flu, Severe Weather Alerts) Weather Details (Radar, Weekly Planner, World Regions )
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the DOPPLER RADAR?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Doppler radar?? i know what it does dont tell me to look it p on google/yahoo/bing/etc...ive tried that nothing came up. please help me
Answer: Disadvantage: something has to come at then pass you to detect.
Category: Engineering
Intellicast - Current Radar in United States
The Current Radar map shows areas of current precipitation. A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, hail ...
How can you indicate rotation on a DOPPLER RADAR?
Im just curious on how you can tell if theres rotation on radar.
What do you have to look for?
WQ: What does velocity mean on the Doppler radar?
WQ2: What do the colors mean on velocity?
Answer: Velocity basically shows winds moving towards and away from a radar station. Red means moving away and green means heading towards the radar site. You can determine if there is vorticity going on if there is red in a green area or green in a red area. Another good way to determine vorticity is to overlay a base reflectively over the vorticity image to determine where there is vorticity in a storm.
Category: Weather
DOPPLER RADAR National Mosaic - NOAAs National Weather Service
US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring ...
National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report
The Weather Channel and provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage.
DOPPLER RADAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Doppler radar is a specialized radar that makes use of the Doppler effect to produce velocity data about objects at a distance. It does this by beaming a microwave ...
Stormy weather cancels from marathon events but key races still are set for Sunday
Mike Johnson hoped to celebrate his 40th birthday in healthy style Saturday, with a 5K run through Forest Park. He even managed to coax his friends, Jeff and Pam Nordin, all the way from San Francisco to join him. Instead, the three huddled in the rain ...
Houston Weather: Live Mega Doppler 13 radar |
Mega Doppler 13 Radar: The most powerful radar in Houston and southeast Texas
Update: Severe weather moves across nations midsection
The National Weather Service forecast for Outagamie, Brown, Winnebago and Calumet counties calls for a chance of showers and thunderstorms late into Saturday evening. It will be cloudy with showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Some ...
Too early to tell effects of warm weather on trout
New Jersey’s trout anglers did so well on opening day, it could be too early to start worrying about our 2012 weather’s effect on fish and wildlife. But there have been more than enough hints to wonder how the warmest first three months of a ...
NOAAs National Weather Service
National Weather Service Home page. The starting point for official government weather forecasts, warnings, meteorological products for forecasting the weather, and ...
Rare Footage Indeed: Tornadoes, in Real Time
The deadliest tornado outbreak in decades unfolded live on local television stations Wednesday across much of the Deep South -- and, remarkably, some of the tornado touchdowns were shown live, as well. Television meteorologists in Alabama, for instance, were able to show a powerful tornado approaching Tuscaloosa and Birmingham not just on Doppler - By BRIAN STELTER
NWS radar image from Milwaukee, WI - National Weather Service ...
Distance from Radar, Lat/Lon of selected location: Distance from Selected Location
In Clean Tech, Venture Capital Looks for Problem-Solvers
SAN FRANCISCO SHELBY CLARK, the founder of a start-up called RelayRides, was honored last week as a rising star in clean technology. But as he took the stage alongside companies creating new kinds of energy, he felt out of place. RelayRides is a car-sharing start-up. Since when did encouraging people to drive carbon-spewing cars qualify as clean - By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER
Local Weather from - Your Day Starts Here™
Weather forecast, local to international. World class weather radar plus your up to the minute weather report and current conditions
how does a Doppler radar benefits a farmer, golf course ,major airport and summer resort ?
Answer: Farmer - The radar may help determine what type of threat that may be developing near his large farm. Example: Are the storms developing near his farm appeared to be organized in a group, cluster, or line. Or do the storms appeared on radar to be the usual afternoon 'pulse convective" widely scattered or isolated convective thunderstorms. If the storms appeared to be part of an organized system, the farmer can get the word out quickly for all those who are working on his farm and direct them to a safe shelters until the threat ends.
Golf Course - With any threat of thunderstorms nearby, a golf course manager will have to determine whether to shut down operations in which his business may suffer a significant loss of revenue during that period of time. Or to do nothig, and hope that he is not exposing or increasing the risks of his paying customers from being struck by lightning. A radar loop or a set of pictures can help the manager determine which likely course of action would be best for his customers and best for the owner of the golf course as well.
Major Airport - The tower crew, with the help from the nearby flight service station, can use the radar image to determine how big of a threat of the developing storms are to the airport users. With what they can see on the radar, they may contact the airport manager. If the airport manager thinks this is a significant threat, he may issue an Airport Weather Advisory or an Airport Warning. This action will likely start a chain or actions that may include the tower changing the flight path of planes, moving parked planes outside into hangers to protect tehm from damaging strong winds and hail, or he may even shut down the airport until the threat is over.
Summer resort - The answer will be just like the golf course except that the resort may not need to shut down if the radar shows a significant threat. They can just move most of the activities indoors.
Category: Weather
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | information for music
By Staff Reports At 12:35 pm, the National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated slow-moving thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall across Phelps County. Rainfall amounts range from one to three inches across portions ...
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | World Vision News Today ...
They could see heavy rain on Doppler radar but had no way of telling just how fast the water falling from darkened skies was flooding streets, streams, highway.
National Weather Service forecasters settle in for a long night
As the Midwest braces for the first big storms of the season, the National Weather Service is going to new lengths to make sure folks recognize how serious the threat might be. National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters in Pleasant Hill are settling in for ...
A System To Speed Up Forecasting Tornadoes
Governments in the Dallas-Fort Worth region are nearing a deal that would make it the first urban area to test a new approach to weather forecasting. Like Twitters many ground-level dispatches, the system is based on a series of small radar devices that can be scattered around cities and their suburbs, rather than a large beacon that takes a - By SARAH WHEATON
Weather radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weather radar, also called weather surveillance radar (WSR) and Doppler weather radar, is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and ...
Intellicast - Local and National Weather Forecast, Radar, Maps and ...
The Authority in Expert Weather. Local, National and Global weather conditions and forecast, radar, satellite, interactive weather maps, severe weather alerts and ...
When Warnings Dont Work
TORNADO experts had seen it all before: whole neighborhoods obliterated, big-box stores flattened, even a hospital badly damaged. But what really shocked them about the powerful storm that struck Joplin, Mo., last week was the toll in lives: more than 125 and counting. We thought we were done with the 100-dead tornadoes, said Thomas P. - By HENRY FOUNTAIN
What is the purpose of housing DOPPLER RADAR in a Dome?
im not asking why is it dome shaped, i am asking why does it have to be covered up?
Other radars seems to operate fine without a covering why is Doppler so special .. can it serve its purpose without the dome?
Answer: The dome is simply to protect the antenna from the weather. Larger antennas like Airport Surveillance Radar are left exposed because it would cost too much to build a dome for that size antenna. It's cheaper to do a little more maintenance on the antenna.
Category: Aircraft
Who knows about Doppler Weather Radar Animation?
A Doppler radar Weather Animation. I need it, to make myself up to date.
I need it. Free, and like a moving GIF.
Additional Details:
Okay, I forgot to mention, the route is in the Philippines or in the parts of south east Asia.
Answer: There are no weather radars or Doppler radar images available for public use in that area. There are satellite simulated weather radar images and model based simulated radar images. These images are available on the net, but they are not true radar images.
Category: Weather
Stormy weather headed this way
Iowans this weekend should be on the alert for stormy weather that could include rain, hail and possibly tornadoes. The one thing the storms won’t do though, is provide enough rain to make up for the dry soil conditions prevalent across Iowa ...
Where to find the last 24 hours DOPPLER RADAR?
I am interested in this last storm that went through the south west and want to see as it has traveled east, but all the Doppler radar maps (that I have seen) only show the most recent activity, can I see a map that shows the path of the storm in the last 24 hours or maybe the last 2 days?
Answer: Here are a couple of links to radar archives:
Plymouth State University Department of Meteorology:
National Center for Atmospheric Research:
Category: Weather
Intensity of Hurricanes Still Bedevils Scientists
The past week was a busy one for Frank Marks, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations hurricane research division in Miami. There were scientists to supervise, V.I.P.s to greet -- and on Friday and Saturday mornings he had to fly into the heart of Irene. They were among more than half a dozen flights by NOAA aircraft - By HENRY FOUNTAIN
Can someone please give me a short, simple explanation of what Doppler radar is and why it is useful. Best answer gets 10 points!
Answer: The Doppler radar works by measuring an energy emission. It could be sound, light, UV, or whatever. By continually measuring over time, it can sense the change in frequency or wavelength of the energy wave. The changes in these two aspects allow the radar to figure out change in position and velocity. The basic principle is known as the Doppler shift. You can find several articles on the web, but I can't recommend one because they're all written at varying levels of academia.
Category: Other - Science
The best radar coverage in Dallas / Fort Worth and North Texas. Track storms and severe weather on My Own Radar on
A Psychological Twister
Norman, Okla. THE earliest warnings came from my younger sons school. Due to the threat of severe weather this evening, intoned the robotic recorded voice on my cellphone, fifth-grade promotion at McKinley Elementary has been rescheduled. A quick look at the National Weather Service Web site confirmed my worst fears: tornadoes. The - Adam Buckley Cohen is senior vice president and general counsel of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. - By ADAM BUCKLEY COHEN
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | Latest News
Doppler radar showed the twister moving northeast at 35 miles an hour, the National Weather Service said. People in Cottonwood Canyon, Maxwell, Jeffrey Canyon a.
Houston Weather: Live Mega Doppler 13 radar |
Mega Doppler 13 Radar: The most powerful radar in Houston and southeast Texas. - Weather Radar | United States Weather Radar Weather Radar comprehensive radars including this United States Weather Radar
With Hot Weather on its Way, Ramtex, Inc. Recommends Some Uses for Blackout Fabric
LOS ANGELES, March 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- No ones more excited for the warm weather season than the good folks at Ramtex, Inc., a leading Los Angeles wholesale supplier and fabric warehouse. With sheer faux silks ready to be made into ...
Colorado weather forecast: Mountains to see snow, metro gets rain/snow mix
DENVER - A cold wind signals the arrival of the latest spring storm with more widespread rain expected in the Colorado weather forecast later Saturday night. After midnight, a rain/snow mix may leave up to 2 inches of snow on the grass around metro Denver.
What is the value of weather RaDaR operating in the Doppler mode in forecasting severe thunderstorms?
What is the value of weather RaDaR operating in the Doppler mode in forecasting severe thunderstorms including those that may spawn tornadoes? Where is the Doppler radar closest to your location?
Answer: The value of Doppler radar is that it can detect small objects that are blown or carried by the wind. By being able to detect these small particles, it can then estimate the wind speed and direction of the surrounding atmosphere. This is important as it will be able to monitor how a thunderstorm develops and will be able to detects clues as to whether a storm will developing severe weather signatures. In other words, it can give the radar operator much more advanced notice that a storm is becoming severe. This can improve significantly on severe weather, including tornadic storms, warning lead times.
Category: Weather
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | World Vision News Today ...
Doppler radar showed the twister moving northeast at 35 miles an hour, the National Weather Service said. People in Cottonwood Canyon, Maxwell, Jeffrey Canyon a.
National Weather Service DOPPLER RADAR Images
U.S. Dept. of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Page Author: NWS ...
DOPPLER RADAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Doppler radar is a specialized radar that makes use of the Doppler effect to produce velocity data about objects at a distance. It does this by beaming a ...
Weather Forecast & Reports - Long Range & Local | Wunderground ...
Weather Underground provides local & long range Weather Forecast, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.
Can a Doppler radar be as the same size as a GPS Navigation System in your car? If it can be that small, can you put it in your car? How much would it cost? Any websites??
You can answer any of the small questions or even all of them.
like this:
The link I put is a GPS Navigation System in a car.
No those kind of radars! the WEATHER related ones!
Answer: Can Doppler radar be the same size as a handheld GPS this point in During atmospheric science training at the University of Oklahoma, classes often dispatch the Doppler On Wheels (a.k.a. D.O.W.). Unfortunately, that's as small as they are.
Dopplar Radar (in simple terms) measures wind speeds towards and away from the center pitch of the radar. This is how meteorologists can determine whether a storm has rotation or not (many tornado warnings are issued based on 'radar-indicated' rotation).
Can they be made smaller...I highly doubt it. Doppler radar needs to rotate 360 degrees constantly in order to scan the horizon. With science discoveries and inventions being made every day, ya never know.
It would be cool though =) Would of been pretty cool to whip out my handheld doppler during my many Skywarn spotting sessions =)
Category: Weather
National Weather Service DOPPLER RADAR Images
Sep 11, 2007 ... Latest weather radar images from the National Weather Service.
Chicago Weather, Chicago Radar, Live DOPPLER RADAR, Weather ...
Live Chicago-area weather radar and chat, featuring meteorologists Bill Bellis, Tammie Souza and Mark Strehl., More from
Where can I view a local real-time weather DOPPLER RADAR?
Is there a trustworthy site I can go to to view a good Doppler radar? Possibly even a futurecast? And is there anything I can download as a program to view real-time weather Doppler radars?
Answer: What he said^^^
I just want to add that all Doppler radars are the same and produce the same image weather your on or
Now, if you want to find some sort of futurecast, you can look at the model maps on or go look at the forecast at
Category: Weather
Local weather conditions, forecasts and DOPPLER RADAR maps - MSN ...
MSN Local Edition Weather – Find current conditions, forecasts, news, video, satellite and Doppler radar maps, and more for all U.S. cities.
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | | Today's News Headlines
It is even possible, given how close the threat for severe weather is to Texas Motor Speedway, that any storm that may form could potentially be severe. Forecas.
Stormy weather moves out in time for Big Hat Days
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The stormy weather moved out just in time for one of the biggest outdoor events in Clovis - Big Hat Days. One of the only sounds coming from the sky Saturday - the laughter and excitement from the carnival rides. Record breaking ...
Despite Advances, Tornado Forecasts Show Limits
It was a warm, damp day in central Nebraska, heavy and still. The tornado arrived at the Madsen farm just before 3 p.m. Mads Madsen, 63, his wife Minnie, 59, three of their children and five of their grandchildren were in the parlor eating Sunday dinner. Twenty minutes later all 10 of them were dead. There was a roar like hundreds of airplanes, - By GUY GUGLIOTTA
MECA, Mall Outline Severe Weather Plans Authorities are urging residents to take extra caution as the weather could turn for the worse. Storms currently rolling through the plains are expected to cause problems Saturday. Savvy Saturday shoppers might want to head to the Westroads Mall ...
DOPPLER RADAR National Mosaic - NOAA's National Weather Service
Jan 10, 2011 ... Comments on combined warning and radar displays will be accepted through the implementation of the new radar.
ACME AtronOmatic Releases MyRadar Weather Radar for Android ...
The most severe report was at 6:36 pm, when trained weather spotters reported a tornado near Wellfleet, 18 miles northwest of Curtis. Doppler radar showed the t.
Experts Busy Assessing Ferocity Of Storms
Amid the stunned residents, bleary-eyed insurance adjusters and solicitous relief officials who traipsed through storm-damaged homes and businesses Monday was a small cadre of meteorologists tasked with figuring out just how many tornadoes touched down and how powerful they were. Jeff Orrock, a warning coordinator at the National Weather Service, - By GARDINER HARRIS
DOPPLER RADAR goes 2-D | Technology Site
They could see heavy rain on Doppler radar but had no way of telling just how fast the water falling from darkened skies was flooding streets, streams, highway underpasses and a giant sinkhole that opened on the city's east ...
Salt Lake Bees: Weather could dampen Bees opener
Scattered thunderstorms are in the forecast Friday night for the Bees home opener against the Tucson Padres. Game time is 6:35 p.m. Itll be the franchises 19th season in Salt Lake City since relocating from Portland, Ore. SALT LAKE CITY ...
Severe weather bears down on Midwest, Plains
By ROXANA HEGEMAN Associated Press WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - Tornadoes were spotted across the Midwest and Plains on Saturday as an outbreak of unusually strong weather struck, and forecasters warned that severe storms could possibly continue in the region the ...
Stores getting a boost from warm weather
NEW YORK (AP) -- Though painful for retailers early on, this winters warm weather later turned into a boon. Sales of cold-weather gear were well below expectations, leaving stores with piles of boots and coats and snow shovels to mark down and ...
Severe Weather Hits the Bay Area
The National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Northern San Mateo County which expired at 8:45 p.m. This included the cities of South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Millbrae, Daly City and Burlingame. The photo of ... | KVUE Weather | DOPPLER RADAR | Austin, TX forecast is your source for weather information and Doppler radar for Austin and Central Texas.
Doppler radar goes 2-D: By Staff Reports At 12:35 pm, the National Weather Service Doppler radar indicated slow-...
From: slashbuck - Source: twitterfeed
New: Doppler radar goes 2-D
From: NewsMagazinNet - Source: News Magazin
Your Local Doppler radar
From: CorrectTemp - Source:
Doppler radar goes 2-D
From: Shannon_Lee2 - Source: twitterfeed
Your Local Doppler radar #roundrock
From: RRock_Weather - Source:
Watch Live: Doppler radar feed. Type in 76878 to get SA map.
From: SAMNNews - Source: Facebook
RT @yolandeswoodhou: RT @rahnqogkerstin: RT @CorrectTemp: Your Local Doppler radar http:tcoD9UADdzZ
From: milamtkklovella - Source: Mobile Web
Weather! Dry, cooler week ahead RVANews Doppler radar ;O
From: faqilaso - Source: web
Doppler radar Weather! Dry, cooler week ahead RVANews :P
From: TopNews18 - Source: web Doppler radar Weather! Dry, cooler week ahead RVANews
From: yafatadailynews - Source: web
Listening to robot guy audio loop on "Live Doppler radar" channel.. #thuglife
From: istealhotsauce - Source: Twitter MMS
RT @rahnqogkerstin: RT @CorrectTemp: Your Local Doppler radar http:tcoD9UADdzZ
From: hagarrblyndia - Source: Mobile Web
RT @rahnqogkerstin: RT @CorrectTemp: Your Local Doppler radar http:tcoD9UADdzZ
From: yolandeswoodhou - Source: Mobile Web
RT @DrewVignarath30: Some concerned about golf complex plans in St Charles Doppler radar http:tcoqMOaxlKl
From: frommxsoon - Source: Mobile Web