John edwards : Photo Gallery
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John edwards : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
For JOHN EDWARDS, isolation is a symbol of his downfall - The ...
Chapel Hill, N.C. — Last year, by then under criminal indictment, John edwards sat with a longtime friend in the 10,000-square-foot house that is the centerpiece of ...
John edwardss profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.
Why is it so bad that JOHN EDWARDS came from poverty and now can afford a nice home?
Isnt a big part of the GOP platform about doing for yourself? Making yourself smarter, better and richer? Why cant John edwards become successful and own a nice home and still care about the middle class he came from?
Answer: its not so bad,and it is not over yet,this is going to be
a floor fight nomination,maybe in both parties! and there could be a dark horse from out of no where surface on both sides! i do think john is the best in the race !
Category: Elections
JOHN EDWARDS News - The New York Times
News about John edwards. Commentary and archival information about John edwards from The New York Times.
JOHN EDWARDS Trial Beginning With Jury Selection
GREENSBORO, N.C. — After years of investigation, denials and delays, jury selection began Thursday for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards sat at the defense table as about 180 ...
What are the differences and similarities between Abraham Lincoln and JOHN EDWARDS?
Many Republicans consider Lincoln to be their partys greatest president. John edwards and Lincoln share a common background of rising from humble beginnings, becoming lawyers, being excellent public speakers, and serving only one term in national office before running for President. What do you think?
Answer: Lincoln was your typical Republican social climbing suck up to power elite. Lincoln rose to prominence working as a corporate attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad and other big business interests.
Edwards is a Democrat and has worked for the common people in product liability cases, winning large settlements for people who were wronged by big business. He is the best chance to fight the fascist corporatists who are controlling our country. Edwards' father was a mill worker who worked his way up to supervisor.
To the poster above: As an Illinois resident, I don't like Obama. He has not served our interests or done the job he was elected to do. He is frequently absent or votes present. He got elected because the Republicans ran a guy whose divorce from a movie star revealed he liked to have kinky sex in public places and with more than just two people. When that guy stepped down, they threw Alan Keyes into the mix for certain victory for Obama.
Obama went to Harvard and Columbia and a person who could live in Honolulu and Jakarta Indonesia is not exactly rising from poor beginnings. Obama acknowledges being raised by his mother's middle class family.
Category: Elections
Who will JOHN EDWARDS endorse in the Democratic race?
John edwards looks set to endorse a candidate any day now. Obama or Clinton?
Who do you think it will be and why?
Answer: mcain because they got the same first name and they are both white dudes
Category: Elections
JOHN EDWARDS’ trial begins Jury selection - ...
Jury selection begins Thursday in the federal trial of John edwards.
JOHN EDWARDS gambles on NC jury to avoid prison - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: As a young personal injury lawyer in North Carolina, John edwards earned a reputation for turning down multimillion-dollar settlement offers on bets ...
JOHN EDWARDS (Politician)
John edwards is denying a report that he used the services of a call girl employed by accused Soccer Mom Madam Anna Gristina while he was running for ...
If JOHN EDWARDS is such an advocate for the poor, why does he support the Federal Reserve and farm subsidies?
The Federal Reserve harms the poor because it causes depressions and inflation. Inflation is a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich which is heavily supported by Wall Street special interests.
Farm subsidies are supported by farmers, but they raise the cost of food, which causes poor people to starve. They also dont help real farmers because the vast majority of farm subsidies go to factory farm corporations.
How can John edwards claim to be an advocate for the poor when he supports both of these policies? There is one candidate who opposes the Federal Reserve and farm subsidies, however John edwards isnt that candidate.
Have any of you propagandists for the Counterfeiter of Last Resort ever actually read any sound economics (Im talking Mises or Rothbard, not J.M. Fallacy Keynes or Karl Marx)?
Answer: Because saying he supports the poor and wants to put it to the man appeals to the ignorant twits who would vote him. Otherwise, the only way he'll see the inside of the White House is if he takes a tour.
Category: Elections
Fighting to Control the Meaning of Obamacare
On Monday, the Supreme Court will begin three days of arguments over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The act is often called Obamacare, primarily by Republicans, as a term of disdain. Democrats have tried to limit the terms use to reshape perceptions, but that has been a tough sell. Grant Barrett, a vice president for the - Timeline explores the battle between Republicans and Democrats to control the meaning of Obamacare, term that was originally coined by conservatives to refer derisively to Pres Obamas new health care law. Photos, Graph (M)1
JOHN EDWARDS Trial: Former Senator Set to Face Jury in North ...
Moments after a federal judge rejected John edwards’ efforts to dismiss the government’s criminal case against him, the former Senator and one-time ...
John Mellencamp, Scott Walker: Singer Unhappy With Campaigns Use Of Small Town
Just as he did with Walkers campaign, Merlis wrote McCains camp a letter explaining Mellencamps liberal leanings and that he supported Democrat John edwards at the time. McCain stopped using Mellencamps songs after the letter was sent.
JOHN EDWARDS Trial Beginning With Jury Selection - KHQ Right Now ...
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) - Jury selection is under way in North Carolina for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John edwards.
Jury selection to begin JOHN EDWARDS’ trial – CNN Political ...
(CNN) -- Jury selection begins in a Greensboro, North Carolina, federal courtroom Thursday in the trial of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John edwards.
Jury selection begins in JOHN EDWARDS' trial | ...
(CNN) -- Jury selection began in a Greensboro, North Carolina, federal courtroom Thursday, April 12th in the trial of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards is charged with six felony and ...
JOHN EDWARDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Johnny Reid "John" Edwards (born June 10, 1953) is an American politician, who served as a U.S. Senator from North Carolina. He was the Democratic nominee for Vice ...
As JOHN EDWARDS Trial Begins, Meet His Heiress Benefactor Bunny Mellon, Age 101
The criminal trial against John edwards is officially underway as of Thursday, with the two-time presidential candidate expected to spend the next six weeks or so in a Greensboro, North Carolina courtroom. He stands accused of breaking campaign ...
JOHN EDWARDS (@johnedwards) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow John edwards (@johnedwards). Tomorrow Begins Today!
THEATER REVIEW; Mr. Chairman, the Great State of Nostalgia ...
Yards and yards of patriotic bunting stun the senses as you enter the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater, where a revival of Gore Vidals The Best Man opened on Sunday night. Television monitors displaying black-and-white footage hang from boxes that frame the stage, and the usher handing you your program wears a festive boater with red, white and blue - Charles Isherwood reviews revival of Gore Vidal play Gore Vidals The Best Man, directed by Michael Wilson and starring James Earl Jones at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater. Photos (M) - By CHARLES ISHERWOOD
Jury selection to begin JOHN EDWARDS' trial – CNN Political Ticker ...
(CNN) -- Jury selection begins in a Greensboro, North Carolina, federal courtroom Thursday in the trial of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards is charged with six felony and misdemeanor counts ...
JOHN EDWARDS Trial: Former Senator Gambles On North Carolina ...
RALEIGH, N.C. — As a young personal injury lawyer in North Carolina, John edwards earned a reputation for turning down multimillion-dollar settlement offers on bets that jurors would award his clients more money at the ...
Spare Times
Around Town Museums and Sites Brooklyn Historical Society: Talking Fiction, Talking Fact (Sunday) This series, co-sponsored by the New York Review of Books, examines the fine, sometimes blurred line between fiction and the reality on which it is sometimes based. Two authors will take on the topic in this session: Colm Toibin, whose novel - By LIZ GERECITANO and ANNE MANCUSO
Jury selection set to begin in JOHN EDWARDS trial - Washington Times
After years of investigation, denials and delays, jury selection was set to begin Thursday for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John ...
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy BRIDGEPORT The Bijou Theater Cipha Sounds, Kareem Green and John Moses. April 12 at 9 p.m. $20 and $25. The Bijou Theater, 275 Fairfield Avenue. (203) 332-3228;
John Edward
BE THE FIRST TO KNOW of John Edward & Friends events in your area, web-only seminars, small group events, upcoming products, web-only specials, and much more!
Jury Selection Begins in JOHN EDWARDS Trial - US News and World Report
Jury selection set to begin Thursday for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John edwards.
What ever happened to JOHN EDWARDS the psychic?
So just randomly popped into my head, whatever happened to John edwards the guy that talk to ghosts, well not really just faked it?
Answer: one of the people he did a reading for got pissed off because he told them their destiny was to be a meals on wheels volunteer and drive a big stupid ugly white van everywhere, so what he didn't realize is that they were really a witch in disguise so they turned him into a bag of spiders. end of story :D
Category: Books & Authors
The Listings
Jazz Full reviews of recent jazz performances: Ben Allison Band (Saturday) A focused and productive composer, the bassist Ben Allison does something different on his most recent album, Action-Refraction (Palmetto): he covers songs by others, including P J Harvey and Neil Young. The exercise works, not least because of Mr.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; And Now, the Veepstakes
I have two words for you: Dick Cheney. Just a week before the news that George W. Bush was picking him as a running mate, he was on neither pundits lips nor oddsmakers lists. I have two more: Sarah Palin. At this point four years ago, nary a soothsayer on the coasts, plains or windswept tundra foretold her astonishing Iditarod: from mooses worst - Frank Bruni Op-Ed column argues that the current speculation about potential vice-presidential picks by the Republican candidates is a superficial media exercise intended to give pundits something to do until the end-of-summer conventions; notes that candidates are unlikely to make a decision until September; and that the eventual choice will have little influence on voters. (M) - By FRANK BRUNI
How can you care about health care costs and support JOHN EDWARDS?
For those of you who are unaware, John edwards is a predator, he and his fellow trial laywers prey on the medical community, feasting on contingency awards of 30% - 40%.
Doctors, hospitals, nursing homes and the entire medical community pay excessive insurance costs to protect themselves from personal injury lawyers. Insurance companies and drug companies are besieged by these cretins, passing on the expense to the consumer.
With jury awards looking like lotto pay-offs, is it any wonder how predators like Edwards, are gazillionaires, as a result?
For those of you who have had needless cesarians, thank John edwards.
Democrats fight tort reform and dont want you to know that the USA is the ONLY country in the world where you can file a frivolous law suit and lose, not have to compensate the innocent party for their legal expenses and loss of reputation. In other countries, the loser pays- these countrys courts arent filled with frivolous suits- thanks John edwards!
Don C- you failed to mention how much loot Edwards collected for exploiting the tragedy you cited; we have laws to make companies behave, we dont need bounty hunters, most of them target money, not injustices; but only a socialist would think we need trial lawyers to keep (evil) business controlled.
Answer: Good point! And I would argue that some of the problems we have regarding affordable health care are due to some wrongheaded government regulations. I can't see how having the government get much MORE involved would improve things. Just the opposite.
Category: Elections
JOHN EDWARDS trial blog shows its no ordinary case
When jury selection begins today in the long-awaited trial of John edwards, a Raleigh TV station will be supplementing its coverage with a blog that gets into the ...
I really liked John edwards, and sad to see him pushed out of the race as he was. What was the problem with him, hes ideas? nature? personality? To me he seemed like a very intelligent, kind man. he was who I was origionally planning to vote for, what happened?
And, Yogi, the Breck girl is me,lol, trying to find a picture so im not so far away....Ha Ha!
Answer: I agree with you 100%
Category: Elections
JOHN EDWARDS : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on John edwards. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about John edwards.
For JOHN EDWARDS, isolation is a symbol of his downfall - The ...
1 day ago ... With fewer friends by his side, the disgraced politician spends much time alone, pondering his fate.
Is anyone else embarrassed for having supported JOHN EDWARDS in the Presidential campaign?
At one point, during the debates, I wanted a Joe Biden-John edwards ticket. I dont care about Edwards sex-capades, but lying seems to be easy for him. Anyway, thanks to the majority of Democrats, we elected a much better administration in Obama-Biden. I was wrong!
Answer: It never pays to smear the boundaries between professional life and personal life. True, he lied to his wife. I'd never want my daughter near a man like that. But it doesn't say anything about the quality of his policies. Those remain the same, regardless of his personal life.
Category: Elections
JOHN EDWARDS Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
John edwards is a former US Senator who ran for president in 2004 and 2008. He was 2004 running mate of John Kerry. He's the husband of the late Elizabeth ...
POLITICAL MEMO; Raising the Bar for Vetting a No. 2
WASHINGTON -- Lets say youre moving steadily toward wrapping up the Republican presidential nomination and you allow yourself to begin thinking ahead to the question of a running mate. Your party has a potentially devastating problem with Hispanic voters, so your thoughts naturally drift in that direction. After the contraception wars, it - Political Memo; Republican presidential contenders will very likely not choose a running mate who is a first-term governor lacking national brand name and experience, due to Sen John McCains selection of former Gov Sarah Palin in 2008; vetting process this year promises to be as thorough and intrusive as the vetting of Palin was rushed and incomplete. Photos (M) - By RICHARD W. STEVENSON
JOHN EDWARDS trial begins with judge addressing potential jurors
Greensboro is a city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is the third-largest city by population in North Carolina and the largest city in Guilford County and the surrounding Piedmont Triad metropolitan region. According to the 2010 U.S ...
JOHN EDWARDS Trial Set To Begin In Greensboro
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) -- After years of investigation, denials and delays, jury selection is set to begin for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards is expected inside a Greensboro, N.C., courtroom Thursday to face six ...
JOHN EDWARDS Offers Shamefully Honest Defense for Affair Scandal
John edwards’ case goes forward after a judge refuses to dismiss charges the disgraced Democrat and his $400 haircut used campaign funds for his hiding mistress and baby. John edwards more than faded from the spotlight: he flamed out in ...
Reille Hunter, Andrew Young on list of potential witnesses in JOHN EDWARDS case
Nearly 50 people were on the potential witness list for the John edwards trial, according to court documents. The potential witnesses for the prosecution include Reille Hunter, the mother of his child, and former aide Andrew Young. Young had originally ...
Jury selection begins for Edwards trial
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — Jury selection is under way in North Carolina for the criminal trial of former presidential candidate John edwards. He sat at the defense table as more than 100 potential jurors filed into a courtroom in Greensboro. Edwards faces ...
Disgraced JOHN EDWARDS Gets His 'Day In Court' As Jury Selection ...
By Debbie Emery Shamed former senator John edwards arrived at a federal courtroom on Thursday as the jury selection in his election corruption trial began. The attorney who made his name arguing malpractice cases will ...
Campaign Spending Is at Heart of Edwards Trial
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Jury selection was scheduled to start Thursday in the federal trial of John edwards , the start of at least six weeks of courtroom sparring between the corruption unit of the Department of Justice and a high-powered criminal defense team representing a man who twice reached for the presidency. Mr. Edwards’s fall from - By KIM SEVERSON
JOHN EDWARDS Trial Jury Selection Begins
Jury selection is set to begin in the criminal trial of former North Carolina Sen. John edwards, charged with campaign finance violations to hide an extramarital affair. Anna Werner reports. 5 hours ago post a comment
How will the JOHN EDWARDS affair affect the Democratic Partys chances at the White House?
For those of you who dont know, John edwards admitted today that he had an extramarital affair with a former campaign video producer in 2006. He continuously lied about the affair throughout his campaign, calling it false and tabloid trash. In your opinion, what impact (if any) will this revelation have on the Democrats as they try to retake the White House?
Answer: No effect.
Americans are too smart to judge an entire party based on one man's poor choices.
Category: Elections
Does The Case Against JOHN EDWARDS Go Too Far? : NPR
Prospective jurors head to court in North Carolina on Thursday to find out whether theyll be chosen to sit in judgment of former U.S. Sen. John edwards ...
JOHN EDWARDS Faces Hometown Jury in Campaign Finance Trial
(Updates with details on jury pool, judges comments in ninth paragraph.) April 12 (Bloomberg) -- Two-time U.S. presidential candidate and former North Carolina Senator John edwards is about to learn his fate on charges he violated campaign ...
Who will benefit by JOHN EDWARDS dropping out of the Democratic primary race?
John edwards has decided to drop out of the race today, he gave Hillary a courtesy call about his decision. Who will his supporters flock to? Will it be Barak or Hillary? What is your prediction about Super Tuesday?
Answer: It clearly will benefit Obama.
Both candidates were pulling on a 'let's change washington' ballot. I believe John edwards was the better candidate, this is a shame...
but because of this, more voters will flock to Obama, especially if he endorses him, which is likely.
Category: Elections
Why is JOHN EDWARDS not more to the fore of the 2008 Presidential Race?
I know its still early days, but as a Brit interested in whos going to be the most powerful man (or woman) from 2009. From what Ive seen/heard/read, John edwards would probably get my vote if i had a say, yet Obama and Clinton seem to have a lot more popularity and media attention than Edwards. Are Obama and Clinton really that popular or are they simply riding the wave of media hype being, respectively, black and female?
Answer: President John edwards and first lady Elizabeth Edwards - Thoughts are power! Make it happen.... We are so over Bill and Hillary and the politics of deep pockets. Who controls the media and the Polls? Private Banks, Private equities, wire tapping, corruption at every level and you haven't had enough yet?
Category: Elections
John Edward
Official site of the medium, author and talk show host. Features his event schedule, tour dates and other appearances.
Edwards defensive; Romney’s busy day; and more communist claims (read-this roundup)
Harder they fall — Former senator John edwards once had a promising political future, and now he’s reduced to the life of a pariah as he awaits trial. As our colleague Michael Leahy reports, he was even hissed at at a local restaurant.
does anyone know when and where John edwards announced he would be running for president? and why? in other words, how long has he formally been in the race and why does John edwards want to be president? please be specific, and if you can send links on where you found the information. thanks a bunch!
Answer: He announced his presidential run in Louisiana (big press event in a ravaged area).
Edwards in 08'
Category: Elections
What are the JOHN EDWARDS supporters holding up?
While watching coverage of the Iowa caucus, I noticed that the John edwards supporters are holding up some kind of pie chart or colored wheel. I really dont know any other way to describe it.
Does anybody know what it represents?
Answer: I am not totally sure about this particular pie chart but assume it is from the Center for Responsive Education which was started by Ben & Jerry (yes the ice cream guys).
they are endorsing John edwards.
This organization has been driving around New Hampshire for months in vans with the huge pie chart on top to represent the disproportionate amount of money spent on the Pentagon and the small amount on social programs and education.
Category: Law & Ethics
Jury selection to begin JOHN EDWARDS' trial – This Just In - ...
Jury selection begins in a Greensboro, North Carolina, federal courtroom Thursday in the trial of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards is charged with six felony and misdemeanor counts related to ...
JOHN EDWARDS : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on John edwards. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about John edwards
JOHN EDWARDS trial: As trial lawyer, Edwards had faith in jurors
DURHAM, N.C. -- Jury selection begins Thursday in the federal election corruption trial of former U.S. Sen. John edwards, who is accused of conspiring to violate campaign laws, accepting illegal contributions and making false statements.
Jury selection set to begin in JOHN EDWARDS trial - CBS News
Jury selection set to begin in John edwards trial ... FILE - In this June 3, 2011 file photo, John edwards leaves the Federal Building in Winston-Salem, N.C.
The AC360 Weekly Buzz: Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Charles Manson, JOHN EDWARDS, Mike Wallace, Dyngus Day
What everyone’s talking about: George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who says he shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in self-defense, was charged with second degree murder, a special prosecutor announced on Wednesday. He was taken ...
Will the JOHN EDWARDS affair officially sink Obamas chances at being President?
Americans all now see that Democrats are preverts, and cheat on their wifes.
We dont need that kind of leadership, and Edwards officially gave the GOP back our power! Thanks John, this is huge, and will sink the Dems once and for all, fact.
Answer: Ah hem -- this is from a cited article in Wikipedia -- It doesn't look to me like the democratic candidate (Barack Obama -- who is btw NOT John edwards) is the one with extramarital affairs in his past.
"During this period in Florida, McCain had extramarital affairs, and the McCains' marriage began to falter, for which he later would accept blame.[56][57] ... In April 1979,[53] McCain met and began a relationship with Cindy Lou Hensley, a teacher from Phoenix, Arizona, whose father had founded a large beer distributorship.[57] Also in 1979, he pushed to end his marriage with his wife Carol, who accepted his request for a divorce in February 1980; the divorce became effective in April 1980.[18][53] ... McCain and Hensley were married on May 17, 1980."
You can continue to wallow in ignorance if that is your thing, but I would suggest that you focus on some REAL issues and then cast your vote.
Category: Politics
JOHN EDWARDS Is Charged With Six Felonies Related To Campaign Finance Violations
Greensboro, NC -- Jury selection began Thursday in John edwards campaign finance violation case. We spoke with Michael Rich, an Associate Professor of Law at Elon University School of Law. WFMY: Why do we see so many instances of campaign finance violations?
JOHN EDWARDS trial begins with judge addressing potential jurors ...
Judge Catherine Eagles tells the 100 potential jurors that the trial won't be resolved quickly like those on TV shows and in movies.
Treasurer of JOHN EDWARDS 2008 campaign resigns
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A veteran civil rights lawyer has resigned as treasurer of John edwards 2008 presidential committee, days after the Federal Election Commission upheld a ruling ordering the campaign to repay $2.1 million in taxpayer money.
Mixed Reviews on Program for Immigrants with Criminal Records
Senior Obama administration officials created major confusion for state and local authorities by providing inconsistent information about a high-profile federal program to identify illegal immigrants who committed crimes, according to a stinging report published Friday by the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security . The mixed - By JULIA PRESTON
Jury selection set to begin in JOHN EDWARDS trial
Hes not quite printing up the "Romney/Portman" T-shirts, but Rep. Steve Chabot makes it abundantly clear in a new blog post who he wants to be the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Its generally poor form -- and a likely violation of the ...
CALENDAR; Events in Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to . Comedy BRIDGEPORT The Bijou Theater Cipha Sounds, Kareem Green and John Moses. April 12 at 9 p.m. $20 and $25. The Bijou Theater, 275 Fairfield Avenue. (203) 332-3228; .
Jury selection to begin JOHN EDWARDS trial | National News - WGAL ...
Jury selection begins in a Greensboro, N.C., federal courtroom Thursday in the trial of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John edwards. Edwards is ...
How is it that Bristol Palin gets more scrutiny then JOHN EDWARDS ever got?
Bristol is a seventeen year old girl who got knocked up. It has nothing to do with her moms candidacy.
John edwards was a former state Senator and potential VP nominee for the Democratic ticket yet the media would NOT report on his transgressions until they were practically forced to/
Talk about liberal hypcrisy.
Answer: That's why I don't watch the news much, listen to talk radio instead - they actually report the news!
Father Creepy - that's why she said "potential VP nominee", genius!!!
Category: Politics
johnedwards - YouTube
We will highlight news stories that affect us all and give behind-the-scenes looks at our travels.
JOHN EDWARDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Johnny Reid "John" Edwards (born June 10, 1953) is an American politician, who served as a U.S. Senator from North Carolina. He was the Democratic ...
Is the JOHN EDWARDS affair making you have second thoughts about Barack Obama?
We all knew about the political baggage concerning Hillary Clinton.
John edwards was pushing his sincerity, honesty and change.
Are you wary of what October may bring in terms of Obamas past?
My policy on questions is not to give anyone a thumbs down so if you got one it didnt come from me.
Is Obama such a poltical "saint" that there isnt some event in his past that wouldnt damage him politically? Some of you think in terms of just an affair - is that the only thing that might be harmful?
Answer: Just like the "political baggage" concerning Hillary Clinton was more a result of outside forces and influences than baggage of her own making, it makes little sense to tag Obama with Edward's mistakes. I think Obama already has some serious image problems. It's why he can't get up over McCain in the polls like he should be. If there's an October surprise where Obama is concerned it's got to be a real whopper compared to the problems he's already carrying around with him.
Category: Elections
Judge tells jurors John edwards case is not about whether he was a "good husband."
From: BILLONEILwxii - Source: HootSuite
I love TayTay. and yes, I call Taylor like that cause I find it cute :) John edwards Beliebers Got Your Back Justin
From: AveryMaifeld826 - Source: web
Can somebody explain this? #WhyILoveBlackWomen Rick Vaive Ann Romney #Ohyoumustbecool John edwards
From: AyakoHelle5467 - Source: web
did anyone know the John edwards trial started today? i didnt hear anything about it
From: parva_x - Source: TweetDeck
Looks like branding issues are saying #bagitforward #WhyILoveBlackWomen #ICantDateSomeoneThat John edwards
From: BettyBevell - Source: web
Google Trends :| 6. world financial center -1 7. allen west +1 8. John edwards +2 9. @Rockies +9 2/2
From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
From: JosephiShanksF - Source: web
The Hill: Blog Briefing Room-Jury selection begins in John edwards trial
From: ArthurPolitics - Source: twitterfeed
From: singandragaz - Source: web
#Former #Presidential Candidate John #Edwards trial over #violation of #campaign #funds to begin #news #Politics
From: SarahJReports - Source: Timely by Demandforce
Video: Stairway To Heaven Episode 26 - 10/19 @ #John edwards
From: PinoyVideosTK - Source: PTK Tweeter
After months of motions, pretrial hearings and delays, John edwards trial on campaign fin
From: CharlotteCP - Source: City And Press
"I love arm" hahaha memories. Miami Instagram John edwards Cold Af Ann Romney
From: amankumarsonu9 - Source: web
RT @Angelinendglp: RT @BrunnaVenda: Jamal can be such an ass hole but I still love him http:tcoFPjCNinx Fanny Pak John edwards Nats
From: perlahgass - Source: Mobile Web
RT @Arlethazzy: Ahhh and u dont say hello http:tcoHPoezPS2 Beliebers Got Your Back Justin Ann Romney John edwards
From: Coraleeuezbs - Source: Mobile Web